[Checkins] SVN: zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate removed crap

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Mon Jul 6 12:46:40 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 101641:
  removed crap

  D   zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate.pt.py
  D   zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate2.pt.py

Deleted: zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate.pt.py
--- zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate.pt.py	2009-07-06 16:45:35 UTC (rev 101640)
+++ zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate.pt.py	2009-07-06 16:46:39 UTC (rev 101641)
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-registry = dict(version='3.7')
-def bind():
-	from cPickle import loads as _loads
-	_init_stream = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_stream\np1\n.')
-	_lookup_attr = _loads('cchameleon.core.codegen\nlookup_attr\np1\n.')
-	_init_scope = _loads('cchameleon.core.utils\necontext\np1\n.')
-	_re_amp = _loads("cre\n_compile\np1\n(S'&(?!([A-Za-z]+|#[0-9]+);)'\np2\nI0\ntRp3\n.")
-	_init_default = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_default\np1\n.')
-	_lookup_name = _loads('cchameleon.core.codegen\nlookup_name\np1\n.')
-	_init_tal = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_tal\np1\n.')
-	def render(econtext, rcontext=None):
-		macros = econtext.get('macros')
-		_slots = econtext.get('_slots')
-		target_language = econtext.get('target_language')
-		u'_init_stream()'
-		(_out, _write) = _init_stream()
-		u'_init_tal()'
-		(_attributes, repeat) = _init_tal()
-		u'_init_default()'
-		_default = _init_default()
-		u'None'
-		default = None
-		u'None'
-		_domain = None
-		u'project'
-		_write(u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">\n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n<head><title>')
-		_tmp1 = econtext['project']
-		_tmp = _tmp1
-		if (_tmp.__class__ not in (str, unicode) and hasattr(_tmp, '__html__')):
-			_write(_tmp.__html__())
-		elif _tmp is not None:
-			if not (isinstance(_tmp, unicode)):
-				_tmp = str(_tmp)
-			if '&' in _tmp:
-				if ';' in _tmp:
-					_tmp = _re_amp.sub('&amp;', _tmp)
-				else:
-					_tmp = _tmp.replace('&', '&amp;')
-			if '<' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('<', '&lt;')
-			if '>' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('>', '&gt;')
-			_write(_tmp)
-		_write(u' Application</title>\n<meta name="keywords" content="python web application" />\n<meta name="description" content="repoze.bfg web application" />\n<link')
-		default = u'${request.application_url}/static/default.css'
-		"join(value('request.application_url'), u'/static/default.css')"
-		_tmp1 = ('%s%s' % (_lookup_attr(econtext['request'], 'application_url'), u'/static/default.css'))
-		default = None
-		if _tmp1 is _default:
-			_tmp1 = u'${request.application_url}/static/default.css'
-		if (_tmp1 is None or _tmp1 is False):
-			pass
-		else:
-			if not (isinstance(_tmp1, unicode)):
-				_tmp1 = str(_tmp1)
-			if '&' in _tmp1:
-				if ';' in _tmp1:
-					_tmp1 = _re_amp.sub('&amp;', _tmp1)
-				else:
-					_tmp1 = _tmp1.replace('&', '&amp;')
-			if '<' in _tmp1:
-				_tmp1 = _tmp1.replace('<', '&lt;')
-			if '>' in _tmp1:
-				_tmp1 = _tmp1.replace('>', '&gt;')
-			if '"' in _tmp1:
-				_tmp1 = _tmp1.replace('"', '&quot;')
-			_write((' href="' + _tmp1) + '"')
-		u'project'
-		_write(u' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />\n</head>\n<body>\n<!-- start header -->\n<div id="logo">\n  <h2><code>')
-		_tmp1 = econtext['project']
-		_tmp = _tmp1
-		if (_tmp.__class__ not in (str, unicode) and hasattr(_tmp, '__html__')):
-			_write(_tmp.__html__())
-		elif _tmp is not None:
-			if not (isinstance(_tmp, unicode)):
-				_tmp = str(_tmp)
-			if '&' in _tmp:
-				if ';' in _tmp:
-					_tmp = _re_amp.sub('&amp;', _tmp)
-				else:
-					_tmp = _tmp.replace('&', '&amp;')
-			if '<' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('<', '&lt;')
-			if '>' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('>', '&gt;')
-			_write(_tmp)
-		u'project'
-		_write(u'</code>, a <code>repoze.bfg</code> application</h2>\n</div>\n<div id="header">\n  <div id="menu">\n  </div>\n</div>\n<!-- end header -->\n<div id="wrapper">\n  <!-- start page -->\n  <div id="page">\n    <!-- start content -->\n    <div id="content">\n      <div class="post">\n\t<h1 class="title">Welcome to <code>')
-		_tmp1 = econtext['project']
-		_tmp = _tmp1
-		if (_tmp.__class__ not in (str, unicode) and hasattr(_tmp, '__html__')):
-			_write(_tmp.__html__())
-		elif _tmp is not None:
-			if not (isinstance(_tmp, unicode)):
-				_tmp = str(_tmp)
-			if '&' in _tmp:
-				if ';' in _tmp:
-					_tmp = _re_amp.sub('&amp;', _tmp)
-				else:
-					_tmp = _tmp.replace('&', '&amp;')
-			if '<' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('<', '&lt;')
-			if '>' in _tmp:
-				_tmp = _tmp.replace('>', '&gt;')
-			_write(_tmp)
-		_write(u'</code>, an\n\tapplication generated by the <a href="http://bfg.repoze.org">repoze.bfg</a> web\n\tapplication framework.</h1>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n    <!-- end content -->\n    <!-- start sidebar -->\n    <div id="sidebar">\n      <ul>\n\t<li id="search">\n\t  <h2>Search<br /> <code>repoze.bfg</code> Documentation</h2>\n\t  <form method="get" action="http://bfg.repoze.org/searchresults">\n\t    <fieldset>\n\t      <input type="text" id="q" name="text" value="" />\n\t      <input type="submit" id="x" value="Search" />\n\t    </fieldset>\n\t  </form>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>\n\t  <h2><code>repoze.bfg</code> links</h2>\n\t  <ul>\n\t    <li><a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#narrative-documentation">Narrative\n\t    Documentation</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#api-documentation">API\n              Documentation</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#tutorials">Tutor
 ials</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#change-history">Change\n              History</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#sample-applications">Sample\n              Applications</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="http://docs.repoze.org/bfg/#support-and-development">Support\n              and Development</a>\n            </li>\n\t    <li>\n              <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net#repoze">IRC Channel</a>\n            </li>\n\t  </ul>\n\t</li>\n      </ul>\n    </div>\n    <!-- end sidebar -->\n    <div style="clear: both;">&nbsp;</div>\n  </div>\n</div>\n<!-- end page -->\n<!-- start footer -->\n<div id="footer">\n  <p id="legal">( c ) 2008. All Rights Reserved. Template design\n  by <a href="http://www.freecsstemplates.org/">Free CSS\n  Templates</a>.</p>\n</div>\n<!-- end footer -->\n</body>\n</html>')
-		return _out.getvalue()
-	return render
-registry[(None, True, '1488bdb950901f8f258549439ef6661a49aae984')] = bind()

Deleted: zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate2.pt.py
--- zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate2.pt.py	2009-07-06 16:45:35 UTC (rev 101640)
+++ zopyx.smartprintng.server/branches/bfg/zopyx/smartprintng/server/templates/mytemplate2.pt.py	2009-07-06 16:46:39 UTC (rev 101641)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-registry = dict(version='3.7')
-def bind():
-	from cPickle import loads as _loads
-	_init_stream = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_stream\np1\n.')
-	_lookup_attr = _loads('cchameleon.core.codegen\nlookup_attr\np1\n.')
-	_init_scope = _loads('cchameleon.core.utils\necontext\np1\n.')
-	_init_default = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_default\np1\n.')
-	_lookup_name = _loads('cchameleon.core.codegen\nlookup_name\np1\n.')
-	_init_tal = _loads('cchameleon.core.generation\ninitialize_tal\np1\n.')
-	def render(econtext, rcontext=None):
-		macros = econtext.get('macros')
-		_slots = econtext.get('_slots')
-		target_language = econtext.get('target_language')
-		u'_init_stream()'
-		(_out, _write) = _init_stream()
-		u'_init_tal()'
-		(_attributes, repeat) = _init_tal()
-		u'_init_default()'
-		_default = _init_default()
-		u'None'
-		default = None
-		u'None'
-		_domain = None
-		_write(u'<h1>hello world</h1>')
-		return _out.getvalue()
-	return render
-registry[(None, True, '1488bdb950901f8f258549439ef6661a49aae984')] = bind()

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