[Checkins] SVN: zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/ Add support for month and day contexts and widths.

Dan Korostelev nadako at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 16:12:51 EST 2009

Log message for revision 97220:
  Add support for month and day contexts and widths.

  U   zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/BRANCH-TODO.txt
  U   zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/interfaces/locales.py
  U   zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/__init__.py
  U   zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/xmlfactory.py

Modified: zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/BRANCH-TODO.txt
--- zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/BRANCH-TODO.txt	2009-02-24 20:58:43 UTC (rev 97219)
+++ zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/BRANCH-TODO.txt	2009-02-24 21:12:51 UTC (rev 97220)
@@ -15,13 +15,11 @@
 CLDR 1.1 (LDML 1.1)
-Updated the XML files and fixed incompatibilities.
+- Updated the XML files and fixed incompatibilities.
+- Added support day and month contexts and widths.
-Still need to add interface/implementation for day/month context
-and day/month width system.
+Still need to review other not so critical changes and implement them.
-Review other non-critical changes and implement them.
 CLDR 1.2 (LDML 1.2)

Modified: zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/interfaces/locales.py
--- zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/interfaces/locales.py	2009-02-24 20:58:43 UTC (rev 97219)
+++ zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/interfaces/locales.py	2009-02-24 21:12:51 UTC (rev 97220)
@@ -247,6 +247,59 @@
         readonly = True)
+class ILocaleMonthContext(Interface):
+    """Specifices a usage context for month names"""
+    type = TextLine(
+        title=u'Month context type',
+        description=u"Name of the month context, format or stand-alone.")
+    defaultWidth = TextLine(
+        title=u'Default month name width',
+        default=u'wide')
+    months = Dict(
+        title=u'Month Names',
+        description=u'A mapping of month name widths to a mapping of'
+                    u'corresponding month names.',
+        key_type=Choice(
+            title=u'Width type',
+            values=(u'wide', u'abbreviated', u'narrow')),
+        value_type=Dict(
+            title=u'Month name',
+            key_type=Int(title=u'Type', min=1, max=12),
+            value_type=TextLine(title=u'Month Name'))
+        )
+class ILocaleDayContext(Interface):
+    """Specifices a usage context for days names"""
+    type = TextLine(
+        title=u'Day context type',
+        description=u"Name of the day context, format or stand-alone.")
+    defaultWidth = TextLine(
+        title=u'Default day name width',
+        default=u'wide')
+    days = Dict(
+        title=u'Day Names',
+        description=u'A mapping of day name widths to a mapping of'
+                    u'corresponding day names.',
+        key_type=Choice(
+            title=u'Width type',
+            values=(u'wide', u'abbreviated', u'narrow')),
+        value_type=Dict(
+            title=u'Day name',
+            key_type=Choice(
+                title=u"Type",
+                values=(u'sun', u'mon', u'tue', u'wed',
+                        u'thu', u'fri', u'sat')),
+            value_type=TextLine(title=u'Day Name'))
+        )
 class ILocaleCalendar(Interface):
     """There is a massive amount of information contained in the calendar,
     which made it attractive to be added."""
@@ -255,6 +308,19 @@
         title=u"Calendar Type",
         description=u"Name of the calendar, for example 'gregorian'.")
+    defaultMonthContext = TextLine(
+        title=u'Default month context',
+        default=u'format')
+    monthContexts = Dict(
+        title=u'Month Contexts',
+        description=u'A mapping of month context types to '
+                    u'ILocaleMonthContext objects',
+        key_type=Choice(title=u'Type',
+                        values=(u'format', u'stand-alone')),
+        value_type=Field(title=u'ILocaleMonthContext object'))
+    # BBB: leftover from CLDR 1.0
     months = Dict(
         title = u"Month Names",
         description = u"A mapping of all month names and abbreviations",
@@ -262,6 +328,19 @@
         value_type = Tuple(title=u"Month Name and Abbreviation",
                            min_length=2, max_length=2))
+    defaultDayContext = TextLine(
+        title=u'Default day context',
+        default=u'format')
+    dayContexts = Dict(
+        title=u'Day Contexts',
+        description=u'A mapping of day context types to '
+                    u'ILocaleDayContext objects',
+        key_type=Choice(title=u'Type',
+                        values=(u'format', u'stand-alone')),
+        value_type=Field(title=u'ILocaleDayContext object'))
+    # BBB: leftover from CLDR 1.0
     days = Dict(
         title=u"Weekdays Names",
         description = u"A mapping of all month names and abbreviations",

Modified: zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/__init__.py
--- zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/__init__.py	2009-02-24 20:58:43 UTC (rev 97219)
+++ zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/__init__.py	2009-02-24 21:12:51 UTC (rev 97220)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 from zope.i18n.interfaces.locales import ILocaleCurrency, ILocaleNumbers
 from zope.i18n.interfaces.locales import ILocaleFormat, ILocaleFormatLength
 from zope.i18n.interfaces.locales import ILocaleOrientation
+from zope.i18n.interfaces.locales import ILocaleDayContext, ILocaleMonthContext
 from zope.i18n.format import NumberFormat, DateTimeFormat
 from zope.i18n.locales.inheritance import \
      AttributeInheritance, InheritingDictionary, NoParentException
@@ -234,6 +235,26 @@
         self.default = None
+class LocaleMonthContext(AttributeInheritance):
+    implements(ILocaleMonthContext)
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        """Initialize the object."""
+        self.type = type
+        self.default = u'wide'
+class LocaleDayContext(AttributeInheritance):
+    implements(ILocaleDayContext)
+    def __init__(self, type=None):
+        """Initialize the object."""
+        self.type = type
+        self.default = u'wide'
 class LocaleCalendar(AttributeInheritance):
     """Represents locale data for a calendar, like 'gregorian'.

Modified: zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/xmlfactory.py
--- zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/xmlfactory.py	2009-02-24 20:58:43 UTC (rev 97219)
+++ zope.i18n/branches/nadako-cldr/src/zope/i18n/locales/xmlfactory.py	2009-02-24 21:12:51 UTC (rev 97220)
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleVersion, LocaleIdentity, LocaleTimeZone
 from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleCalendar, LocaleCurrency, LocaleNumbers
 from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleFormat, LocaleFormatLength, dayMapping
-from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleOrientation
+from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleOrientation, LocaleDayContext
+from zope.i18n.locales import LocaleMonthContext
 from zope.i18n.locales.inheritance import InheritingDictionary
 class LocaleFactory(object):
@@ -298,7 +299,9 @@
           >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
           >>> xml = u'''
           ... <months>
+          ...   <default type="format" />
           ...   <monthContext type="format">
+          ...     <default type="wide" />
           ...     <monthWidth type="wide">
           ...       <month type="1">Januar</month>
           ...       <month type="2">Februar</month>
@@ -332,6 +335,30 @@
           >>> dom = parseString(xml)
           >>> factory._extractMonths(dom.documentElement, calendar)
+        The contexts and widths were introduced in CLDR 1.1, the way
+        of getting month names is like this::
+          >>> calendar.defaultMonthContext
+          u'format'
+          >>> ctx = calendar.monthContexts[u'format']
+          >>> ctx.defaultWidth
+          u'wide'
+          >>> names = [ctx.months[u'wide'][type] for type in xrange(1,13)]
+          >>> names[:7]
+          [u'Januar', u'Februar', u'Maerz', u'April', u'Mai', u'Juni', u'Juli']
+          >>> names[7:]
+          [u'August', u'September', u'Oktober', u'November', u'Dezember']
+          >>> abbrs = [ctx.months[u'abbreviated'][type] for type in xrange(1,13)]
+          >>> abbrs[:6]
+          [u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mrz', u'Apr', u'Mai', u'Jun']
+          >>> abbrs[6:]
+          [u'Jul', u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Okt', u'Nov', u'Dez']
+        The old, CLDR 1.0 way of getting month names and abbreviations::
           >>> names = [calendar.months.get(type, (None, None))[0]
           ...          for type in range(1, 13)]
           >>> names[:7]
@@ -345,25 +372,46 @@
           [u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mrz', u'Apr', u'Mai', u'Jun']
           >>> abbrs[6:]
           [u'Jul', u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Okt', u'Nov', u'Dez']
+        defaultMonthContext_node = months_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
+        if defaultMonthContext_node:
+            calendar.defaultMonthContext = defaultMonthContext_node[0].getAttribute('type')
         monthContext_nodes = months_node.getElementsByTagName('monthContext')
         if not monthContext_nodes:
-        format_node = None
+        calendar.monthContexts = InheritingDictionary()
+        names_node = abbrs_node = None # BBB
         for node in monthContext_nodes:
-            if node.getAttribute('type') == 'format':
-                format_node = node
-                break
-        if not format_node:
-            return
+            context_type = node.getAttribute('type')
+            mctx = LocaleMonthContext(context_type)
+            calendar.monthContexts[context_type] = mctx
-        names_node = abbrs_node = None
-        for node in format_node.getElementsByTagName('monthWidth'):
-            type = node.getAttribute('type')
-            if type == 'abbreviated':
-                abbrs_node = node
-            elif type == 'wide':
-                names_node = node
+            defaultWidth_node = node.getElementsByTagName('default')
+            if defaultWidth_node:
+                mctx.defaultWidth = defaultWidth_node[0].getAttribute('type')
+            widths = InheritingDictionary()
+            mctx.months = widths
+            for width_node in node.getElementsByTagName('monthWidth'):
+                width_type = width_node.getAttribute('type')
+                width = InheritingDictionary()
+                widths[width_type] = width
+                for month_node in width_node.getElementsByTagName('month'):
+                    mtype = int(month_node.getAttribute('type'))
+                    width[mtype] = self._getText(month_node.childNodes)
+                if context_type == 'format':
+                    if width_type == 'abbreviated':
+                        abbrs_node = width_node
+                    elif width_type == 'wide':
+                        names_node = width_node
         if not (names_node and abbrs_node):
@@ -400,7 +448,9 @@
           >>> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
           >>> xml = u'''
           ... <days>
+          ...   <default type="format" />
           ...   <dayContext type="format">
+          ...     <default type="wide" />
           ...     <dayWidth type="wide">
           ...       <day type="sun">Sonntag</day>
           ...       <day type="mon">Montag</day>
@@ -424,37 +474,79 @@
           >>> dom = parseString(xml)
           >>> factory._extractDays(dom.documentElement, calendar)
+        Day contexts and widths were introduced in CLDR 1.1, here's
+        how to use them::
+          >>> calendar.defaultDayContext
+          u'format'
+          >>> ctx = calendar.dayContexts[u'format']
+          >>> ctx.defaultWidth
+          u'wide'
+          >>> names = [ctx.days[u'wide'][type] for type in xrange(1,8)]
+          >>> names[:4]
+          [u'Montag', u'Dienstag', u'Mittwoch', u'Donnerstag']
+          >>> names[4:]
+          [u'Freitag', u'Samstag', u'Sonntag']
+          >>> abbrs = [ctx.days[u'abbreviated'][type] for type in xrange(1,8)]
+          >>> abbrs
+          [u'Mo', u'Di', u'Mi', u'Do', u'Fr', u'Sa', u'So']
+        And here's the old CLDR 1.0 way of getting day names and
+        abbreviations::
           >>> names = [calendar.days.get(type, (None, None))[0]
-          ...          for type in range(1, 8)]
+          ...          for type in xrange(1, 8)]
           >>> names[:4]
           [u'Montag', u'Dienstag', u'Mittwoch', u'Donnerstag']
           >>> names[4:]
           [u'Freitag', u'Samstag', u'Sonntag']
           >>> abbrs = [calendar.days.get(type, (None, None))[1]
-          ...          for type in range(1, 8)]
+          ...          for type in xrange(1, 8)]
           >>> abbrs
           [u'Mo', u'Di', u'Mi', u'Do', u'Fr', u'Sa', u'So']
+        defaultDayContext_node = days_node.getElementsByTagName('default')
+        if defaultDayContext_node:
+            calendar.defaultDayContext = defaultDayContext_node[0].getAttribute('type')
         dayContext_nodes = days_node.getElementsByTagName('dayContext')
         if not dayContext_nodes:
-        format_node = None
+        calendar.dayContexts = InheritingDictionary()
+        names_node = abbrs_node = None # BBB
         for node in dayContext_nodes:
-            if node.getAttribute('type') == 'format':
-                format_node = node
-                break
-        if not format_node:
-            return
+            context_type = node.getAttribute('type')
+            dctx = LocaleDayContext(context_type)
+            calendar.dayContexts[context_type] = dctx
-        names_node = abbrs_node = None
-        for node in format_node.getElementsByTagName('dayWidth'):
-            type = node.getAttribute('type')
-            if type == 'abbreviated':
-                abbrs_node = node
-            elif type == 'wide':
-                names_node = node
+            defaultWidth_node = node.getElementsByTagName('default')
+            if defaultWidth_node:
+                dctx.defaultWidth = defaultWidth_node[0].getAttribute('type')
+            widths = InheritingDictionary()
+            dctx.days = widths
+            for width_node in node.getElementsByTagName('dayWidth'):
+                width_type = width_node.getAttribute('type')
+                width = InheritingDictionary()
+                widths[width_type] = width
+                for day_node in width_node.getElementsByTagName('day'):
+                    dtype = dayMapping[day_node.getAttribute('type')]
+                    width[dtype] = self._getText(day_node.childNodes)
+                if context_type == 'format':
+                    if width_type == 'abbreviated':
+                        abbrs_node = width_node
+                    elif width_type == 'wide':
+                        names_node = width_node
         if not (names_node and abbrs_node):

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