[Checkins] SVN: manuel/trunk/ initial import of manuel

Benji York benji at zope.com
Fri Oct 17 17:31:24 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 92347:
  initial import of manuel

  _U  manuel/trunk/
  A   manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg
  A   manuel/trunk/setup.py
  A   manuel/trunk/src/
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/README.txt
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/__init__.py
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/doctest.py
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.py
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.txt
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/testing.py
  A   manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py


Property changes on: manuel/trunk
Name: svn:ignore
   + develop-eggs

Added: manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/buildout.cfg	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+develop = .
+parts = test interpreter
+extensions = zc.buildoutsftp
+recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+eggs = manuel
+defaults = '--tests-pattern tests --exit-with-status -1 --auto-color'.split()
+working-directory = .
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+eggs = manuel
+interpreter = py

Added: manuel/trunk/setup.py
--- manuel/trunk/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/setup.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import os
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+    name='manuel',
+    version='0',
+    packages=find_packages('src'),
+    package_dir={'':'src'},
+    zip_safe=False,
+    author='Benji York',
+    author_email='benji at benjiyork.com',
+    description='Design test syntax to match the task at hand and/or make '
+        'documentation testable.',
+    license='ZPL',
+    install_requires=[
+        'setuptools',
+        'zope.testing',
+        ],
+    include_package_data=True,
+    )

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/setup.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/README.txt
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/README.txt	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+Documentation and testing are important parts of software development.  Often
+they can be combined such that you get tests that are well documented or
+documentation that is well tested.  That's what Manuel is about.
+Manuel parses documents, evaluates their contents, then formats the result of
+the evaluation.  All three phases are done in multiple passes.  The passes
+continue until the data structure remains unchanged by a pass.
+The core functionality is accessed through an instance of a Manuel object.  It
+is used to build up our handling of a document type.  Each phase has a
+corresponding slot to which various implementations are attached.
+    >>> import manuel
+    >>> m = manuel.Manuel()
+    >>> m
+    <manuel.Manuel object at 0x...>
+Manuel operates on Documents.  Each Document is created from a a string
+containing one or more lines.
+    >>> source = """\
+    ... This is our document, it has several lines.
+    ... one: 1, 2, 3
+    ... two: 4, 5, 7
+    ... three: 3, 5, 1
+    ... """
+    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
+For example purposes we will create a type of test that consists of a sequence
+of numbers so lets create a NumbersTest object to represent the parsed list.
+    >>> class NumbersTest(object):
+    ...     def __init__(self, description, numbers):
+    ...         self.description = description
+    ...         self.numbers = numbers
+The Document is divided into one or more regions.  Each region is a distinct
+"chunk" of the document and will be acted uppon in later (post-parsing) phases.
+Initially the Document is made up of a single element, the source string.
+    >>> [region.source for region in document]
+    ['This is our document, it has several lines.\none: 1, 2, 3\ntwo: 4, 5, 7\nthree: 3, 5, 1\n']
+The Document offers a "find_regions" method to assist in locating the portions
+of the document a particular parser is interested in.  Given a regular
+expression (either as a string, or compiled), it will return "region" objects
+that contain the matched source text, the line number (1 based) the region
+begins at, as well as the associated re.Match object.
+    >>> import re
+    >>> numbers_test_finder = re.compile(
+    ...     r'^(?P<description>.*?): (?P<numbers>(\d+,?[ ]?)+)$', re.MULTILINE)
+    >>> regions = document.find_regions(numbers_test_finder)
+    >>> regions
+    [<manuel.Region object at 0x...>,
+     <manuel.Region object at 0x...>,
+     <manuel.Region object at 0x...>]
+    >>> regions[0].lineno
+    2
+    >>> regions[0].source
+    'one: 1, 2, 3\n'
+    >>> regions[0].start_match.group('description')
+    'one'
+    >>> regions[0].start_match.group('numbers')
+    '1, 2, 3'
+If given two regular expressions find_regions will use the first to identify
+the begining of a region and the second to identify the end.
+    >>> region = document.find_regions(
+    ...     re.compile('^one:.*$', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     re.compile('^three:.*$', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     )[0]
+    >>> region.lineno
+    2
+    >>> print region.source
+    one: 1, 2, 3
+    two: 4, 5, 7
+    three: 3, 5, 1
+Also, instead of a single "match" attribute, the region will have start_match
+and end_match attributes.
+    >>> region.start_match
+    <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
+    >>> region.end_match
+    <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
+Regions must always consist of whole lines.
+    >>> document.find_regions('1, 2, 3')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    ValueError: Regions must start at the begining of a line.
+    >>> document.find_regions('three')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    ValueError: Regions must end at the ending of a line.
+    >>> document.find_regions(
+    ...     re.compile('ne:.*$', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     re.compile('^one:.*$', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     )
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    ValueError: Regions must start at the begining of a line.
+    >>> document.find_regions(
+    ...     re.compile('^one:.*$', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     re.compile('^three:', re.MULTILINE),
+    ...     )
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+        ...
+    ValueError: Regions must end at the ending of a line.
+Now we can register a parser that will identify the regions we're interested in
+and create NumbersTest objects from the source text.
+    >>> @m.parser
+    ... def parse_numbers_test(document):
+    ...     for region in document.find_regions(numbers_test_finder):
+    ...         description = region.start_match.group('description')
+    ...         numbers = map(
+    ...             int, region.start_match.group('numbers').split(','))
+    ...         test = NumbersTest(description, numbers)
+    ...         document.replace_region(region, test)
+    >>> document.parse_with(m)
+    >>> [region.source for region in document]
+    ['This is our document, it has several lines.\n',
+     'one: 1, 2, 3\n',
+     'two: 4, 5, 7\n',
+     'three: 3, 5, 1\n']
+    >>> [region.parsed for region in document]
+    [None,
+     <NumbersTest object at 0x...>,
+     <NumbersTest object at 0x...>,
+     <NumbersTest object at 0x...>]
+After a document has been parsed the resulting tests are evaluated.  Manuel
+provides another method to evaluate tests.  Lets define a function to evaluate
+NumberTests.  The function determines whether or not the numbers are in sorted
+order and records the result along with the description of the list of numbers.
+    >>> class NumbersResult(object):
+    ...     def __init__(self, test, passed):
+    ...         self.test = test
+    ...         self.passed = passed
+    >>> @m.evaluater
+    ... def evaluate_numbers(document):
+    ...     for region in document:
+    ...         if not isinstance(region.parsed, NumbersTest):
+    ...             continue
+    ...         test = region.parsed
+    ...         passed = sorted(test.numbers) == test.numbers
+    ...         region.evaluated = NumbersResult(test, passed)
+    >>> document.evaluate_with(m)
+    >>> [region.evaluated for region in document]
+    [None,
+     <NumbersResult object at 0x...>,
+     <NumbersResult object at 0x...>,
+     <NumbersResult object at 0x...>]
+Once the evaluation phase is completed the results are formatted.  You guessed
+it: manuel provides a method for formatting results.  We'll build one to format
+a message about whether or not our lists of numbers are sorted properly.  A
+formatting function returns None when it has no output, or a string otherwise.
+    >>> @m.formatter
+    ... def format(document):
+    ...     for region in document:
+    ...         if not isinstance(region.evaluated, NumbersResult):
+    ...             continue
+    ...         result = region.evaluated
+    ...         if not result.passed:
+    ...             region.formatted = (
+    ...                 "the numbers aren't in sorted order: "
+    ...                 + ', '.join(map(str, result.test.numbers)))
+Since our test case passed we don't get anything out of the report function.
+    >>> document.format_with(m)
+    >>> [region.formatted for region in document]
+    [None, None, None, "the numbers aren't in sorted order: 3, 5, 1"]
+We'll want to use this Manuel object later, so lets stash it away
+    >>> sorted_numbers_manuel = m
+We can use manuel to run doctests.  Let's create a simple doctest to
+demonstrate with.
+    >>> source = """This is my
+    ... doctest.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> 1 + 1
+    ...     2
+    ... """
+    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
+The manuel.doctest module has handlers for the various phases.  First we'll
+look at parsing.
+    >>> import manuel.doctest
+    >>> m = manuel.doctest.Manuel()
+    >>> document.parse_with(m)
+    >>> for region in document:
+    ...     print (region.lineno, region.parsed or region.source)
+    (1, 'This is my\ndoctest.\n\n')
+    (4, <zope.testing.doctest.Example instance at 0x...>)
+    (6, '\n')
+Now we can evaluate the examples.
+    >>> document.evaluate_with(m)
+    >>> for region in document:
+    ...     print (region.lineno, region.evaluated or region.source)
+    (1, 'This is my\ndoctest.\n\n')
+    (4, <manuel.doctest.DocTestResult instance at 0x...>)
+    (6, '\n')
+And format the results.
+    >>> document.format_with(m)
+    >>> document.formatted()
+    ''
+Oh, we didn't have any failing tests, so we got no output.  Let's try again
+with a failing test.  This time we'll use the process function to simplify
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""This is my
+    ... doctest.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> 1 + 1
+    ...     42
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> print document.formatted()
+    File "<memory>", line 4, in <memory>
+    Failed example:
+        1 + 1
+    Expected:
+        42
+    Got:
+        2
+Even though each example is parsed into its own object, state is still shared
+between them.
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""
+    ...     >>> x = 1
+    ...
+    ... A little prose to separate the examples.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x
+    ...     1
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> print document.formatted()
+Imported modules are added to the global namespace as well.
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""
+    ...     >>> import string
+    ...
+    ... A little prose to separate the examples.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> string.digits
+    ...     '0123456789'
+    ...     
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> print document.formatted()
+Combining Test Types
+Now that we have both doctests and the silly "sorted numbers" tests, lets
+create a single document that has both.
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""
+    ... We can test Python...
+    ...
+    ...     >>> 1 + 1
+    ...     42
+    ...
+    ... ...and lists of numbers.
+    ...
+    ...     a very nice list: 3, 6, 2
+    ... """)
+Obviously both of those tests will fail, but first we have to configure Manuel
+to understand both test types.  We'll start with a doctest configuration and add
+the number list testing on top.
+    >>> m = manuel.doctest.Manuel()
+Since we already have a Manuel instance configured for our "sorted numbers"
+tests, we can extend the built-in doctest configuration with it.
+    >>> m.extend(sorted_numbers_manuel)
+Now we can process our source that combines both types of tests and see what
+we get.
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+The document was parsed and has a mixture of prose and parsed doctests and
+number tests.
+    >>> for region in document:
+    ...     print (region.lineno, region.parsed or region.source)
+    (1, '\nWe can test Python...\n\n')
+    (4, <doctest.Example instance at 0x...>)
+    (6, '\n...and lists of numbers.\n\n')
+    (9, <NumbersTest object at 0x...>)
+We can look at the formatted output to see that each of the two tests failed.
+    >>> for region in document:
+    ...     if region.formatted:
+    ...         print '-'*70
+    ...         print region.formatted,
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    File "<memory>", line 4, in <memory>
+    Failed example:
+        1 + 1
+    Expected:
+        42
+    Got:
+        2
+    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    the numbers aren't in sorted order:  3, 6, 2
+Some functionality requires that code be called early or late in a phase.  The
+"timing" keyword parameter allows either "early" or "late" to be specified.
+Early functions are run first (in arbitrary order), then functions with no
+specified timing, then the late functions are called (again in arbitrary
+order).  This function also demonstrates the "copy" method of Region objects
+and the "insert_region_before" and "insert_region_after" methods of Documents.
+    >>> @m.parser(timing='late')
+    ... def cloner(document):
+    ...     to_be_cloned = None
+    ...     # find the region to clone
+    ...     document_iter = iter(document)
+    ...     for region in document_iter:
+    ...         if region.parsed:
+    ...             continue
+    ...         if region.source.strip().endswith('my clone:'):
+    ...             to_be_cloned = document_iter.next().copy()
+    ...             break
+    ...     # if we found the region to cloned, do so
+    ...     if to_be_cloned:
+    ...         # make a copy since we'll be mutating the document
+    ...         for region in list(document):
+    ...             if region.parsed:
+    ...                 continue
+    ...             if 'clone before *here*' in region.source:
+    ...                 clone = to_be_cloned.copy()
+    ...                 clone.provenance = 'cloned to go before'
+    ...                 document.insert_region_before(region, clone)
+    ...             if 'clone after *here*' in region.source:
+    ...                 clone = to_be_cloned.copy()
+    ...                 clone.provenance = 'cloned to go after'
+    ...                 document.insert_region_after(region, clone)
+    >>> source = """\
+    ... This is my clone:
+    ...
+    ... clone: 1, 2, 3
+    ... 
+    ... I want some copies of my clone.
+    ... 
+    ... For example, I'd like a clone before *here*.
+    ...
+    ... I'd also like a clone after *here*.
+    ... """
+    >>> document = manuel.Document(source)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> [(r.source, r.provenance) for r in document]
+    [('This is my clone:\n\n', None),
+     ('clone: 1, 2, 3\n', None),
+     ('clone: 1, 2, 3\n', 'cloned to go before'),
+     ("\nI want some copies of my clone.\n\nFor example, I'd like a clone before *here*.\n\nI'd also like a clone after *here*.\n", None),
+     ('clone: 1, 2, 3\n', 'cloned to go after')]

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/README.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/__init__.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/__init__.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+import imp
+import re
+def absolute_import(name):
+    return imp.load_module(name, *imp.find_module(name))
+def newlineify(s):
+    if s[-1] != '\n':
+        s += '\n'
+    return s
+class Region(object):
+    """A portion of source found via regular expression."""
+    parsed = None
+    evaluated = None
+    formatted = None
+    def __init__(self, lineno, source, start_match=None, end_match=None,
+            provenance=None):
+        self.lineno = lineno
+        self.source = newlineify(source)
+        self.start_match = start_match
+        self.end_match = end_match
+        self.provenance = provenance
+    def copy(self):
+        """Private utility function to make a copy of this region.
+        """
+        copy = Region(self.lineno, self.source, provenance=self.provenance)
+        copy.parsed = self.parsed
+        copy.evaluated = self.evaluated
+        copy.formatted = self.formatted
+        return copy
+def find_line(region, index):
+    return region[:index].count('\n') + 1
+def check_region_start(region, match):
+    if match.start() != 0 \
+    and region.source[match.start()-1] != '\n':
+        raise ValueError(
+            'Regions must start at the begining of a line.')
+def check_region_end(region, match):
+    if match.end() != len(region.source) \
+    and region.source[match.end()] != '\n':
+        raise ValueError(
+            'Regions must end at the ending of a line.')
+def lines_to_string(lines):
+    return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
+def make_string_into_lines(s):
+    lines = newlineify(s).split('\n')
+    assert lines[-1] == ''
+    del lines[-1]
+    return lines
+def break_up_region(original, new, parsed):
+    assert original.parsed is None
+    lines = make_string_into_lines(original.source)
+    new_regions = []
+    # figure out if there are any lines before the given region
+    before_lines = lines[:new.lineno-original.lineno]
+    if before_lines:
+        new_regions.append(
+            Region(original.lineno, lines_to_string(before_lines)))
+    # put in the parsed
+    new.parsed = parsed
+    new_regions.append(new)
+    # figure out if there are any lines after the given region
+    assert new.source[-1] == '\n', 'all lines must end with a newline'
+    lines_in_new = new.source.count('\n')
+    after_lines = lines[len(before_lines)+lines_in_new:]
+    if after_lines:
+        first_line_after_new = new.lineno + lines_in_new
+        new_regions.append(
+            Region(first_line_after_new, lines_to_string(after_lines)))
+    assert original.source.count('\n') == \
+        sum(r.source.count('\n') for r in new_regions)
+    return new_regions
+class Document(object):
+    def __init__(self, source, location='<memory>'):
+        self.source = newlineify(source)
+        self.location = location
+        self.regions = [Region(lineno=1, source=source)]
+        self.shadow_regions = []
+    def find_regions(self, start, end=None):
+        def compile(regex):
+            if regex is not None and isinstance(regex, basestring):
+                regex = re.compile(regex)
+            return regex
+        start = compile(start)
+        end = compile(end)
+        results = []
+        for region in self.regions:
+            # can't parse things that have already been parsed
+            if region.parsed:
+                continue
+            for start_match in re.finditer(start, region.source):
+                first_lineno = region.lineno + find_line(
+                    region.source, start_match.start()) - 1
+                check_region_start(region, start_match)
+                if end is None:
+                    end_match = None
+                    check_region_end(region, start_match)
+                    text = start_match.group()
+                else:
+                    end_match = end.search(region.source, start_match.end())
+                    check_region_end(region, end_match)
+                    text = region.source[start_match.start():end_match.end()]
+                if text[-1] != '\n':
+                    text += '\n'
+                new_region = Region(first_lineno, text, start_match, end_match)
+                self.shadow_regions.append(new_region)
+                results.append(new_region)
+        return results
+    def split_region(self, region, lineno):
+        lineno -= region.lineno
+        assert lineno > 0
+        assert region in self.regions
+        assert region.parsed == region.evaluated == region.formatted == None
+        lines = make_string_into_lines(region.source)
+        source1 = lines_to_string(lines[:lineno])
+        source2 = lines_to_string(lines[lineno:])
+        region_index = self.regions.index(region)
+        del self.regions[region_index]
+        lines_in_source1 = source1.count('\n')
+        region1 = Region(region.lineno, source1)
+        region2 = Region(region.lineno+lines_in_source1, source2)
+        self.regions.insert(region_index, region2)
+        self.regions.insert(region_index, region1)
+        return region1, region2
+    # XXX this method needs a better name
+    def replace_region(self, to_be_replaced, parsed):
+        new_regions = []
+        old_regions = list(self.regions)
+        while old_regions:
+            region = old_regions.pop(0)
+            if region.lineno == to_be_replaced.lineno:
+                assert not region.parsed
+                new_regions.extend(break_up_region(
+                    region, to_be_replaced, parsed))
+                break
+            elif region.lineno > to_be_replaced.lineno: # we "overshot"
+                assert not new_regions[-1].parsed
+                to_be_broken = new_regions[-1]
+                del new_regions[-1]
+                new_regions.extend(break_up_region(
+                    to_be_broken, to_be_replaced, parsed))
+                new_regions.append(region)
+                break
+            new_regions.append(region)
+        else:
+            # we didn't make any replacements, so the parsed data must be for
+            # the very last region, which also must not have been parsed yet
+            assert not region.parsed
+            del new_regions[-1]
+            new_regions.extend(break_up_region(
+                region, to_be_replaced, parsed))
+        new_regions.extend(old_regions)
+        self.regions = new_regions
+    def insert_region(self, where, marker_region, new_region):
+        if new_region in self.regions:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'Only regions not already in the document may be inserted.')
+        if new_region in self.shadow_regions:
+            raise ValueError(
+                'Regions regurned by "find_regions" can not be directly '
+                'inserted into a document.  Use "replace_region" instead.')
+        for index, region in enumerate(self.regions):
+            if region is marker_region:
+                if where == 'after':
+                    index += 1
+                self.regions.insert(index, new_region)
+                break
+    def remove_region(self, region):
+        self.regions.remove(region)
+    def insert_region_before(self, marker_region, new_region):
+        self.insert_region('before', marker_region, new_region)
+    def insert_region_after(self, marker_region, new_region):
+        self.insert_region('after', marker_region, new_region)
+    def do_with(self, things):
+        """Private helper for other do_* functions.
+        """
+        for timing, thing in sorted(things):
+            thing(self)
+    def parse_with(self, m):
+        self.do_with(m.parsers)
+    def evaluate_with(self, m):
+        self.do_with(m.evaluaters)
+    def format_with(self, m):
+        self.do_with(m.formatters)
+    def process_with(self, m):
+        """Run all phases of document processing using a Manuel instance.
+        """
+        self.parse_with(m)
+        self.evaluate_with(m)
+        self.format_with(m)
+    def formatted(self):
+        """Return a string of all non-boolean-false formatted regions.
+        """
+        return ''.join(region.formatted for region in self if region.formatted)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over all regions of the document.
+        """
+        return iter(self.regions)
+class Manuel(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.parsers = []
+        self.evaluaters = []
+        self.formatters = []
+    def parser(self, func=None, timing=None):
+        return self.thinger(self.parsers, func, timing)
+    def evaluater(self, func=None, timing=None):
+        return self.thinger(self.evaluaters, func, timing)
+    def formatter(self, func=None, timing=None):
+        return self.thinger(self.formatters, func, timing)
+    def thinger(self, things, func, timing):
+        """Private helper for adding functions to a phase.
+        """
+        if func is None:
+            # the decorator is being called prior to being used as a decorator,
+            # return a callable that can be called to provide the function
+            # to be decorated
+            return lambda func: self.thinger(things, func, timing=timing)
+        assert timing in ('early', 'late', None)
+        if timing == None:
+            # arbitrarily chosen string that sorts between "early" and "late"
+            timing = 'k'
+        things.append((timing, func))
+    def extend(self, other):
+        self.parsers.extend(other.parsers)
+        self.evaluaters.extend(other.evaluaters)
+        self.formatters.extend(other.formatters)

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/doctest.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/doctest.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/doctest.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+from zope.testing import doctest
+import StringIO
+#import UserDict
+import manuel
+import os.path
+class DocTestResult(StringIO.StringIO):
+    pass
+class SharedGlobs(dict):
+    def copy(self):
+        return self
+def Manuel(optionflags=0, checker=None):
+    m = manuel.Manuel()
+    m.runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(optionflags=optionflags, checker=checker)
+    m.debug_runner = doctest.DebugRunner(optionflags=optionflags)
+    m.globs = SharedGlobs()
+    m.debug = False
+    @m.parser
+    def parse(document):
+        for region in list(document):
+            if region.parsed:
+                continue
+            region_start = region.lineno
+            region_end = region.lineno + region.source.count('\n')
+            for chunk in doctest.DocTestParser().parse(region.source):
+                if isinstance(chunk, basestring):
+                    continue
+                chunk_line_count = (chunk.source.count('\n')
+                    + chunk.want.count('\n'))
+                split_line_1 = region_start + chunk.lineno
+                split_line_2 = split_line_1 + chunk_line_count
+                # if there is some source we need to trim off the front...
+                if split_line_1 > region.lineno:
+                    _, region = document.split_region(region, split_line_1)
+                if split_line_2 <= region_end:
+                    found, region = document.split_region(region, split_line_2)
+                    document.replace_region(found, chunk)
+                assert region in document
+    @m.evaluater
+    def evaluate(document):
+        for region in document:
+            if not isinstance(region.parsed, doctest.Example):
+                continue
+            result = DocTestResult()
+            test_name = os.path.split(document.location)[1]
+            if m.debug:
+                runner = m.debug_runner
+            else:
+                runner = m.runner
+            runner.DIVIDER = '' # disable unwanted result formatting
+            runner.run(
+                doctest.DocTest([region.parsed], m.globs, test_name,
+                    document.location, 0, None),
+                out=result.write, clear_globs=False)
+            region.evaluated = result
+    @m.formatter
+    def format(document):
+        for region in document:
+            if not isinstance(region.evaluated, DocTestResult):
+                continue
+            region.formatted = region.evaluated.getvalue().lstrip()
+    return m

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/doctest.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import re
+import manuel
+FOOTNOTE_REFERENCE_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^.*\[([^\]]+)]_.*$', re.MULTILINE)
+FOOTNOTE_REFERENCE_RE = re.compile(r'\[([^\]]+)]_')
+    r'^\.\.\s*\[\s*([^\]]+)\s*\].*$', re.MULTILINE)
+END_OF_FOOTNOTE_RE = re.compile(r'^\S.*$', re.MULTILINE)
+class FootnoteReference(object):
+    def __init__(self, names):
+        self.names = names
+class FootnoteDefinition(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+def Manuel():
+    """Factory for Manuel objects that handle reST style footnotes.
+    """
+    m = manuel.Manuel()
+    @m.parser(timing='early')
+    def find_footnote_references(document):
+        # find the markers that show where footnotes have been defined.
+        footnote_names = []
+        for region in document.find_regions(FOOTNOTE_DEFINITION_RE):
+            name = region.start_match.group(1)
+            document.replace_region(region, FootnoteDefinition(name))
+            footnote_names.append(name)
+        # find the markers that show where footnotes have been referenced.
+        for region in document.find_regions(FOOTNOTE_REFERENCE_LINE_RE):
+            assert region.source.count('\n') == 1
+            names = FOOTNOTE_REFERENCE_RE.findall(region.source)
+            for name in names:
+                if name not in footnote_names:
+                    raise RuntimeError('Unknown footnote: %r' % name)
+            assert names
+            document.replace_region(region, FootnoteReference(names))
+    @m.parser(timing='late')
+    def do_footnotes(document):
+        """Copy footnoted items into their appropriate position.
+        """
+        # first find all the regions that are in footnotes
+        footnotes = {}
+        name = None
+        for region in list(document):
+            if isinstance(region.parsed, FootnoteDefinition):
+                name = region.parsed.name
+                footnotes[name] = []
+                document.remove_region(region)
+                continue
+            if END_OF_FOOTNOTE_RE.search(region.source):
+                name = None
+            if name is not None:
+                footnotes[name].append(region)
+                document.remove_region(region)
+        # now make copies of the footnotes in the right places
+        for region in list(document):
+            if not isinstance(region.parsed, FootnoteReference):
+                continue
+            names = region.parsed.names
+            for name in names:
+                for footnoted in footnotes[name]:
+                    document.insert_region_before(region, footnoted.copy())
+            document.remove_region(region)
+    return m

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.txt
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.txt	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+The manuel.footnote module provides an implementation of reST footnote
+    >>> import manuel.footnote
+    >>> m = manuel.footnote.Manuel()
+We'll try the footnotes out by combining them with doctests.
+    >>> import manuel.doctest
+    >>> m.extend(manuel.doctest.Manuel())
+    >>> import manuel
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""\
+    ... Here we reference a footnote. [1]_
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x
+    ...     42
+    ...
+    ... Here we reference another. [2]_
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x
+    ...     100
+    ...
+    ... .. [1] This is a test footnote definition.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x = 42
+    ...
+    ... .. [2] This is another test footnote definition.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x = 100
+    ...
+    ... .. [3] This is a footnote that should never be executed.
+    ...
+    ...     >>> raise RuntimeError('nooooo!')
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+Since all the examples in the doctest above are correct, we expect no errors.
+    >>> for region in document:
+    ...     if region.formatted:
+    ...         print '-'*70
+    ...         print region.formatted,
+The order of examples in footnotes is preserved.  If not, the document below
+will generate an error because "a" won't be defined when "b = a + 1" is
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""
+    ... Here we want some imports to be done. [foo]_
+    ...
+    ...     >>> a + b
+    ...     3
+    ...
+    ... A little prose to separate the examples.
+    ...
+    ... .. [foo] Do something
+    ...
+    ...     >>> a = 1
+    ...
+    ...     >>> b = a + 1
+    ...     
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> print document.formatted()
+It is possible to reference more than one footnote on a single line.
+    >>> document = manuel.Document("""
+    ... Here we want some imports to be done. [1]_ [2]_ [3]_
+    ...
+    ...     >>> z
+    ...     105
+    ...
+    ... A little prose to separate the examples.
+    ...
+    ... .. [1] Do something
+    ...
+    ...     >>> w = 3
+    ...
+    ... .. [2] Do something
+    ...
+    ...     >>> x = 5
+    ...
+    ... .. [3] Do something
+    ...
+    ...     >>> y = 7
+    ...
+    ...     >>> z = w * x * y
+    ...     
+    ... """)
+    >>> document.process_with(m)
+    >>> print document.formatted()

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/footnote.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/testing.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/testing.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/testing.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from zope.testing import doctest
+import manuel
+import unittest
+__all__ = ['TestSuite']
+class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    def __init__(self, m, document, setUp=None, tearDown=None,
+            globs=None):
+        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self)
+        self.manuel = m
+        self.document = document
+        self.setUp_func = setUp
+        self.tearDown_func = tearDown
+        self.globs = globs
+        # we want to go ahead and do the parse phase so the countTestCases
+        # method can get a good idea of how many tests there are
+        document.parse_with(m)
+    def setUp(self):
+        if self.setUp_func is not None:
+            self.setUp_func(self.manuel)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        if self.tearDown_func is not None:
+            self.tearDown_func(self.manuel)
+    def runTest(self):
+        self.document.evaluate_with(self.manuel)
+        self.document.format_with(self.manuel)
+        results = [r.formatted for r in self.document if r.formatted]
+        if results:
+            DIVIDER = '-'*70 + '\n'
+            raise self.failureException(
+                '\n' + DIVIDER + DIVIDER.join(results))
+    def debug(self):
+        self.setUp()
+        self.manuel.debug = True
+        self.document.evaluate_with(self.manuel)
+        self.tearDown()
+    def countTestCases(self):
+        return len([r for r in self.document if r.parsed])
+    def id(self):
+        return self.document.location
+    def shortDescription(self):
+        return "Manuel Test: " + self.document.location
+    __str__ = __repr__ = shortDescription
+def TestSuite(m, *paths, **kws):
+    """A unittest suite that processes files with Manuel
+    The path to each document file is given as a string.
+    A number of options may be provided as keyword arguments:
+    `setUp`
+      A set-up function.  This is called before running the tests in each file.
+      The setUp function will be passed a Manuel object.  The setUp function
+      can access the test globals as the `globs` attribute of the instance
+      passed.
+    `tearDown`
+      A tear-down function.  This is called after running the tests in each
+      file.  The tearDown function will be passed a Manuel object.  The
+      tearDown function can access the test globals as the `globs` attribute of
+      the instance passed.
+    `globs`
+      A dictionary containing initial global variables for the tests.
+    """
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    # inspect the stack frame to find the module that called this function
+    calling_module = doctest._normalize_module(None, depth=2)
+    for path in paths:
+        abs_path = doctest._module_relative_path(calling_module, path)
+        document = manuel.Document(open(abs_path).read(), location=abs_path)
+        suite.addTest(TestCase(m, document, **kws))
+    return suite

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/testing.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py
--- manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py	2008-10-17 21:31:23 UTC (rev 92347)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from zope.testing import doctest
+from zope.testing import renormalizing
+import manuel
+import manuel.doctest
+import manuel.testing
+import re
+import unittest
+#doctest = manuel.absolute_import('doctest')
+def test_suite():
+    optionflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS
+    checker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
+        (re.compile(r'<zope\.testing\.doctest\.'), '<doctest.'),
+        ])
+    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    tests = ['README.txt', 'footnote.txt']
+    # Run the tests once with just doctest.
+    README = doctest.DocFileSuite(*tests, **{
+        'optionflags': optionflags,
+        'checker': checker})
+    suite.addTest(README)
+    # Run them again with manuel.
+    m = manuel.doctest.Manuel(optionflags=optionflags, checker=checker)
+    suite.addTest(manuel.testing.TestSuite(m, *tests))
+    return suite

Property changes on: manuel/trunk/src/manuel/tests.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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