[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.component/trunk/ Successfully reduced the dependencies of "grokcore.component" to

Brandon Rhodes brandon at rhodesmill.org
Tue Mar 18 15:56:14 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 84759:
  Successfully reduced the dependencies of "grokcore.component" to
  "zope.component", "zope.configuration", and "zope.interface".

  U   grokcore.component/trunk/setup.py
  U   grokcore.component/trunk/src/grokcore/component/interfaces.py
  U   grokcore.component/trunk/versions.cfg

Modified: grokcore.component/trunk/setup.py
--- grokcore.component/trunk/setup.py	2008-03-18 19:05:49 UTC (rev 84758)
+++ grokcore.component/trunk/setup.py	2008-03-18 19:56:13 UTC (rev 84759)
@@ -36,50 +36,8 @@
                       'martian >= 0.9.3',
-                      'simplejson',
-                      'pytz',
-                      'ZODB3',
-                      'zope.annotation',
-                      'zope.app.apidoc',
-                      'zope.app.applicationcontrol',
-                      'zope.app.appsetup',
-                      'zope.app.authentication',
-                      'zope.app.catalog',
-                      'zope.app.component',
-                      'zope.app.container',
-                      'zope.app.folder',
-                      'zope.app.intid',
-                      'zope.app.keyreference',
-                      'zope.app.pagetemplate',
-                      'zope.app.publication',
-                      'zope.app.publisher',
-                      'zope.app.renderer',
-                      'zope.app.security',
-                      'zope.app.testing',
-                      'zope.app.twisted',
-                      'zope.app.zcmlfiles',
-                      'zope.dottedname',
-                      'zope.deprecation',
-                      'zope.event',
-                      'zope.formlib',
-                      'zope.hookable',
-                      'zope.i18nmessageid',
-                      'zope.lifecycleevent',
-                      'zope.pagetemplate',
-                      'zope.proxy',
-                      'zope.publisher',
-                      'zope.schema',
-                      'zope.security',
-                      'zope.securitypolicy',
-                      'zope.testing',
-                      'zope.traversing',
-                      'zope.testbrowser',
-                      'zope.viewlet',
-                      'zc.catalog',
-                      'z3c.flashmessage',
-                      'z3c.autoinclude',

Modified: grokcore.component/trunk/src/grokcore/component/interfaces.py
--- grokcore.component/trunk/src/grokcore/component/interfaces.py	2008-03-18 19:05:49 UTC (rev 84758)
+++ grokcore.component/trunk/src/grokcore/component/interfaces.py	2008-03-18 19:56:13 UTC (rev 84759)
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
 """Grok interfaces
-from zope import interface, schema
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserPage, IBrowserView
-from zope.formlib.interfaces import reConstraint
+from zope import interface
 from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
 class IGrokBaseClasses(interface.Interface):
@@ -276,166 +274,6 @@
     IRESTSkinType = interface.Attribute('The REST skin type')
-class IGrokView(IBrowserPage, IBrowserView):
-    """Grok views all provide this interface."""
-    context = interface.Attribute('context', "Object that the view presents.")
-    request = interface.Attribute('request', "Request that the view was looked"
-                                  "up with.")
-    response = interface.Attribute('response', "Response object that is "
-                                   "associated with the current request.")
-    static = interface.Attribute('static', "Directory resource containing "
-                                 "the static files of the view's package.")
-    def redirect(url):
-       """Redirect to given URL"""
-    def url(obj=None, name=None):
-        """Construct URL.
-        If no arguments given, construct URL to view itself.
-        If only obj argument is given, construct URL to obj.
-        If only name is given as the first argument, construct URL
-        to context/name.
-        If both object and name arguments are supplied, construct
-        URL to obj/name.
-        """
-    def update(**kw):
-        """This method is meant to be implemented by grok.View
-        subclasses.  It will be called *before* the view's associated
-        template is rendered and can be used to pre-compute values
-        for the template.
-        update() can take arbitrary keyword parameters which will be
-        filled in from the request (in that case they *must* be
-        present in the request)."""
-    def render(**kw):
-        """A view can either be rendered by an associated template, or
-        it can implement this method to render itself from Python.
-        This is useful if the view's output isn't XML/HTML but
-        something computed in Python (plain text, PDF, etc.)
-        render() can take arbitrary keyword parameters which will be
-        filled in from the request (in that case they *must* be
-        present in the request)."""
-    def application_url(name=None):
-        """Return the URL of the closest application object in the
-        hierarchy or the URL of a named object (``name`` parameter)
-        relative to the closest application object.
-        """
-    def flash(message, type='message'):
-        """Send a short message to the user."""
-class IGrokForm(IGrokView):
-    """Grok form API, inspired by zope.formlib's IFormBaseCustomization.
-    We explicitly don't inherit from IFormBaseCustomization because
-    that would imply ISubPage with another definition of update() and
-    render() than IGrokView has.
-    """
-    prefix = schema.ASCII(
-        constraint=reConstraint(
-            '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*([.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*',
-            "Must be a sequence of not-separated identifiers"),
-        description=u"""Page-element prefix
-        All named or identified page elements in a subpage should have
-        names and identifiers that begin with a subpage prefix
-        followed by a dot.
-        """,
-        readonly=True,
-        )
-    def setPrefix(prefix):
-        """Update the subpage prefix
-        """
-    label = interface.Attribute("A label to display at the top of a form")
-    status = interface.Attribute(
-        """An update status message
-        This is normally generated by success or failure handlers.
-        """)
-    errors = interface.Attribute(
-        """Sequence of errors encountered during validation
-        """)
-    form_result = interface.Attribute(
-        """Return from action result method
-        """)
-    form_reset = interface.Attribute(
-        """Boolean indicating whether the form needs to be reset
-        """)
-    form_fields = interface.Attribute(
-        """The form's form field definitions
-        This attribute is used by many of the default methods.
-        """)
-    widgets = interface.Attribute(
-        """The form's widgets
-        - set by setUpWidgets
-        - used by validate
-        """)
-    def setUpWidgets(ignore_request=False):
-        """Set up the form's widgets.
-        The default implementation uses the form definitions in the
-        form_fields attribute and setUpInputWidgets.
-        The function should set the widgets attribute.
-        """
-    def validate(action, data):
-        """The default form validator
-        If an action is submitted and the action doesn't have it's own
-        validator then this function will be called.
-        """
-    template = interface.Attribute(
-        """Template used to display the form
-        """)
-    def resetForm():
-        """Reset any cached data because underlying content may have changed
-        """
-    def error_views():
-        """Return views of any errors.
-        The errors are returned as an iterable.
-        """
-    def applyData(obj, **data):
-        """Save form data to an object.
-        This returns a dictionary with interfaces as keys and lists of
-        field names as values to indicate which fields in which
-        schemas had to be changed in order to save the data.  In case
-        the method works in update mode (e.g. on EditForms) and
-        doesn't have to update an object, the dictionary is empty.
-        """
 class IREST(interface.Interface):
     context = interface.Attribute("Object that the REST handler presents.")

Modified: grokcore.component/trunk/versions.cfg
--- grokcore.component/trunk/versions.cfg	2008-03-18 19:05:49 UTC (rev 84758)
+++ grokcore.component/trunk/versions.cfg	2008-03-18 19:56:13 UTC (rev 84759)
@@ -1,103 +1,11 @@
-ClientForm = 0.2.7
-docutils = 0.4
 martian = 0.9.3
-mechanize = 0.1.7b
-Pygments = 0.8.1
-pytz = 2007g
-RestrictedPython = 3.4.2
-simplejson = 1.7.1
-z3c.autoinclude = 0.1
-z3c.flashmessage = 1.0b2
-zc.catalog = 1.2b
-ZConfig = 2.5
-zdaemon = 2.0.0
-ZODB3 = 3.8.0b2
-zodbcode = 3.4.0b1dev-r75670
-zope.annotation = 3.4.0
-zope.app.apidoc = 3.4.0
-zope.app.applicationcontrol = 3.4.1
-zope.app.appsetup = 3.4.1
-zope.app.authentication = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.basicskin = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.broken = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.catalog = 3.4.0a2
-zope.app.component = 3.4.0b3
-zope.app.container = 3.5.0a1
-zope.app.content = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.debug = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.dependable = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.error = 3.5.1
-zope.app.exception = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.file = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.folder = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.form = 3.4.0b2
-zope.app.generations = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.http = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.i18n = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.interface = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.intid = 3.4.0a2
-zope.app.keyreference = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.locales = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.onlinehelp = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.pagetemplate = 3.4.0
-zope.app.preference = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.principalannotation = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.publication = 3.4.2
-zope.app.publisher = 3.5.0a2
-zope.app.renderer = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.rotterdam = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.schema = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.security = 3.4.0a1-1
-zope.app.server = 3.4.0a1-4
-zope.app.session = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.skins = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.testing = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.tree = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.twisted = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.wsgi = 3.4.0
-zope.app.zapi = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.zcmlfiles = 3.4.0a1
-zope.app.zopeappgenerations = 3.4.0a1
-zope.cachedescriptors = 3.4.0
-zope.component = 3.4.0
 zope.configuration = 3.4.0
-zope.contentprovider = 3.4.0
-zope.contenttype = 3.4.0
-zope.copypastemove = 3.4.0
-zope.datetime = 3.4.0
 zope.deferredimport = 3.4.0
 zope.deprecation = 3.4.0
-zope.dottedname = 3.4.2
-zope.dublincore = 3.4.0
-zope.error = 3.5.1
 zope.event = 3.4.0
-zope.exceptions = 3.4.0
-zope.filerepresentation = 3.4.0
-zope.formlib = 3.4.0
-zope.hookable = 3.4.0
-zope.i18n = 3.4.0
 zope.i18nmessageid = 3.4.3
-zope.index = 3.4.1
 zope.interface = 3.4.0
-zope.lifecycleevent = 3.4.0
-zope.location = 3.4.0b2
-zope.minmax = 1.0
-zope.modulealias = 3.4.0a1
-zope.pagetemplate = 3.4.0a1
 zope.proxy = 3.4.0
-zope.publisher = 3.5.0a1.dev-r78838
 zope.schema = 3.4.0
-zope.security = 3.4.0b5
-zope.securitypolicy = 3.4.0
-zope.server = 3.5.0a2
-zope.session = 3.4.1
-zope.size = 3.4.0
-zope.structuredtext = 3.4.0
-zope.tal = 3.4.0b1
-zope.tales = 3.4.0a1
-zope.testbrowser = 3.4.1
 zope.testing = 3.5.1
-zope.thread = 3.4
-zope.traversing = 3.5.0a1.dev-r78730
-zope.viewlet = 3.4.1

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