[Checkins] SVN: Zope2.buildout/trunk/ Mark this area as being closed

Hanno Schlichting plone at hannosch.info
Sun Feb 8 12:44:15 EST 2009

Log message for revision 96265:
  Mark this area as being closed

  _U  Zope2.buildout/trunk/
  U   Zope2.buildout/trunk/README.txt
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/alltests.cfg
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/bin/
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/include/
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/lib/
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/setup.py
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/src/
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/util.py
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope2.cfg
  D   Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope3.cfg


Property changes on: Zope2.buildout/trunk
Deleted: svn:ignore
   - .installed.cfg

Deleted: svn:externals
   - bootstrap       svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap
doc             svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk/doc
Extensions      svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk/Extensions
inst            svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk/inst
skel            svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk/skel
utilities       svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk/utilities

Modified: Zope2.buildout/trunk/README.txt
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/README.txt	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/README.txt	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 zope2 Mega-egg README
-This distribution contains the parts of the Zope2 application server /
-web framework which can't be packaged separately, due to import dependencies.
+This has been a working area to convert Zope2 into an egg-based distribution.
+The work has been matured to the point now, that it has been rolled back
+into the canonical trunk at svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/trunk
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/alltests.cfg
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/alltests.cfg	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/alltests.cfg	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Run tests of all packages that would have their tests run in a Zope-trunk
-# SVN checkout.
-extends = buildout.cfg
-parts += alltests
-recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner<1.1dev
-# The commented packages are present on SVN trunk but not used (downloaded)
-# by Zope2.buildout. If you manage to reduce the dependencies further, feel
-# free to comment out more eggs.
-eggs =
-    ${buildout:eggs}
-    Acquisition
-    DateTime
-    ExtensionClass
-    Persistence
-    RestrictedPython
-    tempstorage
-    zLOG
-    zodbcode
-    zope.annotation
-    zope.broken
-    zope.browser
-    zope.cachedescriptors
-    zope.component
-    zope.configuration
-    zope.container
-    zope.contentprovider
-    zope.contenttype
-    zope.copypastemove
-    zope.datetime
-    zope.deferredimport
-    zope.deprecation
-#    zope.documenttemplate
-    zope.dottedname
-    zope.dublincore
-    zope.error
-    zope.event
-    zope.exceptions
-    zope.formlib
-    zope.hookable
-    zope.i18n
-    zope.i18nmessageid
-    zope.index
-    zope.interface
-    zope.lifecycleevent
-    zope.location
-    zope.minmax
-    zope.modulealias
-    zope.pagetemplate
-    zope.proxy
-    zope.publisher
-#    zope.rdb
-    zope.schema
-    zope.security
-    zope.securitypolicy
-    zope.sendmail
-    zope.sequencesort
-#    zope.server
-    zope.session
-    zope.site
-    zope.size
-    zope.structuredtext
-    zope.tal
-    zope.tales
-    zope.testbrowser
-    zope.thread
-    zope.traversing
-    zope.viewlet
-#    zope.wfmc
-# Fetch undeclared ftests dependencies
-    zope.app.principalannotation
-    zope.app.schema
-    zope.app.securitypolicy
-    zope.app.zcmlfiles
-    zope.app.zptpage
-defaults = ['--module', '!^(zope[.]app)[.]']
-environment = test-environment

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-develop =
-    .
-parts =
-    test
-    zopepy
-eggs-directory = ${buildout:directory}/eggs
-extends = versions-zope2.cfg
-versions = versions
-unzip = true
-eggs =
-    Zope2
-recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner<1.1dev
-eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
-environment = test-environment
-SOFTWARE_HOME = ${buildout:directory}/src
-ZOPE_HOME = ${buildout:directory}
-INSTANCE_HOME = ${buildout:directory}
-recipe = collective.recipe.omelette >= 0.7
-eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
-recipe = z3c.recipe.runscript
-install-script = bin/create_lib_python.py:create_lib_python
-update-script = bin/create_lib_python.py:create_lib_python
-src-dir = ${omelette:location}
-dst-dir = ${buildout:directory}/lib/python
-skip-names =
-    easy_install.py
-    pkg_resources.py
-    setuptools
-    site.py
-recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
-interpreter = zopepy
-scripts = zopepy

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/setup.py
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/setup.py	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/setup.py	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Setup for the Acquisition egg package
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension
-from util import getVersionForPackage
-def getPackages(packages):
-    """ Return a list of egg names together with their
-        version specs according to the version-zopeX.cfg
-        files.
-    """
-    result = list()
-    for package in packages:
-        if ' ' in package:
-            package = package[:package.find(' ')]
-        version = getVersionForPackage(package)
-        result.append('%s==%s' % (package, version))
-    return result
-      version = '2.12.dev',
-      url='http://www.zope.org',
-      license='ZPL 2.1',
-      description='Zope2 application server / web framework',
-      author='Zope Corporation and Contributors',
-      author_email='zope-dev at zope.org',
-      long_description='',
-      packages=find_packages('src'),
-      package_dir={'': 'src'},
-      data_files=[
-        ('skel', ['skel/README.txt']),
-        ('skel/bin', ['skel/bin/runzope.bat.in',
-                      'skel/bin/runzope.in',
-                      'skel/bin/zopectl.bat.in',
-                      'skel/bin/zopectl.in',
-                      'skel/bin/zopeservice.py.in',
-                     ]),
-        ('skel/etc', ['skel/etc/site.zcml',
-                      'skel/etc/zope.conf.in',
-                     ]),
-        ('skel/etc/package-includes', []),
-        ('skel/Extensions', ['skel/Extensions/README.txt']),
-        ('skel/import', ['skel/import/README.txt',
-                         'skel/import/ZopeTutorialExamples.zexp',
-                        ]),
-        ('skel/lib/python', ['skel/lib/python/README.txt.in' ]),
-        ('skel/log', ['skel/log/README.txt']),
-        ('skel/Products', ['skel/Products/__init__.py',
-                           'skel/Products/README.txt',
-                          ]),
-        ('skel/var', ['skel/var/README.txt']),
-      ],
-      ext_modules=[
-        # AccessControl
-        Extension(
-              name='AccessControl.cAccessControl',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=['src/AccessControl/cAccessControl.c'],
-              depends=['include/ExtensionClass/ExtensionClass.h',
-                       'include/ExtensionClass/pickle/pickle.c',
-                       'include/Acquisition/Acquisition.h']),
-        # DocumentTemplate
-        Extension(
-              name='DocumentTemplate.cDocumentTemplate',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=['src/DocumentTemplate/cDocumentTemplate.c']),
-        Extension(
-              name='MultiMapping._MultiMapping',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=["src/MultiMapping/_MultiMapping.c"],
-              depends=["include/ExtensionClass/ExtensionClass.h"]),
-        Extension(
-              name='ThreadLock._ThreadLock',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=["src/ThreadLock/_ThreadLock.c"],
-              depends=["include/ExtensionClass/ExtensionClass.h"]),
-        Extension(
-              name='Missing._Missing',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=["src/Missing/_Missing.c"],
-              depends=["include/ExtensionClass/ExtensionClass.h"]),
-        Extension(
-              name='Record._Record',
-              include_dirs=EXTENSIONCLASS_INCLUDEDIRS,
-              sources=["src/Record/_Record.c"],
-              depends=["include/ExtensionClass/ExtensionClass.h"]),
-        # initgroups
-        Extension(
-              name='initgroups._initgroups',
-              sources=['src/initgroups/_initgroups.c']),
-        # indexes
-        Extension(
-              name='Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.'
-                   'ZopeSplitter.ZopeSplitter',
-              sources=['src/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/'
-                       'ZopeSplitter/src/ZopeSplitter.c']),
-        Extension(
-              name='Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.'
-                   'ISO_8859_1_Splitter.ISO_8859_1_Splitter',
-              sources=['src/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/'
-                       'ISO_8859_1_Splitter/src/ISO_8859_1_Splitter.c']),
-        Extension(
-              name='Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.Splitter.'
-                   'UnicodeSplitter.UnicodeSplitter',
-              sources=['src/Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/Splitter/'
-                       'UnicodeSplitter/src/UnicodeSplitter.c']),
-        Extension(
-              name='Products.ZCTextIndex.stopper',
-              sources=['src/Products/ZCTextIndex/stopper.c']),
-        Extension(
-              name='Products.ZCTextIndex.okascore',
-              sources=['src/Products/ZCTextIndex/okascore.c']),
-      ],
-      install_requires=getPackages([
-        'Acquisition',
-        'DateTime',
-        'docutils',
-        'ExtensionClass',
-        'Persistence',
-        'pytz',
-        'RestrictedPython',
-        'tempstorage',
-        'ZConfig',
-        'zLOG',
-        'zdaemon',
-        'ZODB3',
-        'zodbcode',
-        'zope.component',
-        'zope.configuration',
-        'zope.contentprovider',
-        'zope.contenttype',
-        'zope.deferredimport',
-        'zope.event',
-        'zope.exceptions',
-        'zope.formlib',
-        'zope.i18n [zcml]',
-        'zope.i18nmessageid',
-        'zope.interface',
-        'zope.lifecycleevent',
-        'zope.location',
-        'zope.pagetemplate',
-        'zope.proxy',
-        'zope.publisher',
-        'zope.schema',
-        'zope.security',
-        'zope.sendmail',
-        'zope.sequencesort',
-        'zope.size',
-        'zope.structuredtext',
-        'zope.tal',
-        'zope.tales',
-        'zope.testbrowser',
-        'zope.testing',
-        'zope.traversing',
-        'zope.viewlet',
-        'zope.app.component',
-        'zope.app.container',
-        'zope.app.form',
-        'zope.app.locales',
-        'zope.app.pagetemplate',
-        'zope.app.publication',
-        'zope.app.publisher',
-        'zope.app.schema',
-        'zope.app.testing',
-      ]),
-      extras_require = dict(
-        zope_app = getPackages([
-          'zope.annotation',
-          'zope.cachedescriptors',
-          'zope.copypastemove',
-          'zope.datetime',
-          'zope.decorator',
-          'zope.deprecation',
-          'zope.documenttemplate',
-          'zope.dottedname',
-          'zope.dublincore',
-          'zope.error',
-          'zope.filerepresentation',
-          'zope.hookable',
-          'zope.index',
-          'zope.minmax',
-          'zope.modulealias',
-          'zope.rdb',
-          'zope.securitypolicy',
-          'zope.server',
-          'zope.session',
-          'zope.thread',
-          'zope.wfmc',
-          'zope.app.annotation',
-          'zope.app.apidoc',
-          'zope.app.applicationcontrol',
-          'zope.app.appsetup',
-          'zope.app.authentication',
-          'zope.app.basicskin',
-          'zope.app.broken',
-          'zope.app.cache',
-          'zope.app.content',
-          'zope.app.debug',
-          'zope.app.dependable',
-          'zope.app.error',
-          'zope.app.exception',
-          'zope.app.file',
-          'zope.app.folder',
-          'zope.app.generations',
-          'zope.app.http',
-          'zope.app.i18n',
-          'zope.app.interface',
-          'zope.app.intid',
-          'zope.app.keyreference',
-          'zope.app.layers',
-          'zope.app.onlinehelp',
-          'zope.app.pluggableauth',
-          'zope.app.preference',
-          'zope.app.preview',
-          'zope.app.principalannotation',
-          'zope.app.renderer',
-          'zope.app.rotterdam',
-          'zope.app.security',
-          'zope.app.securitypolicy',
-          'zope.app.session',
-          'zope.app.skins',
-          'zope.app.sqlscript',
-          'zope.app.traversing',
-          'zope.app.tree',
-          'zope.app.undo',
-          'zope.app.wfmc',
-          'zope.app.wsgi',
-          'zope.app.xmlrpcintrospection',
-          'zope.app.zapi',
-          'zope.app.zcmlfiles',
-          'zope.app.zopeappgenerations',
-          'zope.app.zptpage',
-          ]),
-      ),
-      include_package_data=True,
-      zip_safe=False,
-      )

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/util.py
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/util.py	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/util.py	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
-CP = ConfigParser()
-CP.read(('versions-zope3.cfg', 'versions-zope2.cfg'))
-def getVersionForPackage(package):
-    """ Return the version for a package (used in setup.py) """
-    return CP.get('versions', package)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    for package in ('ZODB3', 'pytz', 'does.not.exisit'):
-        print package, getVersionForPackage(package)

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope2.cfg
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope2.cfg	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope2.cfg	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-extends = versions-zope3.cfg
-versions = versions
-zc.buildout =
-zc.recipe.egg =
-Acquisition = 2.12.0a1
-DateTime = 2.11.2
-ExtensionClass = 2.11.1
-Persistence = 2.11.1
-RestrictedPython = 3.4.3
-tempstorage = 2.11.1
-zLOG = 2.11.1
-ZODB3 = 3.8.1
-zc.lockfile = 1.0
-transaction = 1.0a1
-ClientForm = 0.2.10
-ZConfig = 2.6.1
-docutils = 0.4
-# docutils = 0.5 - this generates test failures for reStructuredText
-mechanize = 0.1.10
-pytz = 2009a
-zope.broken = 3.5.0
-zope.browser = 0.5.0
-zope.component = 3.5.1
-zope.configuration = 3.4.1
-zope.container = 3.7.0
-zope.contenttype = 3.4.1
-zope.copypastemove = 3.4.1
-zope.deferredimport = 3.5.0
-zope.dottedname = 3.4.5
-zope.dublincore = 3.4.1
-zope.exceptions = 3.5.2
-zope.formlib = 3.5.1
-zope.i18n = 3.6.0
-zope.interface = 3.5.0
-zope.lifecycleevent = 3.5.0
-zope.location = 3.5.2
-zope.proxy = 3.5.0
-zope.publisher = 3.5.5
-zope.schema = 3.5.2
-zope.security = 3.6.0
-zope.sendmail = 3.5.1
-zope.server = 3.5.0
-zope.session = 3.7.1
-zope.site = 3.6.0
-zope.testbrowser = 3.6.0a2
-zope.testing = 3.7.1
-zope.traversing = 3.5.2
-zope.viewlet = 3.5.0
-zope.app.apidoc = 3.6.1
-zope.app.appsetup = 3.9.0
-zope.app.component = 3.6.0
-zope.app.container = 3.7.0
-zope.app.error = 3.5.2
-zope.app.exception = 3.4.2
-zope.app.folder = 3.5.0
-zope.app.form = 3.7.1
-zope.app.generations = 3.4.2
-zope.app.http = 3.4.2
-zope.app.locales = 3.5.1
-zope.app.pagetemplate = 3.5.0
-zope.app.publication = 3.5.1
-zope.app.publisher = 3.6.0
-zope.app.schema = 3.5.0
-zope.app.security = 3.5.3
-zope.app.testing = 3.6.0
-zope.app.zcmlfiles = 3.5.2

Deleted: Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope3.cfg
--- Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope3.cfg	2009-02-08 17:37:33 UTC (rev 96264)
+++ Zope2.buildout/trunk/versions-zope3.cfg	2009-02-08 17:44:14 UTC (rev 96265)
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# KGS of Zope3 3.4.0
-# http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.0/
-# http://download.zope.org/zope3.4/3.4.0/versions.cfg
-ClientForm = 0.2.9
-RestrictedPython = 3.4.2
-ZConfig = 2.5.1
-ZODB3 = 3.8.1
-docutils = 0.4
-jquery.javascript = 1.0.0
-jquery.layer = 1.0.0
-lxml = 1.3.6
-mechanize = 0.1.7b
-pytz = 2007k
-setuptools = 0.6c9
-z3c.coverage = 1.1.2
-z3c.csvvocabulary = 1.0.0
-z3c.etestbrowser = 1.0.4
-z3c.form = 1.9.0
-z3c.formdemo = 1.5.3
-z3c.formjs = 0.4.0
-z3c.formjsdemo = 0.3.1
-z3c.formui = 1.4.2
-z3c.i18n = 0.1.1
-z3c.layer = 0.2.3
-z3c.macro = 1.1.0
-z3c.macroviewlet = 1.0.0
-z3c.menu = 0.2.0
-z3c.optionstorage = 1.0.4
-z3c.pagelet = 1.0.2
-z3c.rml = 0.7.3
-z3c.skin.pagelet = 1.0.2
-z3c.template = 1.1.0
-z3c.testing = 0.2.0
-z3c.traverser = 0.2.3
-z3c.viewlet = 1.0.0
-z3c.viewtemplate = 0.3.2
-z3c.zrtresource = 1.0.1
-zc.buildout = 1.1.1
-zc.catalog = 1.2.0
-zc.datetimewidget = 0.5.2
-zc.i18n = 0.5.2
-zc.recipe.egg = 1.0.0
-zc.recipe.filestorage = 1.0.0
-zc.recipe.testrunner = 1.0.0
-zc.resourcelibrary = 1.0.1
-zc.table = 0.6
-zc.zope3recipes = 0.6.2
-zdaemon = 2.0.2
-zodbcode = 3.4.0
-zope.annotation = 3.4.1
-zope.app.annotation = 3.4.0
-zope.app.apidoc = 3.4.3
-zope.app.applicationcontrol = 3.4.3
-zope.app.appsetup = 3.4.1
-zope.app.authentication = 3.4.4
-zope.app.basicskin = 3.4.0
-zope.app.boston = 3.4.0
-zope.app.broken = 3.4.0
-zope.app.cache = 3.4.1
-zope.app.catalog = 3.5.1
-zope.app.component = 3.4.1
-zope.app.container = 3.5.6
-zope.app.content = 3.4.0
-zope.app.dav = 3.4.1
-zope.app.debug = 3.4.1
-zope.app.debugskin = 3.4.0
-zope.app.dependable = 3.4.0
-zope.app.dtmlpage = 3.4.1
-zope.app.error = 3.5.1
-zope.app.exception = 3.4.1
-zope.app.externaleditor = 3.4.0
-zope.app.file = 3.4.4
-zope.app.folder = 3.4.0
-zope.app.form = 3.4.1
-zope.app.ftp = 3.4.0
-zope.app.generations = 3.4.1
-zope.app.homefolder = 3.4.0
-zope.app.http = 3.4.1
-zope.app.i18n = 3.4.4
-zope.app.i18nfile = 3.4.1
-zope.app.interface = 3.4.0
-zope.app.interpreter = 3.4.0
-zope.app.intid = 3.4.1
-zope.app.keyreference = 3.4.1
-zope.app.layers = 3.4.0
-zope.app.locales = 3.4.5
-zope.app.locking = 3.4.0
-zope.app.module = 3.4.0
-zope.app.onlinehelp = 3.4.1
-zope.app.pagetemplate = 3.4.1
-zope.app.pluggableauth = 3.4.0
-zope.app.preference = 3.4.1
-zope.app.preview = 3.4.0
-zope.app.principalannotation = 3.4.0
-zope.app.publication = 3.4.3
-zope.app.publisher = 3.4.1
-zope.app.pythonpage = 3.4.1
-zope.app.renderer = 3.4.0
-zope.app.rotterdam = 3.4.1
-zope.app.schema = 3.4.0
-zope.app.security = 3.5.2
-zope.app.securitypolicy = 3.4.6
-zope.app.server = 3.4.2
-zope.app.session = 3.5.1
-zope.app.skins = 3.4.0
-zope.app.sqlscript = 3.4.1
-zope.app.testing = 3.4.3
-zope.app.traversing = 3.4.0
-zope.app.tree = 3.4.0
-zope.app.twisted = 3.4.1
-zope.app.undo = 3.4.0
-zope.app.wfmc = 0.1.2
-zope.app.workflow = 3.4.1
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-zope.dublincore = 3.4.0
-zope.error = 3.5.1
-zope.event = 3.4.0
-zope.exceptions = 3.4.0
-zope.file = 0.3.0
-zope.filerepresentation = 3.4.0
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\ No newline at end of file

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