[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/ Setup buildout stuff.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Mon Oct 8 06:39:46 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 80709:
  Setup buildout stuff.

  U   Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/INSTALL.txt
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/README.txt
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/buildout.cfg
  U   Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/setup.py

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/INSTALL.txt
--- Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2007-10-08 10:29:23 UTC (rev 80708)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2007-10-08 10:39:45 UTC (rev 80709)
@@ -1,63 +1,46 @@
-Preparing for grok development
+Installing the grok admin and development UI
-The Grok development sandbox is set up via `zc.buildout`_
-.. _zc.buildout: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
+These istructions assume a Linux installation with python2.4, easy_install, 
+and setuptools.
-You may have setuptools already installed for your system Python. In
-that case, you may need to upgrade it first because buildout requires
-a very recent version::
-    $ sudo easy_install -U setuptools
+grokadmin installation
-If this command fails because easy_install is not available, there is
-a good chance you do not have setuptools available for your system
-Python. If so, there is no problem because setuptools will be
-installed locally by buildout.
+1. Checkout the grokadmin code and move to the directory created::
-Bootstrap the buildout environment::
+    $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin grokadmin
+    $ cd grokadmin
-    $ python bootstrap/bootstrap.py
-and run the buildout command::
+2. Invoke the bootstrap script with python2.4::
-    $ bin/buildout
-    [lots of stuff will be downloaded and installed here]
+    $ python2.4 bootstrap/bootstrap.py
-Note that if you have more than one sandbox for a Zope-based web
-application, it will probably make sense to share the eggs between the
-different sandboxes.  You can tell zc.buildout to use a central eggs
-directory by creating ``~/.buildout/default.cfg`` with the following
+Some files will be downloaded and installed.
-    [buildout]
-    eggs-directory = /home/bruno/buildout-eggs
-Running the demo applications
+3. Invoke the buildout script created by the bootstrap::
-You can start Zope with the demo applications installed with the
-following command:
+    $ bin/buildout 
-    $ bin/zopectl fg
+Lots of files will be downloaded and installed.
-If you now connect to port 8080 and log in with username 'grok',
-password 'grok', you should be able to add the grok-based applications
-(such as grokwiki) from the menu.
-Running the tests
+4. Start the Zope server::
-Grok's tests are easily run by executing the test runner that's
-installed in the ``bin`` directory::
+    $ bin/zopectl start
-    $ bin/test
-Generating the website files
+5. Open a Web browser and point it at::
-Grok's tutorial documents for the website can easily be generated
-using the following script in ``bin``:
+    http://localhost:8080/
-    $ bin/grok2html /path/of/output/directory
+When prompted, enter username grok, password grok.

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/README.txt
--- Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/README.txt	2007-10-08 10:29:23 UTC (rev 80708)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/README.txt	2007-10-08 10:39:45 UTC (rev 80709)
@@ -1,46 +1,2 @@
+see src/grokadmin/README.txt
-What is grok?
-Grok makes it easier to get started with a Zope 3 web application.
-Grok uses the Component Architecture and builds on Zope 3 concepts
-like content objects (models), views, and adapters.  Its simplicity
-lies in using **convention over configuration** and **sensible
-defaults** when wiring components together.  That means neither a
-configuration language like ZCML nor a lot of repetition are needed to
-create a web application with grok.
-You can find out much more about Grok at our http://grok.zope.org
-Who is grok?
-Grok is a friendly caveman from the Stone Age.  He has a big club that
-he hunts mammoths with.  He will also use this club to smash anything
-he doesn't like.
-Getting grok
-The easiest way to get started with grok is to install the
-`grokproject <http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/grokproject>`_ package
-(e.g. via ``easy_install grokproject``) and then create a new project
-area by calling the ``grokproject`` script like so::
-  $ grokproject MyProject
-  ... many lines of output here
-This will create a project area in ``MyProject`` as well as download
-and install grok and Zope 3 (the application server grok is built on).
-You can also get grok from the subversion repository::
-  svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/grok/trunk grok
-Then follow the instructions of ``INSTALL.txt``.

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/buildout.cfg	2007-10-08 10:29:23 UTC (rev 80708)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/buildout.cfg	2007-10-08 10:39:45 UTC (rev 80709)
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
-develop = . doc grokwiki
-parts = docs grokwiki zopectl data test
+develop = .
+parts = grokadmin data zopectl test
 find-links = http://download.zope.org/distribution/
-extends = versions.cfg
+newest = false
 versions = versions
-recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-eggs = grokdocs
+recipe = zc.recipe.filestorage
 recipe = zc.zope3recipes>=0.5.3:application
-eggs = grokwiki
-site.zcml = <include package="grokwiki" />
+eggs = grokadmin
+site.zcml = <include package="grokadmin" />
             <include package="zope.app.twisted" />
             <unauthenticatedPrincipal id="zope.anybody"
@@ -49,10 +50,10 @@
 # this section named so that the start/stop script is called bin/zopectl
 recipe = zc.zope3recipes:instance
-application = grokwiki
+application = app
 zope.conf = ${data:zconfig}
 recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
-eggs = grok
+eggs = grokadmin
 defaults = ['--tests-pattern', '^f?tests$', '-v']

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/setup.py
--- Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/setup.py	2007-10-08 10:29:23 UTC (rev 80708)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin/trunk/setup.py	2007-10-08 10:39:45 UTC (rev 80709)
@@ -1,90 +1,40 @@
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
 import os
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-# some of the dependencies containing C code have been hardcoded to
-# make sure we only depend on versions for which there is a windows
-# binary. In some cases this means we rely on an earlier version than the
-# latest/greatest version as no Windows binary has been released for it yet.
-# in some cases we also need to do this for non-binary dependencies, as
-# more recent versions rely on versions for which no binary eggs exist.
 def read(*rnames):
     return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read()
-long_description = (
-    read('README.txt')
-    + '\n' +
-    read('CHANGES.txt')
-    + '\n' +
-    'Download\n'
-    '********\n'
-    )
-    name='grok',
-    version='0.11dev',
-    author='Grok Team',
-    author_email='grok-dev at zope.org',
-    url='http://grok.zope.org',
-    download_url='http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/grok/',
-    description='Grok: Now even cavemen can use Zope 3!',
-    long_description=long_description,
-    license='ZPL',
-    classifiers=['Environment :: Web Environment',
-                 'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-                 'License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License',
-                 'Programming Language :: Python',
-                 'Framework :: Zope3',
-                 ],
-    packages=find_packages('src'),
-    package_dir = {'': 'src'},
-    include_package_data = True,
-    zip_safe=False,
-    install_requires=['setuptools',
-                      'martian',
-                      'simplejson',
-                      'pytz',
-                      'ZODB3',
-                      'zope.annotation',
-                      'zope.app.apidoc',
-                      'zope.app.applicationcontrol',
-                      'zope.app.appsetup',
-                      'zope.app.authentication',
-                      'zope.app.catalog',
-                      'zope.app.component',
-                      'zope.app.container',
-                      'zope.app.folder',
-                      'zope.app.intid',
-                      'zope.app.keyreference',
-                      'zope.app.pagetemplate',
-                      'zope.app.publication',
-                      'zope.app.publisher',
-                      'zope.app.renderer',
-                      'zope.app.security',
-                      'zope.app.securitypolicy',
-                      'zope.app.testing',
-                      'zope.app.twisted',
-                      'zope.app.zcmlfiles',
-                      'zope.component',
-                      'zope.configuration',
-                      'zope.dottedname',
-                      'zope.deprecation',
-                      'zope.event',
-                      'zope.formlib',
-                      'zope.hookable',
-                      'zope.i18nmessageid',
-                      'zope.interface',
-                      'zope.lifecycleevent',
-                      'zope.pagetemplate',
-                      'zope.proxy',
-                      'zope.publisher',
-                      'zope.schema',
-                      'zope.security',
-                      'zope.testing',
-                      'zope.traversing',
-                      'zope.testbrowser',
-                      'zc.catalog',
-                      'z3c.flashmessage',
-                      ],
+      version='0.1.0',
+      description="GrokAdmin: The Grok administration and development UI",
+      long_description=(
+        read('README.txt')
+        ),
+      # Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
+      classifiers=[
+        'Development Status :: 1 - Beta',
+        'Environment :: Web Environment',
+        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
+        'License :: OSI Approved :: Zope Public License',
+        'Programming Language :: Python',
+        'Natural Language :: English',
+        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
+        'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP',
+        'Framework :: Zope3 :: Grok'], 
+      keywords="zope3 grok grokadmin",
+      author="Uli Fouquet and lots of contributors from grok community",
+      author_email="grok-dev at zope.org",
+      url="http://svn.zope.org/Sandbox/ulif/grokadmin",
+      license="ZPL 2.1",
+      package_dir={'': 'src'},
+      packages=find_packages('src'),
+      include_package_data=True,
+      zip_safe=False,
+      namespace_packages = ['grokadmin'],
+      install_requires=['setuptools',
+                        'grok',
+                        ],
+      entry_points="""
+      # Add entry points here
+      """,
+      )

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