[Checkins] SVN: zc.buildout/branches/tlotze-download-api/src/zc/buildout/extends-cache.txt added tests for evaluation rules for extends-cache and offline options

Thomas Lotze tl at gocept.com
Thu Jun 4 03:26:36 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 100626:
  added tests for evaluation rules for extends-cache and offline options

  U   zc.buildout/branches/tlotze-download-api/src/zc/buildout/extends-cache.txt

Modified: zc.buildout/branches/tlotze-download-api/src/zc/buildout/extends-cache.txt
--- zc.buildout/branches/tlotze-download-api/src/zc/buildout/extends-cache.txt	2009-06-04 07:02:23 UTC (rev 100625)
+++ zc.buildout/branches/tlotze-download-api/src/zc/buildout/extends-cache.txt	2009-06-04 07:26:36 UTC (rev 100626)
@@ -110,6 +110,207 @@
 >>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
 Unused options for buildout: 'bar'.
+Clean up:
+>>> rmdir(cache)
 Specifying extends cache and offline mode
+Normally, the values of buildout options such as the location of a download
+cache or whether to use offline mode are determined by first reading the
+user's default configuration, updating it with the project's configuration and
+finally applying command-line options. User and project configuration are
+assembled by reading a file such as ``~/.buildout/default.cfg``,
+``buildout.cfg`` or a URL given on the command line, recursively (depth-first)
+downloading any base configuration specified by the ``buildout:extends``
+option read from each of those config files, and finally evaluating each
+config file to provide default values for options not yet read.
+This works fine for all options that do not influence how configuration is
+downloaded in the first place. The ``extends-cache`` and ``offline`` options,
+however, are treated differently from the procedure described in order to make
+it simple and obvious to see where a particular configuration file came from
+under any particular circumstances.
+- Offline and extends-cache settings are read from the two root config files
+  exclusively. Otherwise one could construct configuration files that, when
+  read, imply that they should have been read from a different source than
+  they have. Also, specifying the extends cache within a file that might have
+  to be taken from the cache before being read wouldn't make a lot of sense.
+- Offline and extends-cache settings given by the user's defaults apply to the
+  process of assembling the project's configuration. If no extends cache has
+  been specified by the user's default configuration, the project's root
+  config file must be available, be it from disk or from the net.
+- Offline mode turned on by the ``-o`` command line option is honoured from
+  the beginning even though command line options are applied to the
+  configuration last. If offline mode is not requested by the command line, it
+  may be switched on by either the user's or the project's config root.
+Extends cache
+Let's see the above rules in action. We create a new home directory for our
+user and write user and project configuration that recursively extends online
+bases, using different caches:
+>>> mkdir('home')
+>>> mkdir('home', '.buildout')
+>>> os.environ['HOME'] = join(sample_buildout, 'home')
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+... extends-cache = user-cache
+... """)
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> write(server_data, 'base_default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... foo = bar
+... """)
+>>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy.cfg
+... extends-cache = cache
+... """)
+>>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase.cfg
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> write(server_data, 'base.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... parts =
+... """)
+Buildout will now assemble its configuration from all of these 6 files,
+defaults first. The online resources end up in the respective extends caches:
+>>> print system(buildout)
+Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+>>> ls('user-cache')
+-  10e772cf422123ef6c64ae770f555740
+>>> cat('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+foo = bar
+>>> ls('cache')
+-  c72213127e6eb2208a3e1fc1dba771a7
+>>> cat('cache', os.listdir('cache')[0])
+parts =
+If, on the other hand, the extends caches are specified in files that get
+extended themselves, they won't be used for assembling the configuration they
+belong to (user's or project's, resp.). The extends cache specified by the
+user's defaults does, however, apply to downloading project configuration.
+Let's rewrite the config files, clean out the caches and re-run buildout:
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+... """)
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+... extends-cache = user-cache
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy.cfg
+... """)
+>>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase.cfg
+... extends-cache = cache
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> remove('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+>>> remove('cache', os.listdir('cache')[0])
+>>> print system(buildout)
+Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.
+>>> ls('user-cache')
+-  0548bad6002359532de37385bb532e26
+>>> cat('user-cache', os.listdir('user-cache')[0])
+parts =
+>>> ls('cache')
+Clean up:
+>>> rmdir('user-cache')
+>>> rmdir('cache')
+Offline mode
+If we run buildout in offline mode now, it will fail because it cannot get at
+the remote configuration file needed by the user's defaults:
+>>> print system(buildout + ' -o')
+  Initializing.
+Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base_default.cfg' in offline mode.
+Let's now successively turn on offline mode by different parts of the
+configuration and see when buildout applies this setting in each case:
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+... offline = true
+... """)
+>>> print system(buildout)
+  Initializing.
+Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base_default.cfg' in offline mode.
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy_default.cfg
+... """)
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+... offline = true
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> print system(buildout)
+  Initializing.
+Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+>>> write('home', '.buildout', 'fancy_default.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase_default.cfg
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy.cfg
+... offline = true
+... """)
+>>> print system(buildout)
+  Initializing.
+Error: Couldn't download 'http://localhost/base.cfg' in offline mode.
+>>> write('buildout.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = fancy.cfg
+... """)
+>>> write('fancy.cfg', """\
+... [buildout]
+... extends = %sbase.cfg
+... offline = true
+... """ % server_url)
+>>> print system(buildout)
+Unused options for buildout: 'foo'.

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