[Checkins] SVN: RestrictedPython/trunk/ Move README.txt into package and enable it as a doctest.

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Sat Jul 28 05:52:55 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 78417:
  Move README.txt into package and enable it as a doctest.

  D   RestrictedPython/trunk/README.txt
  U   RestrictedPython/trunk/setup.py
  A   RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/README.txt
  A   RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/tests/testREADME.py

Deleted: RestrictedPython/trunk/README.txt
--- RestrictedPython/trunk/README.txt	2007-07-28 09:49:09 UTC (rev 78416)
+++ RestrictedPython/trunk/README.txt	2007-07-28 09:52:54 UTC (rev 78417)
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-.. contents::
-RestrictedPython provides a ``restricted_compile`` function that works
-like the built-in ``compile`` function, except that it allows the
-controlled and restricted execution of code:
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... def hello_world():
-  ...     return "Hello World!"
-  ... '''
-  >>> from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-The resulting code can be executed using the ``exec`` built-in:
-  >>> exec(code)
-As a result, the ``hello_world`` function is now available in the
-global namespace:
-  >>> hello_world()
-  'Hello World!'
-Implementing a policy
-RestrictedPython only provides the raw material for restricted
-execution.  To actually enforce any restrictions, you need to supply a
-policy implementation by providing restricted versions of ``print``,
-``getattr``, ``setattr``, ``import``, etc.  These restricted
-implementations are hooked up by providing a set of specially named
-objects in the global dict that you use for execution of code.
-1. ``_print_`` is a callable object that returns a handler for print
-   statements.  This handler must have a ``write()`` method that
-   accepts a single string argument, and must return a string when
-   called. ``RestrictedPython.PrintCollector.PrintCollector`` is a
-   suitable implementation.
-2. ``_write_`` is a guard function taking a single argument.  If the
-   object passed to it may be written to, it should be returned,
-   otherwise the guard function should raise an exception.  ``_write``
-   is typically called on an object before a ``setattr`` operation.
-3. ``_getattr_`` and ``_getitem_`` are guard functions, each of which
-   takes two arguments.  The first is the base object to be accessed,
-   while the second is the attribute name or item index that will be
-   read.  The guard function should return the attribute or subitem,
-   or raise an exception.
-4. ``__import__`` is the normal Python import hook, and should be used
-   to control access to Python packages and modules.
-5. ``__builtins__`` is the normal Python builtins dictionary, which
-   should be weeded down to a set that cannot be used to get around
-   your restrictions.  A usable "safe" set is
-   ``RestrictedPython.Guards.safe_builtins``.
-To help illustrate how this works under the covers, here's an example
-  def f(x):
-      x.foo = x.foo + x[0]
-      print x
-      return printed
-and (sort of) how it looks after restricted compilation::
-  def f(x):
-      # Make local variables from globals.
-      _print = _print_()
-      _write = _write_
-      _getattr = _getattr_
-      _getitem = _getitem_
-      # Translation of f(x) above
-      _write(x).foo = _getattr(x, 'foo') + _getitem(x, 0)
-      print >>_print, x
-      return _print()
-To support the ``print`` statement in restricted code, we supply a
-``_print_`` object (note that it's a *factory*, e.g. a class or a
-callable, from which the restricted machinery will create the object):
-  >>> from RestrictedPython.PrintCollector import PrintCollector
-  >>> _print_ = PrintCollector
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... print "Hello World!"
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code)
-As you can see, the text doesn't appear on stdout.  The print
-collector collects it.  We can have access to the text using the
-``printed`` variable, though:
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... print "Hello World!"
-  ... result = printed
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code)
-  >>> result
-  'Hello World!\n'
-By supplying a different ``__builtins__`` dictionary, we can rule out
-unsafe operations, such as opening files:
-  >>> from RestrictedPython.Guards import safe_builtins
-  >>> restricted_globals = dict(__builtins__ = safe_builtins)
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... open('/etc/passwd')
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code) in restricted_globals
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  NameError: name 'open' is not defined
-Here's an example of a write guard that never lets restricted code
-modify (assign, delete an attribute or item) except dictionaries and
-  >>> from RestrictedPython.Guards import full_write_guard
-  >>> _write_ = full_write_guard
-  >>> _getattr_ = getattr
-  >>> class BikeShed(object):
-  ...     colour = 'green'
-  ...
-  >>> shed = BikeShed()
-Normally accessing attriutes works as expected, because we're using
-the standard ``getattr`` function for the ``_getattr_`` guard:
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... print shed.colour
-  ... result = printed
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code)
-  >>> result
-  'green\n'
-However, changing an attribute doesn't work:
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... shed.colour = 'red'
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code)
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  TypeError: attribute-less object (assign or del)
-As said, this particular write guard (``full_write_guard``) will allow
-restricted code to modify lists and dictionaries:
-  >>> fibonacci = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
-  >>> transl = dict(one=1, two=2, tres=3)
-  >>> src = '''
-  ... # correct mistake in list
-  ... fibonacci[-1] = 5
-  ... # one item doesn't belong
-  ... del transl['tres']
-  ... '''
-  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
-  >>> exec(code)
-  >>> fibonacci
-  [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
-  >>> sorted(transl.keys())
-  ['one', 'two']
-3.4.2 (2007/07/28)
-- Changed homepage URL to the CheeseShop site
-- Greatly improved README.txt
-3.4.1 (2007/06/23)
-- Fixed Collector/#2295 (Zope 2, PythonScripts) 
-3.4.0 (2007/06/04)
-- RestrictedPython now has its own release cycle as a separate egg.
-- Synchronized with RestrictedPython from Zope 2 tree.
-3.2.0 (2006/01/05)
-- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
-  as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.
-- No changes from 3.1.0.
-3.1.0 (2005/10/03)
-- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
-  as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.
-- Removed unused fossil module, 'SafeMapping'.
-- Replaced use of deprecated 'whrandom' module with 'random' (aliased
-  to 'whrandom' for backward compatibility).
-3.0.0 (2004/11/07)
-- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
-  as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.

Modified: RestrictedPython/trunk/setup.py
--- RestrictedPython/trunk/setup.py	2007-07-28 09:49:09 UTC (rev 78416)
+++ RestrictedPython/trunk/setup.py	2007-07-28 09:52:54 UTC (rev 78417)
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
       'environment for Python, e.g. for running untrusted code.',
       author='Zope Corporation and Contributors',
       author_email='zope3-dev at zope.org',
-      long_description=open('README.txt').read(),
+      long_description=open(
+          os.path.join('src', 'RestrictedPython', 'README.txt')).read(),
       packages = find_packages('src'),
       package_dir = {'': 'src'},

Copied: RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/README.txt (from rev 78416, RestrictedPython/trunk/README.txt)
--- RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/README.txt	2007-07-28 09:52:54 UTC (rev 78417)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+.. contents::
+RestrictedPython provides a ``restricted_compile`` function that works
+like the built-in ``compile`` function, except that it allows the
+controlled and restricted execution of code:
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... def hello_world():
+  ...     return "Hello World!"
+  ... '''
+  >>> from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+The resulting code can be executed using the ``exec`` built-in:
+  >>> exec(code)
+As a result, the ``hello_world`` function is now available in the
+global namespace:
+  >>> hello_world()
+  'Hello World!'
+Implementing a policy
+RestrictedPython only provides the raw material for restricted
+execution.  To actually enforce any restrictions, you need to supply a
+policy implementation by providing restricted versions of ``print``,
+``getattr``, ``setattr``, ``import``, etc.  These restricted
+implementations are hooked up by providing a set of specially named
+objects in the global dict that you use for execution of code.
+1. ``_print_`` is a callable object that returns a handler for print
+   statements.  This handler must have a ``write()`` method that
+   accepts a single string argument, and must return a string when
+   called. ``RestrictedPython.PrintCollector.PrintCollector`` is a
+   suitable implementation.
+2. ``_write_`` is a guard function taking a single argument.  If the
+   object passed to it may be written to, it should be returned,
+   otherwise the guard function should raise an exception.  ``_write``
+   is typically called on an object before a ``setattr`` operation.
+3. ``_getattr_`` and ``_getitem_`` are guard functions, each of which
+   takes two arguments.  The first is the base object to be accessed,
+   while the second is the attribute name or item index that will be
+   read.  The guard function should return the attribute or subitem,
+   or raise an exception.
+4. ``__import__`` is the normal Python import hook, and should be used
+   to control access to Python packages and modules.
+5. ``__builtins__`` is the normal Python builtins dictionary, which
+   should be weeded down to a set that cannot be used to get around
+   your restrictions.  A usable "safe" set is
+   ``RestrictedPython.Guards.safe_builtins``.
+To help illustrate how this works under the covers, here's an example
+  def f(x):
+      x.foo = x.foo + x[0]
+      print x
+      return printed
+and (sort of) how it looks after restricted compilation::
+  def f(x):
+      # Make local variables from globals.
+      _print = _print_()
+      _write = _write_
+      _getattr = _getattr_
+      _getitem = _getitem_
+      # Translation of f(x) above
+      _write(x).foo = _getattr(x, 'foo') + _getitem(x, 0)
+      print >>_print, x
+      return _print()
+To support the ``print`` statement in restricted code, we supply a
+``_print_`` object (note that it's a *factory*, e.g. a class or a
+callable, from which the restricted machinery will create the object):
+  >>> from RestrictedPython.PrintCollector import PrintCollector
+  >>> _print_ = PrintCollector
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... print "Hello World!"
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code)
+As you can see, the text doesn't appear on stdout.  The print
+collector collects it.  We can have access to the text using the
+``printed`` variable, though:
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... print "Hello World!"
+  ... result = printed
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code)
+  >>> result
+  'Hello World!\n'
+By supplying a different ``__builtins__`` dictionary, we can rule out
+unsafe operations, such as opening files:
+  >>> from RestrictedPython.Guards import safe_builtins
+  >>> restricted_globals = dict(__builtins__ = safe_builtins)
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... open('/etc/passwd')
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code) in restricted_globals
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+  NameError: name 'open' is not defined
+Here's an example of a write guard that never lets restricted code
+modify (assign, delete an attribute or item) except dictionaries and
+  >>> from RestrictedPython.Guards import full_write_guard
+  >>> _write_ = full_write_guard
+  >>> _getattr_ = getattr
+  >>> class BikeShed(object):
+  ...     colour = 'green'
+  ...
+  >>> shed = BikeShed()
+Normally accessing attriutes works as expected, because we're using
+the standard ``getattr`` function for the ``_getattr_`` guard:
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... print shed.colour
+  ... result = printed
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code)
+  >>> result
+  'green\n'
+However, changing an attribute doesn't work:
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... shed.colour = 'red'
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code)
+  Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+  TypeError: attribute-less object (assign or del)
+As said, this particular write guard (``full_write_guard``) will allow
+restricted code to modify lists and dictionaries:
+  >>> fibonacci = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+  >>> transl = dict(one=1, two=2, tres=3)
+  >>> src = '''
+  ... # correct mistake in list
+  ... fibonacci[-1] = 5
+  ... # one item doesn't belong
+  ... del transl['tres']
+  ... '''
+  >>> code = compile_restricted(src, '<string>', 'exec')
+  >>> exec(code)
+  >>> fibonacci
+  [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
+  >>> sorted(transl.keys())
+  ['one', 'two']
+3.4.2 (2007/07/28)
+- Changed homepage URL to the CheeseShop site
+- Greatly improved README.txt
+3.4.1 (2007/06/23)
+- Fixed Collector/#2295 (Zope 2, PythonScripts) 
+3.4.0 (2007/06/04)
+- RestrictedPython now has its own release cycle as a separate egg.
+- Synchronized with RestrictedPython from Zope 2 tree.
+3.2.0 (2006/01/05)
+- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
+  as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.
+- No changes from 3.1.0.
+3.1.0 (2005/10/03)
+- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
+  as part of the Zope 3.1.0 release.
+- Removed unused fossil module, 'SafeMapping'.
+- Replaced use of deprecated 'whrandom' module with 'random' (aliased
+  to 'whrandom' for backward compatibility).
+3.0.0 (2004/11/07)
+- Corresponds to the verison of the RestrictedPython package shipped
+  as part of the Zope X3.0.0 release.

Added: RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/tests/testREADME.py
--- RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/tests/testREADME.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/tests/testREADME.py	2007-07-28 09:52:54 UTC (rev 78417)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Run tests in README.txt
+import unittest
+from zope.testing.doctestunit import DocFileSuite
+__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite([
+        DocFileSuite('README.txt', package='RestrictedPython'),        
+        ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Property changes on: RestrictedPython/trunk/src/RestrictedPython/tests/testREADME.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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