[Checkins] SVN: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/ tests are significant, are incomplete, and pass

Gary Poster gary at modernsongs.com
Tue Apr 28 22:08:25 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 99569:
  tests are significant, are incomplete, and pass

  _U  z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/
  U   z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/setup.py
  U   z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/README.txt
  U   z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/__init__.py
  U   z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.py
  U   z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.txt


Property changes on: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools
Added: svn:externals
   + bootstrap svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap

Modified: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/setup.py
--- z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/setup.py	2009-04-29 02:07:37 UTC (rev 99568)
+++ z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/setup.py	2009-04-29 02:08:24 UTC (rev 99569)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
       namespace_packages=['z3c', 'z3c.recipe'],
+                        'zc.recipe.egg',

Modified: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/README.txt
--- z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/README.txt	2009-04-29 02:07:37 UTC (rev 99568)
+++ z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/README.txt	2009-04-29 02:08:24 UTC (rev 99569)
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
+Basic Usage
 With the ``z3c.recipe.filetemplate`` buildout recipe you can automate
 the generation of text files from templates.  Upon execution, the
-recipe will read a number of template files, perform a simple variable
+recipe will read a number of template files, perform variable
 substitution and write the result to the corresponding output files.
 For example, consider this simple template for a text file:
-  >>> write(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in',
-  ... """
-  ... Hello ${world}!
-  ... """)
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in',
+    ... """
+    ... Hello ${world}!
+    ... """)
 Now let's create a buildout configuration so that we can substitute
 the values in this file.  All we have to do is define a part that uses
@@ -17,22 +24,291 @@
 whitespace).  Then we can add arbitrary parameters to the section.
 Those will be used to fill the variables in the template:
-  >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
-  ... """
-  ... [buildout]
-  ... parts = file
-  ...
-  ... [file]
-  ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
-  ... files = helloworld.txt
-  ... world = Philipp
-  ... """)
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ...
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... files = helloworld.txt
+    ... world = Philipp
+    ... """)
 After executing buildout, we can see that ``$world`` has indeed been
 replaced by ``Philipp``:
-  >>> print system(buildout)
-  Installing file.
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Installing message.
-  >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt')
-  Hello Philipp!
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt')
+    Hello Philipp!
+Note that the output file uses the same permission bits as found on the input
+    >>> import stat
+    >>> import os
+    >>> input = os.path.join(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in')
+    >>> output = input[:-3]
+    >>> os.chmod(input, 0755)
+    >>> stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(input).st_mode) == 0755
+    True
+    >>> stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(output).st_mode) == 0755
+    False
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(output).st_mode) == 0755
+    True
+Source Folders and Globs
+By default, the recipe looks for a ``.in`` file relative to the buildout root,
+and places it in the same folder relative to the buildout root.  However, if
+you don't want to clutter up the destination folder, you can add a prefix to
+the source folder.  Here is an example.
+Note that, for the destination, intermediate folders are created if they do not
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ...
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... source-directory = template
+    ... world = Philipp
+    ... """)
+    >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'template')
+    >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'template', 'etc')
+    >>> mkdir(sample_buildout, 'template', 'bin')
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'template', 'etc', 'helloworld.conf.in',
+    ... """
+    ... Hello ${world} from the etc dir!
+    ... """)
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'template', 'bin', 'helloworld.sh.in',
+    ... """
+    ... Hello ${world} from the bin dir!
+    ... """)
+    >>> os.chmod(
+    ...     os.path.join(
+    ...         sample_buildout, 'template', 'bin', 'helloworld.sh.in'),
+    ...     0711)
+    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+    -  .installed.cfg
+    d  bin
+    -  buildout.cfg
+    d  develop-eggs
+    d  eggs
+    -  helloworld.txt
+    -  helloworld.txt.in
+    d  parts
+    d  template
+    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin')
+    -  buildout
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> ls(sample_buildout)
+    -  .installed.cfg
+    d  bin
+    -  buildout.cfg
+    d  develop-eggs
+    d  eggs
+    d  etc
+    -  helloworld.txt.in
+    d  parts
+    d  template
+    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'bin')
+    - buildout
+    - helloworld.sh
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'bin', 'helloworld.sh')
+    Hello Philipp from the bin dir!
+    >>> stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(os.path.join(
+    ...     sample_buildout, 'bin', 'helloworld.sh')).st_mode) == 0711
+    True
+    >>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
+    - helloworld.conf
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'helloworld.conf')
+    Hello Philipp from the etc dir!
+Substituting from Other Sections
+Substitutions can also come from other sections in the buildout, using the
+standard buildout syntax.
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in',
+    ... """
+    ... Hello ${world}.  I used these parts: ${buildout:parts}.
+    ... """)
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ...
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... files = helloworld.txt
+    ... world = Philipp
+    ... """)
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt')
+    Hello Philipp.  I used these parts: message.
+Sharing variables
+The recipe allows extending one or more sections, to decrease repetition.  For
+instance, consider the following buildout.
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ... 
+    ... [template_defaults]
+    ... mygreeting = Hi
+    ... myaudience = World
+    ... 
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... files = helloworld.txt
+    ... extends = template_defaults
+    ...
+    ... myaudience = everybody
+    ... """)
+The "message" section now has values extended from the "template_defaults"
+section, and overwritten locally.  A template of
+``${mygreeting}, ${myaudience}!``...
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in',
+    ... """
+    ... ${mygreeting}, ${myaudience}!
+    ... """)
+...would thus result in ``Hi, everybody!``.
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt')
+    Hi, everybody!
+Specifying paths
+You can specify eggs and extra-paths in the recipe.  If you do, three
+predefined options will be available in the recipe's options for the template.
+If "paths" are the non-zip paths, and "all_paths" are all paths, then the
+options would be defined roughly as given here:
+    os-paths: (os.pathsep).join(paths)
+    string-paths: ', '.join(repr(p) for p in all_paths)
+    space-paths: ' '.join(paths)
+For instance, consider this example.
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ... 
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... files = helloworld.txt
+    ... eggs = demo<0.3
+    ...
+    ... find-links = %(server)s
+    ... index = %(server)s/index
+    ... """ % dict(server=link_server))
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt.in',
+    ... """
+    ... Hello!  Here are the paths for the ${eggs} eggs.
+    ... OS paths:
+    ... ${os-paths}
+    ... ---
+    ... String paths:
+    ... ${string-paths}
+    ... ---
+    ... Space paths:
+    ... ${space-paths}
+    ... """)
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Getting distribution for 'demo<0.3'.
+    Got demo 0.2.
+    Getting distribution for 'demoneeded'.
+    Got demoneeded 1.2c1.
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
+    Hello!  Here are the paths for the demo<0.3 eggs.
+    OS paths:
+    .../eggs/demo-0.2...egg:.../eggs/demoneeded-1.2c1...egg
+    ---
+    String paths:
+    '.../eggs/demo-0.2...egg', '.../eggs/demoneeded-1.2c1...egg'
+    ---
+    Space paths:
+    .../eggs/demo-0.2...egg .../eggs/demoneeded-1.2c1...egg
+You can specify extra-paths as well, which will go at the end of the egg paths.
+    >>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
+    ... """
+    ... [buildout]
+    ... parts = message
+    ... 
+    ... [message]
+    ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    ... files = helloworld.txt
+    ... eggs = demo<0.3
+    ... extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/foo
+    ...
+    ... find-links = %(server)s
+    ... index = %(server)s/index
+    ... """ % dict(server=link_server))
+    >>> print system(buildout)
+    Uninstalling message.
+    Installing message.
+    >>> cat(sample_buildout, 'helloworld.txt') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
+    Hello!  Here are the paths for the demo<0.3 eggs.
+    OS paths:
+    ...demo...:...demoneeded...:.../sample-buildout/foo
+    ---
+    String paths:
+    '...demo...', '...demoneeded...', '.../sample-buildout/foo'
+    ---
+    Space paths:
+    ...demo... ...demoneeded... .../sample-buildout/foo
+Defining options in Python
+You can specify that certain variables should be interpreted as Python.
+    [buildout]
+    parts = message
+    [message]
+    recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
+    files = helloworld.txt
+    interpreted-options = path-separator=os.pathsep

Modified: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/__init__.py
--- z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/__init__.py	2009-04-29 02:07:37 UTC (rev 99568)
+++ z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/__init__.py	2009-04-29 02:08:24 UTC (rev 99569)
@@ -1,46 +1,181 @@
+import fnmatch
+import logging
 import os
+import re
+import stat
 import string
-import logging
+import sys
+import zc.recipe.egg
 import zc.buildout
+import zc.buildout.easy_install
+ABS_PATH_ERROR = ('%s is an absolute path. Paths must be '
+                  'relative to the buildout directory.')
 class FileTemplate(object):
     def __init__(self, buildout, name, options):
         self.buildout = buildout
         self.name = name
         self.options = options
-    def install(self, update=False):
+        self.logger=logging.getLogger(self.name)
+        # get defaults from extended sections
+        defaults = {}
+        extends = self.options.get('extends', '').split()
+        extends.reverse()
+        for section_name in extends:
+            defaults.update(self.buildout[section_name])
+        for key, value in defaults.items():
+            self.options.setdefault(key, value)
+        # set up paths for eggs, if given
+        if 'eggs' in self.options:
+            self.eggs = zc.recipe.egg.Scripts(buildout, name, options)
+            orig_distributions, ws = self.eggs.working_set()
+            # we want ws, eggs.extra_paths, eggs._relative_paths
+            all_paths = [
+                zc.buildout.easy_install.realpath(dist.location)
+                for dist in ws]
+            all_paths.sort()
+            all_paths.extend(
+                zc.buildout.easy_install.realpath(path)
+                for path in self.eggs.extra_paths)
+        else:
+            all_paths = []
+        paths = [path for path in all_paths if not path.endswith('.zip')]
+        self.options['os-paths'] = (os.pathsep).join(paths)
+        self.options['string-paths'] = ', '.join(repr(p) for p in all_paths)
+        self.options['space-paths'] = ' '.join(paths)
+        # get and check the files to be created
+        self.filenames = self.options.get('files', '*').split()
+        self.source_dir = self.options.get('source-directory', '').strip()
         here = self.buildout['buildout']['directory']
-        filenames = self.options['files'].split()
-        logger = logging.getLogger(self.name)
-        for filename in filenames:
+        self.destination_dir = here
+        if self.source_dir:
+            self.recursive = True
+            if os.path.isabs(self.source_dir):
+                self._user_error(ABS_PATH_ERROR, self.source_dir)
+            self.source_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
+                here, self.source_dir))
+            if not self.source_dir.startswith(here):
+                self._user_error(
+                    'source-directory must be within the buildout directory')
+        else:
+            self.recursive = False
+            self.options['source-directory'] = ''
+            self.source_dir = self.buildout['buildout']['directory']
+        source_patterns = []
+        for filename in self.filenames:
             if os.path.isabs(filename):
-                msg = ('%s is an absolute path. File paths must be '
-                       'relative to the buildout directory.' % filename)
-                logger.error(msg)
-                raise zc.buildout.UserError(msg)
+                self._user_error(ABS_PATH_ERROR, filename)
+            if self.source_dir:
+                if '/' in filename:
+                    self._user_error(
+                        'Slashes cannot be in file names when a source '
+                        'directory is used: %s.',
+                        filename)
+            else:
+                if not os.path.normpath(
+                    os.path.join(self.source_dir, filename)
+                    ).startswith(self.source_dir):
+                    # path used ../ to get out of buildout dir
+                    self._user_error(
+                        'source files must be within the buildout directory')
+            source_patterns.append('%s.in' % filename)
+        unmatched = set(source_patterns)
+        unexpected_dirs = []
+        self.actions = [] # each entry is tuple of
+                          # (relative path, source last-modified-time, mode)
+        if self.recursive:
+            def visit(ignored, dirname, names):
+                relative_prefix = dirname[len(self.source_dir)+1:]
+                file_info = {}
+                for name in names:
+                    val = os.path.join(relative_prefix, name)
+                    source = os.path.join(self.source_dir, val)
+                    statinfo = os.stat(source)
+                    last_modified = statinfo.st_mtime
+                    if stat.S_ISREG(statinfo.st_mode):
+                        file_info[name] = (
+                            val, last_modified, statinfo.st_mode)
+                found = set()
+                for pattern in source_patterns:
+                    # val is relative to
+                    matching = fnmatch.filter(file_info, pattern)
+                    if matching:
+                        unmatched.discard(pattern)
+                        found.update(matching)
+                for name in found:
+                    self.actions.append(file_info[name])
+            os.path.walk(
+                self.source_dir, visit, None)
+        else:
+            for val in source_patterns:
+                source = os.path.join(self.source_dir, val)
+                if os.path.exists(source):
+                    unmatched.discard(val)
+                    statinfo = os.stat(source)
+                    last_modified = statinfo.st_mtime
+                    if not stat.S_ISREG(statinfo.st_mode):
+                        unexpected_dirs.append(source)
+                    else:
+                        self.actions.append(
+                            (val, last_modified, statinfo.st_mode))
+        # This is supposed to be a flag so that when source files change, the
+        # recipe knows to reinstall.
+        self.options['_actions'] = repr(self.actions)
+        if unexpected_dirs:
+            self._user_error(
+                'Expected file but found directory: %s',
+                ', '.join(unexpected_dirs))
+        if unmatched:
+            self._user_error(
+                'No template found for these file names: %s',
+                ', '.join(unmatched))
+        interpreted = self.options.get('interpreted-options')
+        if interpreted:
+            globs = {'__builtins__': __builtins__, 'os': os, 'sys': sys}
+            locs = {'name': name, 'options': options, 'buildout': buildout,
+                    'paths': paths, 'all_paths': all_paths}
+            for value in interpreted.split():
+                if value:
+                    key, expression = value.split('=', 1)
+                    options[key] = str(eval(expression, globs, locs))
+    def _user_error(self, msg, *args):
+        msg = msg % args
+        self.logger.error(msg)
+        raise zc.buildout.UserError(msg)
-            absname = os.path.join(here, filename)
+    def install(self):
+        already_exists = [
+            rel_path for rel_path, last_mod, st_mode in self.actions
+            if os.path.exists(
+                os.path.join(self.destination_dir, rel_path[:-3]))
+            ]
+        if already_exists:
+            self._user_error(
+                'Destinations already exist: %s. Please make sure that '
+                'you really want to generate these automatically.  Then '
+                'move them away.', ', '.join(already_exists))
+        for rel_path, last_mod, st_mode in self.actions:
+            source = os.path.join(self.source_dir, rel_path)
+            dest = os.path.join(self.destination_dir, rel_path[:-3])
+            mode=stat.S_IMODE(st_mode)
+            template=open(source).read()
+            template=re.sub(r"\$\{([^:]+?)\}", r"${%s:\1}" % self.name,
+                            template)
+            self._create_paths(os.path.dirname(dest))
+            result=open(dest, "wt")
+            result.write(self.options._sub(template, []))
+            result.close()
+            os.chmod(dest, mode)
+            self.options.created(rel_path[:-3])
+        return self.options.created()
-            if not os.path.exists(absname + '.in'):
-                msg = 'No template found at %s.in.' % filename
-                logger.error(msg)
-                raise zc.buildout.UserError(msg)
+    def _create_paths(self, path):
+        if not os.path.exists(path):
+            self._create_paths(os.path.dirname(path))
+            os.mkdir(path)
+            self.options.created(path)
-            if not update and os.path.exists(absname):
-                msg = ('File %s already exists. Please make sure that you '
-                       'really want to have it generated automatically.  Then '
-                       'move it away.' % filename)
-                logger.error(msg)
-                raise zc.buildout.UserError(msg)
-            templ = string.Template(open(absname + '.in').read())
-            outfile = open(absname, 'w')
-            outfile.write(templ.substitute(self.options))
-            outfile.close()
-        return filenames
     def update(self):
-        return self.install(update=True)
+        pass

Modified: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.py
--- z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.py	2009-04-29 02:07:37 UTC (rev 99568)
+++ z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.py	2009-04-29 02:08:24 UTC (rev 99569)
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 import zc.buildout.testing
+import zc.buildout.tests
 from zope.testing import doctest
 def setUp(test):
-    zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp(test)
+    zc.buildout.tests.easy_install_SetUp(test)
     zc.buildout.testing.install_develop('z3c.recipe.filetemplate', test)
 def test_suite():

Modified: z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.txt
--- z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.txt	2009-04-29 02:07:37 UTC (rev 99568)
+++ z3c.recipe.filetemplate/branches/gary-powertools/z3c/recipe/filetemplate/tests.txt	2009-04-29 02:08:24 UTC (rev 99569)
@@ -58,14 +58,12 @@
   ... """)
   >>> print system(buildout)
-  Uninstalling multiple.
-  Installing evil.
-  evil: /etc/passwd.in is an absolute path. File paths must be
-        relative to the buildout directory.
+  evil: /etc/passwd.in is an absolute path. Paths must be relative to the buildout directory.
-    Installing evil.
-  Error: /etc/passwd.in is an absolute path. File paths must be
-         relative to the buildout directory.
+    Installing.
+    Getting section evil.
+    Initializing part evil.
+  Error: /etc/passwd.in is an absolute path. Paths must be relative to the buildout directory.
 Missing template
@@ -85,13 +83,15 @@
   ... """)
   >>> print system(buildout)
-  Installing notthere.
-  notthere: No template found at doesntexist.in.
+  notthere: No template found for these file names: doesntexist.in
-    Installing notthere.
-  Error: No template found at doesntexist.in.
+    Installing.
+    Getting section notthere.
+    Initializing part notthere.
+  Error: No template found for these file names: doesntexist.in
 Already existing file
@@ -119,15 +119,16 @@
   ... """)
   >>> print system(buildout)
+  Uninstalling multiple.
   Installing alreadythere.
-  alreadythere: File alreadyhere.txt already exists. Please make sure
-                that you really want to have it generated automatically.
-                Then move it away.
+  alreadythere: Destinations already exist: alreadyhere.txt.in. Please make
+                sure that you really want to generate these automatically.
+                Then move them away.
     Installing alreadythere.
-  Error: File alreadyhere.txt already exists. Please make sure
-         that you really want to have it generated automatically.
-         Then move it away.
+  Error: Destinations already exist: alreadyhere.txt.in. Please make sure
+         that you really want to generate these automatically.  Then move
+         them away.
 Missing variables
@@ -155,4 +156,5 @@
   Installing missing.
     Installing missing.
-  Error: Missing option: missing:world
+  Error: Referenced option does not exist: missing world

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