[Checkins] SVN: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ Setup function testing layer and register ftesting.zcml

Randy Crafton randycrafton at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 20:53:14 EST 2008

Log message for revision 84128:
  Setup function testing layer and register ftesting.zcml
  Change permissions on views.

  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/configure.zcml
  A   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ftesting.zcml
  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/tests.py

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-02-22 01:05:19 UTC (rev 84127)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-02-22 01:53:13 UTC (rev 84128)
@@ -42,383 +42,11 @@
   roles, groups or specifically assigned will be displayed.
-    >>> from pprint import pprint
-    >>> import zope
-    >>> from zope.interface import implements
-    >>> from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
-    >>> from zope.app.container import contained
-    >>> from zope.app.folder import Folder, rootFolder
-    >>> import persistent
-    >>> from zope.app.authentication.principalfolder import Principal
-    >>> from zope.securitypolicy.role import Role
-    >>> from zope.security.permission import Permission
-    >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces import IRequest
-    >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
-    >>> from zope.app.testing import ztapi
-    >>> from zope.app.folder.interfaces import IFolder
-    >>> import transaction
-    >>> from zope.app import zapi
-    >>> principals = zapi.principals()
-    >>> principals._clear()
-The news agency, the Concord Times, is implementing a new article management
-system in Zope 3. In order to better understand their security
-situation they have installed z3c.security tool.
-    >>> concordTimes = getRootFolder()
-The Concord Times site is a folder which contains a Folder per issue
-and  each issue contains articles.
-    >>> class Issue(Folder):
-    ...     implements(IFolder)
-    ...     def __repr__(self):
-    ...         return '<%s %r>' %(self.__class__.__name__, self.title)
-    >>> ztapi.provideAdapter(
-    ...     IRequest, IFolder,
-    ...     Issue)
-    >>> class Article(contained.Contained, persistent.Persistent):
-    ...     implements(IAttributeAnnotatable)
-    ...
-    ...     def __init__(self, title, text):
-    ...         self.title = title
-    ...         self.text = text
-    ...
-    ...     def __repr__(self):
-    ...         return '<%s %r>' %(self.__class__.__name__, self.title)
-At the Concord Times, they have only three levels of users: Editors,
-Writers, and Janitors.
-    >>> editor = Role('concord.Editor', 'The editors')
-    >>> writer = Role('concord.Writer', 'The writers')
-    >>> janitor = Role('concord.Janitor', 'The janitors')
-In order to control who has access to the system, they define the following
-necessary permissions:
-    >>> createIssue = Permission('concord.CreateIssue','Create Issue')
-    >>> publishIssue = Permission('concord.PublishIssue', 'Publish Issue')
-    >>> readIssue    = Permission('concord.ReadIssue', 'Read Issue')
-    >>> createArticle = Permission('concord.CreateArticle', 'Create Article')
-    >>> deleteArticle = Permission('concord.DeleteArticle', 'Delete Article')
-Now we need to setup the security system on the level of the news agency.
-In order to assign the permissions to the roles, we must setup a role-
-permission Manager, which is used to map permissions to roles.
-    >>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IRolePermissionManager
-    >>> rolePermManager = IRolePermissionManager(concordTimes)
-Now we can use our ``rolePermManager`` to assign the roles.
-Editors are the only users that are allowed to create and publish issues.
-Writers and Editors may create articles, but only editors can delete them.
-Everyone can read the issues.
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(createIssue.id, editor.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(publishIssue.id, editor.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(readIssue.id, editor.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(createArticle.id, editor.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(deleteArticle.id, editor.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(readIssue.id, writer.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(createArticle.id, writer.id)
-    >>> rolePermManager.grantPermissionToRole(readIssue.id, janitor.id)
-The news agency now hires the initial set of staff members. So let's create
-a principal for each hired person:
-    >>> martin = Principal('martin', 'Martin')
-    >>> randy = Principal('randy', 'Randy')
-    >>> markus = Principal('markus', 'Markus')
-    >>> daniel = Principal('daniel', 'Daniel')
-    >>> stephan = Principal('stephan', 'Stephan')
-Based on their positions we assign proper roles to the staff.
-In order to assign roles to our staff members, we must first create a
-principal-role manager.
-    >>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager
-    >>> prinRoleManager = IPrincipalRoleManager(concordTimes)
-And now we can assign the roles. At the Concord Times, Martin is an editor,
-Randy and Markus are writers, and Daniel and Stephan are janitors.
-    >>> prinRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal(editor.id, martin.id)
-    >>> prinRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal(writer.id, randy.id)
-    >>> prinRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal(writer.id, markus.id)
-    >>> prinRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal(janitor.id, daniel.id)
-    >>> prinRoleManager.assignRoleToPrincipal(janitor.id, stephan.id)
-Lets set up the securityPolicy objects and the corresponding
-participation for our actors.
-    >>> from zope.security import testing
-    >>> from zope.securitypolicy import zopepolicy
-    >>> markus_policy = zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()
-    >>> markus_part = testing.Participation(markus)
-    >>> markus_policy.add(markus_part)
-    >>> martin_policy = zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()
-    >>> martin_part = testing.Participation(martin)
-    >>> martin_policy.add(martin_part)
-    >>> randy_policy = zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()
-    >>> randy_part = testing.Participation(randy)
-    >>> randy_policy.add(randy_part)
-    >>> stephan_policy = zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()
-    >>> stephan_part = testing.Participation(stephan)
-    >>> stephan_policy.add(stephan_part)
-    >>> daniel_policy = zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy()
-    >>> daniel_part = testing.Participation(daniel)
-    >>> daniel_policy.add(daniel_part)
-    >>> firstIssue = \
-    ...    Folder()
-    >>> concordTimes['firstIssue'] = firstIssue
-    >>> concordTimes._p_changed = 1
-    >>> transaction.commit()
-Randy starts to write his first article:
-    >>> firstArticle = Article('A new star is born',
-    ...                        'A new star is born, the `Concord Times` ...')
-   TODO: add permission settings for this context then test with
-   functional tests.
-Markus tries to give his fellow writer some help by attempting to
-create an Issue and of course cannot.
-    >>> markus_policy.checkPermission(createIssue.id, concordTimes)
-    False
-Only Martin as the editor has createIssue privileges.
-    >>> martin_policy.checkPermission(createIssue.id, concordTimes)
-    True
-    >>> list(concordTimes.keys())
-    [u'Folder1', u'firstIssue']
-To fully test the tool we added  the principals, permissions and roles
-to the ftesting.zcml
-Okay, Now lets see what security tool thinks the user has assigned for
-roles, permissions and groups.
-    >>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import ISecurityChecker
-    >>> from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import PrincipalDetails
-    >>> principals = zapi.principals()
-    >>> first = ISecurityChecker(firstIssue)
-Lets get all the permission settings for the zope.interface.Interface
-of course an empty set should get returned
-    >>> first.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(zope.interface.Interface)
-    [{}, {}, set([])]
-Lets see what our permission settings are for the concord Times folder
-    >>> from zope.interface import providedBy
-    >>> ifaces = tuple(providedBy(concordTimes))
-    >>> permDetails = first.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(ifaces)
-    >>> pprint(permDetails)
-    [{'daniel': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
-      'markus': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
-      'martin': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
-      'randy': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
-      'stephan': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.anybody': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                       u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                       u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                       u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                       u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.daniel': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.markus': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.martin': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.randy': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                     u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                     u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                     u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                     u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.sample_manager': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                              u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                              u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                              u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                              u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
-      'zope.stephan': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
-                       u'DELETE': 'Allow',
-                       u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
-                       u'PUT': 'Allow',
-                       u'absolute_url': 'Allow'}},
-     {u'<i>no name</i>': 'zope.Public',
-      u'DELETE': 'zope.Public',
-      u'OPTIONS': 'zope.Public',
-      u'PUT': 'zope.Public',
-      u'absolute_url': 'zope.Public'},
-     set(['zope.Public'])]
-Following are the helper functions used within the securitytool, These
-contain a set of common functionality that is used in many places.
-Lets see if the `hasPermissionSetting` method returns True if there is
-a permission or role and False if there is not.
-   >>> from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import *
-   >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':'Allow'})
-   True
-We need to make some dummy objects to test the `hasPermissionSetting` method
-    >>> emptySettings = {'permissions': [],
-    ...                  'roles': {},
-    ...                  'groups': {}}
-    >>> fullSettings = {'permissions': 'Allow',
-    ...                  'roles': {},
-    ...                  'groups': {}}
-We also need to make sure the recursive functionality works for this method
-     >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':{},'roles':{},
-     ...                                 'groups':{'group1':emptySettings,
-     ...                                           'group2':fullSettings}})
-     True
-    >>> class SettingDummy(object):
-    ...   def getName(self):
-    ...     return 'Allow'
-    >>> prinPermMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
-    ...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
-    ...                 'setting':  SettingDummy()})
-    >>> rolePermMap = ({'role':'Janitor',
-    ...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
-    ...                 'setting':  SettingDummy()})
-    >>> prinRoleMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
-    ...                 'role':'Janitor',
-    ...                 'setting':  SettingDummy()})
-Lets test the method with our new dummy data
-    >>> principalDirectlyProvidesPermission([prinPermMap],'daniel',
-    ...                                          'takeOverTheWORLD')
-    'Allow'
-And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
-    >>> roleProvidesPermission([rolePermMap], 'Janitor', 'takeOverTheWORLD')
-    'Allow'
-And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
-    >>> principalRoleProvidesPermission([prinRoleMap],
-    ...                                 [rolePermMap],
-    ...                                 'daniel',
-    ...                                 'takeOverTheWORLD')
-    ('Janitor', 'Allow')
-See janitors CAN take over the world!!!!!
-And for a negative test
-    >>> principalRoleProvidesPermission([prinRoleMap],
-    ...                                 [rolePermMap],
-    ...                                 'dummy',
-    ...                                 'takeOverTheWORLD')
-    (None, None)
-And of course the rendered name to display on the page template
-If we do not receive a name that means we are on the root level.
-    >>> renderedName(None)
-    u'Root Folder'
-    >>> renderedName('Daniel')
-    'Daniel'
-    >>> first.populatePermissionMatrix('takeOverTheWORLD',[prinPermMap])
-Now we test the meat of the SecurityChecker Class
-    >>> settings = {'principalPermissions': [prinPermMap],
-    ...             'rolePermissions'     : [rolePermMap],
-    ...             'principalRoles'      : [prinRoleMap]}
-    >>> permDetails = PermissionDetails(firstIssue)
-        permDetails(daniel, 'takeOverTheWorld',IBrowserRequest)
-    {'groups': {},
-     'roles': {'Janitor': [{'setting': 'Allow', 'name': 'viewName'}]},
-     'permissions': [{'setting': 'Allow', 'name': 'viewName'}]}
-Here we will test with the principal that was populated earlier.
-    >>> prinDetails = PrincipalDetails(firstIssue)
-    >>> daniel  = principals.definePrincipal('daniel','daniel','daniel')
-    >>> pprint(prinDetails('daniel') )
-    {'groups': {},
-     'permissionTree': [],
-     'permissions': [],
-     'roleTree': [{'Root Folder': {'name': 'Root Folder',
-                                   'parentList': ['Root Folder'],
-                                   'roles': [{'principal': 'daniel',
-                                              'role': 'concord.Janitor',
-                                              'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}}],
-     'roles': {'concord.Janitor': [{'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
-                                    'setting': 'Allow'}]}}
-    print permDetails('daniel', None, firstIssue)
-    {'read_perm': 'zope.Public',
-     'groups': {},
-     'roles': [],
-     'permissions': []}
 Lets make sure all the views work properly. Just a simple smoke test
     >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
     >>> manager = Browser()
-    >>> authHeader = 'Basic admin:admin'
+    >>> authHeader = 'Basic mgr:mgrpw'
     >>> manager.addHeader('Authorization', authHeader)
     >>> manager.handleErrors = False
@@ -446,7 +74,8 @@
 This is the principal detail page, you can get to by clicking on the
 principals name at the top of the form.
-    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@principalDetails.html?principal=daniel')
+    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
     >>> 'Permission settings' in manager.contents
@@ -460,7 +89,7 @@
 Here is the view you will see if you click on the actual permission
 value in the matrix intersecting the view to the user on a public view.
     >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@permissionDetails.html?'
-    ...              'principal=daniel&view=PUT')
+    ...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=PUT')
     'zope.Public' in manager.contents
@@ -472,5 +101,5 @@
     PrincipalLookupError: no user specified
 And now we will test it without the view name
-  >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@permissionDetails.html?principal=daniel')
+  >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@permissionDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/configure.zcml
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/configure.zcml	2008-02-22 01:05:19 UTC (rev 84127)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/browser/configure.zcml	2008-02-22 01:53:13 UTC (rev 84128)
@@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
   <page name="securityMatrix.html"
-      permission="zope.Public"
+      permission="zope.ManageContent"
   <page name="principalDetails.html"
-      permission="zope.Public"
+      permission="zope.ManageContent"
   <page name="permissionDetails.html"
-      permission="zope.Public"
+      permission="zope.ManageContent"

Added: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ftesting.zcml
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ftesting.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/ftesting.zcml	2008-02-22 01:53:13 UTC (rev 84128)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+   xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+   xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
+   i18n_domain="zope"
+   package="zope.app.publisher"
+   >
+  <!-- This file is the equivalent of site.zcml and it is -->
+  <!-- used for functional testing setup -->
+  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" />
+  <include package="zope.app.authentication" />
+  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy" />
+  <include package="zope.app.keyreference" />
+  <include package="zope.app.intid" />
+  <include package="zope.app.publisher.browser" />
+  <securityPolicy
+      component="zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy" />
+  <role id="zope.Manager" title="Site Manager" />
+  <grantAll role="zope.Manager" />
+  <include package="zope.app.securitypolicy.tests" file="functional.zcml" />
+  <!-- Principal that tests generally run as -->
+  <principal
+      id="zope.mgr"
+      title="Manager"
+      login="mgr"
+      password="mgrpw" />
+  <!-- Bootstrap principal used to make local grant to the principal above -->
+  <principal
+      id="zope.globalmgr"
+      title="Manager"
+      login="globalmgr"
+      password="globalmgrpw" />
+  <grant role="zope.Manager" principal="zope.globalmgr" />
+  <include package="zope.app.session" />
+  <include package="zope.app.twisted" />
+  <include package="z3c.macro" />
+  <include package="z3c.macro" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="z3c.layer.minimal" />
+  <include package="z3c.securitytool"/>
+  <include package="z3c.securitytool" file="concordTimesPrincipals.zcml"/>
+  <include package="z3c.securitytool" file="concordTimesDummyViews.zcml"/>
+  <browser:defaultView for="*" name="securityMatrix.html"/>

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/tests.py
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/tests.py	2008-02-22 01:05:19 UTC (rev 84127)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/tests.py	2008-02-22 01:53:13 UTC (rev 84128)
@@ -22,19 +22,23 @@
 from zope.app.testing import placelesssetup, ztapi, functional, setup
 from z3c.securitytool import testing
-def test_suite():
-    flags =  doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS
-    functionalTest = functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite(
-        'README.txt',optionflags=flags,globs={'lets': 'test'},
-        tearDown=placelesssetup.tearDown)
+import os
+import unittest, doctest
+import zope.component
+from zope.app.testing import functional, setup
+from zope.app.testing.functional import ZCMLLayer
-    functionalTest.layer = testing.SecurityToolLayer
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        #unitTest,
-        functionalTest,))
+SecurityToolTestingLayer = ZCMLLayer(
+    os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'ftesting.zcml'),
+    __name__, 'SecurityToolTestingLayer', allow_teardown=True)
+def test_suite():
+    suite = functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite('README.txt')
+    suite.layer = SecurityToolTestingLayer
+    return suite
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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