[Checkins] SVN: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt Added some more tests for coverage

Daniel Blackburn blackburnd at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 10:23:10 EST 2008

Log message for revision 84142:
  Added some more tests for coverage

  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-02-22 15:22:45 UTC (rev 84141)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-02-22 15:23:09 UTC (rev 84142)
@@ -42,6 +42,286 @@
   roles, groups or specifically assigned will be displayed.
+    >>> import zope
+    >>> from zope.app import zapi
+    >>> from pprint import pprint
+    >>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import ISecurityChecker
+    >>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPrincipalDetails
+    >>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPermissionDetails
+    >>> root = getRootFolder()
+Lets make sure the items were added with demoSetup.py
+    >>> sorted(root.keys())
+    [u'Folder1']
+    >>> folder1 = ISecurityChecker(root['Folder1'])
+We can see that the permissions for zope.interface.Interface should
+return an empty set.
+    >>> folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(zope.interface.Interface)
+    [{}, {}, set([])]
+    >>> from zope.interface import providedBy
+    >>> ifaces = tuple(providedBy(folder1))
+    >>> permDetails = folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(ifaces)
+    >>> pprint(permDetails)
+    [{'zope.anybody': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                       u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                       u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                       u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                       u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.daniel': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.globalmgr': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                         u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                         u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                         u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                         u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.markus': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.martin': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                      u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                      u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                      u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                      u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.mgr': {u'absolute_url': 'Allow', u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.randy': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                     u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                     u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                     u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                     u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.sample_manager': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                              u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                              u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                              u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                              u'absolute_url': 'Allow'},
+      'zope.stephan': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
+                       u'DELETE': 'Allow',
+                       u'OPTIONS': 'Allow',
+                       u'PUT': 'Allow',
+                       u'absolute_url': 'Allow'}},
+     {u'<i>no name</i>': 'zope.Public',
+      u'DELETE': 'zope.Public',
+      u'OPTIONS': 'zope.Public',
+      u'PUT': 'zope.Public',
+      u'absolute_url': 'zope.Public'},
+     set(['zope.Public'])]
+Following are the helper functions used within the securitytool, These
+contain a set of common functionality that is used in many places.
+Lets see if the `hasPermissionSetting` method returns True if there is
+a permission or role and False if there is not.
+   >>> from z3c.securitytool.securitytool import *
+   >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':'Allow'})
+   True
+We need to make some dummy objects to test the `hasPermissionSetting` method
+    >>> emptySettings = {'permissions': [],
+    ...                  'roles': {},
+    ...                  'groups': {}}
+    >>> fullSettings = {'permissions': 'Allow',
+    ...                  'roles': {},
+    ...                  'groups': {}}
+We also need to make sure the recursive functionality works for this method
+     >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':{},'roles':{},
+     ...                                 'groups':{'group1':emptySettings,
+     ...                                           'group2':fullSettings}})
+     True
+    >>> from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import Allow, Unset, Deny
+    >>> prinPermMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
+    ...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
+    ...                 'setting':  Allow})
+    >>> rolePermMap = ({'role':'Janitor',
+    ...                 'permission':'takeOverTheWORLD',
+    ...                 'setting':  Allow})
+    >>> prinRoleMap = ({'principal':'daniel',
+    ...                 'role':'Janitor',
+    ...                 'setting':  Allow})
+Lets test the method with our new dummy data
+    >>> principalDirectlyProvidesPermission([prinPermMap],'daniel',
+    ...                                          'takeOverTheWORLD')
+    'Allow'
+And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
+    >>> roleProvidesPermission([rolePermMap], 'Janitor', 'takeOverTheWORLD')
+    'Allow'
+And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
+    >>> principalRoleProvidesPermission([prinRoleMap],
+    ...                                 [rolePermMap],
+    ...                                 'daniel',
+    ...                                 'takeOverTheWORLD')
+    ('Janitor', 'Allow')
+See janitors CAN take over the world!!!!!
+And of course the rendered name to display on the page template
+If we do not receive a name that means we are on the root level.
+    >>> renderedName(None)
+    u'Root Folder'
+    >>> renderedName('Daniel')
+    'Daniel'
+    >>> folder1.populatePermissionMatrix('takeOverTheWORLD',[prinPermMap])
+Now we test the meat of the SecurityChecker Class
+    >>> settings = {'principalPermissions': [prinPermMap],
+    ...             'rolePermissions'     : [rolePermMap],
+    ...             'principalRoles'      : [prinRoleMap]}
+    >>> permDetails = PermissionDetails(folder1)
+        permDetails(daniel, 'takeOverTheWorld',IBrowserRequest)
+    {'groups': {},
+     'roles': {'Janitor': [{'setting': 'Allow', 'name': 'viewName'}]},
+     'permissions': [{'setting': 'Allow', 'name': 'viewName'}]}
+Here we will test with the principal that was populated earlier.
+    >>> prinDetails = PrincipalDetails(root[u'Folder1'])
+    >>> pprint(prinDetails('zope.daniel') )
+    {'groups': {},
+     'permissionTree': [{u'Folder1_2': {'name': None,
+                                        'parentList': [u'Folder1',
+                                                       'Root Folder'],
+                                        'permissions': [{'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
+                                                         'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                         'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
+                                                        {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                                                         'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                         'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
+                                                        {'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue',
+                                                         'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                         'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}},
+                        {'Root  Folder': {'name': 'Root  Folder',
+                                          'parentList': ['Root Folder'],
+                                          'permissions': [{'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
+                                                           'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                           'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
+                                                          {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                                                           'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                           'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
+                                                          {'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
+                                                           'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                           'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny}]}}],
+     'permissions': [{'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
+                      'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
+                     {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                      'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny},
+                     {'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue',
+                      'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
+                     {'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
+                      'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny}],
+     'roleTree': [{u'Folder1_2': {'name': None,
+                                  'parentList': [u'Folder1', 'Root Folder'],
+                                  'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                             'role': 'zope.Writer',
+                                             'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}},
+                  {'Root  Folder': {'name': 'Root  Folder',
+                                    'parentList': ['Root Folder'],
+                                    'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                               'role': 'zope.Writer',
+                                               'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow},
+                                              {'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                               'role': 'zope.Editor',
+                                               'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}},
+                  {'global settings': {'name': None,
+                                       'parentList': ['global settings'],
+                                       'roles': [{'principal': 'zope.daniel',
+                                                  'role': 'zope.Janitor',
+                                                  'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow}]}}],
+     'roles': {'zope.Editor': [{'permission': 'concord.CreateIssue',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.PublishIssue',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'}],
+               'zope.Janitor': [{'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                                 'setting': 'Allow'}],
+               'zope.Writer': [{'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.CreateArticle',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'},
+                               {'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue',
+                                'setting': 'Allow'}]}}
+Now lets see what the permission details returns
+    >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
+    >>> from z3c.securitytool.interfaces import IPermissionDetails
+    >>> permAdapter = zapi.getMultiAdapter((root[u'Folder1'],
+    ...                             ),IPermissionDetails)
+    >>> prinPerms  = permAdapter('zope.daniel',
+    ...                          'ReadIssue.html',
+    ...                           )
+    >>> print permAdapter.principal.id
+    zope.daniel
+    >>> print permAdapter.skin
+    <InterfaceClass zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest>
+    >>> print permAdapter.read_perm
+    zope.Public
+    >>> print permAdapter.view_name
+    ReadIssue.html
+    >>> pprint(permAdapter.principalMatrix)
+    {'groups': {},
+     'permissionTree': [],
+     'permissions': [],
+     'roleTree': [],
+     'roles': {}}
+    >>> pprint(prinPerms)
+     {'groups': {},
+      'permissionTree': [],
+      'permissions': [],
+      'roleTree': [],
+      'roles': {}}
 Lets make sure all the views work properly. Just a simple smoke test
     >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
@@ -54,7 +334,10 @@
 First we will check if the main page is available
     >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@securityMatrix.html')
+    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/Folder1/@@securityMatrix.html')
+    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/Folder1/Folder2/@@securityMatrix.html')
 Now lets send the filter variable so our test is complete
     >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@securityMatrix.html?'
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes')
@@ -71,11 +354,19 @@
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
     ...              'selectedPermission=zope.dummy')
+And with the None permission
+    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@securityMatrix.html?'
+    ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
+    ...              'selectedPermission=None')
 This is the principal detail page, you can get to by clicking on the
 principals name at the top of the form.
     >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
+    >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
     >>> 'Permission settings' in manager.contents
@@ -103,3 +394,6 @@
 And now we will test it without the view name
   >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/@@permissionDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
+Lets also test with a different context level
+  >>> manager.open('http://localhost:8080/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/@@permissionDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel&view=ReadIssue.html')

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