[Checkins] SVN: relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/ De-duplicated code by moving each adapter's packing and historical iteration code into common.Adapter.

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Thu Feb 14 02:34:15 EST 2008

Log message for revision 83818:
  De-duplicated code by moving each adapter's packing and historical iteration code into common.Adapter.
  This wasn't a good idea until the adapter implementations became fairly stable and well understood.

  U   relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/common.py
  U   relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/mysql.py
  U   relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/oracle.py
  U   relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/postgresql.py

Modified: relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/common.py
--- relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/common.py	2008-02-14 07:26:59 UTC (rev 83817)
+++ relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/common.py	2008-02-14 07:34:15 UTC (rev 83818)
@@ -19,9 +19,70 @@
 class Adapter(object):
+    """Common code for a database adapter.
+    This is an abstract class; a lot of methods are expected to be
+    provided by subclasses.
+    """
+    # _script_vars contains replacements for statements in scripts.
+    # These are correct for PostgreSQL and MySQL but not for Oracle.
+    _script_vars = {
+        'TRUE':         'TRUE',
+        'FALSE':        'FALSE',
+        'oid':          '%(oid)s',
+        'tid':          '%(tid)s',
+        'pack_tid':     '%(pack_tid)s',
+        'undo_tid':     '%(undo_tid)s',
+        'self_tid':     '%(self_tid)s',
+    }
+    _scripts = {
+        'select_keep_tid': """
+            SELECT tid
+            FROM object_state
+            WHERE zoid = pack_object.zoid
+                AND tid > 0
+                AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+            ORDER BY tid DESC
+            LIMIT 1
+            """,
+        'choose_pack_transaction': """
+            SELECT tid
+            FROM transaction
+            WHERE tid > 0
+                AND tid <= %(tid)s
+                AND packed = FALSE
+            ORDER BY tid DESC
+            LIMIT 1
+            """,
+    }
+    def _run_script_stmt(self, cursor, generic_stmt, generic_params=()):
+        """Execute a statement from a script with the given parameters.
+        Subclasses may override this.
+        The input statement is generic and needs to be transformed
+        into a database-specific statement.
+        """
+        stmt = generic_stmt % self._script_vars
+        try:
+            cursor.execute(stmt, generic_params)
+        except:
+            log.warning("script statement failed: %r; parameters: %r",
+                stmt, generic_params)
+            raise
     def _run_script(self, cursor, script, params=()):
-        """Execute a series of statements in the database."""
+        """Execute a series of statements in the database.
+        The statements are transformed by _run_script_stmt
+        before execution.
+        """
         lines = []
         for line in script.split('\n'):
             line = line.strip()
@@ -31,19 +92,405 @@
                 line = line[:-1]
                 stmt = '\n'.join(lines)
-                try:
-                    cursor.execute(stmt, params)
-                except:
-                    log.warning("script statement failed: %s", stmt)
-                    raise
+                self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, params)
                 lines = []
         if lines:
+            stmt = '\n'.join(lines)
+            self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, params)
+    def iter_transactions(self, cursor):
+        """Iterate over the transaction log.
+        Yields (tid, username, description, extension) for each transaction.
+        """
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT tid, username, description, extension
+        FROM transaction
+        WHERE packed = %(FALSE)s
+            AND tid != 0
+        ORDER BY tid DESC
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt)
+        return iter(cursor)
+    def iter_object_history(self, cursor, oid):
+        """Iterate over an object's history.
+        Raises KeyError if the object does not exist.
+        Yields (tid, username, description, extension, pickle_size)
+        for each modification.
+        """
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT 1 FROM current_object WHERE zoid = %(oid)s
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, {'oid': oid})
+        if not cursor.fetchall():
+            raise KeyError(oid)
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT tid, username, description, extension, %(OCTET_LENGTH)s(state)
+        FROM transaction
+            JOIN object_state USING (tid)
+        WHERE zoid = %(oid)s
+            AND packed = %(FALSE)s
+        ORDER BY tid DESC
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, {'oid': oid})
+        return iter(cursor)
+    def choose_pack_transaction(self, pack_point):
+        """Return the transaction before or at the specified pack time.
+        Returns None if there is nothing to pack.
+        """
+        conn, cursor = self.open()
+        try:
+            stmt = self._scripts['choose_pack_transaction']
+            self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'tid': pack_point})
+            rows = cursor.fetchall()
+            if not rows:
+                # Nothing needs to be packed.
+                return None
+            return rows[0][0]
+        finally:
+            self.close(conn, cursor)
+    def pre_pack(self, pack_tid, get_references, gc=True):
+        """Decide what to pack.
+        Subclasses may override this.
+        tid specifies the most recent transaction to pack.
+        get_references is a function that accepts a pickled state and
+        returns a set of OIDs that state refers to.
+        gc is a boolean indicating whether to run garbage collection.
+        If gc is false, at least one revision of every object is kept,
+        even if nothing refers to it.  Packing with gc disabled can be
+        much faster.
+        """
+        conn, cursor = self.open()
+        try:
-                stmt = '\n'.join(lines)
-                cursor.execute(stmt, params)
+                if gc:
+                    self._pre_pack_with_gc(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
+                else:
+                    self._pre_pack_without_gc(cursor, pack_tid)
-                log.warning("script statement failed: %s", stmt)
+                conn.rollback()
+            else:
+                conn.commit()
+        finally:
+            self.close(conn, cursor)
+    def _pre_pack_without_gc(self, cursor, pack_tid):
+        """Determine what to pack, without garbage collection.
+        With garbage collection disabled, there is no need to follow
+        object references.
+        """
+        # Fill the pack_object table with OIDs, but configure them
+        # all to be kept by setting keep and keep_tid.
+        stmt = """
+        DELETE FROM pack_object;
+        INSERT INTO pack_object (zoid, keep)
+        SELECT DISTINCT zoid, %(TRUE)s
+        FROM object_state
+        WHERE tid <= %(pack_tid)s;
+        UPDATE pack_object SET keep_tid = (@select_keep_tid@)
+        """
+        stmt = stmt.replace(
+            '@select_keep_tid@', self._scripts['select_keep_tid'])
+        self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'pack_tid': pack_tid})
+    def _pre_pack_with_gc(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
+        """Determine what to pack, with garbage collection.
+        """
+        # Fill object_ref with references from object states
+        # in transactions that will not be packed.
+        self._fill_nonpacked_refs(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
+        # Fill the pack_object table with OIDs that either will be
+        # removed (if nothing references the OID) or whose history will
+        # be cut.
+        stmt = """
+        DELETE FROM pack_object;
+        INSERT INTO pack_object (zoid, keep)
+        SELECT DISTINCT zoid, %(FALSE)s
+        FROM object_state
+        WHERE tid <= %(pack_tid)s;
+        -- If the root object is in pack_object, keep it.
+        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = %(TRUE)s
+        WHERE zoid = 0;
+        -- Keep objects that have been revised since pack_tid.
+        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = %(TRUE)s
+        WHERE keep = %(FALSE)s
+            AND zoid IN (
+                SELECT zoid
+                FROM current_object
+                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
+            );
+        -- Keep objects that are still referenced by object states in
+        -- transactions that will not be packed.
+        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = %(TRUE)s
+        WHERE keep = %(FALSE)s
+            AND zoid IN (
+                SELECT to_zoid
+                FROM object_ref
+                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
+            );
+        """
+        self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'pack_tid': pack_tid})
+        self._create_temp_pack_visit(cursor)
+        # Each of the packable objects to be kept might
+        # refer to other objects.  If some of those references
+        # include objects currently set to be removed, keep
+        # those objects as well.  Do this
+        # repeatedly until all references have been satisfied.
+        while True:
+            # Make a list of all parent objects that still need
+            # to be visited.  Then set keep_tid for all pack_object
+            # rows with keep = true.
+            # keep_tid must be set before _fill_pack_object_refs examines
+            # references.
+            stmt = """
+            DELETE FROM temp_pack_visit;
+            INSERT INTO temp_pack_visit (zoid)
+            SELECT zoid
+            FROM pack_object
+            WHERE keep = %(TRUE)s
+                AND keep_tid IS NULL;
+            UPDATE pack_object SET keep_tid = (@select_keep_tid@)
+            WHERE keep = %(TRUE)s AND keep_tid IS NULL
+            """
+            stmt = stmt.replace(
+                '@select_keep_tid@', self._scripts['select_keep_tid'])
+            self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'pack_tid': pack_tid})
+            self._fill_pack_object_refs(cursor, get_references)
+            # Visit the children of all parent objects that were
+            # just visited.
+            stmt = """
+            UPDATE pack_object SET keep = %(TRUE)s
+            WHERE keep = %(FALSE)s
+                AND zoid IN (
+                    SELECT DISTINCT to_zoid
+                    FROM object_ref
+                        JOIN temp_pack_visit USING (zoid)
+                )
+            """
+            self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt)
+            if not cursor.rowcount:
+                # No new references detected.
+                break
+    def _create_temp_pack_visit(self, cursor):
+        """Create a workspace for listing objects to visit.
+        Subclasses can override this.
+        """
+        stmt = """
+        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_pack_visit (
+            zoid BIGINT NOT NULL
+        );
+        CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_pack_visit_zoid ON temp_pack_visit (zoid)
+        """
+        self._run_script(cursor, stmt)
+    def _fill_nonpacked_refs(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
+        """Fill object_ref for all transactions that will not be packed."""
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT DISTINCT tid
+        FROM object_state
+        WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
+            AND NOT EXISTS (
+                SELECT 1
+                FROM object_refs_added
+                WHERE tid = object_state.tid
+            )
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, {'pack_tid': pack_tid})
+        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
+            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
+    def _fill_pack_object_refs(self, cursor, get_references):
+        """Fill object_ref for all pack_object rows that have keep_tid."""
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT DISTINCT keep_tid
+        FROM pack_object
+        WHERE keep_tid IS NOT NULL
+            AND NOT EXISTS (
+                SELECT 1
+                FROM object_refs_added
+                WHERE tid = keep_tid
+            )
+        """
+        cursor.execute(stmt)
+        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
+            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
+    def _add_object_ref_rows(self, cursor, add_rows):
+        """Add rows to object_ref.
+        The input rows are tuples containing (from_zoid, tid, to_zoid).
+        Subclasses can override this.
+        """
+        stmt = """
+        INSERT INTO object_ref (zoid, tid, to_zoid)
+        VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
+        """
+        cursor.executemany(stmt, add_rows)
+    def _add_refs_for_tid(self, cursor, tid, get_references):
+        """Fill object_refs with all states for a transaction.
+        """
+        stmt = """
+        SELECT zoid, state
+        FROM object_state
+        WHERE tid = %(tid)s
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, {'tid': tid})
+        add_rows = []  # [(from_oid, tid, to_oid)]
+        for from_oid, state in cursor:
+            if hasattr(state, 'read'):
+                # cx_Oracle detail
+                state = state.read()
+            if state:
+                to_oids = get_references(str(state))
+                for to_oid in to_oids:
+                    add_rows.append((from_oid, tid, to_oid))
+        if add_rows:
+            self._add_object_ref_rows(cursor, add_rows)
+        # The references have been computed for this transaction.
+        stmt = """
+        INSERT INTO object_refs_added (tid)
+        VALUES (%(tid)s)
+        """
+        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt, {'tid': tid})
+    def _hold_commit_lock(self, cursor):
+        """Hold the commit lock for packing"""
+        cursor.execute("LOCK TABLE commit_lock IN EXCLUSIVE MODE")
+    def pack(self, pack_tid):
+        """Pack.  Requires populated pack tables."""
+        # Read committed mode is sufficient.
+        conn, cursor = self.open()
+        try:
+            try:
+                # hold the commit lock for a moment to prevent deadlocks.
+                self._hold_commit_lock(cursor)
+                for table in ('object_ref', 'current_object', 'object_state'):
+                    # Remove objects that are in pack_object and have keep
+                    # set to false.
+                    stmt = """
+                    DELETE FROM %s
+                    WHERE zoid IN (
+                            SELECT zoid
+                            FROM pack_object
+                            WHERE keep = %%(FALSE)s
+                        )
+                    """ % table
+                    self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt)
+                    if table != 'current_object':
+                        # Cut the history of objects in pack_object that
+                        # have keep set to true.
+                        stmt = """
+                        DELETE FROM %s
+                        WHERE zoid IN (
+                                SELECT zoid
+                                FROM pack_object
+                                WHERE keep = %%(TRUE)s
+                            )
+                            AND tid < (
+                                SELECT keep_tid
+                                FROM pack_object
+                                WHERE zoid = %s.zoid
+                            )
+                        """ % (table, table)
+                        self._run_script_stmt(cursor, stmt)
+                stmt = """
+                -- Terminate prev_tid chains
+                UPDATE object_state SET prev_tid = 0
+                WHERE tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+                    AND prev_tid != 0;
+                -- For each tid to be removed, delete the corresponding row in
+                -- object_refs_added.
+                DELETE FROM object_refs_added
+                WHERE tid > 0
+                    AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+                    AND NOT EXISTS (
+                        SELECT 1
+                        FROM object_state
+                        WHERE tid = object_refs_added.tid
+                    );
+                -- Delete transactions no longer used.
+                DELETE FROM transaction
+                WHERE tid > 0
+                    AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+                    AND NOT EXISTS (
+                        SELECT 1
+                        FROM object_state
+                        WHERE tid = transaction.tid
+                    );
+                -- Mark the remaining packable transactions as packed
+                UPDATE transaction SET packed = %(TRUE)s
+                WHERE tid > 0
+                    AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+                    AND packed = %(FALSE)s;
+                -- Clean up.
+                DELETE FROM pack_object;
+                """
+                self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'pack_tid': pack_tid})
+            except:
+                conn.rollback()
+                raise
+            else:
+                conn.commit()
+        finally:
+            self.close(conn, cursor)

Modified: relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/mysql.py
--- relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/mysql.py	2008-02-14 07:26:59 UTC (rev 83817)
+++ relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/mysql.py	2008-02-14 07:34:15 UTC (rev 83818)
@@ -505,48 +505,6 @@
         return oid
-    def iter_transactions(self, cursor):
-        """Iterate over the transaction log.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension) for each transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension
-        FROM transaction
-        WHERE packed = FALSE
-            AND tid != 0
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        return iter(cursor)
-    def iter_object_history(self, cursor, oid):
-        """Iterate over an object's history.
-        Raises KeyError if the object does not exist.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension, pickle_size)
-        for each modification.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT 1 FROM current_object WHERE zoid = %s
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        if not cursor.rowcount:
-            raise KeyError(oid)
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension, OCTET_LENGTH(state)
-        FROM transaction
-            JOIN object_state USING (tid)
-        WHERE zoid = %s
-            AND packed = FALSE
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        return iter(cursor)
     def hold_pack_lock(self, cursor):
         """Try to acquire the pack lock.
@@ -558,6 +516,7 @@
         if not res:
             raise StorageError('A pack or undo operation is in progress')
     def release_pack_lock(self, cursor):
         """Release the pack lock."""
         stmt = "SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('relstorage.pack')"
@@ -659,330 +618,49 @@
         return [oid_int for (oid_int,) in cursor]
-    def choose_pack_transaction(self, pack_point):
-        """Return the transaction before or at the specified pack time.
-        Returns None if there is nothing to pack.
-        """
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            stmt = """
-            SELECT tid
-            FROM transaction
-            WHERE tid > 0 AND tid <= %s
-                AND packed = FALSE
-            ORDER BY tid DESC
-            LIMIT 1
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_point,))
-            if not cursor.rowcount:
-                # Nothing needs to be packed.
-                return None
-            assert cursor.rowcount == 1
-            return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
-    def pre_pack(self, pack_tid, get_references):
+    def pre_pack(self, pack_tid, get_references, gc=True):
         """Decide what to pack.
-        tid specifies the most recent transaction to pack.
-        get_references is a function that accepts a pickled state and
-        returns a set of OIDs that state refers to.
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
         conn, cursor = self.open(transaction_mode=None)
             # This phase of packing works best with transactions
             # disabled.  It changes no user-facing data.
-            self._pre_pack_cursor(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
+            if gc:
+                self._pre_pack_with_gc(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
+            else:
+                self._pre_pack_without_gc(cursor, pack_tid)
             self.close(conn, cursor)
-    def _pre_pack_cursor(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """pre_pack implementation.
-        """
-        # Fill object_ref with references from object states
-        # in transactions that will not be packed.
-        self._fill_nonpacked_refs(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
+    def _create_temp_pack_visit(self, cursor):
+        """Create a workspace for listing objects to visit.
-        # Ensure the temporary pack_object table is clear.
-        cursor.execute("TRUNCATE pack_object")
-        args = {'pack_tid': pack_tid}
-        # Fill the pack_object table with OIDs that either will be
-        # removed (if nothing references the OID) or whose history will
-        # be cut.
-        stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO pack_object (zoid, keep)
-        SELECT DISTINCT zoid, false
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # If the root object is in pack_object, keep it.
         stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE zoid = 0
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        # Keep objects that have been revised since pack_tid.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE keep = false
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT zoid
-                FROM current_object
-                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Keep objects that are still referenced by object states in
-        # transactions that will not be packed.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE keep = false
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT to_zoid
-                FROM object_ref
-                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Create a small workspace
-        stmt = """
         CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_pack_visit (
-        # Each of the packable objects to be kept might
-        # refer to other objects.  If some of those references
-        # include objects currently set to be removed, keep
-        # those objects as well.  Do this
-        # repeatedly until all references have been satisfied.
-        while True:
-            # Make a list of all parent objects that still need
-            # to be visited.
-            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM temp_pack_visit")
-            stmt = """
-            INSERT INTO temp_pack_visit (zoid)
-            SELECT zoid
-            FROM pack_object
-            WHERE keep = true
-                AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
+    def _hold_commit_lock(self, cursor):
+        """Hold the commit lock for packing.
-            # Set keep_tid for all pack_object rows with keep = 'Y'.
-            # This must be done before _fill_pack_object_refs examines
-            # references.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep_tid = (
-                    SELECT tid
-                    FROM object_state
-                    WHERE zoid = pack_object.zoid
-                        AND tid > 0
-                        AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
-                    ORDER BY tid DESC
-                    LIMIT 1
-                )
-            WHERE keep = true
-                AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-            self._fill_pack_object_refs(cursor, get_references)
-            # Visit the children of all parent objects that were
-            # just visited.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-            WHERE keep = false
-                AND zoid IN (
-                    SELECT DISTINCT to_zoid
-                    FROM object_ref
-                        JOIN temp_pack_visit USING (zoid)
-                )
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
-            if not cursor.rowcount:
-                # No new references detected.
-                break
-    def _fill_nonpacked_refs(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all transactions that will not be packed."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT tid
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid > %s
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = object_state.tid
-            )
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_tid,))
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
+        cursor.execute("SELECT GET_LOCK('relstorage.commit', %s)",
+            (commit_lock_timeout,))
+        locked = cursor.fetchone()[0]
+        if not locked:
+            raise StorageError("Unable to acquire commit lock")
-    def _fill_pack_object_refs(self, cursor, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all pack_object rows that have keep_tid."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT keep_tid
-        FROM pack_object
-        WHERE keep_tid IS NOT NULL
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = keep_tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
-    def _add_refs_for_tid(self, cursor, tid, get_references):
-        """Fills object_refs with all states for a transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT zoid, state
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid = %s
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-        to_add = []  # [(from_oid, tid, to_oid)]
-        for from_oid, state in cursor:
-            if state:
-                to_oids = get_references(state)
-                for to_oid in to_oids:
-                    to_add.append((from_oid, tid, to_oid))
-        if to_add:
-            stmt = """
-            INSERT INTO object_ref (zoid, tid, to_zoid)
-            VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
-            """
-            cursor.executemany(stmt, to_add)
-        # The references have been computed for this transaction.
-        stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO object_refs_added (tid)
-        VALUES (%s)
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-    def pack(self, pack_tid):
-        """Pack.  Requires populated pack tables."""
-        # Read committed mode is sufficient.
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            # Pause concurrent commits.
-            cursor.execute("SELECT GET_LOCK('relstorage.commit', %s)",
-                (commit_lock_timeout,))
-            locked = cursor.fetchone()[0]
-            if not locked:
-                raise StorageError("Unable to acquire commit lock")
-            try:
-                for table in ('object_ref', 'current_object', 'object_state'):
-                    # Remove objects that are in pack_object and have keep
-                    # set to false.
-                    stmt = """
-                    DELETE FROM %s
-                    WHERE zoid IN (
-                            SELECT zoid
-                            FROM pack_object
-                            WHERE keep = false
-                        )
-                    """ % table
-                    cursor.execute(stmt)
-                    if table != 'current_object':
-                        # Cut the history of objects in pack_object that
-                        # have keep set to true.
-                        stmt = """
-                        DELETE FROM %s
-                        WHERE zoid IN (
-                                SELECT zoid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE keep = true
-                            )
-                            AND tid < (
-                                SELECT keep_tid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE zoid = %s.zoid
-                            )
-                        """ % (table, table)
-                        cursor.execute(stmt)
-                stmt = """
-                -- Terminate prev_tid chains
-                UPDATE object_state SET prev_tid = 0
-                WHERE tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND prev_tid != 0;
-                -- For each tid to be removed, delete the corresponding row in
-                -- object_refs_added.
-                DELETE FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = object_refs_added.tid
-                    );
-                -- Delete transactions no longer used.
-                DELETE FROM transaction
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = transaction.tid
-                    );
-                -- Mark the remaining packable transactions as packed
-                UPDATE transaction SET packed = true
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND packed = false
-                """
-                self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'tid': pack_tid})
-                # Clean up
-                cursor.execute("TRUNCATE pack_object")
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                raise
-            else:
-                conn.commit()
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
     def poll_invalidations(self, conn, cursor, prev_polled_tid, ignore_tid):
         """Polls for new transactions.

Modified: relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/oracle.py
--- relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/oracle.py	2008-02-14 07:26:59 UTC (rev 83817)
+++ relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/oracle.py	2008-02-14 07:34:15 UTC (rev 83818)
@@ -28,11 +28,68 @@
 class OracleAdapter(Adapter):
     """Oracle adapter for RelStorage."""
+    _script_vars = {
+        'TRUE':         "'Y'",
+        'FALSE':        "'N'",
+        'OCTET_LENGTH': 'LENGTH',
+        'oid':          ':oid',
+        'tid':          ':tid',
+        'pack_tid':     ':pack_tid',
+        'undo_tid':     ':undo_tid',
+        'self_tid':     ':self_tid',
+    }
+    _scripts = {
+        'select_keep_tid': """
+            SELECT MAX(tid)
+            FROM object_state
+            WHERE zoid = pack_object.zoid
+                AND tid > 0
+                AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
+            """,
+        'choose_pack_transaction': """
+            SELECT MAX(tid)
+            FROM transaction
+            WHERE tid > 0
+                AND tid <= %(tid)s
+                AND packed = 'N'
+            """,
+    }
     def __init__(self, user, password, dsn, twophase=False, arraysize=64):
         self._params = (user, password, dsn)
         self._twophase = twophase
         self._arraysize = arraysize
+    def _run_script_stmt(self, cursor, generic_stmt, generic_params=()):
+        """Execute a statement from a script with the given parameters.
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
+        """
+        if generic_params:
+            # Oracle raises ORA-01036 if the parameter map contains extra keys,
+            # so filter out any unused parameters.
+            tracker = TrackingMap(self._script_vars)
+            stmt = generic_stmt % tracker
+            used = tracker.used
+            params = {}
+            for k, v in generic_params.iteritems():
+                if k in used:
+                    params[k] = v
+        else:
+            stmt = generic_stmt % self._script_vars
+            params = ()
+        try:
+            cursor.execute(stmt, params)
+        except:
+            log.warning("script statement failed: %r; parameters: %r",
+                stmt, params)
+            raise
     def create_schema(self, cursor):
         """Create the database tables."""
         stmt = """
@@ -525,48 +582,6 @@
         return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-    def iter_transactions(self, cursor):
-        """Iterate over the transaction log.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension) for each transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension
-        FROM transaction
-        WHERE packed = 'N'
-            AND tid != 0
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        return iter(cursor)
-    def iter_object_history(self, cursor, oid):
-        """Iterate over an object's history.
-        Raises KeyError if the object does not exist.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension, pickle_size)
-        for each modification.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT 1 FROM current_object WHERE zoid = :1
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        if not cursor.fetchall():
-            raise KeyError(oid)
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension, LENGTH(state)
-        FROM transaction
-            JOIN object_state USING (tid)
-        WHERE zoid = :1
-            AND packed = 'N'
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        return iter(cursor)
     def hold_pack_lock(self, cursor):
         """Try to acquire the pack lock.
@@ -595,8 +610,6 @@
         if not cursor.fetchall():
             raise UndoError("Transaction not found or packed")
-        self.hold_pack_lock(cursor)
         # Rule: we can undo an object if the object's state in the
         # transaction to undo matches the object's current state.
         # If any object in the transaction does not fit that rule,
@@ -650,347 +663,61 @@
                 LEFT JOIN object_state prev
                 ON (prev.zoid = undoing.zoid
                     AND prev.tid = undoing.prev_tid)
-            WHERE undoing.tid = :undo_tid
+            WHERE undoing.tid = %(undo_tid)s
                 AND undoing.zoid = object_state.zoid
-        WHERE tid = :self_tid
+        WHERE tid = %(self_tid)s
             AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = :undo_tid);
+                SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = %(undo_tid)s);
         -- Add new undo records.
         INSERT INTO object_state (zoid, tid, prev_tid, md5, state)
-        SELECT undoing.zoid, :self_tid, current_object.tid,
+        SELECT undoing.zoid, %(self_tid)s, current_object.tid,
             prev.md5, prev.state
         FROM object_state undoing
             JOIN current_object ON (current_object.zoid = undoing.zoid)
             LEFT JOIN object_state prev
                 ON (prev.zoid = undoing.zoid
                     AND prev.tid = undoing.prev_tid)
-        WHERE undoing.tid = :undo_tid
+        WHERE undoing.tid = %(undo_tid)s
             AND undoing.zoid NOT IN (
-                SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = :self_tid);
+                SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = %(self_tid)s);
+        -- List the changed OIDs.
+        SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = %(undo_tid)s
         self._run_script(cursor, stmt,
             {'undo_tid': undo_tid, 'self_tid': self_tid})
-        # List the changed OIDs.
-        stmt = "SELECT zoid FROM object_state WHERE tid = :1"
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (undo_tid,))
         return [oid_int for (oid_int,) in cursor]
-    def choose_pack_transaction(self, pack_point):
-        """Return the transaction before or at the specified pack time.
+    def _create_temp_pack_visit(self, cursor):
+        """Create a workspace for listing objects to visit.
-        Returns None if there is nothing to pack.
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            stmt = """
-            SELECT MAX(tid)
-            FROM transaction
-            WHERE tid > 0
-                AND tid <= :1
-                AND packed = 'N'
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_point,))
-            rows = cursor.fetchall()
-            if not rows:
-                # Nothing needs to be packed.
-                return None
-            return rows[0][0]
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
+        # The temp_pack_visit table is a global temporary table,
+        # so it does not need to be created here.
+        pass
-    def pre_pack(self, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """Decide what to pack.
+    def _add_object_ref_rows(self, cursor, add_rows):
+        """Add rows to object_ref.
-        tid specifies the most recent transaction to pack.
+        The input rows are tuples containing (from_zoid, tid, to_zoid).
-        get_references is a function that accepts a pickled state and
-        returns a set of OIDs that state refers to.
+        This overrides the method by the same name in common.Adapter.
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            try:
-                self._pre_pack_cursor(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                raise
-            else:
-                conn.commit()
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
-    def _pre_pack_cursor(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """pre_pack implementation.
-        """
-        self._fill_nonpacked_refs(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
-        args = {'pack_tid': pack_tid}
-        # Ensure the temporary pack_object table is clear.
-        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM pack_object")
-        # Fill the pack_object table with OIDs that either will be
-        # removed (if nothing references the OID) or whose history will
-        # be cut.
         stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO pack_object (zoid, keep)
-        SELECT DISTINCT zoid, 'N'
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid <= :pack_tid
+        INSERT INTO object_ref (zoid, tid, to_zoid)
+        VALUES (:1, :2, :3)
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
+        cursor.executemany(stmt, add_rows)
-        # If the root object is in pack_object, keep it.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = 'Y'
-        WHERE zoid = 0
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        # Keep objects that have been revised since pack_tid.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = 'Y'
-        WHERE keep = 'N'
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT zoid
-                FROM current_object
-                WHERE tid > :pack_tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Keep objects that are still referenced by object states in
-        # transactions that will not be packed.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = 'Y'
-        WHERE keep = 'N'
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT to_zoid
-                FROM object_ref
-                WHERE tid > :pack_tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Each of the packable objects to be kept might
-        # refer to other objects.  If some of those references
-        # include objects currently set to be removed, keep
-        # those objects as well.  Do this
-        # repeatedly until all references have been satisfied.
-        while True:
-            # Make a list of all parent objects that still need
-            # to be visited.
-            cursor.execute("DELETE FROM temp_pack_visit")
-            stmt = """
-            INSERT INTO temp_pack_visit (zoid)
-            SELECT zoid
-            FROM pack_object
-            WHERE keep = 'Y'
-                AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
-            # Set keep_tid for all pack_object rows with keep = 'Y'.
-            # This must be done before _fill_pack_object_refs examines
-            # references.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep_tid = (
-                    SELECT MAX(tid)
-                    FROM object_state
-                    WHERE zoid = pack_object.zoid
-                        AND tid > 0
-                        AND tid <= :pack_tid
-                )
-            WHERE keep = 'Y'
-                AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-            self._fill_pack_object_refs(cursor, get_references)
-            # Visit the children of all parent objects that were
-            # just visited.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep = 'Y'
-            WHERE keep = 'N'
-                AND zoid IN (
-                    SELECT DISTINCT to_zoid
-                    FROM object_ref
-                        JOIN temp_pack_visit USING (zoid)
-                )
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
-            if not cursor.rowcount:
-                # No new references detected.
-                break
-    def _fill_nonpacked_refs(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all transactions that will not be packed."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT tid
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid > :1
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = object_state.tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_tid,))
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
-    def _fill_pack_object_refs(self, cursor, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all pack_object rows that have keep_tid."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT keep_tid
-        FROM pack_object
-        WHERE keep_tid IS NOT NULL
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = keep_tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
-    def _add_refs_for_tid(self, cursor, tid, get_references):
-        """Fills object_refs with all states for a transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT zoid, state
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid = :1
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-        to_add = []  # [(from_oid, tid, to_oid)]
-        for from_oid, state_file in cursor:
-            if state_file is not None:
-                state = state_file.read()
-                if state is not None:
-                    to_oids = get_references(state)
-                    for to_oid in to_oids:
-                        to_add.append((from_oid, tid, to_oid))
-        if to_add:
-            stmt = """
-            INSERT INTO object_ref (zoid, tid, to_zoid)
-            VALUES (:1, :2, :3)
-            """
-            cursor.executemany(stmt, to_add)
-        # The references have been computed for this transaction.
-        stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO object_refs_added (tid)
-        VALUES (:1)
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-    def pack(self, pack_tid):
-        """Pack.  Requires populated pack tables."""
-        # Read committed mode is sufficient.
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            try:
-                # hold the commit lock for a moment to prevent deadlocks.
-                cursor.execute("LOCK TABLE commit_lock IN EXCLUSIVE MODE")
-                for table in ('object_ref', 'current_object', 'object_state'):
-                    # Remove objects that are in pack_object and have keep
-                    # set to 'N'.
-                    stmt = """
-                    DELETE FROM %s
-                    WHERE zoid IN (
-                            SELECT zoid
-                            FROM pack_object
-                            WHERE keep = 'N'
-                        )
-                    """ % table
-                    cursor.execute(stmt)
-                    if table != 'current_object':
-                        # Cut the history of objects in pack_object that
-                        # have keep set to 'Y'.
-                        stmt = """
-                        DELETE FROM %s
-                        WHERE zoid IN (
-                                SELECT zoid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE keep = 'Y'
-                            )
-                            AND tid < (
-                                SELECT keep_tid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE zoid = %s.zoid
-                            )
-                        """ % (table, table)
-                        cursor.execute(stmt)
-                stmt = """
-                -- Terminate prev_tid chains
-                UPDATE object_state SET prev_tid = 0
-                WHERE tid <= :tid
-                    AND prev_tid != 0;
-                -- For each tid to be removed, delete the corresponding row in
-                -- object_refs_added.
-                DELETE FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= :tid
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = object_refs_added.tid
-                    );
-                -- Delete transactions no longer used.
-                DELETE FROM transaction
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= :tid
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = transaction.tid
-                    );
-                -- Mark the remaining packable transactions as packed
-                UPDATE transaction SET packed = 'Y'
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= :tid
-                    AND packed = 'N'
-                """
-                self._run_script(cursor, stmt, {'tid': pack_tid})
-                # Clean up
-                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM pack_object")
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                raise
-            else:
-                conn.commit()
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
     def poll_invalidations(self, conn, cursor, prev_polled_tid, ignore_tid):
         """Polls for new transactions.
@@ -1042,3 +769,15 @@
         except (cx_Oracle.OperationalError, cx_Oracle.InterfaceError):
             raise StorageError("database disconnected")
+class TrackingMap:
+    """Provides values for keys while tracking which keys are accessed."""
+    def __init__(self, source):
+        self.source = source
+        self.used = set()
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        self.used.add(key)
+        return self.source[key]

Modified: relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/postgresql.py
--- relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/postgresql.py	2008-02-14 07:26:59 UTC (rev 83817)
+++ relstorage/trunk/relstorage/adapters/postgresql.py	2008-02-14 07:34:15 UTC (rev 83818)
@@ -542,48 +542,6 @@
         return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-    def iter_transactions(self, cursor):
-        """Iterate over the transaction log.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension) for each transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension
-        FROM transaction
-        WHERE packed = FALSE
-            AND tid != 0
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        return iter(cursor)
-    def iter_object_history(self, cursor, oid):
-        """Iterate over an object's history.
-        Raises KeyError if the object does not exist.
-        Yields (tid, username, description, extension, pickle_size)
-        for each modification.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT 1 FROM current_object WHERE zoid = %s
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        if not cursor.rowcount:
-            raise KeyError(oid)
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT tid, username, description, extension, OCTET_LENGTH(state)
-        FROM transaction
-            JOIN object_state USING (tid)
-        WHERE zoid = %s
-            AND packed = FALSE
-        ORDER BY tid DESC
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (oid,))
-        return iter(cursor)
     def hold_pack_lock(self, cursor):
         """Try to acquire the pack lock.
@@ -612,8 +570,6 @@
         if not cursor.rowcount:
             raise UndoError("Transaction not found or packed")
-        self.hold_pack_lock(cursor)
         # Rule: we can undo an object if the object's state in the
         # transaction to undo matches the object's current state.
         # If any object in the transaction does not fit that rule,
@@ -706,329 +662,6 @@
         return [oid_int for (oid_int,) in cursor]
-    def choose_pack_transaction(self, pack_point):
-        """Return the transaction before or at the specified pack time.
-        Returns None if there is nothing to pack.
-        """
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            stmt = """
-            SELECT tid
-            FROM transaction
-            WHERE tid > 0 AND tid <= %s
-                AND packed = FALSE
-            ORDER BY tid DESC
-            LIMIT 1
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_point,))
-            if not cursor.rowcount:
-                # Nothing needs to be packed.
-                return None
-            assert cursor.rowcount == 1
-            return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
-    def pre_pack(self, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """Decide what to pack.
-        tid specifies the most recent transaction to pack.
-        get_references is a function that accepts a pickled state and
-        returns a set of OIDs that state refers to.
-        """
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            try:
-                self._pre_pack_cursor(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                raise
-            else:
-                conn.commit()
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
-    def _pre_pack_cursor(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """pre_pack implementation.
-        """
-        # Fill object_ref with references from object states
-        # in transactions that will not be packed.
-        self._fill_nonpacked_refs(cursor, pack_tid, get_references)
-        # Ensure the temporary pack_object table is clear.
-        cursor.execute("TRUNCATE pack_object")
-        args = {'pack_tid': pack_tid}
-        # Fill the pack_object table with OIDs that either will be
-        # removed (if nothing references the OID) or whose history will
-        # be cut.
-        stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO pack_object (zoid, keep)
-        SELECT DISTINCT zoid, false
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid <= %(pack_tid)s
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # If the root object is in pack_object, keep it.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE zoid = 0
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        # Keep objects that have been revised since pack_tid.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE keep = false
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT zoid
-                FROM current_object
-                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Keep objects that are still referenced by object states in
-        # transactions that will not be packed.
-        stmt = """
-        UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-        WHERE keep = false
-            AND zoid IN (
-                SELECT to_zoid
-                FROM object_ref
-                WHERE tid > %(pack_tid)s
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-        # Create a small workspace
-        stmt = """
-        CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_pack_visit (
-            zoid BIGINT NOT NULL
-        );
-        CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temp_pack_visit_zoid ON temp_pack_visit (zoid)
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        # Each of the packable objects to be kept might
-        # refer to other objects.  If some of those references
-        # include objects currently set to be removed, keep
-        # those objects as well.  Do this
-        # repeatedly until all references have been satisfied.
-        while True:
-            # Make a list of all parent objects that still need
-            # to be visited.
-            stmt = """
-            TRUNCATE temp_pack_visit;
-            INSERT INTO temp_pack_visit (zoid)
-            SELECT zoid
-            FROM pack_object
-            WHERE keep = true
-                AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
-            # Set keep_tid for all pack_object rows with keep = 'Y'.
-            # This must be done before _fill_pack_object_refs examines
-            # references.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep_tid = (
-                    SELECT tid
-                    FROM object_state
-                    WHERE zoid = pack_object.zoid
-                        AND tid > 0
-                        AND tid <= %(pack_tid)s
-                    ORDER BY tid DESC
-                    LIMIT 1
-                )
-            WHERE keep = true AND keep_tid IS NULL
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt, args)
-            self._fill_pack_object_refs(cursor, get_references)
-            # Visit the children of all parent objects that were
-            # just visited.
-            stmt = """
-            UPDATE pack_object SET keep = true
-            WHERE keep = false
-                AND zoid IN (
-                    SELECT DISTINCT to_zoid
-                    FROM object_ref
-                        JOIN temp_pack_visit USING (zoid)
-                )
-            """
-            cursor.execute(stmt)
-            if not cursor.rowcount:
-                # No new references detected.
-                break
-    def _fill_nonpacked_refs(self, cursor, pack_tid, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all transactions that will not be packed."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT tid
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid > %s
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = object_state.tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (pack_tid,))
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
-    def _fill_pack_object_refs(self, cursor, get_references):
-        """Fill object_ref for all pack_object rows that have keep_tid."""
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT DISTINCT keep_tid
-        FROM pack_object
-        WHERE keep_tid IS NOT NULL
-            AND NOT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid = keep_tid
-            )
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt)
-        for (tid,) in cursor.fetchall():
-            self._add_refs_for_tid(cursor, tid, get_references)
-    def _add_refs_for_tid(self, cursor, tid, get_references):
-        """Fills object_refs with all states for a transaction.
-        """
-        stmt = """
-        SELECT zoid, encode(state, 'base64')
-        FROM object_state
-        WHERE tid = %s
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-        to_add = []  # [(from_oid, tid, to_oid)]
-        for from_oid, state64 in cursor:
-            if state64 is not None:
-                state = decodestring(state64)
-                to_oids = get_references(state)
-                for to_oid in to_oids:
-                    to_add.append((from_oid, tid, to_oid))
-        if to_add:
-            stmt = """
-            INSERT INTO object_ref (zoid, tid, to_zoid)
-            VALUES (%s, %s, %s)
-            """
-            cursor.executemany(stmt, to_add)
-        # The references have been computed for this transaction.
-        stmt = """
-        INSERT INTO object_refs_added (tid)
-        VALUES (%s)
-        """
-        cursor.execute(stmt, (tid,))
-    def pack(self, pack_tid):
-        """Pack.  Requires populated pack tables."""
-        # Read committed mode is sufficient.
-        conn, cursor = self.open()
-        try:
-            try:
-                # hold the commit lock for a moment to prevent deadlocks.
-                cursor.execute("LOCK TABLE commit_lock IN EXCLUSIVE MODE")
-                for table in ('object_ref', 'current_object', 'object_state'):
-                    # Remove objects that are in pack_object and have keep
-                    # set to false.
-                    stmt = """
-                    DELETE FROM %s
-                    WHERE zoid IN (
-                            SELECT zoid
-                            FROM pack_object
-                            WHERE keep = false
-                        )
-                    """ % table
-                    cursor.execute(stmt)
-                    if table != 'current_object':
-                        # Cut the history of objects in pack_object that
-                        # have keep set to true.
-                        stmt = """
-                        DELETE FROM %s
-                        WHERE zoid IN (
-                                SELECT zoid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE keep = true
-                            )
-                            AND tid < (
-                                SELECT keep_tid
-                                FROM pack_object
-                                WHERE zoid = %s.zoid
-                            )
-                        """ % (table, table)
-                        cursor.execute(stmt)
-                stmt = """
-                -- Terminate prev_tid chains
-                UPDATE object_state SET prev_tid = 0
-                WHERE tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND prev_tid != 0;
-                -- For each tid to be removed, delete the corresponding row in
-                -- object_refs_added.
-                DELETE FROM object_refs_added
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = object_refs_added.tid
-                    );
-                -- Delete transactions no longer used.
-                DELETE FROM transaction
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND NOT EXISTS (
-                        SELECT 1
-                        FROM object_state
-                        WHERE tid = transaction.tid
-                    );
-                -- Mark the remaining packable transactions as packed
-                UPDATE transaction SET packed = true
-                WHERE tid > 0
-                    AND tid <= %(tid)s
-                    AND packed = false
-                """
-                cursor.execute(stmt, {'tid': pack_tid})
-                # Clean up
-                cursor.execute("TRUNCATE pack_object")
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                raise
-            else:
-                conn.commit()
-        finally:
-            self.close(conn, cursor)
     def poll_invalidations(self, conn, cursor, prev_polled_tid, ignore_tid):
         """Polls for new transactions.

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