[Checkins] SVN: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/ Expand so we also include the themes.

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Sun Nov 8 05:47:58 EST 2009

Log message for revision 105515:
  Expand so we also include the themes.

  _U  hurry.jqueryui/trunk/
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/MANIFEST.in
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/buildout.cfg
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/setup.py
  _U  hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/__init__.py
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/configure.zcml
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui.txt
  U   hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/prepare.py


Property changes on: hurry.jqueryui/trunk
Added: svn:ignore
   + develop-eggs

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/MANIFEST.in
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/MANIFEST.in	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
 recursive-include src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui-build *
+recursive-include src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui-themes *
+include src/hurry/jqueryui/_themes.py

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 recipe = zc.recipe.egg
-eggs = hurry.jqueryui
+eggs = hurry.jqueryui [prepare]
 recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/setup.py
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/setup.py	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/setup.py	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -43,5 +43,6 @@
         'zopesupport': ['hurry.zoperesource'],
+        'prepare': ['py'],

Property changes on: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui
Added: svn:ignore
   + jqueryui-build

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/__init__.py
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/__init__.py	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/__init__.py	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 from hurry.resource import Library, ResourceInclusion
 from hurry.jquery import jquery
+from hurry.jqueryui._themes import *
 jqueryui = Library('jqueryui')
 jqueryui = ResourceInclusion(jqueryui, 'jquery-ui.js', depends=[jquery],

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/configure.zcml
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/configure.zcml	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/configure.zcml	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -5,5 +5,7 @@
     directory="jqueryui-build" />
+  <browser:resourceDirectory
+    name="jqueryui_themes"
+    directory="jqueryui-themes" />

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui.txt
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui.txt	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/jqueryui.txt	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -29,3 +29,17 @@
   >>> print needed.render()
   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/static/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/static/jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
+Let's also try a theme::
+  >>> from hurry.jqueryui import base
+  >>> needed = NeededInclusions()
+  >>> needed.need(base)
+  >>> print needed.render()
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/static/jqueryui_themes/base/jquery-ui.css" />
+  >>> needed.mode('minified') 
+  >>> print needed.render()
+  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/static/jqueryui_themes/base/jquery-ui.css" />

Modified: hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/prepare.py
--- hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/prepare.py	2009-11-08 10:42:18 UTC (rev 105514)
+++ hurry.jqueryui/trunk/src/hurry/jqueryui/prepare.py	2009-11-08 10:47:58 UTC (rev 105515)
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+import py
 import os
-import shutil
 import sys
 import urllib2
 import urlparse
+import tempfile
 from hurry.resource import generate_code, ResourceInclusion, Library
 from hurry.jquery import jquery
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
 BASEURL = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/'
 MINIFIED = "jquery-ui.min.js"
 FULL = "jquery-ui.js"
+THEME_URL = 'http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/files/jquery-ui-themes-%s.0.zip'
 def main():
@@ -18,23 +20,76 @@
         print "Usage: jqueryuiprepare <jQuery UI version>"
-    package_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-    jquery_dest_path = os.path.join(package_dir, 'jqueryui-build')
+    package_dir = py.path.local(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+    jquery_dest_path = package_dir.join('jqueryui-build')
     # remove previous jquery library build
     print 'recursively removing "%s"' % jquery_dest_path
-    shutil.rmtree(jquery_dest_path, ignore_errors=True)
+    if jquery_dest_path.check():
+        jquery_dest_path.remove()
     print 'create new "%s"' % jquery_dest_path
-    os.mkdir(jquery_dest_path)
+    jquery_dest_path.ensure(dir=True)
     for filename in [MINIFIED, FULL]:
         url = urlparse.urljoin(BASEURL + version + '/', filename)
         print 'downloading "%s"' % url
         f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
         file_data = f.read()
-        dest_filename = os.path.join(jquery_dest_path, filename)
-        dest = open(dest_filename, 'wb')
-        print 'writing data to "%s"' % dest_filename
-        dest.write(file_data)
-        dest.close()
+        dest_file = jquery_dest_path.join(filename)
+        print 'writing data to "%s"' % dest_file
+        dest_file.write(file_data)
+    # now set up themes
+    print "remove previous themes"
+    themes_dest_path = package_dir.join('jqueryui-themes')
+    if themes_dest_path.check():
+        themes_dest_path.remove()
+    print "downloading themes"
+    theme_url = THEME_URL % version
+    f = urllib2.urlopen(theme_url)
+    file_data = f.read()
+    f.close()
+    temp_dir = py.path.local.mkdtemp()
+    zip_file = temp_dir.join('zipfile.zip')
+    zip_file.write(file_data)
+    print "unzipping themes"
+    unzip_dir = temp_dir.join('unzipped')
+    os.system('unzip -qq "%s" -d "%s"' % (zip_file, unzip_dir.strpath))
+    print "copying themes"
+    try:
+        for dir in unzip_dir.listdir():
+            if dir.check(dir=True):
+                themes_dir = dir.join('themes')
+                break
+        themes_dir.copy(themes_dest_path)
+    finally:
+        temp_dir.remove()
+    print "generating theme information"
+    py_path = package_dir.join('_themes.py')
+    print 'Generating inclusion module "%s"' % py_path
+    library = Library('jqueryui_themes')
+    inclusion_map = {}
+    for theme in themes_dest_path.listdir():
+        if not theme.check(dir=True):
+            continue
+        if theme.basename.startswith('.'):
+            continue
+        theme_name = str(theme.basename)
+        python_theme_name = theme_name.replace('-', '_')
+        inclusion = inclusion_map[python_theme_name] = ResourceInclusion(
+            library, '%s/jquery-ui.css' % theme_name)
+    code = generate_code(**inclusion_map)
+    module = py_path.open('w')
+    module.write(code)
+    module.close()

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