[Checkins] SVN: z3c.form/trunk/ Remove compatbility support with Zope 3.3.

Stephan Richter srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu
Tue Mar 24 23:45:59 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 98346:
  Remove compatbility support with Zope 3.3.

  U   z3c.form/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/__init__.py
  D   z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/compatibility.py

Modified: z3c.form/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- z3c.form/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-03-25 03:44:01 UTC (rev 98345)
+++ z3c.form/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-03-25 03:45:59 UTC (rev 98346)
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
   message and can be easily reused (especially when translations are
+- Refactoring: Removed compatibility support with Zope 3.3.
 - Refactoring: Templates now declare XML namespaces.
 - Refactoring: HTML output is now compared using a modified version of

Modified: z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/__init__.py
--- z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/__init__.py	2009-03-25 03:44:01 UTC (rev 98345)
+++ z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/__init__.py	2009-03-25 03:45:59 UTC (rev 98346)
@@ -1,6 +1 @@
 # Make a package.
-# Apply compatibility layer
-from z3c.form import compatibility
-del compatibility

Deleted: z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/compatibility.py
--- z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/compatibility.py	2009-03-25 03:44:01 UTC (rev 98345)
+++ z3c.form/trunk/src/z3c/form/compatibility.py	2009-03-25 03:45:59 UTC (rev 98346)
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Form and Widget Framework Interfaces
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-import datetime
-import decimal
-import zope.interface
-def addTimeField():
-    """Add ITime interface and Time field to zope.schema.
-    Target: Zope 3.3
-    """
-    from zope.schema import interfaces
-    if hasattr(interfaces, 'ITime'):
-        return
-    class ITime(interfaces.IMinMax, interfaces.IField):
-        u"""Field containing a time."""
-    interfaces.ITime = ITime
-    class Time(zope.schema.Orderable, zope.schema.Field):
-        __doc__ = ITime.__doc__
-        zope.interface.implements(ITime)
-        _type = datetime.time
-    zope.schema.Time = Time
-def addDecimalField():
-    """Add IDecimal interface and Decimal field to zope.schema.
-    Target: Zope 3.3
-    """
-    from zope.schema import interfaces
-    if hasattr(interfaces, 'IDecimal'):
-        return
-    class IDecimal(interfaces.IMinMax, interfaces.IField):
-        u"""Field containing a Decimal."""
-    interfaces.IDecimal = IDecimal
-    class Decimal(zope.schema.Orderable, zope.schema.Field):
-        __doc__ = IDecimal.__doc__
-        zope.interface.implements(IDecimal, interfaces.IFromUnicode)
-        _type = decimal.Decimal
-        def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
-            super(Decimal, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
-        def fromUnicode(self, u):
-            """
-            >>> f = Decimal()
-            >>> f.fromUnicode("1.25")
-            Decimal("1.25")
-            >>> f.fromUnicode("1.25.6")
-            Traceback (most recent call last):
-            ...
-            ValueError: invalid literal for Decimal(): 1.25.6
-            """
-            try:
-                v = decimal.Decimal(u)
-            except decimal.InvalidOperation:
-                raise ValueError('invalid literal for Decimal(): %s' % u)
-            self.validate(v)
-            return v
-    zope.schema.Decimal = Decimal
-def fixNumberFormatter():
-    """Switch the number formatter to the latest version:
-         * The decimal symbol is optional during parsing.
-         * The type of the parsed number can be specified.
-    Target: Zope 3.4b1 and older
-    """
-    from zope.i18n import format
-    formatter = format.NumberFormat('#0.#')
-    try:
-        formatter.parse(u'123')
-    except format.NumberParseError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        # The value parsed, so the version we have is good.
-        return
-    import math
-    import re
-    from zope.i18n.format import (
-        INumberFormat, implements, parseNumberPattern, NumberParseError,
-    class NumberFormat(object):
-        __doc__ = INumberFormat.__doc__
-        implements(INumberFormat)
-        type = None
-        def __init__(self, pattern=None, symbols={}):
-            # setup default symbols
-            self.symbols = {
-                u'decimal': u'.',
-                u'group': u',',
-                u'list':  u';',
-                u'percentSign': u'%',
-                u'nativeZeroDigit': u'0',
-                u'patternDigit': u'#',
-                u'plusSign': u'+',
-                u'minusSign': u'-',
-                u'exponential': u'E',
-                u'perMille': u'\xe2\x88\x9e',
-                u'infinity': u'\xef\xbf\xbd',
-                u'nan': '' }
-            self.symbols.update(symbols)
-            self._pattern = pattern
-            self._bin_pattern = None
-            if self._pattern is not None:
-                self._bin_pattern = parseNumberPattern(self._pattern)
-        def setPattern(self, pattern):
-            "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
-            self._pattern = pattern
-            self._bin_pattern = parseNumberPattern(self._pattern)
-        def getPattern(self):
-            "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
-            return self._pattern
-        def parse(self, text, pattern=None):
-            "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
-            # Make or get binary form of datetime pattern
-            if pattern is not None:
-                bin_pattern = parseNumberPattern(pattern)
-            else:
-                bin_pattern = self._bin_pattern
-                pattern = self._pattern
-            # Determine sign
-            num_res = [None, None]
-            for sign in (0, 1):
-                regex = ''
-                if bin_pattern[sign][PADDING1] is not None:
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][PADDING1] + ']+'
-                if bin_pattern[sign][PREFIX] != '':
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][PREFIX] + ']'
-                if bin_pattern[sign][PADDING2] is not None:
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][PADDING2] + ']+'
-                regex += '([0-9'
-                min_size = bin_pattern[sign][INTEGER].count('0')
-                if bin_pattern[sign][GROUPING]:
-                    regex += self.symbols['group']
-                    min_size += min_size/3
-                regex += ']{%i,100}' %(min_size)
-                if bin_pattern[sign][FRACTION]:
-                    max_precision = len(bin_pattern[sign][FRACTION])
-                    min_precision = bin_pattern[sign][FRACTION].count('0')
-                    regex += '['+self.symbols['decimal']+']?'
-                    regex += '[0-9]{%i,%i}' %(min_precision, max_precision)
-                if bin_pattern[sign][EXPONENTIAL] != '':
-                    regex += self.symbols['exponential']
-                    min_exp_size = bin_pattern[sign][EXPONENTIAL].count('0')
-                    pre_symbols = self.symbols['minusSign']
-                    if bin_pattern[sign][EXPONENTIAL][0] == '+':
-                        pre_symbols += self.symbols['plusSign']
-                    regex += '[%s]?[0-9]{%i,100}' %(pre_symbols, min_exp_size)
-                regex +=')'
-                if bin_pattern[sign][PADDING3] is not None:
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][PADDING3] + ']+'
-                if bin_pattern[sign][SUFFIX] != '':
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][SUFFIX] + ']'
-                if bin_pattern[sign][PADDING4] is not None:
-                    regex += '[' + bin_pattern[sign][PADDING4] + ']+'
-                num_res[sign] = re.match(regex, text)
-            if num_res[0] is not None:
-                num_str = num_res[0].groups()[0]
-                sign = +1
-            elif num_res[1] is not None:
-                num_str = num_res[1].groups()[0]
-                sign = -1
-            else:
-                raise NumberParseError('Not a valid number for this pattern %r.'
-                                        % pattern)
-            # Remove possible grouping separators
-            num_str = num_str.replace(self.symbols['group'], '')
-            # Extract number
-            type = int
-            if self.symbols['decimal'] in num_str:
-                type = float
-                num_str = num_str.replace(self.symbols['decimal'], '.')
-            if self.symbols['exponential'] in num_str:
-                type = float
-                num_str = num_str.replace(self.symbols['exponential'], 'E')
-            if self.type:
-                type = self.type
-            return sign*type(num_str)
-        def _format_integer(self, integer, pattern):
-            size = len(integer)
-            min_size = pattern.count('0')
-            if size < min_size:
-                integer = self.symbols['nativeZeroDigit']*(min_size-size) + integer
-            return integer
-        def _format_fraction(self, fraction, pattern):
-            max_precision = len(pattern)
-            min_precision = pattern.count('0')
-            precision = len(fraction)
-            roundInt = False
-            if precision > max_precision:
-                round = int(fraction[max_precision]) >= 5
-                fraction = fraction[:max_precision]
-                if round:
-                    if fraction != '':
-                        # add 1 to the fraction, maintaining the decimal
-                        # precision; if the result >= 1, need to roundInt
-                        fractionLen = len(fraction)
-                        rounded = int(fraction) + 1
-                        fraction = ('%0' + str(fractionLen) + 'i') % rounded
-                        if len(fraction) > fractionLen:	# rounded fraction >= 1
-                            roundInt = True
-                            fraction = fraction[1:]
-                    else:
-                        # fraction missing, e.g. 1.5 -> 1. -- need to roundInt
-                        roundInt = True
-            if precision < min_precision:
-                fraction += self.symbols['nativeZeroDigit']*(min_precision -
-                                                             precision)
-            if fraction != '':
-                fraction = self.symbols['decimal'] + fraction
-            return fraction, roundInt
-        def format(self, obj, pattern=None):
-            "See zope.i18n.interfaces.IFormat"
-            # Make or get binary form of datetime pattern
-            if pattern is not None:
-                bin_pattern = parseNumberPattern(pattern)
-            else:
-                bin_pattern = self._bin_pattern
-            # Get positive or negative sub-pattern
-            if obj >= 0:
-                bin_pattern = bin_pattern[0]
-            else:
-                bin_pattern = bin_pattern[1]
-            if bin_pattern[EXPONENTIAL] != '':
-                obj_int_frac = str(obj).split('.')
-                # The exponential might have a mandatory sign; remove it from the
-                # bin_pattern and remember the setting
-                exp_bin_pattern = bin_pattern[EXPONENTIAL]
-                plus_sign = u''
-                if exp_bin_pattern.startswith('+'):
-                    plus_sign = self.symbols['plusSign']
-                    exp_bin_pattern = exp_bin_pattern[1:]
-                # We have to remove the possible '-' sign
-                if obj < 0:
-                    obj_int_frac[0] = obj_int_frac[0][1:]
-                if obj_int_frac[0] == '0':
-                    # abs() of number smaller 1
-                    if len(obj_int_frac) > 1:
-                        res = re.match('(0*)[0-9]*', obj_int_frac[1]).groups()[0]
-                        exponent = self._format_integer(str(len(res)+1),
-                                                        exp_bin_pattern)
-                        exponent = self.symbols['minusSign']+exponent
-                        number = obj_int_frac[1][len(res):]
-                    else:
-                        # We have exactly 0
-                        exponent = self._format_integer('0', exp_bin_pattern)
-                        number = self.symbols['nativeZeroDigit']
-                else:
-                    exponent = self._format_integer(str(len(obj_int_frac[0])-1),
-                                                    exp_bin_pattern)
-                    number = ''.join(obj_int_frac)
-                fraction, roundInt = self._format_fraction(number[1:],
-                                                           bin_pattern[FRACTION])
-                if roundInt:
-                    number = str(int(number[0]) + 1) + fraction
-                else:
-                    number = number[0] + fraction
-                # We might have a plus sign in front of the exponential integer
-                if not exponent.startswith('-'):
-                    exponent = plus_sign + exponent
-                pre_padding = len(bin_pattern[FRACTION]) - len(number) + 2
-                post_padding = len(exp_bin_pattern) - len(exponent)
-                number += self.symbols['exponential'] + exponent
-            else:
-                obj_int_frac = str(obj).split('.')
-                if len(obj_int_frac) > 1:
-                    fraction, roundInt = self._format_fraction(obj_int_frac[1],
-                                                     bin_pattern[FRACTION])
-                else:
-                    fraction = ''
-                    roundInt = False
-                if roundInt:
-                    obj = round(obj)
-                integer = self._format_integer(str(int(math.fabs(obj))),
-                                               bin_pattern[INTEGER])
-                # Adding grouping
-                if bin_pattern[GROUPING] == 1:
-                    help = ''
-                    for pos in range(1, len(integer)+1):
-                        if (pos-1)%3 == 0 and pos != 1:
-                            help = self.symbols['group'] + help
-                        help = integer[-pos] + help
-                    integer = help
-                pre_padding = len(bin_pattern[INTEGER]) - len(integer)
-                post_padding = len(bin_pattern[FRACTION]) - len(fraction)+1
-                number = integer + fraction
-            # Put it all together
-            text = ''
-            if bin_pattern[PADDING1] is not None and pre_padding > 0:
-                text += bin_pattern[PADDING1]*pre_padding
-            text += bin_pattern[PREFIX]
-            if bin_pattern[PADDING2] is not None and pre_padding > 0:
-                if bin_pattern[PADDING1] is not None:
-                    text += bin_pattern[PADDING2]
-                else:
-                    text += bin_pattern[PADDING2]*pre_padding
-            text += number
-            if bin_pattern[PADDING3] is not None and post_padding > 0:
-                if bin_pattern[PADDING4] is not None:
-                    text += bin_pattern[PADDING3]
-                else:
-                    text += bin_pattern[PADDING3]*post_padding
-            text += bin_pattern[SUFFIX]
-            if bin_pattern[PADDING4] is not None and post_padding > 0:
-                text += bin_pattern[PADDING4]*post_padding
-            # TODO: Need to make sure unicode is everywhere
-            return unicode(text)
-    format.NumberFormat = NumberFormat
-def apply():
-    addTimeField()
-    addDecimalField()
-    fixNumberFormatter()

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