[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/ - added my buildbot utilities as used for the zope.org svn

Christian Theune ct at gocept.com
Tue May 8 16:51:53 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 75633:
   - added my buildbot utilities as used for the zope.org svn

  A   Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/
  A   Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/buildbot.css
  A   Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/html2.py
  A   Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/master.cfg
  A   Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/update-config.sh

Added: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/buildbot.css
--- Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/buildbot.css	2007-05-08 20:10:35 UTC (rev 75632)
+++ Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/buildbot.css	2007-05-08 20:51:53 UTC (rev 75633)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+body {
+    background-color:#FFFFFF;
+    border:0pt none;
+    color:#000000;
+    font-family:"Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans",Verdana,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
+    font-size:8pt;
+    margin:0pt;
+    padding:1em;
+h1 {
+    background-image:url(headerbg.png);
+    background-position:center top;
+    background-repeat:repeat-x;
+    clear:both;
+    font-weight:normal;
+    margin:-0.5em;
+    margin-bottom:0pt;
+    padding:0.5em;
+h2 {
+    padding:0.5em;
+.project {
+    clear:both;
+    font-weight:normal;
+.project p {
+    margin:1em;
+.project, #status-blocks div {
+    background-image:url(bodybg.png);
+    background-position:center top;
+    background-repeat:repeat-x;
+.project.red, #status-blocks div.red {
+    background-image:url(errorbg.png);
+.project.green, #status-blocks div.green {
+    background-image:url(headerbg2.png);
+#status-blocks div {
+    float:left;
+    margin:1em;
+    padding:0.5em 1em;
+#status-blocks div h3 {
+    margin:0;
+    padding:0;
+.clear {
+    clear:both;
+.building {
+    background-image:url(yellowbg.png) !important;

Added: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/html2.py
--- Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/html2.py	2007-05-08 20:10:35 UTC (rev 75632)
+++ Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/html2.py	2007-05-08 20:51:53 UTC (rev 75633)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_web -*-
+from __future__ import generators
+from twisted.python import log, components
+import urllib, re
+import datetime
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.web.resource import Resource
+from twisted.web import static, html, server, distrib
+from twisted.web.error import NoResource
+from twisted.web.util import Redirect, DeferredResource
+from twisted.application import strports
+from twisted.spread import pb
+from buildbot.twcompat import implements, Interface
+import sys, string, types, time, os.path
+from buildbot import interfaces, util
+from buildbot import version
+from buildbot.sourcestamp import SourceStamp
+from buildbot.status import builder, base
+from buildbot.changes import changes
+from buildbot.process.base import BuildRequest
+NO_FILTER = object()
+class HtmlResource(Resource):
+    css = None
+    contentType = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
+    title = "Dummy"
+    def render(self, request):
+        data = self.content(request)
+        if isinstance(data, unicode):
+            data = data.encode("utf-8")
+        request.setHeader("content-type", self.contentType)
+        if request.method == "HEAD":
+            request.setHeader("content-length", len(data))
+            return ''
+        return data
+    def content(self, request):
+        data = ('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC'
+                ' "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"\n'
+                '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n'
+                '<html'
+                ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'
+                ' lang="en"'
+                ' xml:lang="en">\n')
+        data += "<head>\n"
+        data += "  <title>" + self.title + "</title>\n"
+        data += '  <link href="http://uter.gocept.com/~ctheune/buildbot/buildbot.css" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
+        if self.css:
+            # TODO: use some sort of relative link up to the root page, so
+            # this css can be used from child pages too
+            data += ('  <link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>\n'
+                     % "buildbot.css")
+        data += "</head>\n"
+        data += '<body>\n'
+        data += self.body(request)
+        data += "</body></html>\n"
+        return data
+    def body(self, request):
+        return "Dummy\n"
+class OverviewStatusResource(HtmlResource):
+    """This builds the main status page, with the waterfall display, and
+    all child pages."""
+    title = "BuildBot"
+    def __init__(self, status, changemaster):
+        HtmlResource.__init__(self)
+        self.status = status
+        self.changemaster = changemaster
+        p = self.status.getProjectName()
+        if p:
+            self.title = "BuildBot: %s" % p
+    def _builder_status(self, builder):
+        build = builder.getLastFinishedBuild()
+        if build is None:
+            stat = 'never'
+        else:
+            stat = build.getColor()
+        return stat
+    def body(self, request):
+        "This method builds the main waterfall display."
+        data = ''
+        data += """<script lang="javascript">
+        window.setTimeout("reload()", 10000);
+        function reload() {
+            document.forms['filter'].submit();
+        };
+        </script>
+        """
+        projectName = self.status.getProjectName()
+        projectURL = self.status.getProjectURL()
+        data += "<h1>%s &mdash; THIS IS STILL EXPERIMENTAL AND UNDER DEVELOPMENT!</h1>" % projectName
+        builders = [self.status.getBuilder(x) for x in 
+                self.status.getBuilderNames()]
+        # Setup filters
+        filters = []
+        filter_status = request.args.get('status', [None])[0] or 'red'
+        # Gah.
+        if filter_status == 'None':
+            filter_status = None
+        elif filter_status == "":
+            filter_status = NO_FILTER
+        if filter_status != NO_FILTER:
+            filters.append(lambda x:self._builder_status(x) == filter_status)
+        filter_prefix = request.args.get('prefix', [None])[0] or 'zope.'
+        filters.append(lambda x:x.getName().startswith(filter_prefix))
+        # Create totals
+        status = {}
+        for builder in builders:
+            stat = self._builder_status(builder)
+            if not stat in status:
+                status[stat] = []
+            status[stat].append(builder)
+        data += '<form id="filter" action=".">'
+        data += '<div id="status-blocks">'
+        for stat, affected in status.items():
+            if stat == filter_status:
+                selected = 'checked="checked"'
+            else:
+                selected = ""
+            data += '<div class="%s"><h3><label><input type="radio" name="status" value="%s" %s/> %s</label></h3><p>%s projects</p></div>' % (stat, stat, selected, stat, len(affected))
+        if filter_status is NO_FILTER:
+            selected = 'checked="checked"'
+        else:
+            selected = ''
+        data += '<div><h3><label><input type="radio" name="status" value="" %s/> Any</label></h3><p>&nbsp;</p></div>' % selected
+        data += "</div>"
+        data += '<div class="clear"/>'
+        data += '<div><label for="prefix">Show only projects starting with</label> <input type="text" name="prefix" value="%s"/> <input type="submit" value="Set filter"/></div>' % filter_prefix
+        data += '</form>'
+        # Apply filters on builders
+        for f in filters:
+            builders = filter(f, builders)
+        data += "<p>Showing %i projects matching the current filter.</p>" % len(builders)
+        # Create detail view panels
+        for builder in builders:
+            activity = builder.getState()[0]
+            data += '<div class="project %s %s"><h2>%s</h2>' % (self._builder_status(builder),
+                    activity, builder.getName())
+            data += '<p>This builder is currently %s.</p>' % activity
+            data += "<ul>"
+            for x in range(1,6):
+                build = builder.getBuild(-x)
+                if build is None:
+                    break
+                reason = build.reason
+                started = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(build.started)
+                started = started.strftime('%d %b, %H:%M')
+                if build.source.changes:
+                    change = build.source.changes[0]
+                    reason = "%s by %s: %s" % (change.revision, change.who, change.comments)
+                data += '<li style="color:%s;">%s &ndash; %s</li>' % (
+                        build.color, started, reason)
+            data += "</ul>"
+            data += "</div>"
+        return data
+class StatusResource(Resource):
+    status = None
+    def __init__(self, status, changemaster):
+        Resource.__init__(self)
+        self.status = status
+        self.changemaster = changemaster
+        overview = OverviewStatusResource(self.status, changemaster)
+        self.putChild("", overview)
+    def render(self, request):
+        request.redirect(request.prePathURL() + '/')
+        request.finish()
+class CompactOverview(base.StatusReceiverMultiService):
+    compare_attrs = ["http_port"]
+    def __init__(self, http_port=None):
+        base.StatusReceiverMultiService.__init__(self)
+        if type(http_port) is int:
+            http_port = "tcp:%d" % http_port
+        self.http_port = http_port
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<CompactOverview on port %s>" % self.http_port
+    def setServiceParent(self, parent):
+        """
+        @type  parent: L{buildbot.master.BuildMaster}
+        """
+        base.StatusReceiverMultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
+        self.setup()
+    def setup(self):
+        status = self.parent.getStatus()
+        change_svc = self.parent.change_svc
+        sr = StatusResource(status, change_svc)
+        self.site = server.Site(sr)
+        s = strports.service(self.http_port, self.site)
+        s.setServiceParent(self)

Property changes on: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/html2.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/master.cfg
--- Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/master.cfg	2007-05-08 20:10:35 UTC (rev 75632)
+++ Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/master.cfg	2007-05-08 20:51:53 UTC (rev 75633)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+from twisted.python import log
+from buildbot import locks
+from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNPoller, split_file_branches
+from buildbot.process import step, factory
+from buildbot.process.base import Build
+from buildbot.status import html
+import html2
+from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler, Nightly
+s = factory.s
+c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
+c['bots'] = [('local', 'local')]
+c['slavePortnum'] = 8989
+c['sources'] = []
+def split_file(path):
+    pieces = path.split("/")
+    if len(pieces) < 2:
+        return None
+    project, branch = pieces[0], pieces[1]
+    if branch != "trunk":
+        return None
+    return ("%s/%s" % (project, branch), "/".join(pieces[2:]))
+c['sources'].append(SVNPoller(svn_url, split_file=split_file, pollinterval=30))
+c['schedulers'] = [] 
+c['builders'] = []
+def make_steps(project):
+    return  [s(step.SVN,
+               baseURL=svn_url,
+               mode='clobber'),
+             s(step.Compile,
+               name='bootstrap',
+               command='buildout bootstrap .',
+               description=['bootstrapping'],
+               descriptionDone=['bootstrap']),
+             s(step.Compile,
+               name="buildout",
+               command='bin/buildout',
+               description=['building'],
+               descriptionDone=['build']),
+             s(step.Compile,
+               name="test",
+               command='bin/test --exit-with-status',
+               description=['testing'],
+               descriptionDone=['tests']),
+            ]
+slow_lock = locks.SlaveLock("cpu", maxCount=10)
+projects = open("projects", "rb").readlines()
+projects = [x.strip() for x in projects]
+for project in projects:
+    build_factory = factory.BuildFactory(make_steps(project))
+    build_factory.treeStableTimer = 300
+    c['builders'].append({
+        'name': project,
+        'slavename': 'local',
+        'builddir': project,
+        'factory': build_factory,
+        'locks': [slow_lock],
+    })
+    del build_factory
+    c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(
+        project, "%s/trunk" % project, 30, [project]))
+    c['schedulers'].append(Nightly(
+        "%s nightly" % project, [project], hour=range(0,24,3),
+        branch="%s/trunk" % project))
+c['status'] = []
+c['projectName'] = "buildbot for zope.org projects"
+c['projectURL'] = "http://dev.zope.org/"
+c['buildbotURL'] = "http://uter.gocept.com:3333/"

Added: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/update-config.sh
--- Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/update-config.sh	2007-05-08 20:10:35 UTC (rev 75632)
+++ Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/update-config.sh	2007-05-08 20:51:53 UTC (rev 75633)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# update-cruise.sh -- created 04-Mai-2007, <+NAME+>
+# @Last Change: 24-Dez-2004.
+# @Revision:    0.0
+cd $HOME
+rm -f project-updates
+for PROJECT in `svn ls $BASE`; do
+    svn ls $BASE/$PROJECT/trunk/buildout.cfg 2> /dev/null
+    if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+        continue; 
+    fi
+    echo $PROJECT >> project-updates
+# Remove trailing slashes
+cat project-updates | sed "s/\/*$//" > projects
+# Restart the master
+buildbot restart .
+# vi: 

Property changes on: Sandbox/ctheune/buildbot/update-config.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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