[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.formlib/trunk/s Remove all the stuff that's unnecessary in grokcore.formlib.

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Tue Jul 29 18:25:54 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 88999:
  Remove all the stuff that's unnecessary in grokcore.formlib.
  Bring over FormGrokker from grokcore.view.

  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/setup.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/__init__.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/components.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/configure.zcml
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/directive.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftesting.zcml
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/catalog/
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/actions.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_catalog.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/form.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/templateform.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/update.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/rest/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/security/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/site/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/staticdir/
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/test_grok_functional.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/traversal/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/url/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/utility/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/view/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/viewlet/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/xmlrpc/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/index.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/interfaces.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.zcml
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/publication.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/rest.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/templatereg.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/testing.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/adapter/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/annotation/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/application/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/baseclass/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/catalog/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/conflict/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/container/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/directive/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/error/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/event/
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customautoform.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customform.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/fields.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/form.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender2.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemaform.py
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemainherit.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/grokker/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/json/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/order/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/security/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/static/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/template/
  U   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/test_grok.py
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/testsetup/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/traversal/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/utility/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/view/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/viewlet/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/xmlrpc/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/zcml/
  D   grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/util.py

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/setup.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/setup.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/setup.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -35,8 +35,12 @@
                       'martian >= 0.10',
                       'grokcore.component >= 1.5',
+                      'grokcore.security',
+                      # for tests:
+                      'zope.lifecycleevent',
+                      'zope.app.container',

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/__init__.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/__init__.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/__init__.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -13,55 +13,17 @@
+from grokcore.component import *
+from grokcore.security import *
+from grokcore.view import *
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.component import adapts
-from zope.event import notify
-from zope.app.component.hooks import getSite
-from zope.lifecycleevent import (
-    IObjectCreatedEvent, ObjectCreatedEvent,
-    IObjectModifiedEvent, ObjectModifiedEvent,
-    IObjectCopiedEvent, ObjectCopiedEvent)
+from grokcore.formlib.components import Form, AddForm, EditForm, DisplayForm
+from grokcore.formlib.formlib import action, AutoFields, Fields
-from zope.app.container.contained import (
-    IObjectAddedEvent, ObjectAddedEvent,
-    IObjectMovedEvent, ObjectMovedEvent,
-    IObjectRemovedEvent, ObjectRemovedEvent,
-    IContainerModifiedEvent, ContainerModifiedEvent)
+# Import this module so that it's available as soon as you import the
+# 'grokcore.formlib' package.  Useful for tests and interpreter examples.
+import grokcore.formlib.testing
-from martian import ClassGrokker, InstanceGrokker, GlobalGrokker
-from grokcore.component import Adapter, MultiAdapter, GlobalUtility
-from grok.components import Model, View
-from grok.components import XMLRPC, REST, JSON
-from grok.components import PageTemplate, PageTemplateFile, Traverser
-from grok.components import Container, OrderedContainer
-from grok.components import Site, LocalUtility, Annotation
-from grok.components import Application, Form, AddForm, EditForm, DisplayForm
-from grok.components import Indexes
-from grok.components import Permission, Role, Public
-from grok.components import Skin, IGrokLayer
-from grok.components import RESTProtocol, IRESTLayer
-from grok.interfaces import IRESTSkinType
-from grok.components import ViewletManager, Viewlet
-from martian import baseclass
-from grokcore.component.directive import (
-    context, name, title, description, provides, global_utility, direct)
-from grok.directive import (
-    template, templatedir, local_utility, permissions, require, site,
-    layer, viewletmanager, view, traversable, order)
-from grokcore.component.decorators import subscribe, adapter, implementer
-from martian.error import GrokError, GrokImportError
-# BBB These two functions are meant for test fixtures and should be
-# imported from grok.testing, not from grok.
-from grok.testing import grok, grok_component
-from grok.formlib import action, AutoFields, Fields
-from grok.util import url
 # Our __init__ provides the grok API directly so using 'import grok' is enough.
-from grok.interfaces import IGrokAPI
-from zope.interface import moduleProvides
-__all__ = list(IGrokAPI)
+from grokcore.formlib.interfaces import IGrokcoreFormlibAPI
+__all__ = list(IGrokcoreFormlibAPI)

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/components.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/components.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/components.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -11,486 +11,23 @@
-"""Grok components"""
+"""Formlib-based components"""
-import sys
 import os
-import persistent
 import datetime
 import warnings
 import pytz
-import simplejson
-import zope.location
-from zope import component
-from zope import interface
+from zope.interface import implementsOnly
 from zope.interface.common import idatetime
-from zope.security.permission import Permission
-from zope.securitypolicy.role import Role
-from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserPage
-from zope.publisher.interfaces import NotFound
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPublisher
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
 from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
-from zope.pagetemplate import pagetemplate, pagetemplatefile
 from zope.formlib import form
-from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAttributeAnnotatable
-from zope.app.pagetemplate.engine import TrustedAppPT
-from zope.app.publisher.browser import getDefaultViewName
-from zope.app.publisher.browser import directoryresource
-from zope.app.publisher.browser.pagetemplateresource import \
-    PageTemplateResourceFactory
-from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import IReadContainer, IObjectAddedEvent
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import IOrderedContainer
-from zope.app.container.contained import notifyContainerModified
-from persistent.list import PersistentList
-from zope.app.component.site import SiteManagerContainer
-from zope.app.component.site import LocalSiteManager
+from grokcore.view import View
+from grokcore.view import PageTemplateFile
+from grokcore.formlib import formlib
+from grokcore.formlib.interfaces import IGrokForm
-from zope.viewlet.manager import ViewletManagerBase
-from zope.viewlet.viewlet import ViewletBase
-import grok
-import z3c.flashmessage.interfaces
-import martian.util
-from grok import interfaces, formlib, util
-class Model(Contained, persistent.Persistent):
-    # XXX Inheritance order is important here. If we reverse this,
-    # then containers can't be models anymore because no unambigous MRO
-    # can be established.
-    interface.implements(IAttributeAnnotatable, interfaces.IContext)
-class Container(BTreeContainer):
-    interface.implements(IAttributeAnnotatable, interfaces.IContainer)
-class OrderedContainer(Container):
-    interface.implements(IOrderedContainer)
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(OrderedContainer, self).__init__()
-        self._order = PersistentList()
-    def keys(self):
-        # Return a copy of the list to prevent accidental modifications.
-        return self._order[:]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(self.keys())
-    def values(self):
-        return (self[key] for key in self._order)
-    def items(self):
-        return ((key, self[key]) for key in self._order)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, object):
-        foo = self.has_key(key)
-        # Then do whatever containers normally do.
-        super(OrderedContainer, self).__setitem__(key, object)
-        if not foo:
-            self._order.append(key)
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        # First do whatever containers normally do.
-        super(OrderedContainer, self).__delitem__(key)
-        self._order.remove(key)
-    def updateOrder(self, order):
-        if set(order) != set(self._order):
-            raise ValueError("Incompatible key set.")
-        self._order = PersistentList()
-        self._order.extend(order)
-        notifyContainerModified(self)
-class Site(SiteManagerContainer):
-    pass
- at component.adapter(Site, IObjectAddedEvent)
-def addSiteHandler(site, event):
-    sitemanager = LocalSiteManager(site)
-    # LocalSiteManager creates the 'default' folder in its __init__.
-    # It's not needed anymore in new versions of Zope 3, therefore we
-    # remove it
-    del sitemanager['default']
-    site.setSiteManager(sitemanager)
-class Application(Site):
-    """A top-level application object."""
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IApplication)
-class LocalUtility(Model):
-    pass
-class Annotation(persistent.Persistent):
-    pass
-class ViewBase(object):
-    def __init__(self, context, request):
-        self.context = context
-        self.request = request
-class View(BrowserPage):
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IGrokView)
-    def __init__(self, context, request):
-        super(View, self).__init__(context, request)
-        self.__name__ = self.__view_name__
-        self.static = component.queryAdapter(
-            self.request,
-            interface.Interface,
-            name=self.module_info.package_dotted_name
-            )
-    @property
-    def response(self):
-        return self.request.response
-    def __call__(self):
-        mapply(self.update, (), self.request)
-        if self.request.response.getStatus() in (302, 303):
-            # A redirect was triggered somewhere in update().  Don't
-            # continue rendering the template or doing anything else.
-            return
-        template = getattr(self, 'template', None)
-        if template is not None:
-            return self._render_template()
-        return mapply(self.render, (), self.request)
-    def _render_template(self):
-        return self.template.render(self)
-    def default_namespace(self):
-        namespace = {}
-        namespace['context'] = self.context
-        namespace['request'] = self.request
-        namespace['static'] = self.static
-        namespace['view'] = self
-        return namespace
-    def namespace(self):
-        return {}
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        # This is BBB code for Zope page templates only:
-        if not isinstance(self.template, PageTemplate):
-            raise AttributeError("View has no item %s" % key)
-        value = self.template._template.macros[key]
-        # When this deprecation is done with, this whole __getitem__ can
-        # be removed.
-        warnings.warn("Calling macros directly on the view is deprecated. "
-                      "Please use context/@@viewname/macros/macroname\n"
-                      "View %r, macro %s" % (self, key),
-                      DeprecationWarning, 1)
-        return value
-    def url(self, obj=None, name=None, data=None):
-        """Return string for the URL based on the obj and name. The data
-        argument is used to form a CGI query string.
-        """
-        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
-            if name is not None:
-                raise TypeError(
-                    'url() takes either obj argument, obj, string arguments, '
-                    'or string argument')
-            name = obj
-            obj = None
-        if name is None and obj is None:
-            # create URL to view itself
-            obj = self
-        elif name is not None and obj is None:
-            # create URL to view on context
-            obj = self.context
-        if data is None:
-            data = {}
-        else:
-            if not isinstance(data, dict):
-                raise TypeError('url() data argument must be a dict.')
-        return util.url(self.request, obj, name, data=data)
-    def application_url(self, name=None):
-        obj = self.context
-        while obj is not None:
-            if isinstance(obj, Application):
-                return self.url(obj, name)
-            obj = obj.__parent__
-        raise ValueError("No application found.")
-    def redirect(self, url):
-        return self.request.response.redirect(url)
-    def update(self):
-        pass
-    def flash(self, message, type='message'):
-        source = component.getUtility(
-            z3c.flashmessage.interfaces.IMessageSource, name='session')
-        source.send(message, type)
-class XMLRPC(object):
-    pass
-class REST(zope.location.Location):
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IREST)
-    def __init__(self, context, request):
-        self.context = self.__parent__ = context
-        self.request = request
-        self.body = request.bodyStream.getCacheStream().read()
-    @property
-    def response(self):
-        return self.request.response
-##     def GET(self):
-##         raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-##     def POST(self):
-##         raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-##     def PUT(self):
-##         raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-##     def DELETE(self):
-##         raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-class JSON(BrowserPage):
-    def __call__(self):
-        view_name = self.__view_name__
-        method = getattr(self, view_name)
-        method_result = mapply(method, (), self.request)
-        return simplejson.dumps(method_result)
-class BaseTemplate(object):
-    """Any sort of page template"""
-    interface.implements(interfaces.ITemplate)
-    __grok_name__ = ''
-    __grok_location__ = ''
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s template in %s>' % (self.__grok_name__,
-                                        self.__grok_location__)
-    def _annotateGrokInfo(self, name, location):
-        self.__grok_name__ = name
-        self.__grok_location__ = location
-    def _initFactory(self, factory):
-        pass
-class GrokTemplate(BaseTemplate):
-    """A slightly more advanced page template
-    This provides most of what a page template needs and is a good base for
-    writing your own page template"""
-    def __init__(self, string=None, filename=None, _prefix=None):
-        # __grok_module__ is needed to make defined_locally() return True for
-        # inline templates
-        # XXX unfortunately using caller_module means that care must be taken
-        # when GrokTemplate is subclassed. You can not do a super().__init__
-        # for example.
-        self.__grok_module__ = martian.util.caller_module()
-        if not (string is None) ^ (filename is None):
-            raise AssertionError(
-                "You must pass in template or filename, but not both.")
-        if string:
-            self.setFromString(string)
-        else:
-            if _prefix is None:
-                module = sys.modules[self.__grok_module__]
-                _prefix = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
-            self.setFromFilename(filename, _prefix)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s template in %s>' % (self.__grok_name__,
-                                        self.__grok_location__)
-    def _annotateGrokInfo(self, name, location):
-        self.__grok_name__ = name
-        self.__grok_location__ = location
-    def _initFactory(self, factory):
-        pass
-    def namespace(self, view):
-        # By default use the namespaces that are defined as the
-        # default by the view implementation.
-        return view.default_namespace()
-    def getNamespace(self, view):
-        namespace = self.namespace(view)
-        namespace.update(view.namespace())
-        return namespace
-class TrustedPageTemplate(TrustedAppPT, pagetemplate.PageTemplate):
-    pass
-class TrustedFilePageTemplate(TrustedAppPT, pagetemplatefile.PageTemplateFile):
-    pass
-class PageTemplate(GrokTemplate):
-    def setFromString(self, string):
-        zpt = TrustedPageTemplate()
-        if martian.util.not_unicode_or_ascii(string):
-            raise ValueError("Invalid page template. Page templates must be "
-                             "unicode or ASCII.")
-        zpt.write(string)
-        self._template = zpt
-    def setFromFilename(self, filename, _prefix=None):
-        self._template = TrustedFilePageTemplate(filename, _prefix)
-    def _initFactory(self, factory):
-        factory.macros = self._template.macros
-    def render(self, view):
-        namespace = self.getNamespace(view)
-        template = self._template
-        namespace.update(template.pt_getContext())
-        return template.pt_render(namespace)
-class PageTemplateFile(PageTemplate):
-    # For BBB
-    def __init__(self, filename, _prefix=None):
-        self.__grok_module__ = martian.util.caller_module()
-        if _prefix is None:
-            module = sys.modules[self.__grok_module__]
-            _prefix = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
-        self.setFromFilename(filename, _prefix)
-class DirectoryResource(directoryresource.DirectoryResource):
-    # We subclass this, because we want to override the default factories for
-    # the resources so that .pt and .html do not get created as page
-    # templates
-    resource_factories = {}
-    for type, factory in (directoryresource.DirectoryResource.
-                          resource_factories.items()):
-        if factory is PageTemplateResourceFactory:
-            continue
-        resource_factories[type] = factory
-class DirectoryResourceFactory(object):
-    # We need this to allow hooking up our own GrokDirectoryResource
-    # and to set the checker to None (until we have our own checker)
-    def __init__(self, path, name):
-        # XXX we're not sure about the checker=None here
-        self.__dir = directoryresource.Directory(path, None, name)
-        self.__name = name
-    def __call__(self, request):
-        resource = DirectoryResource(self.__dir, request)
-        resource.__name__ = self.__name
-        return resource
-class Traverser(object):
-    interface.implements(IBrowserPublisher)
-    def __init__(self, context, request):
-        self.context = context
-        self.request = request
-    def browserDefault(self, request):
-        # if we have a RESTful request, we will handle
-        # GET, POST and HEAD differently (PUT and DELETE are handled already
-        # but not on the BrowserRequest layer but the HTTPRequest layer)
-        if IRESTLayer.providedBy(request):
-            rest_view = component.getMultiAdapter(
-                (self.context, self.request),
-                name=request.method)
-            return rest_view, ()
-        view_name = getDefaultViewName(self.context, request)
-        view_uri = "@@%s" % view_name
-        return self.context, (view_uri,)
-    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
-        subob = self.traverse(name)
-        if subob is not None:
-            return util.safely_locate_maybe(subob, self.context, name)
-        traversable_dict = grok.traversable.bind().get(self.context)
-        if traversable_dict:
-            if name in traversable_dict:
-                subob = getattr(self.context, traversable_dict[name])
-                if callable(subob):
-                    subob = subob()
-                return util.safely_locate_maybe(subob, self.context, name)
-        # XXX Special logic here to deal with containers.  It would be
-        # good if we wouldn't have to do this here. One solution is to
-        # rip this out and make you subclass ContainerTraverser if you
-        # wanted to override the traversal behaviour of containers.
-        if IReadContainer.providedBy(self.context):
-            item = self.context.get(name)
-            if item is not None:
-                return item
-        view = component.queryMultiAdapter((self.context, request), name=name)
-        if view is not None:
-            return view
-        raise NotFound(self.context, name, request)
-    def traverse(self, name):
-        # this will be overridden by subclasses
-        pass
-class ContextTraverser(Traverser):
-    component.adapts(interfaces.IContext, IHTTPRequest)
-    def traverse(self, name):
-        traverse = getattr(self.context, 'traverse', None)
-        if traverse:
-            return traverse(name)
-class ContainerTraverser(Traverser):
-    component.adapts(interfaces.IContainer, IHTTPRequest)
-    def traverse(self, name):
-        traverse = getattr(self.context, 'traverse', None)
-        if traverse:
-            result = traverse(name)
-            if result is not None:
-                return result
-        # try to get the item from the container
-        return self.context.get(name)
 default_form_template = PageTemplateFile(os.path.join(
     'templates', 'default_edit_form.pt'))
 default_form_template.__grok_name__ = 'default_edit_form'
@@ -556,7 +93,7 @@
     # We're only reusing the form implementation from zope.formlib, we
     # explicitly don't want to inherit the interface semantics (mostly
     # for the different meanings of update/render).
-    interface.implementsOnly(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+    implementsOnly(IGrokForm)
     template = default_form_template
@@ -580,7 +117,7 @@
     # We're only reusing the form implementation from zope.formlib, we
     # explicitly don't want to inherit the interface semantics (mostly
     # for the different meanings of update/render).
-    interface.implementsOnly(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+    implementsOnly(IGrokForm)
     template = default_form_template
@@ -617,146 +154,6 @@
     # We're only reusing the form implementation from zope.formlib, we
     # explicitly don't want to inherit the interface semantics (mostly
     # for the different meanings of update/render).
-    interface.implementsOnly(interfaces.IGrokForm)
+    implementsOnly(IGrokForm)
     template = default_display_template
-class IndexesClass(object):
-    def __init__(self, name, bases=(), attrs=None):
-        if attrs is None:
-            return
-        indexes = {}
-        for name, value in attrs.items():
-            # Ignore everything that's not an index definition object
-            # except for values set by directives
-            if '.' in name:
-                setattr(self, name, value)
-                continue
-            if not interfaces.IIndexDefinition.providedBy(value):
-                continue
-            indexes[name] = value
-        self.__grok_indexes__ = indexes
-        # __grok_module__ is needed to make defined_locally() return True for
-        # inline templates
-        self.__grok_module__ = martian.util.caller_module()
-Indexes = IndexesClass('Indexes')
-class Permission(Permission):
-    pass
-Public = 'zope.Public'
-class Role(Role):
-    pass
-class IGrokLayer(interface.Interface):
-    pass
-class IRESTLayer(interface.Interface):
-    pass
-class Skin(object):
-    pass
-class RESTProtocol(object):
-    pass
-class ViewletManager(ViewletManagerBase):
-    interface.implements(interfaces.IViewletManager)
-    template = None
-    def __init__(self, context, request, view):
-        super(ViewletManager, self).__init__(context, request, view)
-        self.context = context
-        self.request = request
-        self.view = view
-        self.__name__ = self.__view_name__
-        self.static = component.queryAdapter(
-            self.request,
-            interface.Interface,
-            name=self.module_info.package_dotted_name
-            )
-    def sort(self, viewlets):
-        """Sort the viewlets.
-        ``viewlets`` is a list of tuples of the form (name, viewlet).
-        """
-        # In Grok, the default order of the viewlets is determined by
-        # util.sort_components. util.sort_components() however expects
-        # a list of just components, but sort() is supposed to deal
-        # with a list of (name, viewlet) tuples.
-        # To handle this situation we first store the name part on the
-        # viewlet, then use util.sort_components() and then "unpack"
-        # the name from the viewlet and recreate the list of (name,
-        # viewlet) tuples, now in the correct order.
-        s_viewlets = []
-        for name, viewlet in viewlets:
-             # Stuff away viewlet name so we can later retrieve it.
-             # XXX We loose name information in case the same viewlet
-             # is in the viewlets list twice, but with a different
-             # name. Most probably this situation doesn't occur.
-             viewlet.__viewlet_name__ = name
-             s_viewlets.append(viewlet)
-        s_viewlets = util.sort_components(s_viewlets)
-        return [(viewlet.__viewlet_name__, viewlet) for viewlet in s_viewlets]
-    def default_namespace(self):
-        namespace = {}
-        namespace['context'] = self.context
-        namespace['request'] = self.request
-        namespace['static'] = self.static
-        namespace['view'] = self.view
-        namespace['viewletmanager'] = self
-        return namespace
-    def namespace(self):
-        return {}
-    def render(self):
-        """See zope.contentprovider.interfaces.IContentProvider"""
-        # Now render the view
-        if self.template:
-            return self.template.render(self)
-        else:
-            return u'\n'.join([viewlet.render() for viewlet in self.viewlets])
-class Viewlet(ViewletBase):
-    """Batteries included viewlet.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, context, request, view, manager):
-        super(Viewlet, self).__init__(context, request, view, manager)
-        self.context = context
-        self.request = request
-        self.view = view
-        self.viewletmanager = manager
-        self.__name__ = self.__view_name__
-        self.static = component.queryAdapter(
-            self.request,
-            interface.Interface,
-            name=self.module_info.package_dotted_name
-            )
-    def default_namespace(self):
-        namespace = {}
-        namespace['context'] = self.context
-        namespace['request'] = self.request
-        namespace['static'] = self.static
-        namespace['view'] = self.view
-        namespace['viewlet'] = self
-        namespace['viewletmanager'] = self.manager
-        return namespace
-    def namespace(self):
-        return {}
-    def update(self):
-        pass
-    def render(self):
-        return self.template.render(self)

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/configure.zcml
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/configure.zcml	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/configure.zcml	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-    xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
-    xmlns:grok="http://namespaces.zope.org/grok">
-  <include package="zope.security" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <include package="zope.i18n" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <include package="zope.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <include package="grok" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <include package="zope.annotation" />
-  <include package="zope.copypastemove" />
-  <include package="zope.contentprovider" />
-  <include package="zope.formlib" />
-  <include package="zope.i18n.locales" />
-  <include package="zope.publisher" />
-  <include package="zope.securitypolicy" />
-  <include package="zope.size" />
-  <include package="zope.traversing" />
-  <include package="zope.traversing.browser" />
-  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" />
-  <include package="zope.app.authentication" />
-  <include package="zope.app.intid" />
-  <include package="zope.app.keyreference" />
-  <include package="zope.app.catalog" />
-  <include package="zope.app.renderer" />
-  <include package="zope.app.session" />
-  <securityPolicy
-      component="zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy.ZopeSecurityPolicy" />
-  <adapter factory=".components.ContextTraverser" />
-  <adapter factory=".components.ContainerTraverser" />
-  <browser:defaultView
-      for=".interfaces.IContext"
-      name="index"
-      />
-  <subscriber handler=".components.addSiteHandler" />
-  <!-- we register a ++rest++ traversal namespace -->
-  <adapter
-      factory=".rest.rest_skin"
-      for="* zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IHTTPRequest"
-      provides="zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraversable"
-      name="rest"
-      />
-  <!-- this overrides Zope 3's publication factories because they have
-       the same name; we also need to change the priority because of
-       the ZCML discriminator -->
-  <publisher
-      name="XMLRPC"
-      factory=".publication.GrokXMLRPCFactory"
-      methods="POST"
-      mimetypes="text/xml"
-      priority="21"
-      />
-  <publisher
-      name="BROWSER"
-      factory=".publication.GrokBrowserFactory"
-      methods="GET POST HEAD"
-      mimetypes="*"
-      priority="11"
-      />
-  <publisher
-      name="HTTP"
-      factory=".publication.GrokHTTPFactory"
-      methods="*"
-      mimetypes="*"
-      priority="1"
-      />
-  <!-- need to grok this for some basic REST support -->
-  <grok:grok package=".rest" />
-  <!-- ZPT support -->
-  <grok:grok package=".templatereg" />

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/directive.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/directive.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/directive.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Grok directives.
-import sys
-import grok
-from zope import interface
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserView
-import martian
-from martian import util
-from martian.error import GrokImportError, GrokError
-from martian.directive import StoreMultipleTimes
-from grokcore.component.scan import UnambiguousComponentScope
-from grok import components
-# Define grok directives
-class template(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    validate = martian.validateText
-class templatedir(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.MODULE
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    validate = martian.validateText
-class local_utility(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.DICT
-    def factory(self, factory, provides=None, name=u'',
-                setup=None, public=False, name_in_container=None):
-        if provides is not None and not IInterface.providedBy(provides):
-            raise GrokImportError("You can only pass an interface to the "
-                                  "provides argument of %s." % self.name)
-        if provides is None:
-            provides = grok.provides.bind().get(factory)
-        if provides is None:
-            if util.check_subclass(factory, grok.LocalUtility):
-                baseInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(grok.LocalUtility)
-                utilityInterfaces = interface.implementedBy(factory)
-                provides = list(utilityInterfaces - baseInterfaces)
-                if len(provides) == 0 and len(list(utilityInterfaces)) > 0:
-                    raise GrokImportError(
-                        "Cannot determine which interface to use "
-                        "for utility registration of %r. "
-                        "It implements an interface that is a specialization "
-                        "of an interface implemented by grok.LocalUtility. "
-                        "Specify the interface by either using grok.provides "
-                        "on the utility or passing 'provides' to "
-                        "grok.local_utility." % factory, factory)
-            else:
-                provides = list(interface.implementedBy(factory))
-            util.check_implements_one_from_list(provides, factory)
-            provides = provides[0]
-        if (provides, name) in self.frame.f_locals.get(self.dotted_name(), {}):
-            raise GrokImportError(
-                "Conflicting local utility registration %r. "
-                "Local utilities are registered multiple "
-                "times for interface %r and name %r." %
-                (factory, provides, name), factory)
-        info = LocalUtilityInfo(factory, provides, name, setup, public,
-                                name_in_container)
-        return (provides, name), info
-class LocalUtilityInfo(object):
-    _order = 0
-    def __init__(self, factory, provides, name=u'',
-                 setup=None, public=False, name_in_container=None):
-        self.factory = factory
-        self.provides = provides
-        self.name = name
-        self.setup = setup
-        self.public = public
-        self.name_in_container = name_in_container
-        self.order = LocalUtilityInfo._order
-        LocalUtilityInfo._order += 1
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        # LocalUtilityInfos have an inherit sort order by which the
-        # registrations take place.
-        return cmp(self.order, other.order)
-class RequireDirectiveStore(StoreMultipleTimes):
-    def get(self, directive, component, default):
-        permissions = getattr(component, directive.dotted_name(), default)
-        if (permissions is default) or not permissions:
-            return default
-        if len(permissions) > 1:
-            raise GrokError('grok.require was called multiple times in '
-                            '%r. It may only be set once for a class.'
-                            % component, component)
-        return permissions[0]
-    def pop(self, locals_, directive):
-        return locals_[directive.dotted_name()].pop()
-class require(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = RequireDirectiveStore()
-    def validate(self, value):
-        if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
-            return
-        if util.not_unicode_or_ascii(value):
-            raise GrokImportError(
-                "You can only pass unicode, ASCII, or a subclass "
-                "of grok.Permission to the '%s' directive." % self.name)
-    def factory(self, value):
-        if util.check_subclass(value, components.Permission):
-            return grok.name.bind().get(value)
-        return value
-    def __call__(self, func):
-        # grok.require can be used both as a class-level directive and
-        # as a decorator for methods.  Therefore we return a decorator
-        # here, which may be used for methods, or simply ignored when
-        # used as a directive.
-        frame = sys._getframe(1)
-        permission = self.store.pop(frame.f_locals, self)
-        self.set(func, [permission])
-        return func
-class site(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    validate = martian.validateInterfaceOrClass
-class permissions(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    default = []
-    def factory(*args):
-        return args
-class OneInterfaceOrClassOnClassOrModule(martian.Directive):
-    """Convenience base class.  Not for public use."""
-    scope = martian.CLASS_OR_MODULE
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    validate = martian.validateInterfaceOrClass
-class layer(OneInterfaceOrClassOnClassOrModule):
-    pass
-class viewletmanager(OneInterfaceOrClassOnClassOrModule):
-    scope = UnambiguousComponentScope('viewletmanager')
-class view(OneInterfaceOrClassOnClassOrModule):
-    default = IBrowserView
-class traversable(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.DICT
-    def factory(self, attr, name=None):
-        if name is None:
-            name = attr
-        return (name, attr)
-class order(martian.Directive):
-    scope = martian.CLASS
-    store = martian.ONCE
-    default = 0, 0
-    _order = 0
-    def factory(self, value=0):
-        order._order += 1
-        return value, order._order

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftesting.zcml
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftesting.zcml	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftesting.zcml	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,17 +1,28 @@
+   xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
-   package="grok"
+   package="grokcore.formlib"
-  <include package="grok" />
-  <grok:grok package="grok.ftests" />
+  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.securitypolicy" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="grokcore.security" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="zope.app.zcmlfiles" />
+  <include package="zope.securitypolicy" />
+  <grok:grok package="grokcore.formlib.ftests" />
+  <browser:defaultView
+      for="grokcore.component.interfaces.IContext"
+      name="index"
+      />
       title="Unauthenticated User"

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/actions.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/actions.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/actions.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   >>> print browser.contents
   Manfred the Second meets Ellie
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
 from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     name = FieldProperty(IMammoth['name'])    

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -25,18 +25,19 @@
   Hi, my name is Ellie the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really small"
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-class Zoo(grok.Container):
+class Zoo(BTreeContainer):
 class IMammoth(Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     def __init__(self, name='', size=''):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -27,17 +27,19 @@
   Hi, my name is Ellie the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really small"
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema, interface
+from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
+from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-class Zoo(grok.Container):
+class Zoo(BTreeContainer):
 class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Index(grok.View):
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
             return 'There were changes according to applyData.'
         return 'There were no changes according to applyData.'
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
+ at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, IObjectModifiedEvent)
 def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
     print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
            "following changes:")

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_catalog.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_catalog.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/addform_catalog.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Thanks to Zope's event system, newly added objects are automatically
-catalogued, should a catalog be present.
-  >>> getRootFolder()["zoo"] = Zoo()
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-Let's demonstrate that an object that has not been added to a
-container yet can still be modified using a form's applyData method.
-Event though this method triggers an IObjectModifiedEvent, the catalog
-won't be bothered by this.  It will start the indexation when the
-object has been *added* to a container, not before.
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/@@addmammoth")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Ellie the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really small"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Add entry").click()
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/ellie")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Hi, my name is Ellie the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really small"
-Let's ensure the catalog has actually indexed the object with the
-right value:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/search")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  We found Ellie!
-import grok
-from zope import schema, interface, component
-from zope.app.intid import IntIds
-from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-from zope.app.catalog.catalog import Catalog
-from zope.app.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
-from zope.app.catalog.field import FieldIndex
-def setup_catalog(catalog):
-    catalog['name'] = FieldIndex('name', IMammoth)
-class Zoo(grok.Site, grok.Container):
-    grok.local_utility(IntIds, provides=IIntIds)
-    grok.local_utility(Catalog, provides=ICatalog, setup=setup_catalog)
-class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    grok.implements(IMammoth)
-class Index(grok.View):
-    grok.context(Mammoth)
-    def render(self):
-        return 'Hi, my name is %s, and I\'m "%s"' % (self.context.name,
-                                                     self.context.size)
-class Search(grok.View):
-    grok.context(Zoo)
-    def render(self):
-        catalog = component.getUtility(ICatalog)
-        query = ('Ellie the Mammoth', 'Ellie the Mammoth')
-        results = catalog.searchResults(name=query)
-        if len(list(results)) == 1:
-            return 'We found Ellie!'
-        return "Couldn't find Ellie."
-class AddMammoth(grok.AddForm):
-    grok.context(Zoo)
-    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IMammoth)
-    @grok.action('Add entry')
-    def add(self, **data):
-        # First apply the form data, thus triggering an
-        # IObjectModifiedEvent.  This test case demonstrates that this
-        # isn't a problem.
-        ellie = Mammoth()
-        self.applyData(ellie, **data)
-        self.context['ellie'] = ellie

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -51,10 +51,11 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
+from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     def __init__(self, name='', size=''):
         self._name = name
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
         size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
+ at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, IObjectModifiedEvent)
 def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
     print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
            "following changes:")

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -54,14 +54,15 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema, interface
+from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
 class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     def __init__(self, name='', size=''):
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
     form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IMammoth)
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
+ at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, IObjectModifiedEvent)
 def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
     print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
            "following changes:")

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -53,21 +53,22 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent
 class IMammoth(Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
+ at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, IObjectModifiedEvent)
 def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
     print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
            "following changes:")

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/form.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/form.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/form.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
 from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     name = FieldProperty(IMammoth['name'])    
@@ -46,4 +46,3 @@
 class Display(grok.DisplayForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/templateform.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/templateform.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/templateform.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
   <p>Test display</p>
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     class fields:
         name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
         size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/update.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/update.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/form/update.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
   Mallie, the Mammoth reports: Request argument dispatch to update() works.
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 class IMammoth(Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     name = u'Manfred'

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/test_grok_functional.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/test_grok_functional.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/ftests/test_grok_functional.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import re
 import unittest
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib
 import os.path
 from pkg_resources import resource_listdir
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
 from zope.app.testing.functional import (HTTPCaller, getRootFolder,
                                          FunctionalTestSetup, sync, ZCMLLayer)
-ftesting_zcml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(grok.__file__), 'ftesting.zcml')
-GrokFunctionalLayer = ZCMLLayer(ftesting_zcml, __name__, 'GrokFunctionalLayer',
-                                allow_teardown=True)
+ftesting_zcml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(grokcore.formlib.__file__),
+                             'ftesting.zcml')
+FunctionalLayer = ZCMLLayer(ftesting_zcml, __name__, 'FunctionalLayer',
+                            allow_teardown=True)
 def setUp(test):
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
         if filename == '__init__.py':
-        dottedname = 'grok.ftests.%s.%s' % (name, filename[:-3])
+        dottedname = 'grokcore.formlib.ftests.%s.%s' % (name, filename[:-3])
         test = doctest.DocTestSuite(
             dottedname, setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown,
@@ -63,15 +64,14 @@
-        test.layer = GrokFunctionalLayer
+        test.layer = FunctionalLayer
     return suite
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    for name in ['view', 'staticdir', 'xmlrpc', 'traversal', 'form', 'url',
-                 'security', 'utility', 'catalog', 'site', 'rest', 'viewlet']:
+    for name in ['form']:
     return suite

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/index.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/index.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/index.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Grok index definitions
-import sys
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IMethod, IInterface
-from zope.app.catalog.field import FieldIndex
-from zope.app.catalog.text import TextIndex
-from zc.catalog.catalogindex import SetIndex
-from martian.error import GrokError, GrokImportError
-from martian.util import frame_is_class
-from grok.interfaces import IIndexDefinition
-class IndexDefinition(object):
-    implements(IIndexDefinition)
-    index_class = None
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-        frame = sys._getframe(1)
-        if not frame_is_class(frame):
-            raise GrokImportError(
-                "%r can only be instantiated on class level." % self.__class__)
-        # store any extra parameters to pass to index later
-        self._args = args
-        self._attribute = kw.pop('attribute', None)
-        self._kw = kw
-    def setup(self, catalog, name, context, module_info):
-        if self._attribute is not None:
-            field_name = self._attribute
-        else:
-            field_name = name
-        if IInterface.providedBy(context):
-            try:
-                method = context[field_name]
-            except KeyError:
-                raise GrokError("grok.Indexes in %r refers to an attribute or "
-                                "method %r on interface %r, but this does not "
-                                "exist." % (module_info.getModule(),
-                                            field_name, context), None)
-            call = IMethod.providedBy(method)
-        else:
-            call = callable(getattr(context, field_name, None))
-            context = None # no interface lookup
-        catalog[name] = self.index_class(field_name=field_name,
-                                         interface=context,
-                                         field_callable=call,
-                                         *self._args, **self._kw)
-class Field(IndexDefinition):
-    index_class = FieldIndex
-class Text(IndexDefinition):
-    index_class = TextIndex
-class Set(IndexDefinition):
-    index_class = SetIndex

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/interfaces.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/interfaces.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/interfaces.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -13,312 +13,11 @@
 """Grok interfaces
-from zope import interface, schema
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPage, IBrowserView
+from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
+from zope.schema import ASCII
 from zope.formlib.interfaces import reConstraint
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-from zope.viewlet.interfaces import IViewletManager as IViewletManagerBase
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import IContainer as IContainerBase
+from grokcore.view.interfaces import IGrokView
-import grokcore.component.interfaces
-# Expose interfaces from grok.interfaces as well:
-from grokcore.component.interfaces import IContext
-from grokcore.component.interfaces import IGrokErrors
-class IGrokBaseClasses(grokcore.component.interfaces.IBaseClasses):
-    Model = interface.Attribute("Base class for persistent content objects "
-                                "(models).")
-    Container = interface.Attribute("Base class for containers.")
-    OrderedContainer = interface.Attribute("Base class for ordered containers.")
-    Site = interface.Attribute("Mixin class for sites.")
-    Application = interface.Attribute("Base class for applications.")
-    Annotation = interface.Attribute("Base class for persistent annotations.")
-    LocalUtility = interface.Attribute("Base class for local utilities.")
-    View = interface.Attribute("Base class for browser views.")
-    XMLRPC = interface.Attribute("Base class for XML-RPC methods.")
-    JSON = interface.Attribute("Base class for JSON methods.")
-    REST = interface.Attribute("Base class for REST views.")
-    Traverser = interface.Attribute("Base class for custom traversers.")
-    Form = interface.Attribute("Base class for forms.")
-    AddForm = interface.Attribute("Base class for add forms.")
-    EditForm = interface.Attribute("Base class for edit forms.")
-    DisplayForm = interface.Attribute("Base class for display forms.")
-    Indexes = interface.Attribute("Base class for catalog index definitions.")
-    Skin = interface.Attribute("Base class for skin.")
-    ViewletManager = interface.Attribute("Base class for viewletmanager.")
-    Viewlet = interface.Attribute("Base class for viewlet.")
-    Permission = interface.Attribute("Base class for permissions.")
-    Role = interface.Attribute("Base class for roles.")
-    Public = interface.Attribute("Marker for explicitly not requiring a permission.")
-class IGrokDirectives(grokcore.component.interfaces.IDirectives):
-    def layer(layer):
-        """Declare the layer for the view.
-        This directive acts as a contraint on the 'request' of
-        grok.View. This directive can only be used on class level."""
-    def skin(skin):
-        """Declare this layer as a named skin.
-        This directive can only be used on class level."""
-    def template(template):
-        """Declare the template name for a view.
-        This directive can only be used on class level."""
-    def templatedir(directory):
-        """Declare a directory to be searched for templates.
-        By default, grok will take the name of the module as the name
-        of the directory.  This can be overridden using
-        ``templatedir``."""
-    def local_utility(factory, provides=None, name=u'',
-                      setup=None, public=False, name_in_container=None):
-        """Register a local utility.
-        factory - the factory that creates the local utility
-        provides - the interface the utility should be looked up with
-        name - the name of the utility
-        setup - a callable that receives the utility as its single argument,
-                it is called after the utility has been created and stored
-        public - if False, the utility will be stored below ++etc++site
-                 if True, the utility will be stored directly in the site.
-                 The site should in this case be a container.
-        name_in_container - the name to use for storing the utility
-        """
-    def permissions(permissions):
-        """Specify the permissions that comprise a role.
-        """
-    def require(permission):
-        """Protect a view class or an XMLRPC method with ``permision``.
-        ``permission`` must already be defined, e.g. using
-        grok.Permission.
-        grok.require can be used as a class-level directive or as a
-        method decorator."""
-    def site(class_or_interface):
-        """Specifies the site that an indexes definition is for.
-        It can only be used inside grok.Indexes subclasses.
-        """
-    def order(value=None):
-        """Control the ordering of components.
-        If the value is specified, the order will be determined by sorting on
-        it.
-        If no value is specified, the order will be determined by definition
-        order within the module.
-        If the directive is absent, the order will be determined by class name.
-        (unfortunately our preferred default behavior on absence which would
-        be like grok.order() without argument is hard to implement in Python)
-        Inter-module order is by dotted name of the module the
-        components are in; unless an explicit argument is specified to
-        ``grok.order()``, components are grouped by module.
-        The function grok.util.sort_components can be used to sort
-        components according to these rules.
-        """
-class IGrokDecorators(grokcore.component.interfaces.IDecorators):
-    def action(label, **options):
-        """Decorator that defines an action factory based on a form
-        method. The method receives the form data as keyword
-        parameters."""
-class IGrokEvents(interface.Interface):
-    IObjectCreatedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectCreatedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IObjectModifiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectModifiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IObjectCopiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectCopiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IObjectAddedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectAddedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IObjectMovedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectMovedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IObjectRemovedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ObjectRemovedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    IContainerModifiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-    ContainerModifiedEvent = interface.Attribute("")
-class IGrokAPI(IGrokBaseClasses, IGrokDirectives, IGrokDecorators,
-               IGrokEvents, IGrokErrors):
-    # BBB this is deprecated
-    def grok(dotted_name):
-        """Grok a module or package specified by ``dotted_name``.
-        NOTE: This function will be removed from the public Grok
-        public API.  For tests and interpreter sessions, use
-        grok.testing.grok().
-        """
-    # BBB this is deprecated
-    def grok_component(name, component, context=None, module_info=None,
-                       templates=None):
-        """Grok an arbitrary object. Can be useful during testing.
-        name - the name of the component (class name, or global instance name
-               as it would appear in a module).
-        component - the object (class, etc) to grok.
-        context - the context object (optional).
-        module_info - the module being grokked (optional).
-        templates - the templates registry (optional).
-        Note that context, module_info and templates might be required
-        for some grokkers which rely on them.
-        NOTE: This function will be removed from the public Grok
-        public API.  For tests and interpreter sessions, use
-        grok.testing.grok_component().
-        """
-    def url(request, obj, name=None, data=None):
-        """Generate the URL to an object with optional name attached.
-        An optional argument 'data' can be a dictionary that is converted
-        into a query string appended to the URL.
-        """
-    def notify(event):
-        """Send ``event`` to event subscribers."""
-    def getSite():
-        """Get the current site."""
-    def PageTemplate(template):
-        """Create a Grok PageTemplate object from ``template`` source
-        text.  This can be used for inline PageTemplates."""
-    def PageTemplateFile(filename):
-        """Create a Grok PageTemplate object from a file specified by
-        ``filename``.  It will be treated like an inline template
-        created with ``PageTemplate``."""
-    def Fields(*args, **kw):
-        """Return a list of formlib fields based on interfaces and/or schema
-        fields."""
-    def AutoFields(context):
-        """Return a list of fields for context autogenerated by grok.
-        """
-    def action(label, actions=None, **options):
-        """grok-specific action decorator.
-        """
-    IRESTSkinType = interface.Attribute('The REST skin type')
-class IGrokView(IBrowserPage, IBrowserView):
-    """Grok views all provide this interface."""
-    context = interface.Attribute('context', "Object that the view presents.")
-    request = interface.Attribute('request', "Request that the view was looked"
-                                  "up with.")
-    response = interface.Attribute('response', "Response object that is "
-                                   "associated with the current request.")
-    static = interface.Attribute('static', "Directory resource containing "
-                                 "the static files of the view's package.")
-    def redirect(url):
-       """Redirect to given URL"""
-    def url(obj=None, name=None, data=None):
-        """Construct URL.
-        If no arguments given, construct URL to view itself.
-        If only obj argument is given, construct URL to obj.
-        If only name is given as the first argument, construct URL
-        to context/name.
-        If both object and name arguments are supplied, construct
-        URL to obj/name.
-        Optionally pass a 'data' keyword argument which gets added to the URL
-        as a cgi query string.
-        """
-    def default_namespace():
-        """Returns a dictionary of namespaces that the template
-        implementation expects to always be available.
-        This method is *not* intended to be overridden by application
-        developers.
-        """
-    def namespace():
-        """Returns a dictionary that is injected in the template
-        namespace in addition to the default namespace.
-        This method *is* intended to be overridden by the application
-        developer.
-        """
-    def update(**kw):
-        """This method is meant to be implemented by grok.View
-        subclasses.  It will be called *before* the view's associated
-        template is rendered and can be used to pre-compute values
-        for the template.
-        update() can take arbitrary keyword parameters which will be
-        filled in from the request (in that case they *must* be
-        present in the request)."""
-    def render(**kw):
-        """A view can either be rendered by an associated template, or
-        it can implement this method to render itself from Python.
-        This is useful if the view's output isn't XML/HTML but
-        something computed in Python (plain text, PDF, etc.)
-        render() can take arbitrary keyword parameters which will be
-        filled in from the request (in that case they *must* be
-        present in the request)."""
-    def application_url(name=None):
-        """Return the URL of the closest application object in the
-        hierarchy or the URL of a named object (``name`` parameter)
-        relative to the closest application object.
-        """
-    def flash(message, type='message'):
-        """Send a short message to the user."""
 class IGrokForm(IGrokView):
     """Grok form API, inspired by zope.formlib's IFormBaseCustomization.
@@ -327,7 +26,7 @@
     render() than IGrokView has.
-    prefix = schema.ASCII(
+    prefix = ASCII(
             "Must be a sequence of not-separated identifiers"),
@@ -344,33 +43,29 @@
         """Update the subpage prefix
-    label = interface.Attribute("A label to display at the top of a form")
+    label = Attribute("A label to display at the top of a form")
-    status = interface.Attribute(
+    status = Attribute(
         """An update status message
         This is normally generated by success or failure handlers.
-    errors = interface.Attribute(
-        """Sequence of errors encountered during validation
-        """)
+    errors = Attribute("Sequence of errors encountered during validation")
-    form_result = interface.Attribute(
-        """Return from action result method
-        """)
+    form_result = Attribute("Return from action result method")
-    form_reset = interface.Attribute(
+    form_reset = Attribute(
         """Boolean indicating whether the form needs to be reset
-    form_fields = interface.Attribute(
+    form_fields = Attribute(
         """The form's form field definitions
         This attribute is used by many of the default methods.
-    widgets = interface.Attribute(
+    widgets = Attribute(
         """The form's widgets
         - set by setUpWidgets
@@ -394,9 +89,7 @@
         validator then this function will be called.
-    template = interface.Attribute(
-        """Template used to display the form
-        """)
+    template = Attribute("Template used to display the form")
     def resetForm():
         """Reset any cached data because underlying content may have changed
@@ -418,61 +111,27 @@
         doesn't have to update an object, the dictionary is empty.
-class IREST(interface.Interface):
-    context = interface.Attribute("Object that the REST handler presents.")
+class IBaseClasses(Interface):
+    Form = Attribute("Base class for forms.")
+    AddForm = Attribute("Base class for add forms.")
+    EditForm = Attribute("Base class for edit forms.")
+    DisplayForm = Attribute("Base class for display forms.")
-    request = interface.Attribute("Request that REST handler was looked"
-                                  "up with.")
-    body = interface.Attribute(
-        """The text of the request body.""")
+class IDecorators(Interface):
-class IApplication(interface.Interface):
-    """Marker-interface for grok application factories.
+    def action(label, **options):
+        """Decorator that defines an action factory based on a form
+        method. The method receives the form data as keyword
+        parameters."""
-    Used to register applications as utilities to look them up and
-    provide a list of grokked applications.
-    """
-class IIndexDefinition(interface.Interface):
-    """Define an index for grok.Indexes.
-    """
+class IGrokcoreFormlibAPI(IBaseClasses, IDecorators):
-    def setup(catalog, name, context):
-        """Set up index called name in given catalog.
+    def Fields(*args, **kw):
+        """Return a list of formlib fields based on interfaces and/or schema
+        fields."""
-        Use name for index name and attribute to index. Set up
-        index for interface or class context.
+    def AutoFields(context):
+        """Return a list of fields for context autogenerated by grok.
-class IRESTSkinType(IInterface):
-    """Skin type for REST requests.
-    """
-class ITemplateFileFactory(interface.Interface):
-    """Utility that generates templates from files in template directories.
-    """
-    def __call__(filename, _prefix=None):
-        """Creates an ITemplate from a file
-        _prefix is the directory the file is located in
-        """
-class ITemplate(interface.Interface):
-    """Template objects
-    """
-    def _initFactory(factory):
-        """Template language specific initializations on the view factory."""
-    def render(view):
-        """Renders the template"""
-class IContainer(IContext, IContainerBase):
-    """A Grok container.
-    """
-class IViewletManager(IViewletManagerBase):
-    """The Grok viewlet manager.
-    """

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -13,746 +13,27 @@
 """Grokkers for the various components."""
-import os
-import zope.component.interface
-from zope import interface, component
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import (IDefaultBrowserLayer,
-                                               IBrowserRequest,
-                                               IBrowserPublisher,
-                                               IBrowserSkinType)
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.xmlrpc import IXMLRPCRequest
-from zope.viewlet.interfaces import IViewletManager, IViewlet
-from zope.security.interfaces import IPermission
-from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IRole
-from zope.securitypolicy.rolepermission import rolePermissionManager
-from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations
-from zope.app.publisher.xmlrpc import MethodPublisher
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import IContainer
-from zope.app.container.interfaces import INameChooser
-from zope.app.container.contained import contained
-from zope.app.intid import IntIds
-from zope.app.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
-from zope.app.catalog.catalog import Catalog
-from zope.app.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
-from zope.exceptions.interfaces import DuplicationError
 import martian
 from martian.error import GrokError
-from martian import util
-import grok
-from grok import components, formlib, templatereg
-from grok.util import make_checker
-from grok.interfaces import IRESTSkinType
-from grok.interfaces import IViewletManager as IGrokViewletManager
+import grokcore.component
+from grokcore.formlib import formlib
+from grokcore.formlib import components
-from grokcore.component.scan import determine_module_component
+class FormGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
+    martian.component(components.GrokForm)
+    martian.directive(grokcore.component.context)
-def default_view_name(factory, module=None, **data):
-    return factory.__name__.lower()
-def default_fallback_to_name(factory, module, name, **data):
-    return name
-def default_annotation_provides(factory, module, **data):
-    base_interfaces = interface.implementedBy(grok.Annotation)
-    factory_interfaces = interface.implementedBy(factory)
-    real_interfaces = list(factory_interfaces - base_interfaces)
-    util.check_implements_one_from_list(real_interfaces, factory)
-    return real_interfaces[0]
-def default_annotation_name(factory, module, **data):
-    return factory.__module__ + '.' + factory.__name__
-class ViewletManagerContextGrokker(martian.GlobalGrokker):
-    martian.priority(1001)
-    def grok(self, name, module, module_info, config, **kw):
-        viewletmanager = determine_module_component(module_info,
-                                                    grok.viewletmanager,
-                                                    IGrokViewletManager)
-        grok.viewletmanager.set(module, viewletmanager)
-        return True
-class XMLRPCGrokker(martian.MethodGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.XMLRPC)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
-    def execute(self, factory, method, config, context, permission, **kw):
-        name = method.__name__
-        # Make sure that the class inherits MethodPublisher, so that the
-        # views have a location
-        method_view = type(
-            factory.__name__, (factory, MethodPublisher),
-            {'__call__': method}
-            )
-        adapts = (context, IXMLRPCRequest)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(method_view, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('protectName', method_view, '__call__'),
-            callable=make_checker,
-            args=(factory, method_view, permission),
-            )
-        return True
-class RESTGrokker(martian.MethodGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.REST)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=grok.IRESTLayer)
-    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
-    def execute(self, factory, method, config, permission, context, layer, **kw):
-        name = method.__name__
-        method_view = type(
-            factory.__name__, (factory,),
-            {'__call__': method }
-            )
-        adapts = (context, layer)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(method_view, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('protectName', method_view, '__call__'),
-            callable=make_checker,
-            args=(factory, method_view, permission),
-            )
-        return True
-class ViewGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.View)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=IDefaultBrowserLayer)
-    martian.directive(grok.name, get_default=default_view_name)
-    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
-    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, **kw):
-        # Need to store the module info object on the view class so that it
-        # can look up the 'static' resource directory.
-        factory.module_info = module_info
-        return super(ViewGrokker, self).grok(name, factory, module_info, **kw)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, context, layer, name, permission, **kw):
-        if util.check_subclass(factory, components.GrokForm):
-            # setup form_fields from context class if we've encountered a form
-            if getattr(factory, 'form_fields', None) is None:
-                factory.form_fields = formlib.get_auto_fields(context)
-            if not getattr(factory.render, 'base_method', False):
-                raise GrokError(
-                    "It is not allowed to specify a custom 'render' "
-                    "method for form %r. Forms either use the default "
-                    "template or a custom-supplied one." % factory,
-                    factory)
-        # find templates
-        templates = factory.module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is not None:
-            config.action(
-                discriminator=None,
-                callable=self.checkTemplates,
-                args=(templates, factory.module_info, factory)
-                )
-        # safety belt: make sure that the programmer didn't use
-        # @grok.require on any of the view's methods.
-        methods = util.methods_from_class(factory)
-        for method in methods:
-            if grok.require.bind().get(method) is not None:
-                raise GrokError('The @grok.require decorator is used for '
-                                'method %r in view %r. It may only be used '
-                                'for XML-RPC methods.'
-                                % (method.__name__, factory), factory)
-        # __view_name__ is needed to support IAbsoluteURL on views
-        factory.__view_name__ = name
-        adapts = (context, layer)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(factory, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('protectName', factory, '__call__'),
-            callable=make_checker,
-            args=(factory, factory, permission),
-            )
-        return True
-    def checkTemplates(self, templates, module_info, factory):
-        def has_render(factory):
-            return (getattr(factory, 'render', None) and
-                    not util.check_subclass(factory, grok.components.GrokForm))
-        def has_no_render(factory):
-            return not getattr(factory, 'render', None)
-        templates.checkTemplates(module_info, factory, 'view',
-                                 has_render, has_no_render)
-class JSONGrokker(martian.MethodGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.JSON)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
-    # TODO: this grokker doesn't support layers yet
-    def execute(self, factory, method, config, context, permission, **kw):
-        # Create a new class with a __view_name__ attribute so the
-        # JSON class knows what method to call.
-        method_view = type(
-            factory.__name__, (factory,),
-            {'__view_name__': method.__name__}
-            )
-        adapts = (context, IDefaultBrowserLayer)
-        name = method.__name__
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(method_view, adapts, interface.Interface, name),
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('protectName', method_view, '__call__'),
-            callable=make_checker,
-            args=(factory, method_view, permission),
-            )
-        return True
-class TraverserGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Traverser)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
     def execute(self, factory, config, context, **kw):
-        adapts = (context, IHTTPRequest)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, IBrowserPublisher, ''),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(factory, adapts, IBrowserPublisher),
-            )
-        return True
+        # Set up form_fields from context class if they haven't been
+        # configured manually already.
+        if getattr(factory, 'form_fields', None) is None:
+            factory.form_fields = formlib.get_auto_fields(context)
-class TemplateGrokker(martian.GlobalGrokker):
-    # this needs to happen before any other grokkers execute that use
-    # the template registry
-    martian.priority(1001)
-    def grok(self, name, module, module_info, config, **kw):
-        module.__grok_templates__ = templatereg.TemplateRegistry()
-        return True
-class ModulePageTemplateGrokker(martian.InstanceGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.components.BaseTemplate)
-    # this needs to happen before any other grokkers execute that actually
-    # use the templates
-    martian.priority(1000)
-    def grok(self, name, instance, module_info, config, **kw):
-        templates = module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is None:
-            return False
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=templates.register,
-            args=(name, instance)
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=instance._annotateGrokInfo,
-            args=(name, module_info.dotted_name)
-            )
-        return True
-class FilesystemPageTemplateGrokker(martian.GlobalGrokker):
-    # do this early on, but after ModulePageTemplateGrokker, as
-    # findFilesystem depends on module-level templates to be
-    # already grokked for error reporting
-    martian.priority(999)
-    def grok(self, name, module, module_info, config, **kw):
-        templates = module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is None:
-            return False
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=templates.findFilesystem,
-            args=(module_info,)
-            )
-        return True
-class UnassociatedTemplatesGrokker(martian.GlobalGrokker):
-    martian.priority(-1001)
-    def grok(self, name, module, module_info, config, **kw):
-        templates = module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is None:
-            return False
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=templates.checkUnassociated,
-            args=(module_info,)
-            )
-        return True
-class StaticResourcesGrokker(martian.GlobalGrokker):
-    def grok(self, name, module, module_info, config, **kw):
-        # we're only interested in static resources if this module
-        # happens to be a package
-        if not module_info.isPackage():
-            return False
-        resource_path = module_info.getResourcePath('static')
-        if os.path.isdir(resource_path):
-            static_module = module_info.getSubModuleInfo('static')
-            if static_module is not None:
-                if static_module.isPackage():
-                    raise GrokError(
-                        "The 'static' resource directory must not "
-                        "be a python package.",
-                        module_info.getModule())
-                else:
-                    raise GrokError(
-                        "A package can not contain both a 'static' "
-                        "resource directory and a module named "
-                        "'static.py'", module_info.getModule())
-        resource_factory = components.DirectoryResourceFactory(
-            resource_path, module_info.dotted_name)
-        adapts = (IDefaultBrowserLayer,)
-        provides = interface.Interface
-        name = module_info.dotted_name
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapts, provides, name),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(resource_factory, adapts, provides, name),
-            )
-        return True
-class SiteGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Site)
-    martian.priority(500)
-    martian.directive(grok.local_utility, name='infos')
-    def execute(self, factory, config, infos, **kw):
-        if not infos:
-            return False
-        infos = infos.values()
-        for info in infos:
-            if info.public and not IContainer.implementedBy(factory):
-                raise GrokError(
-                    "Cannot set public to True with grok.local_utility as "
-                    "the site (%r) is not a container." %
-                    factory, factory)
-        # Store the list of info objects in their "natural" order on the
-        # site class. They will be picked up by a subscriber doing the
-        # actual registrations in definition order.
-        factory.__grok_utilities_to_install__ = sorted(infos)
-        adapts = (factory, grok.IObjectAddedEvent)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=component.provideHandler,
-            args=(localUtilityRegistrationSubscriber, adapts),
-            )
-        return True
-def localUtilityRegistrationSubscriber(site, event):
-    """A subscriber that fires to set up local utilities.
-    """
-    installed = getattr(site, '__grok_utilities_installed__', False)
-    if installed:
-        return
-    for info in getattr(site.__class__, '__grok_utilities_to_install__', []):
-        setupUtility(site, info.factory(), info.provides, name=info.name,
-                     name_in_container=info.name_in_container,
-                     public=info.public, setup=info.setup)
-    # we are done. If this subscriber gets fired again, we therefore
-    # do not register utilities anymore
-    site.__grok_utilities_installed__ = True
-def setupUtility(site, utility, provides, name=u'',
-                 name_in_container=None, public=False, setup=None):
-    """Set up a utility in a site.
-    site - the site to set up the utility in
-    utility - the utility to set up
-    provides - the interface the utility should be registered with
-    name - the name the utility should be registered under, default
-      the empty string (no name)
-    name_in_container - if given it will be used to add the utility
-      object to its container. Otherwise a name will be made up
-    public - if False, the utility will be stored in the site manager. If
-      True, the utility will be storedin the site (it is assumed the
-      site is a container)
-    setup - if not None, it will be called with the utility as its first
-       argument. This function can then be used to further set up the
-       utility.
-    """
-    site_manager = site.getSiteManager()
-    if not public:
-        container = site_manager
-    else:
-        container = site
-    if name_in_container is None:
-        name_in_container = INameChooser(container).chooseName(
-            utility.__class__.__name__, utility)
-    container[name_in_container] = utility
-    if setup is not None:
-        setup(utility)
-    site_manager.registerUtility(utility, provided=provides,
-                                 name=name)
-class PermissionGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Permission)
-    martian.priority(1500)
-    martian.directive(grok.name)
-    martian.directive(grok.title, get_default=default_fallback_to_name)
-    martian.directive(grok.description)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, name, title, description, **kw):
-        if not name:
+        if not getattr(factory.render, 'base_method', False):
             raise GrokError(
-                "A permission needs to have a dotted name for its id. Use "
-                "grok.name to specify one.", factory)
-        # We can safely convert to unicode, since the directives make sure
-        # it is either unicode already or ASCII.
-        permission = factory(unicode(name), unicode(title),
-                             unicode(description))
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('utility', IPermission, name),
-            callable=component.provideUtility,
-            args=(permission, IPermission, name),
-            order=-1 # need to do this early in the process
-            )
+                "It is not allowed to specify a custom 'render' "
+                "method for form %r. Forms either use the default "
+                "template or a custom-supplied one." % factory,
+                factory)
         return True
-class RoleGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Role)
-    martian.priority(martian.priority.bind().get(PermissionGrokker()) - 1)
-    martian.directive(grok.name)
-    martian.directive(grok.title, get_default=default_fallback_to_name)
-    martian.directive(grok.description)
-    martian.directive(grok.permissions)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, name, title, description,
-                permissions, **kw):
-        if not name:
-            raise GrokError(
-                "A role needs to have a dotted name for its id. Use "
-                "grok.name to specify one.", factory)
-        # We can safely convert to unicode, since the directives makes sure
-        # it is either unicode already or ASCII.
-        role = factory(unicode(name), unicode(title), unicode(description))
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('utility', IRole, name),
-            callable=component.provideUtility,
-            args=(role, IRole, name),
-            )
-        for permission in permissions:
-            config.action(
-                discriminator=('grantPermissionToRole', permission, name),
-                callable=rolePermissionManager.grantPermissionToRole,
-                args=(permission, name),
-                )
-        return True
-class AnnotationGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Annotation)
-    martian.directive(grok.context, name='adapter_context')
-    martian.directive(grok.provides, get_default=default_annotation_provides)
-    martian.directive(grok.name, get_default=default_annotation_name)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, adapter_context, provides, name, **kw):
-        @component.adapter(adapter_context)
-        @interface.implementer(provides)
-        def getAnnotation(context):
-            annotations = IAnnotations(context)
-            try:
-                result = annotations[name]
-            except KeyError:
-                result = factory()
-                annotations[name] = result
-            # Containment has to be set up late to allow containment
-            # proxies to be applied, if needed. This does not trigger
-            # an event and is idempotent if containment is set up
-            # already.
-            contained_result = contained(result, context, name)
-            return contained_result
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('adapter', adapter_context, provides, ''),
-            callable=component.provideAdapter,
-            args=(getAnnotation,),
-            )
-        return True
-class ApplicationGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Application)
-    martian.priority(500)
-    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, config, **kw):
-        # XXX fail loudly if the same application name is used twice.
-        provides = grok.interfaces.IApplication
-        name = '%s.%s' % (module_info.dotted_name, name)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('utility', provides, name),
-            callable=component.provideUtility,
-            args=(factory, provides, name),
-            )
-        return True
-class IndexesGrokker(martian.InstanceGrokker):
-    martian.component(components.IndexesClass)
-    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, config, **kw):
-        site = grok.site.bind().get(factory)
-        context = grok.context.bind().get(factory, module_info.getModule())
-        catalog_name = grok.name.bind().get(factory)
-        if site is None:
-            raise GrokError("No site specified for grok.Indexes "
-                            "subclass in module %r. "
-                            "Use grok.site() to specify."
-                            % module_info.getModule(),
-                            factory)
-        indexes = getattr(factory, '__grok_indexes__', None)
-        if indexes is None:
-            return False
-        subscriber = IndexesSetupSubscriber(catalog_name, indexes,
-                                            context, module_info)
-        subscribed = (site, grok.IObjectAddedEvent)
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=None,
-            callable=component.provideHandler,
-            args=(subscriber, subscribed),
-            )
-        return True
-class IndexesSetupSubscriber(object):
-    def __init__(self, catalog_name, indexes, context, module_info):
-        self.catalog_name = catalog_name
-        self.indexes = indexes
-        self.context = context
-        self.module_info = module_info
-    def __call__(self, site, event):
-        # make sure we have an intids
-        self._createIntIds(site)
-        # get the catalog
-        catalog = self._createCatalog(site)
-        # now install indexes
-        for name, index in self.indexes.items():
-            try:
-                index.setup(catalog, name, self.context, self.module_info)
-            except DuplicationError:
-                raise GrokError(
-                    "grok.Indexes in module %r causes "
-                    "creation of catalog index %r in catalog %r, "
-                    "but an index with that name is already present." %
-                    (self.module_info.getModule(), name, self.catalog_name),
-                    None)
-    def _createCatalog(self, site):
-        """Create the catalog if needed and return it.
-        If the catalog already exists, return that.
-        """
-        catalog = zope.component.queryUtility(
-            ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name, context=site, default=None)
-        if catalog is not None:
-            return catalog
-        catalog = Catalog()
-        setupUtility(site, catalog, ICatalog, name=self.catalog_name)
-        return catalog
-    def _createIntIds(self, site):
-        """Create intids if needed, and return it.
-        """
-        intids = zope.component.queryUtility(
-            IIntIds, context=site, default=None)
-        if intids is not None:
-            return intids
-        intids = IntIds()
-        setupUtility(site, intids, IIntIds)
-        return intids
-class SkinGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Skin)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=IBrowserRequest)
-    martian.directive(grok.name, get_default=default_view_name)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, name, layer, **kw):
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('skin', name),
-            callable=zope.component.interface.provideInterface,
-            args=(name, layer, IBrowserSkinType)
-            )
-        return True
-class RESTProtocolGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.RESTProtocol)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=IBrowserRequest)
-    martian.directive(grok.name, get_default=default_view_name)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, name, layer, **kw):
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('restprotocol', name),
-            callable=zope.component.interface.provideInterface,
-            args=(name, layer, IRESTSkinType)
-            )
-        return True
-class ViewletManagerGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.ViewletManager)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=IDefaultBrowserLayer)
-    martian.directive(grok.view)
-    martian.directive(grok.name)
-    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, **kw):
-        # Need to store the module info object on the view class so that it
-        # can look up the 'static' resource directory.
-        factory.module_info = module_info
-        return super(ViewletManagerGrokker, self).grok(
-            name, factory, module_info, **kw)
-    def execute(self, factory, config, context, layer, view, name, **kw):
-        # This will be used to support __name__ on the viewlet manager
-        factory.__view_name__ = name
-        # find templates
-        templates = factory.module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is not None:
-            config.action(
-                discriminator=None,
-                callable=self.checkTemplates,
-                args=(templates, factory.module_info, factory)
-                )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator = ('viewletManager', context, layer, view, name),
-            callable = component.provideAdapter,
-            args = (factory, (context, layer, view), IViewletManager, name)
-            )
-        return True
-    def checkTemplates(self, templates, module_info, factory):
-        def has_render(factory):
-            return factory.render != grok.components.ViewletManager.render
-        def has_no_render(factory):
-            # always has a render method
-            return False
-        templates.checkTemplates(module_info, factory, 'viewlet manager',
-                                 has_render, has_no_render)
-class ViewletGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker):
-    martian.component(grok.Viewlet)
-    martian.directive(grok.context)
-    martian.directive(grok.layer, default=IDefaultBrowserLayer)
-    martian.directive(grok.view)
-    martian.directive(grok.viewletmanager)
-    martian.directive(grok.name, get_default=default_view_name)
-    martian.directive(grok.require, name='permission')
-    def grok(self, name, factory, module_info, **kw):
-        # Need to store the module info object on the view class so that it
-        # can look up the 'static' resource directory.
-        factory.module_info = module_info
-        return super(ViewletGrokker, self).grok(
-            name, factory, module_info, **kw)
-    def execute(self, factory, config,
-                context, layer, view, viewletmanager, name, permission, **kw):
-        # This will be used to support __name__ on the viewlet
-        factory.__view_name__ = name
-        # find templates
-        templates = factory.module_info.getAnnotation('grok.templates', None)
-        if templates is not None:
-            config.action(
-                discriminator=None,
-                callable=self.checkTemplates,
-                args=(templates, factory.module_info, factory)
-                )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator = ('viewlet', context, layer,
-                             view, viewletmanager, name),
-            callable = component.provideAdapter,
-            args = (factory, (context, layer, view, viewletmanager),
-                    IViewlet, name)
-            )
-        config.action(
-            discriminator=('protectName', factory, '__call__'),
-            callable=make_checker,
-            args=(factory, factory, permission, ['update', 'render']),
-            )
-        return True
-    def checkTemplates(self, templates, module_info, factory):
-        def has_render(factory):
-            return factory.render != grok.components.Viewlet.render
-        def has_no_render(factory):
-            return not has_render(factory)
-        templates.checkTemplates(module_info, factory, 'viewlet',
-                                 has_render, has_no_render)

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.zcml
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.zcml	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/meta.zcml	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-    xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta"
-  <include package="z3c.autoinclude" file="meta.zcml" />
   <!-- Load the grokkers -->
-  <include package="grokcore.component" file="meta.zcml" />
+  <include package="grokcore.view" file="meta.zcml" />
   <grok:grok package=".meta" />

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/publication.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/publication.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/publication.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Grok publication objects
-from grok.rest import GrokMethodNotAllowed
-from zope import component
-from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
-from zope.security.checker import selectChecker
-from zope.publisher.publish import mapply
-from zope.app.publication.http import BaseHTTPPublication, HTTPPublication
-from zope.app.publication.browser import BrowserPublication
-from zope.app.publication.requestpublicationfactories import \
-     BrowserFactory, XMLRPCFactory, HTTPFactory
-from zope.app.http.interfaces import IHTTPException
-class ZopePublicationSansProxy(object):
-    def getApplication(self, request):
-        result = super(ZopePublicationSansProxy, self).getApplication(request)
-        return removeSecurityProxy(result)
-    def traverseName(self, request, ob, name):
-        result = super(ZopePublicationSansProxy, self).traverseName(
-            request, ob, name)
-        return removeSecurityProxy(result)
-    def callObject(self, request, ob):
-        checker = selectChecker(ob)
-        if checker is not None:
-            checker.check(ob, '__call__')
-        return super(ZopePublicationSansProxy, self).callObject(request, ob)
-class GrokBrowserPublication(ZopePublicationSansProxy, BrowserPublication):
-    def getDefaultTraversal(self, request, ob):
-        obj, path = super(GrokBrowserPublication, self).getDefaultTraversal(
-            request, ob)
-        return removeSecurityProxy(obj), path
-class GrokBrowserFactory(BrowserFactory):
-    def __call__(self):
-        request, publication = super(GrokBrowserFactory, self).__call__()
-        return request, GrokBrowserPublication
-class GrokXMLRPCPublication(ZopePublicationSansProxy, BaseHTTPPublication):
-    pass
-class GrokXMLRPCFactory(XMLRPCFactory):
-    def __call__(self):
-        request, publication = super(GrokXMLRPCFactory, self).__call__()
-        return request, GrokXMLRPCPublication
-class GrokHTTPPublication(ZopePublicationSansProxy, HTTPPublication):
-   def callObject(self, request, ob):
-       orig = ob
-       if not IHTTPException.providedBy(ob):
-           ob = component.queryMultiAdapter((ob, request),
-                                            name=request.method)
-           checker = selectChecker(ob)
-           if checker is not None:
-               checker.check(ob, '__call__')
-           ob = getattr(ob, request.method, None)
-           if ob is None:
-               raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(orig, request)
-       return mapply(ob, request.getPositionalArguments(), request)
-class GrokHTTPFactory(HTTPFactory):
-    def __call__(self):
-        request, publication = super(GrokHTTPFactory, self).__call__()
-        return request, GrokHTTPPublication

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/rest.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/rest.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/rest.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import grok
-from zope import component
-from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import TraversalError
-from zope.traversing.namespace import view
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.http import IHTTPRequest
-from zope.app.publication.http import MethodNotAllowed
-from grok.interfaces import IRESTSkinType
-from zope.publisher.browser import applySkin
-class GrokMethodNotAllowed(MethodNotAllowed):
-    pass
-class MethodNotAllowedView(grok.MultiAdapter):
-    grok.adapts(GrokMethodNotAllowed, IHTTPRequest)
-    grok.name('index.html')
-    grok.implements(Interface)
-    def __init__(self, error, request):
-        self.error = error
-        self.request = request
-        self.allow = self._getAllow()
-    def _getAllow(self):
-        allow = []
-        for method in ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE']:
-            view = component.queryMultiAdapter(
-                (self.error.object, self.error.request),
-                name=method)
-            if view is not None:
-                is_not_allowed = getattr(view, 'is_not_allowed', False)
-                if not is_not_allowed:
-                    allow.append(method)
-        allow.sort()
-        return allow
-    def __call__(self):
-        self.request.response.setHeader('Allow', ', '.join(self.allow))
-        self.request.response.setStatus(405)
-        return 'Method Not Allowed'
-class rest_skin(view):
-    """A rest skin.
-    This used to be supported by zope.traversing but the change was backed out.
-    We need it for our REST support.
-    """
-    def traverse(self, name, ignored):
-        self.request.shiftNameToApplication()
-        try:
-            skin = component.getUtility(IRESTSkinType, name)
-        except ComponentLookupError:
-            raise TraversalError("++rest++%s" % name)
-        applySkin(self.request, skin)
-        return self.context
-class NotAllowedREST(grok.REST):
-    """These are registered for everything by default to cause the correct
-    errors.
-    Any more specific REST view overrides this.
-    """
-    grok.layer(grok.IRESTLayer)
-    grok.context(Interface)
-    is_not_allowed = True
-    def GET(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def POST(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def PUT(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)
-    def DELETE(self):
-        raise GrokMethodNotAllowed(self.context, self.request)

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/templatereg.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/templatereg.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/templatereg.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-from martian.error import GrokError
-from martian import util
-import os
-import zope.component
-import grok
-import warnings
-class TemplateRegistry(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._reg = {}
-    def register(self, name, template):
-        self._reg[name] = dict(template=template, associated=False)
-    def markAssociated(self, name):
-        self._reg[name]['associated'] = True
-    def get(self, name):
-        entry = self._reg.get(name)
-        if entry is None:
-            return None
-        return entry['template']
-    def findFilesystem(self, module_info):
-        template_dir_name = grok.templatedir.bind().get(
-            module=module_info.getModule())
-        if template_dir_name is None:
-            template_dir_name = module_info.name + '_templates'
-        template_dir = module_info.getResourcePath(template_dir_name)
-        if not os.path.isdir(template_dir):
-            return
-        if module_info.isPackage():
-            return
-        for template_file in os.listdir(template_dir):
-            if template_file.startswith('.') or template_file.endswith('~'):
-                continue
-            template_name, extension = os.path.splitext(template_file)
-            extension = extension[1:] # Get rid of the leading dot.
-            template_factory = zope.component.queryUtility(
-                grok.interfaces.ITemplateFileFactory,
-                name=extension)
-            if template_factory is None:
-                # Warning when importing files. This should be
-                # allowed because people may be using editors that generate
-                # '.bak' files and such.
-                warnings.warn("File '%s' has an unrecognized extension in "
-                              "directory '%s'" %
-                              (template_file, template_dir), UserWarning, 2)
-                continue
-            inline_template = self.get(template_name)
-            if inline_template:
-                raise GrokError("Conflicting templates found for name '%s' "
-                                "in module %r, either inline and in template "
-                                "directory '%s', or two templates with the "
-                                "same name and different extensions."
-                                % (template_name, module_info.getModule(),
-                                   template_dir), inline_template)
-            template = template_factory(template_file, template_dir)
-            template_path = os.path.join(template_dir, template_file)
-            template._annotateGrokInfo(template_name, template_path)
-            self.register(template_name, template)
-    def listUnassociated(self):
-        for name, entry in self._reg.iteritems():
-            if not entry['associated']:
-                yield name
-    def checkUnassociated(self, module_info):
-        unassociated = list(self.listUnassociated())
-        if unassociated:
-            msg = (
-                "Found the following unassociated template(s) when "
-                "grokking %r: %s.  Define view classes inheriting "
-                "from grok.View to enable the template(s)." % (
-                module_info.dotted_name, ', '.join(unassociated)))
-            warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning, 1)
-    def checkTemplates(self, module_info, factory, component_name,
-                       has_render, has_no_render):
-        factory_name = factory.__name__.lower()
-        template_name = grok.template.bind().get(factory)
-        if template_name is None:
-            template_name = factory_name
-        if factory_name != template_name:
-            # grok.template is being used
-            if self.get(factory_name):
-                raise GrokError("Multiple possible templates for %s %r. It "
-                                "uses grok.template('%s'), but there is also "
-                                "a template called '%s'."
-                                % (component_name, factory, template_name,
-                                   factory_name), factory)
-        template = self.get(template_name)
-        if template is not None:
-            if has_render(factory):
-                # we do not accept render and template both for a view
-                # (unless it's a form, they happen to have render.
-                raise GrokError(
-                    "Multiple possible ways to render %s %r. "
-                    "It has both a 'render' method as well as "
-                    "an associated template." %
-                    (component_name, factory), factory)
-            self.markAssociated(template_name)
-            factory.template = template
-            template._initFactory(factory)
-        else:
-            if has_no_render(factory):
-                # we do not accept a view without any way to render it
-                raise GrokError("%s %r has no associated template or "
-                                "'render' method." %
-                                (component_name.title(), factory), factory)
-class PageTemplateFileFactory(grok.GlobalUtility):
-    grok.implements(grok.interfaces.ITemplateFileFactory)
-    grok.name('pt')
-    def __call__(self, filename, _prefix=None):
-        return grok.components.PageTemplate(filename=filename, _prefix=_prefix)

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/testing.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/testing.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/testing.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -13,66 +13,14 @@
 """Grok test helpers
-import sys
-import os.path
-import z3c.testsetup
 from zope.configuration.config import ConfigurationMachine
 from grokcore.component import zcml
-# Provide this import here for BBB reasons:
-from grokcore.component.testing import grok_component
-class GrokTestCollector(z3c.testsetup.TestCollector):
-    def initialize(self):
-        # inject the grok ftesting ZCML as fallback...
-        if 'zcml_config' in self.settings.keys():
-            return
-        pkg_path = os.path.dirname(self.package.__file__)
-        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pkg_path, 'ftesting.zcml')):
-            return
-        self.settings['zcml_config'] = os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ftesting.zcml')
-        if 'layer_name' in self.settings.keys():
-            return
-        self.settings['layer_name'] = 'GrokFunctionalLayer'
-def register_all_tests(pkg, *args, **kw):
-    return GrokTestCollector(pkg, *args, **kw)
 def grok(module_name):
     config = ConfigurationMachine()
     zcml.do_grok('grokcore.component.meta', config)
-    zcml.do_grok('grok.meta', config)
-    zcml.do_grok('grok.templatereg', config)
+    zcml.do_grok('grokcore.security.meta', config)
+    zcml.do_grok('grokcore.view.meta', config)
+    zcml.do_grok('grokcore.formlib.meta', config)
     zcml.do_grok(module_name, config)
-def warn(message, category=None, stacklevel=1):
-    """Intended to replace warnings.warn in tests.
-    Modified copy from zope.deprecation.tests to:
-      * make the signature identical to warnings.warn
-      * to check for *.pyc and *.pyo files.
-    When zope.deprecation is fixed, this warn function can be removed again.
-    """
-    print "From grok.testing's warn():"
-    frame = sys._getframe(stacklevel)
-    path = frame.f_globals['__file__']
-    if path.endswith('.pyc') or path.endswith('.pyo'):
-        path = path[:-1]
-    file = open(path)
-    lineno = frame.f_lineno
-    for i in range(lineno):
-        line = file.readline()
-    print "%s:%s: %s: %s\n  %s" % (
-        path,
-        frame.f_lineno,
-        category.__name__,
-        message,
-        line.strip(),
-        )

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customautoform.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customautoform.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customautoform.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import interface, schema
 class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
     form_fields = grok.AutoFields(Mammoth).omit('size')
-class Mammoth2(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth2(grok.Context):
     class fields:
         name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
         size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customform.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customform.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/customform.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import interface, schema
 class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/fields.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/fields.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/fields.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
   ['a', 'b', 'g', 'd']
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/form.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/form.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/form.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   ['size', 'name']
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import schema
 from zope.interface import Interface, implements
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
     name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-class DifferentMammoth(grok.Model):
+class DifferentMammoth(grok.Context):
 class EditDifferent(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   GrokError: It is not allowed to specify a custom 'render' method for
-  form <class 'grok.tests.form.norender.Edit'>. Forms either use the default
-  template or a custom-supplied one.
+  form <class 'grokcore.formlib.tests.form.norender.Edit'>. Forms
+  either use the default template or a custom-supplied one.
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender2.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender2.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/norender2.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   GrokError: It is not allowed to specify a custom 'render' method for
-  form <class 'grok.tests.form.norender2.Edit'>. Forms either use the default
-  template or a custom-supplied one.
+  form <class 'grokcore.formlib.tests.form.norender2.Edit'>. Forms
+  either use the default template or a custom-supplied one.
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemaform.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemaform.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemaform.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   ['alpha', 'beta']
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import interface, schema
 from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
     name = FieldProperty(IMammoth['name'])    
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     beta = schema.TextLine(title=u'beta')
-class YetAnotherMammoth(grok.Model):
+class YetAnotherMammoth(grok.Context):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemainherit.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemainherit.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/form/schemainherit.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   >>> [w.__name__ for w in view.form_fields]
   ['name', 'size', 'speciality']
-import grok
+import grokcore.formlib as grok
 from zope import interface, schema
 class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 class ISpecialMammoth(IMammoth):
     speciality = schema.TextLine(title=u"Speciality")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
+class Mammoth(grok.Context):
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     form_fields = grok.AutoFields(Mammoth)
 # situation where subclass implements something on top of base class
-class AnotherMammoth(grok.Model):
+class AnotherMammoth(grok.Context):
 class YetAnotherMammoth(AnotherMammoth):
@@ -61,4 +61,4 @@
 class Edit3(grok.EditForm):

Modified: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/test_grok.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/test_grok.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/tests/test_grok.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
         if filename == '__init__.py':
-        dottedname = 'grok.tests.%s.%s' % (name, filename[:-3])
+        dottedname = 'grokcore.formlib.tests.%s.%s' % (name, filename[:-3])
         test = doctest.DocTestSuite(dottedname,
@@ -42,13 +42,6 @@
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    for name in ['adapter', 'error', 'view', 'event', 'security', 'catalog',
-                 'zcml', 'static', 'utility', 'xmlrpc', 'json', 'container',
-                 'traversal', 'form', 'grokker', 'directive',
-                 'baseclass', 'annotation', 'application', 'template',
-                 'viewlet', 'testsetup', 'conflict', 'order']:
+    for name in ['form']:
     return suite
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Deleted: grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/util.py
--- grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/util.py	2008-07-29 21:46:19 UTC (rev 88998)
+++ grokcore.formlib/trunk/src/grokcore/formlib/util.py	2008-07-29 22:25:54 UTC (rev 88999)
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Grok utility functions.
-import urllib
-import grok
-import zope.location.location
-from zope import component
-from zope import interface
-from zope.traversing.browser.interfaces import IAbsoluteURL
-from zope.traversing.browser.absoluteurl import _safe as SAFE_URL_CHARACTERS
-from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker, defineChecker
-from zope.security.interfaces import IPermission
-from martian.error import GrokError
-from martian.util import methods_from_class
-def make_checker(factory, view_factory, permission, method_names=None):
-    """Make a checker for a view_factory associated with factory.
-    These could be one and the same for normal views, or different
-    in case we make method-based views such as for JSON and XMLRPC.
-    """
-    if method_names is None:
-        method_names = ['__call__']
-    if permission is not None:
-        check_permission(factory, permission)
-    if permission is None or permission == 'zope.Public':
-        checker = NamesChecker(method_names)
-    else:
-        checker = NamesChecker(method_names, permission)
-    defineChecker(view_factory, checker)
-def check_permission(factory, permission):
-    """Check whether a permission is defined.
-    If not, raise error for factory.
-    """
-    if component.queryUtility(IPermission,
-                              name=permission) is None:
-       raise GrokError('Undefined permission %r in %r. Use '
-                       'grok.Permission first.'
-                       % (permission, factory), factory)
-def url(request, obj, name=None, data={}):
-    url = component.getMultiAdapter((obj, request), IAbsoluteURL)()
-    if name is not None:
-        url += '/' + urllib.quote(name.encode('utf-8'), SAFE_URL_CHARACTERS)
-    if data:
-        for k,v in data.items():
-            if isinstance(v, unicode):
-                data[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
-            if isinstance(v, (list, set, tuple)):
-                data[k] = [isinstance(item, unicode) and item.encode('utf-8')
-                or item for item in v]
-        url += '?' + urllib.urlencode(data, doseq=True)
-    return url
-def safely_locate_maybe(obj, parent, name):
-    """Set an object's __parent__ (and __name__) if the object's
-    __parent__ attribute doesn't exist yet or is None.
-    If the object provides ILocation, __parent__ and __name__ will be
-    set directly.  A location proxy will be returned otherwise.
-    """
-    if getattr(obj, '__parent__', None) is not None:
-        return obj
-    # This either sets __parent__ or wraps 'obj' in a LocationProxy
-    return zope.location.location.located(obj, parent, name)
-def applySkin(request, skin, skin_type):
-    """Change the presentation skin for this request.
-    """
-    # Remove all existing skin declarations (commonly the default skin).
-    ifaces = [iface for iface in interface.directlyProvidedBy(request)
-              if not skin_type.providedBy(iface)]
-    # Add the new skin.
-    ifaces.append(skin)
-    interface.directlyProvides(request, *ifaces)
-def _sort_key(component):
-    # If components have a grok.order directive, sort by that.
-    explicit_order, implicit_order = grok.order.bind().get(component)
-    return (explicit_order,
-            component.__module__,
-            implicit_order,
-            component.__class__.__name__)
-def sort_components(components):
-    return sorted(components, key=_sort_key)

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