[Checkins] SVN: zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ * Fixed one of the major issues with broken links. The required

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Thu Sep 27 17:18:47 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 80259:
  * Fixed one of the major issues with broken links. The required 
    specification of adapters can now have classes, not just interfaces, 
    so we have to handle this case.

  U   zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.py
  U   zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt
  U   zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/browser.txt
  U   zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/component_macros.pt

Modified: zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.py
--- zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.py	2007-09-27 20:47:08 UTC (rev 80258)
+++ zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.py	2007-09-27 21:18:46 UTC (rev 80259)
@@ -177,7 +177,34 @@
     return {'module': getattr(iface, '__module__', _('<unknown>')),
             'name': getattr(iface, '__name__', _('<unknown>'))}
+def getInterfaceInfoDictionary(iface):
+    """Return a PT-friendly info dictionary for an interface."""
+    if isinstance(iface, zope.interface.declarations.Implements):
+        iface = iface.inherit
+    if iface is None:
+        return None
+    return {'module': getattr(iface, '__module__', _('<unknown>')),
+            'name': getattr(iface, '__name__', _('<unknown>'))}
+def getTypeInfoDictionary(type):
+    """Return a PT-friendly info dictionary for a type."""
+    path = getPythonPath(type)
+    return {'name': type.__name__,
+            'module': type.__module__,
+            'url': isReferencable(path) and path.replace('.', '/') or None}
+def getSpecificationInfoDictionary(spec):
+    """Return an info dictionary for one specification."""
+    info = {'isInterface': False, 'isType': False}
+    if zope.interface.interfaces.IInterface.providedBy(spec):
+        info.update(getInterfaceInfoDictionary(spec))
+        info['isInterface'] = True
+    else:
+        info.update(getTypeInfoDictionary(spec.inherit))
+        info['isType'] = True
+    return info
 def getAdapterInfoDictionary(reg):
     """Return a PT-friendly info dictionary for an adapter registration."""
     factory = getRealFactory(reg.factory)
@@ -196,7 +223,7 @@
     return {
         'provided': getInterfaceInfoDictionary(reg.provided),
-        'required': [getInterfaceInfoDictionary(iface)
+        'required': [getSpecificationInfoDictionary(iface)
                      for iface in reg.required
                      if iface is not None],
         'name': unicode(getattr(reg, 'name', u'')),

Modified: zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt
--- zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt	2007-09-27 20:47:08 UTC (rev 80258)
+++ zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/component.txt	2007-09-27 21:18:46 UTC (rev 80259)
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
-   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
-   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''),
+   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
 Note how the adapter requiring an `IRequest` at the end of the required
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
-   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
-   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
-   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''),
+   HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
 The function will also pick up registrations that have required interfaces the
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
    AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
-                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''), 
+                       [IFoo], IResult, '', None, u''),
    HandlerRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo], u'', 'stubFactory', u'')]
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getRequiredAdapters(IBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
 And by specifying the `withView` flag, we get views as well:
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(ISpecialResult, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
-                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''), 
-   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
+                       [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
+   AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u'')]
 We can of course also ask for adapters specifying `IResult`:
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getProvidedAdapters(IResult, withViews=True))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IBar], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
    AdapterRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
                        [IFoo, IRequest], ISpecialResult, '', None, u''),
@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFooBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, 
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>,
       IFactory, 'MyFooBar',
       <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, u'')]
   >>> regs = list(component.getFactories(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs
-  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFoo', 
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFoo',
                <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo'>>, u''),
    UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFactory, 'MyFooBar',
             <Factory for <class 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar'>>, u'')]
@@ -214,15 +214,15 @@
   >>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFooBar))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '', 
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '',
                        <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, u'')]
   >>> regs = list(component.getUtilities(IFoo))
   >>> regs.sort()
   >>> regs #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
-  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFoo, '', 
+  [UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFoo, '',
                        <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFoo object at ...>, u''),
-   UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '', 
+   UtilityRegistration(<BaseGlobalComponents base>, IFooBar, '',
                        <zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyFooBar object at ...>, u'')]
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
   >>> component.getInterfaceInfoDictionary(None) is None
-It's also possible for this function to be passed a 
+It's also possible for this function to be passed a
 zope.interface.declarations.Implements instance.  For instance, this function
 is sometimes used to analyze the required elements of an adapter registration:
 if an adapter or subscriber is registered against a class, then the required
@@ -311,6 +311,49 @@
   {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'MyFoo'}
+This function returns the info dictionary of a type.
+  >>> pprint(component.getTypeInfoDictionary(tuple))
+  {'module': '__builtin__',
+   'name': 'tuple',
+   'url': '__builtin__/tuple'}
+Thsi function returns an info dictionary for the given specification. A
+specification can either be an interface or class. If it is an interface, it
+simply returns the interface dictionary:
+  >>> pprint(component.getSpecificationInfoDictionary(IFoo))
+  {'isInterface': True,
+   'isType': False,
+   'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+   'name': 'IFoo'}
+In addition to the usual interface infos, there are two flags indicating
+whether the specification was an interface or type. In our case it is an
+Let's now look at the behavior when passing a type:
+  >>> import zope.interface
+  >>> tupleSpec = zope.interface.implementedBy(tuple)
+  >>> pprint(component.getSpecificationInfoDictionary(tupleSpec))
+  {'isInterface': False,
+   'isType': True,
+   'module': '__builtin__',
+   'name': 'tuple',
+   'url': '__builtin__/tuple'}
+For the type, we simply reuse the type info dictionary function.
@@ -333,9 +376,16 @@
    'factory': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyResult',
    'factory_url': 'zope/app/apidoc/doctest/MyResult',
    'name': u'FooToResult',
-   'provided': {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IResult'},
-   'required': [{'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'},
-                {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}],
+   'provided': {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                'name': 'IResult'},
+   'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IFoo'},
+                {'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IBar'}],
    'zcml': None}
 If the factory's path cannot be referenced, for example if a type has been
@@ -353,9 +403,16 @@
    'factory': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest.MyResult2',
    'factory_url': None,
    'name': u'FooToResult',
-   'provided': {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IResult'},
-   'required': [{'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'},
-                {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}],
+   'provided': {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                'name': 'IResult'},
+   'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IFoo'},
+                {'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IBar'}],
    'zcml': None}
 This function can also handle subscription registrations, which are pretty
@@ -371,8 +428,14 @@
    'factory_url': 'zope/app/apidoc/doctest/MyResult',
    'name': u'',
    'provided': None,
-   'required': [{'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IFoo'},
-                {'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest', 'name': 'IBar'}],
+   'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IFoo'},
+                {'isInterface': True,
+                 'isType': False,
+                 'module': 'zope.app.apidoc.doctest',
+                 'name': 'IBar'}],
    'zcml': None}

Modified: zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/browser.txt
--- zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/browser.txt	2007-09-27 20:47:08 UTC (rev 80258)
+++ zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/browser.txt	2007-09-27 21:18:46 UTC (rev 80259)
@@ -307,7 +307,9 @@
     'factory_url': None,
     'name': u'',
     'provided': None,
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -316,7 +318,9 @@
     'name': u'',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'IPhysicallyLocatable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -325,7 +329,9 @@
     'name': u'',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -334,7 +340,9 @@
     'name': u'',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraverser'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -343,7 +351,9 @@
     'name': u'etc',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -352,9 +362,13 @@
     'name': u'etc',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'},
-                 {'module': 'zope.interface',
+                 {'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -363,9 +377,13 @@
     'name': u'etc',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'},
-                 {'module': 'zope.interface',
+                 {'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -374,9 +392,13 @@
     'name': u'etc',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'},
-                 {'module': 'zope.interface',
+                 {'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None},
    {'doc': u'',
@@ -385,9 +407,13 @@
     'name': u'etc',
     'provided': {'module': 'zope.traversing.interfaces',
                  'name': 'ITraversable'},
-    'required': [{'module': 'zope.interface',
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'},
-                 {'module': 'zope.interface',
+                 {'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': 'zope.interface',
                   'name': 'Interface'}],
     'zcml': None}]
@@ -402,11 +428,16 @@
     'factory': '__builtin__.Foo',
     'factory_url': None,
     'name': u'',
-    'provided': {'module': '__builtin__', 'name': 'IFoo'},
-    'required': [{'module': '__builtin__', 'name': 'IBar'}],
+    'provided': {'module': '__builtin__',
+                 'name': 'IFoo'},
+    'required': [{'isInterface': True,
+                  'isType': False,
+                  'module': '__builtin__',
+                  'name': 'IBar'}],
     'zcml': None}]

Modified: zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/component_macros.pt
--- zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/component_macros.pt	2007-09-27 20:47:08 UTC (rev 80258)
+++ zope.app.apidoc/trunk/src/zope/app/apidoc/ifacemodule/component_macros.pt	2007-09-27 21:18:46 UTC (rev 80259)
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
   ><span tal:replace="iface/module" />.<u tal:content="iface/name"
+<metal:block define-macro="typename">
+  <span tal:replace="type/module" />.<span tal:replace="type/name" />
 <metal:block define-macro="zcml" i18n:domain="zope">
   <a href=""
@@ -38,13 +42,22 @@
     <i i18n:translate="">requires:</i>
-    <tal:block repeat="iface adapter/required">
+    <tal:block repeat="spec adapter/required">
       <a href=""
-          tal:condition="iface"
-          tal:attributes="href
-            string:$rootURL/Interface/${iface/module}.${iface/name}/index.html">
-        <metal:block use-macro="context/@@interface_macros/ifacename"
-        /></a><tal:block condition="not:repeat/iface/end">, </tal:block>
+         tal:condition="spec/isInterface"
+         tal:define="iface spec"
+         tal:attributes="href
+            string:$rootURL/Interface/${iface/module}.${spec/name}/index.html">
+          <metal:block use-macro="context/@@interface_macros/ifacename"
+        /></a>
+      <a href=""
+         tal:condition="spec/isType"
+         tal:define="type spec"
+         tal:attributes="href
+            string:$rootURL/Code/${type/url}/index.html">
+          <metal:block use-macro="context/@@interface_macros/typename"
+        /></a>
+        <tal:block condition="not:repeat/spec/end">, </tal:block>
     <span tal:condition="not:adapter/required" i18n:translate="">
       No interface required.

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