[Checkins] SVN: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/ moved

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Tue May 13 06:37:51 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 86691:

  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueue.py
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueueSet.py
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CHANGES.txt
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueue.py
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueueSet.py
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/dtml/
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/help/
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/version.txt
  A   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/www/
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/dtml/
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/help/
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/version.txt
  D   Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/www/

Deleted: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-05-13 10:36:31 UTC (rev 86690)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-QueueCatalog Product Changelog
-  QueueCatalog 1.5 (2007/12/15)
-    - Replaced validateValue call with proper validate call. This
-      makes QueueCatalog compatible with Zope 2.9 
-  QueueCatalog 1.4 (2006/05/09)
-    - Added a second catalog queue conflict resolution strategy and made
-      the strategy configurable via the 'Configure' ZMI tab. The new policy
-      can be tried when ZODB conflict errors emanating from the catalog
-      queue buckets become a problem. It attempts to avoid conflicts by
-      doing even more guessing about what the behavior should be, rather
-      than deeming a conflicting situation as too insane to handle and 
-      raising a ConflictError.
-    - Removed all uses of zLOG in favor of the Python logging module
-    - Updated some help screens
-    - Added a dependencies document
-    - Updated the tests to run on Zope 2.8+
-    - Factored out queue conflict testing after changing it to use a quick 
-      and dirty FileStorage, and expanding it a little.
-    - Removed the security declaration for a method named refreshCatalog
-      which was added in version 1.0 - this is the wrong place to apply
-      product-specific settings for a product the QueueCatalog is not
-      dependent on.
-    - CVS-only, tag 'QueueCatalog-post-1_3-error-logging'
-    - When performing deferred indexing, don't attempt (again) to
-      assign brains metadata
-    - When indexing an object raises an Exception, log it, and remove
-      the object from the queue
-  QueueCatalog 1.3 (2004/11/22)
-    - Released by ctheune at:
-      http://zope.org/Members/ctheune/QueueCatalog/1.3/QueueCatalog-1.3.tar.gz
-    - CVS tag 'QueueCatalog-1_3'
-    - QueueCatalog.py: Made the immediate processing of DELETE-Requests
-      more efficient.  Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com>
-    - QueueCatalog.py: Proxied ZCatalog.Indexes attribute.
-    - QueueCatalog.py: Corrected a permission declaration typo for
-      'manage_size'.
-    - QueueCatalog.py: Modified 'manage_queue' to display a list of queued
-      items (limit 100 items).
-  QueueCatalog 1.2 (2003/11/06)
-    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_2'
-    - Add uidForObject hook which allows the underlying catalog to specify
-      uids for new objects being indexed. If this hook is not implemented,
-      uids are abs paths as before.
-  QueueCatalog 1.1 (2003/08/06)
-    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_1'
-    - Fix brown-paper bag error which prevented queue processing from
-      *ever* working.
-  QueueCatalog 1.0 (2003/06/25)
-    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_0'
-	- QueueCatalog.py (QueueCatalog.refreshCatalog): Added
-	  refreshCatalog method that queues the reindexing. Plone uses this
-	  method on portal creation.  Sidnei da Silva  <sidnei at x3ng.com>

Deleted: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueue.py
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueue.py	2008-05-13 10:36:31 UTC (rev 86690)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueue.py	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-import logging
-from Persistence import Persistent
-from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
-logger = logging.getLogger('event.QueueCatalog')
-REMOVED       = 0
-ADDED         = 1
-CHANGED       = 2
-antiEvent = {REMOVED:       ADDED,
-             ADDED:         REMOVED,
-             CHANGED:       CHANGED,
-             }.get
-class CatalogEventQueue(Persistent):
-    """Event queue for catalog events
-    This is a rather odd queue. It organizes events by object, where
-    objects are identified by uids, which happen to be string paths.
-    One way that this queue is extremely odd is that it really only
-    keeps track of the last event for an object. This is because we
-    really only *care* about the last event for an object.
-    There are three types of events:
-    ADDED         -- An object was added to the catalog
-    CHANGED       -- An object was changed
-    REMOVED       -- An object was removed from the catalog
-    CHANGED_ADDED -- Add object was added and subsequently changed.
-                     This event is a consequence of the queue implementation.
-    Note that, although we only keep track of the most recent
-    event. there are rules for how the most recent event can be
-    updated:
-    - It is illegal to update an ADDED, CHANGED, or CHANGED_ADDED
-      event with an ADDED event or
-    - to update a REMOVED event with a CHANGED event.
-    We have a problem because applications don't really indicate
-    whether they are are adding, or just updating.  We deduce add
-    events by examining the catalog and event queue states.
-    Also note that, when events are applied to the catalog, events may
-    have no effect.
-    - If an object is in the catalog, ADDED events are equivalent to
-      CHANGED events.
-    - If an object is not in the catalog, REMOVED and CHANGED events
-      have no effect.
-    If we undo a transaction, we generate an anti-event. The anti
-    event of ADDED id REMOVED, of REMOVED is ADDED, and of CHANGED is
-    CHANGED. 
-    Note that these rules represent heuristics that attempt to provide
-    efficient and sensible behavior for most cases. They are not "correct" in
-    that they handle cases that may not seem handleable. For example,
-    consider a sequence of transactions:
-      T1 adds an object
-      T2 removes the object
-      T3 adds the object
-      T4 processes the queue
-      T5 undoes T1
-    It's not clear what should be done in this case? We decide to
-    generate a remove event, even though a later transaction added the
-    object again. Is this correct? It's hard to say. The decision we
-    make is not horrible and it allows us to provide a very efficient
-    implementation.  See the unit tests for other scenarios. Feel
-    free to think of cases for which our decisions are unacceptably
-    wrong and write unit tests for these cases.
-    There are two kinds of transactions that affect the queue:
-    - Application transactions always add or modify events. They never
-      remove events.
-    - Queue processing transactions always remove events.
-    """
-    _conflict_policy = SAFE_POLICY
-    def __init__(self, conflict_policy=SAFE_POLICY):
-        # Mapping from uid -> (generation, event type)
-        self._data = {}
-        self._conflict_policy = conflict_policy
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return not not self._data
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._data)
-    def update(self, uid, etype):
-        assert etype in EVENT_TYPES
-        data = self._data
-        current = data.get(uid)
-        if current is not None:
-            generation, current = current
-            if current in ADDED_EVENTS and etype is ADDED:
-                raise TypeError("Attempt to add an object that is already "
-                                "in the catalog")
-            if current is REMOVED and etype is CHANGED:
-                raise TypeError("Attempt to change an object that has "
-                                "been removed")
-            if ((current is ADDED or current is CHANGED_ADDED)
-                and etype is CHANGED):
-                etype = CHANGED_ADDED
-        else:
-            generation = 0
-        data[uid] = generation+1, etype
-        self._p_changed = 1
-    def getEvent(self, uid):
-        state = self._data.get(uid)
-        if state is not None:
-            state = state[1]
-        return state
-    def process(self, limit=None):
-        """Removes and returns events from this queue.
-        If limit is specified, at most (limit) events are removed.
-        """
-        data = self._data
-        if not limit or len(data) <= limit:
-            self._data = {}
-            return data
-        else:
-            self._p_changed = 1
-            res = {}
-            keys = data.keys()[:limit]
-            for key in keys:
-                res[key] = data[key]
-                del data[key]
-            return res
-    def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldstate, committed, newstate):
-        # Apply the changes made in going from old to newstate to
-        # committed
-        # Note that in the case of undo, the olddata is the data for
-        # the transaction being undone and newdata is the data for the
-        # transaction previous to the undone transaction.
-        # Find the conflict policy on the new state to make sure changes
-        # to it will be applied
-        policy = newstate['_conflict_policy']
-        # Committed is always the currently committed data.
-        oldstate_data  =  oldstate['_data']
-        committed_data = committed['_data']
-        newstate_data  =  newstate['_data']
-        # Merge newstate changes into committed
-        for uid, new in newstate_data.items():
-            # Decide if this is a change
-            old = oldstate_data.get(uid)
-            current = committed_data.get(uid)
-            if new != old:
-                # something changed
-                if old is not None:
-                    # got a repeat event
-                    if new[0] < old[0]:
-                        # This was an undo, so give the event the undo
-                        # time and convert to an anti event of the old
-                        # (undone) event. 
-                        new = (0, antiEvent(old[1]))
-                    elif new[1] is ADDED:
-                        if policy == SAFE_POLICY:
-                            logger.error('Queue conflict on %s: ADDED on existing item' % uid)
-                            raise ConflictError
-                        else:
-                            if current and current[1] == REMOVED:
-                                new = current
-                            else:
-                                new = (current[0]+1, CHANGED_ADDED)
-                    # remove this event from old, so that we don't
-                    # mess with it later.
-                    del oldstate_data[uid]
-                # Check aqainst current value. Either we want a
-                # different event, in which case we give up, or we
-                # do nothing.
-                if current is not None:
-                    if current[1] != new[1]:
-                        if policy == SAFE_POLICY:
-                            # This is too complicated, bail
-                            logger.error('Queue conflict on %s' % uid)
-                            raise ConflictError
-                        elif REMOVED not in (new[1], current[1]):
-                            new = (current[0]+1, CHANGED_ADDED)
-                            committed_data[uid] = new
-                        elif ( current[0] < new[0] and
-                               new[1] == REMOVED ):
-                            committed_data[uid] = new
-                        # remove this event from old, so that we don't
-                        # mess with it later.
-                        if oldstate_data.get(uid) is not None:
-                            del oldstate_data[uid]
-                    # nothing to do
-                    continue
-                committed_data[uid] = new
-        # Now handle remaining events in old that weren't in new.
-        # These *must* be undone events!
-        for uid, old in oldstate_data.items():
-            new = (0, antiEvent(old[1]))
-            # See above
-            current = committed_data.get(uid)
-            if current is not None:
-                if current[1] != new[1]:
-                    # This is too complicated, bail
-                    logger.error('Queue conflict on %s processing undos' % uid)
-                    raise ConflictError
-                # nothing to do
-                continue
-            committed_data[uid] = new
-        return { '_data': committed_data
-               , '_conflict_policy' : policy
-               }
-__doc__ = CatalogEventQueue.__doc__ + __doc__
-# Old worries
-# We have a problem. We have to make sure that we don't lose too
-# much history to undo, but we don't want to retain the entire
-# history. We certainly don't want to execute the entire history
-# when we execute a trans.
-# Baah, no worry, if we undo in a series of unprocessed events, we
-# simply restore the old event, which we have in the old state.

Deleted: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueueSet.py
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueueSet.py	2008-05-13 10:36:31 UTC (rev 86690)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueueSet.py	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-""" Classes: CatalogEventQueueSet
-from __future__ import generators
-from Interface import Interface
-from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CatalogEventQueue
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import EVENT_TYPES
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import ADDED_EVENTS
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import ADDED
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CHANGED
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CHANGED_ADDED
-from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import REMOVED
-class ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate( Interface ):
-    """ Interface for the "store" underlying a CEQS.
-    """
-    def hasUID( uid ):
-        """ Do we already have UID?
-        """
-    def add( uid ):
-        """ Add UID to the store.
-        o Delegate is responsible for finding object using UID.
-        """
-    def change( uid ):
-        """ Update UID within the store.
-        o Delegate is responsible for finding object using UID.
-        """
-    def remove( uid ):
-        """ Remove UID from the store.
-        """
-class CatalogEventQueueSet( SimpleItem ):
-    """ Manage a set of CatalogEventQueue objects.
-    """
-    def __init__( self
-                , delegate=None
-                , bucket_count=1009
-                ):
-        self.setDelegate( delegate )
-        self.setBucketCount( bucket_count )
-    #
-    #   Accessors
-    #
-    def getDelegate( self ):
-        """ Return the callback object used to process events.
-        """
-        return self._delegate
-    def getBucketCount( self ):
-        """ How many buckets in our hashtable?
-        """
-        return self._bucket_count
-    def getEvent( self, uid ):
-        """ Return the most recent event, if any, for uid.
-        """
-        return self._getQueue( uid ).getEvent( uid )
-    def listEvents( self ):
-        """ Return all events we currently know about.
-        o Each item in the returned sequence is a tuple, ( uid, event ).
-        o This function is a generator.
-        o This function does *not* drain the queues.
-        """
-        for queue in filter( None, self._queues ):
-            for item in queue._data.items():
-                uid, ( t, event ) = item
-                yield uid, event
-    #
-    #   Mutators
-    #
-    def setDelegate( self, delegate ):
-        """ Update our delegate.
-        o If not None, 'delegate' must implement ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate,
-          else raise ValueError.
-        """
-        if ( delegate is not None
-         and not ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate.isImplementedBy( delegate )
-           ):
-            raise ValueError, "'delegate' doesn't implement ICEQSD!"
-        self._delegate = delegate
-    def setBucketCount( self, bucket_count ):
-        """ Resize the hashtable.
-        o 'bucket_count' must be a positive, prime integer, else raise
-          ValueError.
-        o N.B.:  If successful, we destroy any existing queues!
-        """
-        if ( type( bucket_count ) is not type( 0 )
-            or bucket_count < 3
-            or not _isPrime( bucket_count )
-           ):
-            raise ValueError, 'bucket_count must be a positive, prime int!'
-        self._bucket_count = bucket_count
-        self._clear()
-    def update( self, uid, event ):
-        """ Add an event to our queue.
-        o 'event' must be one of the EVENT_TYPES.
-        """
-        if event not in EVENT_TYPES:
-            raise ValueError, 'Not a known event: %s' % event
-        self._getQueue( uid ).update( uid, event )
-    def process( self ):
-        """ Process events in the queues.
-        """
-        for queue in filter( None, self._queues ):
-            for item in queue.process().items():
-                if self._delegate is None:
-                    continue
-                uid, ( t, event ) = item
-                if event == ADDED or event == CHANGED_ADDED:
-                    self._delegate.add( uid )
-                elif event == CHANGED:
-                    self._delegate.change( uid )
-                elif event == REMOVED:
-                    self._delegate.remove( uid )
-    #
-    #   Helper methods
-    #
-    def _getQueue( self, uid ):
-        return self._queues[ hash( uid ) % self._bucket_count ]
-    def _clear( self ):
-        self._queues = [ CatalogEventQueue()
-                            for i in range( self._bucket_count ) ]
-def _isPrime( x ):
-    """ isPrime(int x) --> boolean
-    isPrime(x) checks if a given number x is prime. It follows the following
-    decision tree:
-        if x is 1 it is a special case (ie: not prime),
-        if x is either 2 or 3, it is prime,
-        if x is even, it is not prime.
-        if x is not one of these obvious cases:
-            check if x is divisible by the numbers in the range from 3 to
-            floor(sqrt(x)).
-    From: http://jijo.free.net.ph/programming/python/code/prime.py
-    """       
-    if (x == 1):                    # Special case, neither prime nor composite
-        return None
-    elif ((x == 2) or (x == 3)):
-        return x
-    elif ((x % 2) == 0):
-        return None
-    else:
-        flag = 0
-        i = 3
-        while 1:
-            if (x % i) == 0:
-                return 0
-            elif (i * i) > x:
-                return 1
-            i += 2

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CHANGES.txt (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CHANGES.txt)
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CHANGES.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CHANGES.txt	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+QueueCatalog Product Changelog
+  QueueCatalog 1.5 (2007/12/15)
+    - Replaced validateValue call with proper validate call. This
+      makes QueueCatalog compatible with Zope 2.9 
+  QueueCatalog 1.4 (2006/05/09)
+    - Added a second catalog queue conflict resolution strategy and made
+      the strategy configurable via the 'Configure' ZMI tab. The new policy
+      can be tried when ZODB conflict errors emanating from the catalog
+      queue buckets become a problem. It attempts to avoid conflicts by
+      doing even more guessing about what the behavior should be, rather
+      than deeming a conflicting situation as too insane to handle and 
+      raising a ConflictError.
+    - Removed all uses of zLOG in favor of the Python logging module
+    - Updated some help screens
+    - Added a dependencies document
+    - Updated the tests to run on Zope 2.8+
+    - Factored out queue conflict testing after changing it to use a quick 
+      and dirty FileStorage, and expanding it a little.
+    - Removed the security declaration for a method named refreshCatalog
+      which was added in version 1.0 - this is the wrong place to apply
+      product-specific settings for a product the QueueCatalog is not
+      dependent on.
+    - CVS-only, tag 'QueueCatalog-post-1_3-error-logging'
+    - When performing deferred indexing, don't attempt (again) to
+      assign brains metadata
+    - When indexing an object raises an Exception, log it, and remove
+      the object from the queue
+  QueueCatalog 1.3 (2004/11/22)
+    - Released by ctheune at:
+      http://zope.org/Members/ctheune/QueueCatalog/1.3/QueueCatalog-1.3.tar.gz
+    - CVS tag 'QueueCatalog-1_3'
+    - QueueCatalog.py: Made the immediate processing of DELETE-Requests
+      more efficient.  Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com>
+    - QueueCatalog.py: Proxied ZCatalog.Indexes attribute.
+    - QueueCatalog.py: Corrected a permission declaration typo for
+      'manage_size'.
+    - QueueCatalog.py: Modified 'manage_queue' to display a list of queued
+      items (limit 100 items).
+  QueueCatalog 1.2 (2003/11/06)
+    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_2'
+    - Add uidForObject hook which allows the underlying catalog to specify
+      uids for new objects being indexed. If this hook is not implemented,
+      uids are abs paths as before.
+  QueueCatalog 1.1 (2003/08/06)
+    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_1'
+    - Fix brown-paper bag error which prevented queue processing from
+      *ever* working.
+  QueueCatalog 1.0 (2003/06/25)
+    - CVS-only release, tag 'QueueCatalog-1_0'
+	- QueueCatalog.py (QueueCatalog.refreshCatalog): Added
+	  refreshCatalog method that queues the reindexing. Plone uses this
+	  method on portal creation.  Sidnei da Silva  <sidnei at x3ng.com>

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueue.py (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueue.py)
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueue.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueue.py	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+import logging
+from Persistence import Persistent
+from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+logger = logging.getLogger('event.QueueCatalog')
+REMOVED       = 0
+ADDED         = 1
+CHANGED       = 2
+antiEvent = {REMOVED:       ADDED,
+             ADDED:         REMOVED,
+             CHANGED:       CHANGED,
+             }.get
+class CatalogEventQueue(Persistent):
+    """Event queue for catalog events
+    This is a rather odd queue. It organizes events by object, where
+    objects are identified by uids, which happen to be string paths.
+    One way that this queue is extremely odd is that it really only
+    keeps track of the last event for an object. This is because we
+    really only *care* about the last event for an object.
+    There are three types of events:
+    ADDED         -- An object was added to the catalog
+    CHANGED       -- An object was changed
+    REMOVED       -- An object was removed from the catalog
+    CHANGED_ADDED -- Add object was added and subsequently changed.
+                     This event is a consequence of the queue implementation.
+    Note that, although we only keep track of the most recent
+    event. there are rules for how the most recent event can be
+    updated:
+    - It is illegal to update an ADDED, CHANGED, or CHANGED_ADDED
+      event with an ADDED event or
+    - to update a REMOVED event with a CHANGED event.
+    We have a problem because applications don't really indicate
+    whether they are are adding, or just updating.  We deduce add
+    events by examining the catalog and event queue states.
+    Also note that, when events are applied to the catalog, events may
+    have no effect.
+    - If an object is in the catalog, ADDED events are equivalent to
+      CHANGED events.
+    - If an object is not in the catalog, REMOVED and CHANGED events
+      have no effect.
+    If we undo a transaction, we generate an anti-event. The anti
+    event of ADDED id REMOVED, of REMOVED is ADDED, and of CHANGED is
+    CHANGED. 
+    Note that these rules represent heuristics that attempt to provide
+    efficient and sensible behavior for most cases. They are not "correct" in
+    that they handle cases that may not seem handleable. For example,
+    consider a sequence of transactions:
+      T1 adds an object
+      T2 removes the object
+      T3 adds the object
+      T4 processes the queue
+      T5 undoes T1
+    It's not clear what should be done in this case? We decide to
+    generate a remove event, even though a later transaction added the
+    object again. Is this correct? It's hard to say. The decision we
+    make is not horrible and it allows us to provide a very efficient
+    implementation.  See the unit tests for other scenarios. Feel
+    free to think of cases for which our decisions are unacceptably
+    wrong and write unit tests for these cases.
+    There are two kinds of transactions that affect the queue:
+    - Application transactions always add or modify events. They never
+      remove events.
+    - Queue processing transactions always remove events.
+    """
+    _conflict_policy = SAFE_POLICY
+    def __init__(self, conflict_policy=SAFE_POLICY):
+        # Mapping from uid -> (generation, event type)
+        self._data = {}
+        self._conflict_policy = conflict_policy
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        return not not self._data
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._data)
+    def update(self, uid, etype):
+        assert etype in EVENT_TYPES
+        data = self._data
+        current = data.get(uid)
+        if current is not None:
+            generation, current = current
+            if current in ADDED_EVENTS and etype is ADDED:
+                raise TypeError("Attempt to add an object that is already "
+                                "in the catalog")
+            if current is REMOVED and etype is CHANGED:
+                raise TypeError("Attempt to change an object that has "
+                                "been removed")
+            if ((current is ADDED or current is CHANGED_ADDED)
+                and etype is CHANGED):
+                etype = CHANGED_ADDED
+        else:
+            generation = 0
+        data[uid] = generation+1, etype
+        self._p_changed = 1
+    def getEvent(self, uid):
+        state = self._data.get(uid)
+        if state is not None:
+            state = state[1]
+        return state
+    def process(self, limit=None):
+        """Removes and returns events from this queue.
+        If limit is specified, at most (limit) events are removed.
+        """
+        data = self._data
+        if not limit or len(data) <= limit:
+            self._data = {}
+            return data
+        else:
+            self._p_changed = 1
+            res = {}
+            keys = data.keys()[:limit]
+            for key in keys:
+                res[key] = data[key]
+                del data[key]
+            return res
+    def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldstate, committed, newstate):
+        # Apply the changes made in going from old to newstate to
+        # committed
+        # Note that in the case of undo, the olddata is the data for
+        # the transaction being undone and newdata is the data for the
+        # transaction previous to the undone transaction.
+        # Find the conflict policy on the new state to make sure changes
+        # to it will be applied
+        policy = newstate['_conflict_policy']
+        # Committed is always the currently committed data.
+        oldstate_data  =  oldstate['_data']
+        committed_data = committed['_data']
+        newstate_data  =  newstate['_data']
+        # Merge newstate changes into committed
+        for uid, new in newstate_data.items():
+            # Decide if this is a change
+            old = oldstate_data.get(uid)
+            current = committed_data.get(uid)
+            if new != old:
+                # something changed
+                if old is not None:
+                    # got a repeat event
+                    if new[0] < old[0]:
+                        # This was an undo, so give the event the undo
+                        # time and convert to an anti event of the old
+                        # (undone) event. 
+                        new = (0, antiEvent(old[1]))
+                    elif new[1] is ADDED:
+                        if policy == SAFE_POLICY:
+                            logger.error('Queue conflict on %s: ADDED on existing item' % uid)
+                            raise ConflictError
+                        else:
+                            if current and current[1] == REMOVED:
+                                new = current
+                            else:
+                                new = (current[0]+1, CHANGED_ADDED)
+                    # remove this event from old, so that we don't
+                    # mess with it later.
+                    del oldstate_data[uid]
+                # Check aqainst current value. Either we want a
+                # different event, in which case we give up, or we
+                # do nothing.
+                if current is not None:
+                    if current[1] != new[1]:
+                        if policy == SAFE_POLICY:
+                            # This is too complicated, bail
+                            logger.error('Queue conflict on %s' % uid)
+                            raise ConflictError
+                        elif REMOVED not in (new[1], current[1]):
+                            new = (current[0]+1, CHANGED_ADDED)
+                            committed_data[uid] = new
+                        elif ( current[0] < new[0] and
+                               new[1] == REMOVED ):
+                            committed_data[uid] = new
+                        # remove this event from old, so that we don't
+                        # mess with it later.
+                        if oldstate_data.get(uid) is not None:
+                            del oldstate_data[uid]
+                    # nothing to do
+                    continue
+                committed_data[uid] = new
+        # Now handle remaining events in old that weren't in new.
+        # These *must* be undone events!
+        for uid, old in oldstate_data.items():
+            new = (0, antiEvent(old[1]))
+            # See above
+            current = committed_data.get(uid)
+            if current is not None:
+                if current[1] != new[1]:
+                    # This is too complicated, bail
+                    logger.error('Queue conflict on %s processing undos' % uid)
+                    raise ConflictError
+                # nothing to do
+                continue
+            committed_data[uid] = new
+        return { '_data': committed_data
+               , '_conflict_policy' : policy
+               }
+__doc__ = CatalogEventQueue.__doc__ + __doc__
+# Old worries
+# We have a problem. We have to make sure that we don't lose too
+# much history to undo, but we don't want to retain the entire
+# history. We certainly don't want to execute the entire history
+# when we execute a trans.
+# Baah, no worry, if we undo in a series of unprocessed events, we
+# simply restore the old event, which we have in the old state.

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueueSet.py (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/CatalogEventQueueSet.py)
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueueSet.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/CatalogEventQueueSet.py	2008-05-13 10:37:50 UTC (rev 86691)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+""" Classes: CatalogEventQueueSet
+from __future__ import generators
+from Interface import Interface
+from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CatalogEventQueue
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import EVENT_TYPES
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import ADDED_EVENTS
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import ADDED
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CHANGED
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import CHANGED_ADDED
+from Products.QueueCatalog.CatalogEventQueue import REMOVED
+class ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate( Interface ):
+    """ Interface for the "store" underlying a CEQS.
+    """
+    def hasUID( uid ):
+        """ Do we already have UID?
+        """
+    def add( uid ):
+        """ Add UID to the store.
+        o Delegate is responsible for finding object using UID.
+        """
+    def change( uid ):
+        """ Update UID within the store.
+        o Delegate is responsible for finding object using UID.
+        """
+    def remove( uid ):
+        """ Remove UID from the store.
+        """
+class CatalogEventQueueSet( SimpleItem ):
+    """ Manage a set of CatalogEventQueue objects.
+    """
+    def __init__( self
+                , delegate=None
+                , bucket_count=1009
+                ):
+        self.setDelegate( delegate )
+        self.setBucketCount( bucket_count )
+    #
+    #   Accessors
+    #
+    def getDelegate( self ):
+        """ Return the callback object used to process events.
+        """
+        return self._delegate
+    def getBucketCount( self ):
+        """ How many buckets in our hashtable?
+        """
+        return self._bucket_count
+    def getEvent( self, uid ):
+        """ Return the most recent event, if any, for uid.
+        """
+        return self._getQueue( uid ).getEvent( uid )
+    def listEvents( self ):
+        """ Return all events we currently know about.
+        o Each item in the returned sequence is a tuple, ( uid, event ).
+        o This function is a generator.
+        o This function does *not* drain the queues.
+        """
+        for queue in filter( None, self._queues ):
+            for item in queue._data.items():
+                uid, ( t, event ) = item
+                yield uid, event
+    #
+    #   Mutators
+    #
+    def setDelegate( self, delegate ):
+        """ Update our delegate.
+        o If not None, 'delegate' must implement ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate,
+          else raise ValueError.
+        """
+        if ( delegate is not None
+         and not ICatalogEventQueueSetDelegate.isImplementedBy( delegate )
+           ):
+            raise ValueError, "'delegate' doesn't implement ICEQSD!"
+        self._delegate = delegate
+    def setBucketCount( self, bucket_count ):
+        """ Resize the hashtable.
+        o 'bucket_count' must be a positive, prime integer, else raise
+          ValueError.
+        o N.B.:  If successful, we destroy any existing queues!
+        """
+        if ( type( bucket_count ) is not type( 0 )
+            or bucket_count < 3
+            or not _isPrime( bucket_count )
+           ):
+            raise ValueError, 'bucket_count must be a positive, prime int!'
+        self._bucket_count = bucket_count
+        self._clear()
+    def update( self, uid, event ):
+        """ Add an event to our queue.
+        o 'event' must be one of the EVENT_TYPES.
+        """
+        if event not in EVENT_TYPES:
+            raise ValueError, 'Not a known event: %s' % event
+        self._getQueue( uid ).update( uid, event )
+    def process( self ):
+        """ Process events in the queues.
+        """
+        for queue in filter( None, self._queues ):
+            for item in queue.process().items():
+                if self._delegate is None:
+                    continue
+                uid, ( t, event ) = item
+                if event == ADDED or event == CHANGED_ADDED:
+                    self._delegate.add( uid )
+                elif event == CHANGED:
+                    self._delegate.change( uid )
+                elif event == REMOVED:
+                    self._delegate.remove( uid )
+    #
+    #   Helper methods
+    #
+    def _getQueue( self, uid ):
+        return self._queues[ hash( uid ) % self._bucket_count ]
+    def _clear( self ):
+        self._queues = [ CatalogEventQueue()
+                            for i in range( self._bucket_count ) ]
+def _isPrime( x ):
+    """ isPrime(int x) --> boolean
+    isPrime(x) checks if a given number x is prime. It follows the following
+    decision tree:
+        if x is 1 it is a special case (ie: not prime),
+        if x is either 2 or 3, it is prime,
+        if x is even, it is not prime.
+        if x is not one of these obvious cases:
+            check if x is divisible by the numbers in the range from 3 to
+            floor(sqrt(x)).
+    From: http://jijo.free.net.ph/programming/python/code/prime.py
+    """       
+    if (x == 1):                    # Special case, neither prime nor composite
+        return None
+    elif ((x == 2) or (x == 3)):
+        return x
+    elif ((x % 2) == 0):
+        return None
+    else:
+        flag = 0
+        i = 3
+        while 1:
+            if (x % i) == 0:
+                return 0
+            elif (i * i) > x:
+                return 1
+            i += 2

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/dtml (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/dtml)

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/help (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/help)

Copied: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/version.txt (from rev 86689, Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/version.txt)
--- Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/Products/QueueCatalog/version.txt	                        (rev 0)
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Deleted: Products.QueueCatalog/trunk/version.txt
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