[Checkins] SVN: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/ removed stupid new 'model_provider' parameter,

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Mon Apr 23 10:08:30 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 74680:
  removed stupid new 'model_provider' parameter,
  we have the 'model' parameter for this!!!

  U   z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/CHANGES.txt
  U   z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py
  U   z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py
  U   z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/test.py

Modified: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/CHANGES.txt
--- z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/CHANGES.txt	2007-04-23 13:41:59 UTC (rev 74679)
+++ z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/CHANGES.txt	2007-04-23 14:08:29 UTC (rev 74680)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 0.1.9 (unreleased)
-   - base.py: deprecated 'model' parameter
+   - base.py: the 'model' parameter can now also be a callable
+     returning an instance of model.Model
-   - base.py: added 'model_provider' parameter which is
-     an optional callable called with a BoundMetaData
-     instance in order to auto-load tables (which requires
-     BoundMetaData).
+   - base.py: calling a model provider or a method providing a
+     model with a BoundMetaData instance in order to allow 
+     table auto-loading
 0.1.8 (23.04.2007)

Modified: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py
--- z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py	2007-04-23 13:41:59 UTC (rev 74679)
+++ z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py	2007-04-23 14:08:29 UTC (rev 74680)
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 # and ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG, Tuebingen, Germany
-import warnings
 import threading
 import sqlalchemy
@@ -28,14 +27,11 @@
-    def __init__(self, dsn, model=None, model_provider=None, **kw):
+    def __init__(self, dsn, model=None, **kw):
         """ 'dsn' - a RFC-1738-style connection string
             'model' - optional instance of model.Model
-            'model_provider' - optional callable providing an instance
-             of model.Model() 
             'kw' - optional keyword arguments passed to create_engine()
@@ -53,37 +49,36 @@
         self._engine.echo = self.echo
         self._model = None
-        if model is not None and model_provider is not None:
-            raise ValueError("You can not specify both 'model' and 'model_provider' at the same time")
         if model:
-            warnings.warn("The 'model' parameter is deprecated. Use 'model_provider' instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
             if isinstance(model, Model):
                 self._model = model
             elif isinstance(model, basestring):
                     util = getUtility(IModelProvider, model)
                 except ComponentLookupError:
                     raise ComponentLookupError("No named utility '%s' providing IModelProvider found" % model)
-                self._model = util.getModel()
+                self._model = util.getModel(self.metadata)
+            elif callable(model):                        
+                self._model = model(self.metadata)
                 raise ValueError("The 'model' parameter passed to constructor must either be "\
                                  "the name of a named utility implementing IModelProvider or "\
                                  "an instance of z3c.sqlalchemy.model.Model.")
-        if model_provider:
+            if not isinstance(self._model, Model):
+                raise TypeError('_model is not an instance of model.Model')
-            if not callable(model_provider):
-                raise ValueError('model_provider must be callable')
-            self._model = model_provider(self.metadata)
         # mappers must be initialized at last since we need to acces
         # the 'model' from within the constructor of LazyMapperCollection
         self._mappers = LazyMapperCollection(self)

Modified: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py
--- z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py	2007-04-23 13:41:59 UTC (rev 74679)
+++ z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/interfaces.py	2007-04-23 14:08:29 UTC (rev 74680)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
         and the mapper classes.
-    def getModel():
+    def getModel(metadata=None):
         """ The model is described as an ordered dictionary.  The entries are
             (tablename, some_dict) where 'some_dict' is a dictionary containing a
             key 'table' referencing a Table() instance and an optional key

Modified: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/test.py
--- z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/test.py	2007-04-23 13:41:59 UTC (rev 74679)
+++ z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/test.py	2007-04-23 14:08:29 UTC (rev 74680)
@@ -1,19 +1,52 @@
-from haufe.sqlalchemy import createSQLAlchemyWrapper, Model
+from sqlalchemy import *
+from z3c.sqlalchemy import createSQLAlchemyWrapper, Model
+from z3c.sqlalchemy.mapper import MappedClassBase 
-class Format(object):
+dsn = 'postgres://postgres:postgres@cmsdb/Toolbox2Test'
+class HierarchyNode(MappedClassBase):
-m = Model({'name' : 'format', 'autodetect_relations' : True, 'mapper_class' : Format},
-          {'name' : 'medium', 'autodetect_relations' : True})
+# FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+e = create_engine(dsn)
+metadata = BoundMetaData(e)
+# FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+HierarchyTable = Table('hierarchy', metadata,
+                       Column('parentid', Integer, ForeignKey('hierarchy.id')),
+                       autoload=True)
-w = createSQLAlchemyWrapper('postgres://postgres:postgres@cmsdb/MedienDB', model=m)
-print w
-f = w.getMapper('format')
-m = w.getMapper('medium')
+mapper(HierarchyNode, HierarchyTable, properties={
+    'children' : relation(
+                    HierarchyNode,
+                    primaryjoin=HierarchyTable.c.parentid==HierarchyTable.c.id,
+                    cascade="all",
+                    backref=backref("parent", remote_side=[HierarchyTable.c.id])
+                 ),
+    'parent' : relation(
+                    HierarchyNode,
+                    primaryjoin=HierarchyTable.c.parentid==HierarchyTable.c.id,
+                    remote_side=[HierarchyTable.c.id],
+                    uselist=False,
+                 ),
+    }
-session = w.session
-for row in session.query(f).select():
-    print row.versionfiles
+m = Model()
+m.add('hierarchy', table=HierarchyTable, mapper_class=HierarchyNode)
+wrapper = createSQLAlchemyWrapper(dsn, model=m)
+session = wrapper.session
+H = wrapper.getMapper('hierarchy')
+print H
+rows = session.query(H).select_by(H.c.id==8)
+print rows[0].children

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