[Checkins] SVN: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/ Remove duplicate ftests that moved to grokcore.view.

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Thu Aug 7 18:09:32 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 89516:
  Remove duplicate ftests that moved to grokcore.view.

  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/security/require.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/staticdir/
  U   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/test_grok_functional.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/redirect.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url_function.py
  D   grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/view/

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/security/require.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/security/require.py	2008-08-07 22:06:32 UTC (rev 89515)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/security/require.py	2008-08-07 22:09:31 UTC (rev 89516)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Viewing a protected view with insufficient privileges will yield
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/@@painting")
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
-When we log in (e.g. as a manager), we can access the view just fine:
-  >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw')
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/@@painting")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  What a beautiful painting.
-A view protected with 'zope.Public' is always accessible:
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/@@publicnudity")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Everybody can see this.
-import grok
-import zope.interface
-class ViewPainting(grok.Permission):
-    grok.name('cave.ViewPainting')
-class Painting(grok.View):
-    grok.context(zope.interface.Interface)
-    grok.require(ViewPainting)
-    def render(self):
-        return 'What a beautiful painting.'
-class PublicNudity(grok.View):
-    grok.context(zope.interface.Interface)
-    grok.require(grok.Public)
-    def render(self):
-        return 'Everybody can see this.'

Modified: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/test_grok_functional.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/test_grok_functional.py	2008-08-07 22:06:32 UTC (rev 89515)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/test_grok_functional.py	2008-08-07 22:09:31 UTC (rev 89516)
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    for name in ['view', 'staticdir', 'xmlrpc', 'traversal', 'form', 'url',
-                 'security', 'utility', 'catalog', 'site', 'rest', 'viewlet']:
+    for name in ['xmlrpc', 'traversal', 'form', 'url', 'security',
+                 'utility', 'catalog', 'site', 'rest', 'viewlet']:
     return suite

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/redirect.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/redirect.py	2008-08-07 22:06:32 UTC (rev 89515)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/redirect.py	2008-08-07 22:09:31 UTC (rev 89516)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Views have a redirect() method to easily create redirects:
-  >>> getRootFolder()['manfred'] = manfred = Mammoth()
-Since the index view redirects to mammoth, we expect to see the URL
-point to mammoth:
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/manfred')
-  >>> browser.url
-  'http://localhost/manfred/another'
-import grok
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    pass
-class Index(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        self.redirect(self.url('another'))
-class Another(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return "Another view"

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url.py	2008-08-07 22:06:32 UTC (rev 89515)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url.py	2008-08-07 22:09:31 UTC (rev 89516)
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-Views have a method that can be used to construct URLs:
-  >>> herd = Herd()
-  >>> getRootFolder()['herd'] = herd
-  >>> manfred = Mammoth()
-  >>> herd['manfred'] = manfred
-The views in this test implement self.url():
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/herd/manfred/index")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  http://localhost/herd/manfred/index
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/herd/manfred/another")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  http://localhost/herd/manfred/another
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/herd/manfred/yetanother")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  http://localhost/herd/manfred/yetanother
-We get the views manually so we can do a greater variety of url() calls:
-  >>> from zope import component
-  >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
-  >>> request = TestRequest()
-  >>> index_view = component.getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='index')
-  >>> index_view.url()
-  ''
-  >>> another_view = component.getMultiAdapter((manfred, request),
-  ...                                              name='another')
-  >>> another_view.url()
-  ''
-  >>> yet_another_view = component.getMultiAdapter((manfred, request),
-  ...                                              name='yetanother')
-  >>> yet_another_view.url()
-  ''
-Now let's get a URL for a specific object:
-  >>> index_view.url(manfred)
-  ''
-This works with any other view too (as they share the same request):
-  >>> another_view.url(manfred)
-  ''
-This shows that the default argument is the view itself:
-  >>> another_view.url(another_view)
-  ''
-We can get the URL for any object in content-space:
-  >>> another_view.url(herd)
-  ''
-We can also pass a name along with this, to generate a URL to a
-particular view on the object:
-  >>> another_view.url(herd, 'something')
-  ''
-It's also possible to just pass in a name. In this case, a URL to that
-view on the context object will be constructed:
-  >>> another_view.url('yet_another_view')
-  ''
-The url() method supports a data argument which is converted to a CGI type query 
-string. If any of the values are of type unicode it's converted to a string 
-assuming the encoding is UTF-8.
-There is some object/name/data resolution code available that provides the magic 
-to make mixing of positional arguments and keyword arguments work.
-This is the key word argument signature::
-  >>> index_view.url(herd, '@@sample_view', data=dict(age=28))
-  ''
-  >>> index_view.url(herd, data=dict(age=28))
-  ''
-  >>> index_view.url('@@sample_view', data=dict(age=28))
-  ''
-  >>> index_view.url(data=dict(age=28))
-  ''
-There is no problem putting one of the 'reserved' arguments inside the data 
-argument or explicitely supplying 'None':
-  >>> index_view.url(herd, None, data=dict(name="Peter"))
-  ''
-Since order in dictionairies is arbitrary we'll test the presence of multiple 
-keywords by using find()
-  >>> url = index_view.url('sample_view', data=dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))
-  >>> url.find('a=1') > -1
-  True
-  >>> url.find('b=2') > -1
-  True
-  >>> url.find('c=3') > -1
-  True
-It works properly in the face of non-ascii characters in URLs:
-  >>> url = another_view.url(herd, unicode('árgh', 'UTF-8'))
-  >>> url
-  ''
-  >>> import urllib
-  >>> expected = unicode('árgh', 'UTF-8')
-  >>> urllib.unquote(url).decode('utf-8') == expected
-  True
-Some combinations of arguments just don't make sense:
-  >>> another_view.url('foo', 'bar')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  TypeError: url() takes either obj argument, obj, string arguments, or string \
-  argument
-  >>> another_view.url('foo', herd)
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  TypeError: url() takes either obj argument, obj, string arguments, or string \
-  argument
-  >>> another_view.url(herd, 'bar', data='baz')
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-  TypeError: url() data argument must be a dict.
-Since we're relying on urllib to do the CGI parameter encoding it's quite 
-smart but fails on unicode objects but url() is programmed to automatically
-convert unicode to UTF-8 on the fly.
-  >>> index_view.url(data={'name':u'Andr\xe9'})
-  ''
-As we're relying on urllib to do the url encoding, it also converts values that
-are lists to repeated key value pairs such that key=[1,2] becomes key=1&key=2
-  >>> index_view.url(data={'key':[1,2]})
-  ''
-We also make sure the values in the list that are unicode instances are encoded 
-  >>> result = index_view.url(data={'key':[u'\xe9',2]})
-  >>> print result
-  >>> import cgi
-  >>> print unicode(cgi.parse_qs(result.split('?')[1])['key'][0], 'utf-8')
-  é
-Zope magic!! Here we test casting parameters in the CGI query string:
-  >>> result = index_view.url('multiplier', data={'age:int':1})
-  >>> result
-  ''
-  >>> browser.open(result)
-  >>> browser.contents
-  '2'
-  >>> browser.open('')
-  >>> browser.contents
-  '11'
-import grok
-class Herd(grok.Container, grok.Model):
-    pass
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    pass
-class Index(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return self.url()
-class Another(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return self.url()
-class YetAnother(grok.View):
-    pass
-class Multiplier(grok.View):
-    def update(self, age=0):
-        self.age = age
-    def render(self):
-        return unicode(self.age * 2)
-yetanother = grok.PageTemplate('<p tal:replace="view/url" />')

Deleted: grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url_function.py
--- grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url_function.py	2008-08-07 22:06:32 UTC (rev 89515)
+++ grok/trunk/src/grok/ftests/url/url_function.py	2008-08-07 22:09:31 UTC (rev 89516)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-There is a url function that can be imported from grok to determine the
-absolute URL of objects.
-  >>> from grok import url
-  >>> herd = Herd()
-  >>> getRootFolder()['herd'] = herd
-  >>> manfred = Mammoth()
-  >>> herd['manfred'] = manfred
-Now let's use url on some things::
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/herd/manfred/index")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  http://localhost/herd/manfred/index
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/herd/manfred/another")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  http://localhost/herd/manfred/another
-We get the views manually so we can do a greater variety of url() calls:
-  >>> from zope import component
-  >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
-  >>> request = TestRequest()
-  >>> index_view = component.getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='index')
-  >>> url(request, index_view)
-  ''
-  >>> another_view = component.getMultiAdapter((manfred, request),
-  ...                                              name='another')
-  >>> url(request, another_view)
-  ''
-Now let's get a URL for a specific object:
-  >>> url(request, manfred)
-  ''
-We can get the URL for any object in content-space:
-  >>> url(request, herd)
-  ''
-We can also pass a name along with this, to generate a URL to a
-particular view on the object:
-  >>> url(request, herd, 'something')
-  ''
-It works properly in the face of non-ascii characters in URLs:
-  >>> u = url(request, herd, unicode('árgh', 'UTF-8'))
-  >>> u
-  ''
-  >>> import urllib
-  >>> expected = unicode('árgh', 'UTF-8')
-  >>> urllib.unquote(u).decode('utf-8') == expected
-  True
-import grok
-from grok import url
-class Herd(grok.Container, grok.Model):
-    pass
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    pass
-class Index(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return url(self.request, self)
-class Another(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return url(self.request, self)

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