[Checkins] SVN: zodbshootout/ Created the zodbshootout package.

Shane Hathaway shane at hathawaymix.org
Tue Nov 17 03:42:10 EST 2009

Log message for revision 105749:
  Created the zodbshootout package.

  A   zodbshootout/
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/README.txt
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/buildout-oracle.cfg
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/buildout.cfg
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/fs-sample.conf
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/my.cnf.in
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/oracle-sample.conf
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/remote-sample.conf
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/sample.conf
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/etc/zeo.conf.in
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/mysql-no-read-etc.patch
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/reset
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/setup.py
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/src/
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/__init__.py
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/fork.py
  A   zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/main.py

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/README.txt
--- zodbshootout/trunk/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/README.txt	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+This application measures and compares the performance of various
+ZODB storages and configurations. It is derived from the RelStorage
+speedtest script, but this version allows more types of storages and
+configurations, provides more measurements, and produces numbers that
+are easier to interpret.
+Although you can ``easy_install`` this package, the best way to get
+started is to follow the directions below to set up a complete testing
+environment with sample tests.
+How to set up ``zodbshootout`` using Buildout
+First, be sure you have certain packages installed so you can compile
+software. Ubuntu and Debian users should do this (tested with Ubuntu
+8.04, Ubuntu 9.10, Debian Etch, and Debian Lenny)::
+    $ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
+    $ sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev libevent-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev
+Download the ``zodbshootout`` tar file.  Unpack it and change to its
+top level directory::
+    $ tar xvzf zodbshootout-*.tar.gz
+    $ cd zodbshootout-*
+Set up that same directory as a partly isolated Python environment
+using ``virtualenv``::
+    $ virtualenv --no-site-packages .
+Install Buildout in that environment, which will create a script
+named ``bin/buildout``::
+    $ bin/easy_install zc.buildout
+Make sure you have adequate space in your temporary directory (normally
+``/tmp``) to compile MySQL and PostgreSQL. You may want to switch to a
+different temporary directory by setting the TMPDIR environment
+    $ TMPDIR=/var/tmp
+    $ export TMPDIR
+Run Buildout. Buildout will follow the instructions specified by
+``buildout.cfg`` to download, compile, and initialize versions of MySQL
+and PostgreSQL. It will also install several other Python packages.
+This may take a half hour or more the first time::
+    $ bin/buildout
+If that command fails, first check for missing dependencies. The
+dependencies are listed above. To retry, just run ``bin/buildout``
+Once Buildout completes successfully, start the test environment
+using Supervisord::
+    $ bin/supervisord
+Confirm that Supervisor started all processes::
+    $ bin/supervisorctl status
+If all processes are running, the test environment is now ready.  Run
+a sample test::
+    $ bin/zodbshootout etc/sample.conf
+The ``sample.conf`` test compares the performance of RelStorage with
+MySQL and PostgreSQL, along with FileStorage behind ZEO, where the
+client and server are located on the same computer.
+See also ``remote-sample.conf``, which tests database speed over a
+network link. Set up ``remote-sample.conf`` by building
+``zodbshootout`` on two networked computers, then point the client at
+the server by changing the ``%define host`` line at the top of
+``remote-sample.conf``. The ``etc`` directory contains other sample
+database configurations.
+Running ``zodbshootout``
+The ``zodbshootout`` script accepts the name of a database
+configuration file. The configuration file contains a list of databases
+to test, in ZConfig format. The script deletes all data from each of
+the databases, then writes and reads the databases while taking
+measurements. Finally, the script produces a tabular summary of
+objects written or read per second in each configuration.
+**Repeated Warning**: ``zodbshootout`` deletes all data from all
+databases specified in the configuration file. Do not configure it to
+open production databases!
+The ``zodbshootout`` script accepts the following options.
+* ``-n`` (``--object-counts``) specifies how many persistent objects to
+  write or read per transaction. The default is 1000. An interesting
+  value to use is 1, causing the test to primarily measure the speed of
+  opening connections and committing transactions.
+* ``-c`` (``--concurrency``) specifies how many tests to run in
+  parallel. The default is 2. Each of the concurrent tests runs in a
+  separate process to prevent contention over the CPython global
+  interpreter lock. In single-host configurations, the performance
+  measurements should increase with the concurrency level, up to the
+  number of CPU cores in the computer. In more complex configurations,
+  performance will be limited by other factors such as network latency.
+* ``-p`` (``--profile``) enables the Python profiler while running the
+  tests and outputs a profile for each test in the specified directory.
+  Note that the profiler typically reduces the database speed by a lot.
+  This option is intended to help developers discover performance
+  bottlenecks.
+You should write a configuration file that models your intended
+database and network configuration. Running ``zodbshootout`` may reveal
+configuration optimizations that would significantly increase your
+application's performance.
+Interpreting the Results
+The table below shows typical output of running ``zodbshootout`` with
+``etc/sample.conf`` on a dual core, 2.1 GHz laptop::
+    "Transaction",                postgresql, mysql,   mysql_mc, zeo_fs
+    "Write 1000 Objects",               6346,    9441,     8229,    4965
+    "Read 1000 Warm Objects",           5091,    6224,    21603,    1950
+    "Read 1000 Cold Objects",           5030,   10867,     5224,    1932
+    "Read 1000 Hot Objects",           36440,   38322,    38197,   38166
+    "Read 1000 Steamin' Objects",    4773034, 3909861,  3490163, 4254936
+``zodbshootout`` runs five kinds of tests for each database. For each
+test, ``zodbshootout`` instructs all processes to perform similar
+transactions concurrently, computes the average duration of the
+concurrent transactions, takes the fastest timing of three test runs,
+and derives how many objects per second the database is capable of
+writing or reading under the given conditions.
+* Write objects
+    ``zodbshootout`` begins a transaction, adds the specified number of
+    persistent objects to a ``PersistentMapping``, and commits the
+    transaction.
+* Read warm objects
+    In a different process, without clearing any caches,
+    ``zodbshootout`` reads all of the objects just written. This test
+    favors databases that use either a persistent cache or a cache
+    shared by multiple processes (such as memcached).
+* Read cold objects
+    In the same process as was used for reading warm objects,
+    ``zodbshootout`` clears all ZODB caches (the pickle cache, the ZEO
+    cache, and/or memcached) then reads all of the objects written by
+    the write test. This test favors databases that read objects
+    quickly, independently of caching.
+* Read hot objects
+    In the same process as was used for reading cold objects,
+    ``zodbshootout`` clears only the in-memory ZODB caches (the pickle
+    cache) then reads all of the objects written by the write test.
+    This test favors databases that have a process-specific cache.
+* Read steamin' objects
+    In the same process as was used for reading hot objects,
+    ``zodbshootout`` once again reads all of the objects written by the
+    write test. This test favors databases that take advantage of the
+    ZODB pickle cache. As can be seen from the sample output above,
+    accessing an object from the ZODB pickle cache is much faster
+    than any operation that requires network access or unpickling.
+Known Issues
+This application seems to freeze with Python versions before 2.6, most
+likely due to some issue connected with the backported version of the
+``multiprocessing`` module. Assistance in finding a resolution would be
+greatly appreciated.

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/buildout-oracle.cfg
--- zodbshootout/trunk/buildout-oracle.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/buildout-oracle.cfg	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# To include support for Oracle 10g XE in zodbshootout, use:
+#    bin/buildout -c buildout-oracle.cfg
+extends = buildout.cfg
+parts =
+    cx_Oracle
+    ${buildout:base-parts}
+oracle_home = /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
+eggs += cx_Oracle
+initialization =
+    import os
+    os.environ['ORACLE_HOME'] = '${buildout:oracle_home}'
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
+environment = oracle-env
+rpath = ${buildout:oracle_home}/lib
+ORACLE_HOME = ${buildout:oracle_home}

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- zodbshootout/trunk/buildout.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Note: you need at least the following packages to build this.
+#   build-essential  (for gcc, make, etc.)
+#   python-dev
+#   ncurses-dev
+#   libevent-dev
+#   libreadline-dev
+#   zlib1g-dev
+# Be sure you have lots of TMPDIR space.  1 GB recommended.  You
+# might want to "export TMPDIR=/var/tmp".
+# Confirm that name lookups to 'localhost' are working.
+develop = .
+base-parts =
+    postgresql
+    postgresqlinit
+    psycopg2
+    mysqlconf
+    mysql
+    mysqlinit
+    MySQL-python
+    memcached
+    libmemcached
+    pylibmc
+    zeoconf
+    zeoserver
+    pidproxy
+    supervisor
+    zodbshootout
+parts = ${buildout:base-parts}
+find-links = http://packages.willowrise.org/
+recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
+url = ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v8.4.1/postgresql-8.4.1.tar.bz2
+md5sum = f2015af17bacbbfe140daf0d1067f9c9
+extra_options =
+    --with-pgport=24004
+recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
+on_install = true
+on_update = true
+datadir = ${buildout:directory}/var/postgresql
+cmds =
+    test -e ${buildout:directory}/bin/psql || \
+        ln -s ${postgresql:location}/bin/psql ${buildout:directory}/bin/psql
+    test -e ${postgresqlinit:datadir} && exit 0
+    ${postgresql:location}/bin/initdb ${postgresqlinit:datadir}
+    ${postgresql:location}/bin/postgres --single -D ${postgresqlinit:datadir} \
+            template1 << EOF
+        CREATE USER relstoragetest WITH PASSWORD 'relstoragetest';
+        CREATE DATABASE relstoragetest OWNER relstoragetest;
+        CREATE DATABASE relstoragetest_hf OWNER relstoragetest;
+    EOF
+    echo 'host all relstoragetest md5' \
+        >> ${postgresqlinit:datadir}/pg_hba.conf
+    echo "listen_addresses = '*'" >> ${postgresqlinit:datadir}/postgresql.conf
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
+environment = psycopg2-env
+rpath = ${postgresql:location}/lib
+# This is needed to help psycopg2 find the pg_config script
+recipe = collective.recipe.template
+input = ${buildout:directory}/etc/my.cnf.in
+output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/my.cnf
+datadir = ${buildout:directory}/var/mysql
+logdir = ${buildout:directory}/var/log
+port = 24002
+recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
+url = http://mysql.mirrors.pair.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.40.tar.gz
+md5sum = 32e7373c16271606007374396e6742ad
+extra_options =
+    --localstatedir=${mysqlconf:datadir}
+    --sysconfdir=${buildout:directory}/etc
+    --with-unix-socket-path=${mysqlconf:datadir}/mysqld.sock
+    --with-plugins=innobase,myisam
+# This MySQL instance should not load configuration from /etc
+patch = ${buildout:directory}/mysql-no-read-etc.patch
+recipe = iw.recipe.cmd
+on_install = true
+on_update = true
+cmds =
+    test -e ${buildout:directory}/bin/mysql || \
+        ln -s ${mysql:location}/bin/mysql ${buildout:directory}/bin/mysql
+    test -e ${mysqlconf:datadir}/relstoragetest_hf && exit 0
+    mkdir -p ${mysqlconf:datadir}
+    ${mysql:location}/bin/mysql_install_db
+    ${mysql:location}/bin/mysqld_safe &
+    sleep 5
+    ${buildout:directory}/bin/mysql -u root << EOF
+        CREATE USER 'relstoragetest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'relstoragetest';
+        CREATE USER 'relstoragetest'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'relstoragetest';
+        CREATE DATABASE relstoragetest;
+        GRANT ALL ON relstoragetest.* TO 'relstoragetest'@'localhost';
+        GRANT ALL ON relstoragetest.* TO 'relstoragetest'@'%';
+        CREATE DATABASE relstoragetest_hf;
+        GRANT ALL ON relstoragetest_hf.* TO 'relstoragetest'@'localhost';
+        GRANT ALL ON relstoragetest_hf.* TO 'relstoragetest'@'%';
+    EOF
+    kill `cat ${mysqlconf:datadir}/mysqld.pid`
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
+find-links = http://packages.willowrise.org/
+environment = MySQL-python-env
+rpath = ${mysql:location}/lib/mysql
+# This is needed to help MySQL-python find the mysql_config script
+recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
+url = http://memcached.googlecode.com/files/memcached-1.4.3.tar.gz
+md5sum = 83c6cc6bad9612536b5acbbbddab3eb3
+recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
+url = http://download.tangent.org/libmemcached-0.35.tar.gz
+md5sum = 1fd295009451933ac837a49265d702da
+extra_options = --without-memcached
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
+environment = pylibmc-env
+rpath = ${libmemcached:location}/lib
+recipe = collective.recipe.template
+input = ${buildout:directory}/etc/zeo.conf.in
+output = ${buildout:directory}/etc/zeo.conf
+port = 24003
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+eggs = ZODB3
+scripts = runzeo
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+eggs = supervisor
+scripts = pidproxy
+recipe = collective.recipe.supervisor
+port =
+serverurl =
+programs =
+    10 postgresql ${postgresql:location}/bin/postgres [-D ${postgresqlinit:datadir}] ${postgresql:location} true
+    20 mysql      ${buildout:directory}/bin/pidproxy [${mysqlconf:datadir}/mysqld.pid ${mysql:location}/bin/mysqld_safe] ${mysql:location} true
+    30 zeo        ${buildout:directory}/bin/runzeo [-C ${buildout:directory}/etc/zeo.conf] ${buildout:directory} true
+    40 memcached  ${memcached:location}/bin/memcached [-s ${buildout:directory}/var/memcached.sock] ${memcached:location} true
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+eggs =
+    zodbshootout
+    RelStorage
+    MySQL-python
+    psycopg2
+    pylibmc
+interpreter = py

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/fs-sample.conf
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/fs-sample.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/fs-sample.conf	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This configuration compares a database running raw FileStorage
+# (no ZEO), along with a databases running FileStorage behind ZEO
+# with a persistent ZEO cache, with some other databases.
+# *This test can only run with a concurrency level of 1!*
+%import relstorage
+<zodb fs>
+    <filestorage>
+        path var/Data2.fs
+    </filestorage>
+<zodb zeofs_pcache>
+    <zeoclient>
+        server localhost:24003
+        client 0
+        var var
+        cache-size 200000000
+    </zeoclient>
+<zodb zeo_fs>
+    <zeoclient>
+        server localhost:24003
+    </zeoclient>
+<zodb mysql_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        poll-interval 5
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest_hf
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql_hf_mc>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        poll-interval 5
+        cache-module-name relstorage.pylibmc_wrapper
+        cache-servers var/memcached.sock
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest_hf
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/my.cnf.in
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/my.cnf.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/my.cnf.in	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# The MySQL database server configuration file.
+socket          = ${datadir}/mysqld.sock
+port            = ${port}
+socket          = ${datadir}/mysqld.sock
+nice            = 0
+# * Basic Settings
+socket          = ${datadir}/mysqld.sock
+port            = ${port}
+pid-file        = ${datadir}/mysqld.pid
+basedir         = ${mysql:location}
+datadir         = ${datadir}
+tmpdir          = /tmp
+bind-address            =
+# * Fine Tuning
+key_buffer              = 16M
+max_allowed_packet      = 32M
+thread_stack            = 128K
+thread_cache_size       = 8
+myisam-recover          = BACKUP
+#max_connections        = 100
+#table_cache            = 64
+#thread_concurrency     = 10
+# * Query Cache Configuration
+query_cache_limit       = 1M
+query_cache_size        = 16M
+# * Logging and Replication
+# Both location gets rotated by the cronjob.
+# Be aware that this log type is a performance killer.
+#log            = ${logdir}/mysql.log
+# Error logging goes to syslog. This is a Debian improvement :)
+# Here you can see queries with especially long duration
+#log_slow_queries       = ${logdir}/mysql-slow.log
+#long_query_time = 2
+# The following can be used as easy to replay backup logs or for replication.
+#server-id               = 1
+#log_bin                 = ${datadir}/mysql-bin.log
+#binlog_format           = ROW
+expire_logs_days        = 10
+max_binlog_size         = 100M
+sync_binlog             = 1
+#binlog_do_db           = include_database_name
+#binlog_ignore_db       = include_database_name
+# * InnoDB
+innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
+max_allowed_packet      = 32M
+#no-auto-rehash # faster start of mysql but no tab completion
+key_buffer              = 16M

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/oracle-sample.conf
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/oracle-sample.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/oracle-sample.conf	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This configuration compares Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and ZEO.
+<zodb oracle_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        <oracle>
+            dsn XE
+            user relstoragetest_hf
+            password relstoragetest
+        </oracle>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb postgresql_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        <postgresql>
+            dsn dbname='relstoragetest_hf' user='relstoragetest' password='relstoragetest'
+        </postgresql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest_hf
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb zeo_fs>
+    <zeoclient>
+        server localhost:24003
+    </zeoclient>

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/remote-sample.conf
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/remote-sample.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/remote-sample.conf	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This configuration compares the performance of networked databases
+# based on history-free PostgreSQL (with and without memcached),
+# MySQL (with and without memcached), and ZEO.
+# Change the line below to match the IP address of the server to test
+# against.
+%define host
+%import relstorage
+<zodb postgresql_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        poll-interval 2
+        <postgresql>
+            dsn dbname='relstoragetest_hf' user='relstoragetest' password='relstoragetest' host='$host' port='24004'
+        </postgresql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb postgresql_hf_mc>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history true
+        poll-interval 2
+        cache-module-name relstorage.pylibmc_wrapper
+        cache-servers var/memcached.sock
+        <postgresql>
+            dsn dbname='relstoragetest' user='relstoragetest' password='relstoragetest' host='$host' port='24004'
+        </postgresql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql_hf>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        poll-interval 2
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest_hf
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+            host $host
+            port 24002
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql_hf_mc>
+    <relstorage>
+        keep-history false
+        poll-interval 2
+        cache-module-name relstorage.pylibmc_wrapper
+        cache-servers var/memcached.sock
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest_hf
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+            host $host
+            port 24002
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb zeo_fs>
+    <zeoclient>
+        server $host:24003
+    </zeoclient>

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/sample.conf
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/sample.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/sample.conf	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# This configuration compares the performance of local databases
+# based on PostgreSQL, MySQL (with and without memcached), and ZEO.
+%import relstorage
+<zodb postgresql>
+    <relstorage>
+        poll-interval 5
+        <postgresql>
+            dsn dbname='relstoragetest' user='relstoragetest' password='relstoragetest'
+        </postgresql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql>
+    <relstorage>
+        poll-interval 5
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb mysql_mc>
+    <relstorage>
+        poll-interval 5
+        cache-module-name relstorage.pylibmc_wrapper
+        cache-servers var/memcached.sock
+        <mysql>
+            db relstoragetest
+            user relstoragetest
+            passwd relstoragetest
+        </mysql>
+    </relstorage>
+<zodb zeo_fs>
+    <zeoclient>
+        server localhost:24003
+    </zeoclient>

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/etc/zeo.conf.in
--- zodbshootout/trunk/etc/zeo.conf.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/etc/zeo.conf.in	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  address ${port}
+  read-only false
+  invalidation-queue-size 100
+  pid-filename ${buildout:directory}/var/zeo.pid
+  # monitor-address PORT
+  # transaction-timeout SECONDS
+<filestorage 1>
+  path ${buildout:directory}/var/Data.fs

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/mysql-no-read-etc.patch
--- zodbshootout/trunk/mysql-no-read-etc.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/mysql-no-read-etc.patch	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- mysys/default.c.orig        2009-09-28 15:44:21.000000000 -0600
++++ mysys/default.c     2009-09-28 15:44:57.000000000 -0600
+@@ -1123,9 +1123,6 @@
+ #else
+-  errors += add_directory(alloc, "/etc/", dirs);
+-  errors += add_directory(alloc, "/etc/mysql/", dirs);
+     errors += add_directory(alloc, DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR, dirs);

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/reset
--- zodbshootout/trunk/reset	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/reset	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+bin/supervisorctl shutdown
+sleep 3
+rm -rf var/mysql
+bin/buildout -No
+sleep 3
+bin/supervisorctl status

Property changes on: zodbshootout/trunk/reset
Added: svn:executable

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/setup.py
--- zodbshootout/trunk/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/setup.py	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""A ZODB performance test"""
+version = "0.1dev"
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+import os
+import sys
+    'setuptools',
+    'ZODB3',
+if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+    install_requires.append('multiprocessing')
+def read_file(*path):
+    base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+    return open(os.path.join(base_dir, *tuple(path))).read()
+    name='zodbshootout',
+    version = version,
+    description = __doc__,
+    long_description = read_file("README.txt"),
+    keywords = 'ZODB ZEO RelStorage',
+    author = 'Shane Hathaway',
+    license = 'ZPL',
+    packages = find_packages('src'),
+    package_dir = {'': 'src'},
+    namespace_packages = [],
+    include_package_data = True,
+    platforms = 'Any',
+    zip_safe = False,
+    install_requires=install_requires,
+    entry_points = {'console_scripts': [
+        'zodbshootout = zodbshootout.main:main',
+        ]},

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/__init__.py
--- zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/__init__.py	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/fork.py
--- zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/fork.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/fork.py	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Multiprocessing utilities.
+from multiprocessing import Process
+from multiprocessing import Queue
+from Queue import Empty
+import sys
+import time
+# message_delay contains the maximum expected message delay.  If a message
+# takes longer than this to deliver to a child process, synchronized
+# execution will fail.  OTOH, this delays test execution, so it should
+# be reasonably short.
+message_delay = 0.5
+class ChildProcessError(Exception):
+    """A child process failed"""
+def run_in_child(func, *args, **kw):
+    """Call a function in a child process.  Don't return anything.
+    Raises an exception if the child process fails.
+    """
+    p = Process(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kw)
+    p.start()
+    p.join()
+    if p.exitcode:
+        raise ChildProcessError(
+            "process running %r failed with exit code %d" % (func, p.exitcode))
+class Child(object):
+    def __init__(self, child_num, parent_queue, func, param):
+        self.child_num = child_num
+        self.parent_queue = parent_queue
+        self.func = func
+        self.param = param
+        self.process = Process(target=self.run)
+        self.child_queue = Queue()
+    def run(self):
+        try:
+            res = self.func(self.param, self.sync)
+        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
+            return
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.parent_queue.put((
+                self.child_num, 'exception', '%s: %s' % (type(e), str(e))))
+        else:
+            self.parent_queue.put((self.child_num, 'ok', res))
+    def sync(self):
+        self.parent_queue.put((self.child_num, 'sync', None))
+        resume_time = self.child_queue.get()
+        now = time.time()
+        if now > resume_time:
+            raise AssertionError(
+                "Resume time has already passed (%fs too late). Consider "
+                "increasing 'message_delay', which is currently set to %f."
+                % (now - resume_time, message_delay))
+        # sleep until the resume time is near
+        delay = resume_time - time.time() - 0.1
+        if delay > 0:
+            time.sleep(delay)
+        # busy wait until the exact resume time
+        while time.time() < resume_time:
+            pass
+def distribute(func, param_iter):
+    """Call a function in separate processes concurrently.
+    param_iter is an iterator that provides the first parameter for
+    each function call. The second parameter for each call is a "sync"
+    function. The sync function pauses execution, then resumes all
+    processes at the same time. It is expected that all child processes
+    will call the sync function the same number of times.
+    The results of calling the function are appended to a list, which
+    is returned once all functions have returned.  If any function
+    raises an error, this raises AssertionError.
+    """
+    children = {}
+    parent_queue = Queue()
+    for child_num, param in enumerate(param_iter):
+        child = Child(child_num, parent_queue, func, param)
+        children[child_num] = child
+    for child in children.itervalues():
+        child.process.start()
+    try:
+        results = []
+        sync_waiting = set(children)
+        while children:
+            try:
+                child_num, msg, arg = parent_queue.get(timeout=1)
+            except Empty:
+                # While we're waiting, see if any children have died.
+                for child in children.itervalues():
+                    if not child.process.is_alive():
+                        raise ChildProcessError(
+                            "process running %r failed with exit code %d" % (
+                                child.func, child.process.exitcode))
+                continue
+            if msg == 'ok':
+                results.append(arg)
+                child = children[child_num]
+                child.process.join()
+                del children[child_num]
+            elif msg == 'exception':
+                raise AssertionError(arg)
+            elif msg == 'sync':
+                sync_waiting.remove(child_num)
+            else:
+                raise AssertionError("unknown message: %s" % msg)
+            if not sync_waiting:
+                # All children have called sync(), so tell them
+                # to resume shortly and set up for another sync.
+                resume_time = time.time() + message_delay
+                for child in children.itervalues():
+                    child.child_queue.put(resume_time)
+                sync_waiting = set(children)
+        return results
+    finally:
+        for child in children.itervalues():
+            child.process.terminate()
+            child.process.join()
+        parent_queue.close()

Added: zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/main.py
--- zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/main.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ zodbshootout/trunk/src/zodbshootout/main.py	2009-11-17 08:42:10 UTC (rev 105749)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Compare the speed of different ZODB storages.
+Opens the databases specified by a ZConfig file.
+Splits into many processes to avoid contention over the global
+interpreter lock.
+from persistent import Persistent
+from persistent.mapping import PersistentMapping
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from zodbshootout.fork import ChildProcessError
+from zodbshootout.fork import distribute
+from zodbshootout.fork import run_in_child
+import optparse
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import transaction
+import warnings
+import ZConfig
+warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "the sha module is deprecated",
+    DeprecationWarning)
+debug = False
+repetitions = 3
+max_attempts = 20
+schema_xml = """
+  <import package="ZODB"/>
+  <multisection type="ZODB.database" name="*" attribute="databases" />
+class PObject(Persistent):
+    """A trivial persistent object"""
+    attr = 1
+class SpeedTest:
+    def __init__(self, concurrency, objects_per_txn, profile_dir=None):
+        self.concurrency = concurrency
+        self.objects_per_txn = objects_per_txn
+        self.data_to_store = dict(
+            (n, PObject()) for n in range(objects_per_txn))
+        self.profile_dir = profile_dir
+        self.contender_name = None
+        self.rep = 0  # repetition number
+    def populate(self, db_factory):
+        db = db_factory()
+        conn = db.open()
+        root = conn.root()
+        # clear the database
+        root['speedtest'] = None
+        transaction.commit()
+        db.pack()
+        # put a tree in the database
+        root['speedtest'] = t = PersistentMapping()
+        for i in range(self.concurrency):
+            t[i] = PersistentMapping()
+        transaction.commit()
+        conn.close()
+        db.close()
+        if debug:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'Populated storage.'
+    def write_test(self, db_factory, n, sync):
+        db = db_factory()
+        def do_write():
+            start = time.time()
+            conn = db.open()
+            root = conn.root()
+            m = root['speedtest'][n]
+            m.update(self.data_to_store)
+            transaction.commit()
+            conn.close()
+            end = time.time()
+            return end - start
+        db.open().close()
+        sync()
+        t = self._execute(do_write, 'write', n)
+        time.sleep(.1)
+        db.close()
+        return t
+    def read_test(self, db_factory, n, sync):
+        db = db_factory()
+        db.setCacheSize(len(self.data_to_store)+400)
+        def do_read():
+            start = time.time()
+            conn = db.open()
+            got = 0
+            for obj in conn.root()['speedtest'][n].itervalues():
+                got += obj.attr
+            del obj
+            if got != self.objects_per_txn:
+                raise AssertionError('data mismatch')
+            conn.close()
+            end = time.time()
+            return end - start
+        db.open().close()
+        sync()
+        warm = self._execute(do_read, 'warm', n)
+        # Clear all caches
+        conn = db.open()
+        conn.cacheMinimize()
+        storage = conn._storage
+        if hasattr(storage, '_cache'):
+            storage._cache.clear()
+        conn.close()
+        sync()
+        cold = self._execute(do_read, 'cold', n)
+        conn = db.open()
+        conn.cacheMinimize()
+        conn.close()
+        sync()
+        hot = self._execute(do_read, 'hot', n)
+        sync()
+        steamin = self._execute(do_read, 'steamin', n)
+        db.close()
+        return warm, cold, hot, steamin
+    def _execute(self, func, phase_name, n):
+        if not self.profile_dir:
+            return func()
+        basename = '%s-%s-%d-%02d-%d' % (
+            self.contender_name, phase_name, self.objects_per_txn, n, self.rep)
+        txt_fn = os.path.join(self.profile_dir, basename + ".txt")
+        prof_fn = os.path.join(self.profile_dir, basename + ".prof")
+        import cProfile
+        output = []
+        d = {'_func': func, '_output': output}
+        cProfile.runctx("_output.append(_func())", d, d, prof_fn)
+        res = output[0]
+        from pstats import Stats
+        f = open(txt_fn, 'w')
+        st = Stats(prof_fn, stream=f)
+        st.strip_dirs()
+        st.sort_stats('cumulative')
+        st.print_stats()
+        f.close()
+        return res
+    def run(self, db_factory, contender_name, rep):
+        """Run a write and read test.
+        Returns the mean time per transaction for 4 phases:
+        write, cold read, hot read, and steamin' read.
+        """
+        self.contender_name = contender_name
+        self.rep = rep
+        run_in_child(self.populate, db_factory)
+        def write(n, sync):
+            return self.write_test(db_factory, n, sync)
+        def read(n, sync):
+            return self.read_test(db_factory, n, sync)
+        r = range(self.concurrency)
+        write_times = distribute(write, r)
+        read_times = distribute(read, r)
+        warm_times = [t[0] for t in read_times]
+        cold_times = [t[1] for t in read_times]
+        hot_times = [t[2] for t in read_times]
+        steamin_times = [t[3] for t in read_times]
+        return (
+            sum(write_times) / self.concurrency,
+            sum(warm_times) / self.concurrency,
+            sum(cold_times) / self.concurrency,
+            sum(hot_times) / self.concurrency,
+            sum(steamin_times) / self.concurrency,
+            )
+def align_columns(rows):
+    """Format a list of rows as CSV with aligned columns.
+    """
+    col_widths = []
+    for col in zip(*rows):
+        col_widths.append(max(len(value) for value in col))
+    for row_num, row in enumerate(rows):
+        line = []
+        last_col = len(row) - 1
+        for col_num, (width, value) in enumerate(zip(col_widths, row)):
+            space = ' ' * (width - len(value))
+            if row_num == 0:
+                if col_num == last_col:
+                    line.append(value)
+                else:
+                    line.append('%s, %s' % (value, space))
+            elif col_num == last_col:
+                if col_num == 0:
+                    line.append(value)
+                else:
+                    line.append('%s%s' % (space, value))
+            else:
+                if col_num == 0:
+                    line.append('%s, %s' % (value, space))
+                else:
+                    line.append('%s%s, ' % (space, value))
+        yield ''.join(line)
+def main(argv=None):
+    if argv is None:
+        argv = sys.argv[1:]
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] config_file')
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-n", "--object-counts", dest="counts", default="1000",
+        help="Object counts to use, separated by commas (default 1000)",
+        )
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-c", "--concurrency", dest="concurrency", default="2",
+        help="Concurrency levels to use, separated by commas (default 2)",
+        )
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-p", "--profile", dest="profile_dir", default="",
+        help="Profile all tests and output results to the specified directory",
+        )
+    options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+    if len(args) != 1:
+        parser.error("exactly one database configuration file is required")
+    conf_fn = args[0]
+    object_counts = [int(x.strip())
+                     for x in options.counts.split(',')]
+    concurrency_levels = [int(x.strip())
+                          for x in options.concurrency.split(',')]
+    profile_dir = options.profile_dir
+    if profile_dir and not os.path.exists(profile_dir):
+        os.makedirs(profile_dir)
+    schema = ZConfig.loadSchemaFile(StringIO(schema_xml))
+    config, handler = ZConfig.loadConfig(schema, conf_fn)
+    contenders = [(db.name, db) for db in config.databases]
+    # results: {(objects_per_txn, concurrency, contender, phase): [time]}}
+    results = {}
+    for objects_per_txn in object_counts:
+        for concurrency in concurrency_levels:
+            for contender_name, db in contenders:
+                for phase in range(5):
+                    key = (objects_per_txn, concurrency,
+                            contender_name, phase)
+                    results[key] = []
+    try:
+        for objects_per_txn in object_counts:
+            for concurrency in concurrency_levels:
+                speedtest = SpeedTest(concurrency, objects_per_txn, profile_dir)
+                for contender_name, db in contenders:
+                    print >> sys.stderr, (
+                        'Testing %s with objects_per_txn=%d and concurrency=%d'
+                        % (contender_name, objects_per_txn, concurrency))
+                    db_factory = db.open
+                    key = (objects_per_txn, concurrency, contender_name)
+                    for rep in range(repetitions):
+                        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
+                            msg = '  Running %d/%d...' % (rep + 1, repetitions)
+                            if attempt > 0:
+                                msg += ' (attempt %d)' % (attempt + 1)
+                            print >> sys.stderr, msg,
+                            try:
+                                times = speedtest.run(
+                                    db.open, contender_name, rep)
+                            except ChildProcessError:
+                                if attempt >= max_attempts - 1:
+                                    raise
+                            else:
+                                break
+                        msg = (
+                            'write %6.4fs, warm %6.4fs, cold %6.4fs, '
+                            'hot %6.4fs, steamin %6.4fs'
+                            % times)
+                        print >> sys.stderr, msg
+                        for i in range(5):
+                            results[key + (i,)].append(times[i])
+    # The finally clause causes test results to print even if the tests
+    # stop early.
+    finally:
+        # show the results in CSV format
+        print >> sys.stderr
+        print >> sys.stderr, (
+            'Results show objects written or read per second. '
+            'Best of 3.')
+        txn_descs = (
+            "Write %d Objects",
+            "Read %d Warm Objects",
+            "Read %d Cold Objects",
+            "Read %d Hot Objects",
+            "Read %d Steamin' Objects",
+            )
+        for concurrency in concurrency_levels:
+            print
+            print '** concurrency=%d **' % concurrency
+            rows = []
+            row = ['"Transaction"']
+            for contender_name, db in contenders:
+                row.append(contender_name)
+            rows.append(row)
+            for phase in range(5):
+                for objects_per_txn in object_counts:
+                    desc = txn_descs[phase] % objects_per_txn
+                    if objects_per_txn == 1:
+                        desc = desc[:-1]
+                    row = ['"%s"' % desc]
+                    for contender_name, db in contenders:
+                        key = (objects_per_txn, concurrency,
+                            contender_name, phase)
+                        times = results[key]
+                        if times:
+                            count = (
+                                concurrency * objects_per_txn / min(times))
+                            row.append('%d' % count)
+                        else:
+                            row.append('?')
+                    rows.append(row)
+            for line in align_columns(rows):
+                print line
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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