[Checkins] SVN: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt Updated README to be ReStructuredText compliant

Daniel Blackburn blackburnd at gmail.com
Sat May 24 16:05:39 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 86932:
  Updated README to be ReStructuredText compliant

  U   z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt

Modified: z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt
--- z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-05-24 19:09:50 UTC (rev 86931)
+++ z3c.securitytool/trunk/src/z3c/securitytool/README.txt	2008-05-24 20:05:38 UTC (rev 86932)
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
     Lets introspect the object.
     >>> pprint(dir(folder1))
@@ -65,12 +66,14 @@
     Since nothing should be registered for only zope.interface.Interface we
     should recieve an empty set, of permissions, roles and groups.
     >>> folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(zope.interface.Interface)
     [{}, {}, set([])]
     A realistic test would be to get all the interfaces provieded by a specific
     context level like `Folder1`. Being a folder these are the interfaces as you
     might expect.
     >>> ifaces = tuple(providedBy(root['Folder1']))
     >>> pprint(ifaces)
     (<InterfaceClass zope.app.folder.interfaces.IFolder>,
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@
     The next step to determine security levels is the getViews function.
     `getViews` gets all the registered views for this interface. This
     is refined later to the views that are only accessable in this context.
     >>> pprint(sorted([x for x in getViews(ifaces[0])]))
     [AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'acquire', ...
      AdapterRegistration... ITraversable, u'adapter', ...
@@ -97,11 +101,14 @@
     Since this is a large result set returned will will only test enough
     pieces of the results inform of the desired behavior and to make sure
     the results are sane.
-    >>> permDetails = folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(ifaces,ISecurityToolSkin)
+    >>> permDetails = folder1.getPermissionSettingsForAllViews(ifaces,
+                                                               ISecurityToolSkin)
     By using the ISecurityToolSkin we can see the actual securityTool
-    views. The securityTool views are only registerd for the ISecurityToolSkin layer.
+    views. The securityTool views are only registerd for the
+    ISecurityToolSkin layer.
     >>> pprint(permDetails)
       'zope.globalmgr': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@
     for the four views listed below. The securitytool views are not listed
     here because they are neither specifically denied or allowed for
     this principal.
     >>> pprint(permDetails)
     [{'zope.anybody': {u'<i>no name</i>': 'Allow',
@@ -130,6 +138,7 @@
     Another section of the result set shows all valid views for this
     context and skin, along with the permission required for access to
     the view.
     >>> pprint(permDetails)
     {u'<i>no name</i>': 'zope.Public',
@@ -141,10 +150,11 @@
       u'principalDetails.html': 'zope.ManageContent',
       u'securityMatrix.html': 'zope.ManageContent'},
     All the principals in the system  are in this data structure.
-    Here we just print a subset of the structure, to make sure the data is sane
+    Here we just print a subset of the structure, to make sure the
+    data is sane.
     >>> pprint(sorted(permDetails[0].keys()))
@@ -157,8 +167,9 @@
-    This of course should be identical to the users on the system from zapi.getPrincipals()
-    without (zope.anybody)
+    This of course should be identical to the users on the system from
+    zapi.getPrincipals() without (zope.anybody)
     >>> from zope.app import zapi
     >>> sysPrincipals = zapi.principals()
     >>> principals = [x.id for x in sysPrincipals.getPrincipals('')]
@@ -173,7 +184,6 @@
 Using securitytool to inspect principals
@@ -182,12 +192,16 @@
 and the context of 'Folder1'.
     First we retrieve the principalDetails for Folder1:
     >>> prinDetails = PrincipalDetails(root[u'Folder1'])
-    Then we filter out the uninteresting information for the user being inspected.
+    Then we filter out the uninteresting information for the user
+    being inspected.
     >>> matrix = prinDetails('zope.daniel')
     The principal details structure contains five interesting pieces of data.
     >>> pprint(sorted(matrix.keys()))
     ['groups', 'permissionTree', 'permissions', 'roleTree', 'roles']
@@ -202,6 +216,7 @@
     traversed to attain the permission displayed. The permission is
     stored as a list so the order is maintained. (yes I know there are
     better ways to accomplish this)
     >>> pprint(matrix['permissionTree'][0])
     {u'Folder1_2': {'name': None,
                      'parentList': [u'Folder1', 'Root Folder'],
@@ -238,9 +253,11 @@
      {'setting': PermissionSetting: Allow, 'permission': 'concord.DeleteIssue'},
      {'setting': PermissionSetting: Deny,  'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle'}]
-    The roleTree structure is used to display the roles attained at each level of traversal.
-    The roleTree is stored as a list so to consistently test the data properly we will create
-    a dictionary out of it and is similar in function to the permissionTree.    
+    The roleTree structure is used to display the roles attained at
+    each level of traversal. The roleTree is stored as a list so to
+    consistently test the data properly we will create a dictionary 
+    out of it and is similar in function to the permissionTree.    
     >>> tmpDict = {}
     >>> keys = matrix['roleTree']
     >>> for item in matrix['roleTree']:
@@ -269,6 +286,7 @@
     The roles section of the matrix displays the final say on whether or
     not the user has the role assigned at this context level.
     >>> pprint(matrix['roles'])
     {'zope.Janitor': [{'setting': 'Allow', 'permission': 'concord.ReadIssue'}],
      'zope.Writer':  [{'setting': 'Allow', 'permission': 'concord.DeleteArticle'},
@@ -315,7 +333,7 @@
    >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':'Allow'})
-We need to make some dummy objects to test the 'hasPermissionSetting' method
+   We need to make some dummy objects to test the 'hasPermissionSetting' method
     >>> emptySettings = {'permissions': [],
     ...                  'roles': {},
@@ -325,7 +343,7 @@
     ...                  'roles': {},
     ...                  'groups': {}}
-We also need to make sure the recursive functionality works for this method
+    We also need to make sure the recursive functionality works for this method
      >>> hasPermissionSetting({'permissions':{},'roles':{},
      ...                                 'groups':{'group1':emptySettings,
@@ -346,26 +364,26 @@
     ...                 'setting':  Allow})
-Lets test the method with our new dummy data
+    Lets test the method with our new dummy data
     >>> principalDirectlyProvidesPermission([prinPermMap],'daniel',
     ...                                          'takeOverTheWORLD')
-And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
+    And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
     >>> roleProvidesPermission([rolePermMap], 'Janitor', 'takeOverTheWORLD')
-And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
+    And we also need to test the roleProvidesPermission
     >>> principalRoleProvidesPermission([prinRoleMap],
     ...                                 [rolePermMap],
     ...                                 'daniel',
     ...                                 'takeOverTheWORLD')
     ('Janitor', 'Allow')
-See janitors CAN take over the world!!!!!
+    See janitors CAN take over the world!!!!!
-And of course the rendered name to display on the page template
-If we do not receive a name that means we are on the root level.
+    And of course the rendered name to display on the page template
+    If we do not receive a name that means we are on the root level.
     >>> renderedName(None)
     u'Root Folder'
@@ -375,17 +393,11 @@
     >>> folder1.populatePermissionMatrix('takeOverTheWORLD',[prinPermMap])
-Now we test the meat of the SecurityChecker Class
-    >>> settings = {'principalPermissions': [prinPermMap],
-    ...             'rolePermissions'     : [rolePermMap],
-    ...             'principalRoles'      : [prinRoleMap]}
 TestBrowser Smoke Tests
-Lets make sure all the views work properly. Just a simple smoke test
+    Lets make sure all the views work properly. Just a simple smoke test
     >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
     >>> manager = Browser()
@@ -397,7 +409,7 @@
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html')
-First we will check if the main page is available
+    First we will check if the main page is available
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html')
@@ -405,33 +417,33 @@
     >>> manager.open(server + '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/@@securityMatrix.html')
-Now lets send the filter variable so our test is complete
+    Now lets send the filter variable so our test is complete
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes')
-And with the selected permission
+    And with the selected permission
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
     ...              'selectedPermission=zope.Public')
-Here we send an invalid selectedPermisson ( just for coverage ) ;)
+    Here we send an invalid selectedPermisson ( just for coverage ) ;)
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
     ...              'selectedPermission=zope.dummy')
-And with the None permission
+    And with the None permission
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@securityMatrix.html?'
     ...              'FILTER=None&selectedSkin=ConcordTimes&'
     ...              'selectedPermission=None')
-This is the principal detail page, you can get to by clicking on the
-principals name at the top of the form
+    This is the principal detail page, you can get to by clicking on the
+    principals name at the top of the form
     >>> manager.open(server + 
     ...              '/@@principalDetails.html?principal=zope.daniel')
@@ -445,20 +457,20 @@
-And lets call the view without a principal
+    And lets call the view without a principal
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@principalDetails.html')
     Traceback (most recent call last):
     PrincipalLookupError: no principal specified
-Here is the view you will see if you click on the actual permission
-value in the matrix intersecting the view to the user on a public view.
+    Here is the view you will see if you click on the actual permission
+    value in the matrix intersecting the view to the user on a public view.
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
     ...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=PUT')
-Ok lets send the command without the principal
+    Ok lets send the command without the principal
     >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?view=PUT')
     Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -466,21 +478,19 @@
     PrincipalLookupError: no user specified
-And now we will test it without the view name
+    And now we will test it without the view name
-  >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
-  ...                        'principal=zope.daniel')
+    >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
+    ...                        'principal=zope.daniel')
-And now with a view name that does not exist
-  >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
-  ...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=garbage')
-Lets also test with a different context level
-  >>> manager.open(server + 
-  ...              '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/'
-  ...              '@@permissionDetails.html'
-  ...              '?principal=zope.daniel&view=ReadIssue.html')
+    And now with a view name that does not exist
+    >>> manager.open(server + '/@@permissionDetails.html?'
+    ...              'principal=zope.daniel&view=garbage')
+    Lets also test with a different context level
+    >>> manager.open(server + 
+    ...              '/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/'
+    ...              '@@permissionDetails.html'
+    ...              '?principal=zope.daniel&view=ReadIssue.html')

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