[Checkins] SVN: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py.debug containing debug code

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Tue May 1 05:01:35 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 74955:
  containing debug code

  A   z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py.debug

Added: z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py.debug
--- z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py.debug	2007-05-01 07:32:56 UTC (rev 74954)
+++ z3c.sqlalchemy/trunk/src/z3c/sqlalchemy/base.py.debug	2007-05-01 09:01:30 UTC (rev 74955)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# z3c.sqlalchemy - A SQLAlchemy wrapper for Python/Zope
+# (C) Zope Corporation and Contributor
+# Written by Andreas Jung for Haufe Mediengruppe, Freiburg, Germany
+# and ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG, Tuebingen, Germany
+import threading
+import sqlalchemy
+from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
+from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.component import getUtility
+from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
+from z3c.sqlalchemy.interfaces import ISQLAlchemyWrapper, IModelProvider
+from z3c.sqlalchemy.model import Model
+from z3c.sqlalchemy.mapper import LazyMapperCollection
+import transaction
+from transaction.interfaces import IDataManager
+def log(s):
+    print '*** %s - %s' % (threading.currentThread(), s)
+class BaseWrapper(object):
+    implements(ISQLAlchemyWrapper)
+    def __init__(self, dsn, model=None, **kw):
+        """ 'dsn' - a RFC-1738-style connection string
+            'model' - optional instance of model.Model
+            'kw' - optional keyword arguments passed to create_engine()
+        """
+        self.dsn = dsn
+        self.url = make_url(dsn)
+        self.host = self.url.host
+        self.port = self.url.port
+        self.username = self.url.username
+        self.password = self.url.password
+        self.dbname = self.url.database 
+        self.drivername = self.url.drivername
+        self.kw = kw
+        self.echo = kw.get('echo', False)
+        self._engine = self._createEngine()
+        self._engine.echo = self.echo
+        self._model = None
+        if model:
+            if isinstance(model, Model):
+                self._model = model
+            elif isinstance(model, basestring):
+                try:
+                    util = getUtility(IModelProvider, model)
+                except ComponentLookupError:
+                    raise ComponentLookupError("No named utility '%s' providing IModelProvider found" % model)
+                self._model = util.getModel(self.metadata)
+            elif callable(model):                        
+                self._model = model(self.metadata)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("The 'model' parameter passed to constructor must either be "\
+                                 "the name of a named utility implementing IModelProvider or "\
+                                 "an instance of z3c.sqlalchemy.model.Model.")
+            if not isinstance(self._model, Model):
+                raise TypeError('_model is not an instance of model.Model')
+        # mappers must be initialized at last since we need to acces
+        # the 'model' from within the constructor of LazyMapperCollection
+        self._mappers = LazyMapperCollection(self)
+    @property
+    def metadata(self):
+        return sqlalchemy.BoundMetaData(self._engine)
+    @property
+    def session(self):
+        return sqlalchemy.create_session(self._engine)
+    def registerMapper(self, mapper, name):
+        self._mappers.registerMapper(mapper, name)
+    def getMapper(self, tablename, schema='public'):
+        return self._mappers.getMapper(tablename, schema)
+    def getMappers(self, *names):
+        return tuple([self.getMapper(name) for name in names])
+    @property
+    def engine(self):
+        """ only for private purposes! """
+        return self._engine
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        """ only for private purposes! """
+        return self._model
+    def _createEngine(self):
+        return sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.dsn, **self.kw)
+_session_cache = threading.local() # module-level cache 
+_connection_cache = threading.local() # module-level cache 
+class SessionDataManager(object):
+    """ Wraps session into transaction context of Zope """
+    implements(IDataManager)
+    def __init__(self, session):
+        self.session = session
+        self.transaction = session.create_transaction()
+    def tpc_begin(self, trans):
+        pass
+    def abort(self, trans):
+        self.transaction.rollback()
+    def commit(self, trans):
+        self.session.flush()
+        self.transaction.commit()
+    def tpc_vote(self, trans):
+        pass
+    def tpc_finish(self, trans):
+        pass
+    def tpc_abort(self, trans):
+        pass
+    def sortKey(self):
+        return str(id(self))
+class ConnectionDataManager(object):
+    """ Wraps connection into transaction context of Zope """
+    implements(IDataManager)
+    def __init__(self, connection):
+        self.connection = connection
+        self.transaction = connection.begin()
+    def tpc_begin(self, trans):
+        log('tpc_begin() - %s' % trans)
+        pass
+    def abort(self, trans):
+        self.transaction.rollback()
+        self.connection.close()
+        self.connection = None
+        log('abort() - %s' % trans)
+    def commit(self, trans):
+        self.transaction.commit()
+        log('commit() - %s' % trans)
+        self.connection.close()
+        self.connection = None
+    def tpc_vote(self, trans):
+        pass
+    def tpc_finish(self, trans):
+        log('tcp_finish() - %s' % trans)
+        pass
+    def tpc_abort(self, trans):
+        log('tcp_abort() - %s' % trans)
+        pass
+    def sortKey(self):
+        return str(id(self))
+class ZopeBaseWrapper(BaseWrapper):
+    """ A wrapper to be used from within Zope. It connects
+        the session with the transaction management of Zope.
+    """
+    @property
+    def session(self):
+        if not hasattr(_session_cache, 'last_transaction'):
+            _session_cache.last_transaction = None
+            _session_cache.last_session = None
+        # get current transaction
+        txn = transaction.get()
+        txn_str = str(txn)
+        # return cached session if we are within the same transaction
+        # and same thread
+        if txn_str == _session_cache.last_transaction:
+            return _session_cache.last_session
+        # no cached session, let's create a new one
+        session = sqlalchemy.create_session(self._engine)
+        # register a DataManager with the current transaction
+        txn.join(SessionDataManager(session))
+        # update thread-local cache
+        _session_cache.last_transaction = txn_str
+        _session_cache.last_session = session
+        # return the session
+        return session 
+    @property
+    def connection(self):
+        if not hasattr(_connection_cache, 'last_connection'):
+            _connection_cache.last_transaction = None
+            _connection_cache.last_connection = None
+        # get current transaction
+        txn = transaction.get()
+        txn_str = str(txn)
+        log('current thread - %s' % threading.currentThread())
+        log('checking for transaction - %s' % txn_str)
+        # return cached connection if we are within the same transaction
+        # and same thread
+        if txn_str == _connection_cache.last_transaction:
+            log('returning cached connection - %s' % _connection_cache.last_connection)
+            return _connection_cache.last_connection
+        # no cached connection, let's create a new one
+        connection = self.engine.connect()
+        log('creating new connection - %s' % connection)
+        # register a DataManager with the current transaction
+        txn.join(ConnectionDataManager(connection))
+        # update thread-local cache
+        _connection_cache.last_transaction = txn_str
+        _connection_cache.last_connection = connection
+        # return the connection
+        return connection

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