[Checkins] SVN: grokcore.component/trunk/ Improve docs

Philipp von Weitershausen philikon at philikon.de
Thu May 1 09:45:51 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 86000:
  Improve docs

  U   grokcore.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   grokcore.component/trunk/README.txt

Modified: grokcore.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- grokcore.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-05-01 12:52:41 UTC (rev 85999)
+++ grokcore.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-05-01 13:45:49 UTC (rev 86000)
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 * ...
+* Improved documentation
 1.0 (2008-05-01)

Modified: grokcore.component/trunk/README.txt
--- grokcore.component/trunk/README.txt	2008-05-01 12:52:41 UTC (rev 85999)
+++ grokcore.component/trunk/README.txt	2008-05-01 13:45:49 UTC (rev 86000)
@@ -2,9 +2,129 @@
 Zope Component Architecture, as well as means for configuring and
 registering them directly in Python (without ZCML).
+.. contents::
+How to use ``grokcore.component``
+In the following we assume you're writing or extending an application
+that does bootstrap configuration using ZCML.  There's always a single
+ZCML file that is executed when the application is started, which then
+includes everything else.  Let's assume this file is called
+``site.zcml`` (that's what it's called in Zope), so file is what we'll
+be editing.
+In order to register the components that you wrote using the base
+classes and directives available from ``grokcore.component``, we use
+the ``<grok:grok />`` ZCML directive.  But before we can use it, we
+need to include the necessary meta configuration from
+  <include package="grokcore.component" file="meta.zcml" />
+Put this line next to other meta configuration includes.  Now, further
+down the line, we can tell the machinery in ``grokcore.component`` to
+register all components in your package (let's say it's called
+  <grok:grok package="helloworld" />
+To sum up, your ``site.zcml`` file should look like something like this::
+  <configure
+      xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+      xmlns:grok="http://namespaces.zope.org/grok">
+    <!-- do the meta configuration to make the ZCML directives available -->
+    <include package="zope.foobar" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="zope.frobnaz" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <include package="grokcore.component" file="meta.zcml" />
+    <!-- now load the configuration of packages that we depend on -->
+    <include package="zope.barfoo" />
+    <include package="zope.somethingorother" />
+    <!-- finally load my components which are based on grokcore.component -->
+    <grok:grok package="helloworld" />
+  </configure>
+Here's a simple adapter that may be useful in Zope.  It extracts the
+languages that a user prefers from the request::
+  import grokcore.component
+  from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest
+  from zope.i18n.interfaces import IUserPreferredLanguages
+  class CookieLanguage(grokcore.component.Adapter):
+      """Extract the preferred language from a cookie"""
+      grokcore.component.context(IBrowserRequest)
+      grokcore.component.implements(IUserPreferredLanguages)
+      # No need to implement __init__, it's already provided by the base class.
+      def getPreferredLanguages(self):
+          # This an adapter for the request, so self.context is the request.
+          request = self.context
+          # Extract the preferred language from a cookie:
+          lang = request.cookies.get('language', 'en')
+          # According to IUserPreferredLanguages, we must return a list.
+          return [lang]
+Here's a simple named utility, again from the Zope world.  It's a
+translation domain.  In other words, it contains translations of user
+messages and is invoked when the i18n machinery needs to translate
+  import grokcore.component
+  from zope.i18n.interfaces import ITranslationDomain
+  class HelloWorldTranslationDomain(grokcore.component.GlobalUtility):
+      grokcore.component.implements(ITranslationDomain)
+      grokcore.component.name('helloworld')
+      domain = u'helloworld'
+      def translate(self, msgid, mapping=None, context=None,
+                    target_language=None, default=None):
+          if target_language is None:
+              preferred = IUserPreferredLanguages(context)
+              target_language = preferred.getPreferredLanguages()[0]
+          translations = {'de': u'Hallo Welt',
+                          'nl': u'Hallo Wereld'}
+          return translations.get(target_language, u'Hello World')
+Of course, it's silly to implement your own translation domain utility
+if there are already implementations available in ``zope.i18n`` (one
+that reads translations from a GNU gettext message catalog and a
+simple implementation for tests).  Let's try to reuse that
+implementation and register an instance::
+  import grokcore.component
+  from zope.i18n.interfaces import ITranslationDomain
+  from zope.i18n.simpletranslationdomain import SimpleTranslationDomain
+  messages = {('de', u'Hello World'): u'Hallo Welt',
+              ('nl', u'Hello World'): u'Hallo Wereld'}
+  helloworld_domain = SimpleTranslationDomain(u'helloworld', messages)
+  grokcore.component.global_utility(helloworld_domain,
+                                    provides=ITranslationDomain,
+                                    name='helloworld',
+                                    direct=True)
 Base classes
     Base class for an adapter that adapts a single object (commonly
@@ -40,11 +160,12 @@
 Class-level directives
 ``implements(iface1, iface2, ...)``
     declares that a class implements the interfaces ``iface1``,
-    ``iface2``, etc.
+    ``iface2``, etc.  It is identical to
+    ``zope.interface.implements``.
     declares the type of object that the adapter (or a similar
@@ -78,7 +199,7 @@
 Module-level directives
 ``global_utility(class, [provides=iface, name=ascii_or_unicode, direct=bool])``
     registers an instance of ``class`` (or ``class`` itself, depending
@@ -88,7 +209,7 @@
 Function decorators
 ``@adapter(iface_or_class1, iface_or_class2, ...)``
     registers the function as an adapter for the specific interface.

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