[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/ Remove more stuff that isn't relevant to zope.site.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Tue Jan 27 07:11:21 EST 2009

Log message for revision 95137:
  Remove more stuff that isn't relevant to zope.site.

  U   Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/__init__.py
  D   Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/meta.zcml
  D   Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metaconfigure.py
  D   Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metadirectives.py
  D   Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/vocabulary.py

Modified: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/__init__.py
--- Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/__init__.py	2009-01-27 12:08:18 UTC (rev 95136)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/__init__.py	2009-01-27 12:11:21 UTC (rev 95137)
@@ -22,43 +22,6 @@
 _marker = object()
-# BBB: Deprecated on 9/26/2006
- at zope.deprecation.deprecate('''This function has been deprecated and will go
-away in Zope 3.6. There is no replacement for this function, since it does not
-make sense in light of registry bases anymore. If you are using this function
-to lookup the next utility, consider using get/queryNextUtility. Otherwise, it
-is suggested to iterate through the list of bases of a registry manually.''')
-def getNextSiteManager(context):
-    """Get the next site manager."""
-    sm = queryNextSiteManager(context, _marker)
-    if sm is _marker:
-        raise zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError(
-              "No more site managers have been found.")
-    return sm
-# BBB: Deprecated on 9/26/2006
- at zope.deprecation.deprecate('''This function has been deprecated and will go
-away in Zope 3.6. There is no replacement for this function, since it does not
-make sense in light of registry bases anymore. If you are using this function
-to lookup the next utility, consider using get/queryNextUtility. Otherwise, it
-is suggested to iterate through the list of bases of a registry manually.''')
-def queryNextSiteManager(context, default=None):
-    """Get the next site manager.
-    If the site manager of the given context is the global site manager, then
-    `default` is returned.
-    """
-    sm = zope.component.getSiteManager(context)
-    if sm is zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager():
-        return default
-    bases = sm.__bases__
-    if not bases:
-        return zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-    return bases[0]
 def getNextUtility(context, interface, name=''):
     """Get the next available utility.

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/meta.zcml
--- Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/meta.zcml	2009-01-27 12:08:18 UTC (rev 95136)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/meta.zcml	2009-01-27 12:11:21 UTC (rev 95137)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-    xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope"
-    xmlns:meta="http://namespaces.zope.org/meta">
-  <include package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml" />
-  <meta:directives namespace="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
-    <meta:directive
-        name="view"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IViewDirective"
-        handler="zope.app.component.metaconfigure.view"
-        />
-    <!-- BBB: Deprecated. Will go away in 3.3 -->
-    <meta:directive
-        name="defaultView"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IDefaultViewDirective"
-        handler="zope.app.component.metaconfigure.defaultView"
-        />
-    <meta:directive
-        name="resource"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IResourceDirective"
-        handler="zope.app.component.metaconfigure.resource"
-        />
-    <meta:complexDirective
-        name="class"
-        schema=".metadirectives.IClassDirective"
-        handler=".contentdirective.ClassDirective"
-        >
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="implements"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IImplementsSubdirective"
-          />
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="require"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IRequireSubdirective"
-          />
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="allow"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IAllowSubdirective"
-          />
-      <meta:subdirective
-          name="factory"
-          schema=".metadirectives.IFactorySubdirective"
-          />
-    </meta:complexDirective>
-  </meta:directives>

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metaconfigure.py
--- Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metaconfigure.py	2009-01-27 12:08:18 UTC (rev 95136)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metaconfigure.py	2009-01-27 12:11:21 UTC (rev 95137)
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Generic Components ZCML Handlers
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-import warnings
-from zope import component
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.component.zcml import handler, proxify, utility
-from zope.component.interface import provideInterface
-from zope.component.interfaces import IDefaultViewName, IFactory
-from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError
-from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic
-from zope.security.checker import Checker, NamesChecker
-PublicPermission = 'zope.Public'
-def _checker(_context, permission, allowed_interface, allowed_attributes):
-    if (not allowed_attributes) and (not allowed_interface):
-        allowed_attributes = ["__call__"]
-    if permission == PublicPermission:
-        permission = CheckerPublic
-    require={}
-    if allowed_attributes:
-        for name in allowed_attributes:
-            require[name] = permission
-    if allowed_interface:
-        for i in allowed_interface:
-            for name in i.names(all=True):
-                require[name] = permission
-    checker = Checker(require)
-    return checker
-def resource(_context, factory, type, name, layer=None,
-             permission=None,
-             allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
-             provides=Interface):
-    if ((allowed_attributes or allowed_interface)
-        and (not permission)):
-        raise ConfigurationError(
-            "Must use name attribute with allowed_interface or "
-            "allowed_attributes"
-            )
-    if permission:
-        checker = _checker(_context, permission,
-                           allowed_interface, allowed_attributes)
-        def proxyResource(request, factory=factory, checker=checker):
-            return proxify(factory(request), checker)
-        factory = proxyResource
-    if layer is not None:
-        warnings.warn_explicit(
-            "The 'layer' argument of the 'resource' directive has been "
-            "deprecated.  Use the 'type' argument instead.",
-            DeprecationWarning, _context.info.file, _context.info.line)
-        type = layer
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = ('resource', name, type, provides),
-        callable = handler,
-        args = ('registerAdapter',
-                factory, (type,), provides, name, _context.info),
-        )
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = provideInterface,
-        args = (type.__module__ + '.' + type.__name__, type)
-               )
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = provideInterface,
-        args = (provides.__module__ + '.' + provides.__name__, type)
-               )
-def view(_context, factory, type, name, for_, layer=None,
-         permission=None, allowed_interface=None, allowed_attributes=None,
-         provides=Interface):
-    if ((allowed_attributes or allowed_interface)
-        and (not permission)):
-        raise ConfigurationError(
-            "Must use name attribute with allowed_interface or "
-            "allowed_attributes"
-            )
-    if not factory:
-        raise ConfigurationError("No view factory specified.")
-    if permission:
-        checker = _checker(_context, permission,
-                           allowed_interface, allowed_attributes)
-        class ProxyView(object):
-            """Class to create simple proxy views."""
-            def __init__(self, factory, checker):
-                self.factory = factory
-                self.checker = checker
-            def __call__(self, *objects):
-                return proxify(self.factory(*objects), self.checker)
-        factory[-1] = ProxyView(factory[-1], checker)
-    if not for_:
-        raise ValueError("No for interfaces specified");
-    for_ = tuple(for_)
-    # Generate a single factory from multiple factories:
-    factories = factory
-    if len(factories) == 1:
-        factory = factories[0]
-    elif len(factories) < 1:
-        raise ValueError("No factory specified")
-    elif len(factories) > 1 and len(for_) > 1:
-        raise ValueError("Can't use multiple factories and multiple for")
-    else:
-        def factory(ob, request):
-            for f in factories[:-1]:
-                ob = f(ob)
-            return factories[-1](ob, request)
-    # BBB 2006/02/18, to be removed after 12 months
-    if layer is not None:
-        for_ = for_ + (layer,)
-        warnings.warn_explicit(
-            "The 'layer' argument of the 'view' directive has been "
-            "deprecated.  Use the 'type' argument instead. If you have "
-            "an existing 'type' argument IBrowserRequest, replace it with the "
-            "'layer' argument (the layer subclasses IBrowserRequest). "
-            "which subclasses BrowserRequest.",
-            DeprecationWarning, _context.info.file, _context.info.line)
-    else:
-        for_ = for_ + (type,)
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = ('view', for_, name, provides),
-        callable = handler,
-        args = ('registerAdapter',
-                factory, for_, provides, name, _context.info),
-        )
-    if type is not None:
-        _context.action(
-            discriminator = None,
-            callable = provideInterface,
-            args = ('', type)
-            )
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = provideInterface,
-        args = ('', provides)
-        )
-    if for_ is not None:
-        for iface in for_:
-            if iface is not None:
-                _context.action(
-                    discriminator = None,
-                    callable = provideInterface,
-                    args = ('', iface)
-                    )
-# BBB: Deprecated. Will go away in 3.3.
-def defaultView(_context, type, name, for_):
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = ('defaultViewName', for_, type, name),
-        callable = handler,
-        args = ('registerAdapter',
-                 name, (for_, type), IDefaultViewName, '',_context.info)
-        )
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = provideInterface,
-        args = ('', type)
-        )
-    _context.action(
-        discriminator = None,
-        callable = provideInterface,
-        args = ('', for_)
-        )
-from zope.deprecation import deprecated
-           'The zope:defaultView directive has been deprecated in favor of '
-           'the browser:defaultView directive. '
-           'Will be gone in Zope 3.3.')

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metadirectives.py
--- Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metadirectives.py	2009-01-27 12:08:18 UTC (rev 95136)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/metadirectives.py	2009-01-27 12:11:21 UTC (rev 95137)
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Component architecture related 'zope' ZCML namespace directive interfaces
-__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-import zope.configuration.fields
-import zope.security.zcml
-import zope.interface
-import zope.schema
-from zope.component.zcml import IBasicComponentInformation
-from zope.app.component.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
-class IDefaultViewName(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """A string that contains the default view name
-    A default view name is used to select a view when a user hasn't
-    specified one.
-    """
-class IBasicViewInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """This is the basic information for all views."""
-    for_ = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Specifications of the objects to be viewed"),
-        description=_("""This should be a list of interfaces or classes
-        """),
-        required=True,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
-          missing_value=object(),
-          ),
-        )
-    permission = zope.security.zcml.Permission(
-        title=_("Permission"),
-        description=_("The permission needed to use the view."),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    class_ = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
-        title=_("Class"),
-        description=_("A class that provides attributes used by the view."),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
-        title=_("The layer the view is in."),
-        description=_("""
-        A skin is composed of layers. It is common to put skin
-        specific views in a layer named after the skin. If the 'layer'
-        attribute is not supplied, it defaults to 'default'."""),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    allowed_interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Interface that is also allowed if user has permission."),
-        description=_("""
-        By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-        any possible sub views. By specifying this attribute, you can
-        make the permission also apply to everything described in the
-        supplied interface.
-        Multiple interfaces can be provided, separated by
-        whitespace."""),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
-        )
-    allowed_attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("View attributes that are also allowed if the user"
-                " has permission."),
-        description=_("""
-        By default, 'permission' only applies to viewing the view and
-        any possible sub views. By specifying 'allowed_attributes',
-        you can make the permission also apply to the extra attributes
-        on the view object."""),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
-        )
-class IBasicResourceInformation(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """
-    Basic information for resources
-    """
-    name = zope.schema.TextLine(
-        title=_("The name of the resource."),
-        description=_("The name shows up in URLs/paths. For example 'foo'."),
-        required=True,
-        default=u'',
-        )
-    provides = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
-        title=_("The interface this component provides."),
-        description=_("""
-        A view can provide an interface.  This would be used for
-        views that support other views."""),
-        required=False,
-        default=zope.interface.Interface,
-        )
-    type = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
-        title=_("Request type"),
-        required=True
-        )
-class IViewDirective(IBasicViewInformation, IBasicResourceInformation):
-    """Register a view for a component"""
-    factory = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Factory"),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(),
-        )
-# BBB: Deprecated; use browser:defaultView instead. Will go away in 3.3.
-class IDefaultViewDirective(IBasicResourceInformation):
-    """
-    Use ``browser:defaultView`` instead.
-    The name of the view that should be the default.
-    This name refers to view that should be the
-    view used by default (if no view name is supplied
-    explicitly).
-    """
-    for_ = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
-        title=_("The interface this view is the default for."),
-        description=_("""
-        Specifies the interface for which the default view is declared. All
-        objects implementing this interface make use of this default
-        setting. If this attribute is not specified, the default is available
-        for all objects."""),
-        required=False,
-        )
-class IResourceDirective(IBasicComponentInformation,
-                         IBasicResourceInformation):
-    """Register a resource"""
-    layer = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(
-        title=_("The layer the resource is in."),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    allowed_interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Interface that is also allowed if user has permission."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
-        )
-    allowed_attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("View attributes that are also allowed if user"
-                " has permission."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
-        )
-class IClassDirective(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """Make statements about a class"""
-    class_ = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
-        title=_("Class"),
-        required=True
-        )
-class IImplementsSubdirective(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """Declare that the class given by the content directive's class
-    attribute implements a given interface
-    """
-    interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("One or more interfaces"),
-        required=True,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface()
-        )
-class IRequireSubdirective(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """Indicate that the a specified list of names or the names in a
-    given Interface require a given permission for access.
-    """
-    permission = zope.security.zcml.Permission(
-        title=_("Permission"),
-        description=_("""
-        Specifies the permission by id that will be required to
-        access or mutate the attributes and methods specified."""),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Attributes and methods"),
-        description=_("This is a list of attributes and methods"
-                      " that can be accessed."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
-        )
-    set_attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Attributes that can be set"),
-        description=_("This is a list of attributes that can be"
-                      " modified/mutated."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
-        )
-    interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Interfaces"),
-        description=_("The listed interfaces' methods and attributes"
-                      " can be accessed."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
-        )
-    set_schema = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("The attributes specified by the schema can be set"),
-        description=_("The listed schemas' properties can be"
-                      " modified/mutated."),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
-        )
-    like_class = zope.configuration.fields.GlobalObject(
-        title=_("Configure like this class"),
-        description=_("""
-        This argument says that this content class should be configured in the
-        same way the specified class' security is. If this argument is
-        specified, no other argument can be used."""),
-        required=False,
-        )
-class IAllowSubdirective(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """
-    Declare a part of the class to be publicly viewable (that is,
-    requires the zope.Public permission). Only one of the following
-    two attributes may be used.
-    """
-    attributes = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Attributes"),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.PythonIdentifier(),
-        )
-    interface = zope.configuration.fields.Tokens(
-        title=_("Interface"),
-        required=False,
-        value_type=zope.configuration.fields.GlobalInterface(),
-        )
-class IFactorySubdirective(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """Specify the factory used to create this content object"""
-    id = zope.schema.Id(
-        title=_("ID"),
-        description=_("""
-        the identifier for this factory in the ZMI factory
-        identification scheme.  If not given, defaults to the literal
-        string given as the content directive's 'class' attribute."""),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    title = zope.configuration.fields.MessageID(
-        title=_("Title"),
-        description=_("Text suitable for use in the 'add content' menu"
-                      " of a management interface"),
-        required=False,
-        )
-    description = zope.configuration.fields.MessageID(
-        title=_("Description"),
-        description=_("Longer narrative description of what this"
-                      " factory does"),
-        required=False,
-        )

Deleted: Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/vocabulary.py
--- Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/vocabulary.py	2009-01-27 12:08:18 UTC (rev 95136)
+++ Sandbox/faassen/zope.site/trunk/src/zope/site/vocabulary.py	2009-01-27 12:11:21 UTC (rev 95137)
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Utility Vocabulary.
-This vocabulary provides terms for all utilities providing a given interface.
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-import zope.component
-from zope.interface import implements, classProvides, Interface
-from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
-from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyTokenized
-from zope.schema.interfaces import ITokenizedTerm, ITitledTokenizedTerm
-from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory
-from zope.app.component.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
-from zope.app.interface.vocabulary import ObjectInterfacesVocabulary
-from zope.component.interfaces import IUtilityRegistration
-class UtilityTerm(object):
-    """A term representing a utility.
-    The token of the term is the name of the utility. Here is a brief example
-    on how the IVocabulary interface is handled in this term as a
-    utility:
-    >>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-    >>> from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabulary
-    >>> term = UtilityTerm(IVocabulary, 'zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabulary')
-    >>> verifyObject(ITokenizedTerm, term)
-    True
-    >>> term.value
-    <InterfaceClass zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabulary>
-    >>> term.token
-    'zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabulary'
-    >>> term
-    <UtilityTerm zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabulary, instance of InterfaceClass>
-    """
-    implements(ITokenizedTerm)
-    def __init__(self, value, token):
-        """Create a term for value and token."""
-        self.value = value
-        self.token = token
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<UtilityTerm %s, instance of %s>' %(
-            self.token, self.value.__class__.__name__)
-class UtilityVocabulary(object):
-    """Vocabulary that provides utilities of a specified interface.
-    Here is a short example of how the vocabulary should work.
-    First we need to create a utility interface and some utilities:
-    >>> class IObject(Interface):
-    ...     'Simple interface to mark object utilities.'
-    >>>
-    >>> class Object(object):
-    ...     implements(IObject)
-    ...     def __init__(self, name):
-    ...         self.name = name
-    ...     def __repr__(self):
-    ...         return '<Object %s>' %self.name
-    Now we register some utilities for IObject
-    >>> from zope.app.testing import ztapi
-    >>> object1 = Object('object1')
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IObject, object1, 'object1')
-    >>> object2 = Object('object2')
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IObject, object2, 'object2')
-    >>> object3 = Object('object3')
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IObject, object3, 'object3')
-    >>> object4 = Object('object4')
-    We are now ready to create a vocabulary that we can use; in our case
-    everything is global, so the context is None.
-    >>> vocab = UtilityVocabulary(None, interface=IObject)
-    >>> import pprint
-    >>> pprint.pprint(vocab._terms.items())
-    [(u'object1', <UtilityTerm object1, instance of Object>),
-     (u'object2', <UtilityTerm object2, instance of Object>),
-     (u'object3', <UtilityTerm object3, instance of Object>)]
-    Now let's see how the other methods behave in this context. First we can
-    just use the 'in' opreator to test whether a value is available.
-    >>> object1 in vocab
-    True
-    >>> object4 in vocab
-    False
-    We can also create a lazy iterator. Note that the utility terms might
-    appear in a different order than the utilities were registered.
-    >>> iterator = iter(vocab)
-    >>> terms = list(iterator)
-    >>> names = [term.token for term in terms]
-    >>> names.sort()
-    >>> names
-    [u'object1', u'object2', u'object3']
-    Determining the amount of utilities available via the vocabulary is also
-    possible.
-    >>> len(vocab)
-    3
-    Next we are looking at some of the more vocabulary-characteristic API
-    methods.
-    One can get a term for a given value using ``getTerm()``:
-    >>> vocab.getTerm(object1)
-    <UtilityTerm object1, instance of Object>
-    >>> vocab.getTerm(object4)
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    LookupError: <Object object4>
-    On the other hand, if you want to get a term by the token, then you do
-    that with:
-    >>> vocab.getTermByToken('object1')
-    <UtilityTerm object1, instance of Object>
-    >>> vocab.getTermByToken('object4')
-    Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ...
-    LookupError: object4
-    That's it. It is all pretty straight forward, but it allows us to easily
-    create a vocabulary for any utility. In fact, to make it easy to register
-    such a vocabulary via ZCML, the `interface` argument to the constructor
-    can be a string that is resolved via the utility registry. The ZCML looks
-    like this:
-    <zope:vocabulary
-        name='IObjects'
-        factory='zope.app.utility.vocabulary.UtilityVocabulary'
-        interface='zope.app.utility.vocabulary.IObject' />
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IInterface, IObject,
-    ...                      'zope.app.utility.vocabulary.IObject')
-    >>> vocab = UtilityVocabulary(
-    ...     None, interface='zope.app.utility.vocabulary.IObject')
-    >>> pprint.pprint(vocab._terms.items())
-    [(u'object1', <UtilityTerm object1, instance of Object>),
-     (u'object2', <UtilityTerm object2, instance of Object>),
-     (u'object3', <UtilityTerm object3, instance of Object>)]
-    Sometimes it is desirable to only select the name of a utility. For
-    this purpose a `nameOnly` argument was added to the constructor, in which
-    case the UtilityTerm's value is not the utility itself but the name of the
-    utility.
-    >>> vocab = UtilityVocabulary(None, interface=IObject, nameOnly=True)
-    >>> pprint.pprint([term.value for term in vocab])
-    [u'object1', u'object2', u'object3']
-    """
-    implements(IVocabularyTokenized)
-    classProvides(IVocabularyFactory)
-    # override these in subclasses
-    interface = Interface
-    nameOnly = False
-    def __init__(self, context, **kw):
-        if kw:
-            # BBB 2006/02/24, to be removed after 12 months
-            # the 'interface' and 'nameOnly' parameters are supposed to be
-            # set as class-level attributes in custom subclasses now.
-            self.nameOnly = bool(kw.get('nameOnly', False))
-            interface = kw.get('interface', Interface)
-            if isinstance(interface, (str, unicode)):
-                interface = zope.component.getUtility(IInterface, interface)
-            self.interface = interface
-        utils = zope.component.getUtilitiesFor(self.interface, context)
-        self._terms = dict(
-            (name, UtilityTerm(self.nameOnly and name or util, name))
-            for name, util in utils)
-    def __contains__(self, value):
-        """See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary"""
-        return value in (term.value for term in self._terms.values())
-    def getTerm(self, value):
-        """See zope.schema.interfaces.IBaseVocabulary"""
-        try:
-            return [term for name, term in self._terms.items()
-                    if term.value == value][0]
-        except IndexError:
-            raise LookupError(value)
-    def getTermByToken(self, token):
-        """See zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyTokenized"""
-        try:
-            return self._terms[token]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise LookupError(token)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """See zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableVocabulary"""
-        # Sort the terms by the token (utility name)
-        values = self._terms.values()
-        values.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.token, y.token))
-        return iter(values)
-    def __len__(self):
-        """See zope.schema.interfaces.IIterableVocabulary"""
-        return len(self._terms)
-class InterfacesVocabulary(UtilityVocabulary):
-    classProvides(IVocabularyFactory)
-    interface = IInterface
-class UtilityComponentInterfacesVocabulary(ObjectInterfacesVocabulary):
-    classProvides(IVocabularyFactory)
-    def __init__(self, context):
-        if IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(context):
-            context = context.component
-        super(UtilityComponentInterfacesVocabulary, self).__init__(
-            context)
-class UtilityNameTerm:
-    r"""Simple term that provides a utility name as a value.
-    >>> t1 = UtilityNameTerm('abc')
-    >>> t2 = UtilityNameTerm(u'\xC0\xDF\xC7')
-    >>> t1.value
-    u'abc'
-    >>> t2.value
-    u'\xc0\xdf\xc7'
-    >>> t1.title
-    u'abc'
-    >>> repr(t2.title)
-    "u'\\xc0\\xdf\\xc7'"
-    >>> ITitledTokenizedTerm.providedBy(t1)
-    True
-    The tokens used for form values are Base-64 encodings of the
-    names, with the letter 't' prepended to ensure the unnamed utility
-    is supported:
-    >>> t1.token
-    'tYWJj'
-    >>> t2.token
-    'tw4DDn8OH'
-    The unnamed utility is given an artificial title for use in user
-    interfaces:
-    >>> t3 = UtilityNameTerm(u'')
-    >>> t3.title
-    u'(unnamed utility)'
-    """
-    implements(ITitledTokenizedTerm)
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = unicode(value)
-    @property
-    def token(self):
-        # Return our value as a token.  This is required to be 7-bit
-        # printable ascii. We'll use base64 generated from the UTF-8
-        # representation.  (The default encoding rules should not be
-        # allowed to apply.)
-        return "t" + self.value.encode('utf-8').encode('base64')[:-1]
-    @property
-    def title(self):
-        return self.value or _("(unnamed utility)")
-class UtilityNames:
-    """Vocabulary with utility names for a single interface as values.
-    >>> class IMyUtility(Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class MyUtility(object):
-    ...     implements(IMyUtility)
-    >>> vocab = UtilityNames(IMyUtility)
-    >>> from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabulary
-    >>> IVocabulary.providedBy(vocab)
-    True
-    >>> IVocabularyTokenized.providedBy(vocab)
-    True
-    >>> from zope.app.testing import placelesssetup
-    >>> from zope.app.testing import ztapi
-    >>> placelesssetup.setUp()
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IMyUtility, MyUtility(), 'one')
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IMyUtility, MyUtility(), 'two')
-    >>> unames = UtilityNames(IMyUtility)
-    >>> len(list(unames))
-    2
-    >>> L = [t.value for t in unames]
-    >>> L.sort()
-    >>> L
-    [u'one', u'two']
-    >>> u'one' in vocab
-    True
-    >>> u'three' in vocab
-    False
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IMyUtility, MyUtility(), 'three')
-    >>> u'three' in vocab
-    True
-    >>> ztapi.provideUtility(IMyUtility, MyUtility())
-    >>> u'' in vocab
-    True
-    >>> term1 = vocab.getTerm(u'')
-    >>> term2 = vocab.getTermByToken(term1.token)
-    >>> term2.value
-    u''
-    >>> term3 = vocab.getTerm(u'one')
-    >>> term3.token
-    'tb25l'
-    >>> term3a = vocab.getTermByToken('tb25l')
-    >>> term3.value
-    u'one'
-    >>> placelesssetup.tearDown()
-    """
-    implements(IVocabularyTokenized)
-    def __init__(self, interface):
-        self.interface = interface
-    def __contains__(self, value):
-        return zope.component.queryUtility(self.interface, value) is not None
-    def getTerm(self, value):
-        if value in self:
-            return UtilityNameTerm(value)
-        raise ValueError(value)
-    def getTermByToken(self, token):
-        for name, ut in zope.component.getUtilitiesFor(self.interface):
-            name = unicode(name)
-            if token == "t":
-                if not name:
-                    break
-            elif UtilityNameTerm(name).token == token:
-                break
-        else:
-            raise LookupError("no matching token: %r" % token)
-        return self.getTerm(name)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for name, ut in zope.component.getUtilitiesFor(self.interface):
-            yield UtilityNameTerm(name)
-    def __len__(self):
-        """Return the number of valid terms, or sys.maxint."""
-        return len(list(zope.component.getUtilitiesFor(self.interface)))

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