[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/ Cleaning out some stuff we don't need.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri Oct 17 12:59:34 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 92325:
  Cleaning out some stuff we don't need.

  D   Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  D   Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/INSTALL.txt
  D   Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/grokdocs/
  D   Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/grokwiki/
  D   Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/utilities/

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-10-17 16:57:11 UTC (rev 92324)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2008-10-17 16:59:33 UTC (rev 92325)
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-Grok changes
-0.15 (unreleased)
-Feature changes
-* Expose the ``DirectoryResource`` component from grokcore.view and the
-accompanying ``path`` directive.
-0.14 (2008-09-29)
-Feature changes
-* Grok now officially supports Python 2.5 and still supports Python 2.4.
-* Merged the versions from the zope 3.4c7 KGS (known good set):
-  http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/versions-3.4.0c7.cfg
-  So we are now using the latest Zope 3 releases for all Zope packages.
-* The ``grok.admin`` subpackage has been factored out to a separate
-  package ``grokui.admin``. To have the Grok admin UI available in
-  your environment, add ``grokui.admin`` to the required packages in
-  the ``setup.py`` of your package.
-* Removed ``grok.Skin`` baseclass in favour of a ``grok.skin(name)``
-  directive that can be used on layer interfaces.  Also removed the
-  ``IGrokLayer`` interface in favour of exposing ``IBrowserRequest``
-  from the grok package.
-* Security-related directives and helpers have been moved out to a
-  ``grokcore.security`` package.
-* View-related base classes, directives and grokkers have been moved
-  out to a ``grokcore.view`` package.
-* Form-related base classes and helpers have been moved out to a
-  ``grokcore.formlib`` package.
-Bug fixes
-* Replace zope.deprecation.tests.warn with grok.testing.warn to:
-    * Make the signature identical to warnings.warn
-    * To check for \*.pyc and \*.pyo files.
-  When zope.deprecation is fixed this warn() function can be removed again.
-  Makes all the tests pass under Python-2.5.
-0.13 (2008-06-23)
-* The basic component base classes (``Adapter``, ``MultiAdapter``,
-  ``GlobalUtility``), their grokkers, as well as many of the basic
-  directives have been factored out to a reusable
-  ``grokcore.component`` package.
-* Ported directives to Martian's new directive implementation.  As a
-  result, many helper functions that were available from ``grok.util``
-  were removed.  The functionality is mostly available from the
-  directives themselves now.
-* Refactored class grokkers to make use of Martian's new declarative
-  way for retrieving directive data from classes, and Martian's new
-  declarative way to write grokkers. See the `upgrade notes`_
-  (``doc/upgrade.txt``) for more information.
-Feature changes
-* ``GrokTemplate`` sets up the namespaces for the template by calling
-  ``default_namespace() ``on the view component the template is
-  associated with. As a result, ``ViewletManagers`` and ``Viewlet``
-  can now push in the ``viewletmanager`` and ``viewlet`` namespaces
-  into the template.
-* Updated tutorial section about grokproject to fit the latest changes.
-* Added ``grok.traversable`` directive for easy traversal to attributes and
-  methods.
-* ``grok.require()`` can refer to subclasses of ``grok.Permission``
-  directly, instead of their id. This, for one, avoids making typos in
-  permission ids. Permission components *do* still need the
-  grok.name() directive for defining the permission's id.
-* Added an optional parameter ``data`` to the method ``url()`` that
-  accepts a dictionary that is then converted to a query string. See
-  http://grok.zope.org/documentation/how-to/generate-urls-with-the-url-function-in-views/view
-* Added an ``OrderedContainer`` component.
-* Introduced the new `sphinx`-based documentation engine. See
-  grokdocs/README.txt for details.
-* Merged the versions from the 3.4 KGS (known good set):
-  http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/versions-3.4.0c1.cfg
-  We are now using the latest Zope 3 releases for all Zope packages.
-  For upgrade notes, see doc/upgrade.txt for more information.
-* Added support for easier test setup based on ``z3c.testsetup``. This
-  is a more stable and more powerful implementation of
-  ``grok.testing.register_all_tests()``. See
-    http://grok.zope.org/documentation/how-to/tests-with-grok-testing
-  for details.
-* There is now a new ``IContext`` interface available. If you make
-  your class implement that interface, it (and its subclasses) will be
-  candidates for being a context in a module (for automatic context
-  lookup if ``grok.context`` is not present). This relies on a feature
-  introduced in ``grokcore.component`` 1.1.
-* ``grok.Model`` implements ``grok.interfaces.IContext`` now (which is
-  imported from ``grokcore.component``). ``grok.Container`` now
-  implements ``grok.interfaces.IContainer``. Traversers and default
-  views have been set up for these interfaces, so that new
-  implementations that function as a model or container can be easily
-  created. Just use ``grok.implements(IContainer)`` or
-  ``grok.implements(IContext)``. This is useful for Grok extensions
-  that want to implement new content classes.
-Bug fixes
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/226555: the ``url()`` method on
-  ``ViewletManager`` and ``Viewlet`` has been removed now that there's easy
-  access to the view component the viewlet(manager) is registered for.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/231106: Use the
-  viewletmanager.sort() method for sorting viewlets by using
-  util.sort_components().
-* grok.REST views now have a properly set ``__parent__`` attribute and
-  will correctly allow acquisition from parent objects, as it's used
-  by the security policy for acquiring local grants, for example.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/229677:
-  zope.app.securitypolicy egg missing. Now zope.app.securitypolicy
-  3.4.6 is additionally required by Grok and fetched by buildout.
-* Removed first testsetup hack from grok.testing.
-* Version 2.1 of z3c.autoinclude contained code that caused Grok to
-  fail to start on some platforms if the system-supplied Python was
-  used (at least on some versions of Ubuntu and Debian). Now include
-  version 2.2 of z3c.autoinclude which should fix this problem. This
-  fix was also made on Grok 0.12 in its online versions list after
-  release.
-* Port fix of zope.formlib to correctly adapt the context to a FormField's
-  interface, not the field.
-0.12 (2008-04-22)
-Feature changes
-* The new release needs new version of grokproject, please do::
-    $ easy_install -U grokproject
-* Added testsetup classes in grok.testing to improve easy setup of
-  unit- and functional tests.
-* Add support for viewlets and viewlet managers, ``grok.Viewlet``
-  and ``grok.ViewletManager``.
-* Add a new directive, ``grok.order()``, which can be used to help
-  sort components. At the time it is not used yet, but we intend to
-  use it for the viewlets support. Note that this means Grok now
-  requires Martian 0.9.3 or higher. See ``grok.interfaces`` for more
-  documentation on this directive.
-* Now depend on ``z3c.autoinclude``. This allows the use of the
-  ``<includeDependencies package="."/>`` directive, which automatically loads
-  up ZCML needed for the dependencies listed in your project's
-  ``setup.py``. The new release of grokproject adds this line
-  automatically. Upgrade ``grokproject`` to make use of this
-  functionality in new projects::
-    $ easy_install -U grokproject
-* Classes that end with "-Base" are no longer implicitly considered base
-  classes. These classes need to have the grok.baseclass() directive added to
-  them explicitly.
-  See also the `upgrade notes`_ for information on how to update
-  your existing projects.
-.. _`upgrade notes`: http://grok.zope.org/project/upgrade-notes
-Bug fixes
-* Do not register the publishTraverse and browserDefault methods of the
-  JSON component as views.
-* Methods with names that start with an '_' are not registered as views
-  for XMLRPC, REST and JSON components.
-* Use a configuration action for the registration of the static directory.
-* Fix imports from zope.app.securitypolicy.
-* Grok does not raise a GrokError anymore when it finds unassociated
-  templates, but will issue a UserWarning.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/161948: grok.testing.grok()
-  now also loads the ZPT template factories so that unit tests that
-  need to configure views with ZPT templates continue to work.
-* Changed a few remaining references to ``grok.grok`` and
-  ``grok.grok_component`` to their correct equivalents in
-  ``grok.testing``.
-* ``grok.testing.grok_component()`` could not be used in a pure
-  doctest. This needed a bugfix in Martian (since 0.9.2). Add a test
-  that demonstrates this problem.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/162437: grok.Form and its
-  subclasses did not implement IBrowserView.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/185414: grok introspector
-  was broken for zipped eggs.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/125720: server control form
-  had shutdown as default action, even when entering an admin message.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/80403: Fix situation where
-  a module name is identical to the package name. At least modules
-  with templates can now have same name as their package.
-* Multiple skins and REST protocols could be registered under the same
-  name, but this is actually a conflict. Now give configuration
-  conflict error when someone tries this.
-* Overriding traversal behavior using the ``traverse()`` method or
-  ``grok.Traverser`` failed in the face of (REST) ``PUT`` and
-  ``DELETE``. XML-RPC also failed when custom traversal was in use.
-* Fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/grok/+bug/187590 where config action
-  discriminators for permission and role registrations were incorrect.
-* Permission definitions received the wrong, too high, configure
-  action priority (not to be confused with grokker priority). In some
-  cases this caused permissions to be defined later than they were
-  used. Use a low action priority instead for permissions.
-* Refactor commonalities out of meta.py.
-* zope.app.securitypolicy is no longer used. zope.securitypolicy provides
-  all securitypolicy features used by Grok.
-0.11 (2007-11-08)
-Feature changes
-* Integrated skins and layers: ``grok.layer``, ``grok.IGrokLayer``,
-  ``grok.Skin``.
-* Grok now supports hooking in new template languages without much work.
-  See also doc/minitutorials/template-languages.txt. See Restructuring below
-  for more techinical info.
-* Accessing a template macro via context/@@the_view/the_template is now
-  deprecated for the standard ZPT story of using
-  context/@@the_view/macro/the_template.
-* There is now a grok.direct() directive that can be used on GlobalUtilities
-  to mark that the class provides the utility interface directly and need
-  no instantiation.
-* Removed ``grok.define_permission`` in favor of the
-  ``grok.Permission`` component base class. You should now subclass
-  this base class to define permissions. See also
-  doc/minitutorials/permissions.txt
-* Added the ``grok.Role`` component base class to define roles.
-* The admin UI now displays and offers deletion of broken objects.
-* Removed support for defining model schemas using an inner class with
-  the special name ``fields``. This was abandoned in favor the usual
-  Zope 3 way of defining schemas in interfaces and implementing them
-  in our Grok models.
-* Integrated REST support. See doc/minitutorials/rest.txt for usage
-  information.
-Bug fixes
-* Remove zc.recipe.egg, zc.recipe.filestorage, zc.recipe.testrunner,
-  zc.zope3recipes from version requirements.
-* The admin UI now shows interfaces in modules.
-* ``handle...`` is not a special function name anymore.
-* Views no longer need a custom ``AbsoluteURL`` view to determine
-  their URL, since each instance now properly gets a ``__name__``
-  attribute.
-* buildout.cfg extends versions.cfg to pin down the versions of the
-  dependency tree. See also http://grok.zope.org/releaseinfo/readme.html
-* Grokkers now emit configuration actions, much like ZCML directive
-  handlers do. If you defined custom grokkers, see doc/upgrade.txt for
-  more information.
-* The new pluggable template language support includes some restructuring:
-  - GrokPageTemplate is now split up into two. BaseTemplate, on which all
-    templates need to be based, and GrokTemplate, which also provides a
-    set of methods for easy integration of templating languages.
-  - All objects based on GrokTemplate are now grokked, instead of having
-    separate grokkers for each type of template.
-  - The View is now completely template-language agnostic, which makes it
-    easy to hook in new page template languages.
-  - There are now new interfaces (ITemplate and ITemplateFileFactory)
-    used when you implement support for a new templating language.
-* Changed the way grok's functional tests are set up.  Instead of each
-  test case doing its own test setup, it is now done once by the
-  ftesting layer.  This avoids ordering problems when some ftests
-  would influence the environment of other ftests that were run later
-  in time.
-0.10.2 (2007-10-24)
-Bug fixes
-* Remove zc.recipe.egg, zc.recipe.filestorage, zc.recipe.testrunner,
-  zc.zope3recipes from version requirements.
-* Require zope.app.error = 3.5.1
-0.10.1 (2007-10-10)
-Bug fixes
-* buildout.cfg extends versions.cfg to pin down the versions of the
-  dependency tree. This should avoid the situation where we release
-  Grok, some dependency changes, and Grok breaks as a result. In
-  conjunction with this we will also be releasing a new version of
-  grokproject that will use this version infrastructure by default.
-  For more information about this change, see:
-  http://grok.zope.org/releaseinfo/readme.html
-0.10 (2007-08-21)
-Feature changes
-* Integrated admin user interface.
-* Configuration using Martian (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/martian).
-* Flash message infrastructure included.
-* Adjust dependencies for Grok so that grokproject should work on
-  Windows.
-Bug fixes
-* A fix in Martian where multiple grok.Model or grok.Container classes
-  could result in something being found as a context twice.
-0.9 series (early 2007 until July 2007)
-Feature changes
-Grok was released in "continuous release" mode from SVN during this period.
-0.1 series (September 2006 until early 2007)
-Feature changes
-Grok was created in September 2006.

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/INSTALL.txt
--- Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2008-10-17 16:57:11 UTC (rev 92324)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/grokcore.site/trunk/INSTALL.txt	2008-10-17 16:59:33 UTC (rev 92325)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Preparing for grok development
-The Grok development sandbox is set up via `zc.buildout`_
-.. _zc.buildout: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout
-You may have setuptools already installed for your system Python. In
-that case, you may need to upgrade it first because buildout requires
-a very recent version::
-    $ sudo easy_install -U setuptools
-If this command fails because easy_install is not available, there is
-a good chance you do not have setuptools available for your system
-Python. If so, there is no problem because setuptools will be
-installed locally by buildout.
-Bootstrap the buildout environment::
-    $ python bootstrap/bootstrap.py
-and run the buildout command::
-    $ bin/buildout
-    [lots of stuff will be downloaded and installed here]
-Note that if you have more than one sandbox for a Zope-based web
-application, it will probably make sense to share the eggs between the
-different sandboxes.  You can tell zc.buildout to use a central eggs
-directory by creating ``~/.buildout/default.cfg`` with the following
-    [buildout]
-    eggs-directory = /home/bruno/buildout-eggs
-Running the demo applications
-You can start Zope with the demo applications installed with the
-following command:
-    $ bin/zopectl fg
-If you now connect to port 8080 and log in with username 'grok',
-password 'grok', you should be able to add the grok-based applications
-(such as grokwiki) from the menu.
-Running the tests
-Grok's tests are easily run by executing the test runner that's
-installed in the ``bin`` directory::
-    $ bin/test
-Generating the website files
-Grok's tutorial documents for the website can easily be generated
-using the following script in ``bin``:
-    $ bin/grok2html /path/of/output/directory

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