[Checkins] SVN: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/ - Remove everything that was marked as to-be-removed in 3.5

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at enfoldsystems.com
Mon Oct 13 09:18:24 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 92115:
   - Remove everything that was marked as to-be-removed in 3.5

  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/adapter.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/back35.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/registration.txt
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/tests.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/registration.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/registration.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/deprecated35_registration.txt
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/deprecated35_statusproperty.txt
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_fields.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/adapter.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/adapter.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/adapter.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-import zope.deferredimport
-    "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-    "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-    "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-    LocalAdapterRegistry = 'zope.app.component.site:_LocalAdapterRegistry',
-    AdapterRegistration = 'zope.app.component.back35:AdapterRegistration2',
-    )

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/back35.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/back35.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/back35.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Features that will go away in Zope 3.5.
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-import UserDict
-import warnings
-import persistent
-import persistent.list
-import persistent.mapping
-from persistent import Persistent
-from zope import component
-import zope.cachedescriptors.property
-import zope.event
-import zope.schema
-import zope.component.interfaces
-import zope.deprecation
-import zope.schema.vocabulary
-from zope import interface, schema
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import TraversalError
-from zope.traversing.api import getPath, getRoot, traverse
-from zope.interface import implements
-from zope.security.checker import InterfaceChecker, CheckerPublic
-from zope.security.proxy import Proxy, removeSecurityProxy
-from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
-from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
-from zope.configuration.fields import GlobalObject
-from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-from zope.publisher.interfaces.back35 import ILayer
-import zope.app.component.interfaces.registration
-import zope.app.container.interfaces
-import zope.app.container.constraints
-from zope.app.component.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
-from zope.app.component.interfaces import registration as interfaces
-from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
-InactiveStatus = _('Inactive')
-ActiveStatus = _('Active')
-class IRegistration(interface.Interface):
-    """Registration object
-    A registration object represents a specific registration
-    decision, such as registering an adapter or defining a permission.
-    In addition to the attributes or methods defined here,
-    registration objects will include additional attributes
-    identifying how they should be used. For example, a service
-    registration will provide a service type. An adapter
-    registration will specify a used-for interface and a provided
-    interface.
-    """
-    status = schema.Choice(
-        title=_("Registration status"),
-        vocabulary= zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary(
-            (zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleTerm(InactiveStatus,
-                                               title=InactiveStatus),
-             zope.schema.vocabulary.SimpleTerm(ActiveStatus,
-                                               title=ActiveStatus))),
-        default=ActiveStatus
-        )
-class IComponentRegistration(IRegistration):
-    """Registration object that uses a component.
-    An interface can optionally be specified that describes the interface the
-    component provides for the registry.
-    The interface will be used to produce a proxy for the component, if
-    the permission is also specified.
-    """
-    component = zope.app.component.interfaces.registration.Component(
-        title=_("Registration Component"),
-        description=_("The component the registration is for."),
-        required=True)
-    interface = schema.Field(
-        title=_("Component Interface"),
-        description=_("The interface the component provides through this "
-                      "registration."),
-        required=False,
-        default=None)
-    permission = schema.Choice(
-        title=_("The permission needed to use the component"),
-        vocabulary="Permissions",
-        required=False
-        )
-class IRegistry(zope.component.interfaces.IRegistry):
-    """A component that can be configured using a registration manager."""
-    def register(registration):
-        """Register a component with the registry using a registration.
-        Once the registration is added to the registry, it will be active. If
-        the registration is already registered with the registry, this method
-        will quietly return.
-        """
-    def unregister(registration):
-        """Unregister a component from the registry.
-        Unregistering a registration automatically makes the component
-        inactive. If the registration is not registered, this method will
-        quietly return.
-        """
-    def registered(registration):
-        """Determine whether a registration is registered with the registry.
-        The method will return a Boolean value.
-        """
-class ILocatedRegistry(IRegistry):
-    """A registry that is located in a tree of registries.
-    """
-    next = interface.Attribute(
-        "Set the next local registry in the tree. This attribute "
-        "represents the parent of this registry node. If the "
-        "value is `None`, then this registry represents the "
-        "root of the tree")
-    subs = interface.Attribute(
-        "A collection of registries that describe the next level "
-        "of the registry tree. They are the children of this "
-        "registry node. This attribute should never be "
-        "manipulated manually. Use `addSub()` and `removeSub()` "
-        "instead.")
-    base = interface.Attribute(
-        "Outside of the local registry tree lies the global "
-        "registry, which is known as the base to every local "
-        "registry in the tree.")
-    def addSub(sub):
-        """Add a new sub-registry to the node.
-        Important: This method should *not* be used manually. It is
-        automatically called by `setNext()`. To add a new registry to the
-        tree, use `sub.setNext(self, self.base)` instead!
-        """
-    def removeSub(sub):
-        """Remove a sub-registry to the node.
-        Important: This method should *not* be used manually. It is
-        automatically called by `setNext()`. To remove a registry from the
-        tree, use `sub.setNext(None)` instead!
-        """
-    def setNext(next, base=None):
-        """Set the next/parent registry in the tree.
-        This method should ensure that all relevant registies are updated
-        correctly as well.
-        """
-class IRegistrationManager(
-    zope.app.container.interfaces.IContainerNamesContainer,
-    ):
-    """Manage Registrations"""
-    zope.app.container.constraints.contains(IRegistration)
-    def addRegistration(registration):
-        """Add a registration to the manager.
-        The function will automatically choose a name as which the
-        registration will be known. The name of the registration inside this
-        manager is returned.
-        """
-class IRegistrationManagerContained(zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained):
-    """Objects that can be contained by the registration manager should
-    implement this interface."""
-    zope.app.container.constraints.containers(IRegistrationManager)
-class IRegisterableContainer(zope.app.container.interfaces.IContainer):
-    """Containers with registration managers
-    These are site-management folders of one sort or another.
-    The container allows clients to access the registration manager
-    without knowing it's name.
-    The registration manager container *also* supports local-module
-    lookup.
-    """
-    registrationManager = schema.Field(
-        title=_("Registration Manager"),
-        description=_("The registration manager keeps track of all component "
-                    "registrations."))
-class IRegisterable(zope.app.container.interfaces.IContained):
-    """Mark a component as registerable.
-    All registerable components need to implement this interface.
-    """
-    #zope.app.container.constraints.containers(IRegisterableContainer)
-class IRegisterableContainerContaining(
-    zope.app.container.interfaces.IContainer,
-    ):
-    """A container that can only contain `IRegisterable`s and
-    `IRegisterableContainer`s.
-    This interface was designed to be always used together with the
-    `IRegisterableContainer`.
-    """
-    zope.app.container.constraints.contains(
-        IRegisterable, IRegisterableContainer)
-class IRegistered(interface.Interface):
-    """An object that can track down its registrations.
-    The object need not implement this functionality itself, but must at
-    least support doing so via an adapter.
-    """
-    def registrations():
-        """Return a sequence of registration objects for this object."""
-class ILocalAdapterRegistry(IRegistry, ILocatedRegistry):
-    pass
-class ILocalUtility(IRegisterable):
-    """Local utility marker.
-    A marker interface that indicates that a component can be used as
-    a local utility.
-    Utilities should usually also declare they implement
-    IAttributeAnnotatable, so that the standard adapter to
-    IRegistered can be used; otherwise, they must provide
-    another way to be adaptable to IRegistered.
-    """
-class IAdapterRegistration(IComponentRegistration):
-    """Local Adapter Registration for Local Adapter Registry
-    The adapter registration is used to provide local adapters via the
-    adapter registry. It is an extended component registration, whereby the
-    component is the adapter factory in this case.
-    """
-    required = schema.Choice(
-        title = _("For interface"),
-        description = _("The interface of the objects being adapted"),
-        vocabulary="Interfaces",
-        readonly = True,
-        required=False,
-        default=None)
-    with = schema.Tuple(
-        title = _("With interfaces"),
-        description = _("Additionally required interfaces"),
-        readonly=True,
-        value_type = zope.schema.Choice(vocabulary='Interfaces'),
-        required=False,
-        default=())
-    provided = schema.Choice(
-        title = _("Provided interface"),
-        description = _("The interface provided"),
-        vocabulary="Interfaces",
-        readonly = True,
-        required = True)
-    name = schema.TextLine(
-        title=_(u"Name"),
-        readonly=False,
-        required=True,
-        default=u''
-        )
-    permission = schema.Choice(
-        title=_("The permission required for use"),
-        vocabulary="Permission Ids",
-        readonly=False,
-        required=False,
-        )
-    # TODO: for now until we figure out a way to specify the factory directly
-    factoryName = schema.TextLine(
-        title=_(u"Factory Name"),
-        readonly=False,
-        required=False,
-        )
-class IUtilityRegistration(IAdapterRegistration):
-    """Utility registration object.
-    Adapter registries are also used to to manage utilities, since utilities
-    are adapters that are instantiated and have no required interfaces. Thus,
-    utility registrations must fulfill all requirements of an adapter
-    registration as well.
-    """
-    name = zope.schema.TextLine(
-        title=_("Register As"),
-        description=_("The name under which the utility will be known."),
-        readonly=False,
-        required=True,
-        default=u''
-        )
-    provided = zope.schema.Choice(
-        title=_("Provided interface"),
-        description=_("The interface provided by the utility"),
-        vocabulary="Utility Component Interfaces",
-        readonly=True,
-        required=True,
-        )
-class RegistrationStatusProperty(object):
-    """A descriptor used to implement `IRegistration`'s `status` property."""
-    def __get__(self, inst, klass):
-        registration = inst
-        if registration is None:
-            return self
-        registry = registration.getRegistry()
-        if registry and registry.registered(registration):
-            return ActiveStatus
-        return InactiveStatus
-    def __set__(self, inst, value):
-        registration = inst
-        registry = registration.getRegistry()
-        if registry is None:
-            raise ValueError('No registry found.')
-        if value == ActiveStatus:
-            if not registry.registered(registration):
-                registry.register(registration)
-                zope.event.notify(
-                    zope.component.interfaces.Registered(registration)
-                    )
-        elif value == InactiveStatus:
-            if registry.registered(registration):
-                registry.unregister(registration)
-                zope.event.notify(
-                  zope.component.interfaces.Unregistered(registration)
-                  )
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(value)
-class SimpleRegistration(persistent.Persistent, Contained):
-    """Registration objects that just contain registration data"""
-    implements(IRegistration, IRegistrationManagerContained)
-    # See interfaces.IRegistration
-    status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
-    def getRegistry(self):
-        """See interfaces.IRegistration"""
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-              'This method must be implemented by each specific regstration.')
-# Note that I could get rid of the base class below, but why bother.
-# The thing that uses it is going away too.  I really have no way of
-# knowing that there aren't still registrations that use the older
-# data structures.  The better approach will be to just stop using
-# registrations.
-NULL_COMPONENT = object()
-class BBBComponentRegistration(object):
-    _BBB_componentPath = None
-    def __init__(self, component, permission=None):
-        # BBB: 12/05/2004
-        if isinstance(component, (str, unicode)):
-            self.componentPath = component
-        else:
-            # We always want to set the plain component. Untrusted code will
-            # get back a proxied component anyways.
-            self.component = removeSecurityProxy(component)
-        if permission == 'zope.Public':
-            permission = CheckerPublic
-        self.permission = permission
-    def getComponent(self):
-        return self.__BBB_getComponent()
-    getComponent = zope.deprecation.deprecated(getComponent,
-                              'Use component directly. '
-                              'The reference will be gone in Zope 3.3.')
-    def __BBB_getComponent(self):
-        if self._component is NULL_COMPONENT:
-            return self.__BBB_old_getComponent(self._BBB_componentPath)
-        # This condition should somehow make it in the final code, since it
-        # honors the permission.
-        if self.permission:
-            checker = InterfaceChecker(self.getInterface(), self.permission)
-            return Proxy(self._component, checker)
-        return self._component
-    def __BBB_old_getComponent(self, path):
-        service_manager = component.getSiteManager(self)
-        # Get the root and unproxy it
-        if path.startswith("/"):
-            # Absolute path
-            root = removeAllProxies(getRoot(service_manager))
-            component = traverse(root, path)
-        else:
-            # Relative path.
-            ancestor = self.__parent__.__parent__
-            component = traverse(ancestor, path)
-        if self.permission:
-            if type(component) is Proxy:
-                # There should be at most one security Proxy around an object.
-                # So, if we're going to add a new security proxy, we need to
-                # remove any existing one.
-                component = removeSecurityProxy(component)
-            interface = self.getInterface()
-            checker = InterfaceChecker(interface, self.permission)
-            component = Proxy(component, checker)
-        return component
-    def __BBB_setComponent(self, component):
-        self._BBB_componentPath = None
-        self._component = component
-    component = property(__BBB_getComponent, __BBB_setComponent)
-    def __BBB_getComponentPath(self):
-        if self._BBB_componentPath is not None:
-            return self._BBB_componentPath
-        return '/' + '/'.join(getPath(self.component))
-    def __BBB_setComponentPath(self, path):
-        self._component = NULL_COMPONENT
-        self._BBB_componentPath = path
-    componentPath = property(__BBB_getComponentPath, __BBB_setComponentPath)
-    componentPath = zope.deprecation.deprecated(
-        componentPath,
-        'Use component directly. '
-        'The reference will be gone in Zope 3.3.')
-    def __setstate__(self, dict):
-        super(BBBComponentRegistration, self).__setstate__(dict)
-        # For some reason the component path is not set correctly by the
-        # default __setstate__ mechanism.
-        if 'componentPath' in dict:
-            self._component = NULL_COMPONENT
-            self._BBB_componentPath = dict['componentPath']
-        if isinstance(self._BBB_componentPath, (str, unicode)):
-            self._component = NULL_COMPONENT
-class ComponentRegistration(BBBComponentRegistration,
-                            SimpleRegistration):
-    """Component registration.
-    Subclasses should define a getInterface() method returning the interface
-    of the component.
-    """
-    implements(IComponentRegistration)
-    def __init__(self, component, permission=None):
-        super(ComponentRegistration, self).__init__(component, permission)
-        if permission == 'zope.Public':
-            permission = CheckerPublic
-        self.permission = permission
-    def _getComponent(self):
-        if self.permission and self.interface:
-            checker = InterfaceChecker(self.interface, self.permission)
-            return Proxy(self._component, checker)
-        return self._component
-    def _setComponent(self, component):
-        # We always want to set the plain component. Untrusted code will
-        # get back a proxied component anyways.
-        self._component = removeSecurityProxy(component)
-    # See zope.app.component.interfaces.registration.IComponentRegistration
-    component = property(_getComponent, _setComponent)
-    # See zope.app.component.interfaces.registration.IComponentRegistration
-    interface = None
-class Registered:
-    """An adapter from IRegisterable to IRegistered.
-    This class is the only place that knows how 'Registered'
-    data is represented.
-    """
-    implements(IRegistered)
-    __used_for__ = IRegisterable
-    def __init__(self, registerable):
-        self.registerable = registerable
-    def registrations(self):
-        context = self.registerable
-        return [
-            r
-            for r in component.getSiteManager(context).registeredUtilities()
-            if r.component == context
-            ]
-class RegistrationManager(BTreeContainer):
-    """Registration manager
-    Manages registrations within a package.
-    """
-    implements(IRegistrationManager)
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate("Will go away in Zope 3.5")
-    def addRegistration(self, reg):
-        "See IWriteContainer"
-        key = self._chooseName('', reg)
-        self[key] = reg
-        return key
-    def _chooseName(self, name, reg):
-        """Choose a name for the registration."""
-        if not name:
-            name = reg.__class__.__name__
-        i = 1
-        chosenName = name
-        while chosenName in self:
-            i += 1
-            chosenName = name + str(i)
-        return chosenName
-class RegisterableContainer(object):
-    """Mix-in to implement `IRegisterableContainer`"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(RegisterableContainer, self).__init__()
-        self.__createRegistrationManager()
-    def __createRegistrationManager(self):
-        "Create a registration manager and store it as `registrationManager`"
-        # See interfaces.IRegisterableContainer
-        self.registrationManager = RegistrationManager()
-        self.registrationManager.__parent__ = self
-        self.registrationManager.__name__ = '++registrations++'
-        zope.event.notify(ObjectCreatedEvent(self.registrationManager))
-class RegistrationManagerNamespace:
-    """Used to traverse to a Registration Manager from a
-       Registerable Container."""
-    __used_for__ = IRegisterableContainer
-    def __init__(self, ob, request=None):
-        self.context = ob.registrationManager
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate(
-        "++registration++ namespace is deprecated and will go away in Zope 3.5"
-        )
-    def traverse(self, name, ignore):
-        if name == '':
-            return self.context
-        raise TraversalError(self.context, name)
-class AdapterRegistration(ComponentRegistration):
-    """Adapter component registration for persistent components
-    This registration configures persistent components in packages to
-    be adapters.
-    """
-    zope.interface.implements(IAdapterRegistration)
-    def __init__(self, required, provided, factoryName,
-                 name='', permission=None):
-        if not isinstance(required, (tuple, list)):
-            self.required = required
-            self.with = ()
-        else:
-            self.required = required[0]
-            self.with = tuple(required[1:])
-        self.provided = provided
-        self.name = name
-        self.factoryName = factoryName
-        self.permission = permission
-    def component(self):
-        factory = resolve(self.factoryName, self)
-        return factory
-    component = property(component)
-    def getRegistry(self):
-        return component.getSiteManager(self)
-class AdapterRegistration2(ComponentRegistration):
-    """A simple implementation of the adapter registration interface."""
-    interface.implements(IAdapterRegistration)
-    def __init__(self, required, provided, factory,
-                 name='', permission=None, registry=None):
-        if not isinstance(required, (tuple, list)):
-            self.required = required
-            self.with = ()
-        else:
-            self.required = required[0]
-            self.with = tuple(required[1:])
-        self.provided = provided
-        self.name = name
-        self.component = factory
-        self.permission = permission
-        self.registry = registry
-    def getRegistry(self):
-        return self.registry
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return ('<%s: ' %self.__class__.__name__ +
-                'required=%r, ' %self.required +
-                'with=' + `self.with` + ', ' +
-                'provided=%r, ' %self.provided +
-                'name=%r, ' %self.name +
-                'component=%r, ' %self.component +
-                'permission=%r' %self.permission +
-                '>')
-class UtilityRegistration(ComponentRegistration):
-    """Utility component registration for persistent components
-    This registration configures persistent components in packages to
-    be utilities.
-    """
-    interface.implements(IUtilityRegistration)
-    def __init__(self, name, provided, component, permission=None):
-        super(UtilityRegistration, self).__init__(component, permission)
-        self.name = name
-        self.provided = provided
-    def getRegistry(self):
-        return component.getSiteManager(self)
-class LayerField(GlobalObject):
-    r"""This field represents a layer.
-    Besides being able to look up the layer by importing it, we also try
-    to look up the name in the site manager.
-    >>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides
-    >>> from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass
-    >>> layer1 = InterfaceClass('layer1', (),
-    ...                         __doc__='Layer: layer1',
-    ...                         __module__='zope.app.layers')
-    >>> directlyProvides(layer1, ILayer)
-    >>> layers = None
-    >>> class Resolver(object):
-    ...     def resolve(self, path):
-    ...         if '..' in path:
-    ...             raise ValueError('Empty module name')
-    ...         if (path.startswith('zope.app.layers') and
-    ...             hasattr(layers, 'layer1') or
-    ...             path == 'zope.app.component.fields.layer1' or
-    ...             path == '.fields.layer1'):
-    ...             return layer1
-    ...         raise ConfigurationError('layer1')
-    >>> field = LayerField()
-    >>> field = field.bind(Resolver())
-    Test 1: Import the layer
-    ------------------------
-    >>> field.fromUnicode('zope.app.component.fields.layer1') is layer1
-    True
-    Test 2: We have a shortcut name. Import the layer from `zope.app.layers`.
-    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    >>> from types import ModuleType as module
-    >>> import sys
-    >>> layers = module('layers')
-    >>> import zope.app.layers
-    >>> old = sys.modules['zope.app.layers']
-    >>> sys.modules['zope.app.layers'] = layers
-    >>> setattr(layers, 'layer1', layer1)
-    >>> field.fromUnicode('layer1') is layer1
-    True
-    >>> sys.modules['zope.app.layers'] = old
-    Test 3: Get the layer from the site manager
-    -------------------------------------------
-    >>> from zope.app.testing import ztapi
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(ILayer, layer1, 'layer1')
-    >>> field.fromUnicode('layer1') is layer1
-    True
-    Test 4: Import the layer by using a short name
-    ----------------------------------------------
-    >>> field.fromUnicode('.fields.layer1') is layer1
-    True
-    """
-    def fromUnicode(self, u):
-        name = str(u.strip())
-        try:
-            value = zope.component.queryUtility(ILayer, name)
-        except ComponentLookupError:
-            # The component architecture is not up and running.
-            pass
-        else:
-            if value is not None:
-                return value
-        try:
-            value = self.context.resolve('zope.app.layers.'+name)
-        except (ConfigurationError, ValueError), v:
-            try:
-                value = self.context.resolve(name)
-            except ConfigurationError, v:
-                raise zope.schema.ValidationError(v)
-        self.validate(value)
-        return value
-class LocalSiteGeneration3SupportMixin:
-    @zope.cachedescriptors.property.readproperty
-    def _utility_registrations(self):
-        return _OldUtilityRegistrations(
-            self, 'utilities', '_utility_registrations')
-    @zope.cachedescriptors.property.readproperty
-    def _adapter_registrations(self):
-        return _OldAdapterRegistrations(
-            self, 'adapters', '_adapter_registrations')
-    @zope.cachedescriptors.property.readproperty
-    def _subscription_registrations(self):
-        return _OldSubscriberRegistrations(self, '_subscription_registrations')
-    @zope.cachedescriptors.property.readproperty
-    def _handler_registrations(self):
-        return _OldSubscriberRegistrations(self, '_handler_registrations')
-    def _evolve_to_generation_4(self):
-        self._utility_registrations.update(())
-        self._adapter_registrations.update(())
-        self._subscription_registrations.extend(())
-        self._handler_registrations.extend(())
-        for sub in self.subs:
-            sub._evolve_to_generation_4()
-class _OldUtilityRegistrations(UserDict.DictMixin):
-    def __init__(self, site, rname, name):
-        self.site = site
-        self.rname = rname
-        self.__name__ = name
-    def _getOldRegistrations(self):
-        return getattr(self.site, self.rname)._registrations
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        (provided, name) = key
-        for r in self._getOldRegistrations():
-            if r.name == name and r.provided == provided:
-                return r.component, u''
-        raise KeyError, key
-    def keys(self):
-        return [
-            (r.provided, r.name)
-            for r in self._getOldRegistrations()
-            ]
-    def update(self, other):
-        newregistrations = persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping()
-        for r in self._getOldRegistrations():
-            newregistrations[(r.provided, r.name)] = r.component, u''
-        # finish the conversion of the utilities:
-        del getattr(self.site, self.rname)._registrations
-        for key, value in dict(other).iteritems():
-            newregistrations[key] = value
-        setattr(self.site, self.__name__, newregistrations)
-    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
-        self.update([(k, v)])
-    def __delitem__(self, k):
-        self.update(())
-        del getattr(self.site, self.__name__)[k]
-class _OldAdapterRegistrations(_OldUtilityRegistrations):
-    def _getOldRegistrations(self):
-        if self.site.adapters._registrations:
-            warnings.warn(
-                "Old non-utility registrations are not supported and will not "
-                "be converted",
-                DeprecationWarning)
-        return ()
-class _OldSubscriberRegistrations(object):
-    def __init__(self, site, name):
-        self.site = site
-        self.__name__ = name
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return iter(())
-    def __setslice__(self, i, j, other):
-        assert i == 0
-        self.extend(other)
-    def extend(self, other):
-        assert not other
-        setattr(self.site, self.__name__, persistent.list.PersistentList())
-    def append(self, value):
-        setattr(self.site, self.__name__,
-                persistent.list.PersistentList([value]),
-                )
-class _LocalAdapterRegistryGeneration3SupportMixin(object):
-    def __setstate__(self, state):
-        if '_registrations' in state:
-            # convert data to generation 3 data structure:
-            next = state.get('next')
-            if next is None:
-                next = state['base']
-            bases = (next, )
-            self.__init__(bases)
-            registrations = []
-            for r in state['_registrations']:
-                if isinstance(r, UtilityRegistration):
-                    self.register((), r.provided, r.name, r.component)
-                    if not [
-                        1 for rseen in registrations
-                        if rseen.provided == r.provided
-                           and rseen.component == r.component
-                        ]:
-                        self.subscribe((), r.provided, r.component)
-                    registrations.append(r)
-                else:
-                    warnings.warn(
-                        "Old %s registrations are not supported and will not "
-                        "be converted" % r.__class__.__name__,
-                        DeprecationWarning)
-            self._registrations = tuple(registrations)
-        else:
-            super(_LocalAdapterRegistryGeneration3SupportMixin, self
-                  ).__setstate__(state)

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/registration.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/registration.txt	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/registration.txt	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-Component registration
-Registration of objects as components is quite simple.  Currently, any
-object can be registered as a utility.  (In the future, registering
-objects as adapter factories probably will be supported, but only if
-those objects implement interfaces.)
-To see how this works, we'll create some objects and register
-them. We'll use the Sample class defined in
-zope.app.component.browser.tests to define 3 sample objects: 
-    >>> from zope.app.component.browser.tests import Sample
-    >>> folder = getRootFolder()
-    >>> folder['sample1'] = Sample()
-    >>> folder['sample2'] = Sample()
-    >>> folder['sample3'] = Sample()
-    >>> import transaction
-    >>> transaction.commit()
-All objects have a "Registration" tab that is accessable to people
-with the zope.ManageSite permission:
-    >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-    >>> browser = Browser()
-    >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic mgr:mgrpw')
-    >>> browser.addHeader('Accept-Language', 'test')
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample1/@@SelectedManagementView.html')
-    >>> browser.getLink('[[zope][Registration]]').click()
-When we first visit the registration tab, we see that there are no
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][This object isn't yet registered.]]...
-To add a registration, we'll click on the `Register this object`
-    >>> browser.getControl('Register this object').click()
-This will being up a form that provides for selection from the
-interfaces the object provides and provides and entries for name to
-provide the object as and a comment:
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][Provided interface]]...
-    ...[[zope][The interface provided by the utility]]...
-    <option value="...ISample">....ISample</option>
-    <option value="...ISampleBase">...ISampleBase</option>
-    <option value="...IContained">...IContained</option>
-    <option value="...ILocation">...ILocation</option>
-    <option value="...IPersistent">...IPersistent</option>
-    <option value="...Interface">...Interface</option>
-    ...[[zope][Register As]]...
-    ...[[zope][The name under which the utility will be known.]]...
-    ...[[zope][Comment]]...
-The most specific interface is selected, which is usually what we
-want.  If we just enter a comment and submit the form:
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Comment]]').value = 'unnamed sample'
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register]]').click()
-We'll be redirected to the registrations page and the new registration
-will be shown:
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][comment: unnamed sample]]...
-We can create multiple registrations by clicking on *Register this
-object again*:
-    >>> browser.getControl('Register this object again').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register As]]').value = 'one'
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register]]').click()
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][comment: unnamed sample]]...
-    ...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility named 'one']]...
-Each entry has a checkbox for selecting it.  This can be used to
-unregister an object. We'll unregister the utility named "one":
-    >>> browser.getControl(name='ids:list').getControl(
-    ... value='Rem9wZS5hcHAuY29tcG9uZW50LmJyb3dzZXIudGVzdHMuSVNhbXBsZSBvbmU'
-    ... ).selected = True
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][unregister-button (Unregister)]]').click()
-    >>> "utility named 'one'" not in browser.contents
-    True
-If there is already an object registered, new registrations will
-simply override the old. We can see this by creating a registration
-for sample2 and then overriding it's registration by registering
-sample3. First, we register sample2:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample2/registration.html')
-    >>> browser.getControl('Register this object').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register As]]').value = 'two'
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register]]').click()
-We can see all of the registrations for a site by visting the
-site-manager's registrations page:
-    >>> browser.open(
-    ...        'http://localhost/++etc++site/@@SelectedManagementView.html')
-    >>> browser.getLink('[[zope][Registrations]]').click()
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][Registrations for this site: (
-    Registrations for this site:
-    )]]...
-    ...sample1...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][comment: unnamed sample]]...
-    ...sample2...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample
-    utility named 'two']]...
-This shows all of the registrations for the site, including our sample
-registrations. The display includes a link to each component.  Now,
-we'll register sample 3:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample3/registration.html')
-    >>> browser.getControl('Register this object').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register As]]').value = 'two'
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register]]').click()
-and note that now sample 3, rather than sample 2 is shown in the
-listing of registered components for the site:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/++etc++site/@@registrations.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][Registrations for this site: (
-    Registrations for this site:
-    )]]...
-    ...sample1...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][comment: unnamed sample]]...
-    ...sample3...[[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample
-    utility named 'two']]...
-    >>> 'sample2' not in browser.contents
-    True
-And if we look at sample2's registrations, we'll see it's not registered:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample2/registration.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...This object isn't yet registered...
-Each entry in the site registrations view has a checkbox for selecting
-it.  This can be used to unregister an object. We'll unregister sample3:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/++etc++site/@@registrations.html')
-    >>> browser.getControl(name='ids:list').getControl(
-    ... value='Rem9wZS5hcHAuY29tcG9uZW50LmJyb3dzZXIudGVzdHMuSVNhbXBsZSB0d28'
-    ... ).selected = True
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][unregister-button (Unregister)]]').click()
-    >>> 'sample3' not in browser.contents
-    True
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample3/registration.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...This object isn't yet registered...
-If a registered object is deleted:
-    >>> del folder['sample1']
-    >>> transaction.commit()
-It remains registered, and can be unregistered:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/++etc++site/@@registrations.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...[[zope][Registrations for this site: (
-    Registrations for this site:
-    )]]...
-    ...[[zope][[[zope][(unknown name)]] (moved or deleted) (
-    [[zope][(unknown name)]]
-    (moved or deleted)
-    )]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility]]
-    <br />
-    [[zope][comment: unnamed sample]]...
-    >>> browser.getControl(name='ids:list').getControl(
-    ... value="Rem9wZS5hcHAuY29tcG9uZW50LmJyb3dzZXIudGVzdHMuSVNhbXBsZSA"
-    ... ).selected = True
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][unregister-button (Unregister)]]').click()
-    >>> 'ISample' not in browser.contents
-    True
-The registration view for an object only shows the registrations in
-the immediately enclosing site.  To see this, we register sample2:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/sample2/registration.html')
-    >>> browser.getControl('Register this object').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][Register]]').click()
-Now we'll create a subsite and move sample2 there:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@SelectedManagementView.html')
-    >>> browser.getLink('[[zope][Folder]]').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl(name='new_value').value = 'subsite'
-    >>> browser.getControl('Apply').click()
-    >>> browser.getLink('subsite').click()
-    >>> browser.getLink('[[zope][Make a site]').click()
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/@@SelectedManagementView.html')
-    >>> browser.getControl(name='ids:list').getControl(value='sample2'
-    ...     ).selected = True
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][container-cut-button (Cut)]]').click()
-    >>> browser.getLink('subsite').click()
-    >>> browser.getControl('[[zope][container-paste-button (Paste)]]').click()
-sample2's registration page now indicates that sample2 is
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/subsite/registration.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...This object isn't yet registered...
-which it is in it's new site.
-If we go back to the old site though, we see that sample2 is still
-registered there and that it's link points to it's new location:
-    >>> browser.open('http://localhost/++etc++site/@@registrations.html')
-    >>> print browser.contents
-    <!DOCTYPE html ...
-    ...subsite/sample2...zope.app.component.browser.tests.ISample utility...
-Of course, this could stand some improvement:
-- It would be nice if people were warned when overriding a component
-- It would be nice if people were warned when moving a registered
-  component out its site.  Perhaps people should be offered the option of
-  unregistering it, and perhaps registering it in the new location.
-- It would be nice if people were warned when deleting a registered
-  component.  Perhaps people should be offered the option of
-  unregistering it.

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/tests.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/tests.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/browser/tests.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -42,11 +42,7 @@
         optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)
     site.layer = AppComponentBrowserLayer
-    reg = zope.app.testing.functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite(
-        'registration.txt',
-        optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)
-    reg.layer = AppComponentLayer
-    return unittest.TestSuite((site, reg))
+    return unittest.TestSuite((site,))
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -2,36 +2,6 @@
   <interface interface="zope.interface.Interface" />
-  <!-- Registration Framework Goes away in 3.5-->  
-  <class class=".back35.RegistrationManager">
-    <implements
-        interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
-        />
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.app.container.interfaces.IWriteContainer
-                   zope.app.container.interfaces.IReadContainer
-                   zope.app.container.interfaces.INameChooser" 
-        attributes="addRegistration"
-        />
-  </class>
-  <!-- ++registrations++ namespace registrations -->
-  <view
-      name="registrations" type="*"
-      for=".back35.IRegisterableContainer"
-      provides="zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraversable"
-      factory=".back35.RegistrationManagerNamespace"
-      />
-  <adapter
-      name="registrations"
-      for=".back35.IRegisterableContainer"
-      provides="zope.traversing.interfaces.ITraversable"
-      factory=".back35.RegistrationManagerNamespace"
-      />
   <!-- Site and Site Manager Framework -->
   <module module=".interfaces">

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -21,20 +21,8 @@
 import zope.component.interfaces
 import zope.app.container.interfaces
-import zope.deferredimport
 from zope.location.interfaces import IPossibleSite, ISite
-    "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-    "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-    "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-    'zope.app.component.back35',
-    'ILocalAdapterRegistry', 'ILocalUtility', 'IAdapterRegistration',
-    'IUtilityRegistration',
-    )
 class INewLocalSite(zope.interface.Interface):
     """Event: a local site was created

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/registration.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/registration.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/registration.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -18,36 +18,6 @@
 from zope import interface, schema
 import zope.schema.interfaces
-import zope.deferredimport
-    "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-    "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-    "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-    'zope.app.component.back35',
-    'IRegistration',
-    'InactiveStatus',
-    'ActiveStatus',
-    'IComponentRegistration',
-    'IRegistry',
-    'ILocatedRegistry',
-    'IRegistrationManager',
-    'IRegistrationManagerContained',
-    'IRegisterableContainer',
-    'IRegisterable',
-    'IRegisterableContainerContaining',
-    'IRegistered',
-    )
-    "Registration events are not defined in zope.component.interfaces. "
-    "Importing them from zope.app.component.registration will be disallowed "
-    "in Zope 3.5",
-    IRegistrationEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:IRegistrationEvent',
-    IRegistrationActivatedEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:IRegistered',
-    IRegistrationDeactivatedEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:IUnregistered',
-    )
 class IComponent(zope.schema.interfaces.IField):
     """A component 

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/metadirectives.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 import zope.schema
 from zope.component.zcml import IBasicComponentInformation
-from zope.app.component.back35 import LayerField
 from zope.app.component.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
 class IDefaultViewName(zope.interface.Interface):
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
-    layer = LayerField(
+    layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
         title=_("The layer the view is in."),
         A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@
     """Register a resource"""
-    layer = LayerField(
+    layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
         title=_("The layer the resource is in."),

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/registration.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/registration.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/registration.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Component registration support
-import zope.deferredimport
-    """The old registration APIs, are deprecated and will go away in Zope 3.5
-    See the newer component-registration APIs in
-    zope.component.interfaces.IComponentRegistry.
-    """,
-    "zope.app.component.back35",
-    'RegistrationStatusProperty',
-    'SimpleRegistration',
-    'ComponentRegistration',
-    'Registered',
-    'RegistrationManager',
-    'RegisterableContainer',
-    'RegistrationManagerNamespace',
-    )
-    "Registration events are now defined in zope.component.interfaces. "
-    "Importing them from zope.app.component.registration will be disallowed "
-    "in Zope 3.5",
-    RegistrationEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:RegistrationEvent',
-    RegistrationActivatedEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:Registered',
-    RegistrationDeactivatedEvent = 'zope.component.interfaces:Unregistered',
-    )

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py	2008-10-13 12:54:15 UTC (rev 92114)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 import zope.component.persistentregistry
 import zope.component.interfaces
 import zope.traversing.api
-import zope.deprecation
 import zope.deferredimport
 import zope.location
@@ -40,9 +39,7 @@
 from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
 from zope.filerepresentation.interfaces import IDirectoryFactory
-import zope.app.component.back35
 from zope.app.component import interfaces
-from zope.app.component import registration
 from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite
 from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
 from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
@@ -70,8 +67,7 @@
 # from zope.app.module import resolve
-class SiteManagementFolder(zope.app.component.back35.RegisterableContainer,
-                           BTreeContainer):
+class SiteManagementFolder(BTreeContainer):
@@ -135,7 +131,6 @@
 class _LocalAdapterRegistry(
-    zope.app.component.back35._LocalAdapterRegistryGeneration3SupportMixin,
@@ -143,7 +138,6 @@
 class LocalSiteManager(
-    zope.app.component.back35.LocalSiteGeneration3SupportMixin,
     """Local Site Manager implementation"""
@@ -151,12 +145,6 @@
     subs = ()
-    @property
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate("Goes away in Zope 3.5.  Use __bases__[0]")
-    def next(self):
-        if self.__bases__:
-            return self.__bases__[0]
     def _setBases(self, bases):
         # Update base subs
@@ -208,10 +196,6 @@
         self.subs = tuple(
             [s for s in self.subs if s is not sub] )
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate("Will go away in Zope 3.5")
-    def setNext(self, next, base=None):
-        self.__bases__ = tuple([b for b in (next, base) if b is not None])
     def __getRegistry(self, registration):
         """Determine the correct registry for the registration."""
         if interfaces.IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(registration):
@@ -223,150 +207,6 @@
                          "provide `IAdapterRegistration` or "
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate(
-        "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-        "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-        "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-        )
-    def register(self, registration):
-        if interfaces.IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            self.registerUtility(
-                registration.component,
-                registration.provided,
-                registration.name,
-                )
-        elif interfaces.IAdapterRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            self.registerAdapter(
-                registration.component,
-                (registration.required, ) + registration.with,
-                registration.provided,
-                registration.name,
-                )
-        try:
-            f = registration.activated
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            f()
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate(
-        "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-        "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-        "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-        )
-    def unregister(self, registration):
-        if interfaces.IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            self.unregisterUtility(
-                registration.component,
-                registration.provided,
-                registration.name,
-                )
-        elif interfaces.IAdapterRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            self.unregisterAdapter(
-                registration.component,
-                (registration.required, ) + registration.with,
-                registration.provided,
-                registration.name,
-                )
-        try:
-            f = registration.deactivated
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            f()
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate(
-        "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-        "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-        "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-        )
-    def registered(self, registration):
-        if zope.component.interfaces.IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(
-            registration):
-            return bool([
-                r for r in self.registeredUtilities()
-                if (
-                   r.component == registration.component
-                   and
-                   r.provided == registration.provided
-                   and
-                   r.name == registration.name
-                )
-                ])
-        elif zope.component.interfaces.IAdapterRegistration.providedBy(
-            registration):
-            return bool([
-                r for r in self.registeredAdapters()
-                if (
-                   r.factory == registration.component
-                   and
-                   r.provided == registration.provided
-                   and
-                   r.name == registration.name
-                   and
-                   r.required == ((registration.required, )
-                                  + registration.with)
-                )
-                ])
-        elif (
-         zope.component.interfaces.ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration.providedBy(
-            registration)):
-            return bool([
-                r for r in self.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()
-                if (
-                   r.factory == registration.component
-                   and
-                   r.provided == registration.provided
-                   and
-                   r.name == registration.name
-                   and
-                   r.required == ((registration.required, )
-                                  + registration.with)
-                )
-                ])
-        elif zope.component.interfaces.IHandlerRegistration.providedBy(
-            registration):
-            return bool([
-                r for r in self.registeredHandlers()
-                if (
-                   r.factory == registration.component
-                   and
-                   r.provided == registration.provided
-                   and
-                   r.name == registration.name
-                   and
-                   r.required == ((registration.required, )
-                                  + registration.with)
-                )
-                ])
-        return False
-    @zope.deprecation.deprecate(
-        "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-        "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-        "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-        )
-    def registrations(self):
-        """See zope.component.interfaces.IRegistry"""
-        for r in self.registeredUtilities():
-            yield r
-        for r in self.registeredAdapters():
-            yield r
-        for r in self.registeredHandlers():
-            yield r
-        for r in self.registeredSubscriptionAdapters():
-            yield r
-    "Local registration is now much simpler.  The old baroque APIs "
-    "will go away in Zope 3.5.  See the new component-registration APIs "
-    "defined in zope.component, especially IComponentRegistry.",
-    LocalAdapterRegistry = 'zope.app.component.site:_LocalAdapterRegistry',
-    LocalUtilityRegistry = 'zope.app.component.site:_LocalAdapterRegistry',
-    UtilityRegistration = 'zope.app.component.back35:UtilityRegistration',
-    AdaptersRegistration = 'zope.app.component.back35:AdaptersRegistration',
-    )
 def threadSiteSubscriber(ob, event):
     """A subscriber to BeforeTraverseEvent

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/deprecated35_registration.txt
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@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-The Registration Framework
-The registration framework's task is to manage registrations and ensure that
-the correct registrations are inserted into the correct registries. Each
-registration knows to which registry it belongs. If a registration is set
-active, then the registration is added to the regstry; when inactive, it is
-removed from the registry. Please see `statusproperty.txt` for a demonstration
-on how the setting of the registration's status affects the registry.
-The true power of the registration framework, however, comes from the ability
-to provide registrations for registerable components. In the context of Zope
-3's component architecture, registerable components are adapters and
-utilities. Since the registration framework can be used for any kind of
-component registration, I am going to refer to registerable components
-(including adapters and interface) as components. 
-The first task is to create a simple component registry. It will implement all
-required `IRegistry` methods and a `getComponents()` method, which will return
-a list of all registered (active) components.
-  >>> import zope.interface
-  >>> from zope.app.component import interfaces
-  >>> class ComponentRegistry(object):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(interfaces.registration.IRegistry)
-  ...
-  ...     def __init__(self):
-  ...         self._registrations = []
-  ...
-  ...     def registrations(self):
-  ...         """See zope.component.interfaces.IRegistry"""
-  ...         return self._registrations
-  ...
-  ...     registeredUtilities = registrations
-  ...
-  ...     def register(self, registration):
-  ...         """See interfaces.registration.IRegistry"""
-  ...         self._registrations.append(registration)
-  ...
-  ...     def unregister(self, registration):
-  ...         """See interfaces.registration.IRegistry"""
-  ...         del self._registrations[self._registrations.index(registration)]
-  ...
-  ...     def registered(self, registration):
-  ...         """See interfaces.registration.IRegistry"""
-  ...         return registration in self._registrations
-  ...
-  ...     def getComponents(self):
-  ...         return [reg.component for reg in self.registrations()]  
-  >>> registry = ComponentRegistry()
-Effectively, a registry manages a set of active registrations. A simple
-UML diagram would be::
-                          ---------------------------    
-    --------------- *   1 |  IRegistration          |
-    |  IRegistry  |-------| - - - - - - - - - - - - |
-    ---------------       |  status = ActiveStatus  |
-                          ---------------------------
-Next we need to create a registration object that can register components with
-our new registry. The framework already provides a base-class for
-component-based registrations, so that we only need to implement the
-`getRegistry()` method:
-  >>> from zope.app.component.registration import ComponentRegistration
-  >>> class Registration(ComponentRegistration):
-  ...
-  ...     def getRegistry(self):
-  ...         global registry
-  ...         return registry
-  ... 
-  ...     def __repr__(self):
-  ...         return "<Registration for '%s'>" %self.component
-In the implementation above, all `Registration` instances are simply going to
-use the global `registry` object. Now that we have a registry and a suitable
-registration class, let's test what we have so far. To do that we have to
-create a component that we would like to register:
-  >>> import zope.component.interfaces
-  >>> from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
-  >>> class Component(Contained):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(interfaces.registration.IRegisterable)
-  ...     def __init__(self, title=u''):
-  ...         self.title = title
-  ...     def __repr__(self):
-  ...        return "<Component: '%s'>" %self.title
-  ...
-  ...     def __conform__(self, iface):
-  ...         if iface == zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup:
-  ...             return registry
-Note that `Contained` is used as a base class, since `IRegisterable` requires
-it to be. We will later see why this is the case. 
-Before we are registering any component, the registry is empty:
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  []
-Now we create a component and a registration:
-  >>> foo = Component('Foo')
-  >>> regFoo = Registration(foo)
-  >>> regFoo.component
-  <Component: 'Foo'>
-  >>> regFoo.status
-  u'Inactive'
-Finally, we activate the registration:
-  >>> regFoo.status = interfaces.registration.ActiveStatus
-  >>> regFoo.status
-  u'Active'
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  [<Component: 'Foo'>]
-Of course, we can add a second registered component:
-  >>> bar = Component('Bar')
-  >>> regBar = Registration(bar)
-  >>> regBar.component
-  <Component: 'Bar'>
-  >>> regBar.status
-  u'Inactive'
-  >>> regBar.status = interfaces.registration.ActiveStatus
-  >>> regBar.status
-  u'Active'
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  [<Component: 'Foo'>, <Component: 'Bar'>]
-Of course, when deactivating a registration, it will be gone from the registry
-as well:
-  >>> regFoo.status = interfaces.registration.InactiveStatus
-  >>> regFoo.status
-  u'Inactive'
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  [<Component: 'Bar'>]
-This is everything that there is about registrations and their interaction
-with a registry. However, the point of registrations and registerable
-components is that they should be persistent (otherwise we could use
-ZCML). Thus we need a way of managing local components and their
-Management of Local Components and Registrations
-The starting point here is the `IRegisterableContainer`, which can contain
-`IRegiserable` and other `IRegisterableContainer` components.
-  >>> from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-  >>> from zope.app.component.registration import RegisterableContainer
-  >>> class RegisterableManager(RegisterableContainer, BTreeContainer):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> registerables = RegisterableManager()
-The `RegisterableContainer` class is merely a mixin and leaves it up to the
-developer to implement the `IContainer` interface. In our case, we simply used
-the default btree container implementation to provide the container
-interface. However, the `RegisterableContainer` class does implement the
-`IRegisterableContainer` interface, which means it ensures the existance of
-the `registrationManager` attribute, which always contains an
-`IRegistrationManager` instance:
-  >>> registerables.registrationManager is not None
-  True
-  >>> interfaces.registration.IRegistrationManager.providedBy(
-  ...     registerables.registrationManager)
-  True
-The registration manager is a simple container that can only contain
-components providing `IRegistration` and implements a method called
-`addRegistration(registration)` that lets you add a registration to the
-manager without specifying a name. The name will be automatically chosen for
-you and is returned. So let's add our two existing components and their
-  >>> regManager = registerables.registrationManager
-  >>> registerables['foo'] = foo
-  >>> regManager.addRegistration(regFoo)
-  'Registration'
-  >>> registerables['bar'] = bar
-  >>> regManager.addRegistration(regBar)
-  'Registration2'
-  >>> items = list(registerables.items())
-  >>> items.sort()
-  >>> items
-  [(u'bar', <Component: 'Bar'>), (u'foo', <Component: 'Foo'>)]
-  >>> regs = list(regManager.items())
-  >>> regs.sort()
-  >>> regs #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-  [(u'Registration', <Registration for '<Component: 'Foo'>'>), 
-   (u'Registration2', <Registration for '<Component: 'Bar'>'>)]
-Of course, adding a registration to the registration manager does not mean the
-registration is added to the registry, since it still may not be active:
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  [<Component: 'Bar'>]
-Also, there are no restrictions on how many registrations you can create for a
-single component. For example, we can register the `foo` one more time:
-  >>> regFoo2 = Registration(foo)
-  >>> regManager.addRegistration(regFoo2)
-  'Registration3'
-  >>> regs = list(regManager.items())
-  >>> regs.sort()
-  >>> regs #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-  [(u'Registration', <Registration for '<Component: 'Foo'>'>), 
-   (u'Registration2', <Registration for '<Component: 'Bar'>'>),
-   (u'Registration3', <Registration for '<Component: 'Foo'>'>)]
-This also means that our registry can provide a component multiple times:
-  >>> regFoo.status = interfaces.registration.ActiveStatus
-  >>> regFoo2.status = interfaces.registration.ActiveStatus
-  >>> registry.getComponents()
-  [<Component: 'Bar'>, <Component: 'Foo'>, <Component: 'Foo'>]
-Here is a UML diagram of the registerable container and registration manager
-and their relationships to the other registration-related components we
-    ----------------------------
-    |  IRegisterableContainer  |
-    | - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
-    |                       1  |    1 --------------------------
-    |  registrationManager ----+------|  IRegistrationManager  |
-    |                          |      --------------------------
-    ---------------------------+                  | *
-             | *        | *  | 1                  |
-             |          |    |                    | 1
-             | 1        +----+           -------------------
-    -------------------                  |  IRegistration  |
-    |  IRegisterable  |                  -------------------
-    -------------------                           | *
-                                                  |
-                             --------------- 1    |
-                             |  IRegistry  |------+ if status == Active
-                             ---------------
-The Component Registration
-Until now we have only discussed the most primitive usage of the
-`ComponentRegistration`. Usually, a registry is not just interested in a
-component, but a set of methods which are specified by a particular
-interface. Thus the component registration supports the `interface`
-attribute. By default it is `None`:
-  >>> regFoo.interface is None
-  True
-We can now write another `IComponentRegistration` implementation that knows
-about the interface; in fact, it will pick the most specific one of the
-  >>> from zope.interface import providedBy
-  >>> class SomethingRegistration(Registration):
-  ...
-  ...     def interface(self):
-  ...         return list(providedBy(self._component))[0]
-  ...     interface = property(interface)
-Next we create an interface and its implementation:
-  >>> class ISomething(zope.interface.Interface):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> class Something(Component):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(ISomething)
-Creating a "something registration", we can see that the interface attribute
-is now available:
-  >>> something = Something('Something')
-  >>> reg = SomethingRegistration(something)
-  >>> reg.interface
-  <InterfaceClass __builtin__.ISomething>
-But hold on, we are not done yet! The component registration also supports a
-`permission` attribute. When set and an interface is available, the component
-will always be proxied using an interface checker for the specified
-permission. By default the permission is `None`:
-  >>> reg.permission is None
-  True
-Now we set a permission for the registration and the component should be
-proxies when returned:
-  >>> from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic  
-  >>> reg.permission = CheckerPublic
-  >>> reg.component is something
-  False
-  >>> type(reg.component) 
-  <type 'zope.security._proxy._Proxy'>
-You can also, specify a permission in the constructor:
-  >>> regNone = SomethingRegistration(None, 'zope.Public')
-  >>> regNone.permission is CheckerPublic
-  True
-If the interface is not available, the permission is ignored and the bare
-component is returned:
-  >>> regSomething2 = Registration(something, 'zope.Public')
-  >>> regSomething2.permission is CheckerPublic
-  True
-  >>> regSomething2.component is something
-  True
-The `Registered` Adapter
-Registerable components are able to get a list of all their
-registrations. However, the adapter only works for components and
-registrations that are stored in the registerable container and registration
-manager, respectively. 
-  >>> from zope.app.component.registration import Registered
-  >>> registered = Registered(foo)
-  >>> registered.registrations() #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-  [<Registration for '<Component: 'Foo'>'>, 
-   <Registration for '<Component: 'Foo'>'>]

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/deprecated35_statusproperty.txt
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@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Registration Status Property
-The registratio status property is a descriptor used to implement the
-`IRegistration`' interface's `status` property.
-The property accepts two possible values: `ActiveStatus` and
-`InactiveStatus`. When the registration is active, then the registration is
-also activated in the registry.
-  >>> from zope.app.component.interfaces.registration import ActiveStatus
-  >>> from zope.app.component.interfaces.registration import InactiveStatus
-When setting the `status` property to `ActiveStatus`, then the registration
-should be added to the nearest matching registry. Here, the registration's
-`getRegistry()` method is used to determine the registry. On the same token,
-if the value is set to `InactiveStatus` the registration should be removed
-from the registry.
-To demonstrate this functionality, we first have to create a stub registry
-  >>> class Registry(object):
-  ...     registrations = []
-  ...     def register(self, registration):
-  ...         self.registrations.append(registration)
-  ...
-  ...     def unregister(self, registration):
-  ...         del self.registrations[self.registrations.index(registration)]
-  ...
-  ...     def registered(self, registration):
-  ...         return registration in self.registrations
-  >>> registry = Registry()
-and a simple registration object
-  >>> from zope.app.component.registration import RegistrationStatusProperty
-  >>> class Registration(object):
-  ...     status = RegistrationStatusProperty()
-  ...
-  ...     def __init__(self, registry):
-  ...         self.registry = registry
-  ...
-  ...     def getRegistry(self):
-  ...         return self.registry
-Note that here only the `getRegistry()` is part of the registration API.
-Now that we have a registry and a registration class, let's create a
-  >>> reg = Registration(registry)
-At the beginning the registration is inactive:
-  >>> reg.status
-  u'Inactive'
-  >>> reg.status is InactiveStatus
-  True
-  >>> reg in registry.registrations
-  False
-Once we activate the registration, it appears in the registry:
-  >>> reg.status = ActiveStatus
-  >>> reg.status
-  u'Active'
-  >>> reg.status is ActiveStatus
-  True
-  >>> reg in registry.registrations
-  True
-Now, once we deactivate the registration, it is not available in the registry
-  >>> reg.status = InactiveStatus
-  >>> reg.status
-  u'Inactive'
-  >>> reg.status is InactiveStatus
-  True
-  >>> reg in registry.registrations
-  False
-Registration Events
-When a registration is activated or deactivated, an
-`RegistrationActivatedEvent` or `RegistrationDeactivatedEvent` is created,
-respectively. Listening to these events can be useful for cases where you want
-to change the component based on registration status.
-To catch the events, we have to register a subscriber with the event
-  >>> events = []
-  >>> def subscriber(event):
-  ...     global events
-  ...     events.append(event)
-  >>> import zope.event
-  >>> zope.event.subscribers.append(subscriber)
-Now we switch our registration to active:
-  >>> reg.status = ActiveStatus
-  >>> event = events.pop()
-  >>> event.__class__
-  <class 'zope.component.interfaces.Registered'>
-  >>> event.object is reg
-  True
-and deactivate it again:
-  >>> reg.status = InactiveStatus
-  >>> events.pop().__class__
-  <class 'zope.component.interfaces.Unregistered'>
-  >>> event.object is reg
-  True
-Now make sure that we remove the subscriber again:
-  >>> del zope.event.subscribers[zope.event.subscribers.index(subscriber)]

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_fields.py
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Test fields.
-import unittest
-from zope.testing.doctestunit import DocTestSuite
-from zope.app.testing import placelesssetup
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        DocTestSuite('zope.app.component.back35',
-                     setUp=placelesssetup.setUp,
-                     tearDown=placelesssetup.tearDown),
-        ))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py
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+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py	2008-10-13 13:18:24 UTC (rev 92115)
@@ -91,267 +91,6 @@
-def test_old_databases_backward_compat():
-    """
-Let's open an old database and get the 3 site managers in it:
-    >>> fs = oldfs()
-    >>> demo = DemoStorage(base=fs)
-    >>> db = DB(demo)
-    >>> tm = transaction.TransactionManager()
-    >>> root = db.open(transaction_manager=tm).root()
-    >>> _ = tm.begin()
-    >>> sm1 = root['Application'].getSiteManager()
-    >>> [sm2] = sm1.subs
-    >>> [sm3] = sm2.subs
-We can look up utilities as we expect:
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '1') is sm1['default']['1']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm3['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '2') is sm2['default']['2']
-    True
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '2') is sm1['default']['2']
-    True
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm1['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm2['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm2['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm3['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '5') is sm3['default']['5']
-    True
-and we get registration info:
-    >>> sorted([r.name for r in sm2.registeredUtilities()])
-    [u'2', u'3', u'4']
-We don't have any adapter or subscriber information, because it wasn't
-previously supported to register those:
-    >>> len(list(sm2.registeredAdapters()))
-    0
-    >>> len(list(sm2.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()))
-    0
-    >>> len(list(sm2.registeredHandlers()))
-    0
-We haven't modified anything yet.  We can see this in a number of
-ways.  If we look at the internal data structured used, we can see
-that they are weird:
-    >>> sm2._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldUtilityRegistrations'
-    >>> sm2._adapter_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldAdapterRegistrations'
-    >>> sm2._subscription_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldSubscriberRegistrations'
-    >>> sm2._handler_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldSubscriberRegistrations'
-and the registries have a _registrations attribute, which is a sign
-that they haven't been converted yet:
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.utilities, '_registrations')
-    True
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.adapters, '_registrations')
-    True
-We'll commit the transaction and make sure the database hasn't
-grown. (This relies on a buglet in DemoStorage length computation.)
-    >>> tm.commit()
-    >>> len(demo) == len(fs)
-    True
-Of course, we can register new utilities:
-    >>> _ = tm.begin()
-    >>> sm1.registerUtility(Foo('one'), IFoo, '1')
-    >>> sm2.registerUtility(Foo('two'), IFoo, '2')
-    >>> tm.commit()
-We should then be able to look up the newly registered utilities.
-Let's try to do so in a separate connection:
-    >>> tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
-    >>> root2 = db.open(transaction_manager=tm2).root()
-    >>> _ = tm2.begin()
-    >>> sm1 = root2['Application'].getSiteManager()
-    >>> [sm2] = sm1.subs
-    >>> [sm3] = sm2.subs
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '1').name
-    'one'
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '2').name
-    'two'
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '2') is sm1['default']['2']
-    True
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm1['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm2['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm2['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm3['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '5') is sm3['default']['5']
-    True
-    >>> sorted([r.name for r in sm2.registeredUtilities()])
-    [u'2', u'3', u'4']
-Because we registered utilities, the corresponding data structures
-have been updated:
-    >>> sm2._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.utilities, '_registrations')
-    False
-But other data structures haven't been effected:
-    >>> sm2._adapter_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldAdapterRegistrations'
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.adapters, '_registrations')
-    True
-Nor, of course, have the data structures for sites that we haven't
-    >>> sm3._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    '_OldUtilityRegistrations'
-    >>> hasattr(sm3.utilities, '_registrations')
-    True
-The _evolve_to_generation_4 method actually converts the remaining
-data structures. It also evolves all of it's subsites:
-    >>> sm1._evolve_to_generation_4()
-    >>> tm2.commit()
-and we see that all of the data structures have been converted:
-    >>> sm1._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm1._adapter_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm1._subscription_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> sm1._handler_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> hasattr(sm1.utilities, '_registrations')
-    False
-    >>> hasattr(sm1.adapters, '_registrations')
-    False
-    >>> sm2._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm2._adapter_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm2._subscription_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> sm2._handler_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.utilities, '_registrations')
-    False
-    >>> hasattr(sm2.adapters, '_registrations')
-    False
-    >>> sm3._utility_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm3._adapter_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentMapping'
-    >>> sm3._subscription_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> sm3._handler_registrations.__class__.__name__
-    'PersistentList'
-    >>> hasattr(sm3.utilities, '_registrations')
-    False
-    >>> hasattr(sm3.adapters, '_registrations')
-    False
-and that lookups still work as expected:
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '1').name
-    'one'
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '2').name
-    'two'
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '2') is sm1['default']['2']
-    True
-    >>> sm1.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm1['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '3') is sm2['default']['3']
-    True
-    >>> sm2.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm2['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '4') is sm3['default']['4']
-    True
-    >>> sm3.getUtility(IFoo, '5') is sm3['default']['5']
-    True
-getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor should work too: :)
-    >>> all = list(sm3.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IFoo))
-    >>> all.remove(sm1['default']['1'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm1['default']['2'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm1['default']['3'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm2['default']['2'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm2['default']['3'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm2['default']['4'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm3['default']['3'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm3['default']['4'])
-    >>> all.remove(sm3['default']['5'])
-    >>> len(all)
-    2
-    >>> db.close()
 class GlobalRegistry:
@@ -496,9 +235,6 @@
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite((
-        doctest.DocFileSuite('deprecated35_statusproperty.txt',
-                             'deprecated35_registration.txt',
-                             setUp=setUpOld, tearDown=tearDown),
         doctest.DocTestSuite(setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown)
     return suite

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