[Checkins] SVN: ldappas/trunk/ We've added minimal groups support.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri Oct 27 09:02:46 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 70932:
  We've added minimal groups support.

  U   ldappas/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/README.txt
  U   ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/authentication.py
  U   ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/interfaces.py
  U   ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/tests.py

Modified: ldappas/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- ldappas/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-10-27 12:39:24 UTC (rev 70931)
+++ ldappas/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-10-27 13:02:45 UTC (rev 70932)
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@
 * Fixed Zope 3.3 induced deprecation warnings.
+* principalInfo will try to look up a group if it cannot find a
+  user. This is to make ldappas support groups in a minimal way. It is
+  still the responsibility of the application to add LDAP-based groups
+  to the principal (for instance by subscribing to the
+  IAuthenticatedPrincipalCreated).
 Bugs fixed

Modified: ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/README.txt
--- ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/README.txt	2006-10-27 12:39:24 UTC (rev 70931)
+++ ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/README.txt	2006-10-27 13:02:45 UTC (rev 70932)
@@ -40,10 +40,14 @@
   >>> auth.adapterName = 'fake_ldap_adapter'
   >>> auth.searchBase = 'dc=test'
   >>> auth.searchScope = 'sub'
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchBase = 'ou=groups'
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchScope = 'sub'
   >>> auth.loginAttribute = 'cn'
   >>> auth.principalIdPrefix = ''
   >>> auth.idAttribute = 'uid'
   >>> auth.titleAttribute = 'sn'
+  >>> auth.groupsAttribute = 'ou'
+  >>> auth.groupIdAttribute = 'cn'
   >>> da = auth.getLDAPAdapter()
 The first task is to authenticate a set of credentials. Incorrect credentials
@@ -145,10 +149,23 @@
   >>> info, info.login, info.title, info.description
   (PrincipalInfo('ldap.42'), u'ok', u'the question', u'the question')
+If the principal we want information for is actually a group, we will
+also get info:
+  >>> info = auth.principalInfo('ldap.mygroup')
+  >>> info.id
+  'ldap.mygroup'
+Although the group exists, we cannot authenticate with it directly:
+  >>> auth.authenticateCredentials({'login': 'mygroup', 
+  ...                               'password': 'something'}) is None
+  True
 In user interfaces, you commonly want to search through the available
 principals for management purposes. The authentication plugin provides
 an API for searching through the principals. An empty search returns
+everything, except groups.
   >>> auth.search({})
   [u'ldap.1', u'ldap.2', u'ldap.42']
@@ -173,6 +190,25 @@
   [u'ldap.1', u'ldap.2']
+If any of the groupsSearchBase, groupsSearchScope or groupIdAttribute
+are not set (they're not required), we can still get principalInfo:
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchBase = ''
+  >>> auth.idAttribute = 'uid'   
+  >>> auth.searchBase = 'dc=test'
+  >>> auth.principalInfo('ldap.44') is None   
+  True
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchBase = 'ou=groups'
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchScope = ''
+  >>> auth.principalInfo('ldap.44') is None   
+  True
+  >>> auth.groupsSearchScope = 'sub'
+  >>> auth.groupIdAttribute = ''
+  >>> auth.principalInfo('ldap.44') is None   
+  True
 Integration with the Pluggable Authentication Utility

Modified: ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/authentication.py
--- ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/authentication.py	2006-10-27 12:39:24 UTC (rev 70931)
+++ ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/authentication.py	2006-10-27 13:02:45 UTC (rev 70932)
@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@
     adapterName = ''
     searchBase = ''
     searchScope = ''
+    groupsSearchBase = ''
+    groupsSearchScope = ''
     loginAttribute = ''
     principalIdPrefix = ''
     idAttribute = ''
     titleAttribute = ''
+    groupIdAttribute = ''
     schema = ILDAPSearchSchema
     def getLDAPAdapter(self):
@@ -164,14 +167,32 @@
             res = conn.search(self.searchBase, self.searchScope, filter=filter)
         except NoSuchObject:
-            return None
+            res = []
         if len(res) != 1:
             # Search returned no result or too many.
-            return None
+            return self._groupPrincipalInfo(conn, id, internal_id)
         dn, entry = res[0]
         return PrincipalInfo(id, **self.getInfoFromEntry(dn, entry))
+    def _groupPrincipalInfo(self, conn, id, internal_id):
+        """Return PrincipalInfo for a group, if it exists.
+        """
+        if (not self.groupsSearchBase or
+            not self.groupsSearchScope or
+            not self.groupIdAttribute):
+            return None
+        filter = filter_format('(%s=%s)', (self.groupIdAttribute, internal_id))
+        try:
+            res = conn.search(self.groupsSearchBase, self.groupsSearchScope,
+                              filter=filter)
+        except NoSuchObject:
+            return None
+        if len(res) != 1:
+            return None
+        dn, entry = res[0]
+        return PrincipalInfo(id)
     def getInfoFromEntry(self, dn, entry):
             title = entry[self.titleAttribute][0]

Modified: ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/interfaces.py
--- ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/interfaces.py	2006-10-27 12:39:24 UTC (rev 70931)
+++ ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/interfaces.py	2006-10-27 13:02:45 UTC (rev 70932)
@@ -46,6 +46,18 @@
+    groupsSearchBase = zope.schema.TextLine(
+        title=_("Group search base"),
+        description=_(u"The LDAP search base where groups are found."),
+        required=False,
+        )
+    groupsSearchScope = zope.schema.TextLine(
+        title=_("Group search scope"),
+        description=_(u"THe LDAP search scope used to find groups."),
+        required=False,
+        )
     loginAttribute = zope.schema.TextLine(
         title=_("Login attribute"),
         description=_(u"The LDAP attribute used to find principals."),
@@ -79,4 +91,14 @@
+    groupIdAttribute = zope.schema.TextLine(
+        title=_("Group Id attribute"),
+        description=_(
+        u"The LDAP attribute (on a group entry) used to determine the "
+        "group's id."),
+        constraint=re.compile("[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$").match,
+        default=u'cn',
+        required=False,
+        )
     # searchObjectClasses

Modified: ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/tests.py
--- ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/tests.py	2006-10-27 12:39:24 UTC (rev 70931)
+++ ldappas/trunk/src/ldappas/tests.py	2006-10-27 13:02:45 UTC (rev 70932)
@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@
 class FakeLDAPConnection:
     def search(self, base, scope='sub', filter='(objectClass=*)', attrs=[]):
+        if not base:
+            raise ValueError("No base supplied")
+        if not scope:
+            raise ValueError("No scope supplied")
+        if base == 'ou=groups':
+            return self._groupSearch(filter, attrs)
         dn1 = u'uid=1,dc=test'
         entry1 = {'cn': [u'many'],
                   'uid': [u'1'],
@@ -68,7 +75,13 @@
             return [(dn1, entry1), (dn2, entry2), (dn42, entry42)]
         return []
+    def _groupSearch(self, filter, attrs):
+        if filter.startswith('(='):
+            raise ValueError("Bad filter")
+        if filter == '(cn=mygroup)':
+            return [('uid=74,ou=group', {'cn': [u'mygroup']})]
+        return []
 def setUp(test):
     root = setup.placefulSetUp(site=True)
     sm = root.getSiteManager()

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