[Checkins] SVN: z3c.testsetup/trunk/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt fix a typo where zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite really should have been zope.app.testing.functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite

Jan-Wijbrand Kolman janwijbrand at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 06:37:43 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 105169:
  fix a typo where zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite really should have been zope.app.testing.functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite

  U   z3c.testsetup/trunk/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt

Modified: z3c.testsetup/trunk/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt
--- z3c.testsetup/trunk/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt	2009-10-20 07:12:19 UTC (rev 105168)
+++ z3c.testsetup/trunk/src/z3c/testsetup/README.txt	2009-10-20 10:37:43 UTC (rev 105169)
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@
   >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest01.txt'))
   |  A doctest
   |  =========
-  |  
+  |
   |  :doctest:
-  |  
+  |
   |  This is a simple doctest.
-  |  
+  |
   |    >>> 1+1
   |    2
-  |  
+  |
 Important to note: the doctest is marked by a special marker that tells the
 testsetup machinery that the file contains doctest examples that should be
@@ -157,41 +157,41 @@
   |  """
   |  Doctests in a Python module
   |  ===========================
-  |  
+  |
   |  We can place doctests also in Python modules.
-  |  
+  |
   |  :doctest:
-  |  
+  |
   |  Here the Cave class is defined::
-  |  
+  |
   |    >>> from z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.doctest08 import Cave
   |    >>> Cave
   |    <class 'z3c.testsetup...doctest08.Cave'>
-  |  
+  |
   |  """
   |  class Cave(object):
   |      """A Cave.
-  |  
+  |
   |      A cave has a number::
-  |  
+  |
   |        >>> hasattr(Cave, 'number')
   |        True
-  |      
+  |
   |      """
   |      number = None
-  |  
+  |
   |      def __init__(self, number):
   |          """Create a Cave.
-  |  
+  |
   |          We have to give a number if we create a cave::
-  |  
+  |
   |            >>> c = Cave(12)
   |            >>> c.number
   |            12
-  |            
+  |
   |          """
   |          self.number = number
-  |  
+  |
 Here we placed the marker string ``:doctest:`` into the docstring of
 the module. Without it, the module would not have been considered a
@@ -211,18 +211,18 @@
   >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'pythontest1.py'))
   |  """
   |  Tests with real TestCase objects.
-  |  
+  |
   |  :unittest:
-  |  
+  |
   |  """
-  |  
+  |
   |  import unittest
-  |  
+  |
   |  class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  |  
+  |
   |      def setUp(self):
   |          pass
-  |  
+  |
   |      def testFoo(self):
   |          self.assertEqual(2, 1+1)
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
 keyword parameters::
    register_all_tests(pkg_or_dotted_name [, extensions] [, encoding]
-                      [, checker] [, globs] [, optionflags] 
+                      [, checker] [, globs] [, optionflags]
                       [, setup] [, teardown]
                       [, zcml_config] [, layer_name] [, layer])
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
       >>> suite = test_suite()
       Traceback (most recent call last):
-      UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode ...: ordinal 
+      UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode ...: ordinal
       not in range(128)
     While using 'latin-1' will work:
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
       ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
       ...     encoding='latin-1')
       >>> suite = test_suite()
     No traceback here.
     You can always overwrite an encoding setting for a certain file by
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
       >>> import re
       >>> from zope.testing import renormalizing
       >>> mychecker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
-      ...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'), 
+      ...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'),
       ...     '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
       ...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
       ... ])
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
     Specifying setup functions in a layer is also the recommended way.
-- **teardown**:   
+- **teardown**:
     The equivalent to ``setup``.
@@ -478,18 +478,17 @@
   Use the given layer definition for tests in this file. If the layer
   given is derived from ``zope.testing.functional.ZCMLLayer``, the test
-  is registered using ``zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite``.
+  is registered using ``zope.app.testing.functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite``.
 - ``:zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file on a ZCML
-  layer. Tests are registered using
-  ``zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite``.
+  layer. Tests are registered using ``zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite``.
 - ``:functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>``
   Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file registered with
-  ``zope.app.testing.functional.DocFileSuite``.
+  ``zope.app.testing.functional.FunctionalDocFileSuite``.
 Markers are case-insensitive.
@@ -725,16 +724,16 @@
   >>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest05.txt'))
   |  A doctest with custom setup/teardown functions
   |  ==============================================
-  |  
+  |
   |  :doctest:
   |  :setup: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.setUp
   |  :teardown: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.tearDown
-  |  
+  |
   |    >>> 1+1
   |    2
-  |  
+  |
   |  We make use of a function registered during custom setup::
-  |  
+  |
   |    >>> myfunc(2)
   |    4

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