[Checkins] SVN: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/ Add tests for TTW access of customerized view

Alec Mitchell apm13 at columbia.edu
Sat Oct 28 20:14:14 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 70957:
  Add tests for TTW access of customerized view

  A   five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/browser.txt
  U   five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/configure.zcml
  U   five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/tests.py
  U   five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.py
  U   five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.txt

Added: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/browser.txt
--- five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/browser.txt	2006-10-28 23:20:50 UTC (rev 70956)
+++ five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/browser.txt	2006-10-29 00:14:12 UTC (rev 70957)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Viewing TTWTemplates TTW
+Set Up
+    >>> import Products.Five
+    >>> import five.customerize
+    >>> from Products.Five.zcml import load_config
+    >>> load_config('configure.zcml', package=Products.Five)
+    >>> load_config('configure.zcml', package=five.customerize)
+Enable local component lookup hooks:
+    >>> from zope.app.component.hooks import setHooks
+    >>> setHooks()
+Making a site
+    >>> uf = app.acl_users
+    >>> uf._doAddUser('manager', 'r00t', ['Manager'], [])
+Create the test browser we'll be using:
+    >>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
+    >>> browser = Browser()
+    >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic manager:r00t')
+Make a folder to use as a local site for component registration:
+    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/manage_addProduct/OFSP/folderAdd')
+    >>> browser.getControl(name='id').value = 'folder'
+    >>> browser.getControl('Add').click()
+    >>> browser.getLink('folder').click()
+We can turn it into a site by using the ``components.html`` view:
+    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/folder/components.html')
+    >>> browser.getControl('Make site').click()
+Create and a TTWTemplate instance as a view in our site manager:
+XXX: We should be able to do this TTW
+    >>> from zope.interface import Interface
+    >>> from OFS.interfaces import IObjectManager
+    >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
+    >>> from five.customerize.zpt import TTWTemplate
+    >>> template = TTWTemplate('ttwtemplate', 'hello')
+    >>> t_id = app.folder._setObject('ttwtemplate', template)
+    >>> sm = app.folder.getSiteManager()
+    >>> sm.registerAdapter(template, (IObjectManager, IDefaultBrowserLayer),
+    ...                    Interface, name="myttwtemplate.html")
+    >>> import transaction
+    >>> transaction.commit()
+Let's see if we can view it
+    >>> browser.handleErrors = False
+    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/folder/myttwtemplate.html')
+    >>> print browser.contents
+    hello
+Now we edit our view template TTW:
+    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/folder/ttwtemplate/pt_editForm')
+    >>> browser.getControl(name='text:text').value = '''\
+    ... <span tal:replace="context/getId"/>
+    ... <span tal:replace="request/foo"/>
+    ... <span tal:replace="python:repr(view)"/>'''
+    >>> browser.getControl('Save Changes').click()
+    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/folder/myttwtemplate.html?foo=bar')
+    >>> print browser.contents
+    folder
+    bar
+    None

Modified: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/configure.zcml
--- five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/configure.zcml	2006-10-28 23:20:50 UTC (rev 70956)
+++ five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/configure.zcml	2006-10-29 00:14:12 UTC (rev 70957)
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
 <configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-           xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five">
+           xmlns:five="http://namespaces.zope.org/five"
+           i18n_domain="five.customerize">
+  <permission id="five.AddTTWTemplate"
+              title="Five: Add TTW Template"
+              />
+  <five:registerClass class=".zpt.TTWTemplate"
+                      meta_type="TTW Template"
+                      permission="five.AddTTWTemplate"
+                      />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/tests.py
--- five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/tests.py	2006-10-28 23:20:50 UTC (rev 70956)
+++ five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/tests.py	2006-10-29 00:14:12 UTC (rev 70957)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import unittest
 from Testing.ZopeTestCase import ZopeDocFileSuite
+from Testing.ZopeTestCase import FunctionalDocFileSuite
 from zope.traversing.adapters import DefaultTraversable
 import zope.component.testing
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@
     return unittest.TestSuite([
         ZopeDocFileSuite('zpt.txt', package="five.customerize",
                          setUp=setUp, tearDown=zope.component.testing.tearDown),
+        FunctionalDocFileSuite('browser.txt', package="five.customerize")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.py
--- five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.py	2006-10-28 23:20:50 UTC (rev 70956)
+++ five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.py	2006-10-29 00:14:12 UTC (rev 70957)
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
         bound_names = {'view': view,
                        'request': self.request,
                        'context': self.context}
-        return self.template._exec(bound_names, args, kwargs)
+        template = self.template.__of__(self.context)
+        return template._exec(bound_names, args, kwargs)
     def __of__(self, obj):
         return self

Modified: five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.txt
--- five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.txt	2006-10-28 23:20:50 UTC (rev 70956)
+++ five.customerize/trunk/src/five/customerize/zpt.txt	2006-10-29 00:14:12 UTC (rev 70957)
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
     >>> from five.customerize.zpt import TTWTemplate
     >>> template = TTWTemplate('test_template', '<html></html>')
     >>> template = template.__of__(app)
-    >>> renderer = template(None, None)
+    >>> renderer = template(self.folder, None)
     >>> print renderer()
-We now add some more complex tal expressions to our template, and
+We now add some more complex TAL expressions to our template, and
 ensure that it obtains the passed in request and context for rendering:
     >>> template.pt_edit('''\
@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@

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