[Checkins] SVN: GenericSetup/trunk/ Rework extension profile handling in the ZMI. In the import screen you can

Wichert Akkerman wichert at wiggy.net
Fri Jul 6 09:27:42 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 77502:
  Rework extension profile handling in the ZMI. In the import screen you can
  now choose to import from the base profile or one of the registered extension

  U   GenericSetup/trunk/tool.py
  U   GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutImportSteps.zpt
  U   GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutProperties.zpt

Modified: GenericSetup/trunk/tool.py
--- GenericSetup/trunk/tool.py	2007-07-06 13:07:28 UTC (rev 77501)
+++ GenericSetup/trunk/tool.py	2007-07-06 13:27:42 UTC (rev 77502)
@@ -218,10 +218,15 @@
         """ See ISetupTool.
         self._baseline_context_id = context_id
+        self.applyContextById(context_id, encoding)
+    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'applyContextById')
+    def applyContextById(self, context_id, encoding=None):
         context = self._getImportContext(context_id)
         self.applyContext(context, encoding)
     security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'applyContext')
     def applyContext(self, context, encoding=None):
         self._updateImportStepsRegistry(context, encoding)
@@ -471,7 +476,7 @@
     manage_importSteps = PageTemplateFile('sutImportSteps', _wwwdir)
     security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')
-    def manage_importSelectedSteps(self, ids, run_dependencies):
+    def manage_importSelectedSteps(self, ids, run_dependencies, context_id=None):
         """ Import the steps selected by the user.
         messages = {}
@@ -479,11 +484,13 @@
             summary = 'No steps selected.'
+            if context_id is None:
+                context_id = self.getBaselineContextID()
             steps_run = []
             for step_id in ids:
-                result = self.runImportStepFromProfile(
-                                    self.getBaselineContextID(),
-                                    step_id, run_dependencies)
+                result = self.runImportStepFromProfile(context_id,
+                                                       step_id,
+                                                       run_dependencies)
@@ -496,11 +503,12 @@
     security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, 'manage_importSelectedSteps')
-    def manage_importAllSteps(self):
+    def manage_importAllSteps(self, context_id=None):
         """ Import all steps.
-        context_id = self.getBaselineContextID()
+        if context_id is None:
+            context_id = self.getBaselineContextID()
         result = self.runAllImportStepsFromProfile(context_id, purge_old=None)
         steps_run = 'Steps run: %s' % ', '.join(result['steps'])

Modified: GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutImportSteps.zpt
--- GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutImportSteps.zpt	2007-07-06 13:07:28 UTC (rev 77501)
+++ GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutImportSteps.zpt	2007-07-06 13:27:42 UTC (rev 77502)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+<tal:block define="base_context_id context/getBaselineContextID;
+                   context_id request/context_id|base_context_id;
+                   contexts context/listContextInfos;
+                   context_title python:[c['title'] for c in contexts if c['id']==context_id][0];
+                   extension_contexts python:[c for c in contexts if c['type']=='extension'];
+                   ">
 <h1 tal:replace="structure context/manage_page_header">PAGE HEADER</h1>
 <h2 tal:define="manage_tabs_message options/manage_tabs_message | nothing"
     tal:replace="structure context/manage_tabs">TABS</h2>
@@ -9,10 +15,30 @@
 procedure, in order to pick up changes since the site was created.
-<h3>Available Import Steps</h3>
+<h3>Select Profile</h3>
+<form action="." method="POST">
+<select name="context_id">
+ <option value=""
+         tal:attributes="value base_context_id;
+                         selected python:context_id==base_context_id">
+   Current base profile</option>
+ <option value="context-CONTEXT_ID"
+    tal:repeat="context extension_contexts"
+    tal:attributes="value context/id; selected python:context_id==context['id']"
+    tal:content="context/title">CONTEXT_TITLE</option>
+    <input class="form-element" type="submit"
+           name="manage_importSteps:method"
+           value="Switch profile" />
+<h3>Available Import Steps for "<span tal:replace="context_title">Base profile</span>"</h3>
 <form action="." method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"
       tal:attributes="action context/absolute_url" >
+<tal:dummy define="dummy python:context.applyContextById(context_id)"/>
 <input type="hidden" name="ids:default:tokens" value="" />
 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
@@ -57,6 +83,7 @@
    <td />
    <td colspan="3">
+    <input type="hidden" name="context_id" value="" tal:attributes="value context_id"/>
     <input type="hidden" name="run_dependencies:int:default" value="0" />
     <input class="form-element" type="checkbox" id="run_dependencies"
            name="run_dependencies:boolean" value="1" checked="checked" />
@@ -100,3 +127,5 @@
 <h1 tal:replace="structure context/manage_page_footer">PAGE FOOTER</h1>

Modified: GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutProperties.zpt
--- GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutProperties.zpt	2007-07-06 13:07:28 UTC (rev 77501)
+++ GenericSetup/trunk/www/sutProperties.zpt	2007-07-06 13:27:42 UTC (rev 77502)
@@ -67,28 +67,6 @@
           value="Update Base Profile" />
- <fieldset id="extesions_fs">
-  <legend>Extension Profiles</legend>
-  <p tal:repeat="extension exts">
-  <tal:whatever
-         tal:define="fid string:extension_${extension/id};
-                     last python:context.getProfileImportDate(extension['id']);
-                    ">
-   <input type="checkbox" id="extension_0" name="profile_ids:list" value="waaa"
-          tal:attributes="id fid;
-                          value extension/id;
-                         "/>
-   <label tal:content="extension/title">TITLE</label>
-   <span class="info"
-         tal:condition="last">
-     Last imported <tal:x tal:content="last">TIMESTAMP</tal:x></span>
-   </tal:whatever>
-  </p>
-  <p><input type="submit" name="manage_importExtensions:method"
-            value="Import Selected Extensions" /></p>
- </fieldset>

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