[Checkins] SVN: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ - Remove test which are already included in grokcore.formlib,

Sylvain Viollon sylvain at infrae.com
Fri Sep 26 07:40:17 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 91507:
  - Remove test which are already included in grokcore.formlib,
  - Add a test to ensure that forms include an application_url in Grok.

  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/actions.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py
  U   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/form.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/templateform.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/update.py
  D   grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/tests/form/

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/actions.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/actions.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/actions.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-Using the @grok.action decorator, different actions can be defined on
-a grok.Form. When @grok.action is used, the default behaviour (the
-'Apply' action) is not available anymore, but it can triggered
-manually by calling self.applyData(object, data).
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = Mammoth()
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  <html>...
-  ...Modified!...
-  ...Manfred the Mammoth...
-  ...Really big...
-  ...
-Save again without any changes:
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  <html>...
-  ...No changes!...
-  ...
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Second"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Hairy").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  <html>...
-  ...Manfred the Second...
-  ...Really big and hairy...
-  ...
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/meet")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.other").value = "Ellie"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Meet").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Manfred the Second meets Ellie
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
-class IMammoth(Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    implements(IMammoth)
-    name = FieldProperty(IMammoth['name'])    
-    size = FieldProperty(IMammoth['size'])    
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    @grok.action("Apply")
-    def handle_apply(self, **data):
-        if self.applyData(self.context, **data):
-            self.status = 'Modified!'
-        else:
-            self.status = 'No changes!'
-    @grok.action("Hairy")
-    def handle_hairy(self, **data):
-        self.applyData(self.context, **data)
-        self.context.size += " and hairy"
-class Meet(grok.Form):
-    form_fields = grok.Fields(
-        other = schema.TextLine(title=u'Mammoth to meet with')
-        )
-    @grok.action('Meet')
-    def meet(self, other):
-        return self.context.name + ' meets ' + other

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-We can use grok.AddForm to render an add form for objects:
-  >>> getRootFolder()["zoo"] = Zoo()
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/@@addmammoth")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Add entry").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Hi, my name is Manfred the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really big"
-Instead of calling an object constructor with the form data, we can
-also use the ``applyData`` method to store the data on the object.
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/@@addmammothapplydata")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Ellie the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really small"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Add entry").click()
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Hi, my name is Ellie the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really small"
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-class Zoo(grok.Container):
-    pass
-class IMammoth(Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    implements(IMammoth)
-    def __init__(self, name='', size=''):
-        self.name = name
-        self.size = size
-class Index(grok.View):
-    grok.context(Mammoth)
-    def render(self):
-        return 'Hi, my name is %s, and I\'m "%s"' % (self.context.name,
-                                                     self.context.size)
-class AddMammoth(grok.AddForm):
-    grok.context(Zoo)
-    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(Mammoth)
-    @grok.action('Add entry')
-    def add(self, **data):
-        # pass data into Mammoth constructor
-        self.context['manfred'] = manfred = Mammoth(**data)
-        self.redirect(self.url(manfred))
-class AddMammothApplyData(AddMammoth):
-    @grok.action('Add entry')
-    def add(self, **data):
-        # instantiate Mammoth and then use self.applyData()
-        self.context['ellie'] = ellie = Mammoth()
-        self.applyData(ellie, **data)
-        self.redirect(self.url(ellie))

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/addform_applydata.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-We can use AddFrom.applyData to save changes to a newly created
-object.  The object doesn't yet need to have the attributes that are
-going to be set on it.
-  >>> getRootFolder()["zoo"] = Zoo()
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-AddForm.applyData() sends an IObjectModifiedEvent after having
-modified the object.  Its return value is True in a Boolean sense when
-the object has been modified:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/@@addmammoth")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Ellie the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really small"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Add entry").click()
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  IMammoth: name, size
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  There were changes according to applyData.
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/zoo/ellie")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Hi, my name is Ellie the Mammoth, and I\'m "Really small"
-import grok
-from zope import schema, interface
-class Zoo(grok.Container):
-    pass
-class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    grok.implements(IMammoth)
-class Index(grok.View):
-    grok.context(Mammoth)
-    def render(self):
-        return 'Hi, my name is %s, and I\'m "%s"' % (self.context.name,
-                                                     self.context.size)
-class AddMammoth(grok.AddForm):
-    grok.context(Zoo)
-    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IMammoth)
-    @grok.action('Add entry')
-    def add(self, **data):
-        self.context['ellie'] = ellie = Mammoth()
-        if self.applyData(ellie, **data):
-            return 'There were changes according to applyData.'
-        return 'There were no changes according to applyData.'
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
-def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
-    print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
-           "following changes:")
-    for descr in event.descriptions:
-        print descr.interface.__name__ + ": " + ", ".join(descr.attributes)

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-A grok.EditForm uses applyData in update mode to save the form data on
-the object.  Update mode means that only those fields are changed on
-the object that need to be changed.
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = Mammoth('Manfred the Mammoth', 'Really big')
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-If we don't change any of the fields, there will no object modified
-event and applyData will report no changes:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> 'No changes' in browser.contents
-  True
-If we change one field, only that attribute will be changed.  The
-object modified event also reflects that:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Big Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'name' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  name
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-Let's change the other field:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Enormously big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'size' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-And finally let's change both fields:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'name' property is being set.
-  The 'size' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  name, size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    def __init__(self, name='', size=''):
-        self._name = name
-        self._size = size
-    def getName(self):
-        return self._name
-    def setName(self, value):
-        print "The 'name' property is being set."
-        self._name = value
-    name = property(getName, setName)
-    def getSize(self):
-        return self._size
-    def setSize(self, value):
-        print "The 'size' property is being set."
-        self._size = value
-    size = property(getSize, setSize)
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    form_fields = grok.Fields(
-        name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name"),
-        size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-        )
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
-def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
-    print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
-           "following changes:")
-    for descr in event.descriptions:
-        print ", ".join(descr.attributes)

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schema.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-A grok.EditForm uses applyData in update mode to save the form data on
-the object.  Update mode means that only those fields are changed on
-the object that need to be changed.
-This is essentially the same narrative as 'editform_applydata'. Here
-we test the whole procedure on fields from schemas:
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = Mammoth('Manfred the Mammoth', 'Really big')
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-If we don't change any of the fields, there will no object modified
-event and applyData will report no changes:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> 'No changes' in browser.contents
-  True
-If we change one field, only that attribute will be changed.  The
-object modified event also reflects that:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Big Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'name' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  IMammoth: name
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-Let's change the other field:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Enormously big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'size' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  IMammoth: size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-And finally let's change both fields:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  The 'name' property is being set.
-  The 'size' property is being set.
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  IMammoth: name, size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-import grok
-from zope import schema, interface
-class IMammoth(interface.Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    grok.implements(IMammoth)
-    def __init__(self, name='', size=''):
-        self._name = name
-        self._size = size
-    def getName(self):
-        return self._name
-    def setName(self, value):
-        print "The 'name' property is being set."
-        self._name = value
-    name = property(getName, setName)
-    def getSize(self):
-        return self._size
-    def setSize(self, value):
-        print "The 'size' property is being set."
-        self._size = value
-    size = property(getSize, setSize)
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IMammoth)
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
-def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
-    print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
-           "following changes:")
-    for descr in event.descriptions:
-        print descr.interface.__name__ + ": " + ", ".join(descr.attributes)

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/editform_applydata_schemafields.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-A grok.EditForm uses applyData in update mode to save the form data on
-the object.  Update mode means that only those fields are changed on
-the object that need to be changed.
-This is essentially the same narrative as 'editform_applydata'. Here we
-test the whole procedure on fields on the interface implemented by the
-model class:
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = mammoth = Mammoth()
-  >>> mammoth.name = 'Manfred the Mammoth'
-  >>> mammoth.size = 'Really big'
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-If we don't change any of the fields, there will no object modified
-event and applyData will report no changes:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> 'No changes' in browser.contents
-  True
-If we change one field, only that attribute will be changed.  The
-object modified event also reflects that:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Big Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  name
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-Let's change the other field:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Enormously big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-And finally let's change both fields:
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the following changes:
-  name, size
-  >>> 'Updated' in browser.contents
-  True
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-class IMammoth(Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    implements(IMammoth)
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    pass
- at grok.subscribe(Mammoth, grok.IObjectModifiedEvent)
-def notify_change_event(mammoth, event):
-    print ("An IObjectModifiedEvent was sent for a mammoth with the "
-           "following changes:")
-    for descr in event.descriptions:
-        print ", ".join(descr.attributes)

Modified: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/form.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/form.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/form.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,49 +1,50 @@
-A grok.EditForm is a special grok.View that renders an edit form.
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = Mammoth()
+Forms have an application_url() method to easily retrieve the url of the
+application, like views does::
+  >>> getRootFolder()['world'] = world = IceWorld()
+  >>> world['arthur'] = Mammoth()
+And we can access the display form which display the application URL::
   >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
   >>> browser = Browser()
   >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Manfred the Mammoth"
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.size").value = "Really big"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
+  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/world/arthur')
   >>> print browser.contents
-  <html>...
-  ...Manfred the Mammoth...
-  ...Really big...
-  ...
+  <p>Test display: application http://localhost/world</p>
-grok.DisplayForm renders a display form:
+Same for the edit form::
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/@@display")
+  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/world/arthur/@@edit')
   >>> print browser.contents
-  <html>...
-  ...Manfred the Mammoth...
-  ...Really big...
-  ...
+  <p>Test edit: application http://localhost/world</p>
 import grok
 from zope import schema
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
-class IMammoth(Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-    size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
+class IceWorld(grok.Application, grok.Container):
+    pass
 class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    implements(IMammoth)
-    name = FieldProperty(IMammoth['name'])    
-    size = FieldProperty(IMammoth['size'])    
+    class fields:
+        name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
+        size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
+class Index(grok.DisplayForm):
+    grok.context(Mammoth)
+index = grok.PageTemplate('<p>Test display: application <tal:replace tal:replace="view/application_url" /></p>')
 class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    pass
+    grok.context(Mammoth)
-class Display(grok.DisplayForm):
-    pass
+edit = grok.PageTemplate('<p>Test edit: application <tal:replace tal:replace="view/application_url" /></p>')

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/templateform.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/templateform.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/templateform.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-If a form does not have a template, a simple default template is
-associated with them. Otherwise, the supplied template is used.
-  >>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
-  >>> request = TestRequest()
-  >>> from zope import component
-Default edit template:
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='edit')
-  >>> print view()
-  <html>...
-Custom edit template:
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='edit2')
-  >>> print view()
-  <p>Test edit</p>
-Custom edit template with an explicit template
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='edit3')
-  >>> print view()
-  <p>Test edit</p>
-Default display template:
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='display')
-  >>> print view()
-  <html>...
-Custom display template:
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='display2')
-  >>> print view()
-  <p>Test display</p>
-Custom display template with an explicit template:
-  >>> view = component.getMultiAdapter((Mammoth(), request), name='display3')
-  >>> print view()
-  <p>Test display</p>
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    class fields:
-        name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-        size = schema.TextLine(title=u"Size", default=u"Quite normal")
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    pass
-class Edit2(grok.EditForm):
-    pass
-edit2 = grok.PageTemplate('<p>Test edit</p>')
-class Edit3(grok.EditForm):
-    grok.template('edit2')
-class Display(grok.DisplayForm):
-    pass
-class Display2(grok.DisplayForm):
-    pass
-display2 = grok.PageTemplate('<p>Test display</p>')
-class Display3(grok.DisplayForm):
-    grok.template('display2')

Deleted: grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/update.py
--- grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/update.py	2008-09-26 11:17:12 UTC (rev 91506)
+++ grok/branches/sylvain-grokcore-formlib/src/grok/ftests/form/update.py	2008-09-26 11:40:17 UTC (rev 91507)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Forms can implement an update() method that will be called before any
-form processing has happened:
-  >>> getRootFolder()["manfred"] = Mammoth()
-  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
-  >>> browser = Browser()
-  >>> browser.handleErrors = False
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/edit")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Ellie"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Ellie, the Mammoth reports: The form's update() was called and my name was Manfred.
-A form's update() method can issue a redirect.  In that case, the form
-won't proceed to do any form processing nor rendering:
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/editredirect")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Mallie"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> print browser.url
-  http://localhost/manfred/index
-Because of the redirect, no changes happened to the edited object:
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Ellie, the Mammoth reports: The form's update() was called and my name was Manfred.
-A form's update() method may also take arbitrary parameters that will
-be filled with values from the request (such as form values):
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred/editupdatewitharguments")
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="report").value = "Request argument dispatch to update() works."
-  >>> browser.getControl(name="form.name").value = "Mallie"
-  >>> browser.getControl("Apply").click()
-  >>> browser.open("http://localhost/manfred")
-  >>> print browser.contents
-  Mallie, the Mammoth reports: Request argument dispatch to update() works.
-import grok
-from zope import schema
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-class IMammoth(Interface):
-    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Name")
-class Mammoth(grok.Model):
-    implements(IMammoth)
-    name = u'Manfred'
-class Index(grok.View):
-    def render(self):
-        return "%s, the Mammoth reports: %s" % (self.context.name,
-                                                self.context.report)
-class Edit(grok.EditForm):
-    def update(self):
-        self.context.report = ("The form's update() was called and my name "
-                               "was %s." % self.context.name)
-class EditRedirect(grok.EditForm):
-    def update(self):
-        # redirect upon form submit so that no changes are ever saved
-        if 'form.name' in self.request:
-            self.redirect(self.url('index'))
-class EditUpdateWithArguments(grok.EditForm):
-    def update(self, report=None):
-        if report is not None:
-            self.context.report = report
-editupdatewitharguments = grok.PageTemplate("""
-<form action="" tal:attributes="action request/URL">
-  <input type="text" name="report" />
-  <div tal:repeat="widget view/widgets" tal:content="structure widget" />
-  <div tal:repeat="action view/actions" tal:content="structure action/render" />

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