[Checkins] SVN: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app Since URL generation now works, we can use templates as we expect to.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Wed Aug 20 13:56:11 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 90036:
  Since URL generation now works, we can use templates as we expect to.

  U   grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app.py
  A   grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentindex.pt
  A   grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentsindex.pt
  A   grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/facultyindex.pt
  A   grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/rdbexampleindex.pt

Modified: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app.py
--- grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app.py	2008-08-20 17:42:48 UTC (rev 90035)
+++ grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app.py	2008-08-20 17:56:11 UTC (rev 90036)
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import grok
 from megrok import rdb
+from zope.location.location import located
 from sqlalchemy.schema import Column, ForeignKey
 from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String
 from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
@@ -8,60 +10,118 @@
 from z3c.saconfig import EngineFactory, GloballyScopedSession
 from z3c.saconfig.interfaces import IEngineFactory, IEngineCreatedEvent
+# we set up the engine factory and the session
+# we set them up as global utilities here. It is also possible to
+# use a local engine factory and a special locally scoped session
 TEST_DSN = 'sqlite:///:memory:'
 engine_factory = EngineFactory(TEST_DSN)
 scoped_session = GloballyScopedSession()
 grok.global_utility(engine_factory, direct=True)
 grok.global_utility(scoped_session, direct=True)
+# we set up the SQLAlchemy metadata object to which we'll associate all the
+# SQLAlchemy-backed objects
 metadata = rdb.MetaData()
-class RDBExample(grok.Application, grok.Model):
-    def traverse(self, name):
-        try:
-            key = int(name)
-        except ValueError:
-            return None
-        session = rdb.Session()
-        return session.query(Faculty).get(key)
+# we declare to megrok.rdb that all SQLAlchemy-managed mapped instances
+# are associated with this metadata. This directive can also be used
+# on a per rdb.Model subclass basis
+# we make sure that when the engine is created we set up the metadata for it
 def setUpDatabase(event):
-class FacultyList(grok.View):
+class RDBExample(grok.Application, grok.Model, rdb.QueryContainer):
+    """The application object.
+    We mix in grok.Model to make it persistent so it can be installed using
+    the Grok UI.
+    We mix in rdb.QueryContainer to let it behave like a container. We
+    need to implement the query method to supply it with a query object.
+    """
+    def query(self):
+        session = rdb.Session()
+        # we allow browsing into any Faculty object
+        # we could've restricted this query so that it would only
+        # allow browsing to a subset
+        return session.query(Faculty)
+class RDBExampleIndex(grok.View):
+    """The index page for RDBExample. This shows all faculties available.
+    """
-    def render(self):
-        result = ""
+    def faculties(self):
         session = rdb.Session()
         for faculty in session.query(Faculty).all():
-            result += "%s - %s (%s)" % (faculty.id, faculty.title,
-                                        self.url(str(faculty.id)))
-        return result
+            yield located(faculty, self.context, str(faculty.id))
+class AddFaculty(grok.AddForm):
+    """A form to add a new Faculty object to the application.
+    """
+    grok.context(RDBExample)
+    @property
+    def form_fields(self):
+        return rdb.Fields(Faculty)
+    @grok.action('add')
+    def handle_add(self, *args, **kw):
+        faculty = Faculty(**kw)
+        session = rdb.Session()
+        session.add(faculty)
+        self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
 class Departments(rdb.Container):
+    """This container implements the departments relation on Faculty.
+    """
+    # we browse to departments using the title attribute of Department,
+    # which is assumed (or constrained) to be unique. By default this
+    # would use the primary key of Department for browsing.
+class Faculty(rdb.Model):
+    """This model implements the faculty content object.
-class Faculty(rdb.Model):
+    It's backed by a relational database.
+    """
+    # we declare that the departments atribute can be browsed into
-    rdb.metadata(metadata)
+    # the attributes of a faculty, stored in the database
     id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = Column('title', String(50))
+    # we declare a relation, using our special Departments class
     departments = relation('Department',
+class FacultyIndex(grok.View):
+    """This is the default view for Faculty.
+    """
+    grok.name('index')
+    grok.context(Faculty)
 class Department(rdb.Model):
-    rdb.metadata(metadata)
+    """This model implements the department content object.
+    Each department is in a faculty.
+    It's backed by a relational database.
+    """
+    # the attributes of a department
     id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
+    # the id of the faculty that this department is in
     faculty_id = Column('faculty_id', Integer, ForeignKey('faculty.id'))
     title = Column('title', String(50))
@@ -78,43 +138,13 @@
         session = rdb.Session()
-class DepartmentView(grok.View):
+        self.redirect(self.url(self.context))
+class DepartmentIndex(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return "Department: %r - %r" % (self.context.id, self.context.title)
-class DepartmentList(grok.View):
+class DepartmentsIndex(grok.View):
-    grok.context(Faculty)
-    def render(self):
-        result = "Faculty: %s - %s " % (self.context.id, self.context.title)
-        for department in self.context.departments.values():
-            result += department.title + '\n'
-        return result
-class DepartmentsView(grok.View):
-    grok.name('index')
-    def render(self):
-        result = ""
-        for department in self.context.values():
-            result += department.title + '\n'
-        return result
-class AddFaculty(grok.AddForm):
-    grok.context(RDBExample)
-    @property
-    def form_fields(self):
-        return rdb.Fields(Faculty)
-    @grok.action('add')
-    def handle_add(self, *args, **kw):
-        faculty = Faculty(**kw)
-        session = rdb.Session()
-        session.add(faculty)

Added: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentindex.pt
--- grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentindex.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentindex.pt	2008-08-20 17:56:11 UTC (rev 90036)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<h2>Department <span tal:content="context/title"></span></h2>

Added: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentsindex.pt
--- grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentsindex.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/departmentsindex.pt	2008-08-20 17:56:11 UTC (rev 90036)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<h3>Departments of faculty <span tal:replace="context/__parent__/title"></span></h3>
+  <li tal:repeat="department context/values">
+    <a tal:attributes="href python:view.url(department)" 
+       tal:content="department/title"></a>
+  </li>
+  <a tal:attributes="href python:view.url(context, '@@adddepartment')">Add Department</a>

Added: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/facultyindex.pt
--- grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/facultyindex.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/facultyindex.pt	2008-08-20 17:56:11 UTC (rev 90036)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<h2>Faculty <span tal:content="context/title"></span></h2>
+  <a tal:attributes="href python:view.url(context.departments)">Departments</a>

Added: grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/rdbexampleindex.pt
--- grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/rdbexampleindex.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ grokapps/rdbexample/trunk/src/rdbexample/app_templates/rdbexampleindex.pt	2008-08-20 17:56:11 UTC (rev 90036)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<h2>RDB Example</h2>
+<h3>Faculty listing</h3>
+  <li tal:repeat="faculty view/faculties">
+    <a tal:attributes="href python:view.url(faculty)" tal:content="faculty/title"></a>
+  </li>
+  <a tal:attributes="href python:view.url('addfaculty')">Add Faculty</a>
\ No newline at end of file

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