[Checkins] SVN: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/ Add a period kind of bforest with automatic rotation

Gary Poster gary at zope.com
Tue Sep 12 13:17:59 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 70132:
  Add a period kind of bforest with automatic rotation

  U   zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/bforest.py
  A   zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.py
  A   zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.txt
  U   zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/tests.py
  A   zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/utils.py

Modified: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/bforest.py
--- zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/bforest.py	2006-09-12 16:30:04 UTC (rev 70131)
+++ zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/bforest.py	2006-09-12 17:17:59 UTC (rev 70132)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         buckets = self.buckets
         if len(buckets) == 1:
             res = buckets[0].keys()
-        else:
+        else: # TODO: use multiunion for I* flavors
             res = union(buckets[0], buckets[1])
             for b in buckets[2:]:
                 res = union(res, b)
@@ -212,8 +212,9 @@
         # bucket.  If you want a dict, cast it to a dict, or if you want
         # another one of these but with all of the keys in the first bucket,
         # call obj.__class__(obj)
-        copy = self.__class__(count=0)
-        copy.buckets = [self._treeclass(t) for t in self.buckets]
+        copy = self.__class__(count=len(self.buckets))
+        for i in range(len(self.buckets)):
+            copy.buckets[i].update(self.buckets[i])
         return copy
     def clear(self):

Added: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.py
--- zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.py	2006-09-12 16:30:04 UTC (rev 70131)
+++ zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.py	2006-09-12 17:17:59 UTC (rev 70132)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import datetime
+from BTrees import IOBTree, OOBTree, OIBTree, IIBTree
+from zope.bforest import bforest, utils
+def mutating(name):
+    def mutate(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if (datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) -
+            self.last_rotation) >= self._inner_period:
+            self.rotateBucket()
+        return getattr(super(Abstract, self), name)(*args, **kwargs)
+    return mutate
+class Abstract(bforest.AbstractBForest):
+    def __init__(self, period, d=None, count=2):
+        super(Abstract, self).__init__(d, count)
+        self.period = period
+        self.last_rotation = datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC)
+    _inner_period = _period = None
+    def period(self, value):
+        self._period = value
+        self._inner_period = self._period / len(self.buckets)
+    period = property(
+        lambda self: self._period, period)
+    def copy(self):
+        # this makes an exact copy, including the individual state of each 
+        # bucket.  If you want a dict, cast it to a dict, or if you want
+        # another one of these but with all of the keys in the first bucket,
+        # call obj.__class__(obj)
+        copy = self.__class__(self.period, count=len(self.buckets))
+        for i in range(len(self.buckets)):
+            copy.buckets[i].update(self.buckets[i])
+        return copy
+    def rotateBucket(self):
+        super(Abstract, self).rotateBucket()
+        self.last_rotation = datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC)
+    __setitem__ = mutating('__setitem__')
+    __delitem__ = mutating('__delitem__')
+    pop = mutating('pop')
+    popitem = mutating('popitem')
+    update = mutating('update')
+class IOBForest(Abstract):
+    _treemodule = IOBTree
+    _treeclass = IOBTree.IOBTree
+class OIBForest(Abstract):
+    _treemodule = OIBTree
+    _treeclass = OIBTree.OIBTree
+class OOBForest(Abstract):
+    _treemodule = OOBTree
+    _treeclass = OOBTree.OOBTree
+class IIBForest(Abstract):
+    _treemodule = IIBTree
+    _treeclass = IIBTree.IIBTree

Added: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.txt
--- zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.txt	2006-09-12 16:30:04 UTC (rev 70131)
+++ zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.txt	2006-09-12 17:17:59 UTC (rev 70132)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+The bforests in the period module have simple policies for automatic
+tree rotation based on time. Each take one additional argument beyond
+the usual bforest initialization: period.  This is effectively the
+minimum amount of time a given value will be kept in the bforest.
+For example, consider a period bforest with three trees and a period of three
+As with normal bforests, period bforests come in four flavors:
+Integer-Integer (IIBForest), Integer-Object (IOBForest), Object-Integer
+(OIBForest), and Object-Object (OOBForest).  The examples here will deal
+with them in the abstract: we will create classes from the imaginary and
+representative BForest class, and generate keys from KeyGenerator and
+values from ValueGenerator.  From the examples you should be able to
+extrapolate usage of all four types.
+We will also imagine that we control the time with a function called setNow.
+    >>> import datetime
+    >>> from zope.bforest import utils
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime(2006, 9, 11, 22, 51, tzinfo=utils.UTC))
+    >>> d = BForest(datetime.timedelta(hours=3), count=3)
+    >>> d.last_rotation
+    datetime.datetime(2006, 9, 11, 22, 51, tzinfo=<UTC>)
+Now let's put in some keys and advance time.
+    >>> first_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d.update(first_hour)
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> second_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d.update(second_hour)
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> third_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d.update(third_hour)
+    >>> current = first_hour.copy()
+    >>> current.update(second_hour)
+    >>> current.update(third_hour)
+    >>> d == current
+    True
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> d == current
+    True
+    >>> fourth_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d.update(fourth_hour)
+    >>> current.update(fourth_hour)
+    >>> del current[first_hour.keys()[0]]
+    >>> d == current
+    True
+Updating isn't the only way to rotate the trees though.  Basically
+any non-clear mutating operation will cause a rotation: __setitem__,
+update, __delitem__, pop, and popitem.  We've seen update; here are examples
+of the rest.
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> fifth_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d[fifth_hour.keys()[0]] = fifth_hour.values()[0] # __setitem__
+    >>> current.update(fifth_hour)
+    >>> del current[second_hour.keys()[0]]
+    >>> d == current
+    True
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> del d[fifth_hour.keys()[0]] # __delitem__
+    >>> d == fourth_hour
+    True
+    >>> sixth_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d[sixth_hour.keys()[0]] = sixth_hour.values()[0]
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> d.pop(sixth_hour.keys()[0]) == sixth_hour.values()[0] # pop
+    True
+    >>> d == {}
+    True
+    >>> seventh_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d[seventh_hour.keys()[0]] = seventh_hour.values()[0]
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> d.rotateBucket()
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> ninth_hour = {KeyGenerator(): ValueGenerator()}
+    >>> d[ninth_hour.keys()[0]] = ninth_hour.values()[0]
+    >>> setNow(datetime.datetime.now(utils.UTC) + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
+    >>> out = dict((d.popitem(),))
+    >>> out == ninth_hour
+    True
+    >>> d == {}
+    True

Property changes on: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/period.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/tests.py
--- zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/tests.py	2006-09-12 16:30:04 UTC (rev 70131)
+++ zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/tests.py	2006-09-12 17:17:59 UTC (rev 70132)
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
 import unittest
+import datetime
 from zope import bforest 
+from zope.bforest import period
 from zope.testing import doctest
 def StringGenerator(src='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'):
@@ -33,34 +35,97 @@
         yield number
         number += interval
+oldDatetime = datetime.datetime
+class _datetime(oldDatetime):
+    _now = None
+    @classmethod
+    def now(klass, tzinfo=None):
+        if tzinfo is None:
+            return klass._now.replace(tzinfo=None)
+        else:
+            return klass._now.astimezone(tzinfo)
+    def astimezone(self, tzinfo):
+        return _datetime(
+            *super(_datetime,self).astimezone(tzinfo).__reduce__()[1])
+    def replace(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return _datetime(
+            *super(_datetime,self).replace(
+                *args, **kwargs).__reduce__()[1])
+    def __repr__(self):
+        raw = super(_datetime, self).__repr__()
+        return "datetime.datetime%s" % (
+            raw[raw.index('('):],)
+    def __reduce__(self):
+        return (argh, super(_datetime, self).__reduce__()[1])
+def setNow(dt):
+    _datetime._now = _datetime(*dt.__reduce__()[1])
+def argh(*args, **kwargs):
+    return _datetime(*args, **kwargs)
+def setUp(test):
+    datetime.datetime = _datetime
+    test.globs['setNow'] = setNow
+def tearDown(test):
+    datetime.datetime = oldDatetime # cleanup
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     numgen = iter(NumberGenerator()).next
     strgen = iter(StringGenerator()).next
-            'bforest.txt', 
+            'bforest.txt',
             globs={'BForest': bforest.IOBForest, 
                    'KeyGenerator': numgen, 
                    'ValueGenerator': strgen}))
-            'bforest.txt', 
+            'bforest.txt',
             globs={'BForest': bforest.OIBForest, 
                    'KeyGenerator': strgen, 
                    'ValueGenerator': numgen}))
-            'bforest.txt', 
+            'bforest.txt',
             globs={'BForest': bforest.IIBForest, 
                    'KeyGenerator': numgen, 
                    'ValueGenerator': numgen}))
-            'bforest.txt', 
+            'bforest.txt',
             globs={'BForest': bforest.OOBForest, 
                    'KeyGenerator': strgen, 
                    'ValueGenerator': strgen}))
+    suite.addTest(
+        doctest.DocFileSuite(
+            'period.txt',
+            globs={'BForest': period.IOBForest, 
+                   'KeyGenerator': numgen, 
+                   'ValueGenerator': strgen},
+            setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown))
+    suite.addTest(
+        doctest.DocFileSuite(
+            'period.txt', 
+            globs={'BForest': period.OIBForest, 
+                   'KeyGenerator': strgen, 
+                   'ValueGenerator': numgen},
+            setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown))
+    suite.addTest(
+        doctest.DocFileSuite(
+            'period.txt', 
+            globs={'BForest': period.IIBForest, 
+                   'KeyGenerator': numgen, 
+                   'ValueGenerator': numgen},
+            setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown))
+    suite.addTest(
+        doctest.DocFileSuite(
+            'period.txt', 
+            globs={'BForest': period.OOBForest, 
+                   'KeyGenerator': strgen, 
+                   'ValueGenerator': strgen},
+            setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown))
     return suite
 if __name__ == '__main__': 

Added: zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/utils.py
--- zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/utils.py	2006-09-12 16:30:04 UTC (rev 70131)
+++ zope.bforest/trunk/src/zope/bforest/utils.py	2006-09-12 17:17:59 UTC (rev 70132)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+    from pytz import UTC, _UTC # we import _UTC so that pickles made by the
+    # fallback code below can still be reinstantiated if pytz is added in.
+except ImportError:
+    import datetime
+    class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
+        """UTC
+        Identical to the reference UTC implementation given in Python docs except
+        that it unpickles using the single module global instance defined beneath
+        this class declaration.
+        Also contains extra attributes and methods to match other pytz tzinfo
+        instances.
+        """
+        zone = "UTC"
+        def utcoffset(self, dt):
+            return ZERO
+        def tzname(self, dt):
+            return "UTC"
+        def dst(self, dt):
+            return ZERO
+        def __reduce__(self):
+            return _UTC, ()
+        def localize(self, dt, is_dst=False):
+            '''Convert naive time to local time'''
+            if dt.tzinfo is not None:
+                raise ValueError, 'Not naive datetime (tzinfo is already set)'
+            return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
+        def normalize(self, dt, is_dst=False):
+            '''Correct the timezone information on the given datetime'''
+            if dt.tzinfo is None:
+                raise ValueError, 'Naive time - no tzinfo set'
+            return dt.replace(tzinfo=self)
+        def __repr__(self):
+            return "<UTC>"
+        def __str__(self):
+            return "UTC"
+    UTC = utc = UTC() # UTC is a singleton
+    def _UTC():
+        """Factory function for utc unpickling.
+        Makes sure that unpickling a utc instance always returns the same 
+        module global.
+        These examples belong in the UTC class above, but it is obscured; or in
+        the README.txt, but we are not depending on Python 2.4 so integrating
+        the README.txt examples with the unit tests is not trivial.
+        >>> import datetime, pickle
+        >>> dt = datetime.datetime(2005, 3, 1, 14, 13, 21, tzinfo=utc)
+        >>> naive = dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
+        >>> p = pickle.dumps(dt, 1)
+        >>> naive_p = pickle.dumps(naive, 1)
+        >>> len(p), len(naive_p), len(p) - len(naive_p)
+        (60, 43, 17)
+        >>> new = pickle.loads(p)
+        >>> new == dt
+        True
+        >>> new is dt
+        False
+        >>> new.tzinfo is dt.tzinfo
+        True
+        >>> utc is UTC is timezone('UTC')
+        True
+        >>> utc is timezone('GMT')
+        False
+        """
+        return utc
+    _UTC.__safe_for_unpickling__ = True

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