[Checkins] SVN: z3c.widget/trunk/ implemented dealing with max. allowed file size (see CHANGES.txt)

Bernd Roessl bernd.roessl at lovelysystems.com
Tue Sep 4 19:26:38 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 79473:
  implemented dealing with max. allowed file size (see CHANGES.txt)

  U   z3c.widget/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  D   z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/Upload.as
  A   z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/
  A   z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/ScrollBox.as
  A   z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/Upload.as
  U   z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt
  U   z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.mo
  U   z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.po
  U   z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/z3c.widget.flashupload.pot
  U   z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/resources/upload.swf

Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- z3c.widget/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2007-09-04 23:02:44 UTC (rev 79472)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -3,6 +3,16 @@
+2007/09/05 0.1.4
+ - dealing file size during upload. If one or more files are bigger than
+   the passed size each one of them will be ignored during upload but listed
+   below the progress bar after the upload of the working files is done.
+ - displaying the maximal allowed file size (if it's contained in the config
+   file)
 2007/09/03 0.1.3

Deleted: z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/Upload.as
--- z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/Upload.as	2007-09-04 23:02:44 UTC (rev 79472)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/Upload.as	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-    Widget for uploading one or more Files to a Zope3 Server.
-    for autentication we need to get a ticket id befor sending the post request.
-    step1: get the ticket:
-    ./ticket.html/filename=myfile.jpg
-    this returns us a target path:
-    targeturl=http://......
-    this is the target where we post the file
-    step2: send file to the given url
-    configuration:
-    on _level0 we receive the information about where to get the ticket - inside
-    the ticket we receive the url where to upload.
-    _level0.target_path -> where to get the ticket
-    _level0.allowed_types -> space seperated files of allowed types.
-    _level0.allowed_types = "Images (all jpgs and pngs); jpg jpeg png gif|
-    @author <manfred.schwendinger at lovelysystems.com>
-import flash.net.FileReferenceList;
-import flash.net.FileReference;
-class z3c.widget.flashupload.Upload extends MovieClip{
-    private var info_mc:MovieClip;
-    private var file_array:Array;
-    private var fileref:FileReferenceList;
-    private var file:FileReference; // currently active file for upload
-    private var allowed_types:Array;
-    private var debug_txt:TextField;
-    private var upload_complete_str:String;
-    private var load_vars:LoadVars;
-    private var overall_total:Number;
-    private var overall_loaded:Number;
-    private var file_counter:Number;
-    private var file_amount:Number;
-	private var data_xml:XML;
-	private var error_msg:String;
-	private var js_command_queue:Array; // only one getURL can be called inside one frame. so lets make a queue to avoid troubles.
-    public function Upload(){
-        allowed_types = new Array();
-		js_command_queue = new Array();
-		overall_total = 0;
-        overall_loaded = 0;
-        file_counter = 0;
-		log("initialize. target: "+_level0.target_path);
-        // allow upload from the local host
-        System.security.allowDomain("http://localhost/");
-        fileref = new FileReferenceList();
-        fileref.addListener(this);
-		// we do not want to have an overall info if there is only 1 file uploading...
-		info_mc.overallinfo_mc._visible = false;
-        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
-        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
-        info_mc._visible = false;
-        this.onResize();
-        Stage.addListener(this)
-		var xml_url:String = _level0.config_path;
-		data_xml = new XML();
-		data_xml["ptr"] = this;
-		data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
-		data_xml.onLoad = function(){ this.ptr.parseDataXML(this); }
-		data_xml.load(xml_url);
-		//log("vars url: "+xml_url);
-    }
-    private function onResize(){
-        var margin:Number = 5;
-        var width:Number = Stage.width - 2*margin;
-		// position of the file info (current file name + number)
-		info_mc.filenum_txt._x = width - info_mc.filenum_txt._width;
-		info_mc.filename_txt._width = info_mc.filenum_txt._x - info_mc.filename_txt._x;
-		info_mc.progress_txt.text = "";
-		info_mc.progress_txt._x = width - info_mc.progress_txt._width;
-		// file progress positions
-		this.setProgressSize(info_mc.fileinfo_mc, width);
-		// overall progress positions
-		this.setProgressSize(info_mc.overallinfo_mc, width);
-    }
-	/*
-		sets the size of a bar line (overall and file bars)
-	*/
-	private function setProgressSize(mc:MovieClip, width:Number):Void{
-		mc.label_txt._width = width - mc.progress_txt._width;
-		mc.progress_txt._x = width - mc.progress_txt._width;
-		mc.progress_mc._width = width;
-	}
-	/**
-		parses the language dependend strings.
-	*/
-	private function parseDataXML(obj_xml:XML):Void{
-		log("xml loaded: "+obj_xml.firstChild);
-		var nodes = obj_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
-		for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
-			var nodeval:String = nodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
-			switch(nodes[i].attributes.name){
-				case "file_progress" :
-					info_mc.fileinfo_mc.label_txt.text = nodeval;
-					break;
-				case "overall_progress" :
-					info_mc.overallinfo_mc.label_txt.text = nodeval;
-					break;
-				case "error" :
-					error_msg = nodeval;
-					break;
-				case "uploadcomplete" :
-				    upload_complete_str = nodeval;
-                    break;
-                case "allowedFileType":
-                    var allowedType = nodeval;
-                    if (allowedType.charAt(0) == "."){
-                        allowedType = "*"+allowedType;
-                    }
-                    allowed_types.push(allowedType);
-                    log("add allowed type: "+allowedType+" ("+allowed_types.length+")");
-                    break;
-				default:
-					log("error: unexpected attribute: "+nodes[i].attributes.name);
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-    /**
-        creates an array with all allowed types
-        the data gets parsed from the variable of _level0.allowed_types
-        var file:FileReference;
-        var allTypes:Array = new Array();
-        var imageTypes:Object = new Object();
-        imageTypes.description = "Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)";
-        imageTypes.extension = "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png";
-        allTypes.push(imageTypes);
-        var textTypes:Object = new Object();
-        textTypes.description = "Text Files (*.txt, *.rtf)";
-        textTypes.extension = "*.txt;*.rtf";
-        allTypes.push(textTypes);
-        arr = [{description:'a description', extension:'*.jpg'}, .....]
-    */
-    public function saveAllowedTypes(arr:Array):Void{
-        allowed_types = arr;
-    }
-    /**
-        starts the browsing process for uploading files
-    */
-    public function browse():Void{
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadDisableBrowseButton()");
-        if (allowed_types.length>0){
-            log("browse with limited filetypes: "+allowed_types);
-            var allTypes:Array = new Array();
-            var t:Object = new Object();
-            t.description = "Files";
-            t.extension = "";
-            for (var i=0; i<allowed_types.length; i++){
-                t.extension += allowed_types[i];
-                if (i<allowed_types.length - 1) t.extension+=";";
-            }
-            log("ALLOWED: "+t.extension);
-            allTypes.push(t);
-            fileref.browse(allTypes);
-        }
-        else{
-            log("browse");
-            fileref.browse();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-        starts the upload queue
-    */
-    public function onSelect(fileRefList:FileReferenceList):Void{
-		file_array = fileRefList.fileList;
-		log("uploadFiles: "+file_array.length);
-		// overall progress should be visible on mutliple fileupload only.
-		info_mc.overallinfo_mc._visible = (file_array.length > 1);
-        for (var i=0; i<file_array.length; i++){
-            overall_total+=file_array[i].size;
-        }
-        if (file_array.length>0){
-            info_mc._visible = true;
-            file_counter = 0;
-            file_amount = file_array.length;
-            loadNextTicket();
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-        loads the next upload ticket via loadvars
-        the ticket holds some security information which
-        are required for the upload
-    */
-    public function loadNextTicket():Void{
-        // we want to have a 100% bar, even if onProgress was never
-        // fired because the file was so small that onProgress was
-        // never fired
-        this.updateFileProgress(100);
-        if (file_array.length == 0){
-            log("all files uploaded.");
-			// all files uploaded. Fire JavaScript Event
-			js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnUploadCompleteFEvent()");
-			info_mc.filename_txt.text = upload_complete_str;
-            this.updateOverallProgress(100);
-            return;
-        }
-        load_vars = new LoadVars();
-        load_vars["ptr"] = this;
-        load_vars.onData = function(d:String){
-            this["ptr"].log("load data: "+d);
-            this["ptr"].loadNextFile(d);
-        }
-        load_vars.load(_level0.target_path+"/@@ticket");
-    }
-    /**
-        loads the next file inside the file_array
-    */
-    public function loadNextFile(ticket:String):Void{
-        file = FileReference(file_array.pop());
-        var url:String = _level0.target_path+"?ticket="+ticket;
-        log("uploadNextFile: "+url);
-        file.addListener(this);
-        file.upload(url);
-    }
-    public function log(msg:String):Void{
-        trace(msg);
-		if (msg.length>500) msg = msg.substring(msg.length-100, msg.length);
-        _level0.debug_txt.text+=msg+"\n";
-		_level0.debug_txt.scroll = _level0.debug_mc.debug_txt.maxscroll;
-    }
-    /**
-        FileReference Listeners....
-    */
-    public function onProgress(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void{
-		var percent:Number = Math.round(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal * 100);
-		if (percent>100) percent=100; // for any strange reason, the totalbytes can be smaller then the loade bytes :)
-        log("onProgress " + bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal: " + bytesTotal+" = "+percent+"%");
-        this.updateFileProgress(percent);
-        var percent_complete:Number = Math.round((overall_loaded+bytesLoaded) / overall_total * 100);
-        // hack for waiting time after last upload is done
-        // 100% should only be displayed when the LAST object fired his READY event.
-        if (percent_complete > 95) percent_complete = 95;
-		this.updateOverallProgress(percent_complete);
-		info_mc.progress_txt.text = getByteString(overall_loaded + bytesLoaded) + "/" + getByteString(overall_total);
-    }
-    public function updateFileProgress(percent:Number):Void{
-        if (percent>100) percent = 100;
-        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(percent);
-        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_txt.text = percent+"%";
-    }
-    public function updateOverallProgress(percent:Number):Void{
-        if (percent>100) percent = 100;
-        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(percent);
-        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_txt.text = percent+"%";
-    }
-	/**
-		returns a nice prepared string
-	*/
-	public function getByteString(bytes:Number):String{
-		if (bytes<1024){
-			// bytes
-			return String(Math.round(bytes)+"B");
-		}
-		else if (bytes>(1024*1024)){
-			// MB
-			return String(Math.round(bytes/(1024*1024))+"MB");
-		}
-		else{
-			// KB
-			return String(Math.round(bytes/1024)+"KB");
-		}
-	}
-    public function onComplete(file:FileReference):Void{
-        log("file upload complete");
-        overall_loaded+=file.size;
-        this.loadNextTicket();
-		// tell javascript that the file is uploaded.
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnFileCompleteFEvent('"+file.name+"')");
-    }
-    public function onCancel(file:FileReference):Void{
-        log("onCancel");
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnCancelFEvent()");
-    }
-    public function onOpen(file:FileReference):Void{
-        log("onOpen: "+file.name+" : "+file.size);
-        file_counter++;
-        info_mc.filename_txt.text = file.name +" ("+Math.round(file.size/1024)+"kb)";
-        info_mc.filenum_txt.text = file_counter+"/"+file_amount;
-    }
-    public function onHTTPError(file:FileReference):Void {
-        log("onHTTPError: " + file.name);
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");
-    }
-    public function onIOError(file:FileReference):Void {
-        log("onIOError: " + file.name);
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");
-    }
-    public function onSecurityError(file:FileReference, errorString:String):Void {
-        log("onSecurityError: " + file.name + " errorString: " + errorString);
-		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");
-    }
-    public function onEnterFrame():Void{
-        if (_level0.startBrowse=="go"){
-			log("go event was fired");
-            _level0.startBrowse = "";
-            this.browse();
-        }
-		if (js_command_queue.length>0){
-			var command = js_command_queue.shift();
-			getURL(command);
-		}
-    }
Added: z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/ScrollBox.as
--- z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/ScrollBox.as	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/ScrollBox.as	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+    Simple textbox with scrollers to display the list of items that were too big
+    to be uploaded
+    @author <gerold.boehler at lovelysystems.com>
+class z3c.widget.flashupload.baseskin.ScrollBox extends MovieClip
+    private var headline_txt:TextField;
+    private var list_txt:TextField;
+    private var bg_mc:MovieClip;
+    private var up_mc:MovieClip;
+    private var down_mc:MovieClip;
+    private var width:Number;
+    private var height:Number;
+    public function ScrollBox()
+    {
+        super();
+        attachMovie("up_mc", "up_mc", getNextHighestDepth());
+        up_mc.onPress = function() { _parent.onUpPress(); }
+        up_mc.onRelease = function() { _parent.onUpRelease(); }
+        attachMovie("down_mc", "down_mc", getNextHighestDepth())
+        down_mc.onPress = function() { _parent.onDownPress(); }
+        down_mc.onRelease = function() { _parent.onDownRelease(); }
+        headline_txt.autoSize = true;
+        headline_txt.text = "";
+        list_txt.text = "";
+    }
+    public function setHeadline(txt:String)
+    {
+        headline_txt.text = txt;
+    }
+    public function setText(txt:String)
+    {
+        list_txt.text = txt;
+        onActivity();
+    }
+    public function addText(txt:String)
+    {
+        list_txt.text += txt;
+        onActivity();
+    }
+    public function getText():String
+    {
+        return list_txt.text;
+    }
+    private function onActivity()
+    {
+        up_mc._visible = list_txt.scroll > 1;
+        down_mc._visible = list_txt.scroll < list_txt.maxscroll;
+        if (!up_mc._visible && !down_mc._visible)
+        {
+            bg_mc._width = width;
+            list_txt._width = width;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            bg_mc._width = width - 20;
+            list_txt._width = width - 20;
+        }
+    }
+    // event listeners --------------------------------------------------------
+    function onUpPress()
+    {
+    }
+    function onUpRelease()
+    {
+        if (list_txt.scroll == 1)
+            return;
+        list_txt.scroll--;
+        onActivity();
+    }
+    function onDownPress()
+    {
+    }
+    function onDownRelease()
+    {
+        if (list_txt.scroll == list_txt.maxscroll)
+            return;
+        list_txt.scroll++;
+        onActivity();
+    }
+    private function onParentResize(w:Number, h:Number)
+    {
+        width = w;
+        height = h;
+        headline_txt._x = 0;
+        headline_txt._y = 0;
+        headline_txt._width = w;
+        headline_txt._height = h;
+        bg_mc._x = 0;
+        bg_mc._y = 18;
+        bg_mc._width = w - 20;
+        bg_mc._height = h - 18;
+        list_txt._x = 0;
+        list_txt._y = bg_mc._y;
+        list_txt._width = bg_mc._width;
+        list_txt._height = bg_mc._height;
+        up_mc._x = w - up_mc._width;
+        up_mc._y = bg_mc._y;
+        down_mc._x = w - up_mc._width;
+        down_mc._y = h - down_mc._height;
+        onActivity();
+    }
+    // helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    public function log(msg):Void{
+        trace(msg);
+		if (msg.length>500) msg = msg.substring(msg.length-100, msg.length);
+        _level0.debug_txt.text+=msg+"\n";
+		_level0.debug_txt.scroll = _level0.debug_mc.debug_txt.maxscroll;
+    }

Added: z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/Upload.as
--- z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/Upload.as	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/flash/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/baseskin/Upload.as	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+    Widget for uploading one or more Files to a Zope3 Server. 
+    for autentication we need to get a ticket id befor sending the post request.
+    step1: get the ticket:
+    ./ticket.html/filename=myfile.jpg
+    this returns us a target path:
+    targeturl=http://...... 
+    this is the target where we post the file
+    step2: send file to the given url
+    configuration:
+    on _level0 we receive the information about where to get the ticket - inside
+    the ticket we receive the url where to upload. 
+    _level0.target_path -> where to get the ticket
+    _level0.allowed_types -> space seperated files of allowed types. 
+    _level0.allowed_types = "Images (all jpgs and pngs); jpg jpeg png gif|
+    @author <manfred.schwendinger at lovelysystems.com>
+    @author <gerold.boehler at lovelysystems.com>
+import flash.net.FileReferenceList;
+import flash.net.FileReference;
+class z3c.widget.flashupload.baseskin.Upload extends MovieClip{
+    private var sizeinfo_txt:TextField;
+    private var info_mc:MovieClip;
+    private var scrollbox_mc:MovieClip;
+    private var file_array:Array;
+    private var fileref:FileReferenceList;
+    private var file:FileReference; // currently active file for upload
+    private var allowed_types:Array;
+    private var maxSize:Number;
+    private var debug_txt:TextField;
+    private var upload_complete_str:String;
+    private var upload_partial_str:String;
+    private var not_uploaded_str:String;
+    private var max_filesize_str:String;
+    private var load_vars:LoadVars;
+    private var overall_total:Number;
+    private var overall_loaded:Number;
+    private var file_counter:Number;
+    private var files_loaded:Number;
+    private var files_not_loaded:Number;
+    private var file_amount:Number;
+	private var data_xml:XML;
+	private var error_msg:String;
+	private var js_command_queue:Array; // only one getURL can be called inside one frame. so lets make a queue to avoid troubles. 
+    public function Upload()
+    {
+        allowed_types = new Array();
+		js_command_queue = new Array();
+		overall_total = 0;
+        overall_loaded = 0;
+        file_counter = 0;
+        files_loaded = 0;
+        files_not_loaded = 0;
+        maxSize = 0;
+		log("initialize. target: "+_level0.target_path);
+        // allow upload from the local host
+        System.security.allowDomain("http://localhost/");
+        fileref = new FileReferenceList();
+        fileref.addListener(this);
+		// we do not want to have an overall info if there is only 1 file uploading...
+		info_mc.overallinfo_mc._visible = false;
+        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
+        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(1);
+        info_mc._visible = false;
+        scrollbox_mc._visible = false;
+        onEnterFrame = initAfterFirstFrame;
+    }
+    function initAfterFirstFrame()
+    {
+        this.onResize();
+        Stage.addListener(this);
+		var xml_url:String = _level0.config_path;
+		data_xml = new XML();
+		data_xml["ptr"] = this;
+		data_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
+		data_xml.onLoad = function(){ this.ptr.parseDataXML(this); }
+		data_xml.load(xml_url);
+		onEnterFrame = waitForStartBrowse;
+    }
+    private function initAfterXmlLoaded()
+    {
+        scrollbox_mc.setHeadline(files_not_loaded + " " + not_uploaded_str);
+        sizeinfo_txt.autoSize = true;
+        sizeinfo_txt._visible = maxSize > 0;
+        sizeinfo_txt.text = max_filesize_str + ": " + maxSize + "KB";
+    }
+    private function onResize(){
+        var margin:Number = 5;
+        var width:Number = Stage.width - 2*margin;
+        //sizeinfo_txt._y = 0;
+		// position of the file info (current file name + number)
+		info_mc.filenum_txt._x = width - info_mc.filenum_txt._width; 
+		info_mc.filename_txt._width = info_mc.filenum_txt._x - info_mc.filename_txt._x;		
+		info_mc.progress_txt.text = "";
+		info_mc.progress_txt._x = width - info_mc.progress_txt._width;
+		// file progress positions
+		this.setProgressSize(info_mc.fileinfo_mc, width);
+		// overall progress positions
+		this.setProgressSize(info_mc.overallinfo_mc, width);
+		var scrollboxHeight = 90;
+		scrollbox_mc._y = Stage.height - scrollboxHeight + 11;
+		scrollbox_mc.onParentResize(width, scrollboxHeight);
+    }
+	/*
+		sets the size of a bar line (overall and file bars)
+	*/
+	private function setProgressSize(mc:MovieClip, width:Number):Void{
+		mc.label_txt._width = width - mc.progress_txt._width;
+		mc.progress_txt._x = width - mc.progress_txt._width;
+		mc.progress_mc._width = width;			
+	}
+	/**
+		parses the language dependend strings. 
+	*/
+	private function parseDataXML(obj_xml:XML):Void{
+		log("xml loaded: "+obj_xml.firstChild);
+		var nodes = obj_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
+		for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
+			var nodeval:String = nodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue; 
+			switch(nodes[i].attributes.name){
+				case "file_progress" :
+					info_mc.fileinfo_mc.label_txt.text = nodeval;
+					break;
+				case "overall_progress" :
+					info_mc.overallinfo_mc.label_txt.text = nodeval;
+					break;
+				case "error" :
+					error_msg = nodeval;
+					break;
+				case "uploadcomplete" :
+				    upload_complete_str = nodeval;
+                    break;
+				case "uploadpartial" :
+				    upload_partial_str = nodeval;
+                    break;
+				case "notuploaded" :
+				    not_uploaded_str = nodeval;
+                    break;
+				case "maxfilesize" :
+				    max_filesize_str = nodeval;
+                    break;
+                case "allowedFileType":
+                    var allowedType = nodeval;
+                    if (allowedType.charAt(0) == "."){
+                        allowedType = "*"+allowedType;
+                    }
+                    allowed_types.push(allowedType);
+                    log("add allowed type: "+allowedType+" ("+allowed_types.length+")");
+                    break;
+                case "maxsize":
+                    maxSize = parseInt(nodeval);
+            		log("maxsize: " + maxSize)
+                    break;
+				default:
+					log("error: unexpected attribute: "+nodes[i].attributes.name);
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		initAfterXmlLoaded();
+	}
+    /**
+        creates an array with all allowed types
+        the data gets parsed from the variable of _level0.allowed_types
+        var file:FileReference;
+        var allTypes:Array = new Array();
+        var imageTypes:Object = new Object();
+        imageTypes.description = "Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)";
+        imageTypes.extension = "*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png";
+        allTypes.push(imageTypes);
+        var textTypes:Object = new Object();
+        textTypes.description = "Text Files (*.txt, *.rtf)";
+        textTypes.extension = "*.txt;*.rtf";
+        allTypes.push(textTypes);
+        arr = [{description:'a description', extension:'*.jpg'}, .....]
+    */
+    public function saveAllowedTypes(arr:Array):Void{
+        allowed_types = arr;
+    }
+    /**
+        starts the browsing process for uploading files
+    */
+    public function browse():Void{
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadDisableBrowseButton()");
+        if (allowed_types.length>0){
+            log("browse with limited filetypes: "+allowed_types);
+            var allTypes:Array = new Array();
+            var t:Object = new Object();
+            t.description = "Files";
+            t.extension = "";
+            for (var i=0; i<allowed_types.length; i++){
+                t.extension += allowed_types[i];
+                if (i<allowed_types.length - 1) t.extension+=";";
+            }
+            log("ALLOWED: "+t.extension);
+            allTypes.push(t);
+            fileref.browse(allTypes);
+        }
+        else{
+            log("browse");
+            fileref.browse();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+        starts the upload queue
+    */
+    public function onSelect(fileRefList:FileReferenceList):Void
+    {
+        sizeinfo_txt._visible = false;
+		file_array = fileRefList.fileList;
+		log("uploadFiles: "+file_array.length);        
+		// overall progress should be visible on mutliple fileupload only. 
+		info_mc.overallinfo_mc._visible = (file_array.length > 1);
+        for (var i=0; i<file_array.length; i++){
+            overall_total+=file_array[i].size;
+        }
+        if (file_array.length>0){
+            info_mc._visible = true;
+            file_counter = 0;
+            file_amount = file_array.length;
+            loadNextTicket();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+        loads the next upload ticket via loadvars
+        the ticket holds some security information which 
+        are required for the upload
+    */
+    public function loadNextTicket():Void{
+        // we want to have a 100% bar, even if onProgress was never
+        // fired because the file was so small that onProgress was
+        // never fired
+        this.updateFileProgress(100);
+        if (file_array.length == 0){
+            log("all files uploaded.");
+			// all files uploaded. Fire JavaScript Event
+			js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnUploadCompleteFEvent()");
+			if (files_not_loaded == 0)
+			    info_mc.filename_txt.text = upload_complete_str;
+			else
+			    info_mc.filename_txt.text = files_loaded + " " + upload_partial_str;
+            this.updateOverallProgress(100);
+            return;
+        }
+        load_vars = new LoadVars();
+        load_vars["ptr"] = this;
+        load_vars.onData = function(d:String){
+            this["ptr"].log("load data: "+d);
+            this["ptr"].loadNextFile(d);
+        }
+        load_vars.load(_level0.target_path+"/@@ticket");
+    }
+    /**
+        loads the next file inside the file_array
+    */
+    public function loadNextFile(ticket:String):Void
+    {        
+        file = FileReference(file_array.pop());
+        if (file.size > maxSize * 1000)
+        {
+            files_not_loaded++;
+            scrollbox_mc.setHeadline(files_not_loaded + " " + not_uploaded_str);
+            scrollbox_mc._visible = true;
+            scrollbox_mc.addText(file.name + "\n");
+            this.loadNextTicket();
+            return;
+        }
+        var url:String = _level0.target_path+"?ticket="+ticket;
+        log("uploadNextFile: "+url);
+        file.addListener(this);
+        file.upload(url);
+    }
+    public function log(msg:String):Void{
+        trace(msg);
+		if (msg.length>500) msg = msg.substring(msg.length-100, msg.length);
+        _level0.debug_txt.text+=msg+"\n";
+		_level0.debug_txt.scroll = _level0.debug_mc.debug_txt.maxscroll;
+    }
+    /**
+        FileReference Listeners....
+    */
+    public function onProgress(file:FileReference, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number):Void{
+		var percent:Number = Math.round(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal * 100);
+		if (percent>100) percent=100; // for any strange reason, the totalbytes can be smaller then the loade bytes :)
+        log("onProgress " + bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal: " + bytesTotal+" = "+percent+"%");
+        this.updateFileProgress(percent);
+        var percent_complete:Number = Math.round((overall_loaded+bytesLoaded) / overall_total * 100);
+        // hack for waiting time after last upload is done
+        // 100% should only be displayed when the LAST object fired his READY event. 
+        if (percent_complete > 95) percent_complete = 95; 
+		this.updateOverallProgress(percent_complete);
+		info_mc.progress_txt.text = getByteString(overall_loaded + bytesLoaded) + "/" + getByteString(overall_total);
+    }
+    public function updateFileProgress(percent:Number):Void{
+        if (percent>100) percent = 100;
+        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(percent);
+        info_mc.fileinfo_mc.progress_txt.text = percent+"%";
+    }
+    public function updateOverallProgress(percent:Number):Void{
+        if (percent>100) percent = 100;
+        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.gotoAndStop(percent);
+        info_mc.overallinfo_mc.progress_txt.text = percent+"%";
+    }
+	/**
+		returns a nice prepared string
+	*/
+	public function getByteString(bytes:Number):String{
+		if (bytes<1024){
+			// bytes
+			return String(Math.round(bytes)+"B");
+		}
+		else if (bytes>(1024*1024)){
+			// MB
+			return String(Math.round(bytes/(1024*1024))+"MB");
+		}
+		else{
+			// KB
+			return String(Math.round(bytes/1024)+"KB");
+		}
+	}
+    public function onComplete(file:FileReference):Void{
+        log("file upload complete");
+        files_loaded++;
+        overall_loaded+=file.size;
+        this.loadNextTicket();
+		// tell javascript that the file is uploaded. 
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnFileCompleteFEvent('"+file.name+"')");
+    }
+    public function onCancel(file:FileReference):Void{
+        log("onCancel");
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnCancelFEvent()");
+    }
+    public function onOpen(file:FileReference):Void{
+        log("onOpen: "+file.name+" : "+file.size);
+        file_counter++;
+        info_mc.filename_txt.text = file.name +" ("+Math.round(file.size/1024)+"kb)";
+        info_mc.filenum_txt.text = file_counter+"/"+file_amount;
+    }
+    public function onHTTPError(file:FileReference):Void {
+        log("onHTTPError: " + file.name);
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");
+    }
+    public function onIOError(file:FileReference):Void {
+        log("onIOError: " + file.name);
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");		
+    }
+    public function onSecurityError(file:FileReference, errorString:String):Void {
+        log("onSecurityError: " + file.name + " errorString: " + errorString);
+		js_command_queue.push("javascript:z3cFlashUploadOnErrorFEvent('"+this.error_msg+"')");		
+    }
+    public function waitForStartBrowse():Void{
+        if (_level0.startBrowse=="go"){
+			log("go event was fired");
+            _level0.startBrowse = "";
+            this.browse();
+        }
+		if (js_command_queue.length>0){
+			var command = js_command_queue.shift();
+			getURL(command);
+		}
+    }
Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt
--- z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt	2007-09-04 23:02:44 UTC (rev 79472)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
     <var name="overall_progress" i18n:translate="">Overall Progress</var>
     <var name="error" i18n:translate="">Error on uploading files</var>
     <var name="uploadcomplete" i18n:translate="">all files uploaded</var>
+    <var name="uploadpartial" i18n:translate="">files uploaded</var>
+    <var name="notuploaded" i18n:translate="">files were not uploaded because they're too big</var>
+    <var name="maxfilesize" i18n:translate="">maximum file size is</var>
         tal:repeat="allowedType view/allowedFileTypes">
       <var name="allowedFileType" tal:content="allowedType">jpg</var>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.mo
(Binary files differ)

Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.po
--- z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.po	2007-09-04 23:02:44 UTC (rev 79472)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/z3c.widget.flashupload.po	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-09-05 01:23+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Bernd Rössl <bernd.roessl at lovelysystems.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 #: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:5
 msgid "File Progress"
 msgstr "Datei Fortschritt"
@@ -14,6 +25,18 @@
 msgid "all files uploaded"
 msgstr "Alle Dateien wurden hinaufgeladen."
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:9
+msgid "files uploaded"
+msgstr "Dateien wurden hinaufgeladen."
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:10
+msgid "files were not uploaded because they're too big"
+msgstr "Dateien wurden nicht hinaufgeladen, weil sie zu gross sind"
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:11
+msgid "maximum file size is"
+msgstr "maximale Dateigrösse ist"
 #. Default: "Flash Player detection failed. Please install the Flash Player Plugin. You can install the plugin <a href=\"http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer\">here</a> for free."
 #: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/noflashupload.pt:1
 msgid "flash-detection-error"
@@ -22,3 +45,4 @@
 #: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/uploadform.pt:7
 msgid "Browse"
 msgstr "Durchsuchen"

Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/z3c.widget.flashupload.pot
--- z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/z3c.widget.flashupload.pot	2007-09-04 23:02:44 UTC (rev 79472)
+++ z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/locales/z3c.widget.flashupload.pot	2007-09-04 23:26:38 UTC (rev 79473)
@@ -39,6 +39,18 @@
 msgid "all files uploaded"
 msgstr ""
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:9
+msgid "files uploaded"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:10
+msgid "files were not uploaded because they're too big"
+msgstr ""
+#: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/flashuploadvars.pt:11
+msgid "maximum file size is"
+msgstr ""
 #: lib/python/z3c/widget/flashupload/noflashupload.pt:1
 #. Default: "Flash Player detection failed. Please install the Flash Player Plugin. You can install the plugin <a href=\"http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer\">here</a> for free."
 msgid "flash-detection-error"

Modified: z3c.widget/trunk/src/z3c/widget/flashupload/resources/upload.swf
(Binary files differ)

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