[Checkins] SVN: z3.themehook/trunk/ Initial import.

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 10:04:11 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 80389:
  Initial import.

  A   z3.themehook/trunk/
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/README.txt
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/setup.cfg
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/setup.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/__init__.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/__init__.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/configure.zcml
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/interfaces.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/publication.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/__init__.py
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/ftesting.zcml
  A   z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/test_themehook.py

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/README.txt
--- z3.themehook/trunk/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/README.txt	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+z3c.themehook Package Readme
+This package contains a publication object that provides a hook for callObject,
+so that the calling gets pluggable. The main reason for this is to apply
+theming, which is why the module is called "themehook".
+A themehook is a multiadapter between (None, IBrowserRequest) and
+z3c.themehook.interfaces.IPublicationObjectCaller. An example can be found
+in z3c.themehook.publication.DefaultPublicationObjectCaller which simply
+does what Zope 3s default publication object does.
+All you need to do to use the themehook is to create a new such adapter
+and register it, and it will be automatically used for the whole application.

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/README.txt
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/setup.cfg
--- z3.themehook/trunk/setup.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/setup.cfg	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+tag_build = dev
+tag_svn_revision = true

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/setup.py
--- z3.themehook/trunk/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/setup.py	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+import sys, os
+version = '0.1'
+      version=version,
+      description="Zope3 publication theme hook",
+      long_description="""z3c.themehook provides a publisher hook for theming mechanisms.""",
+      classifiers=[
+          'Framework :: Zope3',
+          'Programming Language :: Python',
+          'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
+          'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',
+          ],
+      keywords='Zope3 theming',
+      author='Lennart Regebro',
+      author_email='regebro at gmail.com',
+      license='GPL',
+      packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup']),
+      namespace_packages=['zope'],
+      include_package_data=True,
+      zip_safe=False,
+      install_requires=[
+          # -*- Extra requirements: -*-
+      ],
+      entry_points="""
+      # -*- Entry points: -*-
+      """,
+      )

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/setup.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/__init__.py

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/__init__.py

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/configure.zcml
--- z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/configure.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/configure.zcml	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+  xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
+  xmlns:grok="http://namespaces.zope.org/grok" 
+  i18n_domain="zope">
+  <publisher
+      name="BROWSER"
+      factory=".publication.PluggedBrowserFactory"
+      methods="GET POST HEAD"
+      mimetypes="*"
+      priority="12"
+      />

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/configure.zcml
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/interfaces.py
--- z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/interfaces.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/interfaces.py	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IPublicationObjectCaller(Interface):
+    """IPublicationCaller calls the object with the request
+    Calling IPublicationCaller should generate the output to be passed to
+    the publisher. An IPublicationCaller should be an adapter between
+    (ob, request) and IPublicationCaller."""
+    def __call__():
+        """calls the object"""
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/interfaces.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/publication.py
--- z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/publication.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/publication.py	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import zope.interface
+import zope.component
+from zope.app.publication.requestpublicationfactories import BrowserFactory
+from zope.security.checker import selectChecker
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
+from zope.app.publication.browser import BrowserPublication
+from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
+from interfaces import IPublicationObjectCaller
+class PluggedBrowserPublication(BrowserPublication):
+    def callObject(self, request, ob):
+        adapter = zope.component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, request), 
+                                                   IPublicationObjectCaller)
+        if adapter is None:
+            # Fallback to a hook that just makes a mapply:
+            adapter = DefaultPublicationObjectCaller(ob, request)
+        return adapter()
+class PluggedBrowserFactory(BrowserFactory):
+    def __call__(self):
+        request, publication = super(PluggedBrowserFactory, self).__call__()
+        return request, PluggedBrowserPublication
+class DefaultPublicationObjectCaller(object):
+    zope.interface.implements(IPublicationObjectCaller)
+    zope.component.adapts(None, IBrowserRequest)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+        self.request = request
+    def __call__(self):
+        return mapply(self.context, 
+                      self.request.getPositionalArguments(), 
+                      self.request)

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/publication.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/__init__.py

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/ftesting.zcml
--- z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/ftesting.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/ftesting.zcml	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+           xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta"
+           i18n_domain="">
+  <!-- Turn on the devmode -->
+  <meta:provides feature="devmode" />
+  <include package="zope.security" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <!--include package="zope.publisher" /-->
+  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" />
+  <include package="z3c.themehook" />
+  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy" />
+  <securityPolicy 
+      component="zope.app.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy" />
+  <!-- Test Principals -->
+  <unauthenticatedPrincipal id="zope.anybody"
+                            title="Unauthenticated User" />
+  <unauthenticatedGroup id="zope.Anybody"
+                        title="Unauthenticated Users" />
+  <authenticatedGroup id="zope.Authenticated"
+                      title="Authenticated Users" />
+  <everybodyGroup id="zope.Everybody"
+                  title="All Users" />
+  <!-- Principal that tests generally run as -->
+  <principal
+      id="zope.mgr"
+      title="Manager"
+      login="mgr"
+      password="mgrpw"
+      />
+  <!-- Bootstrap principal used to make local grant to the principal above -->
+  <principal
+      id="zope.globalmgr"
+      title="Manager"
+      login="globalmgr"
+      password="globalmgrpw"
+      />
+  <grant permission="zope.View"
+         principal="zope.Anybody" />
+  <grant permission="zope.app.dublincore.view"
+         principal="zope.Anybody" />
+  <role id="zope.Manager" title="Site Manager" />
+  <role id="zope.Member" title="Site Member" />
+  <grantAll role="zope.Manager" />
+  <grant role="zope.Manager" principal="zope.globalmgr" />

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/ftesting.zcml
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Added: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/test_themehook.py
--- z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/test_themehook.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/test_themehook.py	2007-09-29 14:04:11 UTC (rev 80389)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import os
+import unittest
+import zope.interface
+import zope.component
+import zope.app.testing
+from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
+from zope.app.testing import functional
+from z3c.themehook.interfaces import IPublicationObjectCaller
+from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
+ThemeHookLayer = functional.ZCMLLayer(
+    os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'ftesting.zcml'),
+    __name__, 'ThemeHookLayer', allow_teardown=True)
+class TestThemer(object):
+    zope.interface.implements(IPublicationObjectCaller)
+    zope.component.adapts(None, IBrowserRequest)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+        self.request = request
+    def __call__(self):
+        return 'TestThemer output'
+class ThemeHookTest(functional.FunctionalTestCase):
+    layer = ThemeHookLayer
+    def test_themehook(self):
+        # First test that things work with a hook
+        browser = Browser()
+        browser.open('http://localhost/')
+        # Make sure it worked
+        self.failUnless('Unauthenticated User' in browser.contents,
+                    "Default caller broken")
+        # Register the themer in the hook:
+        zope.component.provideAdapter(TestThemer, (None, IBrowserRequest), 
+                             IPublicationObjectCaller)
+        # Now put in the theming:
+        browser.open('http://localhost/')
+        # Not it's the TestThemer that makes the output:
+        self.failUnless('TestThemer output' in browser.contents,
+                    'TestThemer output not found',)
+def test_suite():
+    from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite
+    suite = TestSuite()
+    suite.addTests(makeSuite(ThemeHookTest))
+    return suite

Property changes on: z3.themehook/trunk/z3c/themehook/tests/test_themehook.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

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