[Checkins] SVN: zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/ New Feature:

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Jan 3 14:07:50 EST 2008

Log message for revision 82650:
  New Feature:
  If you install a general ZEO script, using a zdaemon part::
      recipe = zc.recipe.egg:script
      eggs = zdaemon
  you can request that shell scripts be generated that use the generic
    zdaemon script. This can make updating software for deployed systems
    easier since instance-specific scripts don't depend on paths, like
    egg names, that are likely to change.

  U   zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/__init__.py
  U   zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/zeo.txt

Modified: zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/__init__.py
--- zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/__init__.py	2008-01-03 19:07:48 UTC (rev 82649)
+++ zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/__init__.py	2008-01-03 19:07:50 UTC (rev 82650)
@@ -52,11 +52,21 @@
             options.get('runzeo', 'runzeo'),
+        options['zdaemon'] = os.path.join(
+            buildout['buildout']['bin-directory'],
+            options.get('zdaemon', 'zdaemon'),
+            )
         options['zeopack'] = os.path.join(
             options.get('zeopack', 'zeopack'),
+        if options.get('shell-script', '') not in ('true', 'false', ''):
+            raise zc.buildout.UserError(
+                'The shell-script option value must be "true", "false" or "".')
     def install(self):
         options = self.options
@@ -82,7 +92,8 @@
                 rc=os.path.join(options['rc-directory'], rc),
             creating = [zeo_conf_path, zdaemon_conf_path, logrotate,
                         os.path.join(options['rc-directory'], rc),
@@ -176,21 +187,41 @@
             open(zeo_conf_path, 'w').write(str(zeo_conf))
             open(zdaemon_conf_path, 'w').write(str(zdaemon_conf))
-            self.egg.install()
-            requirements, ws = self.egg.working_set()
+            if options.get('shell-script') == 'true':
+                if not os.path.exists(options['zdaemon']):
+                    logger.warn(no_zdaemon % options['zdaemon'])
+                if options.get('user'):
+                    su = 'su %s -c' % options['user']
+                else:
+                    su = ''
-            zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
-                [(rc, 'zdaemon.zdctl', 'main')],
-                ws, options['executable'], options['rc-directory'],
-                arguments = ('['
-                             '\n        %r, %r,'
-                             '\n        ]+sys.argv[1:]'
-                             '\n        '
-                             % ('-C', zdaemon_conf_path,
-                                )
-                             ),
-                )
+                dest = os.path.join(options['rc-directory'], rc)
+                contents = shell_script_template % dict(
+                    zdaemon = options['zdaemon'],
+                    conf = zdaemon_conf_path,
+                    su = su,
+                    )
+                if not (os.path.exists(dest) and open(dest).read() == contents):
+                    open(dest, 'w').write(contents)
+                    os.chmod(dest, 0755)
+                    logger.info("Generated shell script %r.", dest)
+            else:
+                self.egg.install()
+                requirements, ws = self.egg.working_set()
+                zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts(
+                    [(rc, 'zdaemon.zdctl', 'main')],
+                    ws, options['executable'], options['rc-directory'],
+                    arguments = ('['
+                                 '\n        %r, %r,'
+                                 '\n        ]+sys.argv[1:]'
+                                 '\n        '
+                                 % ('-C', zdaemon_conf_path,
+                                    )
+                                 ),
+                    )
             if pack:
                 address, = zeo_section['address']
                 if ':' in address:
@@ -243,7 +274,20 @@
 to specify the location of a script using the runzeo option.
+no_zdaemon = """
+A zdaemon script couldn't be found at:
+  %r
+You may need to generate a zdaemon script using the
+zc.recipe.eggs:script recipe and the zdaemon egg.
+shell_script_template = r"""#!/bin/sh
+%(su)s %(zdaemon)s \
+    -C "%(conf)s" $*
 def event_log(path, *data):
     return ZConfig.schemaless.Section(
         'eventlog', '', None,

Modified: zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/zeo.txt
--- zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/zeo.txt	2008-01-03 19:07:48 UTC (rev 82649)
+++ zc.zodbrecipes/trunk/zc/zodbrecipes/zeo.txt	2008-01-03 19:07:50 UTC (rev 82650)
@@ -331,8 +331,23 @@
 Instead, the control script will be in the rc directory:
-    >>> ls('rc')
-    -  demo-server
+    >>> cat('rc', 'demo-server')
+    #!/usr/local/bin/python2.4
+    import sys
+    sys.path[0:0] = [
+      '/sample-buildout/eggs/zdaemon-2.0-py2.4.egg',
+      '/sample-buildout/eggs/setuptools-0.6-py2.4.egg',
+      '/sample-buildout/eggs/ZConfig-2.4-py2.4.egg',
+      ]
+    import zdaemon.zdctl
+    if __name__ == '__main__':
+        zdaemon.zdctl.main([
+            '-C', '/sample-buildout/etc/server-zdaemon.conf',
+            ]+sys.argv[1:]
+            )
 The run-control script name now combines the deployment name and the
 script name.
@@ -380,6 +395,9 @@
 their part names.  Also note that the deployment user is set in the
 zdaemon configuration.
+Packing cron job
 We can request definition of a cron job to pack the databases by
 specifying a pack option.  This option takes 5 to 7 values.  The
 first 5 values are the time and date fields defined by Unix crontab
@@ -485,3 +503,69 @@
 This causes email to be sent to the given address, rather than to the
 user specified in the crontab file.
+shell start scripts
+By default, the startup scripts are generated Python scripts that use
+the zdaemon module.  Sometimes, this is inconvenient. In particular,
+when deploying software, generated Python scripts may break after a
+software update because they contain pasths to software eggs. We can
+request shell scripts that invoke a generic zdaemon script.  The shell
+script only depends on the path to the zdaemon script, which generally
+doesn't change when updating softawre.
+To request a shell script, add a shell-script option with a true
+value. We also need to cause a zdaemon script to be generated:
+    >>> write('buildout.cfg',
+    ... '''
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = zodb zdaemon server
+    ... 
+    ... [zodb]
+    ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:script
+    ... eggs = ZODB3
+    ... 
+    ... [zdaemon]
+    ... recipe = zc.recipe.egg:script
+    ... eggs = zdaemon
+    ... 
+    ... [server]
+    ... recipe = zc.zodbrecipes:server
+    ... zeo.conf = 
+    ...    <zeo>
+    ...       address 8100
+    ...       monitor-address 8101
+    ...       transaction-timeout 300
+    ...    </zeo>
+    ...    %%import foo
+    ...    <foo main>
+    ...       path /databases/Data.fs
+    ...    </foo>
+    ... deployment = demo
+    ... pack = 1 1 * * 0 3 jim at zope.com
+    ... shell-script = true
+    ...
+    ... [demo]
+    ... crontab-directory = %(cron)s
+    ... etc-directory = %(etc)s
+    ... log-directory = %(log)s
+    ... logrotate-directory = %(rotate)s
+    ... rc-directory = %(rc)s
+    ... run-directory = %(run)s
+    ... user = bob
+    ... ''' % globals())
+    >>> print system(buildout+' -D'),
+    Uninstalling server.
+    Updating zodb.
+    Installing zdaemon.
+    Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/zdaemon'.
+    Installing server.
+    zc.zodbrecipes: Generated shell script '/sample-buildout/rc/demo-server'.
+    >>> cat('rc', 'demo-server')
+    #!/bin/sh
+    su bob -c /sample-buildout/bin/zdaemon \
+        -C "/sample-buildout/etc/server-zdaemon.conf" $*

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