[Checkins] SVN: zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/ Revert changed for the 3.5.0 branch, because they made the logs harder to read.

Aaron Lehmann aaron at zope.com
Mon Apr 28 10:53:56 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 85808:
  Revert changed for the 3.5.0 branch, because they made the logs harder to read.

  U   zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/exceptionformatter.py
  U   zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/log.py
  U   zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/tests/test_exceptionformatter.py

Modified: zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/exceptionformatter.py
--- zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/exceptionformatter.py	2008-04-28 14:52:49 UTC (rev 85807)
+++ zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/exceptionformatter.py	2008-04-28 14:53:56 UTC (rev 85808)
@@ -28,16 +28,15 @@
     line_sep = '\n'
     show_revisions = 0
-    def __init__(self, limit=None, with_filenames=False, format=None):
+    def __init__(self, limit=None, with_filenames=False):
         self.limit = limit
         self.with_filenames = with_filenames
-        self.format = format
     def escape(self, s):
         return s
     def getPrefix(self):
-        return self.formatText('Traceback (most recent call last):')
+        return 'Traceback (most recent call last):'
     def getLimit(self):
         limit = self.limit
@@ -119,12 +118,12 @@
         s = s + ', in %s' % name
         result = []
-        result.append(self.escape(self.formatText(s)))
+        result.append(self.escape(s))
         # Append the source line, if available
         line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
         if line:
-            result.append(self.escape(self.formatText("    " + line.strip())))
+            result.append("    " + self.escape(line.strip()))
         # Output a traceback supplement, if any.
         if '__traceback_supplement__' in locals:
@@ -146,6 +145,7 @@
                 if DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FORMATTER:
                 # else just swallow the exception.
             tbi = locals.get('__traceback_info__', None)
             if tbi is not None:
@@ -158,25 +158,13 @@
         return self.line_sep.join(result)
     def formatExceptionOnly(self, etype, value):
-        result = ''.join(
-            [self.formatText(line) for line in traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)]
-        #    traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)
-        )
-        return result
+        result = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value))
+        return result.replace('\n', self.line_sep)
     def formatLastLine(self, exc_line):
         return self.escape(exc_line)
-    def formatText(self, text):
-        if self.format:
-            args = self.format[1].__dict__.copy()
-            args['message'] = text
-            line = self.format[0] % args
-        else:
-            line = text
-        return line
-    def formatException(self, etype, value, tb, format=None):
+    def formatException(self, etype, value, tb):
         # The next line provides a way to detect recursion.
         __exception_formatter__ = 1
         result = [self.getPrefix() + '\n']
@@ -201,11 +189,10 @@
     line_sep = '<br />\r\n'
     def escape(self, s):
-        return cgi.escape(super(HTMLExceptionFormatter, self).escape(s))
+        return cgi.escape(s)
     def getPrefix(self):
-        return '<p>%s\r\n<ul>' % super(
-            HTMLExceptionFormatter, self).getPrefix()
+        return '<p>Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n<ul>'
     def formatSupplementLine(self, line):
         return '<b>%s</b>' % self.escape(str(line))
@@ -220,11 +207,11 @@
         return '<li>%s</li>' % line
     def formatLastLine(self, exc_line):
-        return '</ul>%s</p>' % self.escape(exc_line).replace('\n', self.line_sep)
+        return '</ul>%s</p>' % self.escape(exc_line)
 def format_exception(t, v, tb, limit=None, as_html=False,
-                     with_filenames=False, format=None):
+                     with_filenames=False):
     """Format a stack trace and the exception information.
     Similar to 'traceback.format_exception', but adds supplemental
@@ -232,14 +219,14 @@
     and 'with_filenames'.
     if as_html:
-        fmt = HTMLExceptionFormatter(limit, with_filenames, format=format)
+        fmt = HTMLExceptionFormatter(limit, with_filenames)
-        fmt = TextExceptionFormatter(limit, with_filenames, format=format)
+        fmt = TextExceptionFormatter(limit, with_filenames)
     return fmt.formatException(t, v, tb)
 def print_exception(t, v, tb, limit=None, file=None, as_html=False,
-                    with_filenames=True, format=None):
+                    with_filenames=True):
     """Print exception up to 'limit' stack trace entries from 'tb' to 'file'.
     Similar to 'traceback.print_exception', but adds supplemental
@@ -248,6 +235,6 @@
     if file is None:
         file = sys.stderr
-    lines = format_exception(t, v, tb, limit, as_html, with_filenames, format=format)
+    lines = format_exception(t, v, tb, limit, as_html, with_filenames)
     for line in lines:

Modified: zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/log.py
--- zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/log.py	2008-04-28 14:52:49 UTC (rev 85807)
+++ zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/log.py	2008-04-28 14:53:56 UTC (rev 85808)
@@ -21,55 +21,14 @@
 from zope.exceptions.exceptionformatter import print_exception
 class Formatter(logging.Formatter):
-    def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, as_html=0,):
-        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt)
-        self.as_html = as_html
-    def format(self, record):
-        record.message = record.getMessage()
-        if self._fmt.find("%(asctime)") >= 0:
-            record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt)
-        cdict = record.__dict__.copy()
-        lines = []
-        for line in record.message.splitlines():
-            cdict['message'] = line
-            lines.append(self._fmt % cdict)
-        s = '\n'.join(lines)
-        if record.exc_info:
-            # Cache the traceback text to avoid converting it multiple times
-            # (it's constant anyway)
-            if not record.exc_text:
-                record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info, record=record)
-        if record.exc_text:
-            s = record.exc_text
-        else:
-            cdict = record.__dict__.copy()
-            lines = []
-            for line in record.message.splitlines():
-                cdict['message'] = line
-                lines.append(self._fmt % cdict)
-            s = '\n'.join(lines)
-        return s
-    def formatException(self, ei, record=None):
+    def formatException(self, ei):
         """Format and return the specified exception information as a string.
         Uses zope.exceptions.exceptionformatter to generate the traceback.
         sio = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        if record:
-            format = (self._fmt, record)
-        else:
-            format = None
-        print_exception(
-            ei[0],
-            ei[1],
-            ei[2],
-            file=sio,
-            as_html=self.as_html,
-            with_filenames=True,
-            format=format)
+        print_exception(ei[0], ei[1], ei[2], file=sio, with_filenames=True)
         s = sio.getvalue()
         if s.endswith("\n"):
             s = s[:-1]

Modified: zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/tests/test_exceptionformatter.py
--- zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/tests/test_exceptionformatter.py	2008-04-28 14:52:49 UTC (rev 85807)
+++ zope.exceptions/trunk/src/zope/exceptions/tests/test_exceptionformatter.py	2008-04-28 14:53:56 UTC (rev 85808)
@@ -16,31 +16,19 @@
 import sys
-import unittest
-import zope.testing.doctest
+from unittest import TestCase, main, makeSuite
-import zope.exceptions.log
 from zope.exceptions.exceptionformatter import format_exception
 from zope.testing.cleanup import CleanUp # Base class w registry cleanup
-import logging
-import StringIO
-def tb(as_html=0, format=None):
-    log = logging.getLogger('')
-    fake_stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-    hndler = logging.StreamHandler(fake_stdout)
-    hndler.setFormatter(zope.exceptions.log.Formatter(as_html=as_html, fmt=format))
-    log.addHandler(hndler)
+def tb(as_html=0):
     t, v, b = sys.exc_info()
-        log.exception('')
-        s = fake_stdout.getvalue()
-        return s
+        return ''.join(format_exception(t, v, b, as_html=as_html))
         del b
-        log.removeHandler(hndler)
 class ExceptionForTesting (Exception):
@@ -58,7 +46,7 @@
-class Test(CleanUp, unittest.TestCase):
+class Test(CleanUp, TestCase):
     def testBasicNamesText(self, as_html=0):
@@ -172,47 +160,9 @@
                            '               ^',
                            'SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing'])
-    def testFormattedExceptionText(self):
-        try:
-            exec 'syntax error'
-        except SyntaxError, se:
-            s = tb(format="Hello, World! %(message)s")
-        # Hello, World! Traceback (most recent call last):
-        # Hello, World!   Module zope.exceptions.tests.test_exceptionformatter, line ??, in testFormattedExceptionText
-        # Hello, World!     exec \'syntax error\'
-        # Hello, World!   File "<string>", line 1
-        # Hello, World!     syntax error
-        # Hello, World!            ^
-        # Hello, World! SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
-        self.assertEquals(s.splitlines()[-3:],
-                          ['Hello, World!     syntax error',
-                           'Hello, World!                ^',
-                           'Hello, World! SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing'])
-    def testFormattedExceptionHTML(self):
-        try:
-            exec 'syntax error'
-        except SyntaxError, se:
-            s = tb(as_html=1, format="Hello, World! %(message)s")
-        # <p>Hello, World! Traceback (most recent call last):
-        # <ul>
-        # <li>Hello, World!   File "/Users/aaron/work/projects/zope.exceptions-traceback-log-formatting/src/zope/exceptions/tests/test_exceptionformatter.py", line 197, in testFormattedExceptionHTML<br />
-        # Hello, World!     exec 'syntax error'</li>
-        # </ul>Hello, World!   File "&lt;string&gt;", line 1<br />
-        # Hello, World!     syntax error<br />
-        # Hello, World!                ^<br />
-        # Hello, World! SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing<br />
-        # </p>
-        self.assertEquals(s.splitlines()[-4:],
-                          ['Hello, World!     syntax error<br />',
-                           'Hello, World!                ^<br />',
-                           'Hello, World! SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing<br />',
-                           '</p>'])
 def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite([
-        unittest.makeSuite(Test),
-    ])
+    return makeSuite(Test)
 if __name__=='__main__':
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+    main(defaultTest='test_suite')

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