[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/ Added 'add principal' functionality.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Sun Aug 19 11:20:03 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 78997:
  Added 'add principal' functionality.

  U   Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/README.txt
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view.py
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/server.pt
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/users.pt

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/README.txt
--- Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/README.txt	2007-08-19 15:12:48 UTC (rev 78996)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/README.txt	2007-08-19 15:20:02 UTC (rev 78997)
@@ -68,7 +68,15 @@
   a message here for your co-admins. To delete the message, just enter
   the empty string in the appropriate input box.
+* Launch the principal and permissions management screens:
+  Edit Principals:
+  ++++++++++++++++
+  This is the user management screen of the admin-UI. Here you can
+  modify credentials of principals (users) in the top-level PAU.

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view.py
--- Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view.py	2007-08-19 15:12:48 UTC (rev 78996)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view.py	2007-08-19 15:20:02 UTC (rev 78997)
@@ -40,9 +40,15 @@
 from zope.app.apidoc.codemodule.function import Function
 from zope.app.apidoc.codemodule.text import TextFile
 from zope.app.apidoc.codemodule.zcml import ZCMLFile
+from zope.app.authentication.interfaces import IPluggableAuthentication
+from zope.app.authentication.interfaces import IAuthenticatorPlugin
+from zope.app.authentication.principalfolder import InternalPrincipal
 from zope.app.folder.interfaces import IRootFolder
 from zope.app.security.interfaces import ILogout, IAuthentication
 from zope.app.security.interfaces import IUnauthenticatedPrincipal
+from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
+from zope.app.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager, IRole
+from zope.app.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleMap
 from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
 from zope.tal.taldefs import attrEscape
@@ -414,26 +420,90 @@
+    msg = None
+    def getUserFolder(self):
+        pau = zope.component.getUtility(IAuthentication)
+        if not IPluggableAuthentication.providedBy(pau):
+            return
+        for name, plugin in pau.getAuthenticatorPlugins():
+            if IAuthenticatorPlugin.providedBy(plugin):
+                return plugin
     def getPrincipals(self):
+        """Get a list of ``InternalPrincipal`` objects from the PAU.
+        The PAU asked is the one setup with the admin-UI.
+        """
         from grok.admin import AUTH_FOLDERNAME, USERFOLDER_NAME
-        sm = self.context.getSiteManager()
-        if AUTH_FOLDERNAME not in list(sm.keys()):
-            return []
-        pau = sm[AUTH_FOLDERNAME]
-        if USERFOLDER_NAME not in list(pau.keys()):
-            return []
-        userfolder = pau[USERFOLDER_NAME]
-        users = list(userfolder.search({'search':''}))
-        return [userfolder.principalInfo(x) for x in users]
+        self.userfolder = self.getUserFolder()
+        users = list(self.userfolder.search({'search':''}))
+        user_infos = [self.userfolder.principalInfo(x) for x in users]
+        # Add a dict of roles for each user...
+        role_map = IPrincipalRoleMap(self.context)
+        for info in user_infos:
+            roles_assigned = [x[0] for x in role_map.getRolesForPrincipal(
+                info.id)]
+            info.roles = [{'name' : role,
+                           'assigned' : role in roles_assigned}
+                          for role in self.roles]
+        return user_infos
-    def update(self):
-        self.principals = self.getPrincipals()
+    def getRoles(self):
+        return zope.component.getUtilitiesFor(IRole, self.context)
+    def addPrincipal(self, id, login, title, description, password, roles):
+        """Add a principal to the PAU.
+        """
+        principals = self.getPrincipals()
+        if login in [x.login for x in principals]:
+            self.msg = (u'Login `%s` already exists.' % (login,))
+            return
+        for key in [id, login, title]:
+            if key is None or key == '':
+                self.msg= (u'To add a principal you must give valid id, '
+                           u'login and title.')
+                return
+        principal = InternalPrincipal(login, password, title, description)
+        self.userfolder[id] = principal
+        role_manager = IPrincipalRoleManager(self.context)
+        role_manager = removeSecurityProxy(role_manager)
+        for role in roles:
+            role_manager.assignRoleToPrincipal(role, id)
+        self.msg=u'Successfully added new principal `%s`.' % (title,)
+    def setPassword(self, id, password):
+    def updatePrincipal(self, id, login, title, description):
+        pass
+    def update(self, id=None, login=None, title=None, description=None,
+               passwd=None, roles=[], addprincipal=None, setpassword=None,
+               update=None):
+        self.userfolder = self.getUserFolder()
+        if self.userfolder is None:
+            self.msg = ("This usermanagement screen is disabled because no "
+                        "working pluggable authentication utility (PAU) with "
+                        "a pluggable authenticator could be found. "
+                        "Please register one in the site manager of your "
+                        "Zope root to enable this screen again.")
+            # We need a PAU to work.
+            return
+        self.roles = [name for name, util in self.getRoles()]
+        if addprincipal is not None:
+            self.addPrincipal(id, login, title, description, passwd, roles)
+        elif setpassword is not None:
+            self.setPassword(id, passwd)
+        elif update is not None:
+            self.updatePrincipal(id, login, title, description, roles)
+        # Determine the list of principals _after_ changing the PAU
+        self.principals = self.getPrincipals()
 def getDottedPathDict(dotted_path):
     """Get a dict containing parts of a dotted path as links.

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/server.pt
--- Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/server.pt	2007-08-19 15:12:48 UTC (rev 78996)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/server.pt	2007-08-19 15:20:02 UTC (rev 78997)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
         <legend>Users, Roles and Permissions</legend>
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
       <span class="header">Server process info</span>
       <div id="server-processes">
       <dl tal:define="ri view/runtime_info">

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/users.pt
--- Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/users.pt	2007-08-19 15:12:48 UTC (rev 78996)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grok-adminui-with-principals/src/grok/admin/view_templates/users.pt	2007-08-19 15:20:02 UTC (rev 78997)
@@ -3,62 +3,145 @@
     <h1>Edit Principals</h1>
-    <div>
+    <div tal:condition="view/msg">
+      <span class="emph" tal:content="view/msg">Message</span>
+    </div>
+    <div tal:condition="view/userfolder">
-	  Edit the principals and their credentials:
+	  Existing Principals:
 	    tal:repeat="principal view/principals">
 	  <legend tal:content="principal/title">principal title</legend>
-	  <input type="hidden" name="id"
-		 tal:attributes="value principal/id"/>
-	  <table>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td><label for="login">Login:</label></td>
-	      <td><input type="text" name="login"
-	      tal:attributes="value principal/login" />
-	      </td>
-	    </tr>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td><label for="title">Title:</label></td>
-	      <td><input type="text" name="title"
-	      tal:attributes="value principal/title" />
-	      </td>
-	    </tr>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td><label for="descrption">Description:</label></td>
-	      <td><input type="text" name="description"
-	      tal:attributes="value principal/description" />
-	      </td>
-	    </tr>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td/>
-	      <td align="right">
-		<input type="submit" name="update"
-		       value="update">
-	      </td>
-	    </tr>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td><label for="password" 
-			 class="menu-label1">Password:</label></td>
-	      <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td>
-	    </tr>
-	    <tr>
-	      <td/>
-	      <td align="right">
-		<input type="submit" name="setpassword"
-		       value="set password">
-	      </td>
-	    </tr>
+	  <form method="post">
+	    <input type="hidden" name="id"
+		   tal:attributes="value principal/id"/>
+	    <table>
+	      <tr tal:condition="python: principal.title != 'Manager'">
+		<td colspan="2">
+		  <input type="submit" name="deleteuser" 
+			 value="Delete this user" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="login">Login:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="login"
+		tal:attributes="value principal/login" />
+		</td>
+		<td><label for="roles">Roles:</label></td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="title">Title:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="title"
+		tal:attributes="value principal/title" />
+		</td>
-	  </table>
-	</fieldset>
+		<td rowspan="3" valign="top">
+		  <select name="roles" size="3" multiple="multiple">
+		    <option tal:repeat="role principal/roles"
+			    tal:content="role/name"
+			    tal:attributes="selected python:role['assigned']">
+		      role
+		    </option>
+		  </select>
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="descrption">Description:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="description"
+		tal:attributes="value principal/description" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td/>
+		<td align="right">
+		  <input type="submit" name="update"
+			 value="update">
+		  </td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+		  <td><label for="password" 
+			     class="menu-label1">Password:</label></td>
+		  <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+		  <td/>
+		  <td align="right">
+		    <input type="submit" name="setpassword"
+			   value="set password" />
+		  </td>
+		</tr>
+	      </table>
+	    </form>
+	  </fieldset>
+      <fieldset>
+	<legend>Add new principal:</legend>
+	<form method="post">
+	  <fieldset class="menu-box2">
+	    <table>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="login">Id:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="id" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="login">Login:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="login" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="title">Title:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="title" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="descrption">Description:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="text" name="description" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="passwd" 
+			   class="menu-label1">Password:</label></td>
+		<td><input type="password" name="passwd" /></td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td><label for="roles" 
+			   class="menu-label1">Roles:</label></td>
+		<td>
+		  <select name="roles" multiple="multiple" size="2">
+		    <option
+			tal:repeat="role view/roles"
+			tal:content="role">role</option>
+		  </select>
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	      <tr>
+		<td/>
+		<td align="right">
+		  <input type="submit" name="addprincipal"
+			 value="add principal" />
+		</td>
+	      </tr>
+	    </table>
+	  </fieldset>
+	</form>
+      </fieldset>

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