[Checkins] SVN: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/ skinning of editor

Johannes Faigle johannes.faigle at lovelysystems.com
Fri Sep 7 08:15:51 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 79520:
  skinning of editor

  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/configure.zcml
  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/editor.pt
  A   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.form.js
  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.popupwindow.js
  A   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/popupwindow.css
  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/reference.editor.js
  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/z3c_reference.js
  U   z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/views.py

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/configure.zcml
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/configure.zcml	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/configure.zcml	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
-  <browser:resource
-      name="imagetool.swf"
-      file="resources/imagetool.swf"
-      />
@@ -59,15 +54,28 @@
   <resourceLibrary name="z3c.reference"
       <directory source="resources"
-          include="z3c_reference.js jquery.popupwindow.js"
+          include="jquery.popupwindow.js z3c_reference.js"
+  <resourceLibrary name="z3c.reference.popup"
+                   require="z3c.javascript.jquery">
+      <directory source="resources"
+          include="jquery.form.js reference.editor.js"
+          />
+  </resourceLibrary>
+  <browser:resource
+      name="imagetool.swf"
+      file="resources/imagetool.swf"
+      />

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/editor.pt
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/editor.pt	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/editor.pt	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -4,74 +4,10 @@
       xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-<title>demo picker</title>
 <style type="text/css">
-      body {
-        margin: 0px;
-        padding: 0px;
-        height: 100%;
-        font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';
-        font-size: 10pt;
-      }
-      a {
-        color: #000;
-      }
-      a.ex1, a.ex2 {
-        color: #888;
-        text-decoration: none;
-      }
-      div {
-        margin: 0px;
-      }
-      div.float {
-        position: absolute;
-        padding: 0px 10px;
-        border: 0px solid #888;
-        border-right-width: 1px;
-        float:left;
-        height: 100%
-      }
-      div.picker {
-        width: 150px;
-      }
-      div.properties {
-        position: absolute;
-        left: 170px;
-        width: 200px;
-      }
-      div.image-tool {
-        position: absolute;
-        left: 390px;
-        width: 500px;
-      }
-      div.actions {
-        position: absolute;
-        left: 910px;
-        padding: 0px 10px;
-      }
-      h1 {
-        font-size: 12pt;
-        margin: 10px 0px;
-      }
-      label {
-        width: 80px;
-      }
-      input, textarea {
-        width: 196px;
-      }
-    </style>
+  @import url(/++resource++z3c.reference.resources/popupwindow.css);  
 <script type="text/javascript"
         tal:define="name view/name;
 		            settingNameStr view/settingNameStr;
@@ -87,21 +23,21 @@
   var titleStr = '${titleStr}';
   var descriptionStr = '${descriptionStr}';">
 <script src="jquery" type="text/javascript"
         tal:attributes="src context/++resource++jquery.js">
 <script src="jquery" type="text/javascript"
         tal:attributes="src context/++resource++z3c.reference.resources/reference.editor.js">
-<div class="picker float">
   <div id="editorSearch">
-<div class="properties float">
   <div id="editorEdit">

Added: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.form.js
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.form.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.form.js	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+ * jQuery Form Plugin
+ * @requires jQuery v1.1 or later
+ *
+ * Examples at: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ *   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ *
+ * Revision: $Id$
+ */
+ (function($) {
+ * ajaxSubmit() provides a mechanism for submitting an HTML form using AJAX.
+ *
+ * ajaxSubmit accepts a single argument which can be either a success callback function
+ * or an options Object.  If a function is provided it will be invoked upon successful
+ * completion of the submit and will be passed the response from the server.
+ * If an options Object is provided, the following attributes are supported:
+ *
+ *  target:   Identifies the element(s) in the page to be updated with the server response.
+ *            This value may be specified as a jQuery selection string, a jQuery object,
+ *            or a DOM element.
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  url:      URL to which the form data will be submitted.
+ *            default value: value of form's 'action' attribute
+ *
+ *  type:     The method in which the form data should be submitted, 'GET' or 'POST'.
+ *            default value: value of form's 'method' attribute (or 'GET' if none found)
+ *
+ *  data:     Additional data to add to the request, specified as key/value pairs (see $.ajax).
+ *
+ *  beforeSubmit:  Callback method to be invoked before the form is submitted.
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  success:  Callback method to be invoked after the form has been successfully submitted
+ *            and the response has been returned from the server
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  dataType: Expected dataType of the response.  One of: null, 'xml', 'script', or 'json'
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  semantic: Boolean flag indicating whether data must be submitted in semantic order (slower).
+ *            default value: false
+ *
+ *  resetForm: Boolean flag indicating whether the form should be reset if the submit is successful
+ *
+ *  clearForm: Boolean flag indicating whether the form should be cleared if the submit is successful
+ *
+ *
+ * The 'beforeSubmit' callback can be provided as a hook for running pre-submit logic or for
+ * validating the form data.  If the 'beforeSubmit' callback returns false then the form will
+ * not be submitted. The 'beforeSubmit' callback is invoked with three arguments: the form data
+ * in array format, the jQuery object, and the options object passed into ajaxSubmit.
+ * The form data array takes the following form:
+ *
+ *     [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
+ *
+ * If a 'success' callback method is provided it is invoked after the response has been returned
+ * from the server.  It is passed the responseText or responseXML value (depending on dataType).
+ * See jQuery.ajax for further details.
+ *
+ *
+ * The dataType option provides a means for specifying how the server response should be handled.
+ * This maps directly to the jQuery.httpData method.  The following values are supported:
+ *
+ *      'xml':    if dataType == 'xml' the server response is treated as XML and the 'success'
+ *                   callback method, if specified, will be passed the responseXML value
+ *      'json':   if dataType == 'json' the server response will be evaluted and passed to
+ *                   the 'success' callback, if specified
+ *      'script': if dataType == 'script' the server response is evaluated in the global context
+ *
+ *
+ * Note that it does not make sense to use both the 'target' and 'dataType' options.  If both
+ * are provided the target will be ignored.
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * This is normally true anyway, unless the form contains input elements of type='image'.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order and your form
+ * contains an input of type='image" then pass true for this arg, otherwise pass false
+ * (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for this logic.
+ *
+ *
+ * When used on its own, ajaxSubmit() is typically bound to a form's submit event like this:
+ *
+ * $("#form-id").submit(function() {
+ *     $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
+ *     return false; // cancel conventional submit
+ * });
+ *
+ * When using ajaxForm(), however, this is done for you.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(function(data) {
+ *     alert('Form submit succeeded! Server returned: ' + data);
+ * });
+ * @desc Submit form and alert server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     target: '#myTargetDiv'
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Submit form and update page element with server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     success: function(responseText) {
+ *         alert(responseText);
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Submit form and alert the server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     beforeSubmit: function(formArray, jqForm) {
+ *         if (formArray.length == 0) {
+ *             alert('Please enter data.');
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Pre-submit validation which aborts the submit operation if form data is empty
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     url: myJsonUrl.php,
+ *     dataType: 'json',
+ *     success: function(data) {
+ *        // 'data' is an object representing the the evaluated json data
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc json data returned and evaluated
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     url: myXmlUrl.php,
+ *     dataType: 'xml',
+ *     success: function(responseXML) {
+ *        // responseXML is XML document object
+ *        var data = $('myElement', responseXML).text();
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc XML data returned from server
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     resetForm: true
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc submit form and reset it if successful
+ *
+ * @example
+ * $('#myForm).submit(function() {
+ *    $(this).ajaxSubmit();
+ *    return false;
+ * });
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event to use ajaxSubmit
+ *
+ *
+ * @name ajaxSubmit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param options  object literal containing options which control the form submission process
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxSubmit = function(options) {
+    if (typeof options == 'function')
+        options = { success: options };
+    options = $.extend({
+        url:  this.attr('action') || window.location,
+        type: this.attr('method') || 'GET'
+    }, options || {});
+    // hook for manipulating the form data before it is extracted;
+    // convenient for use with rich editors like tinyMCE or FCKEditor
+    var veto = {};
+    $.event.trigger('form.pre.serialize', [this, options, veto]);
+    if (veto.veto) return this;
+    var a = this.formToArray(options.semantic);
+	if (options.data) {
+	    for (var n in options.data)
+	        a.push( { name: n, value: options.data[n] } );
+	}
+    // give pre-submit callback an opportunity to abort the submit
+    if (options.beforeSubmit && options.beforeSubmit(a, this, options) === false) return this;
+    // fire vetoable 'validate' event
+    $.event.trigger('form.submit.validate', [a, this, options, veto]);
+    if (veto.veto) return this;
+    var q = $.param(a);//.replace(/%20/g,'+');
+    if (options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
+        options.url += (options.url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + q;
+        options.data = null;  // data is null for 'get'
+    }
+    else
+        options.data = q; // data is the query string for 'post'
+    var $form = this, callbacks = [];
+    if (options.resetForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.resetForm(); });
+    if (options.clearForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.clearForm(); });
+    // perform a load on the target only if dataType is not provided
+    if (!options.dataType && options.target) {
+        var oldSuccess = options.success || function(){};
+        callbacks.push(function(data) {
+            if (this.evalScripts)
+                $(options.target).attr("innerHTML", data).evalScripts().each(oldSuccess, arguments);
+            else // jQuery v1.1.4
+                $(options.target).html(data).each(oldSuccess, arguments);
+        });
+    }
+    else if (options.success)
+        callbacks.push(options.success);
+    options.success = function(data, status) {
+        for (var i=0, max=callbacks.length; i < max; i++)
+            callbacks[i](data, status, $form);
+    };
+    // are there files to upload?
+    var files = $('input:file', this).fieldValue();
+    var found = false;
+    for (var j=0; j < files.length; j++)
+        if (files[j])
+            found = true;
+    if (options.iframe || found) // options.iframe allows user to force iframe mode
+        fileUpload();
+    else
+        $.ajax(options);
+    // fire 'notify' event
+    $.event.trigger('form.submit.notify', [this, options]);
+    return this;
+    // private function for handling file uploads (hat tip to YAHOO!)
+    function fileUpload() {
+        var form = $form[0];
+        var opts = $.extend({}, $.ajaxSettings, options);
+        var id = 'jqFormIO' + $.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter++;
+        var $io = $('<iframe id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" />');
+        var io = $io[0];
+        var op8 = $.browser.opera && window.opera.version() < 9;
+        if ($.browser.msie || op8) io.src = 'javascript:false;document.write("");';
+        $io.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', left: '-1000px' });
+        var xhr = { // mock object
+            responseText: null,
+            responseXML: null,
+            status: 0,
+            statusText: 'n/a',
+            getAllResponseHeaders: function() {},
+            getResponseHeader: function() {},
+            setRequestHeader: function() {}
+        };
+        var g = opts.global;
+        // trigger ajax global events so that activity/block indicators work like normal
+        if (g && ! $.active++) $.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
+        if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, opts]);
+        var cbInvoked = 0;
+        var timedOut = 0;
+        // take a breath so that pending repaints get some cpu time before the upload starts
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            $io.appendTo('body');
+            // jQuery's event binding doesn't work for iframe events in IE
+            io.attachEvent ? io.attachEvent('onload', cb) : io.addEventListener('load', cb, false);
+            // make sure form attrs are set
+            var encAttr = form.encoding ? 'encoding' : 'enctype';
+            var t = $form.attr('target');
+            $form.attr({
+                target:   id,
+                method:  'POST',
+                action:   opts.url
+            });
+            form[encAttr] = 'multipart/form-data';
+            // support timout
+            if (opts.timeout)
+                setTimeout(function() { timedOut = true; cb(); }, opts.timeout);
+            form.submit();
+            $form.attr('target', t); // reset target
+        }, 10);
+        function cb() {
+            if (cbInvoked++) return;
+            io.detachEvent ? io.detachEvent('onload', cb) : io.removeEventListener('load', cb, false);
+            var ok = true;
+            try {
+                if (timedOut) throw 'timeout';
+                // extract the server response from the iframe
+                var data, doc;
+                doc = io.contentWindow ? io.contentWindow.document : io.contentDocument ? io.contentDocument : io.document;
+                xhr.responseText = doc.body ? doc.body.innerHTML : null;
+                xhr.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument ? doc.XMLDocument : doc;
+                if (opts.dataType == 'json' || opts.dataType == 'script') {
+                    var ta = doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
+                    data = ta ? ta.value : xhr.responseText;
+                    if (opts.dataType == 'json')
+                        eval("data = " + data);
+                    else
+                        $.globalEval(data);
+                }
+                else if (opts.dataType == 'xml') {
+                    data = xhr.responseXML;
+                    if (!data && xhr.responseText != null)
+                        data = toXml(xhr.responseText);
+                }
+                else {
+                    data = xhr.responseText;
+                }
+            }
+            catch(e){
+                ok = false;
+                $.handleError(opts, xhr, 'error', e);
+            }
+            // ordering of these callbacks/triggers is odd, but that's how $.ajax does it
+            if (ok) {
+                opts.success(data, 'success');
+                if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [xhr, opts]);
+            }
+            if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [xhr, opts]);
+            if (g && ! --$.active) $.event.trigger("ajaxStop");
+            if (opts.complete) opts.complete(xhr, ok ? 'success' : 'error');
+            // clean up
+            setTimeout(function() {
+                $io.remove();
+                xhr.responseXML = null;
+            }, 100);
+        };
+        function toXml(s, doc) {
+            if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+                doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
+                doc.async = 'false';
+                doc.loadXML(s);
+            }
+            else
+                doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, 'text/xml');
+            return (doc && doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? doc : null;
+        };
+    };
+$.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter = 0; // used to create unique iframe ids
+ * ajaxForm() provides a mechanism for fully automating form submission.
+ *
+ * The advantages of using this method instead of ajaxSubmit() are:
+ *
+ * 1: This method will include coordinates for <input type="image" /> elements (if the element
+ *    is used to submit the form).
+ * 2. This method will include the submit element's name/value data (for the element that was
+ *    used to submit the form).
+ * 3. This method binds the submit() method to the form for you.
+ *
+ * Note that for accurate x/y coordinates of image submit elements in all browsers
+ * you need to also use the "dimensions" plugin (this method will auto-detect its presence).
+ *
+ * The options argument for ajaxForm works exactly as it does for ajaxSubmit.  ajaxForm merely
+ * passes the options argument along after properly binding events for submit elements and
+ * the form itself.  See ajaxSubmit for a full description of the options argument.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     target: '#myTargetDiv'
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSForm(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that 'myTargetDiv' is updated with the server response
+ *       when the form is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     success: function(responseText) {
+ *         alert(responseText);
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that server response is alerted after the form is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     beforeSubmit: function(formArray, jqForm) {
+ *         if (formArray.length == 0) {
+ *             alert('Please enter data.');
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that pre-submit callback is invoked before the form
+ *       is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @name   ajaxForm
+ * @param  options  object literal containing options which control the form submission process
+ * @return jQuery
+ * @cat    Plugins/Form
+ * @type   jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxForm = function(options) {
+    return this.ajaxFormUnbind().submit(submitHandler).each(function() {
+        // store options in hash
+        this.formPluginId = $.fn.ajaxForm.counter++;
+        $.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[this.formPluginId] = options;
+        $(":submit,input:image", this).click(clickHandler);
+    });
+$.fn.ajaxForm.counter = 1;
+$.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash = {};
+function clickHandler(e) {
+    var $form = this.form;
+    $form.clk = this;
+    if (this.type == 'image') {
+        if (e.offsetX != undefined) {
+            $form.clk_x = e.offsetX;
+            $form.clk_y = e.offsetY;
+        } else if (typeof $.fn.offset == 'function') { // try to use dimensions plugin
+            var offset = $(this).offset();
+            $form.clk_x = e.pageX - offset.left;
+            $form.clk_y = e.pageY - offset.top;
+        } else {
+            $form.clk_x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
+            $form.clk_y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
+        }
+    }
+    // clear form vars
+    setTimeout(function() { $form.clk = $form.clk_x = $form.clk_y = null; }, 10);
+function submitHandler() {
+    // retrieve options from hash
+    var id = this.formPluginId;
+    var options = $.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[id];
+    $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
+    return false;
+ * ajaxFormUnbind unbinds the event handlers that were bound by ajaxForm
+ *
+ * @name   ajaxFormUnbind
+ * @return jQuery
+ * @cat    Plugins/Form
+ * @type   jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function() {
+    this.unbind('submit', submitHandler);
+    return this.each(function() {
+        $(":submit,input:image", this).unbind('click', clickHandler);
+    });
+ * formToArray() gathers form element data into an array of objects that can
+ * be passed to any of the following ajax functions: $.get, $.post, or load.
+ * Each object in the array has both a 'name' and 'value' property.  An example of
+ * an array for a simple login form might be:
+ *
+ * [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
+ *
+ * It is this array that is passed to pre-submit callback functions provided to the
+ * ajaxSubmit() and ajaxForm() methods.
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * This is normally true anyway, unless the form contains input elements of type='image'.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order and your form
+ * contains an input of type='image" then pass true for this arg, otherwise pass false
+ * (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for this logic.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm").formToArray();
+ * $.post( "myscript.cgi", data );
+ * @desc Collect all the data from a form and submit it to the server.
+ *
+ * @name formToArray
+ * @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
+ * @type Array<Object>
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.formToArray = function(semantic) {
+    var a = [];
+    if (this.length == 0) return a;
+    var form = this[0];
+    var els = semantic ? form.getElementsByTagName('*') : form.elements;
+    if (!els) return a;
+    for(var i=0, max=els.length; i < max; i++) {
+        var el = els[i];
+        var n = el.name;
+        if (!n) continue;
+        if (semantic && form.clk && el.type == "image") {
+            // handle image inputs on the fly when semantic == true
+            if(!el.disabled && form.clk == el)
+                a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+            continue;
+        }
+        var v = $.fieldValue(el, true);
+        if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+            for(var j=0, jmax=v.length; j < jmax; j++)
+                a.push({name: n, value: v[j]});
+        }
+        else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
+            a.push({name: n, value: v});
+    }
+    if (!semantic && form.clk) {
+        // input type=='image' are not found in elements array! handle them here
+        var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
+        for(var i=0, max=inputs.length; i < max; i++) {
+            var input = inputs[i];
+            var n = input.name;
+            if(n && !input.disabled && input.type == "image" && form.clk == input)
+                a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+        }
+    }
+    return a;
+ * Serializes form data into a 'submittable' string. This method will return a string
+ * in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order then pass
+ * true for this arg, otherwise pass false (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for
+ * this logic (which can be significant for very large forms).
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm").formSerialize();
+ * $.ajax('POST', "myscript.cgi", data);
+ * @desc Collect all the data from a form into a single string
+ *
+ * @name formSerialize
+ * @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
+ * @type String
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.formSerialize = function(semantic) {
+    //hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+    return $.param(this.formToArray(semantic));
+ * Serializes all field elements in the jQuery object into a query string.
+ * This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not serialization is limited to
+ * 'successful' controls (per http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#successful-controls).
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("input").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful input elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(":radio").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful radio input elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful checkbox input elements in myForm into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").formSerialize(false);
+ * @desc Collect the data from all checkbox elements in myForm (even the unchecked ones) into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(":input").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful input, select, textarea and button elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @name fieldSerialize
+ * @param successful true if only successful controls should be serialized (default is true)
+ * @type String
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.fieldSerialize = function(successful) {
+    var a = [];
+    this.each(function() {
+        var n = this.name;
+        if (!n) return;
+        var v = $.fieldValue(this, successful);
+        if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+            for (var i=0,max=v.length; i < max; i++)
+                a.push({name: n, value: v[i]});
+        }
+        else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
+            a.push({name: this.name, value: v});
+    });
+    //hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+    return $.param(a);
+ * Returns the value(s) of the element in the matched set.  For example, consider the following form:
+ *
+ *  <form><fieldset>
+ *      <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *      <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *      <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B1" />
+ *      <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B2"/>
+ *      <input name="C" type="radio" value="C1" />
+ *      <input name="C" type="radio" value="C2" />
+ *  </fieldset></form>
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':text').fieldValue();
+ *  // if no values are entered into the text inputs
+ *  v == ['','']
+ *  // if values entered into the text inputs are 'foo' and 'bar'
+ *  v == ['foo','bar']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':checkbox').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither checkbox is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if both checkboxes are checked
+ *  v == ['B1', 'B2']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':radio').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither radio is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if first radio is checked
+ *  v == ['C1']
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
+ * (per http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#successful-controls).
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.  If this value is false the value(s)
+ * for each element is returned.
+ *
+ * Note: This method *always* returns an array.  If no valid value can be determined the
+ *       array will be empty, otherwise it will contain one or more values.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myPasswordElement").fieldValue();
+ * alert(data[0]);
+ * @desc Alerts the current value of the myPasswordElement element
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :input").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the form elements in myForm
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) for the successful checkbox element(s) in the jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#mySingleSelect").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the select control
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(':text').fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the text input or textarea elements
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myMultiSelect").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the values for the select-multiple control
+ *
+ * @name fieldValue
+ * @param Boolean successful true if only the values for successful controls should be returned (default is true)
+ * @type Array<String>
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.fieldValue = function(successful) {
+    for (var val=[], i=0, max=this.length; i < max; i++) {
+        var el = this[i];
+        var v = $.fieldValue(el, successful);
+        if (v === null || typeof v == 'undefined' || (v.constructor == Array && !v.length))
+            continue;
+        v.constructor == Array ? $.merge(val, v) : val.push(v);
+    }
+    return val;
+ * Returns the value of the field element.
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
+ * (per http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#successful-controls).
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.  If the given element is not
+ * successful and the successful arg is not false then the returned value will be null.
+ *
+ * Note: If the successful flag is true (default) but the element is not successful, the return will be null
+ * Note: The value returned for a successful select-multiple element will always be an array.
+ * Note: If the element has no value the return value will be undefined.
+ *
+ * @example var data = jQuery.fieldValue($("#myPasswordElement")[0]);
+ * @desc Gets the current value of the myPasswordElement element
+ *
+ * @name fieldValue
+ * @param Element el The DOM element for which the value will be returned
+ * @param Boolean successful true if value returned must be for a successful controls (default is true)
+ * @type String or Array<String> or null or undefined
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fieldValue = function(el, successful) {
+    var n = el.name, t = el.type, tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
+    if (typeof successful == 'undefined') successful = true;
+    if (successful && (!n || el.disabled || t == 'reset' || t == 'button' ||
+        (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !el.checked ||
+        (t == 'submit' || t == 'image') && el.form && el.form.clk != el ||
+        tag == 'select' && el.selectedIndex == -1))
+            return null;
+    if (tag == 'select') {
+        var index = el.selectedIndex;
+        if (index < 0) return null;
+        var a = [], ops = el.options;
+        var one = (t == 'select-one');
+        var max = (one ? index+1 : ops.length);
+        for(var i=(one ? index : 0); i < max; i++) {
+            var op = ops[i];
+            if (op.selected) {
+                // extra pain for IE...
+                var v = $.browser.msie && !(op.attributes['value'].specified) ? op.text : op.value;
+                if (one) return v;
+                a.push(v);
+            }
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    return el.value;
+ * Clears the form data.  Takes the following actions on the form's input fields:
+ *  - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
+ *  - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
+ *  - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
+ *  - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
+ *  - button elements will *not* be effected
+ *
+ * @example $('form').clearForm();
+ * @desc Clears all forms on the page.
+ *
+ * @name clearForm
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.clearForm = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        $('input,select,textarea', this).clearFields();
+    });
+ * Clears the selected form elements.  Takes the following actions on the matched elements:
+ *  - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
+ *  - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
+ *  - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
+ *  - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
+ *  - button elements will *not* be effected
+ *
+ * @example $('.myInputs').clearFields();
+ * @desc Clears all inputs with class myInputs
+ *
+ * @name clearFields
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.clearFields = $.fn.clearInputs = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        var t = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
+        if (t == 'text' || t == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
+            this.value = '';
+        else if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio')
+            this.checked = false;
+        else if (tag == 'select')
+            this.selectedIndex = -1;
+    });
+ * Resets the form data.  Causes all form elements to be reset to their original value.
+ *
+ * @example $('form').resetForm();
+ * @desc Resets all forms on the page.
+ *
+ * @name resetForm
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.resetForm = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        // guard against an input with the name of 'reset'
+        // note that IE reports the reset function as an 'object'
+        if (typeof this.reset == 'function' || (typeof this.reset == 'object' && !this.reset.nodeType))
+            this.reset();
+    });

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.popupwindow.js
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.popupwindow.js	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/jquery.popupwindow.js	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -91,27 +91,3 @@
-// added code to original jquery.popupwindow.js
-// settings for popupwindow
-var profiles = {
-		window:
-		{
-			height:550,
-			width:500,
-			status:0,
-            scrollbars:1,
-            resizable:1
-		}
-	};
-var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
-// popup
-  $j(".popupwindow").popupwindow(profiles);
-function setInput(elementid, value) {
-    $j("input[@name="+elementid+"]").val(value);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/popupwindow.css
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/popupwindow.css	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/popupwindow.css	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+div#editorSearch {
+    width: 30%;
+    float: left;
+div#editorEdit {
+    float: left;
+    width: 70%;
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/reference.editor.js
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/reference.editor.js	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/reference.editor.js	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
                 'view': viewStr,
                 'title': titleStr,
                 'description': descriptionStr}
-    $.get("viewReferenceEditorSearch", settings, function () {
-        $("#editorSearch").empty().append($(data));
+    $.get("viewReferenceEditorSearch", settings, function (data) {
+            $("#editorSearch").empty().append($(data));
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
                 'view': viewStr,
                 'title': titleStr,
                 'description': descriptionStr}
-    $.get("viewReferenceEditorEdit", settings, function () {
+    $.get("viewReferenceEditorEdit", settings, function (data) {
@@ -30,3 +30,183 @@
+//////// temp
+    javascript API for the z3cimage Flash Tool. 
+    functions to call methods inside the SWF via JavaScript
+function tellFlash(command){
+    // a seperator which is not allowed to exist inside the command or any value
+    // if you change the seperator, make shure you change him in actionscript too
+    var sep = "[!!]"; 
+    var cmd = command;
+    for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) cmd+=sep+arguments[i];
+    // tells flash to start with browsing
+    if(window.z3cimageflash) window.document["z3cimageflash"].SetVariable("jscommand", cmd);
+    if(document.z3cimageflash) document.z3cimageflash.SetVariable("jscommand", cmd);
+function zoom(dir){
+    tellFlash("onZoomClicked", dir);
+function rotate(dir){
+    tellFlash("onRotateClicked", dir);
+function save(){
+    tellFlash("saveChanges");
+ * SWFObject v1.4.4: Flash Player detection and embed - http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/
+ *
+ * SWFObject is (c) 2006 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ *
+ * **SWFObject is the SWF embed script formerly known as FlashObject. The name was changed for
+ *   legal reasons.
+ */
+if(typeof deconcept=="undefined"){var deconcept=new Object();}
+if(typeof deconcept.util=="undefined"){deconcept.util=new Object();}
+if(typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=="undefined"){deconcept.SWFObjectUtil=new Object();}
+this.params=new Object();
+this.variables=new Object();
+this.attributes=new Array();
+if(_5){this.setAttribute("version",new deconcept.PlayerVersion(_5.toString().split(".")));}
+var q=_8?_8:"high";
+var _d=(_9)?_9:window.location;
+return this.attributes[_10];
+return this.params;
+return this.variables[_15];
+return this.variables;
+var _16=new Array();
+var key;
+var _18=this.getVariables();
+for(key in _18){_16.push(key+"="+_18[key]);}
+return _16;},getSWFHTML:function(){var _19="";
+_19="<embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\"";
+_19+=" id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" name=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" ";
+var _1a=this.getParams();
+for(var key in _1a){_19+=[key]+"=\""+_1a[key]+"\" ";}
+var _1c=this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
+_19="<object id=\""+this.getAttribute("id")+"\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\""+this.getAttribute("width")+"\" height=\""+this.getAttribute("height")+"\">";
+_19+="<param name=\"movie\" value=\""+this.getAttribute("swf")+"\" />";
+var _1d=this.getParams();
+for(var key in _1d){_19+="<param name=\""+key+"\" value=\""+_1d[key]+"\" />";}
+var _1f=this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
+if(_1f.length>0){_19+="<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\""+_1f+"\" />";}_19+="</object>";}
+return _19;
+var _21=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,65]);
+document.title=document.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation";
+var n=(typeof _20=="string")?document.getElementById(_20):_20;
+n.innerHTML=this.getSWFHTML();return true;
+return false;}};
+var _23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([0,0,0]);
+var x=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
+if(x&&x.description){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/,"").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/,".").split("."));}
+}else{try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");}
+catch(e){try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
+_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6,0,21]);axo.AllowScriptAccess="always";}
+catch(e){if(_23.major==6){return _23;}}try{axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");}
+catch(e){}}if(axo!=null){_23=new deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","));}}
+return _23;};
+if(this.major<fv.major){return false;}
+if(this.major>fv.major){return true;}
+if(this.minor<fv.minor){return false;}
+if(this.minor>fv.minor){return true;}
+return false;
+}return true;};
+var q=document.location.search||document.location.hash;
+if(q){var _2b=q.substring(1).split("&");
+for(var i=0;i<_2b.length;i++){
+return _2b[i].substring((_2b[i].indexOf("=")+1));}}}
+return "";}};
+var _2d=document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT");
+for(var i=0;i<_2d.length;i++){_2d[i].style.display="none";for(var x in _2d[i]){
+if(typeof _2d[i][x]=="function"){_2d[i][x]=function(){};}}}};
+if(typeof window.onunload=="function"){
+var _30=window.onunload;
+if(typeof window.onbeforeunload=="function"){
+var oldBeforeUnload=window.onbeforeunload;
+return this.length;};}
+var getQueryParamValue=deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
+var FlashObject=deconcept.SWFObject;
+var SWFObject=deconcept.SWFObject;
+function cropImage(crop_x, crop_y, crop_w, crop_h, size_w, size_h, rotation){
+    alert(crop_x + "-" + crop_y + "-" + crop_w + "-" + crop_h + "-" + size_w + "-" + size_h + "-" + rotation);
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/z3c_reference.js
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/z3c_reference.js	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/resources/z3c_reference.js	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -1,112 +1,25 @@
-var Z3C_REFERENCE = true;
-var z3cReferenceCurrent = null;
-var z3cExplorerWindow = null;
+var profiles = {
+		window:
+		{
+			height:550,
+			width:500,
+			status:0,
+            scrollbars:1,
+            resizable:1
+		}
+	};
-function z3cReferenceLinkChoosen(current,ref){
-    var current = $(current);
-    var ref = $(ref);
-    var href = ref.attr('href');
-    var title = ref.attr('title');
-    current.attr('href',href);
-    if(title!=null){
-        current.attr('title',title);
-        current.html(title);
-    }
+// uses jQuery in noConflict mode to work properly with Mochikit
+var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
-    // remove the ".tag" suffix
-    var fieldId = current[0].id.substr(0,current[0].id.length-4);
+// bind links to popupwindow function 
+  $j("a.popupwindow").popupwindow(profiles);
-    // cant get element with jquery sorry
-    var f = document.getElementById(fieldId);
-    f.value = href;
-function z3cReferenceImageChoosen(current,ref){
-    var current = $(current);
-    var ref = $(ref);
-    var src = ref.attr('src');
-    var title = ref.attr('title');
-    current.attr('src',src);
-    if(title!=null){
-        current.attr('title',title);
-    }
-    // remove the ".tag" suffix
-    var fieldId = current[0].id.substr(0,current[0].id.length-4);
-    // cant get element with jquery sorry
-    var f = document.getElementById(fieldId);
-    f.value=src;
-function z3cReferenceChoosen(ref){
-    if (!z3cReferenceCurrent){
-        alert("No Object selected!");
-    }
-    var current = z3cReferenceCurrent;
-    z3cReferenceCurrent=null;
-    switch (current.tagName) {
-    case "A":
-        return z3cReferenceLinkChoosen(current,ref);
-    case "IMG":
-        return z3cReferenceImageChoosen(current,ref);
-    }
-    alert("Wrong Object returned: " + ref);
-function z3cReferenceOpenWindow(theURL) {
-    var str = "left=0,screenX=0,top=0,screenY=0";
-    if (window.screen) {
-      var ah = screen.availHeight;
-      var aw = screen.availWidth;
-      str += ",height=" + ah;
-      str += ",innerHeight=" + ah;
-      str += ",width=" + aw;
-      str += ",innerWidth=" + aw;
-    } 
-    else {
-      str += ",resizable"; // so the user can resize the window manually
-    }
-    return window.open(theURL, 'explorer', str);
-function z3cReferenceLinkHandler(obj) {
-	var linkElm, imageElm, inst;
-  var explorerLink = obj.getAttribute('z3c:explorerLink');
-	switch (obj.tagName) {
-    case "A":
-        return z3cReferenceOpenWindow
-            (explorerLink);
-    case "IMG":
-        var url = obj.getAttribute('src');
-        // todo check image on placeholder
-        if (url=='/@@/z3c.reference.resources/noimage.jpg' || url=='undefined' || url=='Deleted Object') {
-            return z3cReferenceOpenWindow
-                ('@@explorer.html?link=0');
-        } else {
-            var url = url.split('/processed?');
-            var win = z3cReferenceOpenWindow
-                (url[0]+'/@@imgedit.html?'+url[1]);
-        } 
-	}
-	return false; // Pass to next handler in chain
-function z3cReferenceOnClick(obj,command){
-    if (z3cExplorerWindow){
-        z3cExplorerWindow.close();
-        z3cExplorerWindow=null;
-        z3cReferenceCurrent=null;
-    }
-    z3cExplorerWindow = z3cReferenceLinkHandler(obj);
-    z3cReferenceCurrent=obj;
-    return false;
+// called by popupwindow to write formdata back to opener
+// parameter elementid: input name in which to write into
+// parameter value: formdata string
+function setInput(elementid, value) {
+    $j("input[@name="+elementid+"]").val(value);
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/views.py
--- z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/views.py	2007-09-07 12:11:12 UTC (rev 79519)
+++ z3c.reference/branches/flash/src/z3c/reference/browser/views.py	2007-09-07 12:15:50 UTC (rev 79520)
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 from zope.traversing.browser.absoluteurl import AbsoluteURL
 from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
+from zc import resourcelibrary
 from z3c.reference import interfaces
 noImage = '/@@/z3c.reference.resources/noimage.jpg'
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@
     descriptionStr = u''
     def __call__(self):
+        resourcelibrary.need('z3c.reference.popup')
         """Setup JS variables."""
         self.name = self.request.get('name', u'')
         self.settingNameStr = self.request.get('settingName', u'')

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