[Checkins] SVN: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/ Initial release

Ross Patterson me at rpatterson.net
Wed Apr 9 02:39:34 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 85175:
  Initial release

  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/README.txt
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/docs/
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/docs/HISTORY.txt
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/setup.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/__init__.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/README.txt
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/__init__.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.txt
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/factory.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/testing.py
  A   z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/tests.py

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/README.txt
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/README.txt	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+z3c.persistentfactory provides a Persistentfactory class that wraps a
+method in a persistent wrapper.  It also provides a function decorator
+for use on class method definitions such that a persistent factory
+will be used when the method is accessed on instance of the class.
+See z3c/persistentfactory/README.txt for more details.
+Also see z3c/persistentfactory/declarartions.txt for details about a
+mixin Declarer class for classes implementing callable instances whose
+declarations should pickle and persist correctly.

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/docs/HISTORY.txt
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/docs/HISTORY.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/docs/HISTORY.txt	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+0.1 - 2008-04-08
+* Initial release

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/setup.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/setup.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+import os
+version = '0.1'
+      version=version,
+      description=(
+          "Wrap instance methods in persistent factory wrappers for "
+          "using instance methods as ZCA factories."), 
+      long_description=(open(os.path.join(
+          "z3c", "persistentfactory", "README.txt")).read() + "\n" +
+                        open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.txt")).read()),
+      # Get more strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
+      classifiers=[
+        "Programming Language :: Python",
+        "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
+        ],
+      keywords='',
+      author='Ross Patterson',
+      author_email='me at rpatterson.net',
+      url='http://pypi.python.org/pypi/z3c.persistentfactory',
+      license='ZPL',
+      packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup']),
+      namespace_packages=['z3c'],
+      include_package_data=True,
+      zip_safe=False,
+      install_requires=[
+          'setuptools',
+          # -*- Extra requirements: -*-
+          'zope.interface',
+          'zope.component',
+          'ZODB3',
+      ],
+      entry_points="""
+      # -*- Entry points: -*-
+      """,
+      )

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/__init__.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/__init__.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# See http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#namespace-packages
+    __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
+except ImportError:
+    from pkgutil import extend_path
+    __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/README.txt
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/README.txt	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Persistent Factories
+z3c.persistentfactory provides a PersistentFactory class that wraps a
+method in a persistent wrapper.  It also provides a function decorator
+for use on class method definitions such that a persistent factory
+will be used when the method is accessed on instance of the class.
+Also see declarartions.txt for details about a mixin Declarer class
+for classes implementing callable instances whose declarations should
+pickle and persist correctly.
+The factory module provides a persistent declarer class for creating
+callable objects wrapping a instance method as factories in the
+persistent registry.
+Create an object with a method that has declarations.
+    >>> from z3c.persistentfactory import testing
+    >>> bar = testing.Bar()
+Verify that the instance method has declarations.
+    >>> from zope import interface, component
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+Wrap the instance method in a persistent factory.
+    >>> from z3c.persistentfactory import factory
+    >>> bar_factory = factory.PersistentFactory(bar.factory)
+Pickle and unpickle the factory to verify everything is pickleable.
+    >>> import pickle
+    >>> bar_factory = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(bar_factory))
+The factory's __call__ method is the original instance method of the
+original object, not a method of the persistent factory object.
+    >>> bar_factory.__call__
+    <bound method Bar.factory of
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.testing.Bar object at ...>>
+    >>> bar_factory.__call__.im_self.__class__ is bar.__class__
+    True
+The factory is callable.
+    >>> bar_factory()
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.testing.Bar object at ...>
+The factory has the same declarations as the original method.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar_factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar_factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+If the wrapped method's declarations haven't been overridden, then
+changes to the wrapped method's adapts declarations are reflected in
+the factory.  Unfortunately, the zope.interface implementation for
+checking implementer declarations checks the factory's instance
+dictionary directly, so changes to the wrapped method's implements
+declarations aren't reflected in the factory.  This means that any
+changes to the wrapped methods implements declaration that need to be
+reflected in existing persistent factories will require migrating the
+existing factories.
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IFoo)(bar.factory.im_func)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IBar)(bar.factory.im_func)
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar_factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar_factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+The wrapped method's declarations can be overridden in the factory.
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IBaz)(bar_factory)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IQux)(bar_factory)
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar_factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBaz>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar_factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IQux>,)
+Overriding the wrapped method's declarations in the factory doesn't
+modify the declarations on the wrapped method.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+However, Once the wrapped method's declarations have been overriden in
+the factory, the factory no longer reflects any changes in the wrapped
+method's declarations.
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IQux)(bar.factory.im_func)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IBaz)(bar.factory.im_func)
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IQux>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBaz>,)
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar_factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBaz>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar_factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IQux>,)
+A decorator is provided that will return the decorated method wrapped
+in a persistent factory when the method is accessed on an instance.
+The Baz class uses the decorator in the python code.  Note that the
+factory decorator must come before the declaration decorators so that
+it will be run last and will reflect the declarations.
+    >>> baz = testing.Baz()
+On an instance, the method is replaced with a persistent factory on
+first access.
+    >>> baz.factory
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.factory.PersistentFactory
+    object at ...>
+Pickle and unpickle the object to verify everything is pickleable.
+    >>> baz = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(baz))
+The factory is the same object on subsequent accesses.
+    >>> baz.factory is baz.factory
+    True
+The factory's __call__ method is an instance method of the original
+object, not a method of the persistent factory object.
+    >>> baz.factory.__call__
+    <bound method Baz.factory of
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.testing.Baz object at ...>>
+The factory is callable and calls the wrapped method.
+    >>> baz.factory()
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.testing.Baz object at ...>
+The declarations of the factory reflect the declarations on the
+wrapped method.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(baz.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(baz.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+The declarations can be overridden in the factory.
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IFoo)(baz.factory)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IBar)(baz.factory)
+Pickle and unpickle again to verify the pickleability of factory
+    >>> baz = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(baz))
+The declaration changes are reflected on the factory.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(baz.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(baz.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+But the class methods declarations are unaffected.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(testing.Baz.factory))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(testing.Baz.factory)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/__init__.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/__init__.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+"""Persistent component factories"""

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from zope import interface, component
+from zope.interface import declarations
+class Implements(declarations.Implements):
+    """A pickleable implements declaration"""
+    def __reduce__(self):
+        return Implements, self.__bases__
+class ImplementsDescriptor(object):
+    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
+        if instance is None:
+            raise AttributeError('__implemented__')
+        if '__implemented__' not in instance.__dict__:
+            instance.__implemented__ = interface.implementedBy(
+                instance.__call__)
+        return instance.__dict__['__implemented__']
+    def __set__(self, instance, value):
+        instance.__dict__['__implemented__'] = Implements(*value)
+    def __delete__(self, instance):
+        if '__implemented__' not in instance.__dict__:
+            raise AttributeError('__implemented__')
+        del instance.__dict__['__implemented__']
+class AdaptsDescriptor(object):
+    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
+        if instance is None:
+            raise AttributeError('__implemented__')
+        return component.adaptedBy(instance.__call__)
+class Declarer(object):
+    __implemented__ = ImplementsDescriptor()
+    __component_adapts__ = AdaptsDescriptor()

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.txt
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/declarations.txt	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Pickleable Declarations
+The implements declaration class in zope.interface only pickles a
+reference to a class to inherit from if available.  For declarations
+on persistent factories, we need a implements declaration that pickles
+and unpickles with the interfaces it includes.
+Create a sample object.
+    >>> from z3c.persistentfactory import testing
+    >>> foo = testing.Foo()
+Before any declarations have been made, the object doesn't implement
+or adapt anything.
+    >>> from zope import interface, component
+    >>> interface.implementedBy(foo)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    TypeError: ('ImplementedBy called for non-factory',
+    <z3c.persistentfactory.testing.Foo object at ...>)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(foo)
+Declare the interfaces the object implements and adapts.
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IFoo)(foo)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IBar)(foo)
+Now the objects declarations can be inspected.
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(foo))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(foo)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+The implements declaration doesn't survive pickling and unpickling.
+    >>> import pickle
+    >>> foo_unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(foo))
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(foo_unpickled))
+    ()
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(foo_unpickled)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+Replace the implements declaration with a pickleable declaration.
+    >>> from z3c.persistentfactory import declarations
+    >>> foo.__implemented__ = declarations.Implements(*foo.__implemented__)
+Now the implements declaration survives pickling and unpickling.
+    >>> foo_unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(foo))
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(foo_unpickled))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(foo_unpickled)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)
+A mixin class is provided that supports pickleable implements
+    >>> bar = declarations.Declarer()
+    >>> _ = interface.implementer(testing.IFoo)(bar)
+    >>> _ = component.adapter(testing.IBar)(bar)
+    >>> bar_unpickled = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(bar))
+    >>> tuple(interface.implementedBy(bar_unpickled))
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IFoo>,)
+    >>> component.adaptedBy(bar_unpickled)
+    (<InterfaceClass z3c.persistentfactory.testing.IBar>,)

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/factory.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/factory.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/factory.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import new
+from zope import interface, component
+import persistent
+import declarations
+class PersistentFactory(declarations.Declarer, persistent.Persistent):
+    def __init__(self, method):
+        self.context = method.im_self
+        self.__name__ = method.__name__
+        self.__implemented__ = interface.implementedBy(method)
+    @property
+    def __call__(self):
+        type_ = type(self.context)
+        return new.instancemethod(
+            getattr(type_, self.__name__), self.context, type_)
+class Factory(object):
+    def __init__(self, callable_):
+        self.callable = callable_
+    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
+        method = new.instancemethod(self.callable, instance, owner)
+        if instance is None:
+            # when accessed for the class, just return the method
+            return method
+        result = PersistentFactory(method)
+        setattr(instance, method.__name__, result)
+        return result
+factory = Factory

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/testing.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/testing.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/testing.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from zope import interface, component
+from z3c.persistentfactory import declarations, factory
+class IFoo(interface.Interface): pass
+class IBar(interface.Interface): pass
+class IBaz(interface.Interface): pass
+class IQux(interface.Interface): pass
+class Foo(object): pass
+class Bar(object):
+    @interface.implementer(IBar)
+    @component.adapter(IFoo)
+    def factory(self):
+        return self
+class Baz(object):
+    @factory.factory
+    @interface.implementer(IBar)
+    @component.adapter(IFoo)
+    def factory(self):
+        return self

Added: z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/tests.py
--- z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/tests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.persistentfactory/trunk/z3c/persistentfactory/tests.py	2008-04-09 06:39:33 UTC (rev 85175)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import unittest
+from zope.testing import doctest
+def test_suite():
+    return doctest.DocFileSuite(
+        'README.txt',
+        'declarations.txt',
+        optionflags=(
+            doctest.REPORT_NDIFF|
+            doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|
+            doctest.ELLIPSIS))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

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