[Checkins] SVN: z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README Move new README.txt to final place.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Wed Jan 7 10:28:40 EST 2009

Log message for revision 94588:
  Move new README.txt to final place.

  A   z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt
  D   z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README2.txt

Copied: z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt (from rev 94585, z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README2.txt)
--- z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt	2009-01-07 15:28:40 UTC (rev 94588)
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+Easy testsetups for Zope 3 and Python projects.
+Setting up tests for Zope 3 projects sometimes tends to be
+cumbersome. ``z3c.testsetup`` jumps in here, to support much flatter
+test setups. The package supports normal Python `unit tests
+<http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html>`_ and
+`doctests <http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html>`_.
+Note, that if you want integration or functional tests, that you have
+to make sure, that the ``zope.app.testing`` package is available
+during test runs. ``z3c.testsetup`` does **not** depend on it.
+The package works in two steps:
+1) It looks for testfiles in a given package.
+2) It registers the tests according to your specifications.
+.. note: Important note for users of ':Test-Layer:':
+  The marker strings of `z3c.testsetup` changed!
+  Please switch to the new syntax described below, if you are still
+  using the old ':Test-Layer:' marker. It is more powerful and less
+  magic.
+This is a general introduction to ``z3c.testsetup``. For setup
+examples you might see the ``othercave`` package contained in the
+`tests/` directory. More details on special topics can be found in the
+appropriate .txt files in this directory.
+Basic Example
+Before we can find, register and execute tests, we first have to write
+them down. We already have some ready to use tests available, which
+can be found in a subpackage::
+  >>> import os
+  >>> cavepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+  >>> cavepath = os.path.join(cavepath, 'tests', 'othercave')
+In this subpackage there is a simple doctest `doctest01.txt` (please
+ignore the pipes on the left)::
+  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest01.txt'))
+  |  A doctest
+  |  =========
+  |  
+  |  :doctest:
+  |  
+  |  This is a simple doctest.
+  |  
+  |    >>> 1+1
+  |    2
+  |  
+As we can see, the doctest is marked by a special marker
+   `:doctest:`. 
+This marker tells the testsetup machinery, that this file contains
+doctest examples that should be registered during test runs. Without
+this marker, a testfile won't be registered during tests!
+This is the only difference to 'normal' doctests here.
+Other markers detected by ``z3c.testsetup`` are:
+ - ``:unittest:``
+   A replacement for ``:doctest:``, marking a Python module as
+   containing unittests to run. Replaces old ``Test-Layer: python``
+   marker.
+ - ``:setup: <dotted.name.of.function>``
+   Execute the given setup function before running doctests in this
+   file.
+ - ``:teardown: <dotted.name.of.function>``
+   Execute the given teardown function after running doctests in this
+   file.
+ - ``:layer: <dotted.name.of.layer.def>``
+   Use the given layer definition for tests in this file.
+ - ``:zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
+   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file on a ZCML
+   layer. Tests are registered using
+   `zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite`.
+ - ``:functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
+   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file registered with
+   `zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite`.
+See below for explanations of the respective markers.
+.. note:: How to disable markers or make them invisible
+   All markers can be written as restructured text comment (two
+   leading dots followed by whitespace) like this::
+     .. :doctest:
+  and will still work. This way you can make the markers disappear
+  from autogenerated docs etc. Markers are case-insensitive. If you
+  want to disable a test, just turn ``:doctest:`` into ``:nodoctest:``
+  and the file will be ignored.
+Now, that we have a doctest available, we can write a testsetup
+routine, that collects all tests, registers them and passes them to
+the testrunner.
+We have such a simple testsetup already available::
+  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'simplesetup01.py')).read()
+  import z3c.testsetup
+  test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
+      'z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave')
+This is all we need in simple cases. We use
+   `register_all_tests(<dotted_pkg_name>)` 
+to tell the setup machinery, where to look for test files. Note, that
+also files in subpackages will be found, registered and executed, when
+they are marked approriately.
+Let's start the testrunner and see what it gives::
+  >>> import sys
+  >>> sys.argv = [sys.argv[0],]
+  >>> defaults = [
+  ...     '--path', cavepath,
+  ...     '--tests-pattern', '^simplesetup01$',
+  ...     ]
+  >>> from zope.testing import testrunner
+  >>> testrunner.run(defaults)
+    Running z3c...functional.layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] tests:
+      Set up z3c....layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] in N.NNN seconds.
+      Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
+    Running z3c...functional.layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] tests:
+      Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] ... not supported
+      Running in a subprocess.
+      Set up z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] in N.NNN seconds.
+      Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
+      Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] ... not supported
+    Running z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 tests:
+      Running in a subprocess.
+      Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in N.NNN seconds.
+      Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in N.NNN seconds.
+        Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1
+        Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2
+        Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2
+        Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1
+      Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
+      Tear down z3c...tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in N.NNN seconds.
+      Tear down z3c...tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in N.NNN seconds.
+    Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
+      Running in a subprocess.
+      Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in N.NNN seconds.
+        Custom setUp for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ... (2 examples)>
+        Custom tearDown for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ... (2 examples)>
+      Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
+      Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in N.NNN seconds.
+    Total: 12 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
+    False
+As we can see, there were regular unittests as well as functional
+tests run. Some of the unittests used their own layer (``UnitLayer1``)
+whose location were printed and the functional tests used different
+ZCML-files for configuration.
+Of course, there were more tests than only the ones defined in
+``doctest01.txt``. Let's have a look at the other stuff.
+Defining doctests in Python modules
+The doctest file described above was a pure .txt file. By default
+``z3c.testsetup`` looks for doctests in files with filename extension
+``.txt``, ``.rst`` and ``.py``. This means, that also doctests in
+Python modules are found by default as in the following example::
+  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest08.py'))
+  |  """
+  |  Doctests in a Python module
+  |  ===========================
+  |  
+  |  We can place doctests also in Python modules.
+  |  
+  |  :doctest:
+  |  
+  |  Here the Cave class is defined::
+  |  
+  |    >>> from z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.doctest08 import Cave
+  |    >>> Cave
+  |    <class 'z3c.testsetup...doctest08.Cave'>
+  |  
+  |  """
+  |  class Cave(object):
+  |      """A Cave.
+  |  
+  |      A cave has a number::
+  |  
+  |        >>> hasattr(Cave, 'number')
+  |        True
+  |      
+  |      """
+  |      number = None
+  |  
+  |      def __init__(self, number):
+  |          """Create a Cave.
+  |  
+  |          We have to give a number if we create a cave::
+  |  
+  |            >>> c = Cave(12)
+  |            >>> c.number
+  |            12
+  |            
+  |          """
+  |          self.number = number
+  |  
+Here we placed the marker string ``:doctest:`` into the docstring of
+the module. Without it, the module would not have been considered a
+Note that you have to import the entities (classes, functions, etc.)
+from the very same file if you want to use them.
+Registering regular unittests from Python modules
+``z3c.testsetup`` provides also (limited) support for regular
+`unittest` deployments as usually written in Python. An example file
+could look like this::
+  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'pythontest1.py'))
+  |  """
+  |  Tests with real TestCase objects.
+  |  
+  |  :unittest:
+  |  
+  |  """
+  |  
+  |  import unittest
+  |  
+  |  class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  |  
+  |      def setUp(self):
+  |          pass
+  |  
+  |      def testFoo(self):
+  |          self.assertEqual(2, 1+1)
+  |
+  |
+The module contains a marker ``:unittest:`` in its module docstring
+instead of the ``:doctest:`` marker used in the other examples
+above. It is also the replacement for the formely used ``:Test-Layer:
+python`` marker.
+This means, that this file is registered as a regular unittest.
+If you use unittests instead of doctests, then you are mainly on your
+own with setting up and tearing down tests. All this should be done by
+the test cases themselves.
+The only advantage of using ``z3c.testsetup`` here is, that those
+tests are found and run automatically when they provide the marker.
+The `register_all_tests` function mentioned above accepts a bunch of
+keyword parameters::
+   register_all_tests(pkg_or_dotted_name [, extensions] [, encoding]
+                      [, checker] [, globs] [, optionflags] 
+                      [, setup] [, teardown]
+                      [, zcml_config] [, layer_name] [, layer])
+where all but the first parameter are keyword paramters and all but
+the package parameter are optional.
+While the `extensions` parameter determines the set of testfiles to be
+found, the other paramters tell how to setup single tests.
+The last five parameters are only fallbacks, that should better be
+configured in doctest files themselves via marker strings.
+- **extensions**:
+    a list of filename extensions to be considered during doctest
+    search. Default value for doctests is `['.txt', '.rst',
+    '.py']`. Python tests are not touched by this (they have to be
+    regular Python modules with '.py' extension).
+    If we want to register .foo files, we can do so::
+      >>> import z3c.testsetup
+      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
+      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
+      ...     extensions=['.foo'])
+      >>> suite = test_suite()
+      >>> get_basenames_from_suite(suite)
+      ['file1.py', 'notatest1.foo', 'notatest1.foo']
+    Note, that only files that contain an appropriate marker are
+    found, regardless of the filename extension.
+- **encoding**:
+    the encoding of testfiles. 'utf-8' by default. Setting this to `None`
+    means using the default value. We've hidden one doctest file, that
+    contains umlauts. If we set the encoding to `ascii`, we get an
+    error::
+      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
+      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
+      ...     encoding='ascii')
+      >>> suite = test_suite()
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode ...: ordinal 
+      not in range(128)
+    While using 'latin-1' will work::
+      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
+      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
+      ...     encoding='latin-1')
+      >>> suite = test_suite()
+    No traceback here.
+    You can always overwrite an encoding setting for a certain file by
+    following PEP 0263 ( http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ ).
+- **checker**:
+    An output checker for doctests. `None` by default. A typical
+    output checker can be created like this::
+      >>> import re
+      >>> from zope.testing import renormalizing
+      >>> mychecker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
+      ...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'), 
+      ...     '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
+      ...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
+      ... ])
+    This would match for example output like `0.123 seconds` if you
+    write in your doctest::
+      <SOME NUBMER OF> seconds
+    Please see ``testrunner.txt`` for examples of usage.
+    Checkers are applied to functional doctests only!
+- **globs**:
+    A dictionary of things that should be available immediately
+    (without imports) during tests. Default is an empty dict, which
+    might be populated by appropriate layers (see below). ZCML layers
+    for example get you the ``getRootFolder`` method automatically.
+    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile
+    markers specifying a certain layer (see below).
+    The `globs` parameter applies only to doctests.
+- **optionflags**:
+    Optionflags influence the behaviour of the testrunner. They are
+    logically or'd so that you can add them arithmetically. See
+      http://svn.zope.org/zope.testing/trunk/src/zope/testing/doctest.py
+    for details.
+- **setup**:
+    A callable that takes a `test` argument and is executed before
+    every single doctest.
+    The default function does nothing.
+    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile
+    markers specifying a certain layer (see below).
+    Specifying setup functions in a layer is also the recommended way.
+- **teardown**:   
+    The equivalent to `setup`.
+    The default function runs
+      zope.testing.cleanup.cleanUp()
+    unless overriden by a layer.
+    Specifying teardown functions in a layer is also the recommended
+    way.
+- **zcml_config**:
+    A filepath of a ZCML file which is registered with functional
+    doctests. In the ZCML file you can for example register principals
+    (users) usable by functional doctests.
+    By default any `ftesting.zcml` file from the root of the given
+    package is taken. If this does not exist, an empty ZCML file of
+    the z3c.testsetup package is used (``ftesting.zcml``).
+    This parameter has no effect, if also a ``layer`` parameter is
+    given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see below).
+    This is a fallback parameter. Use of docfile specific layer markers
+    is recommended.
+- **layer_name**:
+    You can name your layer, to distinguish different setups of
+    functional doctests. The layer name can be an arbitrary string.
+    This parameter has no effect, if also a ``layer`` parameter is
+    given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see
+    below).
+    This is a fallback parameter. Use of docfile specific layer
+    markers is recommended.
+- **layer**:
+    You can register a ZCML layer yourself and pass it as the
+    ``layer`` parameter. If you only have a filepath to the according
+    ZCML file, use the ``zcml_config`` paramter instead.
+    This parameter overrides any ``zcml_config`` and ``layer_name``
+    parameter.
+    This is a fallback parameter and has no effect for docfiles
+    specifying their own layer or ZCML config.
+Deprectated/unsupported parameters
+The following ``register_all_tests``-parameters are deprecated,
+starting with ``z3c.testsetup`` 0.3:
+- **filter_func**
+   and related (``ufilter_func``, ``pfilter_func``, etc.)
+- All testtype specific parameters
+  Support for testfile specific parameters (``uextensions``,
+  ``fextensions``, etc.) is running out and its use deprecated.
+Layers and setup/teardown functions
+Starting with ``z3c.testsetup`` 0.3 there is first reasonable support
+for setting up layers per testfile. This way you can easily create
+setup-functions that are only run before/after certain tests.
+Overall, use of layers is the recommended way from now on.
+Setting up a unittest layer
+We can tell ``z3c.testsetup`` to use a certain unittest layer using
+the ``:layer:`` marker as in the following example (see
+    A doctests with layer
+    =====================
+    :doctest:
+    :layer: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2
+      >>> 1+1
+      2
+The ``:doctest:`` marker was used here as well, because without it the
+file would not have been detected as a registerable doctest file (we
+want developers to be explicit about that).
+marker then tells, where the testsetup machinery can
+find the layer definition. It is given in dotted name notation.
+How does the layer definition look like? It is defined as regualr
+Python code::
+  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'testing.py')).read()
+  import os
+  ...
+  class UnitLayer1(object):
+      """This represents a layer.
+      A layer is a way to have common setup and teardown that happens
+      once for a whole group of tests.
+      It must be an object with a `setUp` and a `tearDown` method, which
+      are run once before or after all the tests applied to a layer
+      respectively.
+      Optionally you can additionally define `testSetUp` and
+      `testTearDown` methods, which are run before and after each single
+      test.
+      This class is not instantiated. Therefore we use classmethods.
+      """
+      @classmethod
+      def setUp(self):
+          """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most once per
+          TestSuite that depends on the layer.
+          (The latter can happen if multiple suites depend on the layer
+          and the testrunner decides to tear down the layer after first
+          suite finishes.)
+          """
+      @classmethod
+      def tearDown(self):
+          """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most
+          once per TestSuite that depends on the layer,
+          after all tests in the suite have finished.
+          """
+      @classmethod
+      def testSetUp(self):
+          """This method is run before each single test in the current
+          layer. It is optional.
+          """
+          print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1"
+      @classmethod
+      def testTearDown(self):
+          """This method is run before each single test in the current
+          layer. It is optional.
+          """
+          print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1"
+  class UnitLayer2(UnitLayer1):
+      """This Layer inherits ``UnitLayer1``.
+      This way we define nested setups. During test runs the testrunner
+      will first call the setup methods of ``UnitTest1`` and then those
+      of this class. Handling of teardown-methods will happen the other
+      way round.
+      """
+      @classmethod
+      def setUp(self):
+          pass
+      @classmethod
+      def testSetUp(self):
+          print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2"
+      @classmethod
+      def testTearDown(self):
+          print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2"
+In a layer you can do all the special stuff that is needed to run a
+certain group of tests properly. Our setup here is special in that we
+defined a nested one: ``UnitLayer2`` inherits ``UnitLayer1`` so that
+during test runs the appropriate setup and teardown methods are called
+(see testrunner output above).
+More about test layers can be found at the documentation of
+`testrunner layers API
+Specifying a ZCML file
+When it comes to integration or functional tests, we need to specify a
+ZCML file to which configures the test environment for us. We can do
+that using the
+  `:zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>`
+marker. It expects a ZCML filename as argument and sets up a
+ZCML-layered testsuite for us. An example setup might look like so (see
+  A doctest with a ZCML-layer
+  ===========================
+  :doctest:
+  :zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml
+    >>> 1+1
+    2
+.. note:: Requires ``zope.app.testing``
+   If you use ``:zcml-layer``, the ``zope.app.testing`` package must
+   be available when running the tests and during test setup. This
+   package is not fetched by default by ``z3c.testsetup``.
+Here we say, that the the local file ``ftesting.zcml`` should be used
+as ZCML configuration. As we can see in the above output of testruner,
+this file is indeed read during test runs and used by a ZCML layer
+called ``DefaultZCMLLayer``. This layer is in fact only a
+The ZCML file is looked up in the same directory as the doctest file.
+When using the ``:zcml-layer:`` marker, the concerned tests are set up
+via special methods and functions from `zope.app.testing`. This way
+you get 'functional' or 'integration' tests out of the box: in the
+beginning an empty ZODB db is setup, ``getRootFolder``, ``sync`` and
+other functions are pulled into the test namespace and several things
+If you want a plain setup instead then use your own layer definition
+using ``:layer:`` and remove the ``:zcml-layer:`` marker.
+Setting up a functional ZCML layer
+Sometimes we want tests to be registered using the
+``FunctionalDocFileSuite`` function from
+``zope.app.testing.functional`` (other tests are set up using
+``zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite``). This function pulls in even
+more functions into ``globs``, like ``http`` (a ``HTTPCaller``
+instance), wraps your ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` methods into
+ZODB-setups and several things more. See the definition in
+This setup needs also a ZCML configuration file, which can be
+specified via::
+  :functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>
+If a functional ZCML layer is specified in a testfile this way, it
+will override any simple ``:zcml-layer:`` or ``:layer:`` definition.
+An example setup might look like this (see
+  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest04.txt'))
+  |  A functional doctest with ZCML-layer
+  |  ====================================
+  |
+  |  :doctest:
+  |  :functional-zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml
+  |
+  |  We didn't define a real environment in ftesting.zcml, but in
+  |  functional tests certain often needed functions should be available
+  |  automatically::
+  |
+  |    >>> getRootFolder()
+  |    <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0x...>
+  |
+.. note:: Requires ``zope.app.testing``
+   If you use ``:zcml-layer``, the ``zope.app.testing`` package must
+   be available when running the tests and during test setup. This
+   package is not fetched by default by ``z3c.testsetup``.
+Specifying ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` methods
+We can specify a ``setUp(test)`` and ``tearDown(test)`` method for the
+examples in a doctest file, which will be executed once for the whole
+doctest file. This can be done using::
+  :setup: <dotted.name.of.callable>
+  :teardown: <dotted.name.of.callable>
+The callables denoted by the dotted names must accept a ``test``
+parameter which will be the whole test suite of examples in the
+current doctest file.
+An example can be found in ``doctest05.txt``::
+  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest05.txt'))
+  |  A doctest with custom setup/teardown functions
+  |  ==============================================
+  |  
+  |  :doctest:
+  |  :setup: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.setUp
+  |  :teardown: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.tearDown
+  |  
+  |    >>> 1+1
+  |    2
+  |  
+  |  We make use of a function registered during custom setup::
+  |  
+  |    >>> myfunc(2)
+  |    4
+  |
+The setup/teardown functions denoted in the example look like this::
+  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'testing.py'), 'rb').read()
+  import os
+  ...
+  def setUp(test):
+      print "    Custom setUp for ", test
+      # We register a function that will be available during tests.
+       test.globs['myfunc'] = lambda x: 2*x
+  def tearDown(test):
+      print "    Custom tearDown for ", test
+      del test.globs['myfunc'] # unregister function
+  ...
+As we can see, there is a function ``myfunc`` pulled into the
+namespace of the doctest. We could, however, do arbitrary other things
+here, set up a relational test database or whatever.

Deleted: z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README2.txt
--- z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README2.txt	2009-01-07 15:27:04 UTC (rev 94587)
+++ z3c.testsetup/branches/new_markers/src/z3c/testsetup/README2.txt	2009-01-07 15:28:40 UTC (rev 94588)
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
-Easy testsetups for Zope 3 and Python projects.
-Setting up tests for Zope 3 projects sometimes tends to be
-cumbersome. ``z3c.testsetup`` jumps in here, to support much flatter
-test setups. The package supports normal Python `unit tests
-<http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html>`_ and
-`doctests <http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html>`_.
-Note, that if you want integration or functional tests, that you have
-to make sure, that the ``zope.app.testing`` package is available
-during test runs. ``z3c.testsetup`` does **not** depend on it.
-The package works in two steps:
-1) It looks for testfiles in a given package.
-2) It registers the tests according to your specifications.
-.. note: Important note for users of ':Test-Layer:':
-  The marker strings of `z3c.testsetup` changed!
-  Please switch to the new syntax described below, if you are still
-  using the old ':Test-Layer:' marker. It is more powerful and less
-  magic.
-This is a general introduction to ``z3c.testsetup``. For setup
-examples you might see the ``othercave`` package contained in the
-`tests/` directory. More details on special topics can be found in the
-appropriate .txt files in this directory.
-Basic Example
-Before we can find, register and execute tests, we first have to write
-them down. We already have some ready to use tests available, which
-can be found in a subpackage::
-  >>> import os
-  >>> cavepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-  >>> cavepath = os.path.join(cavepath, 'tests', 'othercave')
-In this subpackage there is a simple doctest `doctest01.txt` (please
-ignore the pipes on the left)::
-  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest01.txt'))
-  |  A doctest
-  |  =========
-  |  
-  |  :doctest:
-  |  
-  |  This is a simple doctest.
-  |  
-  |    >>> 1+1
-  |    2
-  |  
-As we can see, the doctest is marked by a special marker
-   `:doctest:`. 
-This marker tells the testsetup machinery, that this file contains
-doctest examples that should be registered during test runs. Without
-this marker, a testfile won't be registered during tests!
-This is the only difference to 'normal' doctests here.
-Other markers detected by ``z3c.testsetup`` are:
- - ``:unittest:``
-   A replacement for ``:doctest:``, marking a Python module as
-   containing unittests to run. Replaces old ``Test-Layer: python``
-   marker.
- - ``:setup: <dotted.name.of.function>``
-   Execute the given setup function before running doctests in this
-   file.
- - ``:teardown: <dotted.name.of.function>``
-   Execute the given teardown function after running doctests in this
-   file.
- - ``:layer: <dotted.name.of.layer.def>``
-   Use the given layer definition for tests in this file.
- - ``:zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
-   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file on a ZCML
-   layer. Tests are registered using
-   `zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite`.
- - ``:functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
-   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file registered with
-   `zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite`.
-See below for explanations of the respective markers.
-.. note:: How to disable markers or make them invisible
-   All markers can be written as restructured text comment (two
-   leading dots followed by whitespace) like this::
-     .. :doctest:
-  and will still work. This way you can make the markers disappear
-  from autogenerated docs etc. Markers are case-insensitive. If you
-  want to disable a test, just turn ``:doctest:`` into ``:nodoctest:``
-  and the file will be ignored.
-Now, that we have a doctest available, we can write a testsetup
-routine, that collects all tests, registers them and passes them to
-the testrunner.
-We have such a simple testsetup already available::
-  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'simplesetup01.py')).read()
-  import z3c.testsetup
-  test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
-      'z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave')
-This is all we need in simple cases. We use
-   `register_all_tests(<dotted_pkg_name>)` 
-to tell the setup machinery, where to look for test files. Note, that
-also files in subpackages will be found, registered and executed, when
-they are marked approriately.
-Let's start the testrunner and see what it gives::
-  >>> import sys
-  >>> sys.argv = [sys.argv[0],]
-  >>> defaults = [
-  ...     '--path', cavepath,
-  ...     '--tests-pattern', '^simplesetup01$',
-  ...     ]
-  >>> from zope.testing import testrunner
-  >>> testrunner.run(defaults)
-    Running z3c...functional.layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] tests:
-      Set up z3c....layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] in N.NNN seconds.
-      Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
-    Running z3c...functional.layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] tests:
-      Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting.zcml] ... not supported
-      Running in a subprocess.
-      Set up z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] in N.NNN seconds.
-      Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
-      Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [ftesting2.zcml] ... not supported
-    Running z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 tests:
-      Running in a subprocess.
-      Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in N.NNN seconds.
-      Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in N.NNN seconds.
-        Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1
-        Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2
-        Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2
-        Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1
-      Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
-      Tear down z3c...tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in N.NNN seconds.
-      Tear down z3c...tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in N.NNN seconds.
-    Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
-      Running in a subprocess.
-      Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in N.NNN seconds.
-        Custom setUp for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ... (2 examples)>
-        Custom tearDown for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ... (2 examples)>
-      Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
-      Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in N.NNN seconds.
-    Total: 12 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in N.NNN seconds.
-    False
-As we can see, there were regular unittests as well as functional
-tests run. Some of the unittests used their own layer (``UnitLayer1``)
-whose location were printed and the functional tests used different
-ZCML-files for configuration.
-Of course, there were more tests than only the ones defined in
-``doctest01.txt``. Let's have a look at the other stuff.
-Defining doctests in Python modules
-The doctest file described above was a pure .txt file. By default
-``z3c.testsetup`` looks for doctests in files with filename extension
-``.txt``, ``.rst`` and ``.py``. This means, that also doctests in
-Python modules are found by default as in the following example::
-  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest08.py'))
-  |  """
-  |  Doctests in a Python module
-  |  ===========================
-  |  
-  |  We can place doctests also in Python modules.
-  |  
-  |  :doctest:
-  |  
-  |  Here the Cave class is defined::
-  |  
-  |    >>> from z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.doctest08 import Cave
-  |    >>> Cave
-  |    <class 'z3c.testsetup...doctest08.Cave'>
-  |  
-  |  """
-  |  class Cave(object):
-  |      """A Cave.
-  |  
-  |      A cave has a number::
-  |  
-  |        >>> hasattr(Cave, 'number')
-  |        True
-  |      
-  |      """
-  |      number = None
-  |  
-  |      def __init__(self, number):
-  |          """Create a Cave.
-  |  
-  |          We have to give a number if we create a cave::
-  |  
-  |            >>> c = Cave(12)
-  |            >>> c.number
-  |            12
-  |            
-  |          """
-  |          self.number = number
-  |  
-Here we placed the marker string ``:doctest:`` into the docstring of
-the module. Without it, the module would not have been considered a
-Note that you have to import the entities (classes, functions, etc.)
-from the very same file if you want to use them.
-Registering regular unittests from Python modules
-``z3c.testsetup`` provides also (limited) support for regular
-`unittest` deployments as usually written in Python. An example file
-could look like this::
-  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'pythontest1.py'))
-  |  """
-  |  Tests with real TestCase objects.
-  |  
-  |  :unittest:
-  |  
-  |  """
-  |  
-  |  import unittest
-  |  
-  |  class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  |  
-  |      def setUp(self):
-  |          pass
-  |  
-  |      def testFoo(self):
-  |          self.assertEqual(2, 1+1)
-  |
-  |
-The module contains a marker ``:unittest:`` in its module docstring
-instead of the ``:doctest:`` marker used in the other examples
-above. It is also the replacement for the formely used ``:Test-Layer:
-python`` marker.
-This means, that this file is registered as a regular unittest.
-If you use unittests instead of doctests, then you are mainly on your
-own with setting up and tearing down tests. All this should be done by
-the test cases themselves.
-The only advantage of using ``z3c.testsetup`` here is, that those
-tests are found and run automatically when they provide the marker.
-The `register_all_tests` function mentioned above accepts a bunch of
-keyword parameters::
-   register_all_tests(pkg_or_dotted_name [, extensions] [, encoding]
-                      [, checker] [, globs] [, optionflags] 
-                      [, setup] [, teardown]
-                      [, zcml_config] [, layer_name] [, layer])
-where all but the first parameter are keyword paramters and all but
-the package parameter are optional.
-While the `extensions` parameter determines the set of testfiles to be
-found, the other paramters tell how to setup single tests.
-The last five parameters are only fallbacks, that should better be
-configured in doctest files themselves via marker strings.
-- **extensions**:
-    a list of filename extensions to be considered during doctest
-    search. Default value for doctests is `['.txt', '.rst',
-    '.py']`. Python tests are not touched by this (they have to be
-    regular Python modules with '.py' extension).
-    If we want to register .foo files, we can do so::
-      >>> import z3c.testsetup
-      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
-      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
-      ...     extensions=['.foo'])
-      >>> suite = test_suite()
-      >>> get_basenames_from_suite(suite)
-      ['file1.py', 'notatest1.foo', 'notatest1.foo']
-    Note, that only files that contain an appropriate marker are
-    found, regardless of the filename extension.
-- **encoding**:
-    the encoding of testfiles. 'utf-8' by default. Setting this to `None`
-    means using the default value. We've hidden one doctest file, that
-    contains umlauts. If we set the encoding to `ascii`, we get an
-    error::
-      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
-      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
-      ...     encoding='ascii')
-      >>> suite = test_suite()
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-      UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode ...: ordinal 
-      not in range(128)
-    While using 'latin-1' will work::
-      >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
-      ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
-      ...     encoding='latin-1')
-      >>> suite = test_suite()
-    No traceback here.
-    You can always overwrite an encoding setting for a certain file by
-    following PEP 0263 ( http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ ).
-- **checker**:
-    An output checker for doctests. `None` by default. A typical
-    output checker can be created like this::
-      >>> import re
-      >>> from zope.testing import renormalizing
-      >>> mychecker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
-      ...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'), 
-      ...     '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
-      ...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
-      ... ])
-    This would match for example output like `0.123 seconds` if you
-    write in your doctest::
-      <SOME NUBMER OF> seconds
-    Please see ``testrunner.txt`` for examples of usage.
-    Checkers are applied to functional doctests only!
-- **globs**:
-    A dictionary of things that should be available immediately
-    (without imports) during tests. Default is an empty dict, which
-    might be populated by appropriate layers (see below). ZCML layers
-    for example get you the ``getRootFolder`` method automatically.
-    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile
-    markers specifying a certain layer (see below).
-    The `globs` parameter applies only to doctests.
-- **optionflags**:
-    Optionflags influence the behaviour of the testrunner. They are
-    logically or'd so that you can add them arithmetically. See
-      http://svn.zope.org/zope.testing/trunk/src/zope/testing/doctest.py
-    for details.
-- **setup**:
-    A callable that takes a `test` argument and is executed before
-    every single doctest.
-    The default function does nothing.
-    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile
-    markers specifying a certain layer (see below).
-    Specifying setup functions in a layer is also the recommended way.
-- **teardown**:   
-    The equivalent to `setup`.
-    The default function runs
-      zope.testing.cleanup.cleanUp()
-    unless overriden by a layer.
-    Specifying teardown functions in a layer is also the recommended
-    way.
-- **zcml_config**:
-    A filepath of a ZCML file which is registered with functional
-    doctests. In the ZCML file you can for example register principals
-    (users) usable by functional doctests.
-    By default any `ftesting.zcml` file from the root of the given
-    package is taken. If this does not exist, an empty ZCML file of
-    the z3c.testsetup package is used (``ftesting.zcml``).
-    This parameter has no effect, if also a ``layer`` parameter is
-    given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see below).
-    This is a fallback parameter. Use of docfile specific layer markers
-    is recommended.
-- **layer_name**:
-    You can name your layer, to distinguish different setups of
-    functional doctests. The layer name can be an arbitrary string.
-    This parameter has no effect, if also a ``layer`` parameter is
-    given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see
-    below).
-    This is a fallback parameter. Use of docfile specific layer
-    markers is recommended.
-- **layer**:
-    You can register a ZCML layer yourself and pass it as the
-    ``layer`` parameter. If you only have a filepath to the according
-    ZCML file, use the ``zcml_config`` paramter instead.
-    This parameter overrides any ``zcml_config`` and ``layer_name``
-    parameter.
-    This is a fallback parameter and has no effect for docfiles
-    specifying their own layer or ZCML config.
-Deprectated/unsupported parameters
-The following ``register_all_tests``-parameters are deprecated,
-starting with ``z3c.testsetup`` 0.3:
-- **filter_func**
-   and related (``ufilter_func``, ``pfilter_func``, etc.)
-- All testtype specific parameters
-  Support for testfile specific parameters (``uextensions``,
-  ``fextensions``, etc.) is running out and its use deprecated.
-Layers and setup/teardown functions
-Starting with ``z3c.testsetup`` 0.3 there is first reasonable support
-for setting up layers per testfile. This way you can easily create
-setup-functions that are only run before/after certain tests.
-Overall, use of layers is the recommended way from now on.
-Setting up a unittest layer
-We can tell ``z3c.testsetup`` to use a certain unittest layer using
-the ``:layer:`` marker as in the following example (see
-    A doctests with layer
-    =====================
-    :doctest:
-    :layer: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2
-      >>> 1+1
-      2
-The ``:doctest:`` marker was used here as well, because without it the
-file would not have been detected as a registerable doctest file (we
-want developers to be explicit about that).
-marker then tells, where the testsetup machinery can
-find the layer definition. It is given in dotted name notation.
-How does the layer definition look like? It is defined as regualr
-Python code::
-  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'testing.py')).read()
-  import os
-  ...
-  class UnitLayer1(object):
-      """This represents a layer.
-      A layer is a way to have common setup and teardown that happens
-      once for a whole group of tests.
-      It must be an object with a `setUp` and a `tearDown` method, which
-      are run once before or after all the tests applied to a layer
-      respectively.
-      Optionally you can additionally define `testSetUp` and
-      `testTearDown` methods, which are run before and after each single
-      test.
-      This class is not instantiated. Therefore we use classmethods.
-      """
-      @classmethod
-      def setUp(self):
-          """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most once per
-          TestSuite that depends on the layer.
-          (The latter can happen if multiple suites depend on the layer
-          and the testrunner decides to tear down the layer after first
-          suite finishes.)
-          """
-      @classmethod
-      def tearDown(self):
-          """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most
-          once per TestSuite that depends on the layer,
-          after all tests in the suite have finished.
-          """
-      @classmethod
-      def testSetUp(self):
-          """This method is run before each single test in the current
-          layer. It is optional.
-          """
-          print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1"
-      @classmethod
-      def testTearDown(self):
-          """This method is run before each single test in the current
-          layer. It is optional.
-          """
-          print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1"
-  class UnitLayer2(UnitLayer1):
-      """This Layer inherits ``UnitLayer1``.
-      This way we define nested setups. During test runs the testrunner
-      will first call the setup methods of ``UnitTest1`` and then those
-      of this class. Handling of teardown-methods will happen the other
-      way round.
-      """
-      @classmethod
-      def setUp(self):
-          pass
-      @classmethod
-      def testSetUp(self):
-          print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2"
-      @classmethod
-      def testTearDown(self):
-          print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2"
-In a layer you can do all the special stuff that is needed to run a
-certain group of tests properly. Our setup here is special in that we
-defined a nested one: ``UnitLayer2`` inherits ``UnitLayer1`` so that
-during test runs the appropriate setup and teardown methods are called
-(see testrunner output above).
-More about test layers can be found at the documentation of
-`testrunner layers API
-Specifying a ZCML file
-When it comes to integration or functional tests, we need to specify a
-ZCML file to which configures the test environment for us. We can do
-that using the
-  `:zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>`
-marker. It expects a ZCML filename as argument and sets up a
-ZCML-layered testsuite for us. An example setup might look like so (see
-  A doctest with a ZCML-layer
-  ===========================
-  :doctest:
-  :zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml
-    >>> 1+1
-    2
-.. note:: Requires ``zope.app.testing``
-   If you use ``:zcml-layer``, the ``zope.app.testing`` package must
-   be available when running the tests and during test setup. This
-   package is not fetched by default by ``z3c.testsetup``.
-Here we say, that the the local file ``ftesting.zcml`` should be used
-as ZCML configuration. As we can see in the above output of testruner,
-this file is indeed read during test runs and used by a ZCML layer
-called ``DefaultZCMLLayer``. This layer is in fact only a
-The ZCML file is looked up in the same directory as the doctest file.
-When using the ``:zcml-layer:`` marker, the concerned tests are set up
-via special methods and functions from `zope.app.testing`. This way
-you get 'functional' or 'integration' tests out of the box: in the
-beginning an empty ZODB db is setup, ``getRootFolder``, ``sync`` and
-other functions are pulled into the test namespace and several things
-If you want a plain setup instead then use your own layer definition
-using ``:layer:`` and remove the ``:zcml-layer:`` marker.
-Setting up a functional ZCML layer
-Sometimes we want tests to be registered using the
-``FunctionalDocFileSuite`` function from
-``zope.app.testing.functional`` (other tests are set up using
-``zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite``). This function pulls in even
-more functions into ``globs``, like ``http`` (a ``HTTPCaller``
-instance), wraps your ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` methods into
-ZODB-setups and several things more. See the definition in
-This setup needs also a ZCML configuration file, which can be
-specified via::
-  :functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>
-If a functional ZCML layer is specified in a testfile this way, it
-will override any simple ``:zcml-layer:`` or ``:layer:`` definition.
-An example setup might look like this (see
-  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest04.txt'))
-  |  A functional doctest with ZCML-layer
-  |  ====================================
-  |
-  |  :doctest:
-  |  :functional-zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml
-  |
-  |  We didn't define a real environment in ftesting.zcml, but in
-  |  functional tests certain often needed functions should be available
-  |  automatically::
-  |
-  |    >>> getRootFolder()
-  |    <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0x...>
-  |
-.. note:: Requires ``zope.app.testing``
-   If you use ``:zcml-layer``, the ``zope.app.testing`` package must
-   be available when running the tests and during test setup. This
-   package is not fetched by default by ``z3c.testsetup``.
-Specifying ``setUp`` and ``tearDown`` methods
-We can specify a ``setUp(test)`` and ``tearDown(test)`` method for the
-examples in a doctest file, which will be executed once for the whole
-doctest file. This can be done using::
-  :setup: <dotted.name.of.callable>
-  :teardown: <dotted.name.of.callable>
-The callables denoted by the dotted names must accept a ``test``
-parameter which will be the whole test suite of examples in the
-current doctest file.
-An example can be found in ``doctest05.txt``::
-  >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest05.txt'))
-  |  A doctest with custom setup/teardown functions
-  |  ==============================================
-  |  
-  |  :doctest:
-  |  :setup: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.setUp
-  |  :teardown: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.tearDown
-  |  
-  |    >>> 1+1
-  |    2
-  |  
-  |  We make use of a function registered during custom setup::
-  |  
-  |    >>> myfunc(2)
-  |    4
-  |
-The setup/teardown functions denoted in the example look like this::
-  >>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, 'testing.py'), 'rb').read()
-  import os
-  ...
-  def setUp(test):
-      print "    Custom setUp for ", test
-      # We register a function that will be available during tests.
-       test.globs['myfunc'] = lambda x: 2*x
-  def tearDown(test):
-      print "    Custom tearDown for ", test
-      del test.globs['myfunc'] # unregister function
-  ...
-As we can see, there is a function ``myfunc`` pulled into the
-namespace of the doctest. We could, however, do arbitrary other things
-here, set up a relational test database or whatever.

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