[Checkins] SVN: z3c.saconfig/trunk/s Make engine lookup work, make local engines work.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Thu Jun 19 17:47:01 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 87571:
  Make engine lookup work, make local engines work.

  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/setup.py
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/README.txt
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/__init__.py
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/interfaces.py
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/scopedsession.py
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/tests.py
  U   z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/utility.py

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/setup.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/setup.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/setup.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+          'zope.hookable',
       # -*- Entry points: -*-

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/README.txt
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/README.txt	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/README.txt	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 The simplest way to set up SQLAlchemy for Zope is to have a single
 thread-scoped session that's global to your entire Zope
 instance. Multiple applications will all share this session. The
-engine is set up globally, in code.
+engine is set up with a global utility.
 We use the SQLAlchemy ``sqlalchemy.ext.declarative`` extension to
 define some tables and classes::
@@ -36,18 +36,41 @@
   ...     email = Column('email', String(50))
   ...     user_id = Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('test_users.id'))
-We now set up an engine globally with our test DSN::
+So far this doesn't differ from the ``zope.sqlalchemy`` example. We
+now arrive at the first difference. Instead of making the engine
+directly, we can set up the engine factory as a (global) utility. This
+utility makes sure an engine is created and cached for us.
-  >>> engine = create_engine(TEST_DSN, convert_unicode=True)
+  >>> from z3c.saconfig import EngineFactory
+  >>> engine_factory = EngineFactory(TEST_DSN)
-And we create the tables in our test database::
+You can pass the parameters you'd normally pass to
+``sqlalchemy.create_engine`` to ``EngineFactory``. Note that
+``z3c.saconfig`` assumes ``convert_unicode`` to be ``True`` by
+We now register the engine factory as a global utility using
+``zope.component``. Normally you'd use either ZCML or Grok to do this
+confirmation, but we'll do it manually here::::
+  >>> from zope import component
+  >>> from z3c.saconfig.interfaces import IEngineFactory
+  >>> component.provideUtility(engine_factory, provides=IEngineFactory)
+Note that setting up an engine factory is not actually necessary in
+the globally scoped use case. You could also just create the engine as
+a global and pass it as ``bind`` when you create the
+``GloballyScopedSession`` later.
+Let's look up the engine by calling the factory and create the tables
+in our test database::
+  >>> engine = engine_factory()
   >>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
-So far this example doesn't differ any from the way
-``zope.sqlalchemy`` operates. The difference is in how we set up the
-session and use it. We'll use the ``GloballyScopedSession`` utility
-to implement our session creation::
+Now as for the second difference from ``zope.sqlalchemy``: how the
+session is set up and used. We'll use the ``GloballyScopedSession``
+utility to implement our session creation::
   >>> from z3c.saconfig import GloballyScopedSession
@@ -55,24 +78,24 @@
 you'd normally give to ``sqlalchemy.orm.create_session``, or
-  >>> utility = GloballyScopedSession(
-  ...   bind=engine, 
-  ...   twophase=TEST_TWOPHASE)
+  >>> utility = GloballyScopedSession(twophase=TEST_TWOPHASE)
-``GloballyScopedSession`` automatically sets up the ``autocommit``,
-``autoflush`` and ``extension`` parameters to be the right ones for
-Zope integration, so normally you wouldn't need to supply these, but
-you could pass in your own if you do need it.
+``GlobalScopedSession`` looks up the engine using ``IEngineFactory``
+if you don't supply your own ``bind``
+argument. ``GloballyScopedSession`` also automatically sets up the
+``autocommit``, ``autoflush`` and ``extension`` parameters to be the
+right ones for Zope integration, so normally you wouldn't need to
+supply these, but you could pass in your own if you do need it.
-We now register this as an ``IScopedSession`` utility with
-``zope.component``. Normally you'd use either ZCML or Grok to do this
-confirmation, but we'll do it manually here::
+We now register this as an ``IScopedSession`` utility::
-  >>> from zope import component
   >>> from z3c.saconfig.interfaces import IScopedSession
   >>> component.provideUtility(utility, provides=IScopedSession)
-We can now use the ``Session`` object create a session which
+We are done with configuration now. As you have seen it involves
+setting up two utilities, ``IEngineFactory`` and ``IScopedSession``,
+where only the latter is really needed in this globally shared session
+use case. We can now use the ``Session`` object create a session which
 will behave according to the utility we provided::
   >>> from z3c.saconfig import Session
@@ -94,6 +117,132 @@
   >>> bob.addresses
+In the example above we have set up SQLAlchemy with Zope using
+utilities, but it did not gain us very much, except that you can just
+use ``z3c.saconfig.Session`` to get the correct session.
+Now we'll see how we can set up different engines per site by
+registering the engine factory as a local utility for each one.
+In order to make this work, we'll set up ``SiteScopedSession`` instead
+of ``GloballyScopedSession``. We need to subclass
+``SiteScopedSession`` first because we need to implement its
+``siteScopeFunc`` method, which should return a unique ID per site
+(such as a path retrieved by ``zope.traversing.api.getPath``). We need
+to implement it here, as ``z3c.saconfig`` leaves this policy up to the
+application or a higher-level framework::
+  >>> from z3c.saconfig import SiteScopedSession
+  >>> class OurSiteScopedSession(SiteScopedSession):
+  ...   def siteScopeFunc(self):
+  ...      return getSite().id # the dummy site has a unique id
+  >>> utility = OurSiteScopedSession()
+  >>> component.provideUtility(utility, provides=IScopedSession)
+We want to register two engine factories, each in a different site::
+  >>> engine_factory1 = EngineFactory(TEST_DSN1)
+  >>> engine_factory2 = EngineFactory(TEST_DSN2)
+We need to set up the database in both new engines::
+  >>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine_factory1())
+  >>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine_factory2())
+Let's now create two sites, each of which will be connected to another
+  >>> site1 = DummySite(id=1)
+  >>> site2 = DummySite(id=2)
+We set the local engine factories for each site:
+  >>> sm1 = site1.getSiteManager()
+  >>> sm1.registerUtility(engine_factory1, provided=IEngineFactory)
+  >>> sm2 = site2.getSiteManager()
+  >>> sm2.registerUtility(engine_factory2, provided=IEngineFactory)
+Just so we don't accidentally get it, we'll disable our global engine factory::
+  >>> component.provideUtility(None, provides=IEngineFactory)
+When we set the site to ``site1``, a lookup of ``IEngineFactory`` gets
+us engine factory 1::
+  >>> setSite(site1)
+  >>> component.getUtility(IEngineFactory) is engine_factory1
+  True
+And when we set it to ``site2``, we'll get engine factory 2::
+  >>> setSite(site2)
+  >>> component.getUtility(IEngineFactory) is engine_factory2
+  True
+We can look up our global utility even if we're in a site::
+  >>> component.getUtility(IScopedSession) is utility
+  True
+Phew. That was a lot of set up, but basically this is actually just
+straightforward utility setup code; you should use the APIs or Grok's
+``grok.local_utility`` directive to set up local utilities. Now all
+that is out of the way, we can create a session for ``site1``::
+  >>> setSite(site1)
+  >>> session = Session()
+The database is still empty::
+  >>> session.query(User).all() 
+  []
+We'll add something to this database now::
+  >>> session.save(User(name='bob'))
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+``bob`` is now there::
+  >>> session = Session()
+  >>> session.query(User).all()[0].name
+  u'bob'
+Now we'll switch to ``site2``::
+  >>> setSite(site2)
+If we create a new session now, we should now be working with a
+different database, which should still be empty::
+  >>> session = Session()
+  >>> session.query(User).all() 
+  []
+We'll add ``fred`` to this database::
+  >>> session.save(User(name='fred'))
+  >>> transaction.commit()
+Now ``fred`` is indeed there::
+  >>> session = Session()
+  >>> session.query(User).all()[0].name
+  u'fred'
+And ``bob`` is still in ``site1``::
+  >>> setSite(site1)
+  >>> session = Session()
+  >>> users = session.query(User).all()
+  >>> len(users)
+  1
+  >>> users[0].name
+  u'bob'
 Running the tests

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/__init__.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/__init__.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/__init__.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 from z3c.saconfig.scopedsession import Session
-from z3c.saconfig.utility import GloballyScopedSession
+from z3c.saconfig.utility import (
+    GloballyScopedSession, SiteScopedSession, EngineFactory)

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/interfaces.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/interfaces.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/interfaces.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
     to transparently use a different engine and session configuration per
-    def session_factory():
+    def sessionFactory():
         """Create a SQLAlchemy session.
         Typically you'd use sqlalchemy.orm.create_session to create
         the session here.
-    def scopefunc():
+    def scopeFunc():
         """Determine the scope of the session.
         This can be used to scope the session per thread, per Zope 3 site,
@@ -23,4 +23,48 @@
         like a thread id, or a tuple with thread id and application id.
+class ISiteScopedSession(IScopedSession):
+    """A utility that makes sessions be scoped by site.
+    """
+    def siteScopeFunc():
+        """Returns a unique id per site.
+        """
+class IEngineFactory(Interface):
+    """A utility that represents an SQLAlchemy engine.
+    If the engine isn't created yet, it will create it. Otherwise the
+    engine will be cached.
+    When an engine property is changed, the engine will be recreated
+    dynamically.
+    """
+    def __call__():
+        """Get the engine.
+        This creates the engine if this factory was not used before,
+        otherwise returns a cached version.
+        """
+    def configuration():
+        """Returns the engine configuration in the form of an args, kw tuple.
+        Return the parameters used to create an engine as a tuple with
+        an args list and a kw dictionary.
+        """
+    def reset():
+        """Reset the cached engine (if any).
+        This causes the engine to be recreated on next use.
+        """
+    def getCached():
+        """Return the cached engine.
+        """
+    def cache(engine):
+        """Cache the engine.
+        """

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/scopedsession.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/scopedsession.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/scopedsession.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     It delegates to a IScopedSession utility.
     utility = component.getUtility(IScopedSession)
-    return utility.session_factory()
+    return utility.sessionFactory()
 def scopefunc():
     """This is used by scoped session to distinguish between sessions.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     It delegates to a IScopedSession utility.
     utility = component.getUtility(IScopedSession)
-    return utility.scopefunc()
+    return utility.scopeFunc()
 # this is framework central configuration. Use a IScopedSession utility
 # to define behavior.

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/tests.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/tests.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/tests.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 # export TEST_DSN=postgres://plone:plone@localhost/test
 # export TEST_DSN=mssql://plone:plone@/test?dsn=mydsn
+# Since the test exercise what happens with two different DSNs
+# locally, you need to also set up a different TEST_DSN2.
 # To test in twophase commit mode export TEST_TWOPHASE=True 
 # NOTE: The sqlite that ships with Mac OS X 10.4 is buggy.
@@ -15,10 +18,22 @@
 import os
 from zope.testing import cleanup
+from zope.testing.cleanup import addCleanUp
+from zope import component
+from zope.component import registry
 TEST_TWOPHASE = bool(os.environ.get('TEST_TWOPHASE'))
 TEST_DSN = os.environ.get('TEST_DSN', 'sqlite:///:memory:')
+# this can reuse TEST_DSN1 in the default case, as we can open another
+# in-memory database. You can't do this for other databases however.
+TEST_DSN2 = os.environ.get('TEST_DSN', TEST_DSN1)
+def setUpReadMe(test):
+    # set up special local component architecture
+    setHooks()
 def tearDownReadMe(test):
     # clean up Zope
@@ -28,13 +43,71 @@
     engine = test.globs['engine']
+# a very simple implementation of setSite and getSite so we don't have
+# to rely on zope.app.component just for our tests
+_site = None
+class DummySite(object):
+    def __init__(self, id):
+        self.id = id
+        self._sm = SiteManager()
+    def getSiteManager(self):
+        return self._sm
+class SiteManager(registry.Components):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(SiteManager, self).__init__()
+        self.__bases__ = (component.getGlobalSiteManager(),)
+def setSite(site=None):
+    global _site
+    _site = site
+def getSite():
+    return _site
+def adapter_hook(interface, object, name='', default=None):
+    try:
+        return getSiteManager().adapters.adapter_hook(
+            interface, object, name, default)
+    except component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError:
+        return default
+def getSiteManager(context=None):
+    if _site is not None:
+        return _site.getSiteManager()
+    return component.getGlobalSiteManager()
+def setHooks():
+    component.adapter_hook.sethook(adapter_hook)
+    component.getSiteManager.sethook(getSiteManager)
+def resetHooks():
+    component.adapter_hook.reset()
+    component.getSiteManager.reset()
+# make sure hooks get cleaned up after tests are run
 def test_suite():
     optionflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS
+    globs = {
+        'DummySite': DummySite,
+        'setSite': setSite,
+        'getSite': getSite,
+        'TEST_DSN': TEST_DSN,
+        'TEST_DSN1': TEST_DSN1,
+        'TEST_DSN2': TEST_DSN2,
+        }
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+        setUp=setUpReadMe,
+        globs=globs))
     return suite

Modified: z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/utility.py
--- z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/utility.py	2008-06-19 21:43:38 UTC (rev 87570)
+++ z3c.saconfig/trunk/src/z3c/saconfig/utility.py	2008-06-19 21:46:45 UTC (rev 87571)
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 import thread
+import sqlalchemy
 from zope.interface import implements
-import sqlalchemy
+from zope import component
 from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension
-from z3c.saconfig.interfaces import IScopedSession
+from z3c.saconfig.interfaces import (IScopedSession, ISiteScopedSession,
+                                     IEngineFactory)
 class GloballyScopedSession(object):
     """A globally scoped session.
@@ -36,16 +39,112 @@
         Normally you wouldn't pass these in, but if you have the need
         to override them, you could.
-        if 'autocommit' not in kw:
-            kw['autocommit'] = False
-        if 'autoflush' not in kw:
-            kw['autoflush'] = True
-        if 'extension' not in kw:
-            kw['extension'] = ZopeTransactionExtension()
-        self.kw = kw
+        self.kw = _zope_session_defaults(kw)
-    def session_factory(self):
-        return sqlalchemy.orm.create_session(**self.kw)
+    def sessionFactory(self):
+        kw = self.kw.copy()
+        if 'bind' not in kw:
+            # look up the engine  using IEngineFactory if needed
+            engine_factory = component.getUtility(IEngineFactory)
+            kw['bind'] = engine_factory()
+        return sqlalchemy.orm.create_session(**kw)
-    def scopefunc(self):
+    def scopeFunc(self):
         return thread.get_ident()
+def _zope_session_defaults(kw):
+    """Adjust keyword parameters with proper defaults for Zope.
+    """
+    kw = kw.copy()
+    if 'autocommit' not in kw:
+        kw['autocommit'] = False
+    if 'autoflush' not in kw:
+        kw['autoflush'] = True
+    if 'extension' not in kw:
+        kw['extension'] = ZopeTransactionExtension()
+    return kw
+class SiteScopedSession(object):
+    """A session that is scoped per site.
+    Even though this makes the sessions scoped per site,
+    the utility can be registered globally to make this work.
+    Creation arguments as for GloballyScopedSession, except that no ``bind``
+    parameter should be passed. This means it is possible to create
+    a SiteScopedSession utility without passing parameters to its constructor.
+    """
+    implements(ISiteScopedSession)
+    def __init__(self, **kw):
+        assert 'bind' not in kw
+        self.kw = _zope_session_defaults(kw)
+    def sessionFactory(self):
+        engine_factory = component.getUtility(IEngineFactory)
+        kw = self.kw.copy()
+        kw['bind'] = engine_factory()
+        return sqlalchemy.orm.create_session(**kw)
+    def scopeFunc(self):
+        return (thread.get_ident(), self.siteScopeFunc())
+    def siteScopeFunc(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class EngineFactory(object):
+    """An engine factory.
+    If you need engine connection parameters to be different per site,
+    EngineFactory should be registered as a local utility in that
+    site.
+    convert_unicode is True by default.
+    If you want this utility to be persistent, you should subclass it
+    and mixin Persistent. You could then manage the parameters
+    differently than is done in this __init__, for instance as
+    attributes, which is nicer if you are using Persistent (or Zope 3
+    schema). In this case you need to override the configuration method.
+    """
+    implements(IEngineFactory)
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+        if 'convert_unicode' not in kw:
+            kw['convert_unicode'] = True
+        self._args = args
+        self._kw = kw
+    def __call__(self):
+        engine = self.getCached()
+        if engine is not None:
+            return engine
+        # no engine yet, so create a new one
+        args, kw = self.configuration()
+        engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(*args, **kw)
+        self.cache(engine)
+        return engine
+    def configuration(self):
+        """Returns engine parameters.
+        This can be overridden in a subclass to retrieve the parameters
+        from some other place.
+        """
+        return self._args, self._kw
+    def reset(self):
+        engine = self.getCached()
+        if engine is None:
+            return
+        # XXX is disposing the right thing to do?
+        engine.dispose()
+        self.cache(None)
+    # XXX what happens if EngineFactory were to be evicted from the ZODB
+    # cache?
+    def getCached(self):
+        return getattr(self, '_v_engine', None)
+    def cache(self, engine):
+        self._v_engine = engine

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