[Checkins] SVN: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/ Package to contain all the code to make WebDAV locking work with the

Michael Kerrin michael.kerrin at openapp.ie
Sun May 13 16:08:17 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 75726:
  Package to contain all the code to make WebDAV locking work with the
  zope.locking package. This is pretty much just of copy of the lockingutils,
  ftests/tests_z3_locking and tests modules from z3c.dav.

  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/buildout.cfg
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/setup.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/__init__.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/__init__.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/__init__.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/configure.zcml
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftesting.zcml
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftests.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/lockingutils.py
  A   z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/tests.py

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/buildout.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/buildout.cfg	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+develop = .
+parts = test
+recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+working-directory = .
+defaults = ["--tests-pattern", "^f?tests$"]
+eggs = z3c.dav [test]
+       z3c.davapp.zopelocking [test]

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/setup.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/setup.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+setup(name = "z3c.davapp.zopelocking",
+      version = "0.1",
+      author = "Michael Kerrin",
+      author_email = "michael.kerrin at openapp.ie",
+      url = "http://svn.zope.org/",
+      description = "WebDAV locking support using zope.locking",
+      license = "ZPL",
+      packages = find_packages("src"),
+      package_dir = {"": "src"},
+      namespace_packages = ["z3c", "z3c.davapp"],
+      install_requires = ["setuptools",
+                          "z3c.dav",
+                          "zope.locking",
+                          "zope.app.keyreference",
+                          "zc.i18n",
+                          ],
+      extras_require = dict(test = ["cElementTree"]),
+      include_package_data = True,
+      zip_safe = False)

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/__init__.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/__init__.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/__init__.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/__init__.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/__init__.py

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/configure.zcml
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/configure.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/configure.zcml	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
+  <adapter
+     factory=".lockingutils.DAVSupportedlock"
+     />
+  <adapter
+     factory=".lockingutils.DAVLockdiscovery"
+     />
+  <adapter
+     factory=".lockingutils.DAVLockmanager"
+     trusted="1"
+     />
+  <class class=".lockingutils.DAVLockmanager">
+    <require
+       permission="zope.View"
+       attributes="getActivelock islocked islockable"
+       />
+    <require
+       permission="zope.ManageContent"
+       attributes="lock refreshlock unlock"
+       />
+  </class>
+  <adapter
+     factory=".lockingutils.DAVActiveLock"
+     for="zope.interface.Interface
+          z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest"
+     provides="z3c.dav.coreproperties.IActiveLock"
+     />
+  <class class=".lockingutils.DAVActiveLockAdapter">
+    <require
+       permission="zope.View"
+       interface="z3c.dav.coreproperties.IActiveLock"
+       />
+  </class>
+  <class class=".lockingutils.IndirectToken">
+    <require
+       permission="zope.View"
+       attributes="context utility principal_ids started annotations roottoken"
+       />
+    <require permission="zope.View"
+      attributes="ended expiration duration remaining_duration" />
+    <require permission="zope.Security"
+      attributes="end"
+      set_attributes="expiration duration remaining_duration" />
+  </class>

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftesting.zcml
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftesting.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftesting.zcml	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
+  <include package="z3c.dav" file="ftesting.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.app.keyreference" />
+  <include package="zope.locking" />
+  <include package="z3c.davapp.zopelocking" />

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftests.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/ftests.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Collection of functional tests for the LOCK method.
+$Id: test_z3_locking.py 75566 2007-05-06 14:41:45Z mkerrin $
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+import unittest
+import datetime
+import transaction
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import os.path
+import z3c.dav.testing
+import z3c.dav.ftests.dav
+from zope import component
+from zope.app.publication.http import MethodNotAllowed
+from zope.app.testing.setup import addUtility
+import zope.locking.interfaces
+from zope.locking.utility import TokenUtility
+from zope.locking import tokens
+import zope.locking.utils
+from zope.security.interfaces import Unauthorized
+from z3c.dav.interfaces import IDAVLockmanager
+import z3c.dav.publisher
+import z3c.etree
+from z3c.etree.testing import assertXMLEqual
+here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+WebDAVLockingLayer = z3c.dav.testing.WebDAVLayerClass(
+   os.path.join(here, "ftesting.zcml"), __name__, "WebDAVLockingLayer")
+class LOCKNotAllowedTestCase(z3c.dav.ftests.dav.DAVTestCase):
+    layer = WebDAVLockingLayer
+    def test_lock_file(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfilenotallowed", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        self.assertRaises(MethodNotAllowed, self.publish,
+            "/testfilenotallowed", basic = "mgr:mgrpw")
+    def test_options(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfilenotallowed", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        response = self.publish("/testfilenotallowed", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        allowed = [allow.strip() for allow in
+                   response.getHeader("Allow").split(",")]
+        self.assert_("LOCK" not in allowed)
+        self.assert_("UNLOCK" not in allowed)
+    def test_lockingprops_noutility(self):
+        self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                         contentType = "text/plain")
+        httpresponse = self.checkPropfind(
+            "/testfile", env = {"DEPTH": "0"},
+            properties = """<D:prop>
+<D:supportedlock />
+<D:lockdiscovery />
+        self.assertEqual(len(httpresponse.getMSResponses()), 1)
+        assertXMLEqual(
+            '<supportedlock xmlns="DAV:" />',
+            httpresponse.getMSProperty(
+                "http://localhost/testfile", "{DAV:}supportedlock",
+                status = 404))
+        assertXMLEqual(
+            '<lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:" />',
+            httpresponse.getMSProperty(
+                "http://localhost/testfile", "{DAV:}lockdiscovery",
+                status = 404))
+class LOCKTestCase(z3c.dav.ftests.dav.DAVTestCase):
+    layer = WebDAVLockingLayer
+    def _setup(self):
+        z3c.dav.ftests.dav.DAVTestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.oldnow = zope.locking.utils.now
+        def now():
+            return datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 27, 1, 9, 25)
+        zope.locking.utils.now = now
+    def setUp(self):
+        self._setup()
+        sitemanager = component.getSiteManager(self.getRootFolder())
+        self.utility = addUtility(sitemanager, "",
+                                  zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility,
+                                  TokenUtility())
+        transaction.commit()
+    def _teardown(self):
+        zope.locking.utils.now = self.oldnow
+        del self.oldnow
+        z3c.dav.ftests.dav.DAVTestCase.tearDown(self)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        self._teardown()
+        sitemanager = component.getSiteManager(self.getRootFolder())
+        sitemanager.unregisterUtility(self.utility,
+                                      zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility,
+                                      "")
+        del self.utility
+    def test_options(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfilenotallowed", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        response = self.publish("/testfilenotallowed", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        allowed = [allow.strip() for allow in
+                   response.getHeader("Allow").split(",")]
+        self.assert_("LOCK" in allowed)
+        self.assert_("UNLOCK" in allowed)
+    def test_lock_file_unauthorized(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.publish, "/testfile",
+                          env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                                 "DEPTH": "0",
+                                 "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                                 "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+                          request_body = body)
+    def test_invalid_xml(self):
+        body = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:invalid xmlns:D="DAV:">Invalid XML</D:invalid>
+        """
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "0",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Infinite, Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body,
+            handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 422)
+    def test_lock_file(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/testfile", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "0",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        locktoken = response.getHeader("lock-token")
+        self.assert_(locktoken and locktoken[0] == "<" and locktoken[-1] == ">")
+        expectedbody = """<ns0:prop xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:activelock>
+    <ns0:lockscope><ns0:exclusive /></ns0:lockscope>
+    <ns0:locktype><ns0:write /></ns0:locktype>
+    <ns0:depth>0</ns0:depth>
+    <ns0:owner>
+      <ns0:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</ns0:href>
+    </ns0:owner>
+    <ns0:timeout>Second-60800</ns0:timeout>
+    <ns0:locktoken>
+      <ns0:href>%s</ns0:href>
+    </ns0:locktoken>
+    <ns0:lockroot>http://localhost/testfile</ns0:lockroot>
+  </ns0:activelock>
+</ns0:lockdiscovery></ns0:prop>""" % locktoken[1:-1]
+        respbody = response.getBody()
+        assertXMLEqual(respbody, expectedbody)
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+    def test_already_exclusive_locked_file(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testlockedfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        token = tokens.ExclusiveLock(file, "mgr")
+        token.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds = 100)
+        self.utility.register(token)
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+        transaction.commit()
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/testlockedfile", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "0",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body,
+            handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 207)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        expectedbody = """<ns0:multistatus xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:href>http://localhost/testlockedfile</ns0:href>
+  <ns0:status>HTTP/1.1 423 Locked</ns0:status>
+        respbody = response.getBody()
+        assertXMLEqual(respbody, expectedbody)
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+    def test_lock_folder_depth_inf(self):
+        ## Test that when we lock a folder with depth infinity we the folder
+        ## and all sub resources lock tokens contain the same locktoken, and
+        ## lockroot.
+        self.createFolderFileStructure()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder())
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "infinity",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        locktoken = response.getHeader("lock-token")
+        self.assert_(locktoken and locktoken[0] == "<" and locktoken[-1] == ">")
+        locktoken = locktoken[1:-1] # remove the <> characters
+        token = self.utility.get(self.getRootFolder())
+        self.assertEqual(
+            token.annotations["z3c.dav.lockingutils.info"]["token"],
+            locktoken)
+        token = self.utility.get(self.getRootFolder()["a"])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            token.annotations["z3c.dav.lockingutils.info"]["token"],
+            locktoken)
+        root = self.getRootFolder()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            IDAVLockmanager(root).getActivelock().locktoken[0], locktoken)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            IDAVLockmanager(root["a"]["r2"]).getActivelock().locktoken[0],
+            locktoken)
+        request = z3c.dav.publisher.WebDAVRequest(
+            StringIO(""), {"HTTP_HOST": "localhost"})
+        lockroot = IDAVLockmanager(root).getActivelock(request).lockroot
+        self.assertEqual(lockroot, "http://localhost")
+        lockroot = IDAVLockmanager(root["a"]["r3"]).getActivelock(
+            request).lockroot
+        self.assertEqual(lockroot, "http://localhost")
+    def test_lock_collection_depth_inf_withlockedsubitem(self):
+        self.login()
+        self.createFolderFileStructure()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder()["a"]["r2"])
+        lockmanager.lock("exclusive", "write", """<D:owner>
+                         duration = datetime.timedelta(100), depth = "0")
+        transaction.commit()
+        self.logout()
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        httpresponse = self.publish(
+            "/a", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "infinity",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body,
+            handle_errors = True)
+        etree = z3c.etree.getEngine()
+        xmlbody = etree.fromstring(httpresponse.getBody())
+        self.assertEqual(httpresponse.getStatus(), 207)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            httpresponse.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        responses = xmlbody.findall("{DAV:}response")
+        self.assertEqual(len(responses), 2)
+        for response in responses:
+            hrefs = response.findall("{DAV:}href")
+            self.assertEqual(len(hrefs), 1)
+            statusresp = response.findall("{DAV:}status")
+            self.assertEqual(len(statusresp), 1)
+            statusresp = statusresp[0].text
+            if hrefs[0].text == "http://localhost/a/":
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    statusresp, "HTTP/1.1 424 Failed Dependency")
+            elif hrefs[0].text == "http://localhost/a/r2":
+                self.assertEqual(
+                    statusresp, "HTTP/1.1 423 Locked")
+            else:
+                self.fail("unexpected reponse with href: %s" % hrefs[0].text)
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder()["a"])
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        # this object was already locked.
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder()["a"]["r2"])
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+    def test_lock_file_then_propfind(self):
+        ## Test that the locking properties get updated correctly whenever a
+        ## resource is locked. We do this by performing a PROPFIND on the
+        ## locked resource.
+        self.createFolderFileStructure()
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/a", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "infinity",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        locktoken = response.getHeader("lock-token")
+        self.assert_(locktoken and locktoken[0] == "<" and locktoken[-1] == ">")
+        httpresponse = self.checkPropfind(
+            "/a/r2", env = {"DEPTH": "0", "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            properties = "<D:allprop />")
+        supportedlock = httpresponse.getMSProperty(
+            "http://localhost/a/r2", "{DAV:}supportedlock")
+        assertXMLEqual(supportedlock, """<ns0:supportedlock xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+<ns0:lockentry xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:lockscope xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:exclusive xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:lockscope>
+  <ns0:locktype xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:write xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:locktype>
+<ns0:lockentry xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:lockscope xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:shared xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:lockscope>
+  <ns0:locktype xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:write xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:locktype>
+        lockdiscovery = httpresponse.getMSProperty(
+            "http://localhost/a/r2", "{DAV:}lockdiscovery")
+        assertXMLEqual(lockdiscovery, """<ns0:lockdiscovery xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+<ns0:activelock xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:lockscope xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:exclusive xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:lockscope>
+  <ns0:locktype xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:write xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:locktype>
+  <ns0:depth xmlns:ns0="DAV:">infinity</ns0:depth>
+  <ns0:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+    <ns0:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</ns0:href>
+  </ns0:owner>
+  <ns0:timeout xmlns:ns0="DAV:">Second-60800</ns0:timeout>
+  <ns0:locktoken xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+    <ns0:href xmlns:ns0="DAV:">%s</ns0:href>
+  </ns0:locktoken>
+  <ns0:lockroot xmlns:ns0="DAV:">http://localhost/a</ns0:lockroot>
+</ns0:activelock></ns0:lockdiscovery>""" % locktoken[1:-1])
+    def test_recursive_lock(self):
+        self.createFolderFileStructure()
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/a", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "infinity",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        locktoken = response.getHeader("lock-token")
+        self.assert_(locktoken and locktoken[0] == "<" and locktoken[-1] == ">")
+        rootfolder = self.getRootFolder()["a"]
+        subresource = rootfolder["r2"]
+        request = z3c.dav.publisher.WebDAVRequest(
+            StringIO(""), {"HTTP_HOST": "localhost"})
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(rootfolder)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.getActivelock(request).lockroot,
+                         "http://localhost/a")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            lockmanager.getActivelock().locktoken[0], locktoken[1:-1])
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(subresource)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.getActivelock(request).lockroot,
+                         "http://localhost/a")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            lockmanager.getActivelock().locktoken[0], locktoken[1:-1])
+    def test_lock_invalid_depth(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testresource", "some file content",
+                                title = u"Test Resource")
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/testresource", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "1",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Infinite, Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body,
+            handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 400)
+    def test_refresh_lock(self):
+        self.login()
+        self.createCollectionResourceStructure()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder()["a"])
+        owner = """<D:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+        lockmanager.lock(u"exclusive", u"write", owner,
+                         datetime.timedelta(seconds = 1000), "infinity")
+        locktoken = lockmanager.getActivelock().locktoken[0]
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.getActivelock().timeout, u"Second-1000")
+        transaction.commit()
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/a/r2", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                                       "TIMEOUT": "Second-3600",
+                                       "IF": "<%s>" % locktoken})
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        assertXMLEqual(response.getBody(), """<ns0:prop xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+<ns0:lockdiscovery xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+  <ns0:activelock xmlns:ns0="DAV:">
+    <ns0:lockscope xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:exclusive xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:lockscope>
+    <ns0:locktype xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:write xmlns:ns0="DAV:"/></ns0:locktype>
+    <ns0:depth xmlns:ns0="DAV:">infinity</ns0:depth>
+    <ns0:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+    </ns0:owner>
+    <ns0:timeout xmlns:ns0="DAV:">Second-3600</ns0:timeout>
+    <ns0:locktoken xmlns:ns0="DAV:"><ns0:href xmlns:ns0="DAV:">%s</ns0:href></ns0:locktoken>
+    <ns0:lockroot xmlns:ns0="DAV:">http://localhost/a</ns0:lockroot>
+  </ns0:activelock>
+</ns0:lockdiscovery></ns0:prop>""" % locktoken)
+    def test_invalid_lock_request_uri(self):
+        self.login()
+        file = self.addResource("/testresource", "some file content",
+                                title = u"Test Resource")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        lockmanager.lock(u"exclusive", u"write", u"Michael",
+                         datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3600), '0')
+        transaction.commit()
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/testresource", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                                       "TIMEOUT": "Second-3600",
+                                       "IF": "<BADLOCKTOKEN>"},
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 412)
+    def test_no_lock_request_uri(self):
+        self.login()
+        file = self.addResource("/testresource", "some file content",
+                                title = u"Test Resource")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        lockmanager.lock(u"exclusive", u"write", u"Michael",
+                         datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3600), '0')
+        transaction.commit()
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/testresource", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                                       "TIMEOUT": "Second-3600"},
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 412)
+    def test_not_locked_resource(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testresource", "some file content",
+                                title = u"Test Resource")
+        response = self.publish("/testresource", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                                       "TIMEOUT": "Second-3600",
+                                       "IF": "<BADLOCKTOKEN>"},
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 412)
+class UNLOCKTestCase(z3c.dav.ftests.dav.DAVTestCase):
+    layer = WebDAVLockingLayer
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(UNLOCKTestCase, self).setUp()
+        sitemanager = component.getSiteManager(self.getRootFolder())
+        self.utility = addUtility(sitemanager, "",
+                                  zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility,
+                                  TokenUtility())
+    def tearDown(self):
+        del self.utility
+        super(UNLOCKTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    def test_unlock_file(self):
+        self.login()
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        lockmanager.lock(scope = "exclusive", type = "write",
+                         owner = """<D:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+  <D:href>mailto:michael at linux</D:href>
+                         duration = datetime.timedelta(100),
+                         depth = "0")
+        transaction.commit()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+        locktoken = lockmanager.getActivelock().locktoken[0]
+        # end the current interaction
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/testfile", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "UNLOCK",
+                                       "LOCK_TOKEN": "<%s>" % locktoken})
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 204)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getBody(), "")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+    def test_unlock_file_bad_token(self):
+        self.login()
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        lockmanager.lock(scope = "exclusive", type = "write",
+                         owner = """<D:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+  <D:href>mailto:michael at linux</D:href>
+                         duration = datetime.timedelta(100),
+                         depth = "0")
+        transaction.commit()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+        locktoken = "badtoken"
+        # end the current interaction
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/testfile", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "UNLOCK",
+                                       "LOCK_TOKEN": "<%s>" % locktoken},
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 409)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getBody(), "")
+        # file should be still locked
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+    def test_unlock_file_no_token(self):
+        self.login()
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        lockmanager.lock(scope = "exclusive", type = "write",
+                         owner = """<D:owner xmlns:D="DAV:">
+  <D:href>mailto:michael at linux</D:href>
+                         duration = datetime.timedelta(100),
+                         depth = "0")
+        transaction.commit()
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+        # end the current interaction
+        self.logout()
+        response = self.publish("/testfile", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "UNLOCK"},
+                                handle_errors = True)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 400)
+        self.assert_("No lock-token header supplied" in response.getBody())
+        # file should be still locked
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(file)
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), True)
+    def test_lock_folder_depth_inf_then_unlock(self):
+        self.createFolderFileStructure()
+        body ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
+  <D:owner>
+    <D:href>http://example.org/~ejw/contact.html</D:href>
+  </D:owner>
+        response = self.publish(
+            "/a", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+            env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "LOCK",
+                   "DEPTH": "infinity",
+                   "TIMEOUT": "Second-4100000000",
+                   "CONTENT_TYPE": "text/xml"},
+            request_body = body)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 200)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getHeader("content-type"), "application/xml")
+        locktoken = response.getHeader("lock-token")
+        self.assert_(locktoken and locktoken[0] == "<" and locktoken[-1] == ">")
+        locktoken = locktoken[1:-1] # remove the <> characters
+        response = self.publish("/a/r2", basic = "mgr:mgrpw",
+                                env = {"REQUEST_METHOD": "UNLOCK",
+                                       "LOCK_TOKEN": "<%s>" % locktoken})
+        self.assertEqual(response.getStatus(), 204)
+        self.assertEqual(response.getBody(), "")
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder()["a"]["r2"])
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+        lockmanager = IDAVLockmanager(self.getRootFolder())
+        self.assertEqual(lockmanager.islocked(), False)
+    def test_supportedlock_prop(self):
+        file = self.addResource("/testfile", "some file content",
+                                contentType = "text/plain")
+        httpresponse = self.checkPropfind(
+            "/testfile", properties = "<D:prop><D:supportedlock /></D:prop>")
+        self.assertEqual(len(httpresponse.getMSResponses()), 1)
+        expected = """<D:supportedlock xmlns:D="DAV:">
+  <D:lockscope><D:exclusive /></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write /></D:locktype>
+  <D:lockscope><D:shared /></D:lockscope>
+  <D:locktype><D:write /></D:locktype>
+        assertXMLEqual(expected, httpresponse.getMSProperty(
+            "http://localhost/testfile", "{DAV:}supportedlock"))
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+            unittest.makeSuite(LOCKNotAllowedTestCase),
+            unittest.makeSuite(LOCKTestCase),
+            unittest.makeSuite(UNLOCKTestCase),
+            ))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest = "test_suite")

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/lockingutils.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/lockingutils.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/lockingutils.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,1251 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Support for using zope.locking has a locking mechanism for WebDAV locking.
+Note that we can't use zope.locking.utility.TokenUtility has a global utility.
+This is because if a recursive lock request fails half through then the
+utility has already been modified and since it is not persistent
+transaction.abort doesn't unlock the pervious successful locks. Since the
+utility gets into an inconsistent state.
+$Id: lockingutils.py 75023 2007-05-02 18:42:54Z mkerrin $
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+import persistent
+import time
+import random
+from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
+from zope import component
+from zope import interface
+from zope.locking import tokens
+import zope.locking.interfaces
+from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
+from zope.app.keyreference.interfaces import IKeyReference
+from zope.traversing.browser.absoluteurl import absoluteURL
+from zope.app.container.interfaces import IReadContainer
+from z3c.dav.coreproperties import ILockEntry, IDAVSupportedlock, \
+     IActiveLock
+import z3c.dav.interfaces
+INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY = 'zope.app.dav.lockingutils'
+_randGen = random.Random(time.time())
+class IIndirectToken(zope.locking.interfaces.IToken,
+                     zope.locking.interfaces.IEndable):
+    """
+    """
+    roottoken = interface.Attribute("""
+    Return the root lock token against which this token is locked.
+    """)
+class IndirectToken(persistent.Persistent):
+    """
+    Most of these tests have being copied from the README.txt file in
+    zope.locking
+    Some initial setup including creating some demo content.
+      >>> from zope.locking import utility, utils
+      >>> util = utility.TokenUtility()
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+    Setup some content to test on.
+      >>> demofolder = DemoFolder(None, 'demofolderroot')
+      >>> demofolder['demo1'] = Demo()
+      >>> demofolder['demofolder1'] = DemoFolder()
+      >>> demofolder['demofolder1']['demo'] = Demo()
+    Lock the root folder with an exclusive lock.
+      >>> lockroot = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demofolder, 'michael')
+      >>> res = util.register(lockroot)
+    Now indirectly all the descended objects of the root folder against the
+    exclusive lock token we used to lock this folder with.
+      >>> lock1 = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], lockroot)
+      >>> lock2 = IndirectToken(demofolder['demofolder1'], lockroot)
+      >>> lock3 = IndirectToken(demofolder['demofolder1']['demo'], lockroot)
+      >>> res1 = util.register(lock1)
+      >>> lock1 is util.get(demofolder['demo1'])
+      True
+      >>> res2 = util.register(lock2)
+      >>> lock2 is util.get(demofolder['demofolder1'])
+      True
+      >>> res3 = util.register(lock3)
+      >>> lock3 is util.get(demofolder['demofolder1']['demo'])
+      True
+    Make sure that the lockroot contains an index of all the toekns locked
+    against in its annotations
+      >>> len(lockroot.annotations[INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY])
+      3
+    Check that the IEndable properties are None
+      >>> res1.expiration == lockroot.expiration == None
+      True
+      >>> res1.duration == lockroot.duration == None
+      True
+      >>> res1.duration == lockroot.remaining_duration == None
+      True
+      >>> res1.started == lockroot.started
+      True
+      >>> lockroot.started is not None
+      True
+    All the indirect locktokens and the lookroot share the same annotations
+      >>> lockroot.annotations[u'webdav'] = u'test webdav indirect locking'
+      >>> res1.annotations[u'webdav']
+      u'test webdav indirect locking'
+    All the lock tokens have the same principals
+      >>> list(res1.principal_ids)
+      ['michael']
+      >>> list(lockroot.principal_ids)
+      ['michael']
+    None of the locks have ended yet, and they share the same utility.
+      >>> res1.ended is None
+      True
+      >>> lockroot.ended is None
+      True
+      >>> lockroot.utility is res1.utility
+      True
+    Expire the lock root
+      >>> now = utils.now()
+      >>> res3.end()
+    Now all the descendent objects of the lockroot and the lockroot itself
+    are unlocked.
+      >>> util.get(demofolder) is None
+      True
+      >>> util.get(demofolder['demo1']) is None
+      True
+      >>> util.get(demofolder['demofolder1']['demo']) is None
+      True
+    Also all the tokens has ended after now.
+      >>> lock1.ended is not None
+      True
+      >>> lock2.ended > now
+      True
+      >>> lock1.ended is lock2.ended
+      True
+      >>> lock3.ended is lockroot.ended
+      True
+    Test the event subscribers.
+      >>> ev = events[-1]
+      >>> zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenEndedEvent.providedBy(ev)
+      True
+      >>> len(lockroot.annotations[INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY])
+      3
+      >>> removeEndedTokens(ev)
+      >>> len(lockroot.annotations[INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY])
+      0
+    Test all the endable attributes
+      >>> import datetime
+      >>> one = datetime.timedelta(hours = 1)
+      >>> two = datetime.timedelta(hours = 2)
+      >>> three = datetime.timedelta(hours = 3)
+      >>> four = datetime.timedelta(hours = 4)
+      >>> lockroot = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demofolder, 'john', three)
+      >>> dummy = util.register(lockroot)
+      >>> indirect1 = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], lockroot)
+      >>> dummy = util.register(indirect1)
+      >>> indirect1.duration
+      datetime.timedelta(0, 10800)
+      >>> lockroot.duration == indirect1.duration
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.ended is None
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.expiration == indirect1.started + indirect1.duration
+      True
+    Now try to 
+      >>> indirect1.expiration = indirect1.started + one
+      >>> indirect1.expiration == indirect1.started + one
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.expiration == lockroot.expiration
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.duration == one
+      True
+    Now test changing the duration attribute
+      >>> indirect1.duration = four
+      >>> indirect1.duration == lockroot.duration
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.duration
+      datetime.timedelta(0, 14400)
+    Now check the remain_duration code
+      >>> import pytz
+      >>> def hackNow():
+      ...     return (datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) +
+      ...             datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
+      ...
+      >>> import zope.locking.utils
+      >>> oldNow = zope.locking.utils.now
+      >>> zope.locking.utils.now = hackNow # make code think it's 2 hours later
+      >>> indirect1.duration
+      datetime.timedelta(0, 14400)
+      >>> two >= indirect1.remaining_duration >= one
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.remaining_duration -= one
+      >>> one >= indirect1.remaining_duration >= datetime.timedelta()
+      True
+      >>> three + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 1) >= indirect1.duration >= three
+      True
+    Since we modified the remaining_duration attribute a IExpirationChagedEvent
+    should have being fired.
+      >>> ev = events[-1]
+      >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
+      >>> from zope.locking.interfaces import IExpirationChangedEvent
+      >>> verifyObject(IExpirationChangedEvent, ev)
+      True
+      >>> ev.object is lockroot
+      True
+    Now pretend that it is a day later, the indirect token and the lock root
+    will have timed out sliently.
+      >>> def hackNow():
+      ...     return (
+      ...         datetime.datetime.now(pytz.utc) + datetime.timedelta(days=1))
+      ...
+      >>> zope.locking.utils.now = hackNow # make code think it is a day later
+      >>> indirect1.ended == indirect1.expiration
+      True
+      >>> lockroot.ended == indirect1.ended
+      True
+      >>> util.get(demofolder['demo1']) is None
+      True
+      >>> util.get(demofolder['demo1'], util) is util
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.remaining_duration == datetime.timedelta()
+      True
+      >>> indirect1.end()
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      EndedError
+    Once a lock has ended, the timeout can no longer be changed.
+      >>> indirect1.duration = datetime.timedelta(days=2)
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      EndedError
+    Now undo our hack.
+      >>> zope.locking.utils.now = oldNow # undo the hack
+      >>> indirect1.end() # really end the token
+      >>> util.get(demofolder) is None
+      True
+    Now test the simple SharedLock with an indirect token.
+      >>> lockroot = tokens.SharedLock(demofolder, ('john', 'mary'))
+      >>> dummy = util.register(lockroot)
+      >>> sharedindirect = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], lockroot)
+      >>> dummy = util.register(sharedindirect)
+      >>> sorted(sharedindirect.principal_ids)
+      ['john', 'mary']
+      >>> sharedindirect.add(('jane',))
+      >>> sorted(lockroot.principal_ids)
+      ['jane', 'john', 'mary']
+      >>> sorted(sharedindirect.principal_ids)
+      ['jane', 'john', 'mary']
+      >>> sharedindirect.remove(('mary',))
+      >>> sorted(sharedindirect.principal_ids)
+      ['jane', 'john']
+      >>> sorted(lockroot.principal_ids)
+      ['jane', 'john']
+      >>> lockroot.remove(('jane',))
+      >>> sorted(sharedindirect.principal_ids)
+      ['john']
+      >>> sorted(lockroot.principal_ids)
+      ['john']
+      >>> sharedindirect.remove(('john',))
+      >>> util.get(demofolder) is None
+      True
+      >>> util.get(demofolder['demo1']) is None
+      True
+    Test using the shared lock token methods on a non shared lock
+      >>> lockroot = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demofolder, 'john')
+      >>> dummy = util.register(lockroot)
+      >>> indirect1 = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], lockroot)
+      >>> dummy = util.register(indirect1)
+      >>> dummy is indirect1
+      True
+      >>> dummy.add('john')
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      TypeError: can't add a principal to a non-shared token
+      >>> dummy.remove('michael')
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      TypeError: can't add a principal to a non-shared token
+    Setup with wrong utility.
+      >>> util2 = utility.TokenUtility()
+      >>> roottoken = tokens.ExclusiveLock(demofolder, 'michael2')
+      >>> roottoken = util2.register(roottoken)
+      >>> roottoken.utility == util2
+      True
+      >>> indirecttoken = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], roottoken)
+      >>> indirecttoken = util2.register(indirecttoken)
+      >>> indirecttoken.utility is util2
+      True
+      >>> indirecttoken.utility = util
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      ValueError: cannot reset utility
+      >>> indirecttoken = IndirectToken(demofolder['demo1'], roottoken)
+      >>> indirecttoken.utility = util
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      ValueError: Indirect tokens must be registered withsame utility has the root token
+    Cleanup test.
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      True
+    """
+    interface.implements(IIndirectToken)
+    def __init__(self, target, token):
+        self.context = self.__parent__ = target
+        self.roottoken = token
+    _utility = None
+    @apply
+    def utility():
+        # IAbstractToken - this is the only hook I can find since
+        # it represents the lock utility in charge of this lock.
+        def get(self):
+            return self._utility
+        def set(self, value):
+            if self._utility is not None:
+                if value is not self._utility:
+                    raise ValueError("cannot reset utility")
+            else:
+                assert zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility.providedBy(value)
+                root = self.roottoken
+                if root.utility != value:
+                    raise ValueError("Indirect tokens must be registered with" \
+                                     "same utility has the root token")
+                index = root.annotations.get(INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY, None)
+                if index is None:
+                    index = root.annotations[INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY] = \
+                            tokens.AnnotationsMapping()
+                    index.__parent__ = root
+                key_ref = IKeyReference(self.context)
+                assert index.get(key_ref, None) is None, \
+                       "context is already locked"
+                index[key_ref] = self
+                self._utility = value
+        return property(get, set)
+    @property
+    def principal_ids(self):
+        # IAbstractToken
+        return self.roottoken.principal_ids
+    @property
+    def started(self):
+        # IAbstractToken
+        return self.roottoken.started
+    @property
+    def annotations(self):
+        # See IToken
+        return self.roottoken.annotations
+    def add(self, principal_ids):
+        # ISharedLock
+        if not zope.locking.interfaces.ISharedLock.providedBy(self.roottoken):
+            raise TypeError, "can't add a principal to a non-shared token"
+        return self.roottoken.add(principal_ids)
+    def remove(self, principal_ids):
+        # ISharedLock
+        if not zope.locking.interfaces.ISharedLock.providedBy(self.roottoken):
+            raise TypeError, "can't add a principal to a non-shared token"
+        return self.roottoken.remove(principal_ids)
+    @property
+    def ended(self):
+        # IEndable
+        return self.roottoken.ended
+    @apply
+    def expiration(): # XXX - needs testing
+        # IEndable
+        def get(self):
+            return self.roottoken.expiration
+        def set(self, value):
+            self.roottoken.expiration = value
+        return property(get, set)
+    @apply
+    def duration(): # XXX - needs testing
+        # IEndable
+        def get(self):
+            return self.roottoken.duration
+        def set(self, value):
+            self.roottoken.duration = value
+        return property(get, set)
+    @apply
+    def remaining_duration():
+        # IEndable
+        def get(self):
+            return self.roottoken.remaining_duration
+        def set(self, value):
+            self.roottoken.remaining_duration = value
+        return property(get, set)
+    def end(self):
+        # IEndable
+        return self.roottoken.end()
+def removeEndedTokens(event):
+    """subscriber handler for ITokenEndedEvent"""
+    assert zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenEndedEvent.providedBy(event)
+    roottoken = event.object
+    assert not IIndirectToken.providedBy(roottoken)
+    index = roottoken.annotations.get(INDIRECT_INDEX_KEY, {})
+    # read the whole index in memory so that we correctly loop over all the
+    # items in this list.
+    indexItems = list(index.items())
+    for key_ref, token in indexItems:
+        # token has ended so it should be removed via the register method
+        roottoken.utility.register(token)
+        del index[key_ref]
+# TODO - need subscriber incase a user tries to add a object has a
+# descendent to the lock object.
+# zope.locking adapters.
+class ExclusiveLockEntry(object):
+    interface.implements(ILockEntry)
+    lockscope = [u"exclusive"]
+    locktype = [u"write"]
+class SharedLockEntry(object):
+    interface.implements(ILockEntry)
+    lockscope = [u"shared"]
+    locktype = [u"write"]
+ at component.adapter(interface.Interface, z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+ at interface.implementer(IDAVSupportedlock)
+def DAVSupportedlock(context, request):
+    """
+    This adapter retrieves the data for rendering in the `{DAV:}supportedlock`
+    property. The `{DAV:}supportedlock` property provides a listing of lock
+    capabilities supported by the resource.
+    When their is no ITokenUtility registered with the system then we can't
+    lock any content object and so this property is undefined.
+      >>> DAVSupportedlock(None, None) is None
+      True
+      >>> from zope.locking.utility import TokenUtility
+      >>> util = TokenUtility()
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+    zope.locking supported both the exclusive and shared lock tokens.
+      >>> slock = DAVSupportedlock(None, None)
+      >>> len(slock.supportedlock)
+      2
+      >>> exclusive, shared = slock.supportedlock
+      >>> exclusive.lockscope
+      [u'exclusive']
+      >>> exclusive.locktype
+      [u'write']
+      >>> shared.lockscope
+      [u'shared']
+      >>> shared.locktype
+      [u'write']
+    Cleanup
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      True
+    """
+    utility = component.queryUtility(zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility,
+                                     context = context, default = None)
+    if utility is None:
+        return None
+    return DAVSupportedlockAdapter()
+class DAVSupportedlockAdapter(object):
+    interface.implements(IDAVSupportedlock)
+    component.adapts(interface.Interface,
+                     z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+    @property
+    def supportedlock(self):
+        return [ExclusiveLockEntry(), SharedLockEntry()]
+WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY = "z3c.dav.lockingutils.info"
+ at component.adapter(interface.Interface, z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+ at interface.implementer(IActiveLock)
+def DAVActiveLock(context, request):
+    """
+    This adapter is responsible for the data for the `{DAV:}activelock`
+    XML element. This XML element occurs within the `{DAV:}lockdiscovery`
+    property.
+      >>> import datetime
+      >>> import pytz
+      >>> from cStringIO import StringIO
+      >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
+      >>> import zope.locking.utils
+      >>> from zope.locking.utility import TokenUtility
+      >>> from zope.locking.adapters import TokenBroker
+      >>> from z3c.dav.publisher import WebDAVRequest
+      >>> def hackNow():
+      ...     return datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 7, tzinfo = pytz.utc)
+      >>> oldNow = zope.locking.utils.now
+      >>> zope.locking.utils.now = hackNow
+    The activelock property only exists whenever the zope.locking package
+    is configured properly.
+      >>> resource = DemoFolder()
+      >>> request = WebDAVRequest(StringIO(''), {})
+      >>> DAVActiveLock(resource, request) is None
+      True
+    Now register a ITokenUtility utility and lock the resource with it.
+      >>> util = TokenUtility()
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      >>> locktoken = tokens.ExclusiveLock(
+      ...    resource, 'michael', datetime.timedelta(hours = 1))
+      >>> locktoken = util.register(locktoken)
+    DAVActiveLock is still None since their is no adapter from the demo
+    content object to zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker. This is part
+    of the zope.locking installation that hasn't been completed yet.
+      >>> DAVActiveLock(resource, request) is None
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+      >>> activelock = DAVActiveLock(resource, request)
+      >>> IActiveLock.providedBy(activelock)
+      True
+      >>> verifyObject(IActiveLock, activelock)
+      True
+    Now test the data managed by the current activelock property.
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      [u'exclusive']
+      >>> activelock.locktype
+      [u'write']
+      >>> activelock.timeout
+      u'Second-3600'
+      >>> activelock.lockroot
+      '/dummy/'
+    The depth attribute is required by the WebDAV specification. But this
+    information is stored by the z3c.dav.lockingutils in the lock token's
+    annotation. But if a lock token is taken out by an alternative Zope3
+    application that uses the zope.locking package then this information will
+    must likely not be set up. So this adapter should provide reasonable
+    default values for this information. Later we will set up the lock
+    token's annotation data to store this information. The data for the owner
+    and locktoken XML elements are also stored on within the lock tokens
+    annotation key but these XML elements are not required by the WebDAV
+    specification so this data just defaults to None.
+      >>> activelock.depth
+      '0'
+      >>> activelock.owner is None
+      True
+      >>> activelock.locktoken is None
+      True
+    Now if we try and render this information all the required fields, as
+    specified by the WebDAV specification get rendered.
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:" />
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(DAVActiveLock)
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:">
+        <activelock>
+          <lockscope><exclusive /></lockscope>
+          <locktype><write /></locktype>
+          <depth>0</depth>
+          <timeout>Second-3600</timeout>
+          <lockroot>/dummy/</lockroot>
+        </activelock>
+      </lockdiscovery>
+    We use the lock tokens annotation to store the data for the owner, depth
+    and locktoken attributes.
+      >>> locktoken.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY] = OOBTree()
+      >>> locktoken.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY]['depth'] = 'testdepth'
+      >>> locktoken.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY]['owner'] = '<owner xmlns="DAV:">Me</owner>'
+      >>> locktoken.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY]['token'] = 'simpletoken'
+    After updating the lock token's annotations we need to regenerate the
+    activelock adapter so that the tokendata internal attribute is setup
+    correctly.
+      >>> activelock = DAVActiveLock(resource, request)
+    The owner attribute is not required by the WebDAV specification, but
+    we can see it anyways, and similarly for the locktoken attribute.
+      >>> activelock.owner
+      '<owner xmlns="DAV:">Me</owner>'
+    Each lock token on a resource as at most one `token` associated with it,
+    but in order to display this information correctly we must return a
+    a list with one item.
+      >>> activelock.locktoken
+      ['simpletoken']
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:">
+        <activelock>
+          <lockscope><exclusive /></lockscope>
+          <locktype><write /></locktype>
+          <depth>testdepth</depth>
+          <owner>Me</owner>
+          <timeout>Second-3600</timeout>
+          <locktoken><href>simpletoken</href></locktoken>
+          <lockroot>/dummy/</lockroot>
+        </activelock>
+      </lockdiscovery>
+    Test the indirect locktoken. These are used when we try and lock a
+    collection with the depth header set to `infinity`. These lock tokens
+    share the same annotation information, expiry information and lock token,
+    as the top level lock token.
+      >>> resource['demo'] = Demo()
+      >>> sublocktoken = IndirectToken(resource['demo'], locktoken)
+      >>> sublocktoken = util.register(sublocktoken)
+      >>> activelock = DAVActiveLock(resource['demo'], request)
+      >>> verifyObject(IActiveLock, activelock)
+      True
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      [u'exclusive']
+      >>> activelock.locktype
+      [u'write']
+      >>> activelock.depth
+      'testdepth'
+      >>> activelock.owner
+      '<owner xmlns="DAV:">Me</owner>'
+      >>> activelock.timeout
+      u'Second-3600'
+      >>> activelock.locktoken
+      ['simpletoken']
+      >>> activelock.lockroot
+      '/dummy/'
+    Now rendering the lockdiscovery DAV widget for this new resource we get
+    the following.
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource['demo'], request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:">
+        <activelock>
+          <lockscope><exclusive /></lockscope>
+          <locktype><write /></locktype>
+          <depth>testdepth</depth>
+          <owner>Me</owner>
+          <timeout>Second-3600</timeout>
+          <locktoken><href>simpletoken</href></locktoken>
+          <lockroot>/dummy/</lockroot>
+        </activelock>
+      </lockdiscovery>
+      >>> locktoken.end()
+    Now a locktoken from an other application could be taken out on our
+    demofolder that we know very little about. For example, a
+    zope.locking.tokens.EndableFreeze` lock token. It should be displayed as
+    an activelock on the resource but since we don't know if the scope of this
+    token is an `{DAV:}exclusive` or `{DAV:}shared` (the only lock scopes
+    currently supported by WebDAV), we will render this information as an
+    empty XML element.
+      >>> locktoken = tokens.EndableFreeze(
+      ...    resource, datetime.timedelta(hours = 1))
+      >>> locktoken = util.register(locktoken)
+      >>> activelock = DAVActiveLock(resource, request)
+      >>> IActiveLock.providedBy(activelock)
+      True
+      >>> activelock.timeout
+      u'Second-3600'
+      >>> activelock.locktype
+      [u'write']
+    Now the locktoken is None so no WebDAV client should be able to a resource
+    or more likely they shouldn't be able to take out a new lock on this
+    resource, since the `IF` conditional header shored fail.
+      >>> activelock.locktoken is None
+      True
+    So far so good. But the EndableFreeze token doesn't correspond to any
+    lock scope known by this WebDAV implementation so when we try and access
+    we just return a empty list. This ensures the `{DAV:}lockscope` element
+    gets rendered by its IDAVWidget but it doesn't contain any information.
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      []
+      >>> activelock.lockscope != z3c.dav.coreproperties.IActiveLock['lockscope'].missing_value
+      True
+    Rending this lock token we get the following.
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:">
+        <activelock>
+          <lockscope></lockscope>
+          <locktype><write /></locktype>
+          <depth>0</depth>
+          <timeout>Second-3600</timeout>
+          <lockroot>/dummy/</lockroot>
+        </activelock>
+      </lockdiscovery>
+    Unlock the resource.
+      >>> locktoken.end()
+    Now not all lock tokens have a duration associated with them. In this
+    case the timeout is None, as it is not fully required by the WebDAV
+    specification and all the other attributes will have the default values
+    as tested previously.
+      >>> locktoken = tokens.ExclusiveLock(resource, 'michael')
+      >>> locktoken = util.register(locktoken)
+      >>> activelock = DAVActiveLock(resource, request)
+      >>> verifyObject(IActiveLock, activelock)
+      True
+      >>> activelock.timeout is None
+      True
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> davwidget = z3c.dav.properties.getWidget(
+      ...    z3c.dav.coreproperties.lockdiscovery,
+      ...    lockdiscovery, request)
+      >>> print etree.tostring(davwidget.render()) #doctest:+XMLDATA
+      <lockdiscovery xmlns="DAV:">
+        <activelock>
+          <lockscope><exclusive /></lockscope>
+          <locktype><write /></locktype>
+          <depth>0</depth>
+          <lockroot>/dummy/</lockroot>
+        </activelock>
+      </lockdiscovery>
+    Cleanup
+      >>> zope.locking.utils.now = oldNow # undo time hack
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(DAVActiveLock)
+      True
+    """
+    try:
+        token = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(context).get()
+    except TypeError:
+        token = None
+    if token is None:
+        return None
+    return DAVActiveLockAdapter(token, context, request)
+class DAVActiveLockAdapter(object):
+    component.adapts(interface.Interface,
+                     z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+    interface.implements(IActiveLock)
+    def __init__(self, token, context, request):
+        self.context = self.__parent__ = context
+        self.token = token
+        self.tokendata = token.annotations.get(WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY, {})
+        self.request = request
+    @property
+    def lockscope(self):
+        if IIndirectToken.providedBy(self.token):
+            roottoken = self.token.roottoken
+        else:
+            roottoken = self.token
+        if zope.locking.interfaces.IExclusiveLock.providedBy(roottoken):
+            return [u"exclusive"]
+        elif zope.locking.interfaces.ISharedLock.providedBy(roottoken):
+            return [u"shared"]
+        return []
+    @property
+    def locktype(self):
+        return [u"write"]
+    @property
+    def depth(self):
+        return self.tokendata.get("depth", "0")
+    @property
+    def owner(self):
+        return self.tokendata.get("owner", None)
+    @property
+    def timeout(self):
+        remaining = self.token.remaining_duration
+        if remaining is None:
+            return None
+        return u"Second-%d" % remaining.seconds
+    @property
+    def locktoken(self):
+        token = self.tokendata.get("token", None)
+        if token is None:
+            return None
+        return [token]
+    @property
+    def lockroot(self):
+        if IIndirectToken.providedBy(self.token):
+            root = self.token.roottoken.context
+        else:
+            root = self.token.context
+        return absoluteURL(root, self.request)
+ at component.adapter(interface.Interface, z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+ at interface.implementer(z3c.dav.coreproperties.IDAVLockdiscovery)
+def DAVLockdiscovery(context, request):
+    """
+    This adapter is responsible for getting the data for the
+    `{DAV:}lockdiscovery` property.
+      >>> import datetime
+      >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
+      >>> from zope.locking.utility import TokenUtility
+      >>> from zope.locking.adapters import TokenBroker
+      >>> from z3c.dav.publisher import WebDAVRequest
+      >>> from cStringIO import StringIO
+      >>> resource = Demo()
+      >>> request = WebDAVRequest(StringIO(''), {})
+      >>> DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request) is None
+      True
+      >>> util = TokenUtility()
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(DAVActiveLock,
+      ...    (interface.Interface, z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest),
+      ...     IActiveLock)
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+    The `{DAV:}lockdiscovery` is now defined for the resource but its value
+    is None because the resource isn't locked yet.
+      >>> lockdiscovery = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> lockdiscovery is not None
+      True
+      >>> lockdiscovery.lockdiscovery is None
+      True
+      >>> token = tokens.ExclusiveLock(
+      ...    resource, 'michael', datetime.timedelta(hours = 1))
+      >>> token = util.register(token)
+      >>> tokenannot = token.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY] = OOBTree()
+      >>> tokenannot['depth'] = 'testdepth'
+      >>> lockdiscoveryview = DAVLockdiscovery(resource, request)
+      >>> lockdiscovery = lockdiscoveryview.lockdiscovery
+      >>> len(lockdiscovery)
+      1
+      >>> IActiveLock.providedBy(lockdiscovery[0])
+      True
+      >>> isinstance(lockdiscovery[0], DAVActiveLockAdapter)
+      True
+    Cleanup
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(DAVActiveLock,
+      ...    (interface.Interface, z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest),
+      ...     IActiveLock)
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+      True
+    """
+    utility = component.queryUtility(zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+    if utility is None:
+        return None
+    return DAVLockdiscoveryAdapter(context, request)
+class DAVLockdiscoveryAdapter(object):
+    interface.implements(z3c.dav.coreproperties.IDAVLockdiscovery)
+    component.adapts(interface.Interface,
+                     z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+        self.request = request
+    @property
+    def lockdiscovery(self):
+        adapter = component.queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request),
+                                              IActiveLock, default = None)
+        if adapter is None:
+            return None
+        return [adapter]
+class DAVLockmanager(object):
+    """
+      >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
+      >>> from zope.locking import utility, utils
+      >>> from zope.locking.adapters import TokenBroker
+      >>> file = Demo()
+    Before we register a ITokenUtility utility make sure that the DAVLockmanager
+    is not lockable.
+      >>> adapter = DAVLockmanager(file)
+      >>> adapter.islockable()
+      False
+    Now create and register a ITokenUtility utility.
+      >>> util = utility.TokenUtility()
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().registerAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+      >>> import datetime
+      >>> import pytz
+      >>> def hackNow():
+      ...     return datetime.datetime(2006, 7, 25, 23, 49, 51)
+      >>> oldNow = utils.now
+      >>> utils.now = hackNow
+    Test the DAVLockmanager implements the descired interface.
+      >>> adapter = DAVLockmanager(file)
+      >>> verifyObject(z3c.dav.interfaces.IDAVLockmanager, adapter)
+      True
+    The adapter should also be lockable.
+      >>> adapter.islockable()
+      True
+    Lock with an exclusive lock token.
+      >>> roottoken = adapter.lock(u'exclusive', u'write',
+      ...    u'Michael', datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3600), '0')
+      >>> util.get(file) == roottoken
+      True
+      >>> zope.locking.interfaces.IExclusiveLock.providedBy(roottoken)
+      True
+      >>> adapter.islocked()
+      True
+      >>> activelock = adapter.getActivelock()
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      [u'exclusive']
+      >>> activelock.locktype
+      [u'write']
+      >>> activelock.depth
+      '0'
+      >>> activelock.timeout
+      u'Second-3600'
+      >>> activelock.lockroot
+      '/dummy'
+      >>> activelock.owner
+      u'Michael'
+      >>> adapter.refreshlock(datetime.timedelta(seconds = 7200))
+      >>> adapter.getActivelock().timeout
+      u'Second-7200'
+      >>> adapter.unlock()
+      >>> util.get(file) is None
+      True
+      >>> adapter.islocked()
+      False
+      >>> adapter.getActivelock() is None
+      True
+    Shared locking support.
+      >>> roottoken = adapter.lock(u'shared', u'write', u'Michael',
+      ...    datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3600), '0')
+      >>> util.get(file) == roottoken
+      True
+      >>> zope.locking.interfaces.ISharedLock.providedBy(roottoken)
+      True
+      >>> activelock = adapter.getActivelock()
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      [u'shared']
+      >>> activelock.locktoken #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
+      ['opaquelocktoken:...
+      >>> adapter.unlock()
+    Recursive lock suport.
+      >>> demofolder = DemoFolder()
+      >>> demofolder['demo'] = file
+      >>> adapter = DAVLockmanager(demofolder)
+      >>> roottoken = adapter.lock(u'exclusive', u'write', u'MichaelK',
+      ...    datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3600), 'infinity')
+      >>> demotoken = util.get(file)
+      >>> IIndirectToken.providedBy(demotoken)
+      True
+      >>> activelock = adapter.getActivelock()
+      >>> activelock.lockroot
+      '/dummy/'
+      >>> DAVLockmanager(file).getActivelock().lockroot
+      '/dummy/'
+      >>> absoluteURL(file, None)
+      '/dummy/dummy'
+      >>> activelock.lockscope
+      [u'exclusive']
+    Already locked support.
+      >>> adapter.lock(u'exclusive', u'write', u'Michael',
+      ...    datetime.timedelta(seconds = 100), 'infinity') #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      AlreadyLocked...
+      >>> adapter.islocked()
+      True
+      >>> adapter.unlock()
+    Some error conditions.
+      >>> adapter.lock(u'notexclusive', u'write', u'Michael',
+      ...    datetime.timedelta(seconds = 100), 'infinity') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      UnprocessableError: ...
+    Cleanup
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterUtility(
+      ...    util, zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility)
+      True
+      >>> component.getGlobalSiteManager().unregisterAdapter(
+      ...    TokenBroker, (interface.Interface,),
+      ...    zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker)
+      True
+      >>> utils.now = oldNow
+    """
+    interface.implements(z3c.dav.interfaces.IDAVLockmanager)
+    component.adapts(interface.Interface)
+    def __init__(self, context):
+        self.context = self.__parent__ = context
+    def generateLocktoken(self):
+        return "opaquelocktoken:%s-%s-00105A989226:%.03f" % \
+               (_randGen.random(), _randGen.random(), time.time())
+    def islockable(self):
+        utility = component.queryUtility(zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenUtility,
+                                         context = self.context, default = None)
+        return utility is not None
+    def lock(self, scope, type, owner, duration, depth,
+             roottoken = None, context = None):
+        if context is None:
+            context = self.context
+        tokenBroker = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(context)
+        if tokenBroker.get():
+            raise z3c.dav.interfaces.AlreadyLocked(
+                context, message = u"Context or subitem is already locked.")
+        if roottoken is None:
+            if scope == u"exclusive":
+                roottoken = tokenBroker.lock(duration = duration)
+            elif scope == u"shared":
+                roottoken = tokenBroker.lockShared(duration = duration)
+            else:
+                raise z3c.dav.interfaces.UnprocessableError(
+                    self.context,
+                    message = u"Invalid lockscope supplied to the lock manager")
+            annots = roottoken.annotations.get(WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY, None)
+            if annots is None:
+                annots = roottoken.annotations[WEBDAV_LOCK_KEY] = OOBTree()
+            annots["owner"] = owner
+            annots["token"] = self.generateLocktoken()
+            annots["depth"] = depth
+        else:
+            indirecttoken = IndirectToken(context, roottoken)
+            ## XXX - using removeSecurityProxy - is this right, has
+            ## it seems wrong
+            removeSecurityProxy(roottoken).utility.register(indirecttoken)
+        if depth == "infinity" and IReadContainer.providedBy(context):
+            for subob in context.values():
+                self.lock(scope, type, owner, duration, depth,
+                          roottoken, subob)
+        return roottoken
+    def getActivelock(self, request = None):
+        if self.islocked():
+            token = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(self.context).get()
+            return DAVActiveLockAdapter(token, self.context, request)
+        return None
+    def refreshlock(self, timeout):
+        token = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(self.context).get()
+        token.duration = timeout
+    def unlock(self):
+        tokenBroker = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(self.context)
+        token = tokenBroker.get()
+        token.end()
+    def islocked(self):
+        tokenBroker = zope.locking.interfaces.ITokenBroker(self.context)
+        return tokenBroker.get() is not None

Added: z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/tests.py
--- z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/tests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.davapp.zopelocking/trunk/src/z3c/davapp/zopelocking/tests.py	2007-05-13 20:08:17 UTC (rev 75726)
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+import UserDict
+import unittest
+import zope.component
+import zope.interface
+from zope.testing import doctest
+from zope.security.testing import Principal, Participation
+from zope.security.management import newInteraction, endInteraction, \
+     queryInteraction
+import zope.event
+from zope.app.testing import placelesssetup
+from zope.component.interfaces import IComponentLookup
+from zope.app.component.site import SiteManagerAdapter
+from zope.app.container.interfaces import IContained, IContainer
+import zope.app.keyreference.interfaces
+import zope.annotation.interfaces
+import zope.traversing.browser.interfaces
+import z3c.etree.testing
+class IDemo(IContained):
+    "a demonstration interface for a demonstration class"
+class IDemoFolder(IContained, IContainer):
+    "a demostration interface for a demostration folder class"
+class Demo(object):
+    zope.interface.implements(IDemo,
+                              zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable)
+    __parent__ = __name__ = None
+class DemoFolder(UserDict.UserDict):
+    zope.interface.implements(IDemoFolder)
+    __parent__ = __name__ = None
+    def __init__(self, parent = None, name = u''):
+        UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self)
+        self.__parent__ = parent
+        self.__name__   = name
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        value.__name__ = key
+        value.__parent__ = self
+        self.data[key] = value
+class DemoKeyReference(object):
+    _class_counter = 0
+    zope.interface.implements(zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference)
+    def __init__(self, context):
+        self.context = context
+        class_ = type(self)
+        self._id = getattr(context, "__demo_key_reference__", None)
+        if self._id is None:
+            self._id = class_._class_counter
+            context.__demo_key_reference__ = self._id
+            class_._class_counter += 1
+    key_type_id = "zope.app.dav.lockingutils.DemoKeyReference"
+    def __call__(self):
+        return self.context
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return (self.key_type_id, self._id)
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if self.key_type_id == other.key_type_id:
+            return cmp(self._id, other._id)
+        return cmp(self.key_type_id, other.key_type_id)
+class DemoAbsoluteURL(object):
+    zope.interface.implements(zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+    def __str__(self):
+        ob = self.context
+        url = ""
+        while ob is not None:
+            url += "/dummy"
+            ob = ob.__parent__
+        if IDemoFolder.providedBy(self.context):
+            url += "/"
+        return url
+    __call__ = __str__
+def lockingSetUp(test):
+    placelesssetup.setUp(test)
+    z3c.etree.testing.etreeSetup(test)
+    # create principal
+    participation = Participation(Principal('michael'))
+    if queryInteraction() is not None:
+        queryInteraction().add(participation)
+    else:
+        newInteraction(participation)
+    events = test.globs["events"] = []
+    zope.event.subscribers.append(events.append)
+    gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
+    gsm.registerAdapter(DemoKeyReference,
+                        (IDemo,),
+                        zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference)
+    gsm.registerAdapter(DemoKeyReference, (IDemoFolder,),
+                        zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference)
+    gsm.registerAdapter(SiteManagerAdapter,
+                        (zope.interface.Interface,), IComponentLookup)
+    gsm.registerAdapter(DemoAbsoluteURL,
+                        (IDemo, zope.interface.Interface),
+                        zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL)
+    gsm.registerAdapter(DemoAbsoluteURL,
+                        (IDemoFolder, zope.interface.Interface),
+                        zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL)
+    # register some IDAVWidgets so that we can render the activelock and
+    # supportedlock widgets.
+    gsm.registerAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.ListDAVWidget,
+                        (zope.schema.interfaces.IList,
+                         z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.registerAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.ObjectDAVWidget,
+                        (zope.schema.interfaces.IObject,
+                         z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.registerAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.TextDAVWidget,
+                        (zope.schema.interfaces.IText,
+                         z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.registerAdapter(z3c.dav.properties.OpaqueWidget,
+                        (z3c.dav.properties.DeadField,
+                         z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.registerAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.TextDAVWidget,
+                        (zope.schema.interfaces.IURI,
+                         z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    # expose these classes to the test
+    test.globs["Demo"] = Demo
+    test.globs["DemoFolder"] = DemoFolder
+def lockingTearDown(test):
+    placelesssetup.tearDown(test)
+    z3c.etree.testing.etreeTearDown(test)
+    events = test.globs.pop("events")
+    assert zope.event.subscribers.pop().__self__ is events
+    del events[:] # being paranoid
+    del test.globs["Demo"]
+    del test.globs["DemoFolder"]
+    gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(DemoKeyReference,
+                          (IDemo,),
+                          zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference)
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(DemoKeyReference, (IDemoFolder,),
+                          zope.app.keyreference.interfaces.IKeyReference)
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(SiteManagerAdapter,
+                          (zope.interface.Interface,), IComponentLookup)
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(DemoAbsoluteURL,
+                          (IDemo, zope.interface.Interface),
+                          zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL)
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(DemoAbsoluteURL,
+                          (IDemoFolder, zope.interface.Interface),
+                          zope.traversing.browser.interfaces.IAbsoluteURL)
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.ListDAVWidget,
+                          (zope.schema.interfaces.IList,
+                           z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.ObjectDAVWidget,
+                          (zope.schema.interfaces.IObject,
+                           z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.TextDAVWidget,
+                          (zope.schema.interfaces.IText,
+                           z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(z3c.dav.properties.OpaqueWidget,
+                          (z3c.dav.properties.DeadField,
+                           z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    gsm.unregisterAdapter(z3c.dav.widgets.TextDAVWidget,
+                          (zope.schema.interfaces.IURI,
+                           z3c.dav.interfaces.IWebDAVRequest))
+    endInteraction()
+def test_suite():
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+        doctest.DocTestSuite("z3c.davapp.zopelocking.lockingutils",
+                             checker = z3c.etree.testing.xmlOutputChecker,
+                             setUp = lockingSetUp,
+                             tearDown = lockingTearDown),
+        ))

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