[Checkins] SVN: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ - Updated permisisonDetails to show the same type of display as the

Daniel Blackburn blackburnd at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 10:01:13 EST 2008

Log message for revision 84114:
   - Updated permisisonDetails to show the same type of display as the
     principal details page

  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/permdetails.pt
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/views.py
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/configure.zcml
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/interfaces.py
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/securitytool.py

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/permdetails.pt
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/permdetails.pt	2008-02-21 13:57:02 UTC (rev 84113)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/permdetails.pt	2008-02-21 15:01:12 UTC (rev 84114)
@@ -1,90 +1,143 @@
-  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href=""
-        tal:attributes="href context/++resource++securitytool.css"/>
-   <h1>Security Checking Tool</h1>
-   <div class="top_nav">
-     <a class="top_nav_val"  href="./securityMatrix.html">Security Matrix</a>&nbsp|&nbsp
-     <span class="top_nav_val">Permission Settings </span>
-   </div>
-   <p class="description"> The permission settings for the
-   intersection of the view and principal are displayed here. This
-   view displays the permissions, roles, and groups applied to the
-   view and principal previously selected on the securityMatrix.html
-   page. These are the settings that directly determine what the
-   security settings are for the intersection selected. You
-   can go back to the matrix page by selecting the `Security
-   Matrix` link above. </p>
+    <head>
+      <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" href=""
+           tal:attributes="href context/++resource++securitytool.css"/>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+       <h1>Security Checking Tool</h1>
+       <div class="top_nav">
+         <a class="top_nav_val"  href="./securityMatrix.html">Security Matrix</a>&nbsp|&nbsp
+         <span class="top_nav_val">Principal Settings </span>
+       </div>
+       <p class="description"> The permission settings for the
+       intersection of the view and principal are displayed here. This
+       view displays the permissions, roles, and groups applied to the
+       view and principal previously selected on the securityMatrix.html
+       page. These are the settings that directly determine what the
+       security settings are for the intersection selected. You
+       can go back to the matrix page by selecting the `Security
+       Matrix` link above. </p>
+           <div class="matrix_body">
+           <h1 class="just_border">&nbsp</h1>
+           <div class="sub_heading">Permission settings for the 
+              <b tal:content="view/principal"></b> and the view
+              <b tal:content="view/view"></b></div>
+           <div class="legend" tal:condition="view/legend" tal:content="structure view/legend"/>
+            <metal:block define-macro="user-details"
+                         tal:define="permissions view/principalPermissions/permissions;
+                                     roles view/principalPermissions/roles;
+                                     roleTree view/principalPermissions/roleTree;
+                                     permissionTree view/principalPermissions/permissionTree;
+                                     groups view/principalPermissions/groups">
-   <div class="matrix_body">
-       <h1 class="just_border">&nbsp</h1>
-        <div class="sub_heading">
-          <span  tal:content="structure view/message">This permission details
-    	for the user </span>
-        </div>
-        <div class="legend"  
-             tal:condition="view/legend" 
-             tal:content="structure view/legend"/>
-          <!--ul tal:condition="python: permissions or roles or groups"-->
-            <metal:block define-macro="permission-details"
-                   tal:define="permissions view/permissionDetails/permissions;
-                               roles view/permissionDetails/roles;
-                               groups view/permissionDetails/groups">
-            <h3 tal:condition="permissions">Permissions directly
-            responsible for access</h3>
-            <div class="contentList"  tal:condition="permissions">
-                <ul>
-                <span tal:repeat="permission permissions">
-                <li class="contentList">
-                <span tal:content="view/read_perm"/>
-                <span tal:attributes="class permission/setting" 
-                       tal:content="permission/name"></span>
-                </li>
-                </span>
-                </ul>
+                  <div class="context">
+                      <h3 tal:condition="permissions"
+                      tal:define="junk python:permissions.sort()">
+                      Permission for this view and principal 
+                      in effect at this context </h3>
+                      <p class="sectionInfo"  tal:condition="permissions"> This section lists 
+                       the permission setting applied to this user and <br>
+                       view calculated from  all contexts in the current
+                       traversal path. This <br> is the actual permission 
+                       for this user and view at this context level.
+                      </p>
+                      <br>
-             </div>
-             <br tal:condition="permissions">
+                      <div tal:repeat="permissionItem permissions" >
+                         <div class="finalPermissions">
+                         <div   tal:attributes="class python: permissionItem['setting']"
+                                     tal:content="python:
+                      permissionItem['permission']"/>
+                         </div>
+                      </div>
+                      <br tal:condition="permissions">
+                      <h3 tal:condition="roles">Permissions provided by roles</h3>
+                      <p class="sectionInfo"  tal:condition="roles"> This section lists all
+                      the roles assigned to this user and the <br> 
+                      permissions they provide at all contexts in the current <br>
+                      traversal path. These are the actual roles with their <br>
+                      permissions this user has assigned.
+                      </p>
+                      <br>
+                      <div tal:condition="roles">
+                        <div tal:repeat="role python: sorted(roles)">
+                          <div class="contextList"
+                      tal:content="python: role">zope.ManageSite:</div>
+                          <div  tal:define="permissions python:roles[role]">
+                             <div class="contextListIndent"
+                                  tal:define="junk python:permissions.sort()"
+                                  tal:repeat="permission permissions">
+                                  <div  tal:attributes="class permission/setting"
+                                        tal:content="permission/permission"/>
+                             </div>                      
+                          </div>
+                          <br>
+                        </div>
+                      </div>
+                  </div>
-              <h3 tal:condition="roles">Roles directly responsible for
-              access</h3>
-              <div class="contentList" tal:condition="roles">
-                 <div tal:repeat="role_context roles">
-                    <ul>
-                    <li class="contentList">
+                  <div class="tree">
+                      <h3 tal:condition="permissionTree">Permissions Defined in
+                      Context(s) for this user</h3>
+                      <p class="sectionInfo"  tal:condition="permissionTree"> This section lists all
+                      the permissions assigned to this <br>user and the
+                      context level assigned. The same settings <br>
+                      can be found in the @@grant.html view on each context.
+                      </p>
+                      <br>
-                        <span tal:content="role_context" />: 
-                        <span tal:repeat="perm
-                                          python:roles[role_context]">
-                            <span tal:attributes="class perm/setting" 
-                                  tal:content="perm/name"/>
-                            <span tal:condition="not:repeat/perm/end" 
-                                  tal:replace="string:,"/>
-                        </span>
-                      </li>
+                      <tal:block tal:repeat="context permissionTree">
+                            <span tal:define="curr python:context.values()[0]">
+                                <div class="contextList"
+                                     tal:content="python: ' / '.join(curr['parentList'])"/>
+                                <div class="contextListIndent" tal:repeat="permission python: curr['permissions']">
+                                    <div tal:attributes="class  python:permission['setting']"
+                                         tal:content="python: permission['permission']"/>
+                                </div>
+                            </span>
+                          <br>
+                      </tal:block>
-                    </ul>
-                  </div>
+                      <br tal:condition="permissionTree">
+                      <h3 tal:condition="roleTree">Roles Defined in
+                      Context(s) for this user</h3>
+                      <p class="sectionInfo"  tal:condition="permissionTree"> This section lists all
+                      the roles assigned to this user and <br>the
+                      context level assigned. The same settings 
+                      can be <br>found in the @@grant.html view on each context.
+                      </p>
+                      <br>
+                      <tal:block tal:repeat="context roleTree">
+                            <span tal:define="curr python:context.values()[0]">
+                                <div class="contextList"
+                      tal:content="python: ' / '.join(curr['parentList'])"/>
+                                <div class="contextListIndent" tal:repeat="role python: curr['roles']">
+                                    <div tal:attributes="class  python:role['setting']"
+                                         tal:content="python: role['role']"/>
+                                </div>
+                            </span>
+                            <br>
+                      </tal:block>
+                      <br tal:condition="roleTree">
-                <b3 tal:condition="groups">Groups directly responsible
-                for access</b3>
                 <div class="contentList" tal:condition="groups">
-                  <div tal:repeat="group_id groups">
-                    <div tal:content="group_id">zope.Authenticated</div>
-                    <div tal:define="group python:groups[group_id]; 
-                                     permissions group/permissions; 
-                                     roles group/roles; 
-                                     groups group/groups">
-                      <div metal:use-macro="macro:permission-details" />
+                  <br>
+                  <h3>Permissions provided by group(s)</h3>
+                    <div class="contentList" tal:repeat="group_id groups">
+                      <div tal:content="group_id">zope.Authenticated</div>
+                      <div tal:define="group python:groups[group_id];
+                                       permissions group/permissions;
+                                       roles group/roles;
+                                       groups group/groups">
+                       <div metal:use-macro="macro:user-details" />
+                     </div>
-                  </div>
-            </metal:block>
+           </metal:block>

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/views.py
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/views.py	2008-02-21 13:57:02 UTC (rev 84113)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/views.py	2008-02-21 15:01:12 UTC (rev 84114)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 from zope.app import zapi
 from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import settingsForObject
-from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import PrincipalDetails, PermissionDetails
+from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import MatrixDetails, PrincipalDetails, PermissionDetails
 from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import ISecurityChecker, IPrincipalDetails, IPermissionDetails
 SESSION_KEY = 'securitytool'
@@ -193,6 +193,61 @@
         return self.render()
 class PermissionDetailsView(BrowserView):
+    """ view class for ud.html (User Details)"""
+    pageTemplateFile = "permdetails.pt"
+    def update(self):
+        self.principal = self.request.get('principal','no user specified')
+        self.view = self.request.get('view','no view specified')
+        self.skin = getSkin(self.request) or IBrowserRequest
+        permAdapter = zapi.getMultiAdapter((self.context,
+                                            ),IPermissionDetails)
+        self.principalPermissions = permAdapter(self.principal,
+                                             self.view,
+                                             self.skin)
+        self.legend = (u"<span class='Deny'>Red Bold = Denied Permission"
+                       u"</span>,<span class='Allow'> Green Normal = "
+                       u"Allowed Permission </span>")
+        self.preparePrincipalPermissions()
+    def preparePrincipalPermissions(self):
+        """
+        This method just organized the permission and role tree
+        lists to display properly.
+        """
+        permTree = self.principalPermissions['permissionTree']
+        for idx, item in enumerate(permTree):
+            for uid,value in item.items():
+                if value.has_key('permissions'):
+                    self.principalPermissions['permissionTree']\
+                                      [idx][uid]['permissions'].sort()
+                    self.principalPermissions['permissionTree']\
+                                      [idx][uid]['parentList'].reverse()
+        permTree = self.principalPermissions['roleTree']
+        for idx, item in enumerate(permTree):
+            for uid,value in item.items():
+                if value.has_key('roles'):
+                    self.principalPermissions['roleTree']\
+                                 [idx][uid]['roles'].sort()
+                    self.principalPermissions['roleTree']\
+                                 [idx][uid]['parentList'].reverse()
+    def render(self):
+        return ViewPageTemplateFile(self.pageTemplateFile)(self)
+    def __call__(self):
+        self.update()
+        return self.render()
+class ORIGPermissionDetailsView(BrowserView):
     """ view class for pd.html (Permission Details)"""
     pageTemplateFile = "permdetails.pt"

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/configure.zcml
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/configure.zcml	2008-02-21 13:57:02 UTC (rev 84113)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/configure.zcml	2008-02-21 15:01:12 UTC (rev 84114)
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
   <include package=".browser" />    

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/interfaces.py
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/interfaces.py	2008-02-21 13:57:02 UTC (rev 84113)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/interfaces.py	2008-02-21 15:01:12 UTC (rev 84114)
@@ -19,12 +19,22 @@
     def populatePermissionMatrix(self,read_perm,principalPermissions):
         """ populates the permission matrix """
+class IPrincipalDetails(Interface):
+    def updateMatrixPermissions( item):
+        """ method to update the permissions """
+    def updateMatrixRoles( name, item):
+        """ method to up date the matrix roles """
 class IPermissionDetails(Interface):
-    def permissionDetails(principal,read_perm,settings, rolePermissions):
-        """ workhorse of the PermissionDetails class """
+    def updateMatrixPermissions( item):
+        """ method to update the permissions """
-class IPrincipalDetails(Interface):
+    def updateMatrixRoles( name, item):
+        """ method to up date the matrix roles """
+class IMatrixDetails(Interface):
     def principalPermissions(principal_id, skin):
         """ main workhorse of the class """
     def orderRoleTree(self):
@@ -33,18 +43,12 @@
     def updatePrincipalMatrix( settings):
         """ this is called to update the roles and permissions"""
-    def updatePrincipalMatrixRoles( name, item):
-        """ method to up date the matrix roles """
+    def updateRoles(item,role,curRole):
+        """ method to update the roles """
     def updateRoleTree(item,parentList,curRole):
         """ method to update the matrix roletree """
-    def updateRoles(item,role,curRole):
-        """ method to update the roles """
-    def updatePrincipalMatrixPermissions( item):
-        """ method to update the permissions """
     def updatePermissionTree(item,prinPerms):
         """ method to update the permission tree """

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/securitytool.py
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/securitytool.py	2008-02-21 13:57:02 UTC (rev 84113)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/securitytool.py	2008-02-21 15:01:12 UTC (rev 84114)
@@ -178,94 +178,218 @@
                 matrix[principal].update({self.name: setting})
-class PermissionDetails(object):
+class MatrixDetails(object):
+    """
+    This class creates the complex permissionDetails object
+    """
+    def __init__(self,context):
+        self.context = context
+    def orderRoleTree(self):
+        # This is silly I know but I want global settings at the end
+        try:
+            roleTree = self.principalMatrix['roleTree']
+            globalSettings = roleTree.pop(0)
+            roleTree.append(globalSettings)
+        except IndexError:
+            # Attempting to pop empty list
+            pass
+    def updatePrincipalMatrix(self, settings):
+        """ this method recursively populates the principal permissions
+            dict and is only used by principalPermissions """
+        for setting in settings:
+            for name, item in setting.items():
+                self.updateMatrixRoles(name,item)
+                self.updateMatrixPermissions(item)
+            for group_id in self.principal.groups:
+                group = self.principals.getPrincipal(group_id)
+                self.principalMatrix['groups'][group_id] = \
+                    self.policyPermissions(group, settings)
+    def updateRoleTree(self,item,parentList,curRole):
+        """
+        This method is responsible for poplating the roletree.
+        """
+        roleTree = self.principalMatrix['roleTree']
+        key = item.get('uid')
+        keys =  [x.keys()[0] for x in roleTree]
+        # Each key is unique so we just get the list index to edit
+        if key in keys:
+            listIdx = keys.index(key)
+        else:
+            roleTree.append({key:{}})
+            listIdx = -1
+        roleTree[listIdx][key]['parentList'] =  parentList
+        roleTree[listIdx][key]['name'] = item.get('name')
+        roleTree[listIdx][key].setdefault('roles',[])
+        # We make sure we only add the roles we do not yet have.
+        if curRole not in roleTree[listIdx][key]['roles']:
+            roleTree[listIdx][key]['roles'].append(curRole)
+    def updateRoles(self,item,role,curRole):
+        if curRole['setting'] == Allow:
+            # We only want to append the role if it is Allowed
+            roles = self.principalMatrix['roles']
+            rolePerms = self.roleSettings['rolePermissions']
+            if not roles.has_key(role):
+                roles[role] = []
+            # Here we get the permissions provided by each role
+            for rolePerm in rolePerms:
+                if rolePerm['role'] == role:
+                    mapping = {'permission': rolePerm['permission'],
+                               'setting'   : rolePerm['setting'].getName()
+                              }
+                    if mapping not in roles[role]:
+                        roles[role].append(mapping)
+    def updatePermissionTree(self,item,prinPerms):
+        """ method responsible for creating permission tree """
+        permissionTree = self.principalMatrix['permissionTree']
+        key = item.get('uid')
+        keys =  [x.keys()[0] for x in permissionTree]
+        # Each key is unique so we just get the list index to edit
+        if key in keys:
+            listIdx = keys.index(key)
+        else:
+            permissionTree.append({key:{}})
+            listIdx = -1
+        permissionTree[listIdx][key]['parentList'] = item.get('parentList')
+        permissionTree[listIdx][key]['name'] = item.get('name')
+        permissionTree[listIdx][key].setdefault('permissions',[])
+        if prinPerms not in permissionTree[listIdx][key]['permissions']:
+              permissionTree[listIdx][key]['permissions'].append(prinPerms)
+class PermissionDetails(MatrixDetails):
     """Get permission details for a given principal and view.
     Includes the permissions set by the groups the principal belongs to.
+    adapts(Interface)
-    def __init__(self,context):
-        self.context = context
+    def __call__(self,principal_id,view_name, skin=IBrowserRequest):
+        self.principal_id = principal_id
+        self.skin = skin
+        self.read_perm = 'zope.Public'
-    def __call__(self,principal_id,view_name,skin):
-        settings = None
-        rolePermissions = []
-        read_perm = 'zope.Public'
-        prinPermSettings =  {'read_perm':'',
-                              'permissions': [],
-                              'roles': [],
-                              'groups': {}}
+        request = TestRequest()
+        applySkin(request, skin)
+        self.principalMatrix = {'permissions': [],
+                                'permissionTree': [],
+                                'roles': {},
+                                'roleTree': [],
+                                'groups': {}}
-        principals = zapi.principals()
-        principal = principals.getPrincipal(principal_id)
+        self.principals = zapi.principals()
+        self.principal = self.principals.getPrincipal(principal_id)
+        ifaces = tuple(providedBy(self.context))
         ifaces = tuple(providedBy(self.context))
         for iface in ifaces:
-            for view_reg in getViews(iface, skin):
-                if view_reg.name == view_name:
+            for view_reg in getViews(iface, self.skin):
+                if  view_reg.name == view_name:
                     view = getView(self.context, view_reg, skin)
-                    settings = settingsForObject(view)
-                    read_perm = getViewInfoDictionary(view_reg)['read_perm']\
+                    if not view:
+                        continue
+                    all_settings = [{name:val} for name,val in
+                                     settingsForObject(view) ]
+                    self.read_perm = \
+                             getViewInfoDictionary(view_reg)['read_perm']\
                                 or 'zope.Public'
+                    self.roleSettings, junk = getSettingsForMatrix(view)
+                    self.rolePermMap = self.roleSettings.get(
+                                              'rolePermissions', ())
+                    self.updatePrincipalMatrix(all_settings)
-        if settings:
-            for name,setting in settings:
-                if setting.get('rolePermissions',''):
-                    rolePermissions.extend(setting['rolePermissions'])
+        self.orderRoleTree()
+        return self.principalMatrix
-            prinPermSettings = self.permissionDetails(principal, read_perm,
-                                                    settings, rolePermissions)
+    def updateMatrixRoles(self, name, item):
+        for curRole in item.get('principalRoles', ()):
+            if curRole['principal'] != self.principal.id:
+                continue
-        prinPermSettings['read_perm'] = read_perm
+            role = curRole['role']
-        return prinPermSettings
+            #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+            perm = roleProvidesPermission(self.rolePermMap,
+                                          role,
+                                          self.read_perm )
-    def permissionDetails(self,principal,read_perm,settings, rolePermissions):
-        """Recursively get the permission details for a given principal and
-        permission from a security mapping.
+            if perm != 'Allow' and perm != 'Deny':
+                continue
+            parentList = item.get('parentList',None)
+            if parentList:
+                # If we have a parent list we want to populate the tree
+                self.updateRoleTree(item,parentList,curRole)
+            if curRole['setting'] == Deny:
+                try:
+                    # Here we see if we have added a security setting with
+                    # this role before, if it is now denied we remove it.
+                    del self.principalMatrix['roles'][role]
+                except:
+                    #Cannot delete something that is not there
+                    pass
+                continue
+            else:
+                self.updateRoles(item,role,curRole)
+    def updateMatrixPermissions(self, item):
+        """ Here we get all the permissions for the given principal
+            on the item passed.
-        principalSettings = {'permissions': [],
-                             'roles': {},
-                             'groups': {}}
-        principals = zapi.principals()
+        for prinPerms in item.get('principalPermissions', ()):
+            if self.principal.id != prinPerms['principal']:
+                continue
-        for name, setting in settings:
-            prinPermMap = setting.get('principalPermissions', ())
-            prinRoleMap = setting.get('principalRoles', ())
-            rolePermMap = rolePermissions
-            permSetting = principalDirectlyProvidesPermission(prinPermMap,
-                principal.id, read_perm)
-            if permSetting:
-                principalSettings['permissions'].append(
-                    {'name': renderedName(name), 'setting': permSetting})
+            if prinPerms['permission'] != self.read_perm:
+                continue
-            role_id, permSetting = principalRoleProvidesPermission(
-                prinRoleMap, rolePermMap, principal.id,read_perm )
-            if permSetting:
-                nameList = principalSettings['roles'].setdefault(role_id, [])
-                nameList.append({'name': renderedName(name),
-                                 'setting': permSetting})
+            if item.get('parentList',None):
+                self.updatePermissionTree(item,prinPerms)
-            for group_id in principal.groups:
-                group = principals.getPrincipal(group_id)
-                group_settings = self.permissionDetails(group,
-                    read_perm, settings, rolePermMap)
+            mapping = {'permission': prinPerms['permission'],
+                       'setting'   : prinPerms['setting'],}
-                if hasPermissionSetting(group_settings):
-                    principalSettings['groups'][group_id] = group_settings
+            dup = [perm for perm in self.principalMatrix['permissions'] \
+                   if perm['permission'] == mapping['permission']]
-        return principalSettings
+            if dup:
+                # This means we already have a record with this permission
+                # and the next record would be less specific so we continue
+                continue
-class PrincipalDetails(object):
+            self.principalMatrix['permissions'].append(mapping)
+class PrincipalDetails(MatrixDetails):
-    def __init__(self,context):
-        self.context = context
-        #self.secChecker = SecurityChecker(self.context)
     def __call__(self,principal_id, skin=IBrowserRequest):
         """Return all security settings (permissions, groups, roles)
            for all interfaces provided by this context for a
@@ -298,31 +422,7 @@
         return self.principalMatrix
-    def orderRoleTree(self):
-        # This is silly I know but I want global settings at the end
-        try:
-            roleTree = self.principalMatrix['roleTree']
-            globalSettings = roleTree.pop(0)
-            roleTree.append(globalSettings)
-        except IndexError:
-            # Attempting to pop empty list
-            pass
-    def updatePrincipalMatrix(self, settings):
-        """ this method recursively populates the principal permissions
-            dict and is only used by principalPermissions """
-        for setting in settings:
-            for name, item in setting.items():
-                self.updatePrincipalMatrixRoles(name,item)
-                self.updatePrincipalMatrixPermissions(item)
-            for group_id in self.principal.groups:
-                group = self.principals.getPrincipal(group_id)
-                self.principalMatrix['groups'][group_id] = \
-                    self.policyPermissions(group, settings)
-    def updatePrincipalMatrixRoles(self, name, item):
+    def updateMatrixRoles(self, name, item):
         for curRole in item.get('principalRoles', ()):
             if curRole['principal'] != self.principal.id:
@@ -346,50 +446,7 @@
-    def updateRoleTree(self,item,parentList,curRole):
-        """
-        This method is responsible for poplating the roletree.
-        """
-        roleTree = self.principalMatrix['roleTree']
-        key = item.get('uid')
-        keys =  [x.keys()[0] for x in roleTree]
-        # Each key is unique so we just get the list index to edit
-        if key in keys:
-            listIdx = keys.index(key)
-        else:
-            roleTree.append({key:{}})
-            listIdx = -1
-        roleTree[listIdx][key]['parentList'] =  parentList
-        roleTree[listIdx][key]['name'] = item.get('name')
-        roleTree[listIdx][key].setdefault('roles',[])
-        # We make sure we only add the roles we do not yet have.
-        if curRole not in roleTree[listIdx][key]['roles']:
-            roleTree[listIdx][key]['roles'].append(curRole)
-    def updateRoles(self,item,role,curRole):
-        if curRole['setting'] == Allow:
-            # We only want to append the role if it is Allowed
-            roles = self.principalMatrix['roles']
-            rolePerms = self.roleSettings['rolePermissions']
-            if not roles.has_key(role):
-                roles[role] = []
-            # Here we get the permissions provided by each role
-            for rolePerm in rolePerms:
-                if rolePerm['role'] == role:
-                    mapping = {'permission': rolePerm['permission'],
-                               'setting'   : rolePerm['setting'].getName()
-                              }
-                    if mapping not in roles[role]:
-                        roles[role].append(mapping)
-    def updatePrincipalMatrixPermissions(self, item):
+    def updateMatrixPermissions(self, item):
         """ Here we get all the permissions for the given principal
             on the item passed.
@@ -415,30 +472,6 @@
-    def updatePermissionTree(self,item,prinPerms):
-        """ method responsible for creating permission tree """
-        permissionTree = self.principalMatrix['permissionTree']
-        key = item.get('uid')
-        keys =  [x.keys()[0] for x in permissionTree]
-        # Each key is unique so we just get the list index to edit
-        if key in keys:
-            listIdx = keys.index(key)
-        else:
-            permissionTree.append({key:{}})
-            listIdx = -1
-        permissionTree[listIdx][key]['parentList'] = item.get('parentList')
-        permissionTree[listIdx][key]['name'] = item.get('name')
-        permissionTree[listIdx][key].setdefault('permissions',[])
-        if prinPerms not in permissionTree[listIdx][key]['permissions']:
-              permissionTree[listIdx][key]['permissions'].append(prinPerms)
 def getViews(iface, reqType=IRequest):
     """Get all view registrations for a particular interface."""
     gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
@@ -632,3 +665,5 @@
             return view_inst
     except TypeError:

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