[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/ delete newqueryparser and made references change

Charith Paranaliyanage paranaliyanage at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 11:36:57 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 89444:
  delete newqueryparser and made references change

  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/compiler/compiler.txt
  D   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/newqueryparser.py
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/parser.txt
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/queryobject/queryobject.txt
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/rewriter/rewriter.txt
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/run.txt
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_old.py
  U   Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_zope.py

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/compiler/compiler.txt
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/compiler/compiler.txt	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/compiler/compiler.txt	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 stubs for all ocql.rewriter.algebra classes and use those...
 But it's a lot faster to reuse the parser and the existing classes.
-    >>> from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser
+    >>> from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser
     >>> from ocql.qoptimizer.qoptimizer import QueryOptimizer
     >>> from ocql.rewriter.rewriter import Rewriter
     >>> from ocql.aoptimizer.aoptimizer import AlgebraOptimizer

Deleted: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/newqueryparser.py
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/newqueryparser.py	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/newqueryparser.py	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-"""Parse a string to Query Object
-$Id: newqueryparser.py 87780 2008-06-26 01:55:08Z paranaliyanage $
-#add metadata into the picture!!!
-#remove shift/reduce conflicts, when possible
-#look after raise "Help"
-#revise according to new grammar
-from ply import lex, yacc
-from collections import deque
-from threading import local
-from zope.component import adapts
-from zope.component import provideAdapter
-from zope.interface import implements
-from ocql.queryobject.queryobject import *
-from ocql.interfaces import IQueryParser
-DEBUG = 0
-class SymbolContainer:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.stack = deque()
-        self.stack.append(dict())
-    def addlevel(self):
-        top = self.current()
-        new = dict(top)
-        self.stack.append(new)
-    def dellevel(self):
-        self.stack.pop()
-    def current(self):
-        return self.stack[-1]
-precedence = (
-    ('left', 'UNION'),
-    ('left', 'DIFFER'),
-#   ('token', 'SQUAREL'),
-#   ('token', 'PIPE'),
-#   ('token', 'SQUARER'),
-    ('left', 'AND'),
-    ('left', 'OR'),
-    ('right', 'NOT'),
-    #('left', 'COND_OP'),
-#    ('left', 'PLUS', 'MINUS'),
-#    ('left', 'MUL', 'DIV'),
-#   ('token', 'IDENTIFIER'),
-#   ('token', 'BRACEL'),
-#   ('token', 'BRACER'),
-#   ('token', 'CONSTANT'),
-#   ('token', 'TYPE'),
-#   ('token', 'CURLYL'),
-#   ('token', 'CURLYR'),
-#   ('token', 'ELLIPSIS'),
-    ('left', 'DOT'),
-#   ('token', 'COMMA'),
-    ('left', 'SEMI_COLON'),
-    ('left', 'IN'),
-    ('left', 'AS'),
-#   ('token', 'MODIFIER'),
-#   ('token', 'QUANTOR'),
-#    ('left', 'SIZE'),
-class Lexer(object):
-    tokens = tokens
-    t_ignore = ' \t\n\r'
-    def t_error(self, t):
-        print "Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]
-        t.lexer.skip(1)
-    def t_UNION(self, t):
-        r'union'
-        return t
-    def t_DIFFER(self, t):
-        r'differ'
-        return t
-    def t_SET(self, t):
-        r'set'
-        return t
-    def t_LIST(self, t):
-        r'list'
-        return t
-    def t_BAG(self, t):
-        r'bag'
-        return t
-    def t_FOR(self, t):
-        r'for'
-        return t
-    def t_LEN(self, t):
-        r'len'
-        return t
-    def t_AS(self, t):
-        r'as'
-        return t
-    def t_IN(self, t):
-        r'in'
-        return t
-    def t_OR(self, t):
-        r'or'
-        return t
-    def t_AND(self, t):
-        r'and'
-        return t
-    def t_NOT(self, t):
-        r'not'
-        return t
-    def t_ISINSTANCE(self, t):
-        r'isinstance'
-        return t
-    def t_EVERY(self, t):
-        r'every'
-        return t
-    def t_ATMOST(self, t):
-        r'atmost'
-        return t
-    def t_ATLEAST(self, t):
-        r'atleast'
-        return t
-    def t_SOME(self, t):
-        r'some'
-        return t
-    def t_JUST(self, t):
-        r'just'
-        return t
-    def t_CONSTANT(self, t):
-        r'(\'(\\.|[^\'])*\'|"(\\.|[^"])*"|[0-9]+)'
-        return t
-    def t_IDENTIFIER(self, t):
-        r'[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
-        return t
-    def t_COMMA(self, t):
-        r','
-        return t
-#this may be != sign
-    def t_NOT_EQUAL(self, t):
-        r'~=='
-        return t
-    def t_LT(self, t):
-        r'<'
-        return t
-    def t_GT(self, t):
-        r'>'
-        return t
-    def t_ELLIPSIS(self, t):
-        r'\.\.\.'
-        return t
-    def t_PIPE(self, t):
-        r'\|'
-        return t
-    def t_DOT(self, t):
-        r'\.'
-        return t
-    def t_MUL(self, t):
-        r'\*'
-        return t
-    def t_CBRACKET_L(self, t):
-        r'{'
-        return t
-    def t_CBRACKET_R(self, t):
-        r'}'
-        return t
-    def t_EQUAL(self, t):
-        r'=='
-        return t
-    def t_GTE(self, t):
-        r'>='
-        return t
-    def t_LTE(self, t):
-        r'<='
-        return t
-    def t_SEMI_COLON(self, t):
-        r';'
-        return t
-    def t_BRACKET_L(self, t):
-        r'\('
-        return t
-    def t_BRACKET_R(self, t):
-        r'\)'
-        return t
-    def t_ASSIGN(self, t):
-        r'='
-        return t
-    def t_NOT_ASSIGN(self, t):
-        r'~='
-        return t
-#    def t_DIV(self, t):
-#        r'/'
-#        return t
-#    def t_PLUS(self, t):
-#        r'\+'
-#        return t
-#    def t_MINUS(self, t):
-#        r'-'
-#        return t
-    def t_SBRACKET_L(self, t):
-        r'\['
-        return t
-    def t_SBRACKET_R(self, t):
-        r'\]'
-        return t
-class Parser(object):
-    tokens = tokens
-    precedence = precedence
-    metadata = None
-    symbols = None
-    types = { 'set' : set, 'list': list }
-    start = 'expression'
-    def __init__(self, metadata):
-        self.metadata = metadata
-        self.symbols = SymbolContainer()
-    def p_error(self, t):
-        print "Syntax error at '%s' (%s)" % (t.value, t.lexpos)
-    def p_expr_union(self, t):
-        r'''expression : expression UNION expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Union(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression UNION expression" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_expr_differ(self, t):
-        r'''expression : expression DIFFER expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Differ(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression DIFFER expression" to "expression"', t[0]
-#    def p_expr_3(self, t):
-#        r'''expression : collection SBRACKET_L expression SBRACKET_R
-#        '''
-#        t[0] = Query(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], [], t[3])
-#        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "collection SBRACKET_L qualifier PIPE expression SBRACKET_R" to "expression"'
-    def p_expr_query(self, t):
-        r'''expression : collection SBRACKET_L qualifier PIPE expression SBRACKET_R
-        '''
-        t[0] = Query(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3], t[5])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "collection SBRACKET_L qualifier PIPE expression SBRACKET_R" to "expression"', t[0]
-#TODO add a test
-    def p_expr_for_query(self, t):
-        r'''expression : collection SBRACKET_L qualifier FOR expression SBRACKET_R
-        '''
-        t[0] = Query(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3], t[5])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "collection SBRACKET_L qualifier FOR expression SBRACKET_R" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_expr_literal(self, t):
-        r'''expression : literal
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "literal" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_expr_path(self, t):
-        r'''expression : path
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "path" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_expr_call(self, t):
-        r'''expression : call
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "path" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_expr_len(self, t):
-        r'''expression : LEN BRACKET_L expression BRACKET_R
-        '''
-        t[0] = Count(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "LEN BRACKET_L expression BRACKET_R" to "expression"', t[0]
-    def p_collection_set(self, t):
-        r'''collection : SET
-        '''
-        t[0] = self.types['set']
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "set" to "collection"', t[0]
-    def p_collection_list(self, t):
-        r'''collection : LIST
-        '''
-        t[0] = self.types['list']
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "list" to "collection"', t[0]
-    def p_collection_bag(self, t):
-        r'''collection : BAG
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('bag')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "bag" to "collection"', t[0]
-    def p_qualifier_null(self, t):
-        r'''qualifier :
-        '''
-        t[0] = []
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "" to "qualifier"', t[0]
-    def p_qualifier_generator(self, t):
-        r'''qualifier : generator
-        '''
-        t[0] = [t[1]]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "generator" to "qualifier"', t[0]
-    def p_qualifier_definition(self, t):
-        r'''qualifier : definition
-        '''
-        t[0] = [t[1]]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "definition" to "qualifier"', t[0]
-    def p_qualifier_filter(self, t):
-        r'''qualifier : filter
-        '''
-        t[0] = [t[1]]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "filter" to "qualifier"', t[0]
-    def p_qualifier_qualifier(self, t):
-        r'''qualifier : qualifier SEMI_COLON qualifier
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[0].extend(t[1])
-        t[0] = t[0].extend(t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "qualifier SEMI_COLON qualifier" to "qualifier"', t[0]
-#    def p_qualifier_6(self, t):
-#        r'''qualifier : expression
-#        '''
-#        t[0] = t[1]
-#        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression" to "qualifier"'
-    def p_generator_in(self, t):
-        r'''generator : IDENTIFIER IN expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = In(self.metadata,
-                  self.symbols,
-                  Identifier(self.metadata,
-                             self.symbols,
-                             t[1]),
-                  t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER IN expression" to "generator"', t[0]
-    def p_filter_and(self, t):
-        r'''filter : filter AND filter
-        '''
-        t[0] = And(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "filter AND filter" to "filter"', t[0]
-    def p_filter_or(self, t):
-        r'''filter : filter OR filter
-        '''
-        t[0] = Or(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "filter OR filter" to "filter"', t[0]
-    def p_filter_not(self, t):
-        r'''filter : NOT condition
-        '''
-        t[0] = Not(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "NOT condition" to "filter"', t[0]
-    def p_filter_condition(self, t):
-        r'''filter : condition
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "condition" to "filter"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_filter(self, t):
-        r'''condition : BRACKET_L filter BRACKET_R
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[2]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "BRACKET_L filter BRACKET_R" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_assign(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified ASSIGN quantified
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('assign')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_not_assign(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified NOT_ASSIGN quantified
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('not assign')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_lt(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified LT quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Lt(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_lte(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified LTE quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Le(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_gt(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified GT quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Gt(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_gte(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified GTE quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Ge(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_equal(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified EQUAL quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Eq(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_condition_not_equal(self, t):
-        r'''condition : quantified  NOT_EQUAL quantified
-        '''
-        t[0] = Ne(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1], t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantified operator quantified" to "condition"', t[0]
-    #need to extend this for collection of types
-    def p_condition_isinstance(self, t):
-        r'''condition : ISINSTANCE BRACKET_L expression COMMA IDENTIFIER BRACKET_R
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('isinstance')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "ISINSTANCE BRACKET_L expression COMMA IDENTIFIER BRACKET_R" to "condition"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_expression(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_some(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : SOME expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Some(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[2])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantification expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_just(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : JUST expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Just(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[2])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantification expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_every(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : EVERY expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Every(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[2])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantification expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_atleast(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : ATLEAST expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Atleast(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[2])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantification expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_quantified_almost(self, t):
-        r'''quantified : ATMOST expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = Atmost(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[2])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "quantification expression" to "quantified"', t[0]
-    def p_definition_as(self, t):
-        r'''definition : IDENTIFIER AS expression
-        '''
-        #t[0]=''
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER AS expression" to "definition"', t[0]
-    def p_literal_constant(self, t):
-        r'''literal : CONSTANT
-        '''
-        t[0] = Constant(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "CONSTANT" to "literal"', t[0]
-    def p_literal_element(self, t):
-        r'''literal : collection CBRACKET_L element CBRACKET_R
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('collection set')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "collection CBRACKET_L element CBRACKET_R" to "literal"', t[0]
-    def p_element_null(self, t):
-        r'''element :
-        '''
-        t[0] = None
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "" to "element"', t[0]
-    def p_element_expression(self, t):
-        r'''element : expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression" to "element"', t[0]
-# Why this raise a shift/reduce conflict
-#    def p_element_comma(self, t):
-#        r'''element : element COMMA element
-#        '''
-#        raise NotImplementedError('element list')
-#        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "element COMMA element" to "element"', t[0]
-    def p_element_ellipsis(self, t):
-        r'''element : expression ELLIPSIS expression
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('range')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression ELLIPSIS expression" to "element"', t[0]
-    def p_path_identifier(self, t):
-        r'''path : IDENTIFIER
-        '''
-        t[0] = Identifier(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER" to "path"', t[0]
-    def p_path_method(self, t):
-        r'''path : IDENTIFIER DOT method
-        '''
-        t[0] = Property(self.metadata, self.symbols, Identifier(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1]), t[3])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER DOT method" to "path"', t[0]
-    def p_method_identifier(self, t):
-        r'''method : IDENTIFIER
-        '''
-        t[0] = Identifier(self.metadata, self.symbols, t[1])
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER" to "method"', t[0]
-    def p_method_arguments(self, t):
-        r'''method : IDENTIFIER BRACKET_L argument_list BRACKET_R
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('function call')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER BRACKET_L argument_list BRACKET_R" to "method"', t[0]
-    def p_argument_list_null(self, t):
-        r'''argument_list :
-        '''
-        t[0] = None
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "" to "argument_list"', t[0]
-    def p_argument_list_expression(self, t):
-        r'''argument_list : expression
-        '''
-        t[0] = t[1]
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression" to "argument_list"', t[0]
-    def p_argument_list_set(self, t):
-        r'''argument_list : expression COMMA argument_list
-        '''
-        t[0]=''
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "expression COMMA argument_list" to "argument_list"', t[0]
-    def p_call(self, t):
-        r'''call : IDENTIFIER BRACKET_L argument_list BRACKET_R
-        '''
-        raise NotImplementedError('function call')
-        if DEBUG: print 'reducing "IDENTIFIER BRACKET_L argument_list BRACKET_R" to "call"', t[0]
-#these are here, to keep lexer and parser instantiation to a minimum possible
-#level because they are quite expensive operations
-#parsers must be thread safe on the other hand!
-LEXER = lex.lex(object=Lexer(), debug=0)
-#PARSERS = local()
-def parse(str, metadata):
-    lexer = LEXER.clone()
-    #global PARSERS
-    #try:
-    #    parser = PARSERS.parser
-    #
-    #    try:
-    #        parser.restart()
-    #    except AttributeError:
-    #        pass
-    #
-    #except AttributeError:
-    #    parser = yacc.yacc(module = Parser(metadata))
-    #    PARSERS.parser = parser
-    try:
-        parser = yacc.yacc(module = Parser(metadata))
-        retval = parser.parse(str, lexer = lexer)
-    except Exception, e:
-        if DEBUG: print e
-        raise
-    return retval
-class QueryParser(object):
-    implements(IQueryParser)
-    adapts(basestring)
-    def __init__(self, context):
-        self.context = context
-        #self.db = db
-    def __call__(self, metadata):
-        strg = self.context
-        tree = parse(strg, metadata)
-        return Head(tree)
-        #return parse(strg, None)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/parser.txt
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/parser.txt	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/parser/parser.txt	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    >>> from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser
+    >>> from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/queryobject/queryobject.txt
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/queryobject/queryobject.txt	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/queryobject/queryobject.txt	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     >>> from ocql.queryobject.queryobject import *
     >>> from ocql.testing.database import TestMetadata
-    >>> from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import SymbolContainer
+    >>> from ocql.parser.queryparser import SymbolContainer
     >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass, verifyObject

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/rewriter/rewriter.txt
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/rewriter/rewriter.txt	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/rewriter/rewriter.txt	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Add queries first to parser.txt doctest, after they pass there they can be
 added here.
-    >>> from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser
+    >>> from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser
     >>> from ocql.qoptimizer.qoptimizer import QueryOptimizer
     >>> from ocql.rewriter.rewriter import Rewriter

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/run.txt
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/run.txt	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/run.txt	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
-    >>> from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser
+    >>> from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser
     >>> from ocql.qoptimizer.qoptimizer import QueryOptimizer
     >>> from ocql.rewriter.rewriter import Rewriter
     >>> from ocql.aoptimizer.aoptimizer import AlgebraOptimizer

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_old.py
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_old.py	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_old.py	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 from zope.interface import implements
 from ocql.queryobject.queryobject import *
-from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import SymbolContainer
+from ocql.parser.queryparser import SymbolContainer
 from ocql.rewriter import algebra
 from ocql.engine import OCQLEngine
 from ocql.compiler.runnablequery import RunnableQuery
-from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser
+from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser
 from ocql.qoptimizer.qoptimizer import QueryOptimizer
 from ocql.rewriter.rewriter import Rewriter
 from ocql.aoptimizer.aoptimizer import AlgebraOptimizer

Modified: Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_zope.py
--- Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_zope.py	2008-08-06 15:33:38 UTC (rev 89443)
+++ Sandbox/adamg/ocql/branches/qo-compiler/src/ocql/tests/test_zope.py	2008-08-06 15:36:56 UTC (rev 89444)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 from ocql.database.metadata import Metadata
 from ocql.engine import OCQLEngine
 from ocql.interfaces import IDB
-from ocql.parser.newqueryparser import QueryParser, SymbolContainer
+from ocql.parser.queryparser import QueryParser, SymbolContainer
 from ocql.qoptimizer.qoptimizer import QueryOptimizer
 from ocql.queryobject.queryobject import *
 from ocql.rewriter.rewriter import Rewriter

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