[Checkins] SVN: CMF/branches/2.1/CHANGES.txt - point to subprojects instead

Jens Vagelpohl jens at dataflake.org
Tue Aug 26 07:59:23 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 90304:
  - point to subprojects instead

  U   CMF/branches/2.1/CHANGES.txt

Modified: CMF/branches/2.1/CHANGES.txt
--- CMF/branches/2.1/CHANGES.txt	2008-08-26 11:54:25 UTC (rev 90303)
+++ CMF/branches/2.1/CHANGES.txt	2008-08-26 11:59:22 UTC (rev 90304)
@@ -1,339 +1,8 @@
-CMF 2.1.2-beta (unreleased)
+CMF 2.1.x
-  Bug Fixes
+  See CHANGES.txt of each product.
-    - CMFDefault.File, CMFDefault.Image:  Make the ZMI edit tab work.
-    - CMFDefault DiscussionItem: Fixed indexing of 'in_reply_to'.
-    - CMFUid.testing: Base UidEventZCMLLayer on ZopeTestCase.layer.ZopeLite.
-    - CMFUid.UniqueIdHandlerTool: Use %r instead of %s in error messages, so
-      we don't trip over non-ASCII representations (e.g. File and Image).
-CMF 2.1.1 (2008/01/06)
-  Bug Fixes
-    - CMFDefault.PropertiesTool: Fix a faulty manage_changeProperties
-      invocation which broke the 'Reconfigure Portal' screen
-      (https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope-cmf/+bug/174246)
-CMF 2.1.1-beta (2007/12/29)
-  Bug Fixes
-    - CMFActionIcons profiles: Fixed dependency in import_steps.xml.
-    - CMFDefault profiles: Fixed some dependencies in import_steps.xml.
-    - DCWorkflow.exportimport: Scripts with invalid types imported
-      after scripts with valid types will no longer place the valid
-      script twice.  Scripts can also now be specified with meta_types
-      other than the hard-coded meta_types.
-    - CMFDefault.utils: The email validation would reject addresses where
-      the domain part started with a single letter element.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/495)
-    - CMFDefault skins: Prevented the getMainGlobals script to fail if not
-      content-type header is set.
-    - AfterTransitionEvent now passes along the new status of the object, just
-      as StateChangeInfo passes on the new status to after-transition scripts.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/490)
-  Other
-    - Updated to the 0.3 release of five.localsitemanager.
-    - Testing: Derive test layers from ZopeLite layer if available.
-  See also CMFCore/CHANGES.txt.
-CMF 2.1.0 (2007/08/08)
-  New Features
-    - PortalFolder: Enabled 'Components' ZMI tab.
-      This GenericSetup tab allows to inspect and edit component registrations. 
-  Bug Fixes
-    - Fixed all componentregistry.xml files to use plain object paths and strip
-      and slashes. GenericSetup does only support registering objects which are
-      in the site root.
-    - Allow email addresses with all-numeric domain names. The RFCs do not
-      support them but they do exist.  
-      (http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/6773)
-CMF 2.1.0-beta2 (2007/07/12)
-  New Features
-    - CMFCore.exportimport.skins: Added the ability to remove whole skin
-      selections using a GS profile.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/479)
-    - Workflow definition instances now have a description field
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/480)
-  Bug Fixes
-    - UndoTool: Fixed 'listUndoableTransactionsFor'.
-      The required 'object' argument is now respected. This doesn't change the
-      behavior as long as 'object' is the site root object.
-    - CMFCore.TypesTool: Corrected method signature of all_meta_types to have
-      an interface keyword argument, as per the underlying OFS.ObjectManager
-      interface declaration.
-    - SkinnableObjectManager: Changed the way skins are set up.
-      Acquisition wrapping no longer triggers 'setupCurrentSkin'. This is now
-      done on publishing traversal after the BeforeTraverseEvent triggers
-      'setSite'. This fix replaces a temporary hack introduced in 2.1.0-beta,
-      making sure ISkinsTool is looked up after setting the site.
-    - CMFCore.CMFBTreeFolder: CMFBTreeFolders could not be used as the
-      toplevel /Members container.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/441)
-    - Pass 'object' through to TypeInformation objects' 'listActions'.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/482)
-    - Removed extraneous "Cache" tab from FS-based skin objects.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/343)
-    - CMFCore.WorkflowTool: Using the '(Default)' keyword for a type's 
-      workflow chain will now reset any custom workflow chains for the type.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/475)
-    - Use the property API to get the member specific skin, because
-      direct attribute access won't work with PAS based membership.
-      (http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/5904)
-    - Add POST-only protections to security critical methods.
-      http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-0240)
-    - Allow customization from DirectoryViews to be redirected into
-      alternate folders, and use manually-built clones.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/382)
-    - Use a utility, registered for
-      'Products.CMFDefault.interfaces.IHTMLScrubber', to perform scrubbing
-      of HTML;  fall back to the old, hard-wired behavior.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/452)
-    - Remove antique usage of marker attributes in favor of interfaces,
-      leaving BBB behind for places potentially affecting third-party code.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/440)
-    - Fixed DST-driven test breakage in CMFCalendar by adding an optional
-      'zone' argument to the DublineCore methods which return string
-      rednitions of date metadata.
-     (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/476)
-    - Favorite: Fixed UID handling broken in 2.1.0-beta.
-    - CMFDefault: Removed CMFUid dependency inadvertently added in 2.1.0-beta.
-    - CMFActionIcons: Fixed interface declarations added in 2.1.0-beta.
-  Other
-    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.4 or higher.
-    - CMFDefault: Adjusted factory.py to new GenericSetup version.
-    - CMFUid.UniqueIdAnnotationTool: Annotation handling has been switched
-      from triggering it through old-style manage_*-methods to using
-      events. UID assigning behavior has been made more flexible. Please
-      review CMFUid/README.txt for information about the current
-      behavior and the new features. 
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/474)
-CMF 2.1.0-beta (2007/03/09)
-    If you upgrade an existing CMF instance to CMF 2.1, please see
-    INSTALL.txt for instructions on how to run a separate upgrade script.
-  New Features
-    - CMFCalendar: Zope3 style browser views are now used by default.
-      An additional setup profile allows you to hook up the oldstyle skins and
-      to make customizations TTW.
-    - DirectoryView: Added 'registerDirectory' ZCML directive.
-      Using the old registerDirectory method in __init__.py is now deprecated.
-      See zcml.IRegisterDirectoryDirective for details.
-    - DirectoryView: Added support for non-product packages.
-      This introduces new registry keys. Old registry keys stored in
-      persistent DirectoryView objects are updated on the fly.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/467)
-    - Document: Added two new methods for safety belt handling.
-    - setup handlers: Improved properties handler.
-      It now works with properties using a default_charset other than UTF-8.
-    - Merged patches from Martin Aspeli to enable generating events before
-      and after DCWorkflow transitions, and in the 'notify' methods of the
-      workflow tool (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/461).
-  Bug Fixes
-    - CMFUid.UniqueIdHandlerTool: Touching the internal UID value on a
-      content item will not cause reindexing all indices anymore, only the
-      specific UID index will be touched.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/469)
-    - CMFCore.MembershipTool: Fixed inconsistent behavior where member lookup
-      would take all user folders up to the Zope root into account whereas
-      member area creation would not.
-    - CMFCore.MembershipTool/CMFDefault.MembershipTool: when using an
-      object without a __nonzero__ but with a __len__ (ala
-      CMFBTreeFolder) as a member folder, the createMemberArea method
-      would believe there was no members folder if the folder was
-      empty, and so would fail (change "not membersfolder" to
-      "membersfolder is not None") .
-    - CMFDefault.File and CMFDefault.Image: Restored ZMI Cache tab which was
-      lost in CMF 1.6.
-    - CMFCore.DynamicType: Fixed behaviour regarding default view.
-      DynamicType was making it impossible to use a Zope3-style
-      default view for CMF content types.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/459)
-  Others
-    - Tool lookup and registration is now done "the Zope 3 way" as utilities.
-      Please see docs/ToolsAreUtilities.txt for some developer notes.
-    - CMFCore utils: Marked 'minimalpath' and 'expandpath' as deprecated.
-    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.2 or higher.
-CMF 2.1.0-alpha2 (2006/11/23)
-  New Features
-    - WorkflowTool: Added the IConfigurableWorkflowTool interface.
-      This change includes the new 'getDefaultChain' and 'listChainOverrides'
-      methods and an improved 'setChainForPortalTypes' method. The import
-      handler now supports the 'remove' attribute for removing overrides.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/457)
-    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Implemented the old OFS.Cache.CacheManager
-      API. Now objects other than CMF content or CMF templates can have their
-      caching headers set by the caching policy manager with the same 
-      fine-grained control.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/408)
-    - testing: Added test layers for setting up ZCML.
-    - CMFDefault formlib: Added zope.formlib support.
-      This includes some CMF specific base classes and an 'EmailLine' field.
-    - browser views: Added some zope.formlib based forms.
-    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'checkEmailAddress' function.
-    - Added CMFCore.FSRestMethod:  ReST equivalent of FSSTXMethod.
-    - CMFCore.FSSTXMethod:  Modernized, added tests, made customization
-      possible (now renders via ZPT by default, using 'main_template').
-    - Portal: Added 'email_charset' property.
-    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'makeEmail' function.
-    - CMFDefault.Image and CMFDefault.File: Overridden index_html methods
-      add Cache Policy Manager-awareness and thus bring these implementations
-      in line with CMFCore.FSFile and CMFCore.FSImage
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/454)
-  Bug Fixes
-    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Prevent firing of caching policies
-      for templates (DTML or ZPT) that are rendered in-line (without a 
-      separate request) while rendering the requested content item's view.
-      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/456)
-    - CMFDefault RegistrationTool: Fixed too restrictive email checking.
-      The new 'checkEmailAddress' function is now used.
-    - Fixed test breakage induced by use of Z3 pagetemplates in Zope 2.10+.
-    - CMFDefault skins: Fixed encoding issues in welcome and reminder emails.
-      'password_email' and 'registered_email' now encode their return value
-      correctly, using 'email_charset' and the new 'makeEmail' function.
-  Others
-    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.1
-CMF 2.1.0-alpha (2006/10/09)
-  New Features
-    - CMFDefault utils: Added getBrowserCharset function.
-      Returns the charset preferred by the browser. Strings encoded with this
-      charset are decoded correctly by Five.browser.decode.processInputs.
-    - Content: Added IFactory utilities for all content classes.
-      They are now used by default instead of the old constructor methods.
-    - FactoryTypeInformation: Added support for Zope3 style factories.
-      If the 'product' property of a type info instance is empty the 'factory'
-      property is interpreted as an IFactory name.
-  Bug Fixes
-    - CMFCore.ActionInformation: don't use a fixed set of properties for
-      ActionInformation. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/232/)
-    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Use current executable's proxy roles, if any,
-      in place of user's roles when computing 'allowedRolesAndUsers' for
-      a query. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/380)
-  Others
-    - skins: Changed encoding of translated portal_status_messages.
-      Now getBrowserCharset is used to play nice with Five forms. Customized
-      setRedirect and getMainGlobals scripts have to be updated.
-    - FSFile: Added registration for 'txt' extension.
-    - Profiles: All profiles are now registered by ZCML.
-    - ZClasses: Removed unmaintained support for ZClasses.
-      Marked the 'initializeBases*' methods as deprecated. 
-    - Content: All content classes are now registered by ZCML.
-      ContentInit is still used to register oldstyle constructors.
-    - Favorite: Added 'handleFavoriteAddedEvent' subscriber.
-      This replaces the 'manage_afterAdd' hook and some code in 'addFavorite'.
-    - CMFCatalogAware: Added 'handleObjectEvent' subscriber.
-      This replaces the deprecated 'manage_afterAdd', 'manage_afterClone' and
-      'manage_beforeDelete' hooks.
-    - setup handlers: Removed support for CMF 1.5 CMFSetup profiles.
 CMF 2.0.x and earlier
   For a complete list of changes see HISTORY.txt.

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