[Checkins] SVN: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/ Added the browser module.

Martin Lundwall martin at webworks.se
Thu Jun 26 05:13:41 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 87787:
  Added the browser module.

  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/__init__.py
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/adapter.pt
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/configure.zcml
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/handler.pt
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspector.py
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorbrowse_view.pt
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorview.pt
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.css
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.js
  A   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/utils.pt
  U   zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/configure.zcml

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/__init__.py

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/adapter.pt
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/adapter.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/adapter.pt	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<html i18n:domain="zope">
+<h3>Adapter: <span tal:content="context/name" /></h3>
+	<div class="indent" tal:define="factory view/getFactory">
+		<h4>Factory</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="factory">
+			<li>
+				<div tal:content="factory" />
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+		<div tal:condition="not:factory">
+			No factory found
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="indent"
+		tal:define="provided view/getProvidedInterface">
+		<h4>Provided Interface</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="provided">
+			<li>
+				<div tal:content="provided" />
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+		<div tal:condition="not:provided">
+			No interface found
+		</div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="indent"
+		tal:define="required view/getRequiredInterfaces">
+		<h4>Required Interfaces</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="required">
+			<li tal:repeat="iface required">
+				<a tal:attributes="href string:/@@registry.html/${iface}/@@introspector.html"
+				   tal:content="iface">
+				   zope.interface.Interface
+				   </a>
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/configure.zcml
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/configure.zcml	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/configure.zcml	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+		   xmlns:browser="http://namespaces.zope.org/browser"
+           i18n_domain="zope.introspector">
+ <browser:page
+ 	for="*"
+ 	name="registry.html"
+ 	template="introspectorview.pt"
+ 	permission="zope.app.apidoc.UseAPIDoc"
+ 	class=".introspector.Introspector"
+ 	menu="zmi_views" title="Registry Introspector"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:page
+ 	for="*"
+ 	name="registry_browser.html"
+ 	template="introspectorbrowse_view.pt"
+ 	permission="zope.app.apidoc.UseAPIDoc"
+ 	class=".introspector.Introspector"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:page
+ 	for="zope.component.interfaces.IAdapterRegistration"
+ 	name="registration.html"
+ 	template="adapter.pt"
+ 	permission="zope.app.apidoc.UseAPIDoc"
+ 	class=".introspector.RegistrationView"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:page
+ 	for="zope.component.interfaces.IHandlerRegistration"
+ 	name="registration.html"
+ 	template="handler.pt"
+ 	permission="zope.app.apidoc.UseAPIDoc"
+ 	class=".introspector.RegistrationView"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:page
+ 	for="zope.component.interfaces.IUtilityRegistration"
+ 	name="registration.html"
+ 	template="utils.pt"
+ 	permission="zope.app.apidoc.UseAPIDoc"
+ 	class=".introspector.RegistrationView"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:resource
+ 	name="mktree.js"
+ 	file="mktree.js"
+ 	/>
+ <browser:resource
+ 	name="mktree.css"
+ 	file="mktree.css"
+ 	/> 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/handler.pt
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/handler.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/handler.pt	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<html i18n:domain="zope">
+<h3>Handler: <span tal:content="view/getName" /></h3>
+	<div class="indent" tal:define="factory view/getFactory">
+		<h4>Factory</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="factory">
+			<li>
+				<div tal:content="factory" />
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+		<div tal:condition="not:factory">
+			No factory found
+		</div>
+	</div>
+<!--	<div class="indent"-->
+<!--		tal:define="provided view/getProvidedInterface">-->
+<!--		<h4>Provided Interface</h4>-->
+<!--		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="provided">-->
+<!--			<li>-->
+<!--				<div tal:content="provided" />-->
+<!--			</li>-->
+<!--		</ul>-->
+<!--		<div tal:condition="not:provided">-->
+<!--			No interface found-->
+<!--		</div>-->
+<!--	</div>-->
+	<div class="indent"
+		tal:define="required view/getRequiredInterfaces">
+		<h4>Required Interfaces</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="required">
+			<li tal:repeat="iface required">
+				<a tal:attributes="href string:/@@registry.html/${iface}/@@introspector.html"
+				   tal:content="iface">
+				   zope.interface.Interface
+				   </a>
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspector.py
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspector.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspector.py	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserView
+from zope.app.zapi import getUtility
+from zope.dottedname import resolve
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable
+from zope.traversing.adapters import DefaultTraversable
+from zope.component import adapts
+from zope.introspector.interfaces import IRegistryInfo 
+class RegistrationView(BrowserView):        
+    """
+    """
+    def _expandPath(self, obj):
+        module = getattr(obj, '__module__')
+        name = getattr(obj, '__name__')
+        if module:
+            name = '%s.%s' % (module,name)
+        return name
+    def getFactory(self):
+        return getattr(self.context.factory, '__name__', '')
+    def getProvidedInterface(self):
+        return self._expandPath(self.context.provided)
+    def getName(self):
+        return self.context.name.split('.')[-1]
+    def getRequiredInterfaces(self):
+        return [self._expandPath(x) for x in self.context.required]
+class Introspector(BrowserView):
+    def getAll(self):
+        return getUtility(IRegistryInfo).getAllInterfaces()
+    def getUtilities(self):
+        return getUtility(IRegistryInfo).getAllUtilities()
+    def getAdapters(self):
+        return getUtility(IRegistryInfo).getAllAdapters()
+    def getHandlers(self):
+        return getUtility(IRegistryInfo).getAllHandlers()
+    def searchRegistry(self):
+        form = self.request.form
+        search = form.get('searchQuery')
+        if not search:
+            return
+        types = []
+        if form.get('adapters'):
+            types.append('adapters')
+        if form.get('utilities'):
+            types.append('utilities')
+        if form.get('handlers'):
+            types.append('handlers')
+        if form.get('subscriptionAdapters'):
+            types.append('subscriptionAdapters')
+        registry = getUtility(IRegistryInfo)
+        return registry.getRegistrationsForInterface(search, types)
+    def generateHTMLTree(self):
+        return '<ul class="mktree" id="treeBrowse">' + self._generator(self.getAll()) + '</ul>'
+    def _generator(self, tree):
+        page = ""
+        tags = {}
+        tags['base_start'] = '<ul>'
+        tags['base_end'] = '</ul>'
+        tags['list_start'] = '<li>'
+        tags['list_end'] = '</li>'
+        if not isinstance(tree, dict):
+            return tree
+        for key in tree.keys():
+            returned = self._generator(tree[key]) 
+            if isinstance(returned, str):
+                # we are still in the dictionary
+                page = page + tags['list_start'] + key
+                page = page + tags['base_start']
+                page = page + returned 
+                page = page + tags['base_end']
+                page = page + tags['list_end']
+            else:
+                # we are at a end node, leaf
+                page = page + tags['list_start'] + key
+                page = page + '<ul class="interfaceList">'
+                if isinstance(returned, list):
+                    for interface in returned:
+                        page = page + tags['list_start'] + str(interface) + tags['list_end']
+                        #page = page + tags['list_start'] + self.traverse(interface, '@@registration.html')() + tags['list_end']
+                page = page + '</ul>'
+                page = page + tags['list_end']
+        return page
+    def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
+        from zope.publisher.interfaces import NotFound
+        try:
+            return super(Introspector, self).publishTraverse(request, name)
+        except NotFound:
+            obj = resolve.resolve(name)
+            from zope.location.location import LocationProxy
+            return LocationProxy(obj, container=self, name=name)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorbrowse_view.pt
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorbrowse_view.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorbrowse_view.pt	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<html metal:use-macro="context/@@standard_macros/view"
+    i18n:domain="zope">
+<div metal:fill-slot="style_slot">
+    <script type="text/javascript" 
+    		src="mktree.js"
+    		tal:attributes="src string:${context/++resource++mktree.js}"
+    		>
+    </script>
+	<style type="text/css"
+           tal:content="string:@import url(${context/++resource++mktree.css});">
+      @import url(mktree.css);
+    </style>
+    </div>
+<div metal:fill-slot="body">
+  <h1 i18n:translate="">
+    Registry Browser:
+  </h1>
+	<div class="indent"
+       tal:content="structure view/generateHTMLTree">
+<!--    <ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="results">-->
+<!--      <li tal:repeat="result results">-->
+<!--        <span tal:content="result" />-->
+<!--      </li>-->
+<!--    </ul>-->
+  </div>

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorview.pt
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorview.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/introspectorview.pt	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<html metal:use-macro="context/@@standard_macros/view"
+    i18n:domain="zope">
+<div metal:fill-slot="body">
+  <h1 i18n:translate="">
+    Registry Introspector: <a tal:attributes="href string:${context/@@absolute_url}/@@registry_browser.html">Browse</a>
+  </h1>
+<!-- <h2 i18n:translate=""-->
+<!-- tal:define="utils view/getUtilities">-->
+<!-- 	Registered Utilities:-->
+<!-- 	<span tal:content="python:len(utils)">-->
+<!-- 	</span>-->
+<!-- </h2>-->
+  <form action="request/URL"
+     tal:attributes="action request/URL"
+     method="post"
+     >
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="label" i18n:translate="">Search Registry</div>
+      <div class="field">
+        <input type="text" 
+        	   name="searchQuery" 
+        	   size="50"
+        	   tal:attributes="value request/searchQuery | nothing"
+        	   />
+      </div>
+      <div class="field">
+      	Adapters
+	      	<input type="checkbox" 
+	      		   name="adapters"
+	      		   tal:attributes="checked request/adapters | nothing"
+	      		   />
+      	Utilities
+	      	<input type="checkbox" 
+	      		   name="utilities"
+	      		   tal:attributes="checked request/utilities | nothing"
+	      		   />
+      	Handlers
+	      	<input type="checkbox" 
+	      		   name="handlers"
+	      		   tal:attributes="checked request/handlers | nothing"
+	      		   />
+      	Subscription Adapters
+	      	<input type="checkbox" 
+	      		   name="subscriptionAdapters"
+	      		   tal:attributes="checked request/subscriptionAdapters | nothing"
+	      		   />
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="controls">
+        <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search"/>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </form>
+	<div class="indent"
+       tal:define="results view/searchRegistry">
+    <ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="results">
+      <li tal:repeat="result results">
+        <span tal:content="structure result/@@registration.html" />
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </div>

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.css
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.css	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.css	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* Put this inside a @media qualifier so Netscape 4 ignores it */
+ at media screen, print { 
+	/* Turn off list bullets */
+	ul.mktree  li { list-style: none; } 
+	/* Control how "spaced out" the tree is */
+	ul.mktree, ul.mktree ul , ul.mktree li { margin-left:10px; padding:0px; }
+	/* Provide space for our own "bullet" inside the LI */
+	ul.mktree  li           .bullet { padding-left: 15px; }
+	/* Show "bullets" in the links, depending on the class of the LI that the link's in */
+	ul.mktree  li.liOpen    .bullet { cursor: pointer; background: url(minus.gif)  center left no-repeat; }
+	ul.mktree  li.liClosed  .bullet { cursor: pointer; background: url(plus.gif)   center left no-repeat; }
+	ul.mktree  li.liBullet  .bullet { cursor: default; background: url(item.gif) center left no-repeat; }
+	/* Sublists are visible or not based on class of parent LI */
+	ul.mktree  li.liOpen    ul { display: block; }
+	ul.mktree  li.liClosed  ul { display: none; }
+	/* Format menu items differently depending on what level of the tree they are in */
+	/* Uncomment this if you want your fonts to decrease in size the deeper they are in the tree */
+	ul.mktree  li ul li { font-size: 90% }

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.js
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/mktree.js	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Copyright (c)2005-2007 Matt Kruse (javascripttoolbox.com)
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. 
+ * This basically means you can use this code however you want for
+ * free, but don't claim to have written it yourself!
+ * Donations always accepted: http://www.JavascriptToolbox.com/donate/
+ * 
+ * Please do not link to the .js files on javascripttoolbox.com from
+ * your site. Copy the files locally to your server instead.
+ * 
+ */
+This code is inspired by and extended from Stuart Langridge's aqlist code:
+		http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/aqlists/
+		Stuart Langridge, November 2002
+		sil at kryogenix.org
+		Inspired by Aaron's labels.js (http://youngpup.net/demos/labels/) 
+		and Dave Lindquist's menuDropDown.js (http://www.gazingus.org/dhtml/?id=109)
+// Automatically attach a listener to the window onload, to convert the trees
+// Utility function to add an event listener
+function addEvent(o,e,f){
+	if (o.addEventListener){ o.addEventListener(e,f,false); return true; }
+	else if (o.attachEvent){ return o.attachEvent("on"+e,f); }
+	else { return false; }
+// utility function to set a global variable if it is not already set
+function setDefault(name,val) {
+	if (typeof(window[name])=="undefined" || window[name]==null) {
+		window[name]=val;
+	}
+// Full expands a tree with a given ID
+function expandTree(treeId) {
+	var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
+	if (ul == null) { return false; }
+	expandCollapseList(ul,nodeOpenClass);
+// Fully collapses a tree with a given ID
+function collapseTree(treeId) {
+	var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
+	if (ul == null) { return false; }
+	expandCollapseList(ul,nodeClosedClass);
+// Expands enough nodes to expose an LI with a given ID
+function expandToItem(treeId,itemId) {
+	var ul = document.getElementById(treeId);
+	if (ul == null) { return false; }
+	var ret = expandCollapseList(ul,nodeOpenClass,itemId);
+	if (ret) {
+		var o = document.getElementById(itemId);
+		if (o.scrollIntoView) {
+			o.scrollIntoView(false);
+		}
+	}
+// Performs 3 functions:
+// a) Expand all nodes
+// b) Collapse all nodes
+// c) Expand all nodes to reach a certain ID
+function expandCollapseList(ul,cName,itemId) {
+	if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return false; }
+	// Iterate LIs
+	for (var itemi=0;itemi<ul.childNodes.length;itemi++) {
+		var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
+		if (itemId!=null && item.id==itemId) { return true; }
+		if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
+			// Iterate things in this LI
+			var subLists = false;
+			for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<item.childNodes.length;sitemi++) {
+				var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
+				if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
+					subLists = true;
+					var ret = expandCollapseList(sitem,cName,itemId);
+					if (itemId!=null && ret) {
+						item.className=cName;
+						return true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (subLists && itemId==null) {
+				item.className = cName;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Search the document for UL elements with the correct CLASS name, then process them
+function convertTrees() {
+	setDefault("treeClass","mktree");
+	setDefault("nodeClosedClass","liClosed");
+	setDefault("nodeOpenClass","liOpen");
+	setDefault("nodeBulletClass","liBullet");
+	setDefault("nodeLinkClass","bullet");
+	setDefault("preProcessTrees",true);
+	if (preProcessTrees) {
+		if (!document.createElement) { return; } // Without createElement, we can't do anything
+		var uls = document.getElementsByTagName("ul");
+		if (uls==null) { return; }
+		var uls_length = uls.length;
+		for (var uli=0;uli<uls_length;uli++) {
+			var ul=uls[uli];
+			if (ul.nodeName=="UL" && ul.className==treeClass) {
+				processList(ul);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+function treeNodeOnclick() {
+	this.parentNode.className = (this.parentNode.className==nodeOpenClass) ? nodeClosedClass : nodeOpenClass;
+	return false;
+function retFalse() {
+	return false;
+// Process a UL tag and all its children, to convert to a tree
+function processList(ul) {
+	if (!ul.childNodes || ul.childNodes.length==0) { return; }
+	// Iterate LIs
+	var childNodesLength = ul.childNodes.length;
+	for (var itemi=0;itemi<childNodesLength;itemi++) {
+		var item = ul.childNodes[itemi];
+		if (item.nodeName == "LI") {
+			// Iterate things in this LI
+			var subLists = false;
+			var itemChildNodesLength = item.childNodes.length;
+			for (var sitemi=0;sitemi<itemChildNodesLength;sitemi++) {
+				var sitem = item.childNodes[sitemi];
+				if (sitem.nodeName=="UL") {
+					subLists = true;
+					processList(sitem);
+				}
+			}
+			var s= document.createElement("SPAN");
+			var t= '\u00A0'; // &nbsp;
+			s.className = nodeLinkClass;
+			if (subLists) {
+				// This LI has UL's in it, so it's a +/- node
+				if (item.className==null || item.className=="") {
+					item.className = nodeClosedClass;
+				}
+				// If it's just text, make the text work as the link also
+				if (item.firstChild.nodeName=="#text") {
+					t = t+item.firstChild.nodeValue;
+					item.removeChild(item.firstChild);
+				}
+				s.onclick = treeNodeOnclick;
+			}
+			else {
+				// No sublists, so it's just a bullet node
+				item.className = nodeBulletClass;
+				s.onclick = retFalse;
+			}
+			s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t));
+			item.insertBefore(s,item.firstChild);
+		}
+	}

Added: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/utils.pt
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/utils.pt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/browser/utils.pt	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<html i18n:domain="zope">
+<h3>Utility: <span tal:content="view/getName" /></h3>
+	<div class="ident">
+	<h4>Component</h4>
+	<div tal:content="context/name" />
+	<div tal:condition="not: context/name">
+		Unnamed Utility
+	</div> 
+	</div>
+	<div class="indent"
+		tal:define="provided view/getProvidedInterface">
+		<h4>Provided Interface</h4>
+		<ul class="attr-list" tal:condition="provided">
+			<li>
+				<a tal:attributes="href string:/@@registry.html/${provided}/@@introspector.html"
+				   tal:content="provided">
+				   zope.interface.Interface
+				   </a>
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+		<div tal:condition="not:provided">
+			No interface found
+		</div>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/configure.zcml
--- zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/configure.zcml	2008-06-26 08:42:53 UTC (rev 87786)
+++ zope.introspector/trunk/src/zope/introspector/configure.zcml	2008-06-26 09:13:40 UTC (rev 87787)
@@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
   <include package="grokcore.component" file="meta.zcml" />
   <grok:grok package="." />
+  <include package=".browser" />

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