[Checkins] SVN: zope3book/trunk/source/ Added "Custom Schema Fields and Form Widgets" chapter

Baiju M baiju.m.mail at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 10:23:13 EST 2009

Log message for revision 97384:
  Added "Custom Schema Fields and Form Widgets" chapter

  A   zope3book/trunk/source/fieldsandwidgets.rst
  U   zope3book/trunk/source/index.rst

Added: zope3book/trunk/source/fieldsandwidgets.rst
--- zope3book/trunk/source/fieldsandwidgets.rst	                        (rev 0)
+++ zope3book/trunk/source/fieldsandwidgets.rst	2009-02-28 15:23:12 UTC (rev 97384)
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+Custom Schema Fields and Form Widgets
+So far we have created fairly respectable content components and some
+nice views for them.  Let's now look at the fine print; currently it
+is possible that anything can be written into the message fields,
+including malicious HTML and Javascript.  Therefore it would be
+useful to develop a special field (and corresponding widget) that
+strips out disallowed HTML tags.
+Creating custom fields and widgets is a common task for end-user
+applications, since these systems have often very specific
+requirements.  It was a design goal of the schema/form sub-system to
+be as customizable as possible, so it should be no surprise that it
+is very easy to write your own field and widget.
+Step I: Creating the Field
+The goal of the special field should be to verify input based on
+allowed or forbidden HTML tags.  If the message body contains HTML
+tags other than the ones allowed or contains any forbidden tags, then
+the validation of the value should fail.  Note that only one of the
+two attributes can be specified at once.
+It is often not necessary to write a field from scratch, since Zope 3
+ships with a respectable collection already.  These serve commonly
+also as base classes for custom fields.  For our HTML field the Text
+field seems to be the most appropriate base, since it provides most
+of the functionality for us already.
+We will extend the Text field by two new attributes called
+allowed_tags and forbidden_tags.  Then we are going to modify the
+_validate() method to reflect the constraint made by the two new
+As always, the first step is to define the interface.  In the
+messageboard's interfaces module, add the following lines::
+  from zope.schema import Tuple
+  from zope.schema.interfaces import IText
+  class IHTML(IText):
+      """A text field that handles HTML input."""
+      allowed_tags = Tuple(
+          title=u"Allowed HTML Tags",
+          description=u"""\
+           Only listed tags can be used in the value of the field.
+           """,
+           required=False)
+       forbidden_tags = Tuple(
+           title=u"Forbidden HTML Tags",
+           description=u"""\
+           Listed tags cannot be used in the value of the field.
+           """,
+           required=False)
+- Line 1: The Tuple field simply requires a value to be a Python
+  tuple.
+- Line 2 & 4: We simple extend the IText interface and schema.
+- Line 7-12 & 14-19: Define the two additional attributes using the
+  field Tuple.
+As previously mentioned, we will use the Text field as base class,
+since it provides most of the functionality we need.  The main task
+of the implementation is to rewrite the validation method.
+Let's start by editing a file called fields.py in the messageboard
+package and inserting the following code::
+  import re
+  from zope.schema import Text
+  from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError
+  forbidden_regex = r'</?(?:%s).*?/?>'
+  allowed_regex = r'</??(?!%s[ />])[a-zA-Z0-9]*?
+   ?(?:[a-z0-9]*?=?".*?")*/??>'
+  class ForbiddenTags(ValidationError):
+       __doc__ = u"""Forbidden HTML Tags used."""
+   class HTML(Text):
+       allowed_tags = ()
+       forbidden_tags = ()
+       def __init__(self, allowed_tags=(), forbidden_tags=(), **kw):
+           self.allowed_tags = allowed_tags
+           self.forbidden_tags = forbidden_tags
+           super(HTML, self).__init__(**kw)
+       def _validate(self, value):
+           super(HTML, self)._validate(value)
+           if self.forbidden_tags:
+               regex = forbidden_regex %'|'.join(self.forbidden_tags)
+               if re.findall(regex, value):
+                   raise ForbiddenTags(value, self.forbidden_tags)
+           if self.allowed_tags:
+               regex = allowed_regex %'[ />]|'.join(self.allowed_tags)
+               if re.findall(regex, value):
+                   raise ForbiddenTags(value, self.allowed_tags)
+- Line 1: Import the Regular Expression module ( re); we will use
+  regular expressions to do the validation of the HTML.
+- Line 3: Import the Text field that we will use as base class for
+  the HTML field.
+- Line 4 & 10-11: The validation method of the new HTML field will be
+  able to throw a new type of validation error when an illegal HTML
+  tag is found.
+  Usually errors are defined in the interfaces module, but since it
+  would cause a recursive import between the interfaces and fields
+  module, we define it here.
+- Line 7-9: These strings define the regular expression templates for
+  detecting forbidden or allowed HTML tags, respectively.  Note that
+  these regular expressions are quiet more restrictive than what the
+  HTML 4.01 standard requires, but it is good enough as
+  demonstration.  See exercise 1 at the end of the chapter to see how
+  it should be done correctly.
+- Line 16-19: In the constructor we are extracting the two new
+  arguments and send the rest to the constructor of the Text field
+  (line 21).
+- Line 22: First we delegate validation to the Text field.  The
+  validation process might already fail at this point, so that
+  further validation becomes unnecessary.
+- Line 24-27: If forbidden tags were specified, then we try to detect
+  them.  If one is found, a ForbiddenTags error is raised attaching
+  the faulty value and the tuple of forbidden tags to the exception.
+- Line 29-32: Similarly to the previous block, this block checks that
+  all used tags are in the collection of allowed_tags otherwise a
+  ForbiddenTags error is raised.
+We have an HTML field, but it does not implement IHTML interface.
+Why not? It is due to the fact that it would cause a recursive import
+once we use the HTML field in our content objects.  To make the
+interface assertion, add the following lines to the interfaces.py
+  from zope.interface import classImplements
+  from fields import HTML
+  classImplements(HTML, IHTML)
+At this point we should have a working field, but let's write some
+unit tests to verify the implementation.
+Unit Tests
+Since we will use the Text field as a base class, we can also reuse
+the Text field's tests.  Other than that, we simply have to test the
+new validation behavior.
+In messageboard/tests add a file test_fields.py and add the following
+base tests.  Note that the code is not complete (abbreviated sections
+are marked by ...).  You can find it in the source repository though.
+  import unittest
+  from zope.schema.tests.test_strfield import TextTest
+  from book.messageboard.fields import HTML, ForbiddenTags
+  class HTMLTest(TextTest):
+      _Field_Factory = HTML
+       def test_AllowedTagsHTMLValidate(self):
+           html = self._Field_Factory(allowed_tags=('h1','pre'))
+           html.validate(u'<h1>Blah</h1>')
+           ...
+           self.assertRaises(ForbiddenTags, html.validate,
+                             u'<h2>Foo</h2>')
+           ...
+       def test_ForbiddenTagsHTMLValidate(self):
+           html = self._Field_Factory(forbidden_tags=('h2','pre'))
+           html.validate(u'<h1>Blah</h1>')
+           ...
+           self.assertRaises(ForbiddenTags, html.validate,
+                             u'<h2>Foo</h2>')
+           ...
+   def test_suite():
+       return unittest.TestSuite((
+           unittest.makeSuite(HTMLTest),
+           ))
+   if __name__ == '__main__':
+       unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+- Line 2: Since we use the Text field as base class, we can also use
+  it's test case as base, getting some freebie tests in return.
+- Line 8: However, the TextTest base comes with some rules we have to
+  abide to.  Specifying this _Field_Factory attribute is required, so
+  that the correct field is tested.
+- Line 10-16: These are tests of the validation method using the
+  allowed tags attribute.  Some text was removed some to conserve
+  space.  You can look at the code for the full test suite.
+- Line 18-24: Here we are testing the validation method using the
+  forbidden_tags attribute.
+Step II: Creating the Widget
+Widgets are simply views of a field.  Therefore we place the widget
+code in the browser sub-package.
+Our HTMLSourceWidget will use the TextAreaWidget as a base and only
+the converter method _convert(value) has to be reimplemented, so that
+it will remove any undesired tags from the input value (yes, this
+means that the validation of values coming through these widgets will
+always pass.)
+Since there is no need to create a new interface, we can start right
+away with the implementation.  We get started by adding a file called
+widgets.py and inserting the following content::
+  import re
+  from zope.app.form.browser import TextAreaWidget
+  from book.messageboard.fields import forbidden_regex, allowed_regex
+  class HTMLSourceWidget(TextAreaWidget):
+    def _toFieldValue(self, input):
+        input = super(HTMLSourceWidget, self)._toFieldValue(input)
+         if self.context.forbidden_tags:
+             regex = forbidden_regex %'|'.join(
+                 self.context.forbidden_tags)
+             input = re.sub(regex, '', input)
+         if self.context.allowed_tags:
+             regex = allowed_regex %'[ />]|'.join(
+                 self.context.allowed_tags)
+             input = re.sub(regex, '', input)
+         return input
+- Line 2: As mentioned above, we are going to use the TextAreaWidget
+  as a base class.
+- Line 3: There is no need to redefine the regular expressions for
+  finding forbidden and non-allowed tags again, so we use the field's
+  definitions.  This will also avoid that the widget converter and
+  field validator get out of sync.
+- Line 8: We still want to use the original conversion, since it
+  takes care of weird line endings and some other routine cleanups.
+- Line 10-13: If we find a forbidden tag, simply remove it by
+  replacing it with an empty string.  Notice how we get the
+  forbidden_tags attribute from the context (which is the field
+  itself) of the widget.
+- Line 15-18: If we find a tag that is not in the allowed tags tuple,
+  then remove it as well.
+Overall, this a very nice and compact way of converting the input
+Unit Tests
+While we usually do not write unit tests for high-level view code,
+widget code should be tested, particularly the converter.  Open
+test_widgets.py in browser/tests and insert::
+  import unittest
+  from zope.app.form.browser.tests.test_textareawidget import
+   TextAreaWidgetTest
+  from book.messageboard.browser.widgets import HTMLSourceWidget
+  from book.messageboard.fields import HTML
+  class HTMLSourceWidgetTest(TextAreaWidgetTest):
+      _FieldFactory = HTML
+      _WidgetFactory = HTMLSourceWidget
+       def test_AllowedTagsConvert(self):
+           widget = self._widget
+           widget.context.allowed_tags=('h1','pre')
+           self.assertEqual(u'<h1>Blah</h1>',
+                            widget._toFieldValue(u'<h1>Blah</h1>'))
+           ...
+           self.assertEqual(u'Blah',
+                            widget._toFieldValue(u'<h2>Blah</h2>'))
+           ...
+       def test_ForbiddenTagsConvert(self):
+           widget = self._widget
+           widget.context.forbidden_tags=('h2','pre')
+           self.assertEqual(u'<h1>Blah</h1>',
+                            widget._toFieldValue(u'<h1>Blah</h1>'))
+           ...
+           self.assertEqual(u'Blah',
+                            widget._toFieldValue(u'<h2>Blah</h2>'))
+           ...
+   def test_suite():
+       return unittest.TestSuite((
+           unittest.makeSuite(HTMLSourceWidgetTest),
+           ))
+   if __name__ == '__main__':
+       unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+- Line 2: Of course we are reusing the TextAreaWidgetTest to get some
+  freebie tests.
+- Line 8-9: Fulfilling the requirements of the TextAreaWidgetTest, we
+  need to specify the field and widget we are using, which makes
+  sense, since the widget must have the field (context) in order to
+  fulfill all its duties.
+- Line 12-31: Similar in nature to the field tests, the converter is
+  tested.  In this case however, we compare the output, since it can
+  differ from the input based on whether forbidden tags were found or
+  not.
+Step III: Using the HTML Field
+Now we have all the pieces we need.  All that's left is to integrate
+them with the rest of the package.  There are a couple of steps
+involved.  First we register the HTMLSourceWidget as a widget for the
+HTML field.  Next we need to change the IMessage interface
+declaration to use the HTML field.
+Registering the Widget
+To register the new widget as a view for the HTML field we use the
+zope namespace view directive.  Therefore you have to add the zope
+namespace to the configuration file's namespace list by adding the
+following line int he opening configure element::
+  xmlns:zope="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
+Now add the following directive::
+  <zope:view
+      type="zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest"
+      for="book.messageboard.interfaces.IHTML"
+      provides="zope.app.form.interfaces.IInputWidget"
+      factory=".widgets.HTMLSourceWidget"
+      permission="zope.Public"
+      />
+- Line 2: Since the zope:view directive can be used for any
+  presentation type (for example: HTTP, WebDAV and FTP), it is
+  necessary to state that the registered widget is for browsers
+  (i.e. HTML).
+- Line 3: This widget will work for all fields implementing IHTML.
+- Line 4: In general presentation component, like adapters, can have
+  a specific output interface.  Usually this interface is just
+  zope.interface.  Interface, but here we specifically want to say
+  that this is a widget that is accepting input for the field.  The
+  other type of widget is the DisplayWidget.
+- Line 5: Specifies the factory or class that will be used to
+  generate the widget.
+- Line 6: We make this widget publically available, meaning that
+  everyone using the system can use the widget as well.
+Adjusting the IMessage interface
+The final step is to use the field in the IMessage interface.  Let's
+go to the interfaces module to decide which property is going to
+become an HTML field.  The field is already imported.
+Now, we definitely want to make the body property of IMessage an HTML
+field.  We could also do this for description of IMessageBoard, but
+let's not to do that for reasons of keeping it simple.  So here are
+the changes that need to be done to the body property declaration
+(starting at line 24)::
+  body = HTML(
+      title=u"Message Body",
+      description=u"This is the actual message. Type whatever!",
+      default=u"",
+      allowed_tags=('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'img', 'a',
+                    'br', 'b', 'i', 'u', 'em', 'sub', 'sup',
+                    'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'code', 'pre',
+                    'center', 'div', 'span', 'p', 'font', 'ol',
+                    'ul', 'li', 'q', 's', 'strong'),
+       required=False)
+- Line 5-9: Here is our new attribute that was added in the IHTML
+  interface.  This is my choice of valid tags, so feel free to add or
+  remove whatever tags you like.
+And that's it! You are done.  To try the result of your work, restart
+Zope 3, start editing a new message and see if it will accept tags
+like html or body.  You should notice that these tags will be
+silently removed from the message body upon saving it.
+1. Instead of using our own premature HTML cleanup facilities, we
+   really should make use of Chris Wither's HTML Strip-o-Gram package
+   which can be found at
+   `http://www.zope.org/Members/chrisw/StripOGram`_. Implement a
+   version of the HTML field and HTMLSourceWidget widget using this
+   package.
+2. Sometimes it might be nice to also allow HTML for the title of the
+   messages, therefore you will also need an HTML version for the
+   TextLine field and the TextWidget. Abstract the current converter
+   and validation implementation, so that it is usable for both,
+   message title and body.
+3. Using only HTML as input can be boring and tedious for some
+   message board applications. In the zwiki for Zope 3 packge we make
+   use of a system ( zope.app.renderer) that let's you select the
+   type of input and then knows how to render each type of input for
+   the browser. Insert this type of system into the message board
+   application and merge it with the HTML validation and conversion
+   code.
+.. _http://www.zope.org/Members/chrisw/StripOGram:
+    http://www.zope.org/Members/chrisw/StripOGram

Modified: zope3book/trunk/source/index.rst
--- zope3book/trunk/source/index.rst	2009-02-28 14:02:47 UTC (rev 97383)
+++ zope3book/trunk/source/index.rst	2009-02-28 15:23:12 UTC (rev 97384)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+   fieldsandwidgets
 Indices and tables

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