[Checkins] SVN: gocept.selenium/trunk/src/gocept/selenium/README.txt Add a README.

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Fri Dec 18 08:16:19 EST 2009

Log message for revision 106754:
  Add a README.

  U   gocept.selenium/trunk/src/gocept/selenium/README.txt

Modified: gocept.selenium/trunk/src/gocept/selenium/README.txt
--- gocept.selenium/trunk/src/gocept/selenium/README.txt	2009-12-18 13:05:22 UTC (rev 106753)
+++ gocept.selenium/trunk/src/gocept/selenium/README.txt	2009-12-18 13:16:19 UTC (rev 106754)
@@ -1 +1,79 @@
-XXX writeme
\ No newline at end of file
+Selenium RC integration with zope.testing
+gocept.selenium integrates Selenium RC with your Plone/Zope 2/ZTK test suite.
+Quick start with ZTK
+Assuming that you already have a package that uses zc.buildout and
+zope.testing, you need to do this to enable Selenium tests:
+1. Add gocept.selenium to the list of eggs either in your setup.py, or in
+   buildout.cfg
+2. Install Selenium RC by some means, e.g. by using
+   collective.recipe.seleniumrc::
+    [seleniumrc]
+    recipe = collective.recipe.seleniumrc
+    url = http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-remote-control/1.0.1/selenium-remote-control-1.0.1-dist.zip
+    md5sum = 068b1adb26a7450717e6d6d67e261b58
+3. Run buildout to install gocept.selenium and selenium (the Python bindings
+   for Selenium RC).
+4. Create a layer for your tests, like this::
+    import gocept.selenium.ztk
+    import zope.app.testing.functional
+    zcml_layer = zope.app.testing.functional.ZCMLLayer(
+        'ftesting.zcml',
+        __name__, __name__, allow_teardown=True)
+    selenium_layer = gocept.selenium.ztk.Layer(zcml_layer)
+  Essentially, the ``zcml_layer`` is what you would use for typical ZTK
+  functional tests, and then you wrap it to create ``selenium_layer``.
+5. Start writing tests that inherit ``gocept.selenium.ztk.TestCase``; make
+   sure you set the ``layer`` attribute to ``selenium_layer`` on each test
+   class.
+6. In your tests, use ``self.selenium`` to control Selenium RC, e.g. ::
+    class MyTest(gocept.selenium.ztk.TestCase):
+        layer = selenium_layer
+        def test(self):
+            self.selenium.open('http://%s/foo.html' % self.selenium.server)
+            self.selenium.assertBodyText('foo')
+7. Run seleniumrc.
+8. Run bin/test and see it work!
+Quick start with Zope 2/Plone
+Essentially the same, only use gocept.selenium.zope2 or gocept.selenium.plone
+instead of gocept.selenium.ztk.
+Similar packages
+zc.selenium -- integrates Selenium Core with zope.testing.
+Report bugs at <https://intra.gocept.com/projects/projects/gocept-selenium/issues>.
+Get the latest source with ::
+  svn co http://svn.gocept.com/repos/gocept/gocept.selenium/trunk gocept.selenium

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